K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormal call for immigration reform...

I really fail to see why people think that just because something is status-quo and has been so for all eternity that this is the way things have to be in the future.

AMEN, BROTHER!!! :thumbs:

Sure, it makes sense that the task of running a government agency that deals with this sort of task would be complex and misunderstood.

The solution isn't very different from a set of project management tools that some of my friends and I are designing.

I've never seen the work flow in USCIS first hand, but, bear with me for a moment while I give an example of the framework I would establish if I were given the task of creating a work flow...

A petition is received in the mail room. It is opened, placed in a folder, and immediately passed to a processing room. In this room is a row of really snazzy copy machines (we have machines with this functionality in my corporation's office). These copy machines can take a stack of paper of any size, work through the stack unsupervised, digitizing the material. The machine then stores the data on a network drive with its own folder and metadata indicating that the status of the document is 'in between processing and adjucation'. The processing room gathers the documents and files them in a vault for safekeeping. A USCIS agent logs onto their computer, grabs the digitized petition in the cue, and opens it up. As they look over the documents they can highlight areas that are of concern. A list of requirements for the particular petition type can be checked and unchecked corresponding to whether the submitted petition meets the requirements. Areas of concern of the digitized document can be highlighted and notes can be typed in the highlighted space. The officer can do whatever work they deem necessary on that one window. On their desktop are groups of status folders such as 'waiting for RFE', 'waiting for background check', 'ready to go', etc. etc. When the officer has finished the session, they simply drag the document into the appropriate folder. At the end of the night a system wide, automated script scans all the documents in the system for changes. It notes that the document was taken from the cue and is being worked on by an officer. It notes that regions of the forms were highlighted and takes snapshots of those regions in question. It notes what is missing and what is present and what the current status of the petition was at the end of the night. It then updates the petitioner's account so that the petitioner can log in, see their digitized petition, see what is missing and what is present, exactly where in the process they are, etc. In the petitioner's information window there is a timeline showing them exactly what stage of the process they are in (mail room, processing room, officer, mail room, in the mail to NVC, NVC mail room, NVC officer, en route to consulate).

The digital media can be backed up. No more losing documents... you've always got the hard copies in the vault and the digital copies are available in the back up medium. As soon as a flag is raised for an RFE the petitioner can submit their document in a secure browser, which is then converted to the right format and added to the petition information. When the officer logs in the next day he or she is alerted that a petition has been updated with additional information and they continue their work.

This process would be simple to implement, from a technical perspective. And there are, increasingly, functional and free or very cheap Internet connections everywhere, including at libraries. And one could always submit forms via mail as a last resort and have them digitized at USCIS...

But do you see the potential in just this one area? There's so much less footwork involved. This is one instance where computers are not an evil to be avoided...

Exactly. BRAVO, my friend!! You and I are so on the same page! :thumbs:

Onyxrev, are you down with the thread that was started this evening about bombarding the media with our concerns? Let's jump on that bandwagon together and get ourselves a forum to discuss some of this stuff where true pressure can be applied to institute the kinds of changes that would make a difference. I'm so with you, my friend. Let's go for it... :yes: :yes: :yes: :yes:

Meauxna, as for your latest comments...While I understand and appreciate your stance, I simply can't agree. Systems can change...and they do when and where the human will is strong enough to change them. Passivity is not productive. Tolerance of the status quo would have kept us from getting to the moon, from exploring the uncharted oceans, from finding cures for all kinds of diseases that used to kill, and a thousand other amazing and once unbelievable things. Had the intrepid individuals who made those advances had instead simply sat back, kicked their feet up, and said, "Better accept it. We can't do that. Nope, it's always going to be exactly the way it is now. Best not to dream of anything too grandiose. That's just wasted energy and foolishness." --well, I'll drop my thought there since I'm guessing you see my point.

Me, I'm a visionary. Always have been. And I'm not ashamed to admit it. I believe things can be better. And I want to be a torch-bearer for positive change. If you want to stand on the sidelines, that is indeed your choice. But I hope you'll at least be cheering forward those of us who see things differently...those of us with a will to bring about a better day.
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-30 23:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormal call for immigration reform...

Lots of good thoughts here kirsten... CSC is lucky it wasn't you calling their customer service line today! :lol: :lol: :lol: :huh:

:whistle: :whistle: :whistle:

:D :lol: :D

Damn straight!!

