K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresquestion about interview
It appears to depend on the consulate. The US Embassy and Consulate Info section of this site has a field for each consulate to answer this question. The Panama page doesn't display an answer, but you may have answered it in your post. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-02 20:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCanadian Fiancee to visit during filing process
Because of the length of stay, she will most likely get questioned at the border. And without proof of ties to Canada, sorry, she may get denied.

The K-1 application is part of the evidence she can bring that she's planning to return to Canada.

See the thread "Yes, you can visit!" for lots of information and personal experiences.

As for health insurance, I use RBC insurance when I'm visiting in the US. You can buy a 30-day and maybe a 60-day package and then pay about $2.50/day for each day over that.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-05 02:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting fiance before applying for K1?

I like this answer but unless the only person you'll be seeing during your visit is your fiance, I think visiting friends and family or stating a planned pleasure activity like, "Going to Disneyland" is also truthful and would raise no unnecessary red flags. Bring the evidence if you need it.

I agree. Don't give more information than they ask for, and something like "Going to Disneyland" is perfect if that's what you're going to do. :)

My suggestion was for how to respond if they specifically ask who you'll be visiting or staying with. I got asked that the last 3 times I entered the US, and anything other than "my fiance" would have been evasive. (I know other people where he lives, but visiting them wasn't the purpose of my visit.)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-16 13:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVisiting fiance before applying for K1?
My suggestions:
  • Read the Yes, you can visit! thread. It's for and about people who have already applied for K-1, but it has some relevant information.
  • Bring evidence of ties to your country. The more evidence, the better.
  • Bring some documentation to show that you've started the K-1 process. For example, print and fill out the forms that you need and the evidence of past visits. Also be very informed about the process so that you can demonstrate your intent better.
  • If they ask the purpose of your visit, you could say "Pleasure." If they ask who you're going to visit or stay with, I'd be straightforward at that point and say "My fiance." Otherwise, it could look like you're trying to be evasive.
Good luck!
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-16 12:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI am so confused: 3 countries (Thai, Israel)+Divorce=Many Questions
QUOTE (Jenn3125 @ Sep 2 2007, 09:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
...the police checks....

If he's been in Israel for 6 months or more, he'll need a police certificate for Israel too. Allow 6-8 weeks for it to be processed (it took that long going through the Israeli consulate in Canada), and it might have to be sent directly to the consulate you're going through.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-09-06 10:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo they know at customs that you are a fiance and waiting for the visa?
See the Yes, you can visit! thread. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-06 11:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo they know at customs that you are a fiance and waiting for the visa?
I don't know unless it comes up in the conversation. If it sounds like you're trying to avoid answering a question, it's better to tell the truth. But if "visiting family" is all they need, you don't need to give out more information.

Bring lots of proof of ties to home and the I-129F package, including the NOA1. The border guard spent some time looking through my I-129F package when I entered the US while it was pending, and I think the amount of material in it helped convince him that I was doing things legally.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-06 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI´m a newbie, Is my display img. good to send as my 2x2 passport image?
QUOTE (bszoom42 @ Sep 2 2007, 08:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
You need an all white background, not a white door.

Also, they might reject the photo if you're wearing a white shirt because it doesn't provide enough contrast with the background. That's what I was told once when I went to get passport photos taken.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-09-02 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNew and Confused
Welcome to VJ. smile.gif

See the Yes, you can visit! thread for more information about visiting while the visa application is in process.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-09-05 12:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan my fiance delay turning in "checklist"
The I-129F notice of approval is good for 4 months IIRC. Look for an expiry date on it.

I sent in my checklist about 2 months after receiving it because we were waiting for a police certificate from another country and some other documentation.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-10-06 12:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSTARTING FROM ZERO
Welcome to VJ. smile.gif

The Guides section provides step-by-step instructions. You'll also want to spend time reading K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures General Discussion.

