K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshelp, support
Daniel, all this may be a blessing in disguise. Your parents are actually forcing you to become independent sooner rather than later. You're a young man who's engaged, so it's time to leave the nest anyway.

It might interesting to imagine your life without the inheritance. That way, if there's any vindictivness, you'll be ready with Plan B.

Let's face it, your life is not working out the way you originally planned, and you'll need to be flexible, resourceful, and focused on the visa. All the rest will come in due time!

You're in our thoughts and prayers.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-11 16:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Question
My understanding is that if your interview is scheduled after the date, they extend the approval at the Embassy.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-12 17:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCongressional Brushoff
Okay, so I'm scratching my head. You got an NOA1 4 months ago, everything's going smoothly, and you wanted your Congressman to do what? Change the system immediately? Get your petition approved sooner than others? What? Now you're going to have a depressing weekend. Why? I'm with William33. Better apply to the big guy upstairs!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-18 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBoooo!!!!!!!!

what do I know?

Hey, Andy, here's what I know for sure: it doesn't matter what we think they should be doing with approvals. There's no discernable logic or fairness. So let go of looking for rationales and start trusting that your approval will come in good time.

You've already had an incredible journey and may have more miles to go before you learn the lessons specially designed for you. Oh. Nobody told you about that part? That this is an emotional and spiritual journey, too? We're all watching and pulling for you.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-24 09:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLost hope?

I just have a hard time with people putting their trust in God for THEIR situation to work out. If it does, it's because God helped them, if it doesn't it's because God had a different plan, and maybe wanted them to wait a little longer just for their own good somehow.

We'll never understand God or his timing. Nor can we prove by events that he actually exists, as you point out. But this doesn't stop us from taking the leap of faith. God will work in you if you ask. Then you'll have all the proof you need. Not by way of your logical mind, but by way of your heart, where you know about love.

All you have to know is that prayer works, especially when you're with others. God may not give you exactly what you ask for, but you will receive peace and comfort. There are religious people who's lives are dedicated to praying for the world and world peace. Someday we may know how many times they saved our bacon.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-24 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLost hope?
Wolf, when we put our trust in the world, we always end up disappointed. And putting our trust in government bureaucracy is downright laughable! It's material for a stand-up comedy routine! But when you put your trust in God, you're reminded that the same loving father who took care of you yesterday will continue to look after you today. He may have put your visa on pause just to remind you of this.

You can go light a candle
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-24 09:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat have you learned from all this?
I've learned that God is taking care of me. I should have been dead by now from living on beer and Rice Krispie Squares but have been kept alive for bigger things!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-24 17:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInsanity!!!!!!!!!!
Welcome to the ranks of those who've gone completely bonkers while waiting. Some of the symptoms include:

Living on a diet of cereal and salsa.

Forgetting to put deodorant under both arms.

Throwing away the silverware when you scrape the dirty dishes.

Talking to the melons at the supermarket.

Thinking you can wear those socks a third day.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-26 09:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGot to work this morning and THIS is what I saw...
Thanking God for blessing you with this approval and asking that he guide you safely through the rest!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-29 07:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresInfoPass
Hope everything works out for the best.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-09-20 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresgoing in and out of the US to renew a tourist visa??? help!
It's a bad plan, for all the reasons people have already stated. The border is a lot tighter in the post 9-11 world, and even Canadians, who were used to going back and forth for shopping or sporting events are now being turned back.

You can have lots of documents to support your claim that you have ties to your home country, but in the end, it's entirely up to the discretion of the officer. Frankly, your plan to "try it out for a year" is tantamount to immigrating and that's what will be sniffed out, sooner or later. Try it for 3 months and don't put your future in jeopardy.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-29 07:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNeed advice. I don't know what to do.
In a way, you're lucky, because you're going into this with eyes wide open, knowing that you could be apart for about a year. Digest it, accept it, and plan for it. If your love is genuine, it will withstand it.

