CanadaMoving and Health Insurance
Don't know about moving. But I've been living in the States 8 months without health insurance and know it's risky. My brother, who's a nurse, and ironically doesn't have health insurance, uses a discount system. It's not insurance, but an affordable membership in a program that provides discounts. Might be worth a look.

Qualified Health
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-21 07:25:00
CanadaYank-Canuck couple I-129f approved
I posted something in the K3 section today, and in my euphoria, got the dates wrong. Instead of 4 months, it actually took 3 months from sending the I-129f to that petition being approved. (The entire journey has been 4 months, if you count the I-130.)

So here's the good news for everyone. Even with IMBRA, the 2 RFEs, the backlogs, the transfers, the angst and the antidepressents, the K3 may still be The Fast Lane. With any luck, I may be asking directions in hopeless French in November. (Ou est l'embassy Americain?) And with even better luck, I'll be eternally grateful this Thanksgiving, which as all Canadians know, comes a month after Halloween down here.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-28 08:36:00
CanadaApple Cider
Okay, tipplers, maybe that brand is a biggie everywhere and I never noticed it. But BC wines (in general) are scarce in Toronto. You can, however, find apple ciders from Quebec, a surefire way to give yourself an instant headache. I prefer McAuslan's Apricot Wheat Beer from La Belle Province. Makes the trip to Vintages worthwhile.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-28 17:12:00
CanadaApple Cider
Start by calling the Vintages stores in Toronto, particularly the big ones (Queen's Quay and Summerhill). They'll have the biggest selection of obscure brands. Vintages
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-28 08:42:00
CanadaAnyone know tax implications of selling principal CDN residence?

did you guys use a realtor or sell it yourselves?

I used a realtor in Toronto in a hot market last Fall.

For one thing, they find qualified buyers. You don't need the deal to fall through! Also, they network with other agents who already have buyers looking for places like yours. On your own, you'd have to rely on word of mouth and a sign on your lawn ... maybe an expensive ad in a newspaper that gets lost in the clutter. They also arrange, advertise, and run open houses for you.

There are some things here I prefer to use a professional. If you want to move soon after getting the visa, this would be a consideration. Unless you need more waiting in your life!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-28 17:22:00
CanadaAnyone know tax implications of selling principal CDN residence?
FYI, last year, I sold my house in Toronto and moved to the States after the closing. Acccording to my cross-border tax preparer, it was "a non-taxable event." It did not appear in any way on my tax return.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-25 18:12:00
CanadaVancouver (YVR) POE Experience !!
Glad to hear your waiting is over and you can focus on your wedding day. Hope it's filled with happy memories you'll have forever!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-29 08:41:00
CanadaTo anyone following my story!! APPROVAL TODAY
You're going to love Canada! Good luck in your new life together.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-26 08:06:00
Canadabound for glory
Red, if you're going to live in Fla, it's mighty hot and humid. All your Canadian summer clothes will be too heavy. You'll be falling asleep everywhere, like a lazy drone in summer. You'll sweat in places you never knew had glands. Like the top of your head.

When I moved to Canada from New Jersey back in the days of King Arthur and his Knights, it was hard to get used to the cold. The first winter, I cried to keep warm. Now, after almost 40 years of Hogtown winters, I've returned to the toxic swamps of New Jersey, and can't get used to the heat.

I keep a bathtub full of water and take a few dips every day to wash off the sweat. I've bought loads of extra underwear because I might go through two pairs a day. Are you ready for the steam bath?
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-31 07:32:00
Canadabound for glory
red, Toronto has no soul. I left last year. Lived near Queen West for decades. It's okay for people who want to work or party, but it's hard to know what it means to be a Torontonian. The multicultural thing is good if you get hungry. But if you rarely see people like yourself, it can be a lonely place. And an empty place, without the architecture, gardens, monuments, fountains, piazzas, etc. that make Montreal and Europe inviting. They feed the soul.

Now you're going to South Dakota, another planet entirely. Who knows what family events you'll step into. Not like Deadwood, I'd venture to guess, even though I've never seen the series. You may have to be the strong silent stranger.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-30 07:11:00
Canadabound for glory
red, I love reading your story. You got it right: the visa is not the ultimate goal, but a piece of the puzzle in a life changing time. While others here are biting their nails, you've become introspective, about family past and family present. There have been many immigrants in your bloodlines, who may be able to look down and see your continuing adventures. Better than a series on HBO.