Good luck, and be prepared to wait during this process. But having knowledge makes it a lot easier. smile.gif
vaneeFemaleCanada2008-09-07 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I'm concerned because as a self-employed person, I can't get a letter from an employer, and because I live in a suite in a house, I don't have a lease or a mortgage. I'll bring a letter from my landlady for my next trip (for 3 weeks in July), and I'll bring all the K-1 paperwork I have so far. I did get through with this evidence in March, but barely, and I need as much as I can to help. The next border guard might be less understanding.

This next trip is actually a sort of business trip that a company is paying for (which I extended into a 3-week trip because my fiance doesn't live far from where I'm going), so I have to get into the US for them as well as for myself. (And no, the timing of this trip can't be changed.)

This POE experience was certainly different from my last one. Because the border guard recorded my K-1 data last time, I knew that I was in their computer system. I brought 4 thick 9X12 envelopes with me for evidence:
  • My I-129F file, including the NOA2
  • My Packet 3 from the local consulate in its original envelope and everything I've compiled for it so far (Canada police certificate, forms, medical appointment card, partly-filled-in checklist)
  • Ties to Vancouver (no employer or lease/mortgage, so I brought a letter from my landlady, bank statements, tenant and travel insurance records, correspondence with insurance agents, bank records, and phone records)
  • Correspondence with the company that paid for this trip showing the arrangements that were made
The border guard wanted to know the name of the company that's sending me to the conference and who I was going to visit for the rest of the 3-week trip. I noticed a slight reaction when I said "my fiance," but he didn't say anything about that. Most of the conversation was about the work I do and the fact that I'd written on the Customs form that I had a banana with me and was going to eat it before boarding. (They don't want us to write that much detail.)

I spent 8-10+ hours getting all that paperwork together, and I didn't have to show any of it at the POE. But I was glad that I had it with me in case I had needed it.

And here I am in the US with my fiance for 3 weeks. That was one joyful reunion last night. (L) (L)

Thanks everyone for sharing your stories. If those who were planning trips to the US earlier in this thread could post about their experiences if they've entered the US by now, those stories would be useful for the rest of us. :yes:

vaneeFemaleCanada2007-07-04 13:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

For instance, it never occurred to Adam or I that Border Patrol would question whether Adam actually knew the person he was claiming to be coming here to see. So, from that experience, I'm going to give Adam a short letter from me w/ photo of us together attached to show to customs saying yes, Adam is my fiance, I know him!

Good idea. Has anyone done it? I'd be interested in reading experiences.

To expand on that idea, I'm wondering if I should ask my fiance to write a letter stating that we are engaged, that I'll be staying with him, and that we plan to get married after our K-1 is approved and only then. Would having the USC put that in writing help show that we aren't trying to do anything illegal?

I'm concerned because as a self-employed person, I can't get a letter from an employer, and because I live in a suite in a house, I don't have a lease or a mortgage. I'll bring a letter from my landlady for my next trip (for 3 weeks in July), and I'll bring all the K-1 paperwork I have so far. I did get through with this evidence in March, but barely, and I need as much as I can to help. The next border guard might be less understanding.

This next trip is actually a sort of business trip that a company is paying for (which I extended into a 3-week trip because my fiance doesn't live far from where I'm going), so I have to get into the US for them as well as for myself. (And no, the timing of this trip can't be changed.)

So all these replies kind of begs the question.... What were the Points of Entry that everyone went through?

When I went to the US in March, the POE was the Blaine border crossing near Vancouver, Canada. So much for the theory that land crossings are easier than airport POEs, at least for me. This time, I'll be flying out of Vancouver.

Thanks everyone for sharing your stories. If those who were planning trips to the US earlier in this thread could post about their experiences if they've entered the US by now, those stories would be useful for the rest of us. :yes:
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-06-21 22:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Do you think so many visits is a bad thing? On one hand, they seemed to be concerned the past two times how he could afford to come so much and stay so long, etc. On the other hand, that's three times now that he came and left exactly when he said he would, and within the allotted amount of time on the visa.


We're just trying to decide if we should chance a two month visit around August, and that's the main thing we're concerned about. That'll be around six months he'll have stayed in the US in about 11 months.

