IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview

In DR its the norm ...not all consulates allows this & very rarely does Jamaica,
many spouses R made to sit outside under a shed during process, if an occasion
arises where the beneficiary seem to be not lie-ing but struggling to, whether explain
oneself or just not really being understood (even clueless) then if a spouse is outside
depending on CO, they will say go get the spouse....absolutely not the norm , go to
website and also read past reviews.
Everyone case is different, spouse is different  & draw of luck good all's well that ends well
Countries Like Jamaica ....what does that mean?

Ok i love you Jawaree but I have to disagree here. My husband wasn't lying about anything he simply didn't remember the date of my last visit. Had I hadn't been there to clarify things our visa would not have been issued.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-15 23:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview

As the OP stated it's can be helpful to be there. But, to suggest that a couple will be denied for having a lack of proof of a bonafide relationship is inaccurate. Couples are rejected every day because the evidence they submitted to the USCIS is weak at best. But, for those couples who have dated photos, passport stamps, receipts, boarding passes, proof of ongoing communication, this will NEVER be an issue. 

Ok I'm not trying to be rude here but when don't you understand? If Ihhadn't been there my husband would have been denied. Period. He would not be coming here on Thursday.

BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-15 22:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview
Whatever I'm just trying to tell people that for us it made all the difference. It was not required that I be there but they asked for me and had I not been there my husband would not be coming here this week.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-15 21:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview
I'm just saying if you are able to you should attend because for us it made all the difference.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-15 18:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview
Thanks sorry about that!! I meant to post it there!!!
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-15 17:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA word of advice make sure spouse attends interview
Just wanted to let ya'll know that the CO specifically asked where I was and then called me into my husband's interview in Kingston Jamaica. My husband couldn't remember the exact date of my last trip and the CO told me that he was concerned. I told him I've been to see my husband 14 times since we met and then he asked how many times since we were married... I told him 8. He also asked me for dates of our most recent photos.

So my advice?? Go with your spouse to the interview!!! Because if any questionscome up tthere will be an opportunity to address them if you are there. They will ask where you are and will probably want to meet you. Especially for countries where there are significant cases of fraud.

I hope this helps. Not sure we would have gotten the visa if I hadn't been there.


BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2013-12-15 17:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I go to the interview?
Than he should fine. I think it just comes in handy if something goes wrong at the interview.
BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2014-02-03 12:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresShould I go to the interview?
This is a hotly contested topic. I posted about it after my husband's interview because for us it made a huge difference. My husband didn't remember the exact date of my last trip to Jamaica so the CO called me into the interview and I explained I had been there 14 times and then he asked me how many times since we were married. Then he asked me to confirm the dates of some recent photos. My poor husband was so nervous that he just was having trouble remembering dates.

I know every consulate is different so I'm not sure about Cananda. But I am so glad I decided to be there with him because I'm not sure what would have happened if I wasn't.

Hope this helps.


BethAnn and OmarFemaleJamaica2014-02-03 11:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long do you wait?

You got your NOA1 right? Now you have yo wait for the NOA2 before you hear anything that can take 4 to 9 months for I-129F i think,i have been waiting for over 5 and nothing is happening and it might be a couple more months who knows ..



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-16 21:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsHow long do you wait?

You have to wait few more months :(

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-01-16 21:39:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhich Doctor is better, Morocco Medical.

My husband went to Dr Fihri. He remembers it costing between 1400-1600 dirhams for everything. Both the lab and place for the chest X-Ray were close together. They have him the results the same day to take to the embassy in a sealed envelope. He says the Dr was nice, but the office workers left much to be desired. Overall it was good.


Thank you for your fast reply as always ! is it possible to do the Medical like 2 weeks or a week before the interview i dont want to leave it for the last couple of days before interview . i .yeah i spoke to the Officer workers she was on some sort of a power trip or something ...

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-07-21 17:20:00
Middle East and North AfricaWhich Doctor is better, Morocco Medical.

