K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMail your congressmen/women!

I think you misunderstood me bigdog and stevie b. I'm not crying wolf or saying that my case needs to be looked at specifically. This is about getting congress to be more aware of our situation. I don't think even 5 months wait for an NOA2 is appropriate. I'm just using government the way it was meant to be, which is to voice the concerns of the people to the ones who represent us in order to get change. I even made it clear in my letter that I don't expect them to give me special attention, but that I'm speaking on behalf of our entire community because I'm no where near the processing time myself. We shouldn't be content with being pushed around by USCIS like this and making congress more aware is our best chance at getting change for us all. Below is what I wrote. Nothing too fancy.

Good day Congresswoman,


First of all I would like to personally thank you for all your work in Washington and for responding to every concern I have emailed you about. As your constituent I am writing on behalf of myself and all others that have chosen to start the long journey of the K1 visa process. It is to my best knowledge that there is a backlog when it comes to processing K1 visas compared to any other visa. I urge you and your colleagues to do everything possible to help speed up the first stage of this process which is having the K1 application approved for visa consideration, also known as a Notice of Action (2). Not only is it difficult being so far from our loved ones for 5 to even 11 months for some, but it is essentially putting our entire lives on hold and preventing us from raising a family and becoming more productive for our country as a whole. I am a US Army Reservist and I understand the stress, like so many other military members going through the K1 visa process, of knowing that at any moment we can be deployed to a war zone and possibly never even have the opportunity to marry our significant other. I believe that such a long waiting period is unnecessary and detrimental to our society in regards to immigration reform.


With great sincerety,

My name



Edited by Andrew and Zihui, 07 June 2013 - 11:07 PM.

Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-06-07 23:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMail your congressmen/women!

Hello friends,


I have been reading the forums quite often lately (and driving myself crazy thinking about the wait, lol) and I see a lot of people complaining about the wait times, and that is reasonable. But it seems as though only a few of us actually write our politicians to get some kind of attention focused on the K1 visa process. 


I just wanted to say that if you haven't written already, you should start putting together a letter. Even if your time hasn't quite come yet, it still makes a small albeit meaningful difference to communicate with your politicians. If you have a nice congressman/woman that cares about their constituents like mine (Tammy Baldwin :D) they will likely use their weight to get some real answers and hopefully get our dilemma talked about a little more.


I just sent a letter of my own to 3 different congressmen/women and am awaiting a response, but I feel much better knowing that I did something besides just waiting around and letting the USCIS bully us. If anybody is interested I could show you guys what I wrote to give you an idea. It doesn't have to be extremely eloquent, but it does need to be clear and express your feelings fully. Just remember, politicians put their pants on one leg at a time just like us, so don't be intimidated!

Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-06-07 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved at Vermont! - 3 months, 2 weeks.

Hey guys please get out of the mindset of only using your congressmen as a last resort. They are there to listen and do what's best for their constituents. I made another topic about this if you are still unsure about when/what to write to them: 



Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-06-11 04:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust got letteeerrr!!! Texass!!

I feel like I did most of the job, I havent talked to my lawyer since I filed and thwy haven't even talked to me at all, they just want money and they are no help, I called yesterday and put in a service request for typographical and they saidnin 15 to 30 days ill get a letyer back in the mail saying that it was solved ..



I see that you are from Pennsylvania so I did a little research. File a complaint against your lawyer by following these steps:

Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-06-27 08:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsJust got letteeerrr!!! Texass!!

Make your lawyer do it. You are paying them to do their job, make them earn it and do it correctly. 

Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-06-27 02:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRFE Today!

I feel so close to getting it.... please come xD ??~~

Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-07-09 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsOMG approved!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Congratulations. That's good news for us April CSC filers. smile.png



I agree, although I can't help to feel a little envious >.>


Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-07-11 05:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNOA2 RECEIVED in 346 days!!!

Wow... gratz! I hope the rest of your journey goes much faster!!

Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-07-09 20:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApproved after less than 3 months!

I think they skipped a box -.- 


Anyway, gratz!

Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-07-18 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsi129f APPROVED! :D CSC April Filer

:D Thank you guys! Hopefully going to Auckland will be an advantage to us.

Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-07-24 17:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsi129f APPROVED! :D CSC April Filer

Congratulations on your approval.


Thank you!! 

Andrew and ZihuiMaleChina2013-07-24 07:12:00
PhilippinesAge gap difference in Philippines

I'm getting a kick out of this because my wife was just describing the large age differences at the required govt counseling classes today. "20 marrying a 64, Ugh!!!" is an exact quote.

What ever happened to Age / 2 + 7? I can understand Filipina liking an older, mature man but we're quickly approaching creepy levels when a guy targets only women in their 20's on internet dating or matchmaking sites. When I look at a couple and assume they're a grandfather and granddaughter going for a walk until there's a really awkward kiss I get a shiver up my spine.

70 and 20? From a government perspective sure, knock yourself out. From a "what were you thinking!?" perspective,.. You've got a 2 generation gap in addition to a cultural one. Going to go to a concert together? What about rock-climbing?

"My soul-mate was an 18 year old super model!" seems like you're looking for all the wrong things and perpetuates a negative stereotype. We're built to fall in love and many relationships can be real but I have to worry about any woman looking for an extremely elderly man.

I'm curious about the 50+ year old guys. I'm pretty sure some have children from a previous relationship. Would you be ok with your 20 year old daughter marrying a retired 60 year old?


The guy doing the whole daughter/wife thing? I don't even know where to start there..

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2013-07-22 09:05:00
PhilippinesSo many questions! Texan seeks to join Filipina mate permanently.

The questions I have are so numerous, but I will tell you a little about 'our' story, and perhaps you kind people can guide me. I am planning to go to Quezon City in January, and I have no intentions of leaving there without my bride-to-be. I also am entertaining the idea of beginning an international business there, and have the means to do so. In theory, it will be a small company at first, employing 3 to 5 Filipino women and/or men, using computers to 'fix' images associated with documents; answering clerical needs for associates/clientele here in the US. 

-Dan the Texican

Some great advice here, especially the ticket cancellation thing. I did the same while following all applicable laws and it worked out fine since I wasn't sure when my departure would be, only the timetable. . I'd recommend potentially applying for a 6 month visa from the US before heading over too to save yourself those first couple of extension hassles if you are planning to stay that long in a single block of time. 

On the business side.. there's a lot more behind this and you're planning 10 steps farther than what you should be looking at currently and you're also trying to continue a relationship during this. Based on your business model try and get some projects and then hire a person for a specific project and see how it goes before diving in. 

Hiring, compensation packages, recruitment and a number of other items is extremely different. Boil down night diff, rice allowance, transportation allowance, overtime rates, hazard pay (we were in IT but some people had that one pop up randomly at previous jobs) each of which are taxed or not at different rates and a few other random categories plus contributions and 13th month pay and I longed for a simple salary range during negotiations like in the US.. If you're hiring a housekeeper or assistant on your own you'll be fine. 5+ people you need some outside assistance and may find hiring decent skill sets at a reasonable wage difficult. 

I'm assuming QC is where she currently lives which is kinda nice, QC is one of the cheaper areas of Manila proper for rent and other elements. Internet is available on a number of sources and you can get a DSL style connection fairly cheaply which may or may not cause you to rip your hair out. Nothing wrong with QC but there's a lot of area out there depending on what you're looking for. Your statement is kinda like saying "I'm moving to NYC and must absolutely stay and setup a business in the Bronx". 

Good luck and try to take it one step at a time. 

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2013-12-11 15:43:00
PhilippinesK2 SSN and health insurance

I'm not the OP Green wink.png Just sharing my experience so far since it might help someone else. I was really amazed but I guess they make money from the coverage. 

Edited by Teripid, 18 December 2013 - 06:49 PM.

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2013-12-18 18:45:00
PhilippinesK2 SSN and health insurance

any life changing event with your insurance company
can trigger additions to your policy.

since you've not married yet, you have no life changing event.

get married? BOOM ! There's a life changing event, and your insurance carrier 'allows' additions, doesn't matter the calendar or even their calendar. This 'end of the year' thing doesn't matter, even though your insurance carrier might lead you to believe that's the case.



