Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHola a todos.

Estoy comenzando mi proceso de visa K1 con mi prometido, acabamos de recibir la confirmacion del NOA1, espero poder estar con el muy pronto, muchas bendiciones a todos con sus procesos.

Pues muchas felicidades! No olvides actualizar tu timeline asi sabemos mas de ti y podemos guiarte en caso de que tengas alguna duda.
K1 fiance visa es mas rapida que la CR-1 o K3, asi que seguro pronto estaras con tu churri.
Mucha suerte! De que pais eres?

:goofy: :time: :thumbs: :thumbs:
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-29 01:13:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaWE HAVE A VISA
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-29 01:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-01 17:30:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)Visitors From Spain
Hola a todos! Soy nueva aqui!! Bueno mi situación es un poco complicada!! a ver si alguien me puede ayudar con unos cuantos consejitos!! Soy boliviana, vivo en Madrid. Me casé hace poco con mi esposo, y ya tenemos respuesta... el NOA1. Mi pregunta es la sgte: No tengo la tarjeta de residente aqui, y ya tampoco la voy a necesitar, pero se q para el proceso de obtener la K3, necesitaré un reporte de la policia aqui, y la de mi país. Alguien me puede decir como obtener el Reporte de la Policia si estoy en situación irregular aqui y ya no quiero mas la Tarjeta de Residencia???
Y otra cosa, como creo my Time Line??
No tengo idea de cuanto tiempo esto nos va a tomar... y la verdad es q ya a veces me entra la desesperación de estar tan lejos de la persona q amo aunq estemos en contacto todo el tiempo!!
Suerte a todos y espero sus respuestas, muchas gracias!!
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2009-09-02 12:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SPAIN/AMERICA couples
QUOTE (symphony @ Aug 29 2009, 10:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

great to hear back from you. DCF means that you file directly at the embassy, which you can only do if you have been a resident for the last 6 months in the country you file we have been in Madrid together for over 4 no problem there! we file on wednesday...supposedly it is a lot quicker this way because its all done here i believe, but i am still nervous.

where are you from in Spain? where are you living in America? i am from San Francisco, so that is where we will be moving when we get through all this. i can't wait....i have been living abroad for over 10 years (was in London before Madrid) and with a baby now....i just crave being home near my family. fingers crossed it will happen soon!

good luck sending your forms off tomorrow and i hope to hear from you soon! xx

Hi!! Hola!! Bueno estos casos implican España y USA pero cada situación es diferente!! Yo vivo en Madrid, mi esposo es americano, pero soy de Bolivia, y estamos esperando la aprobación del I-130! No tenemos idea cuanto va a tardar.. y mi pregunta es la sgte... no se si podran responderme pero... si tienen alguna idea la agradeceré eternamente!! Vivo aqui y ya me toca este año sacar la Tarjeta de Residencia por arraigo, pero conoci a mi esposo y ni él ni yo queremos mas hacer ya este tramite pues como su esposa tengo q estar con él.. allá. Me encanta madrid, pero mi esposo esta allá y yo debo estar con él. En la embajada americana aqui me dijeron q no les interesa mi situacion legal en España, pero se q en el futuro me pediran los antecedentes penales de mi país y tambien de aqui por estar viviendo ya mas de 3 años. Sin tener la tarjeta de residencia no la puedo obtener de la policia... como puedo hacer? q puedo hacer?????
Espero sus respuestas.. por favor!!
Un saludo y suerte a todos (AS)

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2009-09-03 08:18:00
Asia: SouthMumbai Visa Interview-My Review
Congratulations again! Thank u for sharing your experience! :dance: :dance: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia5/25/2010 19:42
Africa: Sub-SaharanApproved!
Congrats! Did u book your flight??!
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-01 17:01:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanHusband denied, pending USCIS decision

This could be the problem too right OP is not a US citizen but a green card holder?

If you keep reading below, you will see OP clarified she is a US citizen...
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2012-03-08 01:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview
QUOTE (GreenT @ Sep 20 2009, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
My wife's interview starts tonight (9/20/2009) at 8 PM CST. Thanks a lot to this site I found a lot of useful information in preparing us. Hopefully everything will go well and I can be reunited with her.

