CanadaThe weatherman is the Grinch
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 22 2009, 09:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My wife has a layover in Minneapolis on Thursday. I hope everything works out okay for you...and for us!

Hey Wyatt,

She would be welcome to stay with us. We can all drink and drown our sorrows together. I could hook up a webcam to my computer and we can all cry in our beer's...or scotch...or whatever.

Seriously, I hope she gets there without any delays. At least for us, we are at home. I hate living in the airport. People look at you funny when you curl up on across a couple of chairs with a teddy bear and battery powered night light.

The good news is that, as of right now, the worst of it may miss the Twin Cities proper and go a bit north. It will still be nasty...freezing drizzle, sleet and snow....but not the 1 foot + they were thinking.

Take care and with any luck at all, we will all get to where we want to be this Christmas.

CdnMNMaleCanada2009-12-22 12:16:00
CanadaThe weatherman is the Grinch
QUOTE (Wis-Can @ Dec 22 2009, 09:23 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You've been lucky never to have had a problem. Here's hoping this year will go smooth as well. Last christmas I was in Nova Scotia and my honey flew up from Wisconsin. What was suppose to be a six hour total flight, ended up being three days before he reached me, and lost luggage that was never found till the day before he went back home...he came for two weeks. They flew him all over hells creation trying to get him on a connecting flight, then the agent I spoke to told me they could fly him into Montreal right away, could I pick him up there......yes, its only a 14 hr drive, let me jump on Santa's sleigh as he goes by. As I was trying to get him on a flight that came into Halifax, he actually jumped on another plane to Washington in hopes of a connecting flight, and it paid off. He arrived Christmas Eve at 1 in the afternoon. I was so happy to see him! Oh, this probably depressed you...wasn't my intent. We kinda laugh at the whole thing now. Take care, and hopefully smooth flying for you both ways. Have a wonderful holiday and enjoy the visit.

Air Canada lost my wife!

One year, while I was still in Canada waiting for processing, my wife flew up for a visit. This was just after Air Canada and Continental merged. I was at Lester B (I think the B stands for BAD), and the flight status wasn't showing on the boards. Go to Air Canada to find out what's up. They tell me, due to the recent merger, the computers don't talk nice to each other. I need to go to the Continental desk. Continental sends me back to AC desk. Yes, it was their plane, but booked under AC, so it should be on their system.

AC tells me the flight is in at the little sub terminal and she shoud be in the main terminal soon. (This is already about 1 hours late). Next I get a call from my wife......she's in Detroit. The plane she was scheduled on (The one out at the little sub terminal according to AC) never left MN due to mechinical issues. They flewe her to Detroit to catch a connecting flight to Toronto and she was supposed to be in in about 2 hours.

Gotta love the airlines. headbonk.gif

CdnMNMaleCanada2009-12-22 12:08:00
CanadaThe weatherman is the Grinch
One of the things I always get nervous about is air travel at Christmas. We always fly out on Christmas day. I book tickets for my wife and I to fly to Ontario every year arond the beginning of Novemebr. After that, I hope and pray that weather won't be a problem.

In 8 years of doing this we have never had an issue...until now. Apparently we have a major snow storm heading our way. It's supposed to start Wednesday evening and wrap up Friday night or Saturday morning. At the moment, although it is too early to be certain, predictions are for 1 foot + of snow.

I love a white Christmas....but this is a bit overboard.

I may be hitching a ride with Santa on Christmas to try and make it back home. When I was talking to my son, he suggested I move to Florida so I didn't have to worry about snow. ( He also thought it would be a good idea so that, when he finally gets to move here, we could go to Disney on the weekends)

Hope everyone here has a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.


CdnMNMaleCanada2009-12-22 09:37:00
QUOTE (Wyatt's Torch @ Dec 22 2009, 06:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Fair enough, regarding the EI thing. But still -- the bigger picture is that you want to get down to the US as soon as possible, so that you can start working as soon as possible etc. etc. Your company just has to be clear how essential this trip is. Take it as a leave of absence if need be.

Sorry to get all riled up...I just don't want to see you guys get shafted because of some small-minded company doofus.

I agree with Wyatt. It's been a long time since I lived there, but if I remember, EI in Ontario makes allowances for "just cause" when leaving or getting fired. They need to realize this is the Government you are dealing with. It's not like changing a home furnace repair appointment.

