Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

Well silverberry1331 your profile looks like you and husband our a happy couple...but your new to the game and I can say you dont know morocco too well, so relax maybe you get some get some pointers.Me being a researcher has nothing to do with the discussion. you read my profile and went the wrong direction, like the man who intended to head to the west, but was heading south.

You don't know anything about me aside from the tiny blurb here on VJ about my life. However, you spoke about being a researcher in your above post. I have no problem asking for 'pointers' when I need them. When I do, I tend not to ask from people who initiate a post then jibe at people's english because they are asked who they are. Although I believe your intentions are innocent and agree that it is an important topic, as a Moroccan expert you must be aware that some people don't have good intentions when it comes to asking sensitive questions about visa issues--thus people ask them to identify themselves.

Just saying...
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-12-08 15:04:00
Middle East and North AfricaSo what happens to couples who don't get the visa???

This dude? I hope your english improves before your immigration appointment.

If you are truly a researcher, particularly when researching sensitive subjects, then you are accustom to dealing with people who are suspicious of your intentions. Researchers bear the burden of proof to establish trust and legitimacy when posing their questions--not making snarky replies.
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-12-06 18:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaSecond Interview Approved
So very happy for you! :) This is great news! :dance:
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2012-01-25 21:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaThink Really Hard Before Marrying Someone from MENA

I assure I did not hear this from some guys that want to come to America...

You wrote being out of child bearing age and the man in his prime and this popped into my head

It is here in America that we set a child bearing age because of science and what we have learned from science

But if it's up to God...I feel more comfort in his corner.

And Again, I started the post with not to put personal religious preferences in this is a lovely story and what you wrote just triggered my memory.

Edit my spelling of fell to feel :blink:

I am not sure what you mean by in child-bearing age because of science. Would you mind clarifying? All that I am saying is that there are alot of women who are out there...past the age where they can have children. These young guys, come from cultures where they are marrying younger women (usually) and are pushed to have families. Having a much older wife is unusual-if this were acceptable then alot of these guys would marry older women from their own country. Instead alot of these guys are trolling the net, telling women I love you, and will see who will bite.

And, putting aside religious preference as requested...picking apart the story itself. The Prophet ran Khadija's they had daily interacts and had a very personal, long term relationship. He did not approach her for marriage. She approached him. He accepted. This is a far-cry from alot of these guys.

I do agree- it is a sweet story and it is endearing. I am just concerned because I hear this alot from people who have no right to use it (but I am not implying you here...I know what you mean...and didn't think ill of your intention on posting it). I am just so sad by the number of people who cling to the story to try to establish credibility in their relationship when there isn't any, and angry with these jerks who liken themselves to a holy man by making comparisons between themselves and the Prophet's situation.

Edited by Silverberry1331, 03 March 2012 - 10:01 PM.

Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2012-03-03 22:00:00
Middle East and North AfricaThink Really Hard Before Marrying Someone from MENA

Not to put any of my religious preferences on this thread
but the Profits Muhammd's PBUH first wife Khadija was just as you describe and they went on to make wonderful history :D

With all due respect...that is the Prophet of God, so let's leave him, Jesus, and Moses out of this. Those are holy men...and most of them weren't looking to immigrate.

I have heard that a thousand times, with the Khadija bit. I think it is a ploy that some men use. Some guys (not all) will say anything to get what they need, and some women will believe anything to convince themselves into believing the opposite of what is the obvious.

I will not say that all these May-Decembers fail (the Prophet-PBUH-is a fine example)...however, I would NOT put alot of these things (especially these facebook, dating website trollers) in the same league with the Prophet and his actions.

Edited by Silverberry1331, 03 March 2012 - 09:38 PM.

Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2012-03-03 21:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThink Really Hard Before Marrying Someone from MENA
First, Deb, I am so sorry for your pain. That is so unfair. I am praying for healing and restoration for you.

Second, I am about to say something that may potentially get me blasted, but I am going to say it anyway. If you as a woman are alot older than your MENA SO (especially if you are outside of childbearing age and he is in his prime), then it is probably a good indication something is wrong. Culturally speaking, MENA marriages are family focused. Alot of men want children. Much older women and much younger men are not the norm. Just be careful.
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2012-03-03 20:53:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

Have you read the Casa consulate reviews on vj? There's often a lot of info in those reviews about the questions asked. Another thing re: your case - he should be prepared to fully answer questions about your first marriage & divorce. I seem to remember that being highlighted in Casa on some cases. The when's, why's, of the marriage & divorce, etc.
Good luck!