Hello there,


I am now waiting for Case Completed at the NVC and i was wondering which doctor to pick, Dr Abdelouahed Ambari ot Dr Nezha El Fihri ? i did call Dr Fihri to ask about the required Vaccinations and Documents but her assistant (i think) was really rude, she said no interview date no answers and hang up ...


Which one is easier to get to? i never been to Casablanca i want to pick the most convenient one.


What did you bring with you ? do you have to show both Carte D'identite and the Passport or just your passport? how much did you pay ? i read that the price can be from 1300DH to 3500DH .


I am asking all of this because i want to have everything ready before my interview date as i will be traveling for 2 weeks to Germany before my interview and i wont be in Morocco to get all the documents in time so i want to gather everything before hand.


Do they give you the Medical result to you or do they send it to the Consulate ? How long does the Medical take?


Thanks in advance.


Izzy .

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-07-21 14:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca Interview Date Change.

You never know, they might get someone who cancels or post-pones one.... You could let them know you're interested, but I dont think I've seen anything about that being done on here. Do a search and see if there's anything here on VJ at other embassies. That might give you an idea if it's doable. Good luck


Thanks, i have read about other embassies getting it done just not Morocco, i see what i can do, thanks again !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-08-30 22:02:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca Interview Date Change.

My case was compeleted last Tuesday August 26 and in August 29 Casablanca schedule interview for October 8. I hope no change will happen because my case took almost 18 months to complete


18 month ! that's just insane :(

Same thing happened to us last year. Hang in there!


Hmm :S but this is really out of order... do you think it is a good idea to do it? i mean contact the Embassy once they receive it and get it changed?

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-08-30 21:50:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca Interview Date Change.

Sorry to hear that.  It just goes to show you really can make no plans until you have the visa in hand.  So many things can go wrong.  Like just last week, my fiance received her interview date.  And we were SO excited because it was for next Friday!  Just nine days away!  We couldn't believe it was going so fast!  So she quickly called the medical exam hospital and scheduled her exam for yesterday.  She had TB seven years ago but had all the papers and x-rays she needed to prove that it was totally taken care of and she no longer had it.  Well, the doctor at the exam told her to come back today to get the results.  And when she got there, she was informed that they could not give her the results yet.  They said they have to test her for TB again... which would normally not be a problem.  Except the test they want to give her takes TWO MONTHS to complete!  So now instead of a possible late September arrival date, we'll be lucky to get her here by December! 


So disappointing.  But, it's disappointing because of what our expectations were.  Same as you - you expected it within 35-55 days.  But 68 days is just 13 days more (if you look at it optimistically)!  Good luck and I'm sorry that happened to you... I really KNOW how it feels!


I am really sorry to hear that :( this process is real torture!


I Hope your fiance gets this sorted fast, I never had TB i got all vaccines needed but i am still very nervous, this is so nerve wrecking !


Well it is normal to make plans, we did not buy tickers or anything, originally when we filled we thought we would be done in 7-10 months ... well it took almost double that time .


I really wished i had just stayed in the US after marrying and just adjusted  statues as our marriage was not planned in the Us, but i went back home and we filled 7 months after we got married cause our plan was to move to Vienna back then, and that did not work as my husband did not get the job in the many what if i had done this or that. yeah 68 doesn't seem like a long time but it is after waiting almost 13 months :(


Good luck to you and your Fiance !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-08-30 19:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca Interview Date Change.

A week or so ego we got Case Completed, yay for that!


But Yesterday after calling the NVC we found out that my Interview date was October 29th ... 68 days after case completed, it was like a slap in our faces, we just set there not talking in shock for like an hour, cause right before calling i did some research and it looks like for Morocco from CC to Interview date takes like 35-55 days, so it really looks like the NVC is giving interview dates out of order  :cry: .


So i wanted to ask if anyone having had an interview in Morocco had any luck changing their dates? This might sound silly now but we had so many plans around that date Like making Halloween costumes together (Star Trek), and going on a Halloween party with friends, my birthday and so on ...i was naively expecting interview around early October after getting Case completed.


Please let me know if anyone had luck changing it, how and when you contacted the Embassy for a date change.


Thanks in Advance .