Good luck!!
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2009-09-20 19:34:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresmy husband broke up with me...before start the process =(
QUOTE (yumishi @ Dec 11 2009, 01:18 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi everyboby .well i was new in this website, i was excited becuase i found information about the k3. well my name is pamela and i´v been married to michael for almost 10 months, we decided to star the process, i came to my country and he stay in usa, we were excited at least that´s was i thought , i was making plan to getting married in ca church with my family here, i designed my weeding dress, for the religious weding, i was excited, we talked by phone and emails, but after 2 weeks he decide to broke up with me, he sent me a nice email on tuesday and i call him wednesday and he broke up, i called him today and he said no again. he lie to me, he admited, i dont understan how a person can do that. he said that he doesnt love me anymore, that he was never happy with me. and now we are done. i dont know what to do, i feel so lost, so depress, im sorry i dont wanna complain but its not fair, how can you married someone for 10 month and just like that said i dont love you and broke up...i dont understan. im only crying, what im gonna do without him. oh god..i dont know what to do or said.

I´m really really sorry... Now u r so sad and broken, but time is gonna make u feel better. Be strong, maybe it is better to happen now than to happen later, maybe when u have kids or after some years marriage. U r so young so u can find a good man who really loves u. Obviously he was not ready to get married, I dont know why he did it. Now try to keep your time busy, work, study, whatever.. is not easy, I know..but.. try.. at least..
My question is.. can u go back to the USA? maybe going there u can talk to him face to face... u really need an explanation...
Good luck girl... u r broken now, pray our God to make u stronger....

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2009-12-10 19:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHired a lawyer and feel lost
Totally agree with Thongf4me. He should be envolved here too. U dont need a lawyer, your best guide is right here, and for free!! Lots of people like u waiting... We started this process more than 5 months and we r stuck at the NVC. But Im faithfull and I know soon this wait is going to end.
Read the guides and feel free to ask whatever u want whenever u need.
Good luck!! and be prepared with a looot of patient!!

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-02-01 17:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSomeone please help
Let us know what this Scott has to say in that chatroom.
Very good luck... pray to God.. and dont give up!!

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-02-01 17:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Visa Approved at Ciudad Juarez
Congrats!! Hope she to get home back here soon! CDJ is so dangerous now so I hope u to get your visa very soon!!!
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-04-29 21:44:00
QUOTE (Mononoke28 @ Oct 1 2009, 07:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (anamyle777 @ Oct 1 2009, 10:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Gracias Diana:

YA pague por lo que cometí, pero a veces uno no sabe como fueron las cosas, mi esposo solo vino una vez en estos años y antes que tenga a mi bebe, el tuvo una relacion de casi 3 años con una americana de su edad, el me duplica la edad, yo soy joven, yo sufri mucho porque me descuido como esposa y lo del bb se me escapo de las manos ya que no me cuidaba por serle "FIEL", pero ya arreglamos todo no hay mentira q dure 100 años yo descubri su engaño y el descubrio q tuve un hijo asimismo yo misma lo inscribi con su apellido por estar casada con el, pero bueno muchas gracias por sus comentarios y por su ayuda, sobre el padre biologico fue solo un desliz, ahora mi preocupacion es regresar a USA con mis hijos., pero mi duda es que mi bb no puede aplicar o me nieguen la aplicacion por haber tenido un hijo fuera del matrimonio porque lo he tenido dentro del tiempo de espera del tramite para residencia. tengo mucho miedo por mi bb y no quiero dejarlo en caso me aprueben mi waiver.

Como dice ud. un desliz le puede pasar a cualquier persona. Con eso en mente, si yo estuviera en su lugar no cambiaría nada, diría la verdad en la embajada y me armaba con todo tipo de evidencia que demuestre que uds. se perdonaron y que todavía se quieren. Lo más probable es que la embajada le haga todo tipo de preguntas y ud. debe ser firme con sus respuestas. Su esposo también debe planer ir a la entrevista con ud. para que él mismo conteste cualquire pregunta que tengan en la embajada.

En cuanto a su niño, su esposo debe de mandar el I-130 como su hijastro ya que no es hijo de él.

Fuera de eso tenga mucha fé y piense positivo. Las buenas energías ayudan mucho.