Thank you for this information. Yes, we have been reading up. I will make sure that he will be fully prepared to answer questions about my divorce. He knows my ex-husband's name and some of the circumstance around our divorce but I will quiz him on details. Also, we will discuss how to phrase why we were married on our first visit. We know why we did it but we will discuss how he can articulate that properly without stumbling around or saying something vague like "we love each other."

[b]"One thing I was a little confused about: you mentioned that you didn't front-load your initial petition, but you did send a bunch of evidence later in the process, but before the interview? At what point in the process did you send the supplemental evidence? I'm just asking because I'm curious how you did it, not because your answer changes my guess that you have a solid chance!"[/b]

Don't know how to multi-quote :) Yes, I sent it in before the interview. I sent it when he filled out the Visa Application itself. So, we sent some stuff in with my original petition (I-130) then, realized we should have sent everything in, so when we paid the Visa Processing fee and sent in his application to the NVC, we front load a ton of stuff. Now, I sent him more stuff to take to the interview---I know that there is a chance they might not look at what is new to the interview but, I wanted to provide some new evidence to show a continuing relationship. Sorry that I was unclear.

Also, how is his English? You didn't list it as a potential red flag and you did say he chats with your dad, so I'm assuming it's good, but I'm just throwing that out there as something that I've seen be a positive or a negative in other people's cases, depending on the level of proficiency (or lack thereof).

Faisal's English is very good to excellent. That is not to say he is flawless but the mistakes that he makes are more funny than a hinderance to our communication. He speaks better than he spells. I also am learning Fus'ha which is the Modern Standard Arabic.. Although this is not the Moroccan dialect, it is enough for me to communicate with his family and he helps me with this (however, we don't converse in it unless it is for my practice). Overall, on a scale of 1-10 (ten being academic/professional english)...I would say he is about a 7.25

Thanks to everyone who has been chiming it. It is a big help. I am holding my breath for another three weeks. :whistle:
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-11-02 12:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread

I am jumping on this thread :)

I nearly forgot to mention my visits!....

Regarding my time spent in Morocco, I spent 3 weeks the first time when we were married and this summer, I went over there to live with him and his family from May til August. I sent evidence of this to the Consulate as well.

Edited by Silverberry1331, 01 November 2011 - 09:55 PM.

Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-11-01 21:54:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe hoping not to be denied at Casablanca thread
I am jumping on this thread :)

My husband's interview is out of Casablanca on 11/22/11. We are extremely excited (and I am so nervous). About us: I met Faisal online but it was through a mutual friend of ours. He was chatting online with our friend, Hicham (who is Faisal's brother's best friend), and we were introduced. It took many months to get the ball rolling. First, facebook friends with random posts...then facebook chats...then MSN chats...then chats everyday...then friendship developed into romantic feelings. I met Faisal in April 2010 and we married in January 2011 on my first visit. The wedding was a huge Moroccan affair (L) with lots of people, dresses, and food.

I am 34 and he is 31. He works as a guidance counselor and as a private tutor on the side, and I am getting my PhD in Sociology. I have met all his family and we get along very well (including my mother in law AND my grandmother in law). Faisal chats with my father on Skype and was kind enough to ask my parents for their permission before marrying me (even though he didn't have to).

I have been married before, no kids. Faisal has not been married before and hasn't traveled outside the country yet. We are different religions however, we agreed in advance that our children would be raised Muslim. I believe in the God of Abraham and the Abrahamic religions but I am more like a cultural Christian (meaning, I can't say I am a proper Christian since I do not believe it is the only route to God). Since he practices his religion more closely than I do, I didn't mind making this compromise at all. We agreed that the children would know that I am a different religion and that we would be celebrating the holidays but they don't have to participate in the religious ceremony. Faisal is interested to see what Christian mass is like and is looking forward to attending church with me if he gets his Visa in time for Christmas.

My I-130 petition contained alittle evidence but not so much because I wasn't on VJ yet and didn't know about front-loading. Thanks to the VJ community I knew to front load the visa application with tons of chat records, phone bills, photos, three personal testimonies from my parents and stepmother, and paperwork to show he is the beneficiary on my bank account. I sent more evidence over for his interview, including more photos, chats, phone bills, and mail that he has had come to the house.

