Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Lawd Finesse, him cute eeh!!

Those girls are just cuter by the DAY!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-07 14:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hi JaEnglish, how are you?

Doing well, slowwwwwwwwwwwwwww at work so all I do is surf FB and photography boards all day!!

I wish I was going to JA like you guys loL!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-07 13:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
JQ, prayers going out to you that the end result is HAPPINESS, whatever that result may be.....Hugs to you!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-07 13:29:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Thanks jaenglish for your response I was hoping for something different my kids have a nana,grandma,gg,granny and a bebe so I was trying to comeup with something different

My sons call my mother in law 'Mimi'...I think she did that so she could pretend my son was her CHILD ROFL
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-03 13:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

What do kids in ja call their grandmas tryting to find the kids a name for my mother in law

Granny or Grandma
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-03 12:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
I dealt with a man who was like that. Lived with his mother all his life and she SPOILT him to the extent she'd wake up extra early to make him a lunch to take to work..ironing all his clothes, never expecting him or his father to help her with the cooking or cleaning...she worked a FULL TIME job for YEARS and come home to make them a cooked meal daily, even dessert from scratch! So it felt like no matter what I did, he expected more....well he claimed he didn't, but the expectation was there....
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-02 15:33:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Hey yall,

I’m still overwhelmed and its not getting any easier.

Yesterday when I got home I started making dinner my usual routine, and when my hubby got home he just took off his clothes and went to bed. I went into the room and said, “I sure wish I could just relax after I get in. But I had these kids since 6 am.”

He tells me: “Who told you to have them since 6 am”
Me: wait a minute, your daughter couldn’t go to the school around the corner remember, because she couldn’t pass the test, so I had to put her in the school by my job, all day kinder, which means when I take you to work in the morning at 6am, the kids are with me until I drop them off at school.

He just lays down and doesn’t say anything and goes to sleep. Sleeps until about 11:30 pm and wakes up looking for dinner. Eats dinner goes on the computer and goes to sleep.
Wakes up this morning doesn’t say anything to me, doesn’t help get any of the kids up, and tells me at 6:30 to drop him off at his friends house around the corner so he can get a ride to work.
No fckn convo since that smart sht yesterday afternoon.
I had a talk to him on Sunday letting him know our relationship so up and down it aint gone work. He don’t help he just do what he do and expect since his mom did everything that that’s a womans job. Maybe that’s a womans job if she don’t work. Beacsue she has never had a job. If I didn’t work I could clean and cook and shop and take on all the responsibilities as a house wife, and not look to him for support, but since Im bringing in as much money as him I feel it should be split. And danmn it im pregnant where is my sympathy.
Then he had the nerve to say, we can barely make it with 3 how we gonna make it with 4 (OMG yall I blew up and told him sht him and his daughter and this newborn can make it back in Jamaica with his momma, if he chooses so) He claims he will try to make it better gave me a hug and was acting different for the rest of that day. But they next day it ack to the same oh him.

Well I told his azz next week make sure you take off work because Im switching all these kids to the school by the house. I cant keep leaving work in the morning and the afternoon, to take these kids.

Update: So the baby took the test at the new school with the all day kinder and she passed it ( maybe because my husband was with her and he don’t play with her) but they put her in 1st grade. And the work that she is doing right now in the first grade she understand we just gotta work with her to learn how to sound words out.

So Im switch her to the school by my house, well my hubby is because Im tired of going in circles for this little girl. I had to take off 8 hrs last week and don’t have no more vacation due to the JA trip. Im taking off to switch my boys but he gonna have to switch her and take the test scores from the school showing she passed the test.

This is a lot of drama!!!!

I love all your adivce and keep it coming but if anybody wants to talk negative, because im sure it is coming, write it then delete it because I don’t need any one talking about how perfect their life is and telling me mine is shtty, just keep it positive and try to help in a nice way or be prepare to get cussed out!!!! Cause everyone has problems and Im trying to share mine with my true VJ sisters on here. To get healthy advice(L)

JQ Smiley Boom huh??