Claro!! Un desliz le puede pasar a cualquiera!! pero no a una mujer casada!! con un tio q le dobla la edad!!! a mi esto no me huele a verdadero amor, solo a un interes por un visado para volver a los EEUU con los hijos q NO SON DE TU MARIDO! mucho amor de ese americano por ti, o es solo nacionalizado???? Lo siento, creo q estoy siendo muy dura es q estoy recien casada y se Q NUNCA HARIA ALGO ASI, LO SE!! DE OTRA MANERA NO ME HUBIERA CASADO!!! Bueno pues si tienes q seguir otro I-130, ojala q cuando llegues alla otra vez y pasen un par de años no lo dejes al pobre tio solo abandonado y sintiendose usado solo por un simple visado.
Sorry to those people who doesn´t understand spanish but Im just giving my opinion, and I have the right, I hate this situation cause Im just married and I hate when some women act this way, why? cause Im a woman too!
Marriage for me is once in my life, that is why I got married at almost 34 years old, so I feel umconfortable when I hear some girls do something wrong.... well. Im not God to judge but... good luck for her, sorry for her husband.
Have a great weekend to all of u.
Karina Pogue
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2009-10-08 19:55:00
QUOTE (anamyle777 @ Sep 30 2009, 05:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (aaron2020 @ Sep 25 2009, 02:57 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Do not lie. I don't know what the effect is when a married woman has a child that is not biologically her husband's but is his legally under local law. In many places, the child born to a married woman is presumed to be the husband's unless established otherwise in court. You may want to consult an immigration attorney here in the US.

To petition for you and your child, your husband needs to file one I-130 for you and a second I-130 for your child. He petitions for you as his spouse. He petitions for the child as either his child (as established by local law) or as his step-child.

The US embassy may require DNA testing.




Pero que tonteria hiciste mujer! No soy quien para juzgarte pero como se te ocurre tener un hijo para otro hombre mientras tu esposo esta trabajando por ti y tus hijos en su pais? y si cometiste semejante estupidez porque no te cuidaste? Mucho amor tiene q tenerte ese pobre hombre para perdonarte e intentar llevarte a ti ya sus no hijos a USA.
Por nada del mundo se te ocurra mentir a la embajada, pues NUNCA podras ir a los Estados Unidos si ellos lo descubren, por cosas incluso simples deniegan visados.. y lo tuyo ... es de fabula...
Diles la verdad, ellos saben cuando mientes con solo mirarte.
Espero q tengas mucha suerte pues la vas a necesitar...

Karina Pogue.

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2009-09-30 10:36:00

MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





Congratulations!! Such a great way to start this year!!
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-01-02 11:20:00
QUOTE (brij @ Dec 18 2009, 10:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
To all my VJ peeps, thank for your support and also if possible include me in your prayers as well.

God bless you all!

I met my husband in a dating website too, I live in europe, it was so easy for me to find an european guy.. but.... since the first time I saw hi,, I thought.. Damn! He is the most handsome guy I´ve ever seen! we start chatting but NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS I expected he would be interested on me... NO WAY! he could get any woman he wants! Specially latins like me!! he was first my best friend, then boyfriend online ( I didnt take it seriously at first, but he made it to be real) then he came for the first time, I was so embarrased... he is veeeery handsome! We loved each other even before we meet person. Datint sites works! I was all alone 21 months ago, I never wanted to marry to a latin guy for looooots of reasons, and europeans. even they are usually good husbands, they r kind of cold.. so... I felt out of place! Then.. God blessed me sending me to the man I always dreamt with. and he loves me!
Now we r waiting our case to be complete at the nvc, Hope next year we to be together... for ever!!
So dont worry..u will get your visa the less expected day!!

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2009-12-19 21:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy Spain Pkt 3 problem
Hi! Well if u r still on NVC, I suggest u to call them. 603-334-0700. I don´t know what part of process u r right now, I was on IRCR-1 and we sent the DS-230 part I and II together. But when I got the packet 4, there was again part II, and I had to sign it in front of them at the interview.
Well feel free to ask me any question, I will try to answer your doubts. Don´t worry, u have no idea how "difficult" my case was and we got the visa, so I´m sure u will get it as well. The interview took us (my hubby was with me) less than 10 min. I had a very nice scrapbook, photobook, chat prints, etc, but the nice young girl didn´t ask for any proof. It was kinda of dissapointed cause I had loooots of things to show her.
She only asked us how we meet each other, Ahhh, it was nice we could go together to the window interview, some other consulates don´t allow wives of husbands to be at the interview, well, she also asked him how many times he came to visit me before our wedding, if he met my parents, when do we plan he to meet them (I´m from Bolivia), she told me my english was pretty good, she asked me how I learned english and If I have been in this country before. That is it! She was a very nice and smiley girl, yeah, she has a very nice smile! She was young, but she was not the only one. There are at least 2 CO.

