Philippinesphone cards
Time to teach mom how to use the internet cafe with YM phone calls - computer to computer with web cam or do the same wiht skype. Now the bill drops to the cost of internet cafe which is usually <100p/hour. Usually they can show her how in the internet cafe as long as you can txt her your ID to be contacted one. We have used that exclusively for the past 10 months and it paid to actually just get Trisha a laptop and DSL line at home. Now we can have chats for hours on end.

dale_trishaMalePhilippines2009-03-01 06:36:00
PhilippinesCalled NVC and got MNL# now what????
They send the entire package to the USEM. So it does take a few days once they send it. Usually ~5-10 business days.
It is to early to call the USEM to get the interview yet since they do not have the package. You can take the MNL number and get the medical, also have the NOA2 and they will usually let you take it.
I would not pay anything yet until your pacakge is ready for the interview. You have time. But things will really start to pickup now.
The USEM has all the info you will need. Start by going to this link: http://manila.usemba...v/wwwh3238.html
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2011-02-17 12:12:00
PhilippinesOrdering NSO Documents From USA

We used ecensus to get a birth cert for our son. It was very quick. I believe it is the ONLY place you can get NSO documents.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2011-03-01 14:04:00
PhilippinesDelta air .. any feedback?
I have no issues with them. I have flown over 1,000,000 miles with them.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2011-03-02 14:53:00
PhilippinesFiling K1 Shortly After a Divorce
I obtained my legal capacity to Marry 3 days after my divorce. Got Married within 1 month. filed for K3 within 3 days of being Married. So I went from being divorced to filing for a K3 in less than 6 weeks. I also had lots of documention to show that we had a valid relationship which was helped by me being in Phil every other month until Trisha arrived in the US. The only time either of us caused any concerns was when I got the legal capacity to marry. The person signing the forms that day at the USEM said that was quick and my response was it was a long time coming for the divorce.

best of luck
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2010-12-30 09:55:00
The answer above is correct plus your finance is correct no need to an appointment at either location.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2009-06-14 07:27:00
PhilippinesFilipinoes from Minnesota
you will not find many really active through VJ. There is the Philippines Cultural Society in MN. you can find them on Facebook. They sponsor a Filipino day in St. Paul usually in the middle of April which is the big get together. Networking from friend to friend is the best way Trisha has found. It took a little time. If you want more details send me a PM.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2011-09-07 12:33:00
PhilippinesFilipinoes from Minnesota
there are a few in MN.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2011-09-06 12:25:00
PhilippinesRegistration of Marriage Contracted Abroad
I do believe you will need to go through the consulate. We did and there were no issues. NSO will look for the Consulate to know if the marriage certificate is correct based upon the local requirements in the US.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2011-09-18 09:51:00
PhilippinesPlease Tell me if assumption is correct..NBI vs Police certificate
All that is needed for the Philippines is the NBI. No need to get the police certs in any province or city in the Philippines.
In your case you will need once also for the other countries.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2009-03-15 20:01:00
PhilippinesAnyone ever attended their fiance(e)'s visa interview?

If your paperwork is in order, the interview will be over in less time than it takes a hungry man to eat his dinner. :)

So true. it was less than 10 minutes and I timed quite a few that day. The average was under 10. A few went to around 15 min.
Just have your paperwork together.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2011-10-24 01:57:00
PhilippinesAnyone ever attended their fiance(e)'s visa interview?
you can attend but if your allowed in the interview room or not will depend upon the CO. In our case I did attend but was unable to be in the room. But Trisha in the course of the interview was able to mention that I was in the waiting area.

It was still worth going just to provide a shoulder to lean on. I would do it again.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2011-10-24 01:52:00
Civil Surgeons can be fun. There is no requirement that they actually give the immunications but rather they need to take the information that they have and put into the I-693. You could get the immunications at your local family doctor and bring proof that they were given and the date. Have it signed by your doctor. We did that for a couple that Trisha needed. It worked fine. Of course the surgeon wanted to do a full exam anyway but there are plenty of threads on how to handle that if the medical from St. :Lukes is less than a year.

If you go to the CDC web site it maintains what immunizations are needed for immigration.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-01-02 11:09:00
PhilippinesBalikbayan Box from LA to Cebu through LBC
We have used LBC for balikbayan boxes and have had no issues.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-03-02 12:56:00
Philippinesusem insisting to wait for packet 3..what to do?
Once you have your MNL number you can get your physical. But until the USEM is done processing the file in Manila you will need to wait before making the interview. Think about it this way, they will interview you once they have the paperwork done. They will not want to schedule an interview until they know the paperwork is done.

