Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Et ca ne fais "que " 5 mois. Je sais que de mon cote nous avions attendu 6.5 mois/7 mois...
C'est tres long mais après ca , ca va mieux :)
WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-01-10 03:48:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Louis&Mumu vous avez envoyé au vermont center ou california ?
WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-01-10 01:11:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Ohh dacc, je pensais devoir mettre les papiers dans un ordre precis pour l'entretien a l'embassade :)
Merci Didopage!

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-01-04 01:16:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Bonjour tous le monde :)

Je reviens comme une fleur sur ce thread pour vous poser une toute petite question :)

Avez vous mis dans un ordre tres precis tous les DS+affidavit of support +
Letter of intent + proof of relationship + birth certificate + police etc..?
Car j'ai tenté en vain de suivre la checkliste dans le packet 3 mais ils ne mentionnent pas les DS donc bon..

Merci a tous le monde :)

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-01-02 06:39:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Haha oui... Dans le March 2012 thread de plus en plus de personnes recoivent leur approval :) Meme si il y a ENCORE des petitions de fevrier en attente :)
Merci pour ton message en tout cas :)
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-09-19 18:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Wah.. Ca fait rever de savoir que vous certains d'entre vous sont deja la bas :)... Moi, j'attends toujours "le precieux" hmm..

En tout cas ce thread est de plus en plus interessant! :)
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-09-19 18:00:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Hey courage JM&K :)

Novembre semble largement faisable.. Meme si parfois ca prendre vraimet longtemps.

Bon courage!!
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-09-17 10:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Super !!
Merci pour le site Mumu :)))
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-07-29 12:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Haha ouais, du sexstop :P

Oh j'irais un jour de weekend :)
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-07-27 12:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Juste pour etre sure, tu as 6 mois pour partir aux US, pas partir des US. En fait, a aucun moment, il n'est question de quitter les US. A partir du moment ou tu arrives aux US, ton K-1 visa (single-entry) est perime, le decompte des 6 mois s'arrete et le decompte des 90 jours commence. Un visa sert a ENTRER sur un territoire.

Une fois que tu es mariee, tu RESTES aux US et tu fais les papiers pour ajuster ton statut (AOS) et pour obtenir l'EAD/AP. Si tu VEUX rentrer en France, tu attends d'avoir ta green card ou ton AP (AP que tu peux demander a etre expedie si tu as un cas d'urgence). Si tu ne veux pas, tu peux tres bien rester aux US.

J'espere que tu comprends mieux. :)

Binn.. Paris reste le plus simple pour moi. J'ai pas de voiture :P et je met 40 min en train pour paris donc ca va. Juste le cout qui fait bobo aux fesses. A voir :)
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-07-27 11:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Heee e viens de voir que l'ambassade avait un photomaton et que pour seulement 4€ on pouvait y faire des photos. Est-ce que vous savez si il est en libre service ou si il faut absolument aboir une interview la bas pour y acceder?
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-07-27 08:34:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
C'est gentil :)
Cest juste les photos.. Rah la nazos haha
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-07-25 12:06:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Merci :)
Cest stupide cette histoire de rfe.. Jaurais pu eviter
Bon je le ferais
:) Merci bcp!!
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-07-25 11:56:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Merci encore :)

Une derniere question :P
La photo format US, on doit aller se faire photographier par un pro chez Kod*k par ex?
J'avais envoyé des photo format FR pour le i-129f :/
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-07-25 11:25:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Merci a vous deux pour votre aide :)

Il y a juste une chose que je n'ai tjs pas
Comprise.. Lorsque mon cheri recoit la NOA2, il doit rassembler les papiers pour le I-134, et moi quand est-ce que je vais devoir envoyer mes papiers a l'ambassade?

Merci de votre patience!!
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-07-25 11:19:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Justement j'ai qq questions :
L'acte de naissance + casier judiciaire (d'ailleurs lequel? :P), comment les avez vous traduits? On peut par ex les traduire et demander a ami de marquer "I certify that..."?