You'll find factual and emotional support here, where many people are separated for more than a year. Believe me, if there was a foolproof way to marry a foreigner and bring them to the States immediately, we'd all be doing it. Best of luck on your journey!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-11-05 08:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThank you St Expedite
Actually, there is a patron saint of communications and that's Gabriel the Archangel (known to Christians, Jews, and Muslims). Even though you addressed your prayer to "St. Expedite," it got to Gabriel, so that's who you should be thanking. :D
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-11-30 07:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBeing with my fiance...
Americans routinely go to Canada so they can take a cheap flight to a Cuban vacation. But I believe you must sign a waiver stating you understand there could be a fine of $10,000.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-11-30 21:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI filed a K1 visa petition in November and have since met me fiance again, How do I update?
It's in their hands now, and you need to be ready with exactly what they ask for. Sorry, but it's not up to you to "bolster your case" with new evidence. Just sit back and relax.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-12-16 18:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa for my fiance from Peru.
If you decide to pursue a K-1, it's best to have her stay in her own country during the process. It's something you have to plan for.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-07 07:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing Times?
While it's good to guesstimate the timeframe, it's vital to be prepared for unexpected delays. RFEs, new forms, interview backlogs, letters getting lost in the mail ... anything can happen. So don't buy any airline tickets or put down a deposit on a banquet hall until you actually have the visa in hand.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 15 January 2007 - 07:00 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-01-15 06:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am starting a prayer brigade for non-stop approval of NOA2s especially for those who have long been waiting and for all other approvals you
Lord, you are the God of miracles and second chances. With you, everything is possible. I beg you, Father, to help everyone here who is reaching out to you. We are your children, and believe that no one can ever match or outdo your generosity. Please answer our prayers soon, not for our sakes, but for your everlasting glory.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-19 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am starting a prayer brigade for non-stop approval of NOA2s especially for those who have long been waiting and for all other approvals you

The only one that is going to help you, is the person at the USCIS who gets your case.

That is certainly one way to view the world.

But many people believe there's a greater hand at work. We believe in the unseen world as well as the seen. We believe our lives are planned by a loving God who breathed us into existence. We believe we have free will to come to know what's behind the world. We put our trust and confidence in a loving, forgiving Father. Many believe in the promises of Christ, who already conquered sin and death. Many believe we will live forever in God's kingdom.

We understand that some people cannot believe any of this, and hope they receive the gift of faith

Edited by Jersey Girl, 13 August 2006 - 07:05 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-13 07:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am starting a prayer brigade for non-stop approval of NOA2s especially for those who have long been waiting and for all other approvals you
Okay Lord, I get it now.

It's not about ME waiting for a visa. It's about YOU waiting for ME.

You hoped I'd turn to you. You wanted me to seek your company.

I feel like an orange, Lord, that needs to be squeezed to get the best out of it.

Please, answer the prayers of everyone going through this trial. But don't let us be squeezed too hard!

We have faith you'll give us what we need. In return, we promise to give you our best.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-12 05:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am starting a prayer brigade for non-stop approval of NOA2s especially for those who have long been waiting and for all other approvals you
Dear Father, please help Andy. He rejects his past and has turned to you. Please accept his broken spirit and contrite heart. Lord Jesus, you healed the sick while you walked this earth. Please have compassion on Andy and everyone else here who seeks to touch the hem of your garment. We have that tiny mustard seed of faith that you can heal us.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-05 07:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am starting a prayer brigade for non-stop approval of NOA2s especially for those who have long been waiting and for all other approvals you
Lord, we trust in your promises for they are true.

We depend on you for everything. You know our needs before we ask.

Oh God, make haste to help us. Especially those who are heavily burdened.

We are patiently learning your law of love and compassion.

Lord, you can do all things. Restore our lives.

We will proclaim your name in thanksgiving. Your praise will be on our lips.

Lord, we put ourselves into your loving hands.

We ask for your most tender mercies. Jesus, I trust in you.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-08-04 16:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge?
Collect as much "proof of relationship" as possible, including photos on your next trip. Try for pictures of you with her family and vice versa.

Be ready for the interviewer to ask where you intend to marry. As rebeccajo points out, you may be underage in many States.

Be ready to explain how the USC will sponsor the foreign national. It's probably wise to start lining up your co-sponsor.