Thanks, ready4ONE!
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-30 07:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormal call for immigration reform...
Thanks again for the information, meauxna. I am definitely mulling things over... :)

Now, on to what's been on my mind the last day or two...

I’ve followed this thread all the way through and contributed a bit. Now I’m ready to say my own full piece. Though I haven’t yet been waiting long, I sure don’t like the likelihood that this process will likely take much longer for me and many others than it should. I don’t ask anyone to agree with my thoughts and assessment or suggestions, but I do think I've been logical and more than fair.

I’ve heard some of you argue that USCIS and its service centers are understaffed. I’ve heard others say that we have no real grounds to complain since wait times have been clearly declared. I’ve read still others of you saying that those of us voicing unhappiness with the current situation and lack of information are spoiled by the speed of the information age. Frankly, none of these statements holds water. I’m not a hot head. I’m not unreasonable. But I do believe strongly in accountability. The people of the USCIS work for the people of this land, as does any federal office, department, or body. As employers, we are entitled—not privileged—to any or all information that concerns us or current operations. We are also entitled to timely execution of work. We are the dog. USCIS is the tail. It is time that the tail stopped wagging the dog.

Anyone who has ever read Ayn Rand is familiar with a thread that runs through much of her work: Tolerate mediocrity, and you should learn to expect it. It is clear to me from the way many of you write that you have indeed become accustomed to mediocrity and are complacent in the face of it. You don’t like it, but you don’t really see that anything can be done about it. Well, here’s another important truth: People will only rise to the level to which they’re challenged. USCIS must be challenged to do better, and we are the only ones who can pose that challenge. Is the USCIS understaffed? Probably. Are their resources stretched? Almost certainly. Whose aren’t, I ask you? I work in a highly successful, privately held company of 900 employees. Nearly all of my colleagues and myself are overworked and underpaid. The execs are currently navigating a recapitalization of funds so that individuals who invested in the company in its infancy can now receive a return on their investment. New investors need to be found. There’s a high need to be fiscally conservative and responsible. Our job descriptions and lists of things to do get longer and longer while our pay stays the same or increases by negligible amounts. Still, we are expected to produce quality results on deadline—and we find ways to do it. There is little or no difference between the public and private sectors in this regard. Therefore, while I have for USCIS administrators and workers a degree of empathy born of understanding, I have no tears to spare for them. They face nothing that is not expected of me, too.

I'm not blind or stupid. Much of what is going on at USCIS, and at the CSC in particular, is no longer explainable by anything but poor strategic planning and management, something for which none of us should have ANY tolerance. For example, whoever it was that recently said the workload was divided evenly—east and west—between the VSC and the CSC is very much mistaken. Do the math. Vermont is processing thirteen states, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands. California, meanwhile, is currently absorbing petitions from the remaining THIRTY-SEVEN states, plus Guam. That either Texas or Nebraska’s petitions have not been sent to Vermont to even things up is perhaps one of the greatest travesties of administrative mismanagement imaginable. The current differential in both processing times and percentage of approvals says it all. This issue ALONE is enough reason to demand an explanation.

For those of you who want to believe that IMBRA alone has caused the problem (and I’ve read such posts), nuts to that! I don’t buy that malarkey for a second--though I know the March debacle made things much, much worse. The truth is that USCIS has had admitted backlog problems for some time now or President Bush and the former USCIS director wouldn’t have advanced the 2001 “Backlog Elimination Plan.” Fat lot of good it’s done.

Spoiled by the speed of the information age? My sweet patoot! The speed of the information age is a reality. The USCIS is lollygagging in the dark ages. I work for an IT company. An extremely cost-effective system could indeed be devised whereby petition filers and their beneficiaries could have access to much more data than USCIS presently makes available. And if we did have that data at our fingertips, most of us wouldn’t need to call and bother our governmental employees. Programs to run and update weekly statistics and progress are standard for most businesses. My guess is that USCIS already regularly runs the very statistical reports we’d like to see on an internal basis. Sending out a brief explanatory message to explain daily or weekly delays is also a breeze. I send out company-wide updates all the time at my place of work. Where there’s a will, there’s a way. Necessity is the mother of invention. If USCIS administration won’t move in more ingenious and productive directions of their own volition, if they’re going to brush us off and move dates backwards to shut us up, if they’re going to insist on keeping us in the dark, then, frankly, they deserve every bit of pressure we can muster to corral them into greater informational accountability and efficiency.