They need to know that this is a their direction...not your choice. I would contact EI and inquire. Explain that this is an appointment you can't change. They are government and "should"understand the situation.

CdnMNMaleCanada2009-12-22 20:15:00
CanadaHoliday Recipe Thread
Frangellico Bread Pudding

1 large panettone, about 2 pounds
1/2 cup sugar
3 cups whole milk
Zest of 1/2 lemon
4 extra large eggs
1 stick butter, melted
White Chocolate
Frangellico Liqueur

In a saucepan, bring the milk and lemon zest to a simmer, remove from the heat and allow to cool for a few minutes. In a large bowl, mix the 3/4 cup sugar with the eggs. Gradually stir in the hot milk. Add Frangellico to taste – about 1.5 ounces.

Trim one slice of panettone so that it fits into the bottom of the souffle dish. Spoon 2 or 3 tablespoons of melted butter over it and then enough of the custard mixture to cover the panettone. Let it absorb the custard, adding more if necessary to cover. Repeat with additional slices of panettone, melted butter, and custard until the dish is filled to the very top. With each slice (and especially the last), use your palm to hold down the panettone until it completely submerged and saturated with custard. Do not compress the panettone, or the pudding will be too dense. Drizzle any remaining butter over the top.

Place the souffle dish into a larger pan filled with enough very hot tap water to come three-quarters of the way up the side of the dish. Bake for about an hour and a half. The top should be puffed and brown, the pudding should begin to pull away from the sides of the dish, and the internal temperature should rise to between 160 and 170 degrees. Allow the pudding to cool for at least 15 minutes.

While cooling, melt some white chocolate in a saucepan over low heat. Add some cream and 2 ounces of Frangellico. Pour over individual servings of pudding before serving.

CdnMNMaleCanada2009-12-01 09:23:00
CanadaHoliday Hoopla...the good, the bad and the ugly...share stories, ideas, recipes etc
QUOTE (poprocks @ Nov 23 2009, 01:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I figured we could start a thread for this festive season, from thanksgiving to Christmas....anything to do with gifts, family, meals, you name it!

This is my first US Thanksgiving, and we have opted out of the family MIL is unbelievable and we are really avoiding the drama...

She is still bitter about 'not being invited to my eldest son's wedding' even though we told everyone we wanted to be alone on the beach, just the two of us...she is also causing a stink because she has yet to meet my son...I should say that this woman has issues, and my husband is the first to tell ya....they are not close....his parents divorced when he was 10...after she got caught running around with other men....she is greedy and tried taking his dad to the cleaners during the divorce LOOOOONG story). Anyways, she is nosey and has said some pretty horrible things about my husband has been avoiding her for a while...she is so nosey, she wants to know how much my ex pays me for my son so 'her son doesn't get stuck with the bill' can you imagine?

Anyways, my SIL and her husband are going to Ocean City to be with her for Thanksgiving and we decided to stay home and forgo the drama...they even have issues with her, but feel we will likely lay low.... my back has been pretty bad...and my hubby doesn't want me going all out, so he said we should just order a meal from Boston Markets. I've never had their it good? They do this Turkey special thing...

My hubby also wants to go at midnight and stand in line at Best Buy for a flat screen TV...HAHA! Don't ask...he is a techy junky lol...

I know eventually we will have to deal with my MIL for Christmas, as she will likely be down here...and we will have t have her over. My mom will be here too, and staying with us for two weeks with her boyfriend, in the nanny suite...I can see it now, the MIL will be pissed that my mom gets preferential treatment...whatever....she is also all about 'what did you buy me for X-Mas?) we have already vowed that this year, no adults are exchanging gifts, only for the kids.... it gets too expensive...she never listens and expects big gifts... me and my husband have decided that we will get her something small....$20 bucks...and be done with it....

I've already started decorating, I love Christmas... we do this thing on X-Mas eve, where the kids go up to put on their PJ's and that's when Santa happens to visit downstairs....hubby will come in making noise and leaving gifts (it's something my dad used to do and i'm keeping the tradition)...last year my son heard him and pee'd his pants from the excitement lol...

I'm also planning on baking....we love giner cookies, so I want to find a good recipe... if anyone has one, please share...

Anyways, i'm sure I will have many updates about the step monster from now till then, and it will make for a great read lol....

