IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsfinally!!

Congratulations ! Mabrok ! :D

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-31 14:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFINALLY TSC NOA2

Congratulations !dancin5hr.gif

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-31 14:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInhumane

Bull. I've been married for 8 years, and spent that time (up until this past year) with him in his country. So I went through the immigration system in his country as well. And waited 2+ years for a residency permit that was supposed to take 6 months, but at least I was allowed to stay with him during the time it took to process my case.


The relationship issues you're describing are your own, and not everyone's experience with marrying someone from another country/culture. My husband doesn't annoy me, nor I him. We dealt with infertility, the deaths of several of my close family members, money issues, systemic racism and sexism in his portion of the country, and a litany of other #######, because that's life. Our relationship is a source of great joy and happiness. Our being from different cultures keeps things interesting. But people have been telling us that we were going to grow out of our honeymoon phase for the better part of a decade. Obviously, we're just delusional. 


To call this separation "little" is dismissive and flippant.  It's not little to us, nor to our children. This is the longest that we've ever been apart in the 10 years total that we've been together. We like what little skype time we get because mostly we talk on the phone. Because when our children see his face and talk to him on the computer, they spend the next several days moping around and crying hysterically. During this time apart, I've also had to put away most of my pictures of him, because the little one carries them around the house talking to them, kissing them, and playing with them, and the big one sees them and cries.  So you go ahead and be flippant because your wait is a blip in your rear-view mirror already. I personally don't forget how much it sucked not being able to work or do anything for 2+ years while we waited for my Verblijfsvergunning over there. Just because you have come to this conclusion and have had this reaction does not mean everyone will or should have the same one.  


I don't think missing out on a year (or more) of our lives together is a blip. A year, right now, is half of our youngest daughter's entire life. Just because my family isn't dying of famine, or being ravished by war, it doesn't mean that it's not suffering. Just because there are worse things in this world, it doesn't mean that this is fine and normal. One bad thing doesn't cancel out or negate another.   


This entire situation sucks, and if there's something I can work towards to try to improve the system so that people in the future don't have to deal with this kind of anguish, I'm going to do it. The fact that people are stuck in limbo for years with no answers is entirely unacceptable. Positive thinking and just keeping going are great coping mechanisms. But real change is not brought about by positive thinking alone. It requires real world action. 

OP, I'm so sorry that you're separated from those that you love. I hope that your process will be over quickly. *hugs*


Kaylara you just rock ! You are one of the few people making it worth going on VJ,Smart helpful and KIND !


People don`t seem to get that systems can changed if people would work together ...I see people posting mean hateful comments and they waited less then 7 month for the entire thing,and i`m sure they do not have kids yet they have huge big mean mouths ...


Thank you.



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-06 13:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInhumane

I would love for you to show me one couple our government denied a marriage to because one of the spouses is foreign. Did you even think about this statement before you made it? Seriously after 9/11 things have changed. Background checks need to be done, it's national security. Would you rather have the government let everyone in and not do background checks so,your case can be adjudicated overnight?


No one said anything about not doing background checks OR getting processed "overnight".  What I and many others here have observed is that the system as it stands is VERY inefficient and we want it improved.  Surely you can't say that a system where your application sits in a box for 8 months before anyone even looks at it does not have some room for improvement?  Again, there are MANY ways the system could be improved and streamlined without sacrificing anything in regards to checking backgrounds, legitimacy of relationships, etc.  


Where there's a will, there's a way, and unfortunately right now, the USCIS does not seem to have any particular interest in reducing the separation that families must endure (no doubt because they have no consequences of any kind if they fail to meet their 5 month goal, which they are not even close to meeting), and frankly I find that inexcusable.

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-06 00:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInhumane


You can (mostly) marry whoever you want.  Immigrating here is another matter entirely.


So simply because we marry foreigners, the government can treat our relationships and the emotional and financial hardships imposed by lengthy separations with disregard?  Even when we pay them a substantial fee to do the processing?...


After all, the only rational objection the government can have to our relationships is if there is a genuine national security issues (which, i imagine, represent a miniscule fraction of applications) or fraud (which is also a pretty small percentage).


In any event, the whole point is there is no competition out there - we HAVE to go the USCIS/NVC route or not at all.  We pay them for the service.  They should be obliged to provide us with a reasonably rapid processing time, and roughly a year or more is NOT rapid.  There are many simple solutions that could apply that would dramatically improve processing times (such as simply hiring more staff, doing some or all of the steps simultaneously instead of sequentially, etc.), but there is no real pressure on them to do so, and no consequences for them if they don't.  Frankly, I don't see any reason why the process, from application to approval, should ever take more than 90 days for routine cases.