Faisal is working on reviewing our application to be ready for any bizarro questions that could come his way but, he feels calm about the interview. He believes that our love and the truth will shine through the CO and that we sent in and prepared everything in advance as best as we could. I, on the other hand, am nervous :unsure: . I have seen what Casa has done to alot of couples on this board and although I don't know every situation in great detail, many of these relationships appear to be based on real love.

So, I know none of here are gods or fortune-tellers but do you think that based on some of what I said that I am right to worry? I don't have any red flags as I see them but, in the interest of being you think that any of the following could cause problems:
1) I am a different religion
2) I am older by three years
3) I was married before
4) We married on our first physical meeting

Sorry that this is long.... :blush: Just having a crisis that won't end until the interview is over. Thanks :star:

Edited by Silverberry1331, 01 November 2011 - 09:36 PM.

Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-11-01 21:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about when to send in evidence for IR-1/CR-1 visa (and a few other questions)(
Hi Everyone,

I have a few questions and I would appreciate some collective wisdom from the forum. We received our first NOA a few months ago. On July 17th we received another letter from the Department of Homeland Security stating that in 30 days we should hear something from them (if we didn't we were told we should contact them).

Question one: Is this letter normal to receive?

So in the meantime, thanks to some of the great tips we received on this site, we have been putting together our package for his Visa application and my AOS forms along with the backup. I am wondering at what time should we send in more proof of our relationship? When I sent the original petition, we sent the marriage license, notarized letters from his family members, and our facebook wedding album complete with posts from family and friends including mine. However, I have over 400 pages of chatlogs, dozens of phone bills and text bills, photo albums, passport stamps to show I lived with him this summer and visited him, beneficiary forms from the bank, signed letters from my parents, ect (even videos and voice mails--if that is applicable). Those were not sent in at the time...

Question two: Do we send that information in with his Visa Application or just bring it to the interview?

Question three: Do we send in everything we have? I ask because this would be a sizable package and I didn't know if this would help or just irritate them or slow the case down.

Some background for final question: Faisal and I have been married for eight months and have know each other for a year and four months. We were introduced via internet by a mutual friend. When I went to Morocco the first time, I went so we could marry. We are both around the same age, same level of education, and we are not the same religion. Our relationship (like everyone I have been reading about here on VJ) is a genuine one based on love and mutual respected qualities. Faisal seems to feel that if we cross all our T's and dot all our I's, provide them with what they need, and just be straightforward and honest that it will be obvious that we just want to live our married lives in the US (thus granting us the Visa). I, on the other hand, have seen some horror stories about people who had done everything right, have been married longer, clearly love their spouses, and even lived with their spouses in Morocco, and were denied as frauds.

Finally question(s): What makes people's cases get denied like this? Is there any rhyme or reason for it? Is it the luck of the draw? Or is there probably something more going on and my husband's cheerful optimism is more correct than my paranoia.

Thanks sorry for the long post. Ramadan Kareem to all...God Bless :)
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-08-14 23:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs this an NOA2?
I tried to look it up online using the WAC number but, it doesn't recognize the number. I will call--I leave for the states on Wednesday so I guess I will wait until I am stateside since it will be cheaper. So I am guessing from your response that this isn't a typical letter? Thank you so much
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-08-15 19:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs this an NOA2?
Hi again folks,

First, thanks so much for those of you who chimed in on my first post about evidence. It is so helpful.

Question about NOA's for I-130: I am currently in Morocco with my husband for the summer and my housesitter in the US call July 17th to tell me that I received a letter from the Department of Homeland Security about my petition. The notice said basically we would hear something from them in about 30 days and if we didn't to contact them. It had a receipt with the WAC number on it. That is about it. No other information was there about sending in items or seemed like a "head's up" letter. I did not receive a text message or email stating that it was a second NOA. Was this a NOA2 or something else? Have you ever heard of this? When should I contact them because we haven't heard anything else at this point (and tomorrow, it is officially 30 days)?

Thanks so much....Sorry if I sound alittle unhinged...I tend to be a little high-strung :) (but overall I'm harmless--LOL)

Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-08-15 19:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSending stuff to Morocco for the interview!
Thanks to both of you! Incredibly helpful! :thumbs:
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-16 11:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSending stuff to Morocco for the interview!
Hi gang!