I love getting ideas and stuff for the holidays, so please share smile.gif

Someone needs to come up with a law to outlaw in-laws. We got married in Ontario. My wife's parents came up for the wedding....just to see if they could talk her out of it.

They still invite her ex to all the family events. sad.gif

On the other side of the mom gets along great with my wife. She is going to be here for Thanksgiving.

We'll be heading to Ontario for Christmas. We do the same thing every year. Fly in Christmas Day, pick up my son and stay at my mom's place and fly back home on the 30th. New Year's Eve is low key. We start with escargot for an apitizer then I cook a seafood dinner (usually lobster and shrimp or scallops), we watch a movie or something and I don't think we've ever been up for midnight.

I'm going to be making a special desert for the day after Thanksgiving..... Italian Bread Pudding with a white chocolate and Frangellico sauce.

Cooking is my hobby (my uncle was a professional chef years ago in Toronto) so I usually experiment through the holidays with different foods.

Last year I made a New York Striploin Roast. The idea was to serve it flambe. Well, afetr a couple of glasses of wine while cooking and then being a bit rushed in making sure everything came together at the right time. I always heat the Brandy before ouring it over the food....light it in a thick walled glass and pou ####### while it is flaming. I had a major brain fart when I did this last year. Without thinking, I poured the Brandy into a plastic cup...then lit it.....(note to self...plastic gets hot, soft and catches fire not use) After spilling the flaming Brandy all over the counter because I dropped the plastic cup, I decided that a flambe presentation wasn't really needed. wacko.gif

CdnMNMaleCanada2009-11-24 08:31:00
CanadaBack Home....Finally
Well, my wife and I made it to Toronto just before Christmas. We had moved up our departure date from the 25th to the 23rd due to the storm that was due to hit MN. Even with that, NWA still cancelled our flight. In order to make a long story short, we ended up flying into Detroit, staying overnight and then flying into Toronto the next day.

Then there was the fligh home. Increased security at Toronto was unbeleivable. First, we always fly with carry-on luggage only. The flight is always on a small plane so we don't even carry on the luggage, it gets checked plane side. Now the rule is that there is NO carry on luggage allowed at all, even on flights where luggage is checked plane side. So, NWA was happy to ding us for baggae fees since we had to check out luggage on the way home. Arrrggghh. You think they would have a grace period for those who got stuck out of country. Oh well.

Next was the added security checks. After going through the initial check point and having the shoes, coat etc x-rayed, we ended up in another line. Men on one side, women on the other. This was for a pat down search and a general emptying of pockets, purses etc.

The additional security really wasn't that bad and I can understand it...but the baggage fees still have me smoldering. This turned out to be a cash cow for the airlines who can now collect even more on baggage fees.

The time back home was great. My family background is European (Dutch) so it was a 9 days of overeating, but it was all my favorites. I even got so stuffed on peameal bacon that I don't want to see more until next year.

Hope everyone here had a great holiday and Happy New year to everyone.

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-01-04 17:44:00
CanadaNS woman denied entry
I guess they were profiling her too, they don't like Canadians of Irish descent that are over 6 feet tall :lol:

- That description would be enough to set off alarm bells anywhere :)
CdnMNMaleCanada2010-01-07 15:12:00
CanadaPOE Jan 3rd
Congrats and welcome to the US. Glad everything went so well for you.

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-01-05 07:59:00
CanadaWill this be a problem
Thanks for the replies. I'll speak to my son and let him know what to expect...the possibility of secondary etc. I'll also make it clear in a cover letter (one from me and one from my ex) that this is only a different than previous years.



CdnMNMaleCanada2010-01-15 13:12:00
CanadaWill this be a problem
We submitted the I130 for our son/stepson in November and have received the NOA1 from CSC. Nothing else has happened so far.

My son always visits with us during his March break, 15th to 19th this year. We plan on sending any/all documentation with him when he flies here to show he will be returning at the end of the week. He will be flying out of Toronto.

Do you think he will have any issue with the CBP officer? We a bit nervous about this. He will be flying alone on the unaccompanied minor program as he is 12.

I know that they can deny entry for a person under immigration processing however, I'm told that as long as it can be proved to the satisfaction of the officer that a person is not staying, they will be allowed entry.

Any thoughts on documentation I can have sent with him? Is the fact that he has a return ticket, is enrolled in school etc enough?

With any luck, CSC will be finished with his I130 before this.


