Canadafiance received packet 3....couple questions...
On the tax return question: the IRS sends tax transcripts for free and it doesn't take much time to get them.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-03 10:11:00
CanadaVisas mailed from Montreal.
When I called Montreal, the lady I spoke to worried me when she said: we need 3 to 5 days to do our work. What work? Verifying the alien's passport? Or letting the stamped passports pile up so they only have to make one trip a week to the Post Office? (Yes, I've finally become cynical.) We may be smoking banana leaves if we suppose they'll mail the visa a day after the interview. Time will tell.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-31 19:19:00
CanadaVisas mailed from Montreal.
New year, new rules. Visas will now be mailed from Montreal instead of being available for next-day pick up. It feels like familiar territory to be scratching my head and wondering "how long"?

If anyone has an interview coming up, it might be worth keeping a record of how long it takes to receive a visa. I'd be interested in knowing the interview date, Xpresspost postmark date, and the day it finally arrives.

Good idea?
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-30 11:17:00
CanadaInterview Wednesday
You've got an army of cheerleaders rooting for you! Good luck!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-02 21:12:00
If you want to know how slow Montreal can be, look at my timeline! Hopefully, once they get their new system in place, things will pick up. It's always something!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-04 17:03:00
CanadaIt seems like its taking forever...
It took us a month to get Package 3 and 5 months after that to get an interview! They were very polite when I called, a small consolation for them taking so long!

Tel : 514-398-9695 Press 4 (between 2:00 & 4:30 eastern time). The old option of pressing 6 Ext #3833 is apparently no longer valid.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-18 07:10:00
CanadaDecoding stuff from the Canada Revenue Agency!
Yes, it happened to me. They'll send you a bill.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-04 19:15:00
CanadaPearson or JFK as a POE?
There has to be a Caribbean country where you could have a quick beach holiday and fly into JFK. Antigua?
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-05 08:29:00
Congratulations on a successful journey and all good wishes on your upcoming marriage!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-04 19:09:00
CanadaSTILL no Packet 3!!! NVC forwarded petition at the end of November!
Oh dear, what a boondoggle. At least now you have a picture of what happened and how to fix it. Many of us have hit snags beyond our control and we'll meet you in the drugstore buying hair dye to cover the greys. Good luck sorting it out!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-05 22:41:00
CanadaWhat happens with the I-94?
My husband will be flying alone and activating his K-3 by himself. So I'm trying to give him as much information as possible.

I assume he'll get the I-94 card at Pierson Airport (Toronto) pre-clearance. Right? He'll fill it in and give it to U.S. Customs before he boards. Yes? Is he supposed to keep anything?

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-04 17:00:00
CanadaVancouver Experience
Wow. After all you've been through, I'd have thought the harrowing experiences were in the past. Thank you for giving others a heads up so they know there's still another leg to the journey, where an arbitrary decision could make you miss your flight or worse. I'm very glad you persevered and made it safely through!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-05 22:21:00
CanadaGetting Anxious
If you want, you can visit Canada Post and have them forward your mail to the U.S. for 6 months or a year. (There's a fee.) As pieces come, you can get yourself off mailing lists in Canada and help protect your identity.

You can also visit Shoppers Drug Mart and stock up on your favourite over-the-counter remedies, because most things in the U.S. are by prescription: Allegra, Robaxit, 222s ...
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-07 09:18:00
CanadaFunny observation
Hey, jg, I also noticed how calm we are answering other's questions, but as soon as it's our turn, we put on our Stupid Hats. This is called a case of nerves!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-06 17:07:00
CanadaWhat do you say when crossing the border?
Cass, you may be the kind of person who's overly prepared (good in this case) but also someone who sends signals that they're nervous (bad at the border). So just tell the truth! "I'm going to the U.S. Consulate in Vancouver to accompany my fiance to his visa interview."
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-12 06:06:00
CanadaThe Packet 3 ordeal is almost over...
Hopefully, they'll start giving interviews sooner and you won't have to wait 4 months like we did. And hopefully, you two can work out the finances.

I believe K-1s can work in the U.S. as soon as they arrive. But I'll be supporting my K-3 husband for 3 months, or until he gets the EAD. It's part of the plan and we're anticipating it. He'll have to swallow his pride, make himself useful in other ways, and pay me back later if he wants. Better to deal with the money issues together than apart, I think.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 12 January 2007 - 10:52 PM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-12 22:51:00
W-2s may not be in the mail for a few weeks yet, so if you don't have one, don't worry. It's the IRS tax transcripts that tell the income story, so that's the best bit of supporting evidence. I believe Caladan has a good "package," with tax return, letters from banks and employer, and pay stubs. There's also a co-sponsor.

