Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Perso je prévois d'emmener des bouquins de ce type.... Quand je suis revenue en France après avoir vécue presque 3 ans aux US, mon français faisait vraiment peur... Je ressemblais à Jean-Claude Vandamme....

J'espère bien que cela servira à mes enfants également :)
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-06-02 11:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

J'ai envoye un courrier a Rich Lundi 24 mai, il l'a recu hier ! Il est en Californie je pense que ca joue aussi ! Ne t'inquiete pas ca va arrive vite, comme tu dis il y a eu le memorial day week end !

Merci Soph! C'est juste que dès qu'il aura reçu cette lettre, nous pourrons ENFIN envoyer notre I-129F! J'ai hâte....

Aux lyonnais, vous savez qu'il y a la Fête des Consulaires ce week-end Place Bellecour. J'y serais volontaire pour aider sur le stand USA le dimanche 6 juin donc si il y en a d'intéresser pour venir sur le stand, n'hésitez pas!!! :)
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-06-02 06:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Petite question :

Vous rappelez-vous combien de temps mets une lettre/grosse enveloppe pour arriver aux USA? Je crois que c'est 1 semaine mais je n'en suis pas si sûre... J'ai envoyé mes documents papiers, la lettre a été affranchie correctement, j'ai bien rajouté "priority via Airmail". Cela fait plus d'une semaine et mon fiancé n'a toujours rien reçu... peut-être est-ce du au Memorial Day weekend mais j'aurais bien aimé avoir votre feedback là-dessus.

Merci par avance..
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-06-02 04:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Félicitations Marie...

Les choses bougent vite pour vous tous...

Pour ma part, on est près. J'ai envoyé le reste des papiers pour le I-129F mais je crois que j'aurais du le faire par Fedex... Ca a l'air de prendre tellement temps par simple envoi courrier!!!

Nous espérons envoyer tous les papiers ce mois-ci... J'ai l'impression de dire cela tous les mois!!!! :wacko:

Une jolie note : j'ai réservé mon billet d'avion pour aller voir mon fiancé en Aout.. J'ai hate!

Bonne journée à tous
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-05-31 06:53:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Felicitation Marie!

Dis don c'est alle tres vite pour toi j'espere que cela en sera de meme pour nous...
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-05-07 14:17:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Esatern De, c'st rageant que pour des erreurs comme cela votre license de amraige soit erronée, j'espère que des frais supplémentaires ne seront pas rajoutés juste pour faire le changement...

C'est normal que les agents de l'immigration se pose plus de questions si on prévoit de rester 1 voire 2 mois... perso je vais quand même tenter car rester plus de 4 mois sans voir mon fiancé c'est trop dur - déjà 4 mois, j'ai du mal à gérer alors plus...

Je suis toujours admirative de ceux qui pensent plus de 6 mois sans se voir... cela doit être dur!

Bonne journée à tous et toutes sous la pluie et la grisaille lyonnaise.... je veux etre dans le NJ, hier il faisait un soleil éclatant avec plus de 25°C :)
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-05-05 04:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Traboule et S&AA, je suis de Lyon aussi... quelle coincidence! J'habite proche du metro Sans souci dans le 3eme :)

Eastern DE, je crois que l'on passe tous par une phase de ce genre...j'aimerais avoir une idee de quand je partirais pour pouvoir l'annoncer et eviter de faire trop stresser mes parents donc j'attends... mais je repousse tout le temps je crois que vraiment cela m'angoisse de les rendre malheureux. Chaque fois que l'on aborde mon avenir et mon copain, je sens une vraie tension... c'est comme l'elephant dans une piece, personne nen parle mais tout le monde le voit...

Merci en tout les cas pour ton commentaire et son cote positif a la fin...
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-05-04 13:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Re voyager aux US en attendant le K1...