So, I reiterate, or those of you who are happy to live in state-imposed separation from your loved ones for extended periods of time, by all means enjoy yourselves if you are so ok with that.  But those us us who begrudge every moment that we lose with our loved ones because of this absurdly inefficient process are going to do what we can to ensure that it is made faster and more efficient.  And given that it would benefit you as well...why on earth would you object?  As others have said, if you don't push for change, change won't happen.  Washington works pretty much entirely on the basis that whoever has the money gets their needs served first, and failing money, whoever makes the most noise.  If we just sit here, patting them on the back for their long and lengthening backlog, it will only grow longer still.



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-05 22:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInhumane


Mostly because it's not a right.


So...the government can decide who we can marry and how we live our personal lives?  It's job is interfere in our personal lives and ignore all that inconvenient stuff about life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness?  Well...thank goodness for a free country, eh?

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-05 21:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInhumane

I simply can't believe so many here are so eager to jump to a defend a system which is forcing them apart from their loved ones, a system which is clearly grossly inefficient, lacking in transparency and devoid of any kind of accountability.  We know for a fact that they can process us in as little as two or three weeks.  The only reason that do no *routinely* process us in that short amount of time, or anything even close to it, is they don't feel they need to.  They have no sense of urgency for keeping families together.  For those of you who "enjoyed" carrying our your relationship by skype, you are welcome to take as long as you like to actually move together.  Most of the rest of us, I am sure, I desperate to finally be able to be together with our spouses again.  And for those who keep bringing up US service members: it's apples and oranges.  They are forced to have long separations because of the needs of the job; we are forced to have long separations from our loved ones because the bureaucracy we are forced to work through doesn't see it as any kind of priority. 


We all here paid for this service, and it is a service that is *vital* to us - without it, we cannot live with our own spouses and children.  How can that be treated like it's some kind of luxury or privilege, and not an absolute right?



Edited by Jamie & Izzy, 05 January 2014 - 09:45 PM.

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-05 21:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInhumane

Nigeriaorbust?.I'm sorry but I just have to say it.  I can't believe anyone else has not.  You and people like you are the exact example of a reason I never come on this site.  You seem to have some bitterness of some type and can't be nice or supportive.  Doesn't mean the members don't want the truth, but even your signature denotes an air of "I enjoy making other feel miserable."  This is supposed to be a place of camaraderie and support.  How does "This will not be over quickly. You will not enjoy this."  or your responses of suck it up indicate any of that?  Many I know that have started out on this site, don't come here anymore exactly for people like that, and it's sad because we all should support one another since this is not an easy journey.


Sorry if this seems rude folks, but no one else has pointed that out and I don't think anyone who has the determination and courage to go through this process needs an attitude such as that around.


Thank you !!!

  iwanted to say just that...,it makes me mad seeing that some people like to drag others down with negative hating comments ...,suck it up ? rules can be changed ! there was a time were most of us could not even get married cause of race religion ... did we change those rules? yes ! sucking it up is not the way to go !

In Europe Canada and other first world countries they do it better and faster,i`m sure it wasnt always this way ,but people did not suck it up !! that`s why the rules got changed...


Izzy .

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-05 21:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportshelp me pls my why send them everything said what they stil need

They want you to wait .

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-12 23:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

The best thanks I can get for this is to see the situation improve dramatically and for some light to be shed on this shady government agency. (And hopefully, real fixes applied so that this behavior will not plague future petitioners.)  But I truly appreciate the support! I just hope I did a decent job! Now I'm nervous!


You just rock ! i`m very happy that i found you on VJ ,you give us all hope, Thank you !



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-15 11:27:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

I've been sharing the info on social media. Actually, the thing that got the most response was when I told people the treatment that I got when I called last week and the obnoxious response I got from the Tier 2 I spoke to. When I coupled that, with the fact that I've been waiting 9 months, with the screenshots of the dashboard info, I managed to get several more people who'd been passively watching what was going on to join us in our last email/fax thingie. I've been using the hashtag #I130 (Which gets a lot of use by lawyers) and #FamilyUnity . If you guys want, I'll start up a facebook group for the Backlogged I130's to help get the message out there.


Great idea indeed count us in !



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2013-12-24 11:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsUSC Green Card Petitioners' Committee

So... When are we going to work on this video, guys? I know that we're all busy with Christmas and the Holidays, but perhaps we can start brainstorming to figure out what we want to do in January?  I know that we're planning another letter, but perhaps it's time to start on the video and get as much of the public involved as possible. I also think that we should write editorial/opinion type pieces and start sending them to local newspapers to see if we can get attention on our situation that way.