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-08-30 18:21:00
Middle East and North AfricaWait time at Casablanca Consulate .

That's great ! i have only been to Madison and Milwaukee so far, but i am in love with Madison, true i was there in winter ! i walked our dogs after 10 minutes with gloves and hands in my Parka i felt like my fingers were going to fall of :D Jamie took me fast to the bathroom and but warm water on them and THAT really hurt.


Well i hope he gets the chance to visit soon, Germany is wonderful too, my mother is from Cologne i was there couple of weeks ego and that's also were i met Jamie the very first time in person :D


Again thank you for your fast responses as usual !

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-09 17:51:00
Middle East and North AfricaWait time at Casablanca Consulate .

You're welcome! I understand the freaking out completely. AP for women in Morocco is less frequently seen. I think you'll be fine. Enjoy your last bit of time there as much as you can. Hubby misses his family a lot, even though they talk most days. So relax a bit and really take things in. You'll be with your hubby soon enough. And the US will drive you crazy sometimes. Lol at least it does for my husband. Lol


I am OCD when it comes to things like these and need to have everything ready to go :D so this waiting time and the unknown is killing me !.


oh i can't wait to go i already packed lol, i love Madison, Wisconsin. from all the places i have visited so far in my life that's where i felt really at home, my husband in the other hand wants to go back to Vienna, we then decided once we have children we will move to Germany or Austria since i am half German and Jamie studied in Vienna for 4 years and we want our children to be raised in a German speaking country but i must say that Madison looks a lot like Germany :o , my Family can come visit me if they miss me lol , the all have VISA Waiver thingy, the only thing i will be missing in Tangier will be the Fresh Spices, Fruits and Vegetables


Does your husband go back for visits? sometimes you can find super cheap flight i once found one for 200$ ! but now all flights are like a slap in the face, our flight will cost us at least 900$ each, we are trying to find one with a long layover in Europe :D

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-09 14:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaWait time at Casablanca Consulate .

My hubby had his interview on a Wednesday, and they said by Friday, but it wasn't ready until Monday. So, yup, 2-3 working days if the machine is working. :)


Thanks you once again, i bet you're sick of my questions :D


My Interview will be on a Wednesday too, i am super worried about getting put on AP now, i think the chances a very small, since i already been to the US 3 times, we have boxes of evidence around and around 9 visits, my visits lasted between 2-3 months, and i also read  that women are less likely to get put on AP, but still super worried! *freaking out* :huh2:

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-09 13:58:00
Middle East and North AfricaWait time at Casablanca Consulate .

Hello everyone,


Does anyone know roughly how long it takes for the Moroccan Embassy to issue the Visa after the Interview ? I've heard that it takes 2-3 days ? If not put on AP of course. My husband will be coming for a  visit me around the time for my interview and we want to fly back together, yes, I know all about what could go wrong but we will make sure we can change the dates if we want or if anything goes wrong, we know about the chances we will be taking, i am asking those who did not got put on AP how long it took for them.


Thank you.



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-09-09 13:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on visiting the US while I130 is processed


I think you should be ok for a 2 week trip. Just have as much evidence as you can. Even ask your dad to writean emplyment letter that you work part time. CBP officer doesn't have to know its your dad's business.
It is also a positive sign that the officer didn't warn you not to come back on the vwp. It seems his issue was with how long you were staying in the US and the back to back trips.

That's what this site is all about. Sharing experiences and info.
You mention you husband will be picking you up and he can carry the docs for you? How will he be able to do that? When you go through POE, that area is restricted. Unless your husband works for the airport and has security access to the area, he would not be able to join you there.

About the VWP and CR1visa denials:
1. You are allowed in at POE but eventually your CR1 visa gets denied.
I am not completely sure, but lets say your CR1 visa gets denied in aug 2014 and your current VWP expires on oct 2014. When you next apply you have to state that you have been denied a visa to the US and because the visa tgat was denied was an immigrant visa, it stands to reason that your next vwp will also be denied.