I thank you for sharing, many wouldn't and I think it's wonderful that you don't mind sharing the good and the bad!!

He needs a wake-up call and FAST, doubt he's really THOUGHT about how much you do!

Maybe you should start delegating some tasks to him, I think it's unfair you should be COOKING every day, let him either cook or BUY dinner two three nights a week...
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-02 14:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1

Thanks Sus and Jew :thumbs:

Way to go Steve! :thumbs:

Good job Jess :thumbs:

Sooooo excited September is here. Let's see if I can remember it all:

1. DW's birthday and return to JA as hubby and wife!
2. Tee's Birthday
3. Matt & Kaci's wedding (anyone know what day?)
4. The 1 yr anniversary of Vaughn moving here!!
5. I know I forgot someone or something.

Postive vibes to all!

jAp'S WEDDING!!!!!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-09-01 13:45:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hi all!

Another slow day at work, but not complaining!

Been heavily reading up on photography techniques, which I am now DYING to try!

Problem being, when I'm shooting, I only have limited time to overcome all the OTHER factors in play, let alone try all these creative lighting techniques...
Again, when I'm NOT booked for a session or wedding on weekends, all I want to do is rest and catch up on all my OTHER stuff....sigh...
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-30 10:42:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Updated, kinda stole from Sus!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-25 14:22:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardie Party!!! Come as you are - Part 1
Hey Bajan! How is hubby adjusting?

Heyyyy Bes!! How di job?
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-08-25 12:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Is someone looking up wedding vowels :whistle: ??

Wait you both like to write so I’m sure you all will write your own vowels. Man there probably won’t be a dry eye in the house when the two of you get to talking.

is wah name 'wedding vowels'? :whistle:

Umm is boudoir a nude photo?

Doesn't have to be...can be just sexy photos....tasteful, but definitely sexy
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 11:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Was thinking JaP should press them and keep the petals...maybe make something with them....they would have soooo much significance for me
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 10:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Goodmorning all.

I got 28 days till I see my hubby omg I hope and pray this is the lastime I have to leave him behind that is so hard to do.

Awwww.......hope so to girl!! Never heard of a CR1 denial, so stop the worrying!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 10:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

so ow long dem a stay on fa? ow it go?

Apparently fi bout 6 weeks...yuh need fi get smaddy weh put dem awn one one....then you have to go back to get them renewed like nails every few weeks weeks
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 10:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

mi neva do dat....get mi eyelash done

maybe mi try....mi prolly look like a slutty ho tho...


been wanting to get my eyelashes done for the LONGEST..need a good lashtician though....
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 10:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Dat's cause you ave 6 mile long eye lashes :bonk:

JAEng is the best (speaking as a customer, not a friend, lol)

ooohhhhhhhhhhh...suh mi is a GOOD photographer but not a GOOD friend?? :whistle:
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 09:55:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

JA P I luv this (F)

Hey JaEng, I always love looking at your photos! I will soon reach my goal and be right down there for my phota shoot! Beware I am dramatic when it comes to pics, I can give you those Eyes~ :lol: LOL

LOL!!! Girl, the more character the better!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 09:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Happy Friday everyone!

i'm feeling the significance of Friday once again..

my babies are coming to work with me this afternoon :luv: :)

yuh nuh JUSS reach back a work yessideh>. chaaaaa
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 09:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Ohhh @ the cost.
:star: @ your skill. What type of pictures do you take or like to do the most?
It is my ultimate dream to do a boudoir photoshoot, there would be no better gift than that to give your man. I love it! Still waiting on my co'workers so we can all go together :blush:

Take everything lol!

I guess I like babies most of all, they are the hardest but most rewarding...there is NO guarantee I'll get them smiling or even LOOKING at the camera, but somehow it all pulls together...BOudoir shoots have to be done well....wouldn't advise a group boudoir shoot, they work work better when it's just you and the photographer, you get more soulful, sexy shots without a gaggle of giggling women around. Even ONE extra person as an audience can throw the whole shoot off...

My stuff is here

Edited by JaEnglishGirl, 14 May 2010 - 08:39 AM.

JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 08:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Guilty! :blush:

It is soooo wonderful to see him, but it is bitter sweet to see and can't touch :crying: :wub:

Like how mi rub his head all the time when we're together it's all I can do to keep my hands off the screen :rofl: :blush:

Glad I'm not the only one to stroke the computer screen :lol:


I HATED seeing my husband on cam before I came here....made me miss him even more :(

He hated taking pics, so kinda gazed at him for days whenever I visted!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 07:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

That's all it costs? Then those photographers get off real good at events because they charge $10 per pic. Oh well it's all about making money...

This printer retails for $1000 :)

But yes, final cost to me is not that much per print, but take into consideration that the cost of buying the printer itself, my time, my skill has to be reflected in each print :)
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-14 06:53:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Mi sorry. Hopefully soon you and your furniture will be moved in. N/S to Ja is defintely a plus!

JaP- Those roses were gorgeous and how sweet of him to go through all of that.

JaEnglish- I'm a photo freak and have been printing at Walgreens. I'm going to go with your suggesstion of Ritzpix. Thanks!

Nat- Be easy on the kids! Well, I guess every judging group needs a Simon to balance out.

Good afternoon everyone!!

Walgreens is TERRIBLE!!! If you HAVE to print somewhere other than Ritz, Walmart is the lesser of the evils!! You can also pick up photos with free delivery from your local Ritz camera if you have one near you. Also, always print in matte rather than glossy!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 14:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

JAEnglish that printer looks sweet! I have been using and just picking up the prints there to send to him... I think it's .19 cents per print but that is for 4x6 prints... would love to have a new printer tho...

Walgreens are HORRIBLE!! Upload them to and have them ship them!

Otherwise, my old printer are the Canon Selphy, they cost maybe $30 on Ebay, each photo costs about 30c, pack of 100 with ink and papper costs $30.
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 13:17:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

i love love love the flowers and the trouble your man went through to get them to you
melts my heart!

Nothing like a good love story huh? :)
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 13:08:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Morning Yardies :blush:

DaDa, I agree with you, there is a lot of support on here, but there is also a lot of judgement as with anything posted on the internet... no one really knows what you are going through in detail from reading a post made in an on-line forum.

My honey has been my rock these past months. He is right there in this boat with me, and we're paddling our little hearts out Posted Image

If we did not have the love and open communication we do, there would be no way we could have made it through the past year and a half...

So in my time of need, I turn to him instead of here. He is always a txt away, and he keep his phone with him at all times same as I do.

He still calls me every morning to wake me up, and he still says little romantic things that even my poetic mind could not think of :wub: He is truly my soul mate in every sense of the word and I am so blessed to have found him no matter how hard our journey has been.

One of the best things he did that really made me understand how much he cares was my birthday...

He has been asking me since last year how he can send me flowers, and I have looked into it, but without him having a major credit card I have come up empty handed...

But you know April 21st (My Birthday) I heard a knock on my door and there stood a man holding this:

Posted Image

I was so shocked :blink:

They were so beautiful and they smelled divine! Posted Image

Apparently he called my friend and had her go through the FTD website to find the perfect roses, order them and he txt her what to say on the card and western unioned her the money to pay her back...

All that trouble just to put a smile on my face, and lawd knows it worked :D

We have been through a lot, and yes it has been hard, but every day we show each other how much this bond means to us. I never believed in love like this before I met that man. He has made me a believer!

And I say, what God has joined together let no man put asunder. Amen.

I have more to share, soon come... work a kill mi...

Guess that answered my question! Sooooo sweet!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 13:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Soooo...what was the last nice thing to happen to you??

Mine was getting my NOA1!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 12:56:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Damn, those things are going to be shooting out of there. Sounds cool.

Good luck, JAE.

It is AMAZING!! It's the Sony Snaplab

Posted Image

As a scrap booker, you might consider one of the smaller models of dye-sub printers!!

Printing is cheap these days, normal about 30c per print....
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 12:31:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Really excited about my new printer....Prints photos in 17 secs for a 4x6.....Before took me 650 secs per print, so constantly had problems at an event when lots of people tried to buy photos as they were leaving....