Autre question: dans le DS156, ils demandent des preuves d'engagement. Si mon copain et moi ne sommes pas encore fiances, la lettre intent to marry suffit?

Merci a vous :)
WobbafutFemaleFrance2012-07-25 06:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part III - 2014

Hello tous le monde :)


Petite question. J'ai recu en septembre dernier une GC de 10 ans. Je suis donc allee a ma local uscis office. La dame la bas m'a demande ma gc, en a fait une photocopie (dessus tampon uscis + disant Original I 551 was destroyed by uscis LOU on 09/26/13. Category should be cf1 instead of IF1. Temp i 551 issued in passport for 1 year). Ajdhui, je recois une lettre de l'USCIS disant qu'ils n'acceptent pas les copy, et que j'ai besoin d'envoyer l'originale GC. Jai RDV demain a ma local uscis office, mais que pensez vous qu'ils puissent faire ?


Merci :)



WobbafutFemaleFrance2014-06-30 18:45:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part III - 2014

Ok merci pour ton aide :)


Je viens de recevoir le NOA du I-92 : remplacement de green card sans frais.

Je n'ai envoye les papiers que la semaine derniere car j'ai passe mon permis il y a environ 1 mois. Super relou aussi !


En ligne c'est specifie : Pour les non US citizen, il faut obtenir une "blue letter" au DMV (une seule location la delivre) pour ensuite pouvoir passer le permis ecrit. Sauf que lorsque jai passe le permis, ils m'ont demande de remplir une fiche demandant si je suis resident. Je coche Oui, et la nana de l'accueil commence a rayer mon papier et a me dire que non je ne suis pas resident puisque j'ai la blue letter.. Apres lui avoir montre ma GC dans mon passport, elle etait etonnee que le DMV ou jai recu ma blue letter ne m'ai pas demande si j'etais resident ou avait une GC... enfin bref. :)


Non tu peux aller dans la file GC je pense. Comment ca se fait que depuis septembre ton interview selon ta timeline tu n as tjr par la carte physique?


WobbafutFemaleFrance2014-02-04 20:57:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part III - 2014

Merci Lolla :)


Et une autre question... Je vais retourner en france bientot pour 3 semaines. Mon passport est a mon nom de jeune fille. Est-ce que je peux aller dans la file Us citizen/residents (meme si j'ai tjs pas ma 2y green card, mais que un tampon green card dans mon passport) ou vaut mieux que j'aille dans la file autres ?

WobbafutFemaleFrance2014-02-04 10:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part III - 2014

En faite j'ai une question.. J'avais lu qq part que si on ne souhaite pas avoir de refund, et quon na pas gagne assez d'argent pour devoir payer des impots, alors on peut eviter le "tax filling". Ca s'applique aux US resident ? Parce que j;ai bosse d'octobre a ajdhui mais je suis pas taxable.

WobbafutFemaleFrance2014-02-01 09:40:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part III - 2014

(Helo tous le monde :) )


Meme probleme pour les taxes. Merci Didopage pour ton lien :)

WobbafutFemaleFrance2014-02-01 09:26:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)JUST GOT OUR CASE NUMBER...WHAT TO DO NEXT??
Oops! I just read that you're in Kuwait. :| Hopefully someone from there will be able to answer your question. Thought you were in the PI :huh:
mrs. careyFemalePhilippines2011-04-18 18:57:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)JUST GOT OUR CASE NUMBER...WHAT TO DO NEXT??
You might want to check this post out: http://www.visajourn...tailed-summary/ It's very helpful! :thumbs:

P.S. Oops! I just read that you're in Kuwait. :|

Edited by jimmy_jlyn, 18 April 2011 - 06:54 PM.

mrs. careyFemalePhilippines2011-04-18 18:50:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)The time it takes the NVC to assign a case number?
we've been fortunate. ours was approved by USCIS 2nd march, received by NVC 7th march and 25th march we received case number, iin, ds-3032 and aos bill.

paid aos today so in a few days we'll be billed for the iv and i'll pay that too.