2. Denied at POE, VWP invalidated but CR1 visa approved.
A denial at POE has no barring on youf CR1 visa. You will be able to enter the US with your cr1 visa without problem.

If you have a strong case of a bonafide marriage, I dont see why you would be denied.


We will be traveling together,last time we went through the POE together .

So he can carry the Police/Court records if needed.


It all sounds like we should just try it.

I`m very grateful for all your answers !



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2013-12-24 11:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on visiting the US while I130 is processed

Yes. Your husband will need your police certificate for NVC.
Maybe im being too cautious or overreacting, but I wouldn't take any official documentation with me if I was you. I once had a person sent back because he had his birth certificate with him at POE. In the eyes of the cbp officer, if your plan is only for a visit why do need to be carrying such documents with you?

Im planning on visiting my husband end of jan and have afew such docs I would like to bring with me. But honestly I do not want to give anyone any reason to doubt my intentions of returning back. So im sending everything to him before I fly out, rather than have it on me at POE.


My husband will come pick me up he can carry those documents for me :D he will visit me for a week before in Tangier so even if i get sent back i will still have had some time with him :(


If by any chance i don`t get denied at the POE but my Visa gets denied,will i still be able to use the VWP? this whole thing is really confusing me ..., if i get a ban on my VWP will i still be able to come on my Visa once i get it right,but once i get my Visa denied i wont be able to enter on my VWP ? if yes i would just do it ,risk getting my VWP removed and visit my husband for a few weeks ,my husband is the only reason i come to the US anyways.


Once again you were very helpful,and i wish you luck with your trip ! you seem to have done your homework .



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2013-12-24 02:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on visiting the US while I130 is processed

I did mean NOA1 in my previous post. Sorry for the error!
Since you have been through a secondary interview already at POE, do you remember what the CBP officer said to you? Were you warned off? Eg. Dont come back on a VWP have the right visa next time?
I think the fact that you stayed away from the US for 7 months is to your advantage. Of all the denied entries I have heard on vj and at work most where because of back to back 90 days trips or because of no job at home country and a length stay.
How many days are you planning in on staying this time around?


Alright i do have that biggrin.png


Yes,he asked if i work or study i said no but i look after my Family and help my father in our shop every now and then (Women Cloth),how long i planned to stay i said 2 and half months,he said my answers were confusing him cause i told him i was with family in Germany before arriving to the US when he asked me about my trip ,so he was like you have Family in Germany now? you just said you live in Morocco with yout parents,i told him i was visiting my Brother and my Grandmother before my flight to the US so i have Family in Morocco and in Germany since i`m half German half Moroccan,he kept on saying wait wait a minute after almost every answer,so he said you have no job no nothing ,you cannot do that! i told him i never over stayed or broke a law,he said i know but you just cannot do that,he did not warn me or tell what specifically i cannot do, when we were almost done i started crying ...he said don`t you cry on me now! i already had someone cry today ...,and gave me a kleenex ,then he said okay and i asked him if i can go,he said yes you can go.


I did not know i was not supposed to visit for almost 90 days and go back and do it again,first time i stayed 2 month but the ticket we first got was about 85 days but my sister passed away one week before the flight so it was 2 month instead of almost 3 :S so now i know why they interviewed me !


I would like to stay 2 weeks around late February to mid March more or less.

And i apologies for my English, after all this time on VJ i`m still learning new things about this Journey every day ... !



Edited by Jamie & Izzy, 24 December 2013 - 02:04 AM.

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2013-12-24 02:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on visiting the US while I130 is processed

Everything will be sent to your husband. The only paperwork that will be sent to you is after NVC has approved the petition and thats a ways off still. Everything before and during the NVC stage will be sent to your husband in the US.


Okay good to know ^^ thanks again!,one less thing to worry about ,i was afraid while i`m visiting i`ll get some kind of paperwork,i will bring my Police/Court translated record just before i leave for the visit,i have read that my husband will need it for the NVC stage?