Please keep unu fingers crossed for me that I get a event for Saturday that they were supposed to call me back about!!!

Finesse, Tanya is an AMAZING lyricist...she comes from angles you don't even think her vocal range too
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 11:24:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Nat, girl i just cant seem to get started typing up all this ####### that i need to be working on, so the twirling may or maynot be contributing to my laziness...LOL

OK i need y'alls opinion, remember i told yall yesterday i want to apply for a new internal position, well my coworker was ear hustling so she wanna ask me a hundred and one questions bout the position, i kept telling her just sshush and get out mi business, then she go and run off asking other folks bout job, the cow goes and call HR and find out how much job pay, NOW MIND YOU this job been posted for about TWO MONTHS, anyway when she find out im applying after she spent about 15 minutes talking down why SHE wouldnt apply for the job, im like OK thats fine for you..

well around 230 yesterday afternoon, she text me and say she think she gonna apply for the job too and she doesnt want me to be mad at her and that she feel that god will have favor on whoever is best suited for the job, now she is my friend and she is a christian but she need to keep GOD out of this, the DANG job been posted for MONTHS, so my DILEMMA is should i .......

A: BAX her in her HEAD
B: CUSS HER OUT and cause lifelong tension amongst us
C: let it ROLL
D: Or tell her i think she is a SCURVY, BACKSTABBING,H@E, and that is some for real BULLSH*T on her part!!!!

Dang i been back to work three days, and just because i decide that im tired and need a change all of a sudden she need change too, we sit next to each other and i like this chick but right now i cant look at her without wanting to open up a can of whoop A$$ on her.............

Let it roll, but MARK HAR!

Slowly move yourself away from her, you don't need people like that around you. And WHEN you get the new job, smile sweetly and tell her how suprised you are that they chose you instead of her!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 09:37:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!


that new Tanya Stephens a NICE....REAL NICE!!

LOVING 'Try Me', "Turn It Up', 'Siddung Pan It', 'More Than You'
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 08:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

JaEnglish: Aren't you a photographer? I think I remember lookin at your website awhile ago.

Yes, guilty as charged!!!! :whistle:

hi :) have a good nite long tyme since chat pon VJ take care

Heyyyyyyyy sis!!!! Welcome back LOL :rofl:
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-13 03:48:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Got my and my son's NOA1s today!!!! :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 18:32:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

nope chiney i knew they had same name i always just thought it was such a cool coincidence that our sons had exact same names

i didnt want to name my oldest son tyrone after his dad, but he wanted it so i went with it and then when second kid came along i picked tyler :)

Lol an my son's dad chose Tyrone and I picked Tyler for the baby!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 14:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Afternoon ladies,

Just wanted to say hello, i see JAENG babies are still cuter than ever and they have the exact same names as my two sons, not that anyone cares but just means we got good taste....LOL

Ok one question and no one laugh at me, what does anytime him seh him wah front, mean???/

Im back to work and its kicking my tail, everyone and there issues are waiting for me, ah so the life of a social worker goes....

I decided today to apply for a new position within the company for i smack someone, as a recipient rights rep, which basically means i get to listen to people complain all day, but it pays more money and i get my own office...LOL

something is telling me to go for it so im leaving it in GOD's hands, if he means for me to have this job then its already written...LOL

Hope everyone is well :)!!!

Heyyyy Tyler and Tyrone's mommy!!!!!

Front = ahem....making use of one's conjugal rights!!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 13:50:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

Any advice on how to keep it together to us newly married folks? I'm always open to hearing how couples make it work.

anytime him seh him wah front, tell him YES!!!

mek him know seh weh good fi di goose good fi di gander tuh!

Comment on his efforts, he cleaned up, mention it!

Expect him to be a man.

Let him do things for you! You don't have to carry the load yourself now, SHARE the load.

Say something nice to him everyday.

Kiss and hug him goodnight EVERY NIGHT. Nuh matta if yuh cussing.