The part about 6 months in the US over 11 months could be a problem. My last visit was my second 2-month visit in 6 months. The customs officer totalled up the time I'd been and would be in the US within the year including that trip (1 week + 8 weeks + 8 weeks = 17 weeks), and he said that it was almost like being a resident of the US, or something like that. When I said that I was planning to attend a conference in the US in July and extend that trip beyond the conference, he advised me to keep it to 2-3 weeks.

I don't think the number of visits is a problem. Canadians living near the border sometimes go back and forth a lot. But in my case at least, they did look at the amount of time I was spending in the US.

A shorter visit might be safer in terms of getting into the US. But I'm going only on my experience.

Good luck, whatever you decide. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-05-22 23:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

I would love to go try it really,but I am too scared of getting turned away.

It is a risk, unfortunately. The best we can do is be as prepared as we can. I understand not wanting to take that risk when you'd have to travel so far to find out if they'd let you in.

Still, it sounds like almost everyone who is well-prepared is allowed into the country. But "almost everyone" isn't a guarantee.

A friend of mine got turned down,she said it was not the nicest experience.

I'm sorry to hear that. :( Can you tell us her circumstances? What did she bring and not bring to prove ties to her country, and why did the border guard deny her entry?
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-05-14 13:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresYes, you can visit!

Information about this is all over this site, but scattered. I for one am a person who likes to hear personal experiences too, so I can make a decision based on what others in my similar situation have gone through....

Anyway, I'm hoping people will post their experiences visiting the USC before and during the visa journey. I'm sure that all of us do visit legally, and do leave when we're supposed to. So, is there anything that worked for you? Hindered you?

Good idea to have a thread for this topic. :)

I wrote about my experience entering the US while our I-129F is pending in this March 2007 thread. A summary: I almost wasn't allowed in because it was difficult to prove ties to Canada because I'm self-employed and don't have a lease or mortgage. However, I brought what I had, and the border guard let me through.

When I was asked the purpose of my visit, I answered, "To visit my guy." The border guard looked at his computer monitor and asked: "How long have you been engaged?" Someone in the above thread suggested that maybe the border guard didn't have any information about me and was just fishing. After thinking about it, I think that's what it was. I have a vague memory of being asked the same question when I entered the US last fall. The answer then was, "We aren't engaged," so the question didn't stay with me.

My advice to anyone travelling to the US while their K-1 is pending:
  • Don't volunteer more information than you need to initially. But if questions arise about your intentions and status, that's when to show how prepared you are.
  • Bring all the documentation of ties to home that you can think of, especially if you don't have a lease/mortgage or letter from your employer. I listed what I brought here.
  • Bring a copy of your I-129F package, including the NOA1 and NOA2 if you have it. If you're working on the next steps of the K-1, bring whatever you have for that too. The border guard spent some time looking through what I'd brought. I think the amount of material in the package helped convince him that I was doing things legally and wasn't going to stay in the US on that trip.
  • Be informed about the laws concerning your situation, how long you can stay (depending on where you're from or your visa) and demonstrate how informed you are if you get into a discussion about your status.
And, of course, be polite, and stay cool. It's easier to do if you walk through the possibilities mentally beforehand.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-05-10 17:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe RFE Master List

What is an RFE?
What does "touched" mean? ¡Gracias! Meximan

Hola! And welcome to VJ. :)

RFE = Request For Evidence. If you get an RFE, it means they want more evidence to prove that you met or whatever -- they'll tell you in the RFE. An RFE means a delay in the process, but if you provide what they're asking for, it isn't a problem other than that.

"Touched" means that something was done to your file. It's nice to know that it got some attention, but that's all it means.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-02-10 19:40:00
CanadaA couple pre-interview questions

Also, I read somewhere (can't seem to find the post now) that you now have to pay the fee for the interview ahead of time at the Scotiabank? Does anyone know if that is the case with CR1's and how much the fee is?