Vous allez me faire stresser ++++! :)))

Mon chéri et moi devrions - si tout se passe bien et si on arrive à parler plus d'une demi-heure sur Skype pour se caler pour le I129F- envoyer ce 1er packet avant le 15 mai! Je prevois de lui rendre visite pour 3 semaines en Aout. Je travaille mais je vis chez mes parents donc j'apporterais toutes les preuves de mon attachement à la France et j'espère que ça passera..

Pour l'instant, je me prepare à annoncer à mes parents que je vais partir vivre aux USA et je sens que cela va être une étape difficile dans ma relation avec eux... pff je repousse cette conversation depuis si longtemps!

Bon courage à tous.... et n'hésitez pas à venir nsou raconter vos passages de l'US immigration :))

Faut que je retourne au boulot moi!

FerlineFemaleFrance2010-05-04 05:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Je pense que cela va pas etre difficile, moi j'aurais jamais fait en France ce que je fais ici, mais le truc c'est qu'il faut assurer une fois qu'on te donne ta chance.
C'est le truc que je trouve super ici, en France tout est poussiéreux, si tu connais pas machin truc tu va pas forcément avoir le job, peut etre que c'est que ma propre expérience, mais bon, je parle 4 langues et tout le monde me dit "oh toi tu peux trouver un job facile etc.. etc... et te faire bien payer"
oui, bah non ! "malgré le fait que oui ça peut aider !" j'ai jamais eu rien d'autre que des job super courts, et même si bon j'étais étudiante sur place encore, mais je suis partie parce que j'ai trouvé un job en Allemagne, bon, chacun sa route c'est sur, mais je pense pas que tu vas avoir de soucis à trouver un job, il faut quand même que ton anglais soit bon, mais j'imagine que ça doit aller, sachant que nos tendres et chers sont américains :)

Interessant... Ca c'est vrai qu'il te donne ta chance la-bas. J'ai travaille pendant un an et demi comme PR Account Exec dans une agence de relations presse/ relations publiques et je n'en avais jamais fait avant, meme pas un stage.. Mais bon j'ai envie de faire autre chose, j'ai essaye de trouver autre chose en France mais non je me retrouve a faire la meme chose qu'au US.. Mais qui sait cette fois ce sera peut-etre la bonne..j'aimerais faire qqchose avec les enfants, je devrais surement reprendre des cours une fois installee dans le NJ a voir...

Pour mon niveau d'anglais, je m'en fais pas trop j'ai vecue plus de 2 ans la-bas et j'y ai bosse et pris des cours... et puis c'est sur que le fait que nos cheris soient americains cela nous permet de maintenir le niveau :)) le mien ne parle pas francais.. il essaye bien mais c'est loin d'etre gagne!

Combien de temps cela t'as pris pour trouver un travail. J'ai lu que pendant au moins 3 mois, en attendant le bon papier - je ne me rappelle plus le nom je ne suis pas encore familiere avec les termes exacts je crois que c'est EAD.
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-04-24 16:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Merci beaucoup pour vos conseils..

Je suis au courant pour la timeline mais je la remplirais quand le dossier sera finalise.. il nous manque encore qqs docs. Nous croisons les doigts pour que nous soyons reunis au plus tard en mars 2011.. 2 ans et demi de relations longue distance, ca commence a nous suffire!

Eastern DE : toutes mes felicitations pour votre mariage. Je vous souhaite pleins de bonheur... Comment s'est passe cette belle journee malgre le temps?

Nous revons du jour ou nous pourrons enfin etre tous les deux dans notre petit chez nous a Hoboken dans le New Jersey et faire les choses du quotiien en couple et non plus chacun de notre cote.. Notre 3eme anniversaire sera dans 2 mois et nous ne pourrons malheureusement pas etre ensemble donc du coup, ce sera un diner/ dejeuner pour lui sur Skype... ca me rend triste mais bon nous ne sommes pas les plus mal lotis donc je ne me plaindrais pas!

Tres bonne soiree a toutes et tous.. je vais rattraper mon retard pour Desperate Housewives...

Derniere petite question!

