K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresinterview successful

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-03 08:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAnother NOA2 approved today!

Celebrate wildly!!

:dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance:

Best wishes for the steps yet ahead!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-03 08:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 - what now?

Make sure you do something to celebrate today, my friend!!

:dance: :jest: :dance: :jest: :dance:

May the next steps be much quicker than this one was!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-03 08:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThis case has been approved

Celebrate the day!! This is big news!!

:dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance:

Best wishes for the road ahead. May it be quickly traveled!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-03 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2

Hope you and Rob are celebrating like there's no tomorrow (which, of course, there now will be)!!!

:jest: :dance: :energetic: :goofy: :star: :joy:

All will be well now. I feel sure that the road ahead will be trouble-free!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-03 08:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOVED!!!!!!

Make sure to mark the occasion! It's definitely a big moment!!

:dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance:

May the road ahead be quickly traveled!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-03 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 with Waiver Approved - Finally
Man ALIVE!!! It's a whole SLEW of CSC Marchers that got approved today. This is cause for a major celebratory bash!!!!

Congratulations to you and you and Lilia, Rob. You must both be thrilled to pieces!! May the next steps on your journey be much, MUCH quicker and a whole lot smoother.

:dance: :thumbs: :D :thumbs: :dance:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-09-01 23:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgot "the email" from chris

Celebrate wildly!! This moment will never come again. Mark it in the most special way you can!!

:dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance:

May the road ahead be kind and trouble-free for you both!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-08 23:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWoot!!!

Since you're in the middle of the Gulf of Mexico, I bet your happiness is enabling you to dance on top of the waves!! Find some way to celebrate out there, will ya'?!

:dance: :dance: :D :dance: :dance:

Best wishes for the road ahead. May it be smooth as silk...

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-08 23:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOH MY GODS!!!!!!!! NOA2!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So glad to hear that you are finally on to the next step! Bet you are tickled positively pink!! Are you celebrating...? I hope so!!

:dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance:

Best wishes for the stretch of road ahead. May it be straight and level for you both.!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-08 23:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPRVED AFTER 10 MONTHS!

Glad to hear that someone out there is awake and answering cries for help! Hope the good news is allowing you to float on air! Make sure to celebrate this moment and savor every moment of it...

:dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance:

May the next steps go far more quickly than this one has!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-08 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 November 2nd

Praise the Lord, indeed! Hope you're walking on clouds of joy!!

:star: :dance: :star: :dance: :star:

May the road ahead be smooth and level for you!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-03 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCSC/NSC/TSC Timelines are now posted
Thank you, thank you, Gary. It is indeed wonderful to have this resource. I will be using the documents you've created in what I hope will be some really worthwile ways. I have to bide my time for the moment, but what you have already given us is very, VERY helpful!! :D :D
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-10-22 08:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPROVED!

Make sure to mark this moment is some special way. It's such an important one. You've cleared a big hurdle!

:dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance:

Best wishes for the steps ahead. May they be quicker than you can imagine!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-10 08:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYeah - Finally

Celebrate and mark the day!!

:dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance:

All best wishes for the steps ahead!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-03 08:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHURAYYYYYYYY I GOT APPROVED WITH NOA2

Dance! Sing! Celebrate! Mark the occasion!!

:dance: :star: :dance: :star: :dance:

Best wishes for the stretch of road ahead. May it be quickly traveled!!

:thumbs: :thumbs:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-11-03 08:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies

I was very careful to leave nothing blank on the I-129F form, answering N/A and None everywhere!

But the A# issue is from the G-325A form, and the language there said: "Be sure to put your name and alien registration number in this box"

Me, I am not an alien. Didn't know what to put for J so I looked it up. It is something which later on gets assigned to her.