Be sure you understand the gravity of what happens next, i.e., Adjustment of Status. That's where the USC signs a contract with the U.S. government (I-864) promising to keep the alien off welfare for 10 years (I believe) into the future whether the marriage works or fails.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 15 February 2007 - 07:58 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-02-15 07:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWARNING VJ has EXPIRED I-129F forms (2/18/07)
Glad you noticed the discrepancies, Epiphany! You're elected! Collect the most up-to-date forms and submit them to Captain Ewok. After all, this is a self help site where we all help one another.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2007-02-24 05:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAge difference a problem?
I agree with gugu. Wait until she's 18. Then, marry and apply for K3. You'll go back to the States and get established with a job and domicile. She'll wait in Thailand. The wait for K3 may be comparable to K1.

It's not a question of age difference. It's a question of you being engaged to a child. Even if you wait until she'll 18, you'll still raise eyebrows and may have a hard time gathering proof of a legitimate relationship. Have you asked this question of others going through Thailand?
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-09-03 06:55:00
CanadaHope For Montreal Interviews!
Congratulations, Hi. We're right behind you, and hoping for a speedy interview and reunion.

gj, don't be frustrated. Just hold on, because it's inevitable that you will get your interview! Be patient, hope for the best, and try not to predict a date.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-12 17:41:00
Canadait came!!!!!
Yours is the best news I've heard all day! Yippy-I-A eh?
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-10 20:05:00
Canadadoing ds-156 on line
billsgirl, I don't have any intelligent answers, but would advise using common sense. If you're doing a hard copy of 156, it costs pennies to photocopy or print an extra one. (I believe 2 copies are what they ask for ... not sure ...)

But if this is an electronic copy, I'd just do one. They can print out as many as they want in Montreal, which is what has to happen if you have to sign in their presence. Right?

As for I-134, I'd provide the most current balance you have, with bank statements to support it. As someone else said, the I-134 is merely a moral obligation ... a promise that the sponsor makes to be responible for the spouse. But it's not a legal obligation, which is coming later with the I-864.

It's up to the CO to decide if there are enough income/assets with the I-134, so like everyone advises, be overly prepared, especialy showing U.S.-based savings because that's how they make their determination.

Hey, lots of folks here envy your dilemmas as we wait for interviews!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-15 07:22:00
CanadaHonda Civic not compliant with USA safety standards – what to do?
How can you live on Canadian EI if you're not available to work there?
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-15 18:03:00
CanadaHonda Civic not compliant with USA safety standards – what to do?
Vox, I imported a compliant 99 Honda Civic into New Jersey last year. But if I could do things over, would have sold it in Canada and bought another great Honda in the U.S. After all, there are millions of these terrific cars everywhere.

First up, it cost $330 U.S. to change the dashboard to miles instead of kilometers. That put the odometer back to zero. Now, if I need to know the car's mileage, I have to add what's on the new odometer with what's written on a door sticker they added when they changed over.

Many people don't bother changing, but you need to know how fast you're driving, especially if you plan on living in a congested area where there are plenty of cops. Do you have a fine sense of what it means to go 25, 35, 45, 50, 55, and 65 mph? I don't.

Next, the car has to be titled, registered, and inspected. You'd have to do all this even if you bought a used Civic in the States, but it's just another long list of To Do's and expenses you need to plan for. Don't forget the cost of getting a U.S. driver's license. You may have to study and take the written test.

Then, buckle up, because the cost of insurance can be a shock. They treated me as if I were a new driver because I had no U.S. driving history and they wouldn't look at the Ontario abstract I brought. After six months, I changed insurance companies and they cut the rate in half.