Edited by Ash & Tiffany, 26 March 2013 - 04:49 AM.

Ash & TiffanyMaleAustralia2013-03-26 04:48:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)April case complete.

How long will it take to get an interview date? Any of you just got the case complete?


i got case complete today in the morning, and another email this afternoon with my interview date in sydney, australia.

Ash & TiffanyMaleAustralia2013-04-30 21:55:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA



Hvala na odgovoru :) ...a kolko dugo se ceka kad dobijes NO2 do interview kas se deluje sa srbijom? i jeli moguce da se photocopiraju te papire sto treba ambasadi da ti posalje od interneta ili mora bas da se cekaju te koji ce oni da posalju?

Amy101Not TellingSerbia2013-09-05 23:51:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)SERBIA

Ko moze da mi kaze koja dokumenta trebaju da se nosu na interview? jos nismo dobili NO2 ali bi hajala da znam posto na krajem meseca idem da vidim dragog i hajala bi da zavrsim sto sve mogu da ne moramo da cekamo jos posta da mu se salje kad bude stiglo do toga. Hvala u napret :)

Amy101Not TellingSerbia2013-09-04 16:10:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)NVC Closed
Hey everyone,

I called the NVC tonight and got a message that they are closed due to inclement weather. Could this cause some serious delays or maybe just minor delays? Any thoughts?

Shew its tough fighting anxiety through this entire process!

mitchpa13MaleColombia2014-01-02 20:56:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Information on time of NVC

I just called the NVC and received my Case #.  I had received my I797 approval notice July 16.  I then received and Email on August 7 saying that my file had been shipped to the NVC.  When I spoke with the NVC, I asked them whether I should send the DS-3032 to speed things up. He replied that they would not request this and my file was being shipped out immediately to the consulate in Ho Chi Minh.  They would then contact my finance directly  for an interview.  All sounds good to me.  Any comments? 

Redhead33MaleVietnam2013-08-13 08:16:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)How long, nowadays, will it take our approved case to get to the NVC?

I just received notice that our file had been shipped to the NVC which was  3 weeks from the notice that our case had been approved.  Good luck. 

Oh. But I guess this does not mean that NVC has received the file yet. I sure hope it is not 8 weeks. 

Redhead33MaleVietnam2013-08-12 16:45:00
USCIS Service CentersWrite your comment Please
QUOTE (TO&JS @ Feb 2 2009, 06:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (SteveColo @ Feb 2 2009, 11:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Nagishkaw @ Feb 2 2009, 03:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There are many here who have had very long wait times. I suggest having some patience.

Agreed good.gif

I'm wondering why you say you "can't afford" to wait too long. To me, this makes it sound less and less like a real relationship and more of a business arraignment. It the relationship is REAL, then a few extra months will not change things ...

Shoot, I'd love to have a couple of touches this month like you have. Consider yourself fortunate, especially with all those members here that have waiting for many more months than you ... even years. At least you're getting SOME attention from the USCIS. There are people here who haven't had a touch in 9 months ... and my heart really goes out to them.

All of us here miss our spouse/fiance' and would give anything to have them with us right now. My time apart from my beautiful wife has been the hardest months in my life. Getting all pissed off and calling Americans stupid will not make any friends here. Yes, the process needs to be fixed, but your constant insults to the people that live in this country ... who by the way have absolutely NO power to change things ... really will not help your situation. After all, you are asking for help from us 'stupid americans' ... do you really think that approach will get you any assistance? headbonk.gif

Yes I can wait my friend and I will, but I will never say something
Different that I think out USCIS….I do not care what other people think about them…I just do not like them and I feel like that is their problem not my….They approved so many petition after mine it means that something is not honest… That is I gave my first question…

Life Lesson # 1 "Life isnt fair, never has been , never will be. Throwing a fit and name calling isn't going to get you anywhere. We all understand your frustrations. Take a good look around on this board. You are not the only one struggling here. How about trying to make some friends on here instead of enemies. There are lots of Americans here on this board willing to help support, but not with an attitude like that.
KandDFemalePakistan2009-02-02 18:38:00
USCIS Service CentersPassport revoked!
QUOTE (Sofargone @ Mar 16 2008, 07:50 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I am sorry to hear that you have been trying to get CS for 20 years now.