That's what I heard from the Vancouver consulate concerning K-1s for Canada, and another member got the same information from them. It's effective July 1 in Vancouver. I don't know if the same is true for other visa types, though. You might want to contact the Montreal consulate to check.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-06-23 09:40:00
Canadamother in law planning wedding!!!!

BUT i recently got laid off from work becase i am having nose surgery in july. So really i am unemployed for the moment, is that going to be problem?

Ah, that might be a reason not to mention wedding planning. But I don't know.

I'm self-employed, so I can't bring a letter from an employer. I did bring a letter from my landlady and some household bills (phone, cable, etc.), and they may have helped. If you have a lease or mortgage, those documents could help too. But there are no guarantees. :(
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-06-23 16:07:00
Canadamother in law planning wedding!!!!
I understand about not giving more information than necessary, but I remember reading here that planning a wedding is considered a valid reason to go to the US to visit your fiance. Of course they still want all the evidence of ties to your country. But if they already know that you're engaged, what's the problem in telling them that you'll be working on wedding plans for a wedding that will take place after your K-1 is approved? That is, as long as you bring all your K-1 application paperwork to show that you're planning on doing things the legal way.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-06-23 16:02:00
CanadaThe Visa is Here
Congratulations. :) I can imagine how you feel at this point in your long journey.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-06-25 11:40:00
CanadaMedical review - Vancouver
Thanks for the review. :)

It was especially interesting for me because I could have been there today. When I booked my medical appointment, I was offered this date, but I decided to delay mine until August, which will be closer to my interview date. (We're waiting for some documents to arrive before we book our interview.)

...and waited outside the locked gate as the lucky first arrival. A few others showed up and at about 6am someone opened the gate for us, and we went to sit in the lobby until the office opened up.

I've been to that medical building, and I don't remember any gate. Just curious...where is the gate?

Edited by vanee, 27 June 2007 - 11:59 AM.

vaneeFemaleCanada2007-06-27 11:58:00
CanadaWhere are you??

Ok if my fiancee is allowed to transit thru Chicago to Toronto on the 3rd of July.
If it happens, I will be driving up there from Houston

I'm a little confused. Is she going to be flying and are you going to be driving?

If she's going to be at the Chicago O'Hare airport, I'll also be there on July 3 for about 50 minutes (as long as I'm allowed into the country). My plane arrives there at about 5:15 PM, and the connecting plane leaves at about 6:05 PM. If your fiancee will be in the airport during that time, I'd love to meet her.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-06-30 10:09:00
CanadaThings not to do or say

Erm. Did she go to University? Up here, University and College are two entirely different things. You risk offending a university grad by implying they went to a college. You go to university to become an engineer, you go to college to become a welder. No offense to welders, of course.

I personally wouldn't find it offensive, especially now that I know that "college" is the term for both types of school in the US. But offense might be taken the other way. According to my fiance, referring to yourself as a university student or saying that you have a university degree is considered pretentious in the US. You might attend the University of Something, but you're going to college, and you're a college student.

My fiance has piped in "Never say Canada is the 51st State". Er, yeah.

"But it's Canada! It's just like the US." :P My observation is that Americans tend to think that Canadians are just like them, while Canadians tend to think that Americans are similar in some ways but different. Like people from most countries, we Canadians are proud of our culture. We don't like to be perceived as "just like the US" any more than Swiss people like to be seen as German, or vice versa. We can appreciate and like other countries and cultures, but we are who we are. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-06-29 02:36:00
CanadaWindsor bridge or bust!!
Good to hear that things are going well. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-07-14 20:24:00

im feeling more confident about this

So glad to hear that. I hope you sleep well tonight. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-06-12 00:11:00
CanadaWorking for a Canadian client before EAD

As it was explained to me when I was being interrogated for crossing the border for work 6 (or so?) years ago, if you are in the US to work, you have to have a US work permit. Whether you are being paid by a US company, or a Canadian company doesn't matter, you are in the US and working, so you have to have US authorization.

Maybe the rules have changed in the past 6 years?