Pour celles et ceux qui sont deja aux US : Trouver un travail a t'il ete simple? Travaillez-vous dans le meme domaine qu'en France?
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-04-24 16:10:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

I'm switching to English, I hope nobody minds...

So my fiancé and I (I'm the Frenchy in the relationship) are almost ready to send our I129F. I wanted to have your feedback about what we're sending along to prove we met in the last 2 years.

We made copies of the following :
- passport stamps (from his and mine)
- airline boarding passes - matching the passport stamps - we will put them next to each other
- color copies of pictures (4 or 5) of us alone plus with friends and family and in different countries (France or USA)

Will that be enough or should we had copies of email and cell phones bill even if this doesn't prove we have met.

Thanks a lot for your feedback on this..

I just came back from a trip to the US and I'm having such a hard time going back to my French life... We've been in a 2 year long distance relationship and I thought that the goodbyes at the airport will be easier as time goes by. But no! It's actually harder!...

Is anybody from the NJ/NY area?

FerlineFemaleFrance2010-04-22 05:27:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Présente pour les p'tits nouveaux....

Bon ca fait un moment que je trainasse sur VJ mais je pars dans 2 jours retrouver mon chéri à NY... Que cela va faire du bien.. 4 mois sans se voir c'est trop trop trop long sad.gif((

Ce voyage va nous permettre de planifier notre avenir et je pense que bientôt je ferais partie de celles et ceux qui attendent le visa K1...

EasternDE... Pleins de bonnes choses pour l'entretien!!!

Joeyx Noël et une très belle année 2010 smile.gif
FerlineFemaleFrance2009-12-24 09:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
As I said, I'm letting you know how it went with the US immigration officer...SUPER EASY- it looks like the more I'm worried, the nicer they are & the easier it becomes ...funny!

Anyway, the officer asked me 2 questions and that was it off I was to meet with the love of my life that have been waiting for me for more than 2 hours at the airport as we couldn't land to Newark due to strong wind ....

Now the next step before filing is the hard discussion I need to have with my family to let them know that I will move to the US. I don't know if it was the same thing for you but for me this whole situation is like " there is a big elephant in the room ( me moving to the US) that everyone sees but nobody says anything & everybody deeply hopes it will fade away (me ending not moving there). But this won't happen, he is the one and even if it's hard to realize that I will be far from my family, I want to stay with him and start our life together & our family...

Now, after reminding myself that I won't see him until december, I'm going to eat chocolate & liquorice and cry...

I hope you're all well & enjoying your times with your SO wherever you guys are..

FerlineFemaleFrance2009-08-18 15:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (Lili @ Jul 27 2009, 11:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Ferline @ Jul 27 2009, 04:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sophie, Aloha and Lili,

Thanks so much for sharing your experience...I'm leaving in Friday for 2 weeks and I can't wait to be already out of Newark Airport!!! kicking.gif I've read that Newark Airport was farder than other POE such as JFK about immigration...Anyway I'll let you know how it goes..that always gets me worried...I'm always wondering if they ask me "Do you have a US boyfriend? " Should I be totally honest and say yes and then have the risk of being send back to France or should I just say "no" and make everything easier...

My boyfriend and I talked about getting marry in about 3 years but being far from each other may actually speed us the weeding...that's why I've been looking at VJ and K1 visa..

Anyway, I wish everyone great vacations / safe travels to the US if any of you are going there over the Summer!

Ferline counting the days left until friday smile.gif))

Always, I repeat ALWAYS be honest at POE. If they ask if you have a boyfriend, you say the truth. Never EVER lie, it will come back and bite your butt. Be honest and straight to the point!

Have a safe travel to the US! smile.gif Don't worry about Neward being your POE, it will go fine I am sure. Make sure you have documents showing that you are intending to return to France and all will be well.

Once again, have a safe trip! kicking.gif

Thanks Lili!!!