I internally debated N/A or None and figured there was just as good a chance it would get rejected as an improper A# by some cranky beaurocrat as if left blank... They give it to the alien fiance, so stands to reason they would know she/he does not have one yet... Hope it doesn't mess me up! :whistle:

Well, remember that the G-325A is a general form that is used as an attachment to many other forms. So not all the questions are going to actually pertain to a particular person filling it out. I agree that with some of these fields, it is just as well to leave them blank. I debated about a couple on the G-325A, as I did with a couple on the I-129F. In the end, I only filled in "None" or "N/A" where I was pretty sure it would cause less rather than more confusion. I probably should have put in a couple of more "nones" or "n/a's" than I did. But you know, I figured if they looked at the I-129F, for example, and saw that all of Question 12 was blank, it would be a dead giveaway that Laurent is not currently in the U.S. That seemed right to me. In fact, it didn't even occur to me to write anything there. Same with the question about whether or not I'm serving in the armed forces...It felt more correct to just leave that one entirely void. I don't know. I guess we'll all see how good our judgment and guesswork is. We can report on it when we find out. :D

Edited by Kirsten L, 05 August 2006 - 03:04 PM.

Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 15:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies

Hmm, okay. So "if your fiance is currently in the US, complete the following" I'll put N/A because he's not in the US now, so that doesn't apply. "If your fiance's native alphabet uses other than Roman letters, write his or her name and adress abroad in the native alphabet" would be N/A because his alphabet uses Roman letters, so that doesn't apply. Right?

Actually, I didn't even mess with those two little subsections, particularly the one on "in another alphabet." Those two I actually did leave blank. You could technically write "n/a" in the blank that concerns entry into the U.S. and just leave the other sub-questions alone. However, on the name one, I figured that writing "none" in there would actually just create confusion. I wouldn't put anything under the name-in-another-language blank, if I were you. I think it would be courting disaster.
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
Exactly, Angilla. Idiot-proof EVERYTHING where the federal government is concerned.

The guideline I used for determining whether to write "none" or "n/a" was:

If the question is asking me if I actually have something, and I don't, the answer is "none." (e.g. A#, husband, former husband, etc.)

If the question is asking me to provide details of the thing I don't have, the answer is "n/a." (e.g. addresses of spouses or former spouses, divorce dates, etc.)
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 14:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
Yeah, I'm with Angilla, though. I put "None" or "N/A" (whichever was most appropriate) in most blanks that I didn't actually need to fill. I didn't want those white spaces coming back to haunt me! :no:
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 14:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies

Other than this one issue, their community is amazing. It's not really a fault of the community itself, any more than it's a fault of Catholicism or Christianity itself... it's human error. Even though they wear a habit they're still human beings with much to learn. Those who are open to learning will and they'll grow, the others, well, won't.

Absolutely right, Angilla. Well said. :)

I'm fairly familiar with Catholicism and understand sisterhoods and brotherhoods. I know that there are some breakaway groups and wondered where your and SC's community fit. Thanks for filling me in!

His family has told him, on numerous occasions, that he's basically worthless without a college degree, that he needs one ASAP, and that he needs to get it in France. I've been telling him the opposite. You're not worthless no matter what, you need to get your college degree when you're ready, and you can get it wherever the heck you want!

Oh boy...SC's parents sound like real downers. Guess they need our prayers, too. Not born encouragers or flexible thinkers, are they? So sorry. Laurent doesn't have a formal degree either. Long story. He finished lycée but left home pretty early to play in punk and rock bands. Now he composes electronically-aided music. Certainly doesn't mean he's stupid or worthless, though. He's one of the smartest men I know and a brilliant conversationalist, to boot! You're right to support SC in the way that you are. The things you've said to him are right on target!

LOL! So you and SC have problems with the patience thing, too! That's hilarious. I'm mostly doing better on that score in the last year or two. Another long story. I still have my moments, but I'm definitely the grounded one in the relationship. I have my own failings, though, believe me! And yes, it is a lifetime process. Truer words have rarely been spoken! :D

A PM is on its way to you later today...

Edited by Kirsten L, 05 August 2006 - 01:12 PM.

Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 13:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
Oh, Angilla! I'm sooooo sorry to hear about what's happened with the religious community...How awful! What kills me is that people who claim to be representatives of Christ can behave in what is such a completely un-Christ-like manner--and not SEE that they are! YUCK! I'm so sorry! Paul's right. Sinning to increase God's glory is a travesty. But whatever happened to the idea of FREEDOM in Christ? The ability to work out your own salvation? Unbelievable. I'll be praying for you both as you continue to deal with all of this. How nightmarish!

So can you tell me more about this religious community? Did you mention somewhere that it was Catholic? Is it a community recognized by the Catholic Church or is it a breakaway group? I'm really curious. Sounds like you both have a really strong faith.