Speak with your insurance company too and you can save some $$. I knew about the marriage itself being a life-changing event and as I'm already married (last Jan) I was asking if I should add her as part of annual enrollment so she'd be covered when she came over early in 2014. Turns out that her ARRIVAL in the US as an immigrant also qualifies, at least with my company/insurance.


As long as I call within 30 days of her entry I can include her as part of that qualifying event so we're not paying for US coverage she won't have the ability to use from Jan 1 - ... hopefully soon. 

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2013-12-18 15:38:00
Philippinesplease help. BiG problem ahead

Lots of companies use scare tactics too. We had a young woman in an IT position who wanted 1-2 weeks off for a SG trip. They made her sign something saying she wouldn't search for work while there. She did, got a job as a software tester and lives there to this day. 

These policies don't get you loyal workers, they just make people even more likely to jump ship. 

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-01-01 22:26:00
PhilippinesReasons for wanting your spouse in USA

I worked for about a year in PH and met my wife during that time. We're very close in age compared to most couples I've seen here (both 30) and in general most Phil-Am couples I've met.  Loved the culture, people and nature once you got outside of the cities. 

Fast forward a bit and add a change of job and venue and I've found more opportunity back in the US. She's interested in a change of scenery besides what we've already seen together. She wants to experience snow and a lot of new things. Right now at least the US gives us the most opportunity together and I've gotten to see her country and live there for a while as you have. Now I get to show her mine and we can figure it out from there. We talked about it at some great length together before deciding where our next step would be. 

She also has a fair number of relatives already living here which will help the transition a lot. I'm assuming that might be a major factor in your wife's wanting to stay in the Philippines. We're still not sure where we'll end up and it depends on what we both are able to do in terms of career but I can see the Philippines as a likely eventually retirement location very long term and frequent spot for trips back in the future. I know she'll miss her family and we've got Skype and a number of things setup for them to help. 

Everyone is different and the US itself is extremely varied. Living in California or Florida might be much less adjustment compared to ending up in North Dakota or some other more extreme climates. Certain areas also have larger Filipino communities which can help. The Philippines too has a lot of variety. Check out Baguio to see a really nice moderate climate in the mountains about 6 hours from Manila. 

Pre-nup? Nope. I don't have huge amounts of property and we're together as equals so it wasn't really a question. She's actually finishing out a pretty decent management job as we're waiting for the paperwork. I still remember the first trip we took together where she insisted on paying 1/2 of everything. The chances of a marriage not working in the Philippines is likely to be misleading based on how hard it is to get a divorce too. I've known co-workers trapped in pretty terrible marriages, perpetually single or extremely long-term with someone but not married. Of course there are plenty of happy, great couples out there too that I've met. Just saying there's not a bed of roses in every case or likely that significantly different among similar individuals and also extremely hard to measure. 

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-01-03 19:05:00
PhilippinesCashier's check

Cash (assuming you're not talking astronomical amounts) is also extremely easy to exchange without a fee at any SM Mall currency exchange counter. Checked the live rate and exchanged $400 at pretty much spot on the current rate in about a minute and a half. Plenty of other spots are also decent. 

ATMs also aren't terrible if your own company won't rake you over the coals for an international withdrawl and direct bank transfers with either XOOM or other money services are quick, fairly cheap and reliable. There may be other concerns if you're buying a house or something that's a huge ticket item. 

If your credit card is enabled for international charges they also typically work for pretty much any mall store or big city hotel that has a web presence and just cost you whatever your card's fee is (alway pay in PHP to avoid the vendor's conversion rate). 

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-15 00:59:00
Philippinessupporting documents

The NVC official line is that they need up to 30 business days to process and consider documents...

We're currently sitting about 8 business days into that. They've confirmed they got the two packets we sent but no update on the process etc yet. 

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-16 15:13:00
PhilippinesI was asked why does the Phils have a high incidence of scam. Agree or disagree?