Faisal has his interview in the second week of November. This week, I am sending out his package which will contain all his paperwork that I ever filed along with more evidence and stuff to establish our relationship.

I need some input from you please!

1) I am putting everything into a huge binder with tabs for easy location. I was thinking about making new evidence in a separate binder. Do you think this is too much to carry? Do you have a better suggestion for organization?

2) I am sending along as evidence the original photos we submitted with his visa application AND new ones. I thought I would put them in one album to make things easier (with new pictures in the front) and the other 100 photos in the back...then I thought, what if they look through those photos and say, "these are ones we have seen already." Should I not do this?

3) Finally, HOW on earth should I get this safely to morocco? Meaning, what is the best way to ensure delivery? My husband lives in Benslimane which isn't a small town, but it is no Casablanca either. I was thinking FedEx...It will cost me about 200 bucks---but I don't care about that. Is there another way we can go that is safer and faster?

4) Any other suggestions would be appreciated.

Thanks collective wisdom! Couldn't have made it this far so fast without each of you! (L)
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-16 10:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresintervieuw date

You have to bring a copy of all the documents that your wife sent NVC some in original form as well (your birth certificate, medical exam, police report, court report). Anything she sent NVC or USCIC you have to have in a binder filed by date to include NOA1, NOA2, Receipts showing payment of visa and all the other documents the NVC required. Make sure you understand the entire process of how the visa works even if your wife filed the petition for you. If NVC got you a interview date without proof of Affidavit of Support then yes you have to bring the originals to the interview. If you have a son then that helps establish the validity of the relationship just ensure you have all the document available to prove you have a child together.

As far as questions, be prepared to answer everything about your wife her childhood, friends, family, previous marriages (learn names and dates of previous marriages, where they happened), children from previous relationships (learn their names, hobbies, birthdates, if they have relationships), schools she attended, career questions(jobs and wages), bank account questions(how much is in the bank), mortgage questions(how much you all pay), hobbies, how you met, proof of chats, phone logs, pics with you and your family. Proof of meeting and staying with your family, if you had an engagement or wedding party pictures. If you can imagine it bring it, we had a notarized statement from his family that knew we shared finances even though we did not have bank accounts together. Tax returns from the previous 3 years.

Go to the embassy well dressed, be very confident in answering any questions as some of the interviewing officers are not nice and can be intimidating but that also depends on their mood. One officer with the facial hair was very nice the day my husband was there but then a friend of ours went 4 days after my husband and he was very unpleasant with him, he went so far as telling him he did not like their wedding pictures and their case got sent back to USCIS.

My husband had a very extensive interview, they gave him a 221g letter and kept his passport then told him they would call him back in 2 weeek. He did not get called back in 2 weeks, after a month and repeated attempts to contact the consulate we finally found out from Department of State that he was under Administrative Review locally at the embassy. Be prepared the consulate is known to go to the local community and interview family members and local neighborhood police. He was called back for a second extensive interview 61 days after the first and we were approved but they were very thorough in questioning and comparing his answers to the conversations we provided.

Good luck be very prepared and have a chronological order of everything that has happened to your case and understand each form.

If you have anymore questions we are here to support you.

Thank YOU for this answer! Beautifully written and clear! I am putting my husband's package together now to send over to them...I didn't know that I had to include the notice of action! Thank you!
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-16 10:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFacebook evidence and a pseudonym
Hi Guys,

My husband and I are both on facebook. We post alot to each other's wall. I printed out all the print screens from the "our friendship" page, which just shows our posts to each other. It has months and months and months of comments, pictures, ect...AND it shows what friends we have in common.

The problem? Well, he doesn't like having his real name out there on social networks. He doesn't trust them in that regard so, he has a pseudonym. It is a random, weird one which wouldn't even be a name really. For example, it is like "stability poision". The thing is...would that hurt the case or cause a problem at interview? If you read and just glance at the profile picture and stuff you KNOW it is us. Still, thought I would pose it to my favorite collective wisdom.

What do you think?

:help: Thanks!
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-19 22:30:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHOW TO GET DOCUMENT THAT STATES IM SINGLE????
I am not sure if this is the same thing but, when I went to Morocco I needed a certificate of marriage eligibility. I was able to obtain that from our Consulate in Morocco. It basically stated that I was single and was mentally competent. Hope this helps.
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-25 21:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFedex packages to Morocco-Pros and Cons

I always used USPS Express Mail. Never had a problem. I was through with FedEx when they wanted to charge me $200 to send a damn t-shirt.