I'll try to PM you later today. Seems like we should be talking more! I think we could be of great encouragement to one another.

You asked about Laurent's age. He's 38...a year younger than me. :) Fortunately, none of Laurent's friends or family are opposed to our relationship. In fact, his mom and dad regularly express to me how much they love and miss me. They're down in Angoulême, actually, but we've spent time with them, and I talk with them on the phone fairly regularly. The difficulty for Laurent has been the intrusiveness and slowness of the process. Like I said, he has many AMAZING qualities, but patience in the face of things he doesn't want to deal with is not his strong point. God's working on that, too, though. :D

As for the educational system. I get the impression that France's primary and secondary systems are far more rigourous than ours. But I think we have it all over the French when it comes to higher ed. You couldn't pay me to go to school at a French university--for about a thousand reasons!! SC is making the right choice, IMO.
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
WOW! We really are filing buddies, then, ready4ONE! I'm sorry to hear that you've had the same family nonsense to deal with that I have. You, too, Angillla! I hope both of your situations are slowly getting better as mine seems to be. I had a long talk with my dad a few weeks ago and basically laid some things out on the line, saying, "Look, Laurent's parents have wholly accepted me. They think of me as their own daughter. Laurent needs to see that same kind of love and acceptance from you and Mom. Right now, you're rejecting him sheerly because he isn't what you envisioned. Well, I got news for ya'. If you really want this man to become a Christian, you and Mom had best start acting like the two of you are. There is absolutely no reason for him to ever take our faith seriously if I'm the only Christian he knows that ever treats him with love and acceptance. He needs to sense an outpouring of warmth from you that he sure isn't feelin' right now."

My dad got the message. He started asking me to tell Laurent hello and also had a talk with my mother, I think. What was said, I have no idea. Probably something along the lines of: "This marriage is going to happen. If we don't get behind it now, we're going to get left in the dust." Basically true since at this point my loyalties are to God and my future husband. I love my parents and treat them with great respect, but they are no longer entitled to run my life. That gig happily ended for them quite a while back. :D Anyway, my mother recently started asking about Laurent, where before she was clearly trying to forget he even existed. When I would talk about him, she would listen with this polite, tight smile on her face, not say a word, and then change the subject as quickly as possible. It was incredibly discouraging. Or then there was the day my dad went on and on about how disappointed he was that I wasn't going to have a big church wedding...Well HOW, exactly, could I even plan one when I don't know when Laurent will actually BE here? Dad's other beef was, "Well, how do we know Laurent's true intentions toward you if he's not willing to get married in a church?" Ummmmm...I don't know...the fact that he's stuck with me for two years already through some very difficult circumstances on both sides? The fact that he's leaving EVERYTHING to come here and be with me? Never mind the miracles in this relationship since it's inception and how God is working through it. These things don't provide some sort of clue that he's serious about spending the rest of his life with me? However nice it would be if Laurent was currently a Christian, getting married in a church is not exactly a silver bullet. For Heaven's sake! I just sat there dumbfounded listening to the whole thing. :blink: Thank God that part seems to be over! I didn't exactly get the dreamed of "Oh Honey! We're so happy for you!" routine. That woulda been nice...I guess, though, that I'm the only one who can currently see what God is showing me, sense where He's leading. And maybe that's part of the testimony God is building. I keep reminding myself of what Noah, Abraham, Mary, and others faced when God chose to do something remarkable in their lives...the faith to which they held and the ultimate results they experienced. That is a very comforting place to go in my mind and spirit when things get rough.

Incidentally, Angilla, my mother's reaction when I mentioned that we might have to live together for a little while when Laurent first got here...well, it wasn't pretty. You're right. They don't understand. I told her I didn't see it as ideal, but that I didn't see much way around it. He has to have a place to stay. Her response? In very condescending tones (this to her 39 year-old daughter!), "Living together is NEVER necessary!" At that point, I ended the conversation as politely as I could. Yeah, you really have to just trust what God is showing and telling you. If you listened to everyone else, you'd literally go bonkers.

Laurent and I looked into staying in France, but, like Saint-Clair, Laurent is not sitting in the strongest financial position. The French system and economy has not exactly benefitted him, and it's only getting worse. We finally agreed that we could eventually be much more comfortable living here than there--even if we have to struggle for a few years. Plus, as you've noted, there is a definite bias against Americans in France, whereas Americans seem to adore Western Europeans. So finding a job that paid anything would be much, MUCH harder for me there than it will be for Laurent here.