The suggestion raised about filing online is feasible...very feasible. The company for which I work uses a system called VurvExpress to input applicant information. Anyone interested in working for us MUST initially apply online. Applicants express interest in a particular job, enter their personal information, and upload their resumes—all electronically. Then we update their personal file with information concerning their interview process...first interview, technical testing, second interview, job offer, disqualification, etc. Applicants get a password with which they can update their contact information and resume, as well as view their current status in the hiring process. This is basically the type of system to which USCIS needs to upgrade. They could then tell people more specifically: “initial screening,” “security check,” “verifying employment history,”etc. Certain examiner’s case notes could be made viewable while others could remain necessarily confidential. Photographs and other types of supplemental documents would still need to be sent by mail in order to verify authenticity, obviously. But once received and examined, many of those documents could subsequently be quickly and easily scanned or PDF’d and attached to the online case file. Again, I do this all the time with interview notes, test results, etc. It would make information storage and transfer far more quick and efficient and go a long way toward offering filers more access to their case status.

These ideas are just a beginning. There’s much, much more that could be done to save money in the long run, provide greater accountability, disseminate information more effectively, and streamline the entire visa process without compromising either quality or national security. Yes, reform is definitely in order. And I for one intend to push for it. The squeaky wheel gets the grease. We all want our government to work for us? Well then, we’re going to have to insist, put in some effort. Employers have always had ultimate responsibility for company output. Let’s form a board of directors and start influencing and steering policy like we should. Not willing to put in the effort? Stop whining.

That’s my two cents worth. Thanks for reading.
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-30 00:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormal call for immigration reform...

DCF = Direct Consular Filing.
In a nutshell, you go to France, get married, file petition I-130, new spouse applies for Immigrant Visa, return to US within 30 or so days and immigrant visa becomes permanent resident status at entry (aka a 'green card').

It's not available to non-resident USCs (normally they must live overseas to qualify) but in the few places that it *is* available, it's sort of, well, wonderful. My husband went petition-->visa in 33 days (Athens2002).
You can read the Guide for a better (well, longer) explanation:

France *is* one of the countries, and there are a few couples posting their story in the DCF Forum currently.

Interesting. Had no idea it made a difference timewise whether one filed at the embassy or not. The difficulty now is that I've got rent and tuition to pay, a full-time job, and not a lot of spare income if I take off for a month or two. I do have a chunk of data I still have to gather for my dissertation, and my employer has agreed to let me take time off for that early next year--if I can scrape the money together to return to Paris. I guess if worse comes to worse, Laurent and I could get married then. But at that point, we may already have an NOA2...Who knows. I wish it was possible to know. I wish the timing on everything had been different...When we decided to get married, when I got a job, when I have to pay tuition again...Man, I wish I were independently wealthy...I wish, I wish, I wish...

Thanks for the information, in any event. I truly appreciate it and will mull it over to see if I can actually find a way to use it. :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-29 22:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormal call for immigration reform...

Say, I've meant to ask you---did anyone tell you about DCF? It looks on the face of it like it would be an option for you.

Department of Children and Families? Can you clarify?
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-29 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFormal call for immigration reform...

This recent USCIS memo just came to my attention; it explains the new format for posted processing dates.
I'm afraid it will be LESS detail than some of you are asking for. It appears to be actually less than what they are providing now.

Old news, I'm sorry to say. I read that letter several days ago. It is complete CYA-speak (i.e. it says something in order to say nothing). It's only purpose was to cut down on the number of inquiries and phone calls USCIS--in particularly the CSC--has been getting and thereby shut as many of us up as possible for as long as possible. What a surprise.
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-29 18:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIt's Happened
Congratulations! Best of luck on the next leg of the journey.

:) :) :) :) :)
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-31 18:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC...............still!!!!!!!!!
Congratulations! Best of luck with the next steps ahead.

:dance: :D :dance: :D :dance:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-31 18:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC inquiry response to my senator's office
Yeah, it's time to hit these suckers with both barrels...I wonder if they can feel me coming...Is the hair on the back of their necks standing up yet...? It oughta be...It damned well oughta be. The response you got is complete f%$*ing s#@t. I apologize for that outburst. I'm a decent Christian woman, but this sort of ####### just pisses me off. I have no patience for it.