CdnMNMaleCanada2010-01-15 08:59:00
CanadaChristmas - Secret Santa
Just got e-mail notice from USPS that the gift I sent should have been delivered today or is available at the Post Office.

CdnMNMaleCanada2009-12-16 18:46:00
CanadaChristmas - Secret Santa
oh.... that sounds yummmmy!

Yep, Now my wife like all the stuff I make. She used to hate she loves it.

Salmon based with maple syrup
Halibut with a peach/mange rum spread
Dover Sole rolled arounf mushroom and wild rice stuffing

I'm making myself hungry wacko.gif

CdnMNMaleCanada2009-12-14 22:42:00
CanadaChristmas - Secret Santa
Yep, I almost became a chef at one point. Then I realized that doing what I like as a job would likely spoil it. Now I just cook for friends and do occasional larger group meals.

CdnMNMaleCanada2009-12-14 21:02:00
CanadaChristmas - Secret Santa
OK, uploading a pic didn't work, but I did receive a gift from Santa this weekend.

It's a cookbook with all sorts of great Canadian foods. Cooking is one of my favorite hobbies, so I'll be getting plenty of use out of this book. Now where am I going to find Saskatoon berries in Minnesota?

Many thanks to my Secret Santa. My wife has already glanced through the book. She's sitting across from me going "Oh, this sounds good"

Considering my wife is a midwest "meat and potato" girl, she got shocked when she first met me. She had come to Ontario for New Year's Eve. I really wanted to impress her. I made smoked salmon with cream cheese and capers, smoked mussels, escargot, shrimp and lobster tails with some different cheeses and wine.

To her credit, she tried everything...and loved it. She did have this cute apprehensive look on her face when trying the escsrgot and the smoked mussels. I just though everyone ate like that.

My first trip to a grocery store here in MN was such an experience. My wife still can't believe the look of disappointment as I wandered the isles looking for stuff.

So, once again....many thanks to my Secret Santa. May your Christmas be all you wish for and the New Year bring you joy and happiness.


Attached Files

CdnMNMaleCanada2009-12-14 20:28:00
CanadaChristmas - Secret Santa
Well, here's a bit about me.

Do you have any hobbies in particular?
Hiking, Camping, Photography, Reading, Cooking, Woodworking

What are your favourite colours?
Earth Tones and Blue

Do you decorate for Christmas? What colours do you use and what style (if any) do you like?

When you shop, what are your favourite things to shop for?
Hardware stores, Camping/Hiking gear, Cooking Stuff, Books, photography related stuff
CdnMNMaleCanada2009-11-25 12:30:00
CanadaChristmas - Secret Santa
QUOTE (trailmix @ Nov 18 2009, 02:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Last year, around this time, we decided we would do a secret santa gift exchange for VJ members in the Canada forum. For those of you who weren't members yet, this is how it went:

- If you are interested in taking part, you just post in this thread to say you are interested.

- Once we have everyone - I will ask you to send me your address (only two people will get this information - me and your secret santa).

- Once we have all the names and addresses, I randomly match people up and email them the information on their receipient.

- About 2 weeks before Christmas you mail your gift to your receipient.

Anyone interested this year?

This sounds like fun and I'd love to join in.
CdnMNMaleCanada2009-11-19 08:04:00
CanadaHow does CSC work

Welcome to US Immigration. Please take a number and go away. Thank you.

And should I close the door on my way out? Wouldn't want the sound to wake them up.
CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-01 13:15:00
CanadaHow does CSC work
Thanks for letting me vent a bit. This weekend was a pain in the a$$.

It's getting to be time for camp enrollments etc and everything is in limbo. We can't enroll him in anything back in Ontario because we hope he will be able to move here at the end of June...but we can't enroll him in anything here because we don't know if his processing will be finished. Not to mention this could screw up his visit here this summer if the processing isn't done.

And then trying to make my Ex understand there isn't thing one I can do...not speed it up...not get status info....

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-01 12:49:00
CanadaHow does CSC work
We sent in the I-130 for mt son back in November. Got the NOA1 at the end of November. Some who filed around the same time have already received their NOA2. Our file hasn't been touched. How do they decide which file to work on?

My son is having a tough time at home right now and there is nothing I can do to speed things up. It kills me every time we talk and he asks how come he can't live here yet. Worse...I can't even tell promise him he will be here for the summer.,,and we're having to forego summer camps etc because we can't take the chance on him being away if he needs to go to an interview. Can't afford to pay for it and then have him not be able to go.