Edited by dale_trisha, 05 March 2012 - 11:08 AM.

dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-03-05 11:08:00
PhilippinesMy personal US customs experience
Prior to submitting our petition for K3 I was in and out of Phil all the time due to business. Once we submitted the application I was in and out of Phil probably once a month. Then once Trisha got to the US I would still go every 6 months. I have only been asked a few questions and never been asked for further inspection or pulled out of line. When Trisha did arrive, we did get our bags searched which was to be expected.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-04-02 12:39:00
PhilippinesCAn we interview without the medical?
Trisha tried going to SLEC and got some done but the policy is the policy and she had to come back a week later and yes that is one of the step to do before the interview
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-04-06 12:08:00
PhilippinesHow to Marry...

Assuming her tourist visa is extended, is that enough time for a divorce to be finalized in the state of Virginia?

If this all works out for you, I would recommend that she not travel to the Philippines until she can do so on a U.S. passport. If she went to the Philippines on a Filipino passport, she might not be allowed to leave the Philippines without a CFO sticker in her Filipino passport, and there's virtually no chance that the CFO would give her a CFO sticker.

Good luck! :star:

Very true. This means that assuming all goes well, if she gets a divorce in the US, gets AOS, removal of conditions, and then Citizenship at best she has over 4 years before she can return to Phil. There is no easy way around this.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-05-17 12:15:00
PhilippinesHow to Marry...

You mentioned that her husband lives in Singapore. Can you get the divorce done in Singapore? It may be a lot faster.
The USCIS does not care where the divorce occurred.
As long as she does not need to return to the Philippines before your marriage, I don't see being divorced in Singapore being an issue.

The problem with a divorce from Singapore is if the lady applies for it NSO will not recognize it. If the husband is a citizen from Singapore he can apply for it and then it works. But if he is also from the Philippines that the only solution is annulment.

Edited by dale_trisha, 16 May 2012 - 11:25 AM.

dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-05-16 11:23:00
PhilippinesLooking For a Tutorial
And of course there are specific US Embassy Requirements which you can obtain at the embassy website. But you need not bother with those for a few months and those are also pretty easy once you have the I-129F behind you.
The guides on this web site are the place to start.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-05-29 13:26:00
PhilippinesTraveling internationally with a Green Card...
The GC can help but each country has to be checked. She is still a Philippines Citizen but a US Resident. Best place to check is with each country's embassy/consulate in the US.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-05-31 11:48:00
PhilippinesTourist Visas for wedding...

Everything I have read said it can be "way" too much fun getting a tourist visa, even owning a home and having money in the bank.

:thumbs: you need to be able to show strong ties to the Philippines so the USEM knows the mother will return. Doable? Yes for some. Not for many.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-06-21 13:45:00
Philippineswedding in the philippines
It takes 10 days to get the license. There is counseling also that needs to happen and that happens during the process of getting the license.
You may run into fixers who say they can get the license faster but is it real. You hate to have to come back to the Philippines once you return to the US to correct something.
Also what is the age of the lady. If under 25 there are further requirements.

Then if its a church wedding there are requirements for that. If its civil you will need a judge. In our case it took 2 weeks to get scheduled after we got the license.

Just a thought. Can you get married in the US and do a renewal of the vows ceremony in Phil? That removes the issue of getting the license on a 2 week trip.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-08-01 09:55:00
Philippineswedding in the philippines
my assumption is correct.

BTW: my post is from personal experience. We got married in Sep 2008 in Manila.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-07-31 12:32:00
Philippineswedding in the philippines

Your friend may not be able to petition their spouse until your friend becomes a US Citizen. That may be an issue.
If your friend has been in the USA with Green card for 5 years, then he or she should obtain citizenship as soon as possible and then apply for I-130.
Good luck.

all though not clear. It seems the fiance is a US Citizen - if that is not the case then yes then there woudl be an issue.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-07-31 12:21:00
Philippineswedding in the philippines
They will be considered married in the US and Philippines along with other countries.
They will need to apply for a Philippines marriage License which takes 10 days.
Later they can request the Marriage Certificate through NSO.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-07-31 12:00:00
PhilippinesDelta airlines?
It is fine. I have used it 40 round trip times in the past 6 years.

dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-07-26 17:31:00
If not there then CFO could also ask for it. So it does not hurt except for the additoinal, small expense.

dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-08-08 10:44:00
And yes you can bring your husband with you. he might not be able to be in the actual interview, it will depend upon the CO.
I was there during Trisha's
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-08-08 07:56:00
PhilippinesReport of Birth of a child..
Being born in the US get the child US Citizenship. Having a parent, in this case from the philippines, get the Philippines citizenship.
So yes.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-08-20 13:24:00
PhilippinesReport of Birth of a child..
Yes you need to report the birth to the consulatee that handles your area. That you can do by mail. Go to the consulate website and get the report a birth form and fill it out, attach a US Birth Cert and then pay the fee.
A couple of month later you can even then request a NSO Birth Cert.

So why get a Philippines Passport? She could get a US one and you can apply for that with the US Birth Cert.
To get the Philippines Passport you will need to go to the consulate since it does require you to be phyically there for the photo.

dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-08-20 12:41:00
PhilippinesBooking A Flight

Anybody have the issue with buying a ticket from the Philippines with a credit card if the card holder isn't flying? I keep getting told that my fiancee won't be able to fly unless the CC used to buy the ticket is hers and she has it on her when she checks in.

The person traveling needs to have a copy of your passport and your credit card. Trisha has done that several times flying domestically and internationally with no issues.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-08-21 18:01:00
PhilippinesFree text message from the US to RP?
Chikka is what Trish and I used when she was there and it worked fine. There is a small charge for her by its very small compared to the SMS between a Phil and US Phone. chikka also works nice on PC to PC/Smartphone/tablet device and if your on wifi it is then free. the only real catch we got was that if she did not text by perhaps the 6-10 txt I sent that was unaswered she would not get any until she did. She will be in Phil for 4 months this winter and we will be using it again. She also uses it all the time from the US now to her family in Phiil.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-11-01 12:27:00
PhilippinesWife going home with one-way ticket & expired Philippines passport
Have her request a balikbayan visa which is good for one year when she enters on the US passport.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-12-21 08:59:00
PhilippinesAllowed check-in luggage (Delta)
Do a search on the Delta Web site for luggage. The number of bags and weight of each depends upon ticket class. Typically its 2 23 kilo bags per person on an economy ticket. With your daugher if she is under 2 and has an infant ticket which is 10% of the adult fare than the allowance is significantly less. But if she is over 2 then your okay with 2 bags for her. So a total of 4 bags.

how much money can you bring? You can leave Phil with Php 10,000 and for other currency up to $10,000 per person. Since your on a tight budget that should not be an issue.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-12-26 08:53:00
PhilippinesAfter marriage?
It has to be the AOS that she is talking about.
I am making assumptions that "processing" you refered to was a visit to a civil surgeon?
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2013-01-11 08:22:00
PhilippinesWhat do you do for kareoke in the US?
Magic Sing. It is something that they are familiar with and look on line. Got ours for about $200 a couple of years ago. A new chip each year until we had 4 chips in it at over 3000 songs. Then added a wirelss mic last year. Trisha loves it, so does our soon to be 3 yr old son and all of her friends do to.

dale_trishaMalePhilippines2013-01-08 16:01:00
PhilippinesHow to get NSO Birth Cert. when you are in the US ?

If they will not mail it to the US, you'll have to have it delivered to someone in Ph, and they can use DHL or FedEx to get it to you.

They will mail it, express, to the US. We have done that for our Sons birth certificate.

We got it in less than 2 weeks.

We did it all on line.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2013-01-23 12:10:00
PhilippinesI-130 petition: Do we need NSO marriage certificate?
We did not get the red ribbon. Just a copy of what the registrar provides you. We had no RFE either. Marry Sep 29th. Sent in I-130 on 10/2. We could have sent it on 9/29 but we had to enjoy sometime to ourselves.
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-06-14 12:51:00
PhilippinesI-130 petition: Do we need NSO marriage certificate?

We are getting married in Manila soon. And, we hope to file for the petition as soon as possible.

Annoyingly, NSO takes months to process marriage certificates. Can we send a local civil registrar-certified marriage certificate with the petition?

Getting back to the orignal question. You can send in the local registrar-certified certficite. Send it in as a photo copy. This way you can start the I-130 right away. We did that. We also asked to have things expidited as others suggest. You will to do that to ensure that you have the NSO version for the USEM Intervew.

good luck
dale_trishaMalePhilippines2012-06-14 12:27:00