As you cross on Monday, newly minted visa in hand, you'll be joining the ranks of duals. We're the ones with a foot in each country, who can sing both anthems and have the hair on our arms stand up.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-29 08:34:00
CanadaLeaving for Montreal tomorrow
Bonne chance in Montreal, Kaitie64. You'll have less to worry about with your husband taking care of the baby back home. You be able to concentrate on the interview and celebrate with your daughter afterwards. We're all rooting for you!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-31 07:20:00
CanadaYou're not going to believe this one
Well, dingdong, :P you're probably right. A letter to the Black Hole of California probably wasn't the way to cancel but what do I know. Now you have your first wish, which was to live together in the States. You also got a bonus, because Landed status gives you all the rights and privileges of a citizen (except to vote). At some point, you'll both be able to live and work in either country. How good is that?! Beavertails and brewskis all around!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-02 17:11:00
CanadaYou're not going to believe this one

To CSC, I sent a withdrawal of this app #, and it's already out of their hands, they're the ones who approved and forwarded and we already have a case #

To Montreal, it looks like I cancelled the MTL for the I-129 (diff # on letter)

To NVC I referenced the I-129 as well. So due to my letter writing I'd say that I cancelled the I-129 everywhere but tried to do the I-130 at CSC (since it was still there) and they ignored the letter.

Curiouser and curiouser. You applied for I-130 in January, then wrote to CSC in April asking to cancel. But something screwy happened and they approved it anyway? Do you think the petition was forwarded to NVC before they got to your letter (if they ever acted on it at all)?

You also wrote to Montreal to cancel I-129f. Did you have an interview? Otherwise, why write to Montreal? The I-129f goes from Chicago to Missouri to NVC to Montreal.

You also wrote to NVC, regarding the I-129f, making it doubly extinct. No more communications on the I-129f after the letters, right?

It could be you got a fairly speedy approval by the most bizarre means ever. Damn, girl, I'd say somebody's trying to tell you something! Meanwhile, you went to Ontario and got fairly quick Landed Status? Maybe you're meant to be a dual...

If you lived in Ottawa, you already know it'll be sweater weather in a month. Ever have beaver tails?
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-02 16:22:00
CanadaYou're not going to believe this one
Sounds like you've made the decision to follow the I-130 and come home, even after getting landed status in Canada. The fly in the ointment would be if they suddenly find your cancellation letter and stop the process without telling you. Not sure how to avoid this. Perhaps paying the bill will be enough.

What happened to the I-129f? Any chance they received your letter and cancelled that? Did you get an NOA1?

I was under the impression the USC needs a US address when petitioning, and then submitting the affidvait of support. How can this happen if you're living in Ontario? Do you have relatives who'd let you use their address? Or would there be any merit in moving back to the States and getting a job? Detroit is close to London...

No wonder your head is spinning. Not sure if an immigration lawyer could help. Hope you can sort out the question of residency, since it will also have an impact on taxes. Hopefully, you can avoid becoming a Canadian resident and having to file in both countries.

Don't worry about winter clothes. Whatever you had in California will be a joke. If you're in Ontario this winter, buy stuff there.

If all this turns out well, you'll each be eligiblle to live and work in both countries.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-02 09:15:00
CanadaYou're not going to believe this one
Whoa, what an unusual story. Certified mail is not signed for, so it may have arrived but then got lost! Would the "life changes" in your signature prevent you from going back to the States? Are you a Landed Immigrant in Canada now? You may have the doors open to you in both countries now. If you're in London, ON, better get a Brick Premium Lager and ask yourself: where do I really want to live?
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-01 15:12:00
Canadared S DAKOTA
roger, never underestimate the impact of the loss of a four-legged friend. It can hit deeper, harder, and longer than the loss of a parent. Dogs give nothing but love. Which is why some people believe they're angels, heaven sent. When it's time for me to go, I hope to be met by my Westie, who passed a year ago. Surely their spirits deserve to go on forever. It's no accident you were there, rested and relaxed, to support jules when it was time for her dog to go. Be kinder.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-03 09:10:00
CanadaCrossed the US border to visit
Sounds like you were well prepared, and lucky to get an official who understood the process. You probably looked like a nice Canadian fellow, too!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-07-29 19:20:00
Canadacrossed at peace bridge for a visit yesterday
I think you're right. Better to say yes, he was denied, and if possible, add that he went back for more documentation and was admitted a few hours later.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-04 07:02:00
Canadacrossed at peace bridge for a visit yesterday
My boyfriend (now husband) was also pulled in, photographed, and fingerprinted. They were not convinced he'd return to Canada. They gave him a checklist of things they like to see. We drove back to Toronto, collected the documents, came back to the Rainbow Bridge, and were allowed to cross that same day.