Honor him, Speak to him with respect, even if you're angry. (Yes, mi slip pan dis NUFF times!)

Trust him with responsibility.

Ask (and value) his opinion.

Don't speak ill or his family or friends. (even if dem deserve it)

Give him breathing space.

Take time for yourself, even if you think you don't need it.

Let him make his own mistakes without nagging or 'I told you so'.

Keep your personal business personal unless he's fine with you talking about it to other people.
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 13:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

wow: The board is on fire!!! I received my biometrics appointment letter in the mail;biometrics scheduled for June 02. :dance: :dance:

Mrstee: You see mama, school administration sees the potential in you and know that you will make a great teacher. Congrats!!
KJ: God is good; all the time. Happy to hear there's no tumor sweetie.

Shanette: Congrats to hubby getting that job

JAPrincess: Good luck on your interview. You got it this time around, I'm claiming it for you and hubby.


Afternoon misslady!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 12:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

What is BS is the amount of pure venomous attacks that were posted by others on this board - yet you skim over them completely and focus on my post or the other posts of the vets who appeared yesterday - Read back through the thread, I can think of at least 3 people who posted stuff yesterday that was WAY out of line, off topic, and unnecessary - they had to throw their hat in the ring and try to instigate and escalate the situation - Yet that seems to be okay with you - I guess cause they are not VETS, and they share stuff, they are allowed to instigate personal attacks? Double standard here?

Yes, apparently if you share yuh scandals dem, yuh allowed fi comment. Otherwise yuh haffi siddung and kibba.

That's what rule 143(a) of the Yardies at home and a farrin says. Yuh neva read di rule book?
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 12:00:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!
Finess, yuh get di new Tanya Stephens album?? Mi seh, mi a play it pan RAPID since bout lass week!!

Finesse, when yuh a come a MD??? Mi neva photograph twins before!!! Dem cute is a shame!! Dem fayva yuh older son bad bad...
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 11:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaYardies a home and a farrin - Part 26!

oh and NAT....about the changing of the board (forgot about that)

Yes it is true the board has changed some....but that is to be expected because the longer people are on here the board has to goes through stages. 1) New people come on to ask questions about the process... 2) people waiting for and getting interviews........ 3)SO's getting approved and arriving---or denied ....4) discussions of adjustment/life/family...
So as less new people come on who are just going through the process thus less "journey talk" will happen, and same can be said that there will be an increase about adjustments to the US as people go through these steps.

BUT... I was here since 2006 and although I don't have the best memory around....I can say...the board has not changed THAT MUCH!!! You(not you personally) have to understand that with every person who comes on here we bring different personal history and personality and although we may be on a similar journey we have come about it and will experience it in different ways.

I guess this post was more to sum up what happened in here yesterday. It bothers me to no end when people are rude. There is no excuse for that!!! This all started when someone didn't like what someone was saying and instead of posting an opinion using tact and common courtsey it was posted with pure venum! Then, others came on to defend the venumous post by stating that the board has changed and nobody wants to hear the truth and make excuses that the poster always talks like that and is meant in no harm!!! THAT IS BS!!! What that reminds me of is in the south when they say a slanderous statement..if they follow it up with ....."bless his heart" it is ok that they may have just called the person a low lying byatch of a hore but it is ok because of that last statement.....uh NO!

Let me also say that this board will not be the everything for everyone at all times and change does happen... I don't post a lot because maybe at the time I have no interest in the topic but that doesn't mean I will go run and bash it to others...I just SMH and move on and check back later when the topic has moved on....

Love Peace and Hair Grease...yall, stick a fork in me I am DONE, chat with yall lata :ot2:

Guess you TOOK my words as laced with venom (word spelled so). Perhaps because you are so used to people tiptoeing around hemming and hawing.
So be it.
But that's MY style and if you nuh like it, keep stepping. Whether you find my topic offensive or not is really of no consequence to me, I stated it was an attack, you are free to pin whatever you like on me, good workout for your imagination!
JaEnglishGirlFemaleUnited Kingdom2010-05-12 11:47:00