They're in many ways the ultimate service economy. Delivery for everything, everywhere. Tons of small or cottage industry, food stalls and sari-sari shops. Construction consists of 20 guys with hammers to break something down instead of one guy with heavy construction equipment. Not sure what their overall manufacturing job % is compared to other industries. 

The big emerging industry there is actually BPO, call center and the like so "manufacturing wage rate" is not exactly the indicator I'd look at. Wages there are actually seeing some improvement, especially in urban areas but they're still low. 
There's a lot of legal discrimination based on age/height not directly related to the job needs. When I did interviews there, every single resume would list age, marital status, height, religion and a bunch of other stuff US HR isn't allowed to touch with a 10 foot pole. Internationals are much less likely to do this but it didn't feel like there were any controls against it. 

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-02-22 20:50:00
PhilippinesConflict between the families - When/where to get married?

I actually did option 2 with similar cirumstances with a full Catholic wedding (I'm generously listed as "Unitarian Universalist" under religion on the forms). I had to make a planning trip to get the requirements done as well as some vacation but that list is far from trivial. The pre-cana was an experience to say the least, complete with a 120 question survey fully in Tagalog. I'd met her immediate family many times and my sister had come over on a previous trip when I was still working there.

It was important to her and her family and that's what mattered for me. There's no way they all could have attended in the US. I also got to meet many Ninongs and Ninangs that had been a part of my wife's life as well. My family was able to fly over and attend and overall our costs were lower even covering some planefares than a similar wedding in the US. We were also able to do a hiking trip and some further bonding after which was a great experience before we set off on our own.

Sounds like you've got a good plan to get everyone together and discuss things. You may want to try and get some of the pre-wedding requirements done during your trip there if you're leaning that direction.

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-12 15:38:00
Philippinesrecommend a lawyer in Manila

Agreed with the above. Unless you have a specific issue getting a document or some issue with something required from a Philippine authority: CENOMAR or NBI clearance, etc there's not much they'll do to help the process. You're just adding an extra step in a process that already has far too many.

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-03-20 18:06:00
PhilippinesPhilippines Domestic Flight Ticket Purchase

There are a number of special fares available if you check online. Typically you can pay under 500 peso + fees and end up paying about 1,500 PHP for a flight. OP just make very sure you have your credit card with you when you're at the airport. They rarely ask but it can come up. 

Right now Cebu Pac has the following specials for 399 PHP + fees so you're looking at around 80 USD for a round trip. 

  • Manila to Cauayan (isabela), Naga, Tuguegarao, Virac, San Jose (Mindoro) or Legazpi

    Cebu to Camiguin, Pagadian, Legazpi, Ozamiz, Butuan, Clark, Tacloban, Iloilo, Davao or Siargao

    Davao to Cagayan de Oro

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-04-24 00:28:00
PhilippinesBest way to contact the embassy while in the Philippines?

Skype will allow you to make a call at a very reasonable rate, just use the +63 country code. I think it is maybe $0.10 per minute give or take so you should come out well ahead. Works even better for calling a US number and you can use it from any net cafe. 

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-04-29 01:27:00
PhilippinesAny chemical dependency counselors in Tacloban or Naval

There's also the medical exam where she'd either have to lie to state she'd used it if asked. I'm not sure exactly what the ban or time frame is for that. 

It is entirely possible that it wouldn't be detected or an issue but that's not a minor consideration. 


TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-28 11:09:00
PhilippinesK1 Visa put on Ready status thrice

Truth is I'm currently 9months pregnant that's why me and fiance are getting very worried. But yes, there's nothing that we can do but to wait, be patient and hope for the best. Everything happens for a reason indeed.

Sorry to hear that. I hope that we get our visas very soon. :'(

Might want to be a bit careful on this too. Certain airlines have policies that don't allow people to fly extremely close to their due date for the obvious reason that giving birth within the 27 inches of seat you get could be extremely problematic and there could be complications. Certainly worth checking before actually booking a flight. 

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-05-20 15:36:00
PhilippinesMy rant

First off let me say that behavior is harassment and shouldn't happen. Just wanted to get that out of the way. People are free to think whatever they want but this never justifies a malicious (and poorly spelled) act.