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2013-12-24 01:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on visiting the US while I130 is processed

If she is denied at POE then the most likely scenario is that the airline she travelled on will be the one she is traveling back on. Airline will use her return ticket to accept her on the flight. I work for an airline here in greece. We have plenty of people being denied entry in the US and being sent back. Return ticket is always used. When we have a passenger denied entry here in greece as an airline we are responsible on sending them back. If they have a return flight.. we use that.. if they dont.. we ask for payment.. if they dont have any money.. we charge it to a budget. All airlines have some type of budget for situations such as this.


Do you know by any chance if any documents/forms will be sent to me after the NOA2 gets accepted ,or will it all be sent to my husband ? sorry for all the questions ,looks like we are on the same boat August Fillers ^^ .



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2013-12-23 08:44:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on visiting the US while I130 is processed

If she gets denied at POE it has no affect on your CR1/IR1 petition. The only thing that will most likely happen is that she is be unable to use VWP to travel again.
Unless you are on the flight with her, unfortunately you will be unable to access the border control area.

My best advice to you is since she has no job or lease in her name, have her carry documents that show her address in morocco. Bank statements, phone bill etc. And travel insurance for the time se there. Also if it can be done, ask if her name can be add to a utility bill at her parents place.
Have a copy of the NOA2 and a print out of the processing times for USCIS. if she is questioned further, her main argument is that the process is taking so long she just wants to spend some time with her husband while you both wait for an approval.



Thank you B & G your answers are very helpful ,its good that it will have no effect on our CR1/IR1 but i`m still very afraid of getting denied,according to our timeline it will be until March or so just for our NOA2 so no NOA2 print,I have bank statements showing my address, i will have my return flight and our USCIS pending.


My visit to the US took 2 month, after 3 and half month of being back home i visited my husband again for 85 days ,and then the last visit at the POE they questioned me sending me to this room the officer was not very nice the least i can say but did let me go after 15 minutes,i have not been to the US 5 months now and until i plan to visit again its going to be 7 month ,should i still risk it?ClockWatch2.gif

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2013-12-23 08:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on visiting the US while I130 is processed

She has dual Moroccan/German citizenship.  Since she lives with her family in Morocco, we have to go through the Moroccan embassy.  Which is a pity, since I have a suspicion things would be a bit easier with us in Germany.

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2013-12-22 15:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on visiting the US while I130 is processed

Hi, because of the long (and lengthening) processing times, my wife and I are thinking about trying to have her come for a visit, so we at least have a little time together while USCIS gets its act together.  She is a citizen of a Visa Waiver Program country, and has been here to visit me several times before, before we submitted the I-130.  A couple of those times, she stayed over 80 days, but we were very careful to never exceed the 90 day limit (and then she would stay out of the country for at least 90 days before coming again).


We know the sort of documentation (proof of bank account, job, lease, etc) that helps, and will bring what we can.  Unfortunately, she lives with her family (thus does not have a lease of her own) and spends her time looking after her family (so doesn't have a job), so this may leave us on fairly thin ice.  Any suggestions on other evidence besides lease/job to convince the border agent she is really just visiting?  I think it's a bit ridiculous anyway - if we're already following the legal procedure, why would be jeopardize it by overstaying the 90 day VWP limit?  There really seems to be *way* too much paranoia in this whole process...  In any case, if we do try it, I will be going to pick her up and will accompany her through the border, which I hope may help.


Our other big concern is what happens if she is turned away?  Does she just have to pay the airline the fee to change her return flight, fly back and that's it?  Or will it cause actual problems with her I-130?  We've heard some suggestions that it may delay processing, but others that it doesn't.  Is this just scare-mongering on the part of those who want to force us to follow the procedure they prefer?  Or is there a real danger of having the I-130 delayed to an even more ridiculous degree?

Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2013-12-22 14:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPolice Certificate and I-130 mistakes (split topic)


The documents are sent to the NVC with the IV package and any additional evidence. Documents would be the police certificates, birth certificate, copies of passports, another letter explaining the difference in names, etc. Moroccan documents are considered valid for 3 months, to my knowledge and research on VJ.

I think waiting for an RFE is best, by sending a letter, they might pull your file and set at the back of the line. But ask in the thread referenced by the other poster to be sure.