:ranting: :protest: :ranting: :protest: :ranting: :protest:

Edited by Kirsten L, 30 August 2006 - 10:57 PM.

Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-30 22:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresfinally
WOOHOOO!! Nothin' like wakin' up and seeing that a fellow CSCer has had good news!! CONGRATULATIONS!!!

:dance: :D :dance: :D :dance:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-09-01 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1! Yay, in the system! Way before expected.
Congrats, and now that you have the real thing in hand, a big, official welcome to the virtual waiting room. :D

Savor this moment as long as you can. May you ride it for days and days and days!!! :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-28 22:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinally - NOA2!!!
Major congratulations are in order! Wonderful news!! Celebrate this moment.

:D :dance: :D :dance: :D
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-09-01 18:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCriminal History for Petitioners
Thanks so much for your reply. I just saw updated forms that appeared on the USCIS website in the last few days, too. They indicate precisely what you've told me. Wasn't at all clear to be before. And I did indeed redo the form, so the feds will get the most updated version of the I-129F. Wonderful! I should be good to go at this point. :-)

I had my picture taken yesterday. Just need to duplicate my packet one more time so I've got a copy each for myself and my fiancé. The one for USCIS should go out in the mail this afternoon or tomorrow morning at the latest. I'll start my timeline once the darn thing is actually out of my hands and with the USPS! WooHooo!!!
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-07-31 07:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCriminal History for Petitioners
Hello there! I'm new here. I've now got pretty much all my documents gathered to submit my K-1 petition to the NSC, but wanted to verify something with people here who might have better information than me. I know that my fiancé will have to submit police reports from each city he's lived in since he was 16. Recently, though, I saw something that suggested that petitioners (or at least some petitioners) now have to submit a police report or criminal history, as well. Is this true? And if so, what exactly do they need. I have no criminal history--fine upstanding citizen Kirsten, at your service! :) But if they really do need this kind of documentation, what do I need to provide?

I'd be so relieved NOT to have to deal with this because it's more delay in getting this packet sent off and moving this process forward finally. But I also don't want to send my packet off without a required document and risk an RFE. Anyone know anything...?

Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-07-29 00:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho's actually processing my K-1 Petition?
Awesome, Ecalos! Then we are three filing buddies united. :D And yes, your grammar was just fine! I oughta know...I just started my own editing and proofreading business! Incidentally, please ignore any and all typos I make here. LOL! I'm always typing too fast!
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho's actually processing my K-1 Petition?
Nice to meet you both! Thanks so much for your kind words, KarenCee...and I always love a good laugh, Erik. This place is already making my life better!
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho's actually processing my K-1 Petition?
Sounds like a great idea, ready4ONE! I'm delighted to have a filing buddy!

I'm gonna update my signature with a couple more details, as you've done. :)

Have a great day!
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho's actually processing my K-1 Petition?

Just realized I had been misreading, and hence mis-typing, your moniker. I apologize! I'll get it right from here on out!
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-04 23:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho's actually processing my K-1 Petition?
Thanks so much for the fuller explanation of the IMBRA thing, Kitka. Man...what HELL! I'm so sorry, Seattle and others who've been through this, for the emotional and psycyological yanking around you've experienced. HORRIBLE! Interestingly, I had been working on my packet for about six weeks--and was dealing with the old version of the I-129F. Literally three days before I was ready to send, I noticed the new version of the form was up when I went to reprint due to some typos. Phshew! Hopefully that's one RFE I won't get, anyway!

I hear ya', Seattle. Laurent actually speaks excellent English; but when he feels helpless, he gets frustrated very easily. I've already had trouble getting him to understand the need to send any personal correspondence. His misgivings about the need to expose any of our personal life at all to the US government, however benign the content of the submitted documents, had him pretty on edge for a while. He's finally sailing along pretty smoothly again, so for now I'm not even telling him how long this process is expected to take. He'll freak, and I'll start hearing about how we should just elope and live on a boat in Greece, again. Ai ai ai!!! Not practical for EITHER of us, considering our respective goals! He's a dreamer, that boy o' mine...

Ooo! I love this reminiscing thing, though! Thanks for filling me in, Seattle. And thanks for throwing your two cents worth in, too, about your stay in Paris, Kitka. I love all the neighborhoods you two mentioned. Me, I was in Paris for just over two years doing dissertation research. For most of that time, I had a room in a large apartment in the 16th. The building was on the Seine and just across the street from Maison de Radio France, literally two steps from Pont de Grenelle. Out the window, there was a stunning, massive view of the Eiffel Tower with Sacre Coeur in the distance. Laurent lives in the 18th, just off Avenue Saint-Ouen. Naturally, I spent a lot of time up there, too.