What do you guys think?


Great idea!  I was also thinking of maybe using social media to help spread awareness of how this process is affecting people.  I think most people have no idea how long families are forced to live apart.  I though maybe just a simple graphic that could be posted on facebook, so people can easily share it.  Something like a nice picture of the couple/family in question, and a brief summary of how long that have had to live apart, and how much longer it may take.  Maybe also some contact info, for people who want to get active and write a letter/email?  What do you think?

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2013-12-24 01:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMonthly Transfer Spreadsheets in order


Not only you did not say anything out of place, USCIS is directly causing a lot of newly wed couples to go thru' month's and sometimes years of separation. And I bet many of them did not realize and account for the extra-ordinary delay in the process and the huge backlog.


We thought it would be 7 month for the entire thing ...we filed our i130 a bit too late cause we honestly thought it would not take that long,Yesterday we missed out on our first Wedding anniversary ...and on all fun holidays of 2013, our dogs have not seen me in 7 months ,i`m hopping by July 4th we can be together ,that is Jamie`s Birthday,these are just little things,and those little things do count,i love VJ it helps me allot cause we know what we will have to do and get ready for the big day but sometimes...when i hear someone say suck it up or be patient that just drives me mad !,we he even tried to move to Morocco but it did not work in the end,too much paper work and Tangier my city are not very dog friendly ...but i mean it is way too long ! i never thought i would say this but i`m really glad i don`t have a job i am 6 hours ahead of him makes it really hard to stay intouch ,I`m very glad we have skype we use it 24/7 and if not that Facebook or whatsapp and World of Warcraft at night and its still not enough i became like a vampire sleep all day stay up until sun comes up ...,it literally gives me physical pain as dramatic as it sounds ...I used to visit him every 3 month before but they gave me trouble last time,that`s when we decided to file for spousal Visa ,he visited me 4 times but its getting to expensive  almost 1000 $ each time ..,and with the US short vacations days makes it extremely hard :(


Wish us all Luck !



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-18 01:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMonthly Transfer Spreadsheets in order


That's not true. From all my experience, people are shocked to find that US citizens cannot get their spouses here in a timely manner (and even more shocked and, I dare so, outraged to find that it's easier to get a unlawful relative citizenship that it is to bring a spouse living in a foreign land to live with you, legally). People would be outraged if they knew the truth. The problem is that everyone thinks that marriage to a USC is an "instant Green card." It's this lie we have to break, after that the USCIS's game all comes tumbling down, since it realies on public apathy and indifference. 


That`s so very true ...My parents and brothers in law just could not believe when we told them about the waiting time,Our families and friends think the entire thing should take no more than 6 months,people we know were outraged when i explained why i`m not with my husband.why ? cause like you said everyone thinks you get an instant Green Card once married to a USC.

I`m not saying USCIS should just give away approvals ,but waiting 9 + months just for the first stage,while i see others getting accepted in less than a month is just not fair .

This entire thing is robbing us from our sleep, it is making us very irritated and it is costing us allot of money ,Honestly you cannot expect loved ones to be apart for months even years  :(


My English is not the best ,i do i do apologize if i said something out of place.



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-13 18:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMonthly Transfer Spreadsheets in order

Add us too please !


Edited by Jamie & Izzy, 08 January 2014 - 01:42 AM.

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-08 01:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTime Spent Apart

My Husband and i try to have some kind of a Routine together ,we use Skype as soon as he comes from work then we watch something together over Skype or Play World of Warcraft basically try to have as much fun as we can ,then we fall asleep while Skype/cam is on so we always can see what's going on and i can see when our dogs are misbehaving and i tell on them :D rest of the time its Whataspp or Facebook like when his at work...

It does help but nothing like the real thing :(

We also try to visit each other every 3 month but we cannot afford doings that anymore *sigh*

Hope this all will be over for us soon!



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-04-23 18:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - April 2014

Today we got our NOA2 Hard Copy yay ! Cannot wait for i case number :D



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-31 21:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - May 2014

So we just payed the AOS fee ,and i just got the Receipt ... they used my middle name as my first name ! should that be a problem ? also for the AOS pack is there a cover letter sample out there, or is not needed?
Thanks !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-05-13 18:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC PROCESS TAKING TOO LONG

Its been 2 weeks since we paid the AOS fee, and IV fee still does not show :(

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-05-27 15:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsScrewed up and in tears.