Ah! Rambouillet! Our boys are not so very far apart, Angilla. Laurent is right in Paris--18th arrond. I wonder if he would ever be open to corresponding with Saint-Clair. I'll have to feel him out on the matter. I personally think it would be good for him to have someone of his own nationality with whom to talk about the frustrations, but he can be kind of shy about new people. I'll definitely see what I can do over time. :)

Alright, I suppose I've rambled enough for now! LOL! I sure am glad to be talking to this bunch, though!
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-05 10:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling buddies
Well, I JUST sent my packet off on Tuesday. Putting it together was a time-consuming venture, I can tell you. I'm sure you all have the same feeling.

My fiancé, Laurent, is also French, Angilla...and like you and some of the others, there has been some resistance to this relationship on the part of my family. My parents are finally starting to come around, but it has not been easy with them or my sister. The biggest beef on their part? Aside from the fact that he's a (gasp!) liberal Frenchman? Laurent's not a Christian. Until very recently, my family has shown amazingly little ability to trust the prayerful course of action I've pursued in my relationship with Laurent. God has already worked so many miracles in our situation that it's literally impossible that He is not the author of this relationship. Besides...WHEN, I ask you, has God EVER done anything but work in surprising ways? I know He's taking care of things. I trust him to do that. Why can't they? And I'm close to 40, for crying out loud! Parents always have a hard time letting their kids go to pursue their own way, I matter how old they are...

I pray for myself, for Laurent, for our relationship, and for my parents every day. And I'm seeing results. The thing that God has really shown me in all of this is that I need to follow him and no one else. I stay much calmer and saner emotionally when I do that, as opposed to giving in to the fear and discouragement that my family often slings my way.

Anyway, I just thought I'd respond to this thread since I saw some common issues with my own. And since my submission is literally just days old, I didn't think anyone would mind...Hope I'm right about that. :)
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-04 22:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am starting a prayer brigade for non-stop approval of NOA2s especially for those who have long been waiting and for all other approvals you
Father, I praise you for all you've done in weaving together this group and uniting myself and the others here with their partners. These relationships are a powerful gift from you and have provided joy, encouragement, and even healing to each of us. We see how your hand moves through what you have provided, and we thank you.

Your word says to praise you in all circumstances, Father, and that is what I choose to do. This is an opportunity to grow. Waiting can be difficult. But you have a plan and trusting you always yields extraordinary results. You can use our circumstances to increase our faith and strengthen our love, commitment, and resolve. You know every moment of every day that was written for each of us in your book of life. Nothing that's happening right now is a surprise to you. While we are sometimes impatient, Father, your timing is perfect. You can see things that we can't. You have a reason for each moment spent apart from our loved ones--reasons that will one day be fully revealed. I look forward with excitement to seeing how everything worked together to bring about something remarkably beautiful for every romantic story on this site.

Remind us, Father, that you are the Creator of all. NOTHING is beyond your reach or control, and you always have our best intentions at heart. You are the author of time. You created humanity, human thought, and personality. No person or circumstance we currently face poses any challenge to you. You can accomplish ALL.

Be with each of us, Father, and our partners. Fill us with a supernatural calm and sense of your presence in our respective situations. Reassure us that we are not helpless, that you hold us and our stories in the palm of your hand...that you are busily writing those stories in the best way possible. We trust you, Father. I trust you...with all my heart. Keep our feet on your path and our eyes focused on you. I pray all these things in Jesus' name. Amen.

Psalm 91:14-15
Psalm 145
Psalm 146

"The Lord watches over the alien and sustains the fatherless and the widow." (Psalm 146:9)
Kirsten LNot TellingFrance2006-08-04 21:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresShould we note a unique circumstance in our I-129F application
I'm not positive but I thought I remembered that particular sentence being in relevance to the meeting within 2 years requirement?

Like if you think you're special enough to waive this requirement please explain in triplicate why you're so damn special (paraphrasing lol)
DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-07 01:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp Thai interview in 2 weeks not done yet!
Assuming the interview is approved, won't she be leaving her job? (as in, really soon?) Can't she take a little extra time off for the medical?
DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-08 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129 sent usps express mail Friday... now wondering...
Now just sit back and relax some more for about 80-120 days.