Good luck and keep us updated ok!!
Keep positive!!!

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-04-24 15:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy Spain Pkt 3 problem
Did u call NVC?

Did u call NVC?
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-04-23 12:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Visa Approval Pending
Ohhhhh!!! I´m sorry it will take u longer than u expected... but... don´t worry. That is completely normal. Everybody must sign the DS-156K independiently if it is an approval/denial, so don´t worry about it.
IMO, she should pay those 500 Bs.It would worth (Sadly to say that is how my country works, if u have money to pay to expedite documents, u would get it in time, If u follow the regular procedure... it can take u a few weeks) I don´t understand why they need she to go to La Paz from Sucre at all, my mom got my Police Certificate when I was in Spain, and it took about 10 days. The difference is.... there is a "local" police certificate, with your record only in your city, and another "national" with your records of all the country. Of course that is the one she must get. Once she gets it, she has to mail it to the US embassy IV unit, (original and photocopy) and she should take a extra photocopy just in case.
One question..... Did they keep her passport???? IF they did, that is a GOOD sign, she will get her visa once they get what they require, if not, after she mails it to them, she should call them to ask what next but I´m pretty sure they will call her requiring her passport to issue her visa.
Please keep us updated!!
Don´t worry everything will be fine :)
:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs: :dance: :dance: :dance:
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-07-15 23:18:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen to apply for citizenship

Yes, she will. In consolation, perhaps prep life insurance policy, prior to revealing this to her?

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-08-15 14:37:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionWhen to apply? 3 years or - 90 days??

Hello VJ Family:
I am not sure about this:
I came with a CR-1 visa, got here on 04/14/2010. My greencard has the same date 04/14/2010.
I am now waiting for my 10 yrs greencard.
IT will be 3 years in 04/14/2013 since I got here. I left the country for vacation only 3 weeks in Sept 2010.
Me and my husband(thank God) have a happy marriage.

My question is: To apply for citizenship, do I have to wait until 04/14/2013 or can I do it 90 days earlier (as we did our ROC?)))
Thank you for your answers :star: :star: :star:

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2012-04-28 23:43:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 July 2013 Filers

So proud now to be A CITIZEN OF UNITED STATES OF AMERICA! My Oath Ceremony was this morning and it was beautiful! VISAJOURNEY Thank you for all the guidance and tools and the money saving to do our process by ourselves! I am now ONE HAPPY AMERICAN/BOLIVIAN!!!



HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2013-11-22 16:40:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 July 2013 Filers

2 more weeks until my Oath Ceremony! Nov 22nd, Hurry up!!

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2013-11-07 23:12:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 July 2013 Filers

Hi All,

I got my letter with my Oath Ceremony date 11/22/2013 at 9:30 am.

I was kinda concerned, I had my appointment in 9/10, but that day they did not take my fingerprints and picture, a couple days later got a letter to have them done on 09/23. Apparently they said that day the system was down and they couldn't do it.


Not sure why it took a while but finally my Ceremony has been scheduled.

I just hope to make it until that day, my  DD is 01/01/2014, but not sure If I will make it that far. My tummy is huge and I started to have contractions, so we will see.

Anyway, congrats to the new US Citizens! What an adventure since we all started the journey a few years ago!






HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2013-10-28 23:04:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 July 2013 Filers

Just got home from work.

Correct, answers are orally

By the way, Adriana, the Oath Ceremony will be October or November.

I can not wait!

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2013-09-11 22:43:00
K-3 Spousal Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsImportant! our us state is going to do an investagtion on morocco
Good luck..
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-05 00:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Any deported egyptian has exeperince with american embassy in cairo?
This process is going to be sooo hard and stressfull for u. I hope u and your husband are patience enought throught this moments. Be prepare to a very long wait, I hope your love is strong enough. U will make it happens, maybe it will take its time.. but u will make it!
Good luck, and keep us updated! Be positive!!!!!!!!!
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-02-14 16:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)reaffirmed petition 2nd interview done
There are hard times to all of u, but with lots of patience u will make it! Love always win, this is a big obstacle in your lives, but if your love is strong enough u finally will be reunited to your loved ones!!
Keep positive, faithfull, pray so deep in your hearts, take a deeep breath everytime u feel down, and when u get your loves with u u will remember this as a big nightmare.
Good luck!!
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-02-14 17:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)So confused and depressed Need help....
Good!Be positive!!
The CO lady told me I would get my visa in 2 weeks (or more) but I got it 6 days later.
So u will get it very soon!
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-04-20 13:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)VISA RECEIVED AFTER AP 8 MONTHS
Oh boy!! Congratulations!! Nightmare is over!!