I have no doubt that couples well outside of a standard age range (say Age / 2 + 7) regularly find meaningful and loving relationships. I have no idea why it gets completely tossed out the window when this shifts to a discussion of a spouse from another country. The embassy does pay some attention to large age differences as there's likely to be less in common and more chance of a marriage of convience.

I find no shame in stating that a 50+ year old guy who specifically targets and tries to date under 21 year old women creeps me out. Ask your nearest mid-20's American woman and I'd imagine they'd have a similar reaction. That includes someone who looks for an exceptionally young partner on a dating site. Can my 92 year old grandpa take your daughter to prom? He's still pretty active and enjoys long walks to the mailbox and yelling at CNN. He's an amazing person and has a great life but he's clearly at a different point in that life than someone just out of HS trying to figure out where to go next and how to build those next steps. Insert whatever less extreme example you'd like and some portion of that will still apply and make many aspects of that relationship much more difficult now or in the future.

I do have a prejudice based on my observations of couples with large age differences in the Philippines, the US and other countries. Ronn63, I'm glad you and your wife don't fit that pattern and happy you've found each other and a meaningful relationship.

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-03 17:53:00
PhilippinesShortest time to receive Visa after Passing Interview


Mind me asking which province she is from?

My parents are in Davao.


She is from Baguio and had to pick up the visa in a 2Go branch in Manila, then headed right away to CFO. If you opted for delivery, it may take longer than 5 days, maybe 7-10 working days.


Best of luck!

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-02 09:42:00
PhilippinesShortest time to receive Visa after Passing Interview

5 days here. 15th of May for the Interview 20th delivery to 2GO, picked up on the 22nd and she's here right now in the US as of a few days ago. 

Good luck!

TeripidNot TellingPhilippines2014-06-01 10:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportscan someoene help me!!

IF you don't know how to do Just consult with attorney $575 

Edited by Angkorwat, 29 June 2013 - 10:35 PM.

AngkorwatMaleCambodia2013-06-29 22:34:00
PhilippinesPaying for a hotel in Manila here in the US for my fiancee...

The main reason I don't send her money for this is because she does not live in Manila. She lives in Ormaoc. She will not travel to Manila until it is closer to the time of her appointments. Another reason is that I want to get it somewhat early enough so the room is reserved with a good price now, not worry about having them jack up the price in Dec. 

I have also seen a required $100 deposit on some hotels. I thinks through the help I am getting here the best way to go about getting the hotel room is through an travel wed site like Agoda. The less they have to worry about the better..

multiwonderful1MalePhilippines2013-09-04 23:19:00
PhilippinesPaying for a hotel in Manila here in the US for my fiancee...

Ok thanks for all of your help everyone!! I greatly appreciate it!!

multiwonderful1MalePhilippines2013-09-04 22:15:00
PhilippinesPaying for a hotel in Manila here in the US for my fiancee...

Hi everyone..


  I have been looking for hotels around St Luke's Clinic and around the Embassy for my fiancee so she can stay there before her day of appearance. I have been finding hotels that require the card used to be present of arrival to help prevent fraud.  So my question is what good, clean, cheap..and I am talking around $40 a night for 2 people, with me not being the other person, hotel can I pay for here and have them not ask for the card once they arrive?

I want to take care of all expenses here in the US and have them not worried about paying for the hotels. And of course they have to be close to the Clinic and Embassy..

 Thanks for any help on this

multiwonderful1MalePhilippines2013-09-04 20:05:00
PhilippinesHotels in Ormoc City..Please help!!

Hi everyone,


I need help finding a nice, clean, cheap place for my fiancee and I to stay for 14 days in Ormoc City. I have no

clear direction on which hotel to stay for that long.

If anyone can suggest a good place I would greatly appreciate it. I see a lot of price differences but that doesn't mean that the more expensive is the best. I need some place safe to being an American and all. I don't want to

have some place to take advantage of this either. I tried to call some of the Hotel's phone # that are listed on the internet but it is hard to get through. I would like to reserve a place before I come in Jan and to see what they require.  I tried to call the "David's Inn" because it is rated so high with past guests but they don't answer their phone or respond to my emails. I am finding several like this. I prefer free breakfest but it is not required if there is a place close by that serves good food.