But she can start gathering any clearances required by her embassy.
DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-12 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresResponse of USEM regarding my Dubai Police Clearance
Vicky got a clearance from UAE. She contacted the UAE embassy, they told her what form to submit and she had to have one of her ex co-workers submit it in UAE. Then her ex-coworker was able to pick it up when it was finished processing and shipped it to Vicky. Besides the request for police clearance she also had to send an authorization letter for her friend to submit the paper.

With this letter you linked I doubt you'll need the clearance, but it really wasn't that hard to obtain. It was done processing in 3-5 business days.

They made a clerical error (in translation I think) on the original one, she already has the corrected one in her possession; so we've actually done this twice.
DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-12 09:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtending time before K-1 interview

This isn't true. The date on the Visa is for entry ONLY. It's invalid the minute you step foot in the US and cannot be used for re-entry, etc. The immigration officer will tell you that, no matter the date your visa expires, you have 90 days to get married once you get into the US and should file AOS immediately after. You will still be here legally in the US.

Actually, I am confusing the two timelines. My mistake, I had to re-read this one myself, I knew there was a law pertaining to the time to file AOS, but it's relative to the 90 days after entry, not the 6 months the visa is valid for.

"After marriage, your fiance (now your spouse) can apply for Adjustment of Status to be able to live and work permanently in the US. If your fiance does not want to become a permanent resident after marriage, your fiance (now your spouse) must leave the US within the original 90 days duration."
"Don't leave the US if you are late by 6 months or more as you would be subject to 3 years (more than 180 days illegally) or 10 years (more than 1 year illegally) bars for re-entering the US."
"If you are late in getting married and filing green card application, and USCIS catches you and puts you into removal proceedings, you will have to file the green card in immigration court. Application paperwork is the same but the immigration judge will look harder at your case to make sure that the marriage is bona fide, and you had genuine reasons for delay."
DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-05 18:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresExtending time before K-1 interview

You have 90 days to get married once you arrive in the US with a K-1 Visa... so please don't give the poster misinformation. Whenever they get to the US, as long as it's within the 6 month timeframe, they would then have 90 days to get married. No rush needed.

Technically you're out of status until you file your AOS if your visa expired, even if you're married... Don't give the OP misinformation.
DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-05 18:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf married twice before
When it comes to government and beaurocracy too much documentation > too little documentation.
DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-13 11:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat do i do??
Are you the beneficiary or the petitioner? If you're the petitioner (the US Citizen) you have to change your address on the USCIS webpage. If you're the beneficiary, you can tell them at the interview you recently moved (so they know where to send the visa). The appt. letter is sent to you via email, but you will get a pkg. 3, for Manila it's basically just a letter that says the embassy has received your approved petition and you can call the pay-per-call phone number to set an appt. They will send it after they receive your packet from the NVC and enter the packet into their database.

For Manila, you don't send in your packet 3, so you can ignore the previous poster. In Manila you bring all your clearances to the interview, not send them in beforehand like most embassies are.

One extra note, now that you have the NVC letter and the NOA2, if you haven't set your appointment yet you can do your medical at St. Luke's with those 2 documents. Have your honey scan them and email them to you to print out so you can get your medical done. The medical exam results are good for 6 months.

From here on out everything is embassy-specific, you'll get more accurate information posting in the Philippines sub-section.

Congrats on your approval and the NVC approval!!

Edited by DainandVicky, 23 January 2010 - 03:48 PM.

DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-23 15:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and Pregnant!!! he's not pregnant!!! I'm speaking on his behalf for the both of us when I said "we" .....

Ya my parents think since I'm pregnant we should get married......we are anyways...but thanks to everyone... we're going to stick w/ the K1 and just deal with it :)

Tell your parents you (were/ are) already engaged and the papers are processing. Tell them it would take more time and more money to change the filing now for the sake of appearances only. They should understand.
DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-28 11:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresStarting K1 process soon, have some questions
can't answer the montreal-specific question (may want to re-post in the canada sub-section for a quicker answer)

The newer-style G-325 after you fill out the form in acrobat will populate the other forms and print out 4 copies all on 1-2 pages depending on your print options. I did submit 4 copies for each myself as petitioner and 4 copies for Vicky as beneficiary, all signed in a different color ink than the copy (blue).