:goofy: :goofy: :goofy: :goofy: :goofy: :goofy: :goofy:
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-04-30 13:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221(g)
I´ve read before, a consulate took someone´s passport, he was put in AP, it is now 4 months since then and he can´t travel anywhere without it. He was trying to get it back again so he could travel somewhere... Some consulates do it, some don´t. They kept my passport for AP but it just took 5 days to delivery my visa at home. Hopefully everything will be fine for u.
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-04-29 19:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)221(g)
Did they keep your husband´s passport? IF they took it, I would be fine. Usually it takes a few weeks until they delivery your visa to your home. Relax and be positive. Well I´m guessing if they took your husband´s passport of course. Keep us updated! They dont say Congratulations with no reason.

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-04-28 23:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Final Approval!!
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-10 22:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)wife got a call from embassy

hey conner
i gave them only numbers for the people who attended my marriage and most of them were cell numbers. but all the phone calls they made were on land line. they also called some people who were not in my marriage and i dint provide them with there phone numbers but they still got it from somewhere. my wife thinks they get the village phone directory and call randomly.
hey karina whats (op is in ap) . at the interview my wife was given 221g and the asked for a list of people who attended the marriage and there phone numbers. also affidavits from me and her. after they got that they put her on ap and now they r checking.
any update on ur case conner?

OP is the poster, in this case YOU, AP is Administrative Process, when u get your interview and they need to review something before approved or denied your visa.
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-21 20:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)wife got a call from embassy

hi karina and rb
thanks for sharing. they called some more people today and asked them trick questions. like they called her village headman and told him they were looking to arrange my wives marriage with somebody from usa. they wanted to know if she was a good person. the headman said she is already married. what r u talking about. see they dint tell him that they were calling from embassy. they acted like they were looking for a girl for marriage. headman was present at our marriage . and he knew we were married. my wife thinks they also called some other people. they did call my uncle and asked him about everything. i hope my wife gets visa soon. i prey for everybody in ap.
oh they keep on telling that they r going to visit but so far phone calls only

I was wondering,how the embassy got all these people (your relatives) contact numbers? Do they ask you?

Usually it happens at the interviews (OP is in AP) They ask family member´s telephones, address, neighbors, coworkers, friends, etc. If there is something suspicious they usually call to them.... tricky questions u know? Hopefully things will be fine for OP.

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-20 23:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)wife got a call from embassy
Sometimes it happens. I´ve read about a guy from your country who´s american wife was married before. They were in AP for some months. One day US embassy called his father and asked him about her american daughter in law. After some questions (he was older than 70 or 80) finally they asked him.... do u know if she (petitioner) was married before? The old man said.. I don´t know.... Visa denied.... why? According to them, there was no way an indian old man, didn´t know his daughter in law was married before. :huh: :angry: :wacko:
Before calling him they also called to some neighbors, asking so many questions about them. My point is... They denied him just cause of his parent´s answer.
I know is not fair, but sometimes... some cases are harder than other ones.
I think u will be fine. Anyway, keep us updated and good luck!

Edited by karinapogue, 19 May 2010 - 11:13 PM.

HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-19 23:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Anyone one got any good news
Come on NVC, USCIS, move your lazy #@~$$ and start working in this delayed cases!!!!
We want to hear news this week!! :bonk: :bonk: :yes: :yes: :yes:
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-24 01:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Am I denied?

Thank you for the reply.... soo stressful waiting for something w/c you really don't know when. :bonk:

AP is a nightmare. Try to keep your time busy, call them once at week, and be positive. Good luck!!
:star: :star: :star: :thumbs: :thumbs:
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-30 16:11:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)2nd Interview

I am in Ap since my interview on 4th April . Yesterday CO called and interviewed me over phone.
I had to explain my student visa issue, reasons of overstay and so on.Interview lasted 45 min.Same co called again today and asked
to provide 4 documents. i guess my case is moving now. Also Called DOS and lady said case is still in embassy. Hope it is over soon.

That is good! Someone is working now! Hopefully u will get your visa soon!!
:thumbs: :thumbs:
HomesweethomeFemaleBolivia2010-05-30 16:18:00