Arrrgggghhhhh. Sorry but it was a frustrating weekend.
CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-01 10:52:00
I'd also speak to your Senator. It may or may not help...but it certainly won't hurt.
CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-01 12:54:00
CanadaRoasted Groundhog
I'm tired of winter. As I write this, yet another dose of sleet and snow is expected here in MN over the next couple of days.

That darn groundhog had to see his shadow yesterday. Ticked me right off. So, in order to honor the little rodent in an manner appropriate and befitting him - given his dire prediction - I say we have a virtual groundhog roast today.

Anyone have some Bar-B-Que sauce?

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-03 09:33:00
CanadaMarriage Certificate Needed?
I was never asked for my original marriage cert. I had the divorce papers. (Why have divorce papers if you weren't really married)

I did need my certificate for my current marriage.

DISCLAIMER - This was about 7 years ago at Montreal - things may have changed...but it doesn't seem to make sense that it would be needed.

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-03 16:09:00
CanadaLast Minute Question for POE

UPDATE! Sean made it through the border at 4:23 Eastern. I don't know when he got there, but from when I last spoke to him I am guessing he was only there for 30-45 mins. :)

Of course this is all I have heard so far . . .


See Arabella, everything did go fine :)

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-01 17:26:00
CanadaLast Minute Question for POE

I wish I could be there at the POE. I am dying to know how it goes. Knowing him, he will say it went "fine" and that will be all of the description I get!

Is there a way to describe it other than "fine"?

I know exactly what he means. :lol:
CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-01 15:50:00
CanadaVJ Immigration Timelines
Under the Immigration Timelines link on VJ there is a list of "Approximate Processing Dates for Common Forms" on the right hand side of the page.

It states "Petitions with NOA1 dates as follows are currently be processed:

Under that I find I-130 for IR1/CR1 & K3 Visas
CSC: October 13, 2009

What does this mean specifically? That further processing is only being done on I-130's that have an NOA1 date of Oct 13, 2009?

Also, what is this info based on? Info from CSC or stictly based on info from VJ entered stats?


CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-11 15:27:00
CanadaI-130 Approved
I woke up this morning and really had to drag my butt to get out of bed and almost took a PTO day. Lucky for me I didn't. I got into work this morning and, in my e-mail, was a notice from USCIS that the I-130 for my son was approved.

Thanks to everyone here for your advice and answers to my questions...even the ones that had obvious answers had a looked a bit harder.

With any luck at all my son will be able to move here when his current school year ends....sometime around the end of June.

I'm sure I'll have more questions as we move I'll let everyone here know what the process is like for a minor child.

Now I want to take a PTO day to celebrate. :dance:

Thanks again

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-17 08:07:00
CanadaFeeling homesick for your favorite rural canadian town or national park?
One of my favourite towns back home was St. Thomas, Ontario. The Menonite Market was great. The Niagara Fall wine tour was also something I loved to do.

I still have relatives in Bracebridge and other assorted towns and love just about anywhere north of Barrie.

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-18 08:00:00
CanadaMontreal Interview

It's generally only the beneficiary and 1 U.S. citizen, but they may let her in.

That was my understanding. I may need to call DOS...for a start and see what happens from there.

My ex is just having problems understanding this whole immigration process. If she can't attend, I doubt it will cause everything to fall apart...but it may make things a bit more difficult. She was already put off because the only way for my son to come here is as a permanent resident.

Oh well

Edited by CdnMN, 19 February 2010 - 01:03 PM.

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-19 13:02:00
CanadaMontreal Interview
Not sure how this will work and haven't been able to find an answer online.

My son is 12 and just got his I-130 approved. When the time comes for his interview, who can attend? Does anyone know if they will allow both parents to go in? My ex was asking about this and I'm really not sure. I read somewhere that only one other person was allowed into the waiting room with the applicant. Do they make excepions for children?

I would think that, if possible, it would be good for both parents to be there in order to avoid any question of custody etc.

Is this something I should call DOS about for clarification and would they even know? Is it up to Montreal?


CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-19 08:58:00
CanadaThe Great Dinner vs Supper Debate
Here in MN we have a few supper clubs. There are really just restaurants, but mostly only open for dinner. :wacko:

When I was growing up it was always supper - but that was in a very British household. All my friends called it dinner.