This is interesting because my previous workplace (Canada-wide firm) has one U.S. subsidary office in Chicago. They often send some of the IT folks down there to do work and to work in the Chicago office sometimes for a few weeks at a time. No one ever had to get a work permit and no one ever got hassled. Maybe they just weren't going down frequently enough to have raised a red flag?

I was in the US for 2 months in the fall (before filing for K-1) and 2 months in the spring (after filing for K-1). Both times at the POE, I was asked what type of work I do, and I explained that I'm self-employed and work at a computer, so I can work wherever I am as long as I have an Internet connection. The second time, the border guard knew that I'd applied for K-1 and that I'd spent 2 months in the US the previous fall. And both times, they allowed me into the US, knowing that I'd be working for myself while I was there.

But a Canadian I had a conversation with in the US a few days ago (see my earlier post in this thread) was given different information when he entered the US to attend a conference.

Maybe the difference is whether you work for yourself or work for a company? But that doesn't fit with your previous workplace experience, misa. Or just who you happen to talk to? :wacko:
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-07-29 16:53:00
CanadaWorking for a Canadian client before EAD

Sounds like whoever you talked to at CIS just went with the kneejerk "No" without bothering to actually understand the rules

Could you explain?

Another member here told me that if we're self-employed and Canadian, we're working for a Canadian employer, which is allowed in the US without work authorization. We are work authorized in Canada, and our employers are Canadian, not American.

However, I was talking with another Canadian at a conference in the US recently, and he told me that Canadians aren't allowed to do any work to earn money in the US without the right work authorization. He was asked when he entered the US for the conference if he'd be working while in the US. Working (networking) at the conference didn't count because he wasn't directly earning money there, but apparently doing work that he earns money for wouldn't have been allowed.

OTOH, when I entered the US for 2 2-month stays, I told the border guards that I work at a computer and can work from anywhere with Internet access, and they didn't have problems with that.

The answer appears to depend on who you talk to. :help:
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-07-28 00:55:00
CanadaNewbie...another one :)
Welcome to VJ. :)

I'm still in Canada, and I miss my fiance. But I know that I'll miss Canada once I'm with him permanently. There's a lot of missing happening on this journey.

If you'd like to tell us what you're missing, you'll find lots of people here to commiserate with you.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-07-30 09:54:00
CanadaWe're new here!

Welcome to VJ and the Canada Forum! Friendliest place on here and we're all glad to answer any questions you have. Hope the journey is smooth sailing for you both. :thumbs:

I couldn't have said it better. Welcome!
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-07-29 16:42:00
CanadaGoodluck Sharon
Good luck! :)

I'll be downtown Vancouver that day getting my medical done, and the visa doctor's office isn't too far from the consulate. If you want to get together for coffee or lunch, PM me.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-07-31 02:02:00
CanadaVancouver medical review August 1/07

That wa well laid out! That's neat about the other lady from VJ.

I was starting to wonder how your I-129F was approved in June 2006 and you only did your medical now...! ;) (I think you just made a typo in your signature)

Thanks. :) I forgot to mention that you give the photocopy of your passport when they take a blood sample (2 vials). Also, although I'd been told to bring a letter from my doctor about my health condition in case it was needed, the doctor didn't ask for it. He just asked how long I'd been on medication for it and at what dose.

And thanks for pointing out the typo. Fixed now. Posted Image

One more thing for those who are concerned about the medical exam. While we were talking, the receptionist told me that no one had been denied a visa for medical reasons through that office. Delayed for treatment, perhaps, but not denied.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-02 10:28:00
CanadaVancouver medical review August 1/07
First the facts, then more description.