That's what happened to us too !! our DS-261 was done may 12 we wanted to send our packages together ... after waiting 10 days and the IV fee still not ready we then sent the AOS Package, and i went to check the DS-261 for any mistakes and then couple of days later saw that it was incomplete and resubmitted it ! when we call it they said oh well we just got it on the 27th !!! its been a month now and still cant pay the IV fee :(

And i am not the only one ! this is a new problem i know at least 5 people in the same situation !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-06-11 10:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-130 MARCH 2013 FILERS!! NBC

Here is how you should respond:



And if you want, every single email I can pull out of the Judicial Watch FOIA press releases.  Screw this bullshit. I'm so pissed for you guys I could spit nails.  


Kaylara, in case nobody has mentioned how awesome you are yet: you're awesome! :D

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-22 23:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHe's here!

About time!

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-06-29 00:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014


   Are you saying your PCC is only good for 3 months and it's expired?  The Embassy doesn't care how long it's valid for in Morocco or Egypt as it is in my case they choose how long it's valid for.  So if you have 9 months since your NOA1 your good if not you need to get a new one. Base if it's valid with what the Embassy which is a year then renew only if it's been over a year you have had the PCC.   If it's close to expire meaning the year validity is coming up then renew for the Embassy.


   Hope I didn't confuse you. (F) (L) (F)


My PCC is from 04/22/2014 and valid until 07/22/2014, ill be getting new PPC for the interview but i was worried about them expiring at the NVC .


Alrighty then sounds like all is good as long as ill bring new Police and Court records to the Embassy .


Thanks for the Reply :content:

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-07-05 15:56:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - July 2014

Hi Everyone,


My husband and i have been at the NVC since April 8th, and i am a bit worried about my PCC cause of the expiration date, it says on the forms valid until July 22,2014... and with the NVC's ridiculous long waiting time and  checklists these days you never know, (we waited 33 days to be able to pay the IV fee )!

On the immigrant Visa Checklist Consular Section,U.S. Consulate Casablanca it says Police certificates are valid for one (1) year from the date they were issued. Has anyone ever gotten a checklist for expired PCC ? i got my PCC back when my NOA1 got approved but since they took so long it expired (3 months validity) but now i am worried about getting another checklist for the IV package after getting the most unfair AOS checklist last week...



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-07-05 11:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews

Has anyone had any luck changing their interview dates without facing any issues? we are really thinking of emailing them, just waiting for the case to arrive i heard it takes 1-2 weeks after CC to arrive at the Embassy ? sorry for being so ignorant i was so focus on getting case to be completed that i haven't had the chance to follow interview forums :(

I just can't bare waiting 2 extra months, but i am a bit scared that it would mess up things for us if we change interview dates .

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-08-30 21:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2014 Interviews

Interview date October 29th ... WTH

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-08-29 19:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC Filers - August 2014

Case Completed ! :joy: :joy:

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-08-23 12:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread


  God in heaven,  I'm so sorry and I must say no one can be this incompetent I actually think they do it on purpose to delay us every step of the way.  I anguished at the Nebraska h e l l hole forever then got stuck at the NVC backlog as so many of us did.  I really can't think they can be this stupid!  :( it's a conspiracy of sorts. t5063.gif  but all will be well, we will all get you guys through this and try to keep you sane. :)



I just read your timeline :(, big huge hug!

I hope this will be over for you very soon :cry:

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-13 11:47:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Basically, there is no order at the NVC, no real rules just guidelines .


First complain is that it took forever to pay the IV fee, not only cause of the backlog, but cause of my DS-261 after the NVC updates their website kept turning randomly to incomplete, so of course each time i see incomplete i completed it, and each time i did that the counting time to pay the IV fee starts from the start, but anyways we spoke to a supervisor and got it fixed kind of ...


Second Complain, ridiculous checklists ! we got a checklist  on the I-864A of our co-sponsor physical and postal address are the same, so where it says your postal address (if different) she left it blank instead of putting N/A (following the instructions) and we got a checklist for that, so we get a checklist for following their instructions ?

We have also noticed that they have sent us a checklist for only one of the I-864A's but not for the other that also had the place of residency part Blank instead of n/a, would this have meant that we would have received another checklist after re-submitting the updated form ?  Costing us more time apart? we however updated both I-1864A's just in case cause we want to avoid any other checklists.

The NVC could of at least informed us on their website that their requirements are different and not to follow the published instructions. When we asked a supervisor at the NVC if at we could have our application put at the top of the work queue once it arrived (since it was hardly our fault the NVC did not inform us of their requirements), We were informed that they ?don?t do that.?