The $455 I-129F form is for the pair of you. That's the only one you have to be concerned with at this time. You would have to list out which form # you had a specific question on, are you as the beneficiary a parent and a minor child is also coming on this same petition? Need more information.
DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-01-15 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is a "certified copy" of divorce decree?
I sent a photocopy of the court document. The origianl I photocopied has a stamp and judge's signature only, no embossment. I sent a photocopy only for the I-129F, and also a photocopy for the actual interview in Manila. There were no problems with this.

It specifically says on most all of the forms and paperwork "copies are fine unless otherwise stated" (paraphrasing). It did specifically say on the US embassy Manila guide that they wanted an original or certified copy of the divorce for the K-1 interview, which made me sweat a bit, but the package was already sent and the interview was only a couple of days away by the time I saw that. I didn't tell my fiance (now wife), ignorance is bliss.

I ran into the same thing filing my AOS. On the I-485 form instructions it says "a copy of your marriage certificate". On VisaJourney guide it says "a certified copy of your marriage certificate". I sent a certified copy to be safe (I ordered 2 when I ordered ours for that specific reason), but I don't think I really needed to, I think a copy would have been fine.

Just my 2 cents.
DainandVickyNot TellingPhilippines2010-03-03 08:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAll new for me.
Welcome :) . Be sure to ask questions if you're confused about anything, and also double check everything before you send it. Good Luck.
SC & TFFemaleGhana2007-02-11 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIf You Are Denied Entry at POE
Thanks to all for the valuable info. My husband is thinking of trying to come in April. He would probably come through Chicago, though not necessarily. Does anyone know of Chicago's "reputation?"

I saw the post about the fiance getting sent back and having to spend $1200 to get on the return flight. Any other experiences with this? I wonder if the airlines ever work with you to get you a seat without putting you into debt.... Anyone heard anything on that, or if certain airlines have better reputations than others regarding this?

And yes, I know that if he does try to come, it's a risk we're taking and nothing can be guaranteed, etc.... I'd just like to hear about others' experiences as we try to make our decision. Thanks!
marcycatFemaleFrance2007-01-28 16:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA newbie with timing concerns!
Kym, you have my sympathy! Plus, I thank you for sharing your story -- it's important to know this kind of thing can happen.

I already mentioned to you the idea of getting married as planned, w/o signing the papers. My friends did do this, and had no probs, but I'm getting the impression you don't need the stress. But, if you don't sign the certificate, you're NOT married, legally, which is what USCIS cares about, I believe. But is it possible to just postpone the wedding? I think when you're dealing with the visa hassles, the wedding starts to seem unimportant, superfluous --- but later, when this is all over, you might be a little sad to have not had a "real" wedding. (I know I am, even though at the time, the "party" seemed like the most insignificant thing in the world.)

Good luck --- I hope you totally PUNISH that law firm! (Let us know....)
marcycatFemaleFrance2007-02-01 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA newbie with timing concerns!

I am so sorry you are having such an experience. One suggestion, before you go through with selling off things on ebay, hold on to the dress and accessories; even if you are not able to have your dream wedding in April, you can still wear your dress for a small ceremony when your fiance is able to arrive here. You may also wish to have a large 'reception' or special ceremony at a later date - maybe on your first anniversary - and you can wear it then for your family and friends. I hadn't planned on wearing a wedding dress because I knew our ceremony was going to be very small in front of a judge. Still, I found the perfect dress purely by accident - I wasn't even looking - and bought it. I wore it and it helped to make that small ceremony even more special. So, hang on to things like that for now until you have a better idea of what and when things will happen. Good luck in finding your answers soon and getting your NOA2 and your K-1 visa quickly.

How awful!! You have my sympathy.

I wanted to let you know about one strategy a couple I know used. Their fiance visa took way longer than the average timeline, and didn't come in time for their wedding date. He came, they had the wedding, but they didn't sign the mariage certificate. He then had to leave and go back to his home country. When the visa came through and he was able to come back, they went back to the person that had married them and signed. So their LEGAL mariage date is not that of their wedding. But emotionally, spritually, etc, they got married on their wedding date and that's what they celebrate as their anniversary.
marcycatFemaleFrance2007-01-29 16:49:00