What to bring

In the order that they're needed:
  • Your passport
  • 3 passport-style photos
  • The letter from the consulate with your case number
  • Your immunization record
  • A photocopy of the main page in your passport
  • (Possibly) a letter from your doctor about any health conditions you have
  • $275 CAD cash or money order
Steps you go through
  • Line up to sign in. The receptionist will take your passport and passport photos, and she'll record the case number from your letter. She'll then give you a form to fill out and another one to read and sign.
  • Fill out the form (note that the "no" column is on the left and the "yes" column is on the right) and read and sign the paper.
  • Line up again to give the receptionist the forms. She'll then direct you to the laboratory (go through 3 doors, and it's on your left) to have blood samples taken.
  • Go to the lab and give blood. They'll tell you to return to the waiting room for your chest X-ray. (The waiting room for the doctor's office and for the X-ray are the same.)
  • Return to the waiting room. Listen for your name to be called, and then go for the X-ray. You'll need to remove your clothing from the waist up (watches are OK, necklaces aren't) and put on a hospital gown. Get dressed afterwards and return to the waiting room.
  • Wait for your name to be called for the physical. (This wait can be long.)
  • Go for the physical. You'll need to undress down to your panties (speaking for women) and sit with the paper sheet covering you. The doctor may ask you questions about your form (e.g. about hospitalizations or medications). He'll check your ears and mouth, and then you lie down and he pokes and prods you in the usual places. He just peeked "down there." The receptionist was present during appointments with women.
  • Get dressed and go for your eye exam and height and weight measurements, both done by the receptionist.
  • Get your passport and immunization record back.
  • Pay the $275.
  • Come back at just before 2 PM to pick up the results (a sealed envelope for the consulate and an open envelope with your immunization record) and the chest X-ray.

It turned out to be an interesting day because of the other people I talked to there. I started talking with another woman, and we hadn't talked for long when she recommended Visa Journey to me. (I was going to say that! :P) I told her that I was already here. :) I don't think she's a member yet, but she's read a lot here, and the information helped her prepare for her interview (which she had yesterday and which was successful pending the results of her medical exam).

We got talking with several other women too. They hadn't heard of VJ, but they said that they'd check it out. (If any of you are reading this, I was the one wearing the white shirt and denim capri pants. Feel free to join in. :)) Three of us were K-1s, 2 were K-3s, and one (the daughter of one of the K-3s) was a K-4. We spent a lot of time comparing details about how we'd met our partners, what evidence we'd compiled, and so on.

One piece of advice: be sure to listen for your name being called for the X-ray. I didn't hear mine called because I was so involved in the conversation with the other women, and that pushed the next step back, so my physical was much later than the other women's. :blush:

If the other people who were there post here too, we'll have more details. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-01 23:12:00
CanadaCanada - Assylum rejections
Interesting. That makes our visa problems look smaller.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-06 11:02:00
CanadaLen's ranting time....
We understand your frustration. :( This time will pass, and better times are waiting for you. Hang in there. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-06 01:36:00
CanadaPeople can be so horribly insensitive sometimes

Misty, just know that she's a royal ###### and you're not. :)

The way I look at it, for people like her, being who they are is their own punishment. They have to live with themselves all the time. :wacko:

Anyway, I understand the nervousness and anxiety and over preparation. It's my coping method for all this immigration #######.

A lot of us "cope" that way. The nervousness is normal. I was nervous at my medical when I knew that I had nothing to worry about. And I've been nervous entering the US through all this too, but I was always let in.

Enjoy your time with your husband. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-04 10:35:00
Canada... and the answer is...
Congratulations. :)

Would you like to tell us the questions they asked?
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-08 16:28:00
Canadathe last 2 weeks
Posted Image We're with you in spirit.
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-01 01:04:00
CanadaA good day at the Vancouver consulate
Congratulations! :dance: I was wondering how it went, and I figured you were just busy and tired. Glad to hear you have that over with now. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-09 12:44:00
CanadaI want to get out of here so badly

Sorry to hear that! I don't know many people with the same view but I apologize that our country hasn't treated ya well! Hope you find better luck in the US.

A typically Canadian response. :P

I'm sorry to hear about it too. Like most Canadians here, I love my country and am moving to the US only to be with my SO. But no country is perfect for everyone, and I hope you're happier after you move. :)
vaneeFemaleCanada2007-08-11 11:09:00