Thanks in advance for all that help....


multiwonderful1MalePhilippines2013-09-18 19:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIR-1 / CR-1 procedures
Hi there! NVC received our documents on August 26th, Case complete on September 19th, Interview date assigned on October 1, and Interview was on November 26th.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2014-01-17 10:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 Interviews

Got my interview date for November 26th yay!!! So happy.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-10-01 13:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNovember 2013 Interviews




If you want to share your case complete and interview dates:
1. Go to LAST PAGE or before and click "Quote/Reply" on the MOST RECENT LIST.
2. Ask for help only if you will mess up the list
3. Please make sure you are using Rich Text Editor as your message setting(Settings>Posting Settings->Enable visual (RTE))
4. Remove [quote] around the list by clicking back space just before "do not delete"
5. Always use [Courier New] Font.(It will stay lined up correctly if you use the correct font.)
6. Add in order by NVC case complete date.
7. Add the date you received your interview date so others can see from case complete to assignment time-frame.
8. Please use your VJ member name not the Petitioner/Beneficiary name on your timeline.
9. Please update your timeline so VJ members can have accurate timelines to monitor their own case.

March Cases Waiting on Interview:




April Cases Waiting on Interview:


May cases waiting on interview:



June cases waiting on interview:



July cases waiting on interview:






August cases waiting on interview:



Fab + She...........08/13/13....08/27/13....10/08/13....IR-1/CR-1....Italy











Tu chikita..........08/16/13....08/27/13....10/23/13....IR-1/CR-1....DR






rose nice...........08/22/13....xx/xx/13....xx/xx/13....IR-1/CR-1....France

domingo y bianca....08/26/13....08/27/13....10/03/13....IR-1/CR-1....Mexico

Katherinn...........08/26/13....08/29/13....10/24/13....IR-1/CR-1....Costa Rica












September cases waiting on interview:



AP & VP.............09/10/13....XX/XX/13....XX/XX/13....IR-1/CR-1....India











Bethann and Omar....09/19/13....XX/XX/13....XX/XX/13....IR-1/CR-1....Jamaica


BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-10-01 10:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDoes anyone else have this problem or any ideas on what to do?
I echo those sentiments about not filing single. I learned the hard way lol and now I have to submit an ammended tax return ugh!

As far as the other evidence, for us they were most interested in how many times I visited my husband, especially after we were married. They wanted to see pictures and have us identify dates on pictures. Also, made a difference (for us anyway) that I attended the interview). They never asked for any additional evidence.

Hope this helps,


BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2014-01-31 11:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIncredibly FAST Processing




Come on now.  Let's be reasonable.  I really don't think "they" are intentionally processing any applications slower on purpose.  But when there is a crisis, such as occurred in the Philippines, with over 7000 dead, perhaps more than 1 million homeless...adults and children are going without food, water, shelter and supplies I think we as Americans should step up and help.  I think it's fine that Filipino's files are being expedited.  Let's have a heart. 


(Disclaimer, My wife is here with me now in the US.  We were fortunate in that from our initial filing until the day she landed on American soil was just 8 months.  But I still think I would understand if we had to wait longer so others could get out and to the US sooner.)


Hauoli Makahiki Hou


Maybe they're not processing the rest of us slower *on purpose*...but they certainly don't appear to have any kind of motivation to process us any faster.  As many have observed before, the problem with this system is that there is effectively zero accountability.  They have their goal time of 5 months, but if they take longer, we applicants just have to bear it - there is nothing we can do about it, and they suffer no consequences of any kind, so they have no real motivation to ensure their goal is met.


I think it's fantastic that they are approving these people so fast, but it *does* show when they have the motivation to do so (and certainly this will make some good PR for them), they can.  Why should it take a horrible natural disaster to actually force the USCIS to work quickly and efficiently?


Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-02 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsfinally!!

Congratulations ! Mabrok ! :D

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-31 14:48:00