Once again, it's up to the officer to pass judgement: is there enough evidence to show that the foreigner will be supported by family and not the taxpayer. I'd say there's plenty of evidence.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-13 07:52:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
Hurray for Lola! She got the visa and also the information. Just as we thought: CR-1s come back for next-day pick-up. It still remains to be seen how quick they'll be when mailing visas for K-3s. Thanks again, Lola.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-14 13:41:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal

Then she had went on to ask me why I didnt chose to do an AOS after getting the K3.

This may be the fly in the ointment for this new system, since some people must have their passports in order to return home to the States, and there's no Canadian address to mail it to them. I'm not familiar with the new form and $200 fee to have your I-130 (?) released from the NVC, but it too sounds like an assumption that most people will pursue the K-3 and Adjust Status later.

We can't tell how long it will take Montreal to "do their work" and send out visas. What exactly is this work the woman spoke of when I called? Are they checking the authenticity of the alien's passport? Or are they letting things pile up so they only have to mail things out once a week?
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-22 07:35:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal

Jersey, can't your husband just review the documents and ask you to clarify the answers if something's unclear?

My husband's first language is Portuguese, and he's not as comfortable with English as I am.

As of today, we know for sure I can fly up to Montreal, he can take a train from Toronto, and we can go to the interview together. This will ensure everything goes well. Then, we each go back home and wait for his visa to arrive by mail. That's when he can fly to Newark. We figure he should have no problems activating his K-3 at pre-clearance in Toronto's Pierson airport.

I wish we had more anecdotal evidence of how long it takes for them to send out visas by Expresspost, but that isn't going to happen given the newness of all this. Otherwise, I'd go to Toronto with him and wait for the visa. If I knew it took 3 or 4 days, that would be doable. But if it's going to take 2 weeks, it's not. Just not enough information to formulate a different plan!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-20 16:03:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
Trouble is, we have to take the "10-14 days" thing with a grain of salt. And the trouble with that is, we can't make a decent, affordable plan! Yes, Montreal is a great city for 3 nights, but not for a 2-week unscheduled vacation I can't afford!

Today, I'm thinking about joining my husband in Montreal for the interview, because it's vital it goes well, and I'm the form filler-outter. Then, we both go back to our respective homes and wait for the visa. He'll have to activate his K-3 by himself at Pearson in Toronto.

Yes, it's more time, expense, angst, and the never-ending journey-from-hell. But years from now, I'll wager that absolutely no couples on this site will have gotten divorced! We worked too hard to be together!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-20 08:08:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
I've been beside myself all day, wondering how to re-arrange our plans. I could still meet my husband in Montreal for the interview, then he returns to Toronto to wait for the visa while I go back to New Jersey. Hardly the reunion we hoped for. Or, he could go to the interview alone. Not ideal, since I did all the forms.

As for those of you who need your passport to return home to the U.S., well, I guess they didn't think that one through. Maybe you'll get yours quicker.

One thing is for sure, though, there's no more next-day-pick-up, and they'll probably be slow when it comes to mailing out the visas.

Mo, I'm as pi**ed as you and hope I don't see another illegal ...
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-19 18:44:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
I just called Montreal and was told it could take 10 days to 2 weeks to receive the visa by ExpressPost! She said they need 3 to 5 days "to complete our work," and can't guarantee when they'll mail out the visa!

I'd originally asked if they could send the visa to a hotel (thinking we'd stay an extra day or two after the interview) and she asked if I'd be living in the hotel for two weeks, since that's how long it might take to get the envelope!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-19 14:31:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
I mentioned it in the Embassy forum, in case others could shed light.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-19 07:32:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
Okay, Amanda, now your 2:30 interview makes sense. They could be implementing a new system to clear the backlog, and that means giving interviews in the afternoon instead of stamped visas. But as usual, people who petitioned in 2006 are being caught in yet another bureaucratic mess. Our custom T-shirt will now read:

I survived

- IMBRA and two RFEs
- Being transferred from Vermont to California
- Having Package 3 get lost in the mail
- Waiting 6 months for a Montreal interview
- Waiting for the visa to arrive by Express Post
- And losing all my hair!

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-19 07:04:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
Lola, sorry to misinterpret your sitution. Everybody's signature is getting so long that nobody wants to spend hours reading them! Does this mean you have to interview (again) in Montreal, have them mail your visa to a Canadian address, and then enter officially (again) only on a CR-1?

Mo: pul-eeze, hijack, vent, and provide comic relief, because we all need to blow off the steam right about now!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-18 19:44:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
Lola, it's a good thing you called. Now we can all revise our plans. It might be that we visit Canada for 2-3 days only to attend the interview. Then, SOs wait for the visa to arrive by mail and enter unaccompanied. Your job could be safe after all.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-18 19:14:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
Kipster: Missing something?! Trying to make sense of things? Where have you been? Didn't you fall down the rabbit hole like Alice and the rest of us? Get a grip. They're trying to "streamline the processs" by simply sending out the stamped passports. If they get lost in the mail, they'll throw up their hands and tell us to call back in 60 days!!! Security? "That's not my job."