FerlineFemaleFrance2009-07-28 07:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Sophie, Aloha and Lili,

Thanks so much for sharing your experience...I'm leaving in Friday for 2 weeks and I can't wait to be already out of Newark Airport!!! kicking.gif I've read that Newark Airport was farder than other POE such as JFK about immigration...Anyway I'll let you know how it goes..that always gets me worried...I'm always wondering if they ask me "Do you have a US boyfriend? " Should I be totally honest and say yes and then have the risk of being send back to France or should I just say "no" and make everything easier...

My boyfriend and I talked about getting marry in about 3 years but being far from each other may actually speed us the weeding...that's why I've been looking at VJ and K1 visa..

Anyway, I wish everyone great vacations / safe travels to the US if any of you are going there over the Summer!

Ferline counting the days left until friday smile.gif))
FerlineFemaleFrance2009-07-27 06:28:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (Sophie123 @ Jul 8 2009, 09:07 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi Ferline,

This is not too often at all! Don't worry for a second...
I dated my boyfriend for 4 years before we decided to get married, and I came to the US as a "tourist" many many times. I can't even count them anymore. I never had any problem about it.
I never told Immigration that I was visiting my boyfriend -even though they asked. I said "I'm visiting some friends". And I don't see why they should know anything else anyway.

The one time I had a tiny problem is when I came for 3 months. I stayed 89 days, just under the legal amount of days allowed as a tourist, and they checked and asked me several times if I had a job to go back to. They advised me not come back to the US right away after this particular stay.
I think they said that to scare me (it worked) and my next trip after that (about 5 months later) was easy as pie.

I hope this helps.
Good luck to you and your boyfriend!


Thanks a lot Sophie- it's always great to feel that there is someone that is going through the same things...

4 years- gosh that's quite a time... we are already going crazy after not even 1 year..what kill me the most is to see him leave or when he's driving me to the airport in NJ...that's always a heartbreak...

All the best for your visa process...fingers crossed that everything will go fast for you guys!

FerlineFemaleFrance2009-07-08 15:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples

Sorry to pop in just like that but I would like to have your points of view / experience...My boyfriend is American and we've been together for more than 2 years now- we are talking about getting married and going through the K1 visa process. I'm not quite ready in my head to go through that journey yet as I have to deal with my parent's feelings about the whole "me moving to the US". But I'm still enjoying reading VJ posts as we share the same feelings, have the same issues..etc...

I would like to know how many times you visited your SO prior to be married? How many often were you going to the US?

I'm asking that as I'm going to visit my SO at the end of July and I'm starting to be worried that the US immigration officer will think I visit too much the US..Let me explain :

- August 08 : I came back to France as my J1 visa expired. I stayed for 2 years and a half in the US (1 year as an aupair & 1,5 years as a trainee for a PR company in NY)

- December 08 : I came back to the US for a week to spend New Year's eve with my boyfriend- I wasn't expecting the US immigration officer to be rude BUT he asked so many questions for 10 minutes that I really thought he will never put the stamp in my passport, but he did at the end.

- April 09 : I went to the US for 1 week for my boyfriend's birthday- I didn't have that much problem- the officer asked the regular questions (do you have job in France? Why are you here for ? - I told him tourism this time as in December I said I was coming to visit friends & the guy went kinda nuts after that...)

- August 09 : I'm going to the US for 2 weeks.. I have my round-trip ticket.

I have a job in France and I'm expected to be back at work on Aug 18th - I'm arriving in France on the 17th- I'm bringing my working contract, my round-trip tickets, a certification letter from my boss to say that they're expecting me back at work on the 18th, my bank statement to show them I have money for these 2 weeks.

I was wondering if that the US officer may think that I'm coming too often to the US and so far they have never asked me if I had a boyfriend there. If they do ask me, I don't know what I'll say- I think I'll say yes to be honest but that's a risk...

So I was just wondering your points of view and also maybe your experiences...

Thanks in advance for any reply.


Edited by Ferline, 08 July 2009 - 06:34 AM.