Yeah, calling all Francophiles...Good idea...YooHooooooo...
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-04 22:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho's actually processing my K-1 Petition?
Thanks for the welcome William33 and thanks for the empathy Sleepless. You certainly have mine, as well. What part of Paris were you living in?

The IMBRA thing...Everyone keeps talking about it, and I understand a little bit about what happened, but can someone explain that fiasco better and why it affected even people who--it seems to me--it shouldn't have?

Where in Paris were you staying, Sleepless? I'm curious. I feel like reminiscing...Sigh...
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-04 20:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho's actually processing my K-1 Petition?
Man alive! Makes me glad I sent that puppy certified mail. At least by checking the USPS tracking number online, I know the petition was received yesterday at 5am! Okeedokee, then. Guess I'll just settle back and wait for my California-sent NOA1 so I can say my packet is sitting in a "To Review" pile somewhere.

Time to get myself an avatar. I'm going to be hanging out here a lot...I have a feeling the psychological support is going to come in very handy as the days drag by...

I left Paris at the end of January. Laurent and I have already been apart for a full six months...ARGHHH!!! We're both hatin' it...Thank God for Vonage and free calls to France!
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-04 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho's actually processing my K-1 Petition?
Thanks so much for explaining, everyone. I guess I'll just keep an eye on the timelines here, then, and keep my fingers crossed. I read in another thread that the CSC is now processing petitions from July 10th. Is that sounding about right...?

Man, I'm so glad to have found this community!! :)
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-04 19:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWho's actually processing my K-1 Petition?
OK, I am slightly confused now. I sent my K-1 petition off to the Nebraska Service Center (NSC) like a good little girl the other day--to exactly the P.O. Box they required. But now I'm reading all this stuff that says that the K-1s sent to the NSC are actually processed by the California Service Center (CSC)???!!! Is that ALL of Nebraska's K-1s or just the ones concerning certain countries--or what? Can this really be true? If it is, why didn't they just tell me to send my petition to the CSC to begin with, for Pete's sake? All this paper juggling makes me nervous...Too many opportunities for screw-ups! And from what I see, the CSC has the highest turn-around times...UGH!!!! Not encouraging...

I was feeling so happy that I finally got the dang thing in the mail on Tuesday...until now. Anyone have any insight on this issue...why the CSC would be processing stuff for other regions? I'm really curious...

Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-04 18:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPassport Style Photo
I think you may need to have it redone. It sounds to me like you she had a 3/4 profile done...The requirement of USCIS is now full frontal. No profile. I had Laurent redo his when we discovered this demand had changed. I'm with the others who say don't risk and RFE. Just have her redo it as quickly as possible.
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!!!....with THREE approval emails!!!!!!!!!!!!
Fantastic news! Congratulations! Glad to see the timing of everything is working out so well for you. I figure three confirmation emails is God's way of making a point! :D
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 15:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC Approval
Erik! Just now saw this. Can't believe it took me so long to notice it.

Congratulations! May the next steps go smoothly for you both.
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-06 13:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Signatures

Alrighty then... expecting my first RFE... :crying: :crying: :crying: :crying:

I did not catch that there were 4 pages, all identical except for where they would eventually go with the G-325A... So... :crying: :crying: :crying:

We each did one while I was in Sharjah... :angry: Why, pray tell, isn't there a single ORIGINAL submitted G-325A which goes with your I-129f packet, and is copied AT THE SERVICE CENTER AND THEN SENT TO THE VARIOUS OTHER AGENCIES????


I hear ya', my friend. But hang in there. We're all in this together. Based on what I just read, I'm now expecting to see an RFE, too...I should have known that Laurent's desire to be creative with his signature would catch up with us on this little bureaucratic journey...ARGH! :(

Edited by Kirsten L, 06 August 2006 - 12:59 AM.

Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-06 00:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A Signatures

Just a note of advice.
When you sign your signature ensure you sign with your full name.
Do not use any abbreviation or else you can get an RFE for your signature.
Good luck :thumbs:

:unsure: #######. Has anyone gotten through with no RFE with an abbreviated signature? My fiance always signs with just his first letter and last name, and we didn't think twice about it, but reading this makes me worried. Dunno if I should send him copies again and have his proper signature on it, or risk getting an RFE. :(

Yah...UH OH! My fiancé always just signs with his last name. I didn't think twice about it either. Just looked, saw he'd signed, and put it in the packet. Dang...That makes me very nervous...
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-06 00:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with my unique situation

I don't understand what you mean by non civil. Does that mean you will just have the ceremony for family but not actually sign any legal papers? If that is the case then yes you can file for K1 and then marry in the US in the June timeframe if your timeline goes on plan. You can not be married in Mexico legally and then file for K1 since that is a fiance visa with the intention of you marrying in the US.

Again, exactly what I was thinking. Yup, watch your step, mfarmer2!
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 15:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with my unique situation

Because I was told that it could take up to 6 months to get the K3 visa from the date of marriage. Hopefully, we will get the K1 visa around the same time we get married in Mexico (non-civil) and then be able to enter the US anytime that is feasible for us (i.e. after the honeymoon).

If you are married in Mexico, you need to file for a K3. A K1 is to bring your foreign fiance to the US to marry in the US.

This is exactly my point from before. I don't think what you're planning is actually quite legal, mfarmer2. You'll need to be really careful with your choices because if you accidentally botch this, it could mean denials down the road for the two of you. You definitely don't want that!!!
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 15:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHelp with my unique situation
Hmmm...Well, maybe I'm a little confused, but I'm not sure why you'd be filing a K-1 visa. It seems to me that if you're already going to be married at the time she enters the country, you actually need to file a K-3. Is there some reason you're filing a K-1 instead?
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 14:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAug 12 Approval from CSC. . . with a trick that worked!!
Fantastic! May the rest of us be where you are soon...

Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-14 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1 recieved!!! Woohoo!
Me, too! Me, too! Doesn't it feel great?! Congratulations, my friend. Nice to know another person who'll be going through this at the same time! :)
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-14 20:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved! Aug 12th!
AWESOME!!! Enjoy this moment and celebrate being one step closer...or several, if you prefer! May the rest of the path be smooth for you both... :)
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-14 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a erasure

hello, just wanna ask... i made a little mistake on my g-325a 3rd page, and it's already with my fiance in the US, is it ok for my fiance to use like a liquid erasure to correct it? anyone did erase with liquid

Never, never, never use liquid paper on originals to be used for official purposes!!! Start over. It will take you a few minutes, but it's the right thing to do. On many original documents, liquid paper is legal grounds for nullification. Don't take that chance. Sorry to be te bearer of bad tidings, but I suspect you'd rather take an hour now than ten days or more later...
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-15 06:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 APPROVAL AUG. 14th!!!!!
Wow! There is lots of good news today! Glad you two are a part of it! Congratulations!!!!! :dance:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-14 22:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresApproved -email 8-10-06 Mail 8-14-06 Hooray NOA2
The news here just gets better and better today! Best wishes for the next steps. We'll all be here to help you figure it out if you need us, I'm sure. For now, just take a moment to celebrate. :)
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-14 22:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes!!!!! Thank GOd, we are APPROVED!!!!!
WooHoooo! Congratulations! That's a good day, huh?! :D
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-14 19:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMY CHECK WAS CASHED TODAY TOO!!!!!!!
Congratulations! I'll be keeping an eye on your timeline since my petition was received at the CSC the same day as yours. Feels good to be on the road, doesn't it?
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-16 00:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsSeptember 2009 Filers! CSC
QUOTE (Noradam @ Dec 23 2009, 01:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We got approved today. So CSC is still working on files!

We are so happy and it's the perfect Christmas present.

For all the people who haven't got touched or approved yet: your time will come and we are all here to support you guys!! Just be patient, because I am sure that we will see almost everyone of the September filers approved by the first 2 weeks of January. Try to celebrate Christmas with your families and/ or friends.

Nora & Adam


Hope they keep approving some more today before the holiday starts.

I feel like even after approval it just transferred from one wait to another wait, but at least there's a step or progress. Now it looks like my process may be delayed by a clerical error from the UAE on my fiancee's police clearance, and we may have to hold off scheduling our appointment even after we're eligible to do so. So, even though we're approved before you, you may get your interview and visa before us...

It will happen guys keep hanging in there, we're here cheering for you! We're all in this together.

DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2009-12-23 10:23:00