Third Complain, giving interview dates out of order ... I received my Case Completed August 22, and the first day that they started giving out interview dates for October we call to ask of course, so interview date October 29th !...68 days after case completed, it was like a slap in our faces, we just set there not talking in shock for like an hour, cause right before calling i did some research and it looked like for Morocco from CC to Interview date takes like 28-55 days, I saw 9 people who got CC 1-3 weeks after me get early October interview date so far.


So all in all, there is no order no first come first serve as they always say, no set rules, no transparency and what makes me really angry is that it all depends on your luck in the end of the day.


I have many more little complains i am half German after all, if a German has nothing to complain about he will complain about that lol


But for real NVC get you mess together !



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-13 11:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsThe NVC Moral Support/Ranting Thread

Too many things to complain about, not sure where to start !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-13 10:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2014 Interviews

Alrighty, Medical scheduled for October 20, and Interview for October 29th.
I want to start getting everything ready now :D
So this is what the Embassy in Casablanca wants me to bring.
Document Name Document Status
But just in case I'll bring everything i sent to the NVC originals and photocopy.
This is a small list of what i will be bringing.
* Copy of I-130 package  
* Current German and Moroccan passport with more than 6 months validity
* Previous, expired passports
* Photo Album containing photos of both of us, trips together, wedding photos and photos with friends and family  
* Original NOA letter
* Original NOA2 letter
* Letter from Embassy with insturctions
* Police Certificate and court records + translation and photocopies  
* Long and Short German and Moroccan birth certificates + translation and Photocopies
* DS-160 confirmation pages + photocopy
* Copy of all fees confirmation pages
* 2-4 color photographs 5cm x 5cm
* Affidavit of support with evidence
* Letter from my Husband's employer and recent pay stubs...
* Proof of ongoing relationship, more Pictures, Skype,WoW,Whatsapp and facebooks logs, receipts of trips together (flights, hotel, copy of passport stamps), shared bank account, shared health insurance policy, Sworn Affidavit from Friends and Family...
* Husband's original divorce decree
* Original documents of everything we sent to the NVC
Am i missing something ?  
Question, does my husband and the co-sponsor both have to renew the entire AOS packages ?

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-14 19:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2014 Interviews

Looks like no one got Interview letter this week?

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-09 14:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2014 Interviews

Still no interview letter .. IMMIGRANT VISA APPLICATION shows as Ready, case completed August 22, we called yesterday and they told us we should received the letter soon *sigh*


Does anyone know roughly how long it takes for the Moroccan Embassy to issue the Visa after the Interview ? I've heard that it takes 2-3 days ? If not put on AP of course. My husband will come visit me around the time for my interview and we want to fly back together, yes, I know all about what could go wrong but we will make sure we can change the dates if we want or if anything goes wrong.

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-09 13:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2014 Interviews

I am still so angry at the NVC for giving me such a late interview date, they clearly give interview dates out of order from what i see :(, cant do nothing about it about yet, waiting for my case to arrive at the Embassy, how long does it take for the interview letter to arrive ? looks like my case is still at the NVC, they sent out cases on Mondays and Fridays?  i'll try to contacted them once they received my package *sigh*, i really wanted to be with my husband before my Birthday and Halloween :cry:

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-02 18:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOctober 2014 Interviews

:clock: :clock:

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-08-31 23:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Can't wait to get this over with !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-10-01 12:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Hi deep !

Man, am i the only one who is not with their spouse yet :( :clock:

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-30 18:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

What is the number to call NVC? I recieved my NOA2 (approval letter) February 27. It's been more than a month now and I still haven't recieved any more news. Should I even be calling NVC to see if they recieved my case yet or should I just keep waiting until they let me know and assign me with my new case number? HELP!


You have not been calling !! Call call and call again :o Check this out http://www.visajourn...ers-april-2014/

NVC - 603-334-0700 (press 1 to speak with an operator) [HOURS: 7am - 12am EST, M-F]

You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-04-07 19:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

Accepted ! On March 26, 2014, we mailed you a notice that we have approved this I130 IMMIGRANT PETITION FOR RELATIVE, FIANCE(E), OR ORPHAN. Please follow any instructions on the notice. If you move before you receive the notice, call customer service at 1-800-375-5283.

You'll need Skype CreditFree via Skype

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-26 22:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAug 2013 I-130 filers

just got so happy....anyone knows how long does it take to get to NVC from texas service center


Congratulations ! Tell us more about your RFE? when you got it when you sent out your reply and what the RFE was ?

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-03-25 14:24:00