FerlineFemaleFrance2009-07-08 06:33:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
QUOTE (Ferline @ Nov 15 2008, 04:14 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone!

I hope you gus\ys are all doing well...

I have a quick question...My boyfriend and I are seriously looking into the option of getting married but I was wondering what is the fatest way. Is it to go through to the K1 visa ( i'll prefer to do that but my SO is more for the other option). or to get marry while visiting him and then adjust the status? With the K1 visa or what is the average time to get the paper to be able to work??
To be completely honest, I'm kinda lost with all the process..but we have VJ thank god for that! My boyfriend and I are having a very hard time to be away rom each other and because of my job I don't even know if i'll be able to go and visit him anytime soon cray5ol.gif but you guys all know that very well...anyway I was just wndering..thanks and best of luck for everyone in the process of getting the papers!

I'm actually replying to my own message but I think I'll prefer to go on the K1 road, the avergae time of doing the paper works takes approx 6 to 8 months if everything goes smoothly..

One last question because the answers aren't clear on the whole website. Are you allow to visit your SO for a couple of weeks while waiting for your K1 visa?
FerlineFemaleFrance2008-11-15 06:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Hi everyone!

I hope you gus\ys are all doing well...

I have a quick question...My boyfriend and I are seriously looking into the option of getting married but I was wondering what is the fatest way. Is it to go through to the K1 visa ( i'll prefer to do that but my SO is more for the other option). or to get marry while visiting him and then adjust the status? With the K1 visa or what is the average time to get the paper to be able to work??
To be completely honest, I'm kinda lost with all the process..but we have VJ thank god for that! My boyfriend and I are having a very hard time to be away rom each other and because of my job I don't even know if i'll be able to go and visit him anytime soon cray5ol.gif but you guys all know that very well...anyway I was just wndering..thanks and best of luck for everyone in the process of getting the papers!
FerlineFemaleFrance2008-11-15 04:14:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)France/America couples
Hi everyone..

I'm also new here..even if I've been reading your posts for a month now! I'm the frenchy in the couple..I am in the same case as you Woostine, kinda wondering if we should get married or wait and find another solutions ( if there is any) for us to be together..

We met on June 30 2007 in NY in a bar and since then we have been inseparable!After 6 months, we kind of knew where we wanted this relationship to go but the visa immigration ( as always!) came in between. I was doing an internship (J1 visa) for 1 year and extended 6 months to stay with him. My boss wanted to do all the paperwork for me to get a working visa but I said no. I know you guys may think I'm crazy. My boyfriend and I talked about it over and over and he came to the conclusion that I was miserable at my job which was absolutely true and that we'll be able to find a way to be together..I love him so much for that. Now I'm back in France- it's been a month already and I'm still miserable without him but he is coming for 2 weeks vacation in exactly 3 days and I can't be happier..however we still have no clue how we're going to be together again and forever..

I've been looking into H1B, H3, L1 visas...but I'm not quite sure if I qualified for the L1 and the 2 other visas are just so difficult to get..Regarding the F1, I don't have the money to go back to school. So we both mentioned getting married- we're calling the B plan..We want to get married but we were more thinking of 2-3 years from now..we both know that we'll finish our life together...

When I read all your stories, I'm happy to see that LDR work..I have so many people that keep telling me that our relationship isn't going to work that it's really helpful to find that kind of forum. As my boyfriend says "this is true love, do you think this happen everyday?"...ok this is from a movie- the Princess Bride- but I think this kind of a good sum-up.

Now I have a couple of questions...thanks for the people that'll take the time to answer them..
- For those who got the K1 visa and then got married without a wedding reception, just a small civil wedding, did the immigration ask you why you didn't plan a "big" wedding? were they more suspicious?
- How did you announce to your parents that you're going to spend the rest of your life in the US? I'm having some issues to deal with my parents about that..even if they know that I have a boyfriend in the US..and my mum told some people that he might the love of my life but it's still hurting her a I just wanted to have some stories re the relationship with the parents of the K1 person..