My question is: has he ever been denied entry to the U.S.? This is a question coming up on a form.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-03 16:22:00
Canadacrossed at peace bridge for a visit yesterday
It's not uncommon for Yank-Canuck couples to be asked inside for further questioning. They'll deny entry if they're not satisfied the Canadian intends to return. It's vital to have a pile of documents if you cross again, to make your case. Once the visa petition is in play, it becomes even more critical to have hard-copy evidence of your intention to return. Just curious: were you photographed and fingerprinted?
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-02 09:27:00
CanadaMonday Interview - Getting Wound Up Alreay
It's natural to be nervous, but stay happy! You're both well prepared and everything will go smoothly. Think of it as getting your diploma after a year of studying. Don't forget to enjoy a real bagel when you're in Montreal! We're all rooting for youse!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-05 06:36:00
CanadaDo you think it's possible to be home by Christmas?
What a wacky journey you're having! So until he's scheduled for an interview, it's sheer speculation where you'll be spending Christmas. Concentrate instead on getting all the paperwork handled.

Now here's a thought that'll make your head spin even more: what if you go back to the States soon? Could you live with family (giving yourself a U.S. address)? Could you search for a job? Could you spend whatever wait time is coming productively, setting up a new home base?

(Think of yourselves as movie star jetsetters, who have homes in several countries.)
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-05 08:06:00
CanadaChild SUpport Checks from FRO
Any friends in Canada? You might endorse the check, send it to them, and have them send you U.S. funds. Or, if you still have a Canadian credit card, use it to pay down the bill. Or, check out
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-06 12:06:00
CanadaUS Idiot strikes again. Where can I get a US bank Drawn M.O. in Ontario?
You're starting to remind me of Stephanie Plum. She's the screwy star of the detective novels written by Janet Evanovich. Stephanie works as a bounty hunter in Trenton, NJ. She's always narrowly missing some disaster or another as she tracks down the bad guys. It's total comedy. She has a gun but it's always lost at bottom of her purse. She gets tips from her grandmother, who's social life revolves around going to viewings at the local funeral parlour. She's involved with a drop-dead-gorgeous-Italian cop.

Hey, I'm glad you got the mo, and now know how close Michigan actually is. I'm glad you're going to read and re-read the instructions OUT LOUD. But I still have nagging doubts that you're supposed to be living and working in the States. Having a co-sponsor may not be enough, but I'm no expert. It seems you're still the sponsor and they want you to be somewhat stable and reliable. Makes sense, right? You may want to post a question in the CR-1 section and see what people have to say.

Meanwhile, slow down or you'll blow a main gasket. If things take an extra day, no big deal. If this approval is a gift from above, it'll happen with or without the madcap comedy. But if you find yourself in a mall again, here's a reading list that'll keep you calm for the rest of the process.

The Stephanie Plum series

* One For the Money
* Two For the Dough
* Three to Get Deadly
* Four to Score
* High Five
* Hot Six
* Seven Up
* Hard Eight
* Visions of Sugar Plums
* To the Nines
* Ten Big Ones
* Eleven on Top
* Twelve Sharp

Edited by Jersey Girl, 06 August 2006 - 09:18 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-06 09:17:00
CanadaUS Idiot strikes again. Where can I get a US bank Drawn M.O. in Ontario?
Personally, I'd rather get a U.S. mo rather than a Canadian one (drawn on a U.S. bank) because some drone may reject anything that says BMO or CIBC in big letters.

If you opt for The Motor City, and just go down for the day as a visitor, I doubt you'd have any trouble coming back to Canada, especially if you have proof that your Landed Status is approved. Just don't buy a lot of stuff or you'll be pulled aside to pay duty.

You won't need your U.S. bank card. But you will need American cash. Get it at any Canadian bank before you head for the border.

Is there someone in the States who'd let you use their address and forward your mail? It would be handy for things like your U.S. bank card, and who knows what's coming ... At some point, the question of your U.S. domicile and job are going to come up, right? What about the Affidavit of Support?

Here's a trick to make sure you follow inststrctions to the letter. Next time, read every single word on the page, slowly and out loud. Twice. After you've filled out the form, do this agiain. You'll be surpriseed how many things you missed. Or where you forget to write N/A, which is what they like to see rather than a blank, which can be interpreted as avoidance of the question.

When you've quadruple checked everything, give it to someone else to check. After it's put to bed, enjoy a Canadian beer. While you still can!

Edited by Jersey Girl, 05 August 2006 - 06:21 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-05 06:18:00
CanadaUS Idiot strikes again. Where can I get a US bank Drawn M.O. in Ontario?
Get in the car. Go to Detroit. Get a money order at a U.S. bank there. If you do this on a Saturday, call ahead to make sure they're open.

Longshot: A BMO money order in U.S. funds may, in fact, be drawn on a U.S. affiliate bank. It will say so on the mo. In fact, any big bank may operate this way. You don't need an account to buy a mo. Make some calls.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 04 August 2006 - 09:43 PM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-04 21:40:00
CanadaGetting Ready for Interview ??
Buttons, I don't know. But why not assume it's $100 each and have the cash ready? If you don't need it, you'll leave a little richer.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-04 08:34:00
CanadaYay! back from interview in Montreal
Mermaid, congratulations on your successful interview. Thanks for the information on the free shuttle bus to the hotel. Hope the next 10 years of your marriage is the best part ever. But hey, Jersey isn't ALL toxic swamps, fake fingernails, Taylor Pork Roll, and tough guys. Just the good parts!