Edited by Jersey Girl, 18 December 2006 - 06:33 PM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-18 18:33:00
CanadaPossible Policy Change in Montreal
Never a dull f'ing moment, eh? We're scheduled for Jan 18. They'll be sending the damn visa to where he lives in Toronto. N'est pas?!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-18 18:12:00
CanadaInterview documents
He's the one who must swear the information is true, so it has to be notarized in the States. But I believe it's enough to have one notarized original (they may ask to see) and copies (they may keep).

You could fax or "overnight" his tax transcripts back to the States for notarization; there's time. But I've never heard of anyone being denied a visa because of a lack of notarized docs. Do what makes you feel comfortable.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-05 22:32:00
CanadaInterview documents
Monique, take a deep breath because you are very well prepared. JG gave good advice.

It's unclear whether we need two notarized I-134s or one notarized and two copies. To quell your fears, and since there's time, go overboard and get extra notarized copies of everything you want, including tax transcripts. They may not be needed but if they help you sleep better ...

You seem to be first up with the new systemn of mailing passports, so maybe they'll be more empathetic. I'm a day after you and have only now started to go into high-stress gear. Everybody panicks at the last minute but says later it was unwarranted! Like everyone else, you'll be fine! You have nothing to worry about!

P.S. Bring a small purse, and no cell or keyless remote!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-05 22:11:00
CanadaA messy situation (potentially?)
London, Ontario? A computer job of some kind? I can't believe the only job for you would be in London. Keep trying to find something in the States so you can both stay here, even if it's a stop gap job until you find something better. (Just one opinion.)
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-14 12:52:00
CanadaGood Luck, Kipster!
Good luck to you both and Godspeed. You deserve to be together and have a lifetime to love. I'm sure you'll be beaming throughout the interview!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-15 07:32:00
Mo, you've waited and worked for this a long time, so go reap your rewards!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-15 07:36:00
CanadaGood Luck Jersery Girl!
Thanks guys, your good will vibes must be very powerful, because today I was offered a much better job. If the background checks and urine drug test go well, I'll start in a month!

Meanwhile, I'm off to Montreal this Wednesday the 17th for the next day intereview. I'm practicing my French. How does this sound:

Je voudrai une hot dog steamee, s'il vous plait!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-12 22:39:00
CanadaBankruptcy Question
The good news is that you may have a better chance of finding a high paying job in the U.S., given the size of the economy and population base. There's also less unemployment.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-13 08:03:00
CanadaBankruptcy Question
Everyone has a different comfort level with debt. Some don't like having any and want to pay it off asap. Others see no problem carrying a large load and no stigma being a bankrupt.

But bankruptcy isn't really a financial strategy and should be a last resort. It's not a good thing to have on your record. It might stand in your way of getting credit in the States and it might exclude you from certain jobs. A better plan is to get a good job and systematically get rid of the loans.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 12 January 2007 - 10:02 PM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-12 22:01:00
CanadaBankruptcy Question
Why would it? It's the USC who has to show evidence of income/assets. The last time I looked, bankruptcy was not a deal breaker. However, if you still have debts in Canada, it might be a good idea to have a plan to discharge them before moving to the States.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-12 06:11:00
CanadaJersey Girl's Interview Diary
Okay, I've morphed into a maniac the night before I fly Air Canada from Newark to Montreal and the forecast is for the first really cold weather of the winter and my husband who usually sports a ponytail will be unrecognizable to me because he got it cut off today because I went ballistic saying that if he looked like a criminal he would be denied a K-3 and I just drank the last beer in the fridge and I have to leave my car 4 days in a lot near Newark Liberty Airport and as you know, Newark is the car theft capital of the country so I have to remember to remove my insurance card from the glove box and oh yeah I have a small purse to fit into my big purse which won't be allowed into the Consulate nor the keyless remote for the car so I'll leave those in the Hyatt with the surprise bathing suits I'm packing because winter or no winter after this is all over we're going to bob around in the pool and have champagne sent up to the room period (talk to you all on Saturday)
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-16 20:52:00
CanadaJersey Girl's Interview Diary
flames, I joined a beer club this week in South Orange, New Jersey. Monthly tastings are held in a brew-pub, where the brewski's are great and so is the food.

The theme this month was Belgian beers. Good, but too often too spicey for me. I asked if they ever did a Canadian theme tasting and got a blank stare. So I gave the importer a piece of paper that said "Brick Premium Lager." He said it would be expensive to get. I said, "We'll pay!"

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-16 08:07:00