Thank you and sorry for the big post I just wrote--

Ferline who is dying to be on October 4th to see him wub.gif

Edited by Ferline, 01 October 2008 - 03:33 PM.

FerlineFemaleFrance2008-10-01 15:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportssome of you have asked for update on us

I have been following your story for a few months and I know that it won't change anything for your situation but I think that what USCIS is doing to your couple is absolutely come could they make you wait for 2 years and leave you be apart for such a long time??

How come they are unable to clearly let you know what is "bothering" them with your case?

You tried the media, right and nobody was interested in your story. That is just crazy..

Anyway all my toughts and my prayers are going to you and I wish you, as strong as I can, that you and your fiance can be together soon.


Edited by Ferline, 18 August 2009 - 03:45 PM.

FerlineFemaleFrance2009-08-18 15:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 June 2010 VSC Filers

I just got a letter from the London Embassy in the post today, directing me to their site to fill in all the next forms! Woohooo! Yes, our lines are similar so hopefully you will be hearing from them very soon too!

You got the NOA2 in less than 1 month that's super fast! Lucky you... that's great for you!

We filed on June 30th, got the NOA1 on July 6th and now we're waiting for the NOA2!!! According to VJ, it's supposed to come at the beginning of September but we never know!

Edited by Ferline, 24 August 2010 - 12:46 PM.

FerlineFemaleFrance2010-08-24 12:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFREAKING OUT
Congrats!!! 22 days, that was super fast... I - as everyone else- would love getting the NOA2 in 22 days :-)
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-07-08 10:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 1 did not arrive

did any of you receive NOA2 yet? :/

Nope, still waiting for the NOA2...According to the VJ estimation, we should get it soon but so far nothing.... :(

What about you guys?
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-08-24 00:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 1 did not arrive

Same here. My application arrived at the CSC June 30th, the check has yet to clear. Reading this thread made me feel better!

Hey, we have the same timeline so far..

My fiancé checked and the check wasn't cashed yet...

We're all on the same waiting boat!
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-07-07 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA 1 did not arrive
I'm in the exact same situation as you guys...

We sent the I-129F on June 29th and it was received by the Vermont Service Center on June 30th... since then nothing... no news...
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-07-07 05:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresVSC NOA1 - July 6 - Are you waiting for NOA2?
To all who have posted and were awaiting for their NOA2, did any of you guys got approved?

I must say that the VJ sentence on my timeline "Based on timeline data, your I129f may be adjudicated between October 19, 2010 and November 21, 2010*" just depressed the hell out of me....even if it's not 100% accurate...

Also quick question, the 5 months processing time is it for the whole K1 process or is it only for the time between NOA1 to NOA2. I'm confused on that...

Good luck everyone...

We filed on June 30th, got the NOA1 on July 6th and now we're still waiting!
FerlineFemaleFrance2010-09-12 11:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCancel the K1 Visa
Hi all,

My fiance and I broke up. It was his choice. We were supposed to have the interview on March 22nd, I had it push back to June 1st. However yesterday I sent an email to the US Embassy in Paris to cancel the visa. They said that they need the USC to withdraw the petition. He had all the information to cancel the visa for 3 weeks and he still hasn't done anything - this is why I did it myself.

However I've 2 upcoming trips to the US, once in June 2011 to see my friends and to have a face-to-face discussion with him and I've planned to travel in August to see some of my other friends.

If I'm the one that asked the petition to be canceled and if I get a notarized letter that states that we're canceling the visa. Will have I trouble to enter the US in June and August?

I've a job and I'm getting my own place soon. Will that be enough to prove that I'm not planning on immigrating to the US?

I just want to make sure I'll be ok in the future if I ever want to visit the US or if I get a job opportunity there...

Thank you very much for all your help on this.

It's been hard on me the break-up and now I've to be the one to deal with this as he's too coward to do it himself....

FerlineFemaleFrance2011-04-14 07:18:00