But the final reason I wouldn't import a Canadian car is resale. It could be tough explaining the car's origin. (Rick Mercer could do a funny skit, because Americans are ignorant and suspicious of all things Canadian.) I signed a form at the border saying the car met DOT and EPA standards but would be for personal use only and not resale. It was unlcear if this question was for dealers or individuals but I knew then and there I had to be prepared to drive the car into the ground or sell it for parts. That blows using the car as a trade-in, selling it on my own, or getting back any of my investment.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-15 07:03:00
CanadaCongrats Jen & Darcy
Hope you have such a long and happy honeymoon that you don't read these good wishes for at least a week!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-15 07:26:00
Canadanoa2 vadility
I believe I read somewhere on this site that they simply extend it. Just a formality. I could be wrong, though...
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-06 17:30:00
CanadaNov 16th!!
We are all counting on our fingers. Nine months start to finish. Almost like making a baby! Congratulations.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-21 06:22:00
CanadaTravel Insurance
Yes, by all means, check every insurance company (including RBC and TD Canada Trust) and get some kind of traveller's coverage. But be aware that travel insurance is only good if you also have valid health insurance in Canada. I guess you'll have that until you marry, move permanently, and give up your OHIP (or other provincial card).

I never bought travel insurance until I started writing for RBC and saw the real life horror stories. A lot can go wrong, even for healthy people.

When I moved to the States, I went almost a year without health insurance, knowing I was playing Russian Roulette. Now I have basic coverage at work. It's not free. I pay for it myself, but at group rates. Again, anything can go wrong and you don't want to be wiped out financially because of a freak accident or surprise illness.

Get health insurance as soon as you can.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 21 October 2006 - 07:27 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-21 07:25:00
CanadaMontreal Waiting Room Reflections
It has been over a month since we sent back the checklist. By now, we've learned how to wait: hanging loose, taking things day by day, continually working toward our goal.

We haven't seen each other since we got married in March. Each of us has changed in the past 7 months. We've learned patience the hard way. We've each taken awful jobs as a means to an end. We've prayed like never before.

What will we be like once we finally meet in Montreal for the inteview? Older, wiser, thinner (in his case), heavier (in mine), tired, quiter. This is a grueling process with many pitfalls.

But I have to believe that we'll be stronger as a couple, and ready to take on new challenges. There's a saying that "you're in exactly the place God wants you to be." Hard to prove or disprove. But this year may not have been about a visa. It may have been about earning a passport to a new level in life that's yet to be revealed.

Have I gone batty because of the interminable waiting? Or do you have a story to tell about how this journey has transformed you into someone more ...
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-21 06:53:00
CanadaPlease help
I suspect they want to discourage ball point pens because they could leave an imprint that shows through on the front of the photo. Carry a felt tip pen if it makes you feel prepared.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-22 07:31:00
CanadaFYI for those who haven't seen this yet
There may have been a discussion about this already. Some people are sticking to exactly the hard copy forms they received in Package 4. To be on the safe side, I believe there was someone who submitted an electronic form but also brought a hard copy to the interview, just in case. (Maybe someone could refresh my memory on this.)

Thanks, flames.

Edited by Jersey Girl, 22 October 2006 - 07:37 AM.

Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-22 07:35:00
CanadaSuccessful CR-1 interview in Montreal
They say that when one door closes, another opens. Your aunt passed from this life at the same time as you are starting a new one. Congratulations on your visa and condolences on your godmother.

As for your house, you may be able to leave it in the hands of a good real estate agent. It might be easier to sell empty. You'd only have to come back to sign papers at the closing.

If you'll be in the States for the American Thanksgiving, you'll have so much to be grateful for this year!
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-22 07:27:00
Side issue: Macy's (department store) issued me a store credit card while I still had a Canadian address. Apparently they have stores somewhere in Canada. When I moved to the U.S., I simply put in a change of address.

American department-store cards can help build your U.S. credit profile. Buy something every month and pay it down to zero. They charge loan shark rates of interest!

You might also consider taking out a small bank loan for nothing other than building a credit history.

I hate to say this, but life is unpredictable. The sooner you can build your own score (instead of piggybacking on your spouse) the better.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-21 07:10:00
My good Ontario driving record was useless for getting insurance in New Jersey, even though I paid for an abstract. No one would look at it.

My excellent Canadian credit rating was also useless, even though I paid for a print out. No one would look at it.

The U.S. credit checking companies simply do not have the capacity to check foreign credit ratings. So after 6 months of getting nowhere, I got a secured credit card. Then, I found MBNA, which was willing to check my Canadian history, but only after I persisted.

My advice: if you can get an MBNA while card in Canada, it will be easier to get one in the States.
Jersey GirlFemaleCanada2006-10-16 18:00:00