Edited by Jersey Girl, 06 August 2006 - 09:31 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-06 09:30:00
CanadaBank Suggestions
A Canadian bank cannot set up shop in the U.S. As far as I know, international banking rules forbid majority foreign ownership. That's why we can't do cross-border banking with the Big Five.

I worked with RBC for a year and knew their foray into the States was an expensive disaster. I'm not surprised the branches they bought in the south, and re-named RBC Centura, may have folded.

RBC's entry into the U.S. was ill timed. It came when Bush asked Canada to participate in the invasion of Iraq and Jean Cretien refused. Canada was no longer seen as an ally. So when people asked, "What does RBC stand for?" there was a long pause because the name Canada was mud. So they said, "It's Ron Bank's Company." Guess that didn't fool people for long.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-07 20:59:00
CanadaBank Suggestions
You can have an account in each country, but they're totally separate because of banking laws. I have a TD account in Toronto (haven't told them yet of my new U.S. address) and there are TD BankNorth branches in New Jersey. But you'd have to call to see if it's legally allowable to do cross-border banking. I doubt it.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 07 August 2006 - 08:14 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-07 08:14:00
CanadaCanadian School System
Buttons, I had a Catholic education in the States (grade 1-8) and it was superior. So superior, many Jewish families wanted their kids enrolled. In Ontario, I was a student teacher (Catholic) and was appalled by the low standards. Being a government-designed curriculum, there was too much emphasis on multiculturalism and not enough on the 3Rs.

If you've enrolled your child in a Catholic school in the States, you're giving her an invaluable gift. She'll be well prepared for college, which now is the doorway to a decent job.

There's a strict division of Church and State in the U.S., which is why Catholic schools are private. In Canada, Catholic schools have been funded, by law, since the 1800s. But that could change, since it's now seen as discriminatory toward other religious schools.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 02 August 2006 - 08:44 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-02 08:39:00
CanadaTravel Insurance
I'd check local travel agents ... banks ... Yellow Pages. If you're flying, the airline might have something on their site.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-08 15:07:00
CanadaBack from Montreal
Congratulations on getting to the final stage of your journey! You persevered and got the visas!

Unfortunately, you're the second person I've heard who had a car burgled in Montreal. We might warn everyone to leave valuables (and even the car) at the hotel.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-08 07:41:00
CanadaCashing a CDN Check
Change the money into U.S. and wire it from your Canadian bank. It's safe and you'll get a decent exchange rate. The $30 fee is worth the peace of mind and secuirty when dealing with large sums. If you insist on taking it from the ATM, be careful and don't flash the cash.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-09 13:25:00
Canadaduel residency to retain Canadian Health Insurance
moondancer, I'm a dual citizen of Canada and the U.S. but can only be a legal resident of one country at a time. Since moving from Ontario to the States last year, I had to give up my health insurance there.

The only way people can retain their Canadian health insurance is if they're snowbirds, vacationing down south for a half year, but not working. They cover themselves with travel medical insurance while in Florida and then head back north.

But the scheme you described is not allowed, even if you were both duals. You need to pick a country and live there.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 10 August 2006 - 03:42 PM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-10 15:40:00
CanadaThe Worst Happens - Denied in Montreal!!
BC_Ed, you've hit an unexpected bump in the road but are still on your way. Good luck with the joint sponsor and getting everything resolved at last.

I'm reading your experience with interest, because I'm the USC and lived in Canada for decades, which is where I met my husband. I've been back in the States a year, but still have the bulk of my assets (RRSP) sitting in Canada. Seems these can't be used as evidence for AOS ... raises questions certain interviewers don't know how to compute.

This may be the pearl of wisdom that comes out of your experience and can be a warning to others. Good luck on the rest.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 10 August 2006 - 06:21 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-10 06:20:00
CanadaMarried !!
Wow, we love your happy ending. The rest is just AOS details. Welcome to the States and your new life together. Hope it's eveything you dreamed and more.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-14 14:15:00
Canadareds travels
red, you do get around. But you ain't seen nuttin til you've been to Venice. Enjoy. Be safe. Keep a journal.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-15 20:20:00
CanadaPossible to move from Mtl to Van consulate?
Not worth the hassle of moving, especially to an expensive city like Vancouver. Nor is it worth stressing at this point. Relax and enjoy the time you're in Limbo because it will be over before you know it. Trust me.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-16 06:16:00