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-19 09:07:00
Canadatransfering credit history to USA
I had a problem with credit when I first moved here. We rented an apartment for the first year because we didn't know exactly where in MN we wanted to live. We were lucky to get a mortgage in the second year based on my wife's credit and the 2 bills that were in my name and were always current from the utility companies. I'm guessing it would be a different matter today.

Our mortgage broker back than said there was no way for me to have my credit rating from Canada transferred or applied to anything here. Why? I'm still not certain. I was told I really needed to establish a minimum of 2 years credit to be taken seriously. Even getting a credit card at a reasonable rate was a pain at the time.

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-02-17 08:23:00
Congrats on what appears to have been a rather painless interview.
CdnMNMaleCanada2010-03-03 10:31:00
CanadaNVC number assigned but.....
NVC has received the info for my son and assigned a case number.

According to their recored message, the DS3032 and I864 was mailed out on 02/24.

It still hasn't arrived. When they say it has been mailed, do they mean it has actually been mailed out.....or has it simply been processed and is ready to be mailed?


CdnMNMaleCanada2010-03-07 08:38:00
CanadaGood Luck, Wyatt's Torch

All the best to you. You'll be here in the US before you know it.

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-03-04 09:18:00
CanadaCDN Passport photos in the USA
I finally had to go to a PROMAX photo store. Most here in MN refuse to do the Cdn passport picture because so many were being rejected. Apparently they are very picky and a real pain in the butt.

Too much shadow, to much glare...all sorts of issues were causing them to be rejected. The same stores said that the US is no where mear as difficult to deal with.

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-01-08 08:55:00
CanadaNVC Processing
We got the Affidavit of Support bill from NVC. We decided to use the electronic processing option rather than regular mail. They say this is new and not available to everyone.
Did anybody here use it? How was it....glitch free?
Just wondering if there were any issues and if it help speed up the process any.


CdnMNMaleCanada2010-03-14 07:32:00
CanadaSignature on forms

From the signature requirements page on the USCIS website.

I'd include a note explaining that you're signing for your minor child.

I saw this page and even spoke to a customer service rep who basically said the same thing regarding the DS3032. They still bounced it back. Sometimes the left hand doesn't know what the right hand is doing...or even that itr is supposed to be doing it.

Hopefully, submission of other forms will go smoother.

CdnMNMaleCanada2010-03-18 06:56:00
CanadaSignature on forms
Does anybody have any experience with what to do about signing the forms when the beneficiary is a minor child?

For the DS-3032, I was told by a customer service person at NVC, that as his father, I should just send an e-mail to NVC and let them know I would be acting as my sons agent...all I needed to do was include the NVC case number, name and date of birth for both the beneficiary and petitioner. I did this and also mentioned that proof of who I was (birth cert etc) was included in the I-130 package. It got rejected by NVC. The e-mail response said that either the petitioner or beneficiary had to inform them who would be the agent. My wife sent an e-mail naming me as the agent and they accepted that.

So, what about signatures on the rest of the forms (DS230 for example). I'm not sure about the response I got from NVC, given their advice mentioned above. They said I could sign it and note beside the signature that I am signing for my minor child. Hmmmmm.

Anyone have any experience with processing for minor children?


CdnMNMaleCanada2010-03-17 08:08:00
CanadaElectronic Processing
A couple of weeks ago, we sent an e-mail to NVC to notify them I would be the agent for my son. They got that on file along with our e-mail address. They sent an e-mail bill for the I-864 (AOS) which we piad on 03/12. Then we got an e-mail last Monday with the bill for IV processing which we paid on that day. Last Monday we also opted into electronic processing. We have been waiting for confirmation from them along with directions on sending in the I-864 and DS-230 form.

Finally, today I got an e-mail from NVCElectronic. I opened it, expecting it to be the confirmation and submission directions.

Instead, this is what I received;

Dear Sir/Madam:

Thank you for the information you have provided.

We would like you to confirm how you prefer us to process your case. All future correspondence regarding this case must be done electronically if you chose to do so.

If you choose to continue with the traditional paper process, all correspondence regarding this case will be done through the postal service. All future documents will need to be sent to us through the postal system.

Please let us know what your intention is for processing.

Did anyone else get this? Why do they need to confirm? :blink:
CdnMNMaleCanada2010-03-24 18:42:00