Best of luck!


Thanks allot ! your reply was very helpful .



Jamie & IzzyMaleMorocco2014-02-16 02:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 visa rejected.. feeling awful :-(
I sent a letter to them today explaining the whole in details and request a second interview .i praying for answer .the thing I am here in Nairobi until Saturday.
sutherlandNot TellingUganda2013-08-20 06:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 visa rejected.. feeling awful :-(
Yes we meet last October when got engaged .but they don't care about we have phone log photo email from our relationship started .but when co ask my man when first meet he said 2009 . But at that time we just and nothing more. When my marriage end I call him and we talk almost everyday .during that time we fell in love . He told that but co told him she prove that meet in 2009. This crazy because we were not in relationship then . Our relationship started in 2011 he told that but. She not listen . She said that we were not telling the truth.
sutherlandNot TellingUganda2013-08-20 06:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 visa rejected.. feeling awful :-(
Sorry to hear that but I was also denied . They want email from 2009 which don't have . My problem I meet my man when I was vacation in Uganda 2009. When we meet it was just friend so we talk now and then as friends. We were. Both in a relationship and had no intention to be no more that friends. When my marriage was over I call him and talk about it . I cry and he told everything is going to ok . Then over the month we talk and was happy to talk to a kind person. My ten years marriage was over because I could no longer take my husband abuse. So you could think how happy was to find someone who was kind and loving to me. I final when to Uganda to get engaged and start this journey. It took me 10 tento reached here only to be deny . I have being crying I am so confused. Please help me
sutherlandNot TellingUganda2013-08-19 12:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI just can't stop crying
Thing will work out my friend went through the same thing . She went to the interview and now her husband become an American citizen yesterday . I believe that wil your story too true love always win out in the end . I say a prayer for you and good luck
sutherlandNot TellingUganda2013-07-26 15:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsClassification Sought
I got RFe because I did not send G325Aform and letter of intent
sutherlandNot TellingUganda2013-05-07 08:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny one married for over 5 years going through the migration process now?
Everything that prove your marriage. Please relax because when you are not then you can make mistake. Think about how you love family it always make easy for me. Plus you are telling the truth so please don't worried it will ok. Good to luck and your family.
sutherlandNot TellingUganda2013-05-11 15:33:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny one married for over 5 years going through the migration process now?
Everything that prove your marriage. Please relax because when you are not then you can make mistake. Think about how you love family it always make easy for me. Plus you are telling the truth so please don't worried it will ok. Good to luck and your family.
sutherlandNot TellingUganda2013-05-11 15:29:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSomeone to help this young couple

Get a job and stop soliciting people here. This is against the rules. You have to be absolutely crazy to stick your neck out for someone you don't even know. Immigration is a priviledge.


Even though you are correct, can you try to have a little compassion here?  I'm sure we can all find more diplomatic ways to send a message...

BilliousMaleIndonesia2013-05-15 16:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP! I just found I am in need of a Visa and we are stuck!

Um...the large of users on this board had to wait for their fiance or spouse while doing US immigration. Why do you consider yourself to be more special snowflake than any other people who are also waiting for their loved ones? I suggest you go home, apply for a CR1 visa for her, and wait for it, like everyone else. 


I guess I find this to be insensitive.  We all miss our significant others, and I don't think there's a single one of us who wouldn't snap our fingers in a second to bring them over if we could.  I didn't get that the O.P. thought he was deserving of different, more prioritized service than anyone else.  He's clearly someone who doesn't fully understand the system yet, and is here to get education and answers from a supportive community.  Let's try to be that community.

BilliousMaleIndonesia2013-05-19 21:57:00
Middle East and North AfricaCario Embasy....????? Who is in AP??

yes they took passport and paid DHL   if embassy didnt answer your inquiry send it again

medo63Not TellingEgypt2013-09-25 18:43:00
Middle East and North AfricaCario Embasy....????? Who is in AP??

it seem very slow :P and they dont want to give visa  to many egyptians specially men but women are lucky  :P

medo63Not TellingEgypt2013-09-24 12:10:00