Did you find that the postal service is just as reliable? I have received stuff from Morocco before but, never sent anything....just heard horror stories about missing packages. It will be good for me to know for future reference. :star:
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-25 19:37:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFedex packages to Morocco-Pros and Cons

Yikes, and I thought the $178 I paid was bad. But I probably didn't send as much as you did, as my fiance is taking care of a lot of it on his end, printing out chats, emails, photo album, etc. But I would have paid any amount I had to to make sure he got it. I don't trust the postal system at all in Morocco. He's never received anything I mailed to him.

Yes, the chat records alone can cost a small fortune. What you said about the post office there is so true. I suppose in life there are a few things you don't want to cheap out on: 1)garbage bags 2)toilet paper 3)sending packages overseas :rofl: (and in my humble opinion, it isn't just Morocco-I have had packages go missing to other countries I have sent stuff to. I think it passes too many hands and then the transfer of one system to another allows for things to get lost.)
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-25 09:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFedex packages to Morocco-Pros and Cons

For Casablanca, no amount of money is too much. They are tough and critical of just about everything as you know--I would have done exactly the same thing !!!

I completely agree...I would pay three times that for this man to get here (L)
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-24 21:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFedex packages to Morocco-Pros and Cons
Just sent Fai's package for the interview to Morocco via Fedex. I had been debating about how to send the package and had to weigh my pros and cons...I thought I would share it with you.

The package consists of a HUGE Binder and a photo there is paperwork and pictures only. It weighed 13.5 pounds. I had it packed by the FedEx Staff member in a Fedex box. I spent the $7.95 on this packing but felt it might help speed things up at customs since their packing tape states it was packed by FEDEX staff member.

1) they guarantee delivery by a certain date (unless there is ahold up in customs)
2) you deal with one company on both sides of the ocean (unlike the US postal service handing off something to the Moroccan postal service)
3) They will deliver it right to the door (including rural locations).
4) they have a great tracking system and easier avenues of recourse if the package is held up somewhere.

1) It was $400.00 to send this package :blink:
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-24 21:05:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresStill no interview!

yes I have been calling nvc, all they tell me is that they're waiting. Its ridiculous how when you think case is complete things will actually speed up but there's still a delay. Best of luck to all of you! we'll get through this :thumbs:

Hi! So sorry you are waiting. I was told by the NVC that interviews are made the second week of every month. I don't know if you knew this already but thought I would throw it in there. I hate waiting too... :bonk:
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-26 21:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Results
so very happy for you! Congrats! :thumbs:
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-24 23:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa Approved! :)
hooray! congrats! :dance:
Silverberry1331FemaleMorocco2011-10-18 23:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
Our status changed to approved at some point this evening. I have been checking obsessively so I know that it changed sometime between 8:30PM and 10:00PM!!

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-10-25 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
QUOTE (StillThePrettiest @ Aug 20 2007, 02:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I've already asked my fiancé to send me a scan of the NOA1 in case I can do the same thing laughing.gif

I think, just perhaps, we are verging on 'sad' wink.gif

I will be the first to admit how pathetic this is!! Hey, at least we are easily pleased. yes.gif
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-08-20 18:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
OK, sorry for posting twice in a row... When I look in the received field on the NOA1 hardcopy that bszoom mentions, the date is 6/08/07. But, when I look at the case status online, the first sentence is

"On June 15, 2007, we received this I129F PETITION FOR FIANCE(E), and mailed you a notice describing how we will process your case."

So is my NOA1 date still 6/08/07?

Thanks for your help.
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-08-20 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWaiting for a NOA2 from CSC for your I-129F?
oh wow - this changes my NOA1 date by 10 days!! the best news i've heard in weeks. good.gif
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-08-20 07:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
All these touches you guys are getting are a good sign... I smell lots of approvals cooking for this week.
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-10-29 19:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
Thanks for all the congrats from everyone - I hope everyone else's approvals come quickly. We got touched today, a day after the NOA2 date. I wonder if that's normal?
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-10-26 13:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
QUOTE (Jamie76 @ Oct 25 2007, 10:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (comanda @ Oct 25 2007, 10:10 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Our NOA2 was issued tonight according to the USCIS website. We were touched yesterday and then approved today.

Now get cracking USCIS... let's hope there are more approvals tonight!!

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

Good news comanda. good.gif I'm hoping we are soon as we filed around the same time you did. I wonder what time they send out those approvals.

I'm sure that yours will be coming any time now. I picture us as having come over in the same box from NSC... so yours should come soon!

Because I'm obsessive I know that they sent out our approval between 8:30pm and 10pm central time...
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-10-25 22:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
Our NOA2 was issued tonight according to the USCIS website. We were touched yesterday and then approved today.

Now get cracking USCIS... let's hope there are more approvals tonight!!

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-10-25 22:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
While not an approval, I've been touched today!! First time since June 20! I'm so excited....
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-10-24 21:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif dancin5hr.gif
Congrats to all new approvals!! You are one step closer in this seemingly neverending process!!!!
rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif rose.gif
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-10-17 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
Jamie - hopefully we are in the same box as we are all also from NSC! whistling.gif

Just wishful thinking...
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-10-16 21:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
QUOTE (Jamie76 @ Oct 16 2007, 08:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congratulations to Dave and Thao...our first true June filer. Filed June 1st. good.gif

It's starting!!! We are all getting so close... Dave_Thao -- Congratulations!! From reading your timeline, this is a long time coming for you two. Good luck with the next steps. This really gives me hope. 6/1 was a Friday, and I filed to NSC the following Monday 6/4.

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif

comandaFemaleEcuador2007-10-16 21:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers


congrats olgui - hopefully the rest of the process goes as smoothly for you! :dance:
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-08-03 23:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
I don't mean to be a whiner, but I think I had better stop looking at my K1 timeline on here - the estimated adjudication date keeps getting further and further away... It started out being mid-September, and now today it has jumped from Oct 14 to Oct 20. I know it doesn't really mean anything, but it's so depressing........!!!
comandaFemaleEcuador2007-07-25 18:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers

This is my first post here. I filed at the TSC on May 31. The green postal receipt card was stamped June 5. My check was cashed in mid-June sometime. No NOA1 has reached me, and the toll-free "customer disservice" line is totally useless and infuriating. Questions:

1. If there is a WAC number on the back of the check, how do I use it to search the status of my case?
2. WHY weren't people notified that applications sent to the TSC would go to the CSC?
3. What is the backlog at CSC? Why have I received no NOA1? When can I expect one?
4. What are some details regarding timelines for applications involving Ecuadorians?
5. Is there a REAL phone number at a REAL processing center where someone could help me?


Hi TBone - so you can go to the site and search for your case number using that WAC number on the check. It'll tell you the latest updates supposedly, but it's also kind of depressing to see that they haven't touched your file in forever!

As far as details on timelines for Ecuadorian fiances - it seems there really aren't a whole lot who peruse this site. You can hit the "immigration timeline" link at the top of the VisaJourney website, then under "visa display options" select "view K1 visas." Once you have that screen up you can select at the bottom of the page to show only timelines for beneficiaries from Ecuador. Then you can get an idea of how long people have been waiting recently, although it's not all that helpful because it seems some people never finish filling in their timelines. It seems to me that we should expect the process from start to finish to take at least 6 months ( :angry: ) You should also make sure to fill out your timeline - then it will give you an estimated adjudication date for your petition based on statistics from VisaJourney. This is a very rough estimate I think, and it changes as people add their information. For information on the interview process at the consulate in Guayaquil, you can look under reviews of embassies at the top of the page, however it is entered incorrectly as being in Quito.

We have very similar dates I think - I sent my petition in to the NSC on June 4, with my check being cashed mid-June as well. I'm excited to see another Ecuadorian June filer. Let me know if I can help you with any questions, though I'm not that knowledgeable - I have just looked around this website a ton.

comandaFemaleEcuador2007-07-20 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsI-129F June Filers
Congratulations - that's great! It must be something specific to petitions for Cuban fiances, as I have noticed others go through faster as well. But still, it is heartening to see the process moving along for you.

As for the rest of us... I have been following the progress of petitions filed to the NSC, and they have barely issued any NOA2's since the end of June. I'm wondering what the holdup is. Not that I expect mine any time soon - I would just like to see them moving forward with petitions that are in front of mine!



comandaFemaleEcuador2007-07-13 19:28:00