May I ask why you even bother trying to collect after such a long period of time and the children involved must be in their 20's by now ? I assume they know they werent supported and as such made their own decisions on how to deal with it being adults now.

Dont get me wrong you were supposed to have received CS but after 20 years why even bother ?


I quit bothering a long, long time ago, but he was just found again, by the state, he still has to pay. They make them.
KandDFemalePakistan2008-03-16 19:03:00
USCIS Service CentersPassport revoked!
I been trying to get Child support for 20yrs now. they dont put someone on the list because of a medical problem and out of work for a while ,these are parents that have purposely avoided to pay.
KandDFemalePakistan2008-03-16 18:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Embassy called asking to return
kicking.gif I think that is great news. kicking.gif . I know u been stuck in AP and this may be the end. Im not looking forward to AP myself, but since my fiance is from paki i know its coming. I pray ur husband gets his visa soon so u can start ur life together. You've waited long enough.

QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Mar 9 2008, 07:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Got call from embassy, asked my husband to go there this week
no mention of bringing additional information

he had submitted his passport last month so they did not ask for that

I am patiently waiting for what happens

Only God can save us, my prayers are with all of us waiting


KandDFemalePakistan2008-03-09 08:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I hate the weekends!
Count me in too, ladies. I been waiting since July. It would be so much easier, if we had a timeframe to go by, I wouldnt mind the wait too much, if i only knew how long the wait was gonna be. I think the unknown is what makes us the most depressed. crying.gif
KandDFemalePakistan2008-10-12 20:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DOS says case is approved
Congratulations good.gif good.gif good.gif , Sure do wish the would geta workin on mine whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif whistling.gif
KandDFemalePakistan2008-10-15 17:01:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)call dos again
QUOTE (chaingang @ Oct 16 2008, 05:49 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (tammy2688 @ Oct 16 2008, 04:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (MrsJibowu @ Oct 16 2008, 04:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Bring you ap 221g slip and tell them that the embassy requested your passport. They should let you in with that information. IT is worth a try. It says that you need that to reenter the embassy.

QUOTE (chaingang @ Oct 16 2008, 04:11 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
i called DOS again , and the first question lady asked me have u submitted new passport ? i told her , embassy never called me , she told me please contact embassy for that , i told her anything else you are seeing in my case , she said NO , all i can see " passport requested" so please submit your passport to the embassy

now i really dont know how to contact embassy , in which way , they dont pick up the phone , they dont let any one to come to embassy , they dont reply of emails and they have also not contacted me ...................

embassy is acting like devil.gif

mad.gif mad.gif

I agree if they requested the passport then they either can't reach you through phone or they mailed you at whatever permanent address you have and you didn't get that. most likely they didn't do anything of that sort so you have to take the initiative and take your 221g form and say the embassy requested my passport. If they turn you back then that means they want you to submit it at a later time as if you hadn't called DOS, you wouldn't know about it.

I don't know if you are back in Pakistan or not but if you are then make that trip to the embassy.

yeah thats true , no harm in try , thats also true , but i hope they are thinking what i am thinking that is issuing me visa tongue.gif not any more ap/ar #######


I know what u mean about they wont answer the phone, my fiance has tryed to call them several times during this whole process and only managed to get thur twice. I do have a suggestion if they turn you away, have the USC send them a email, they have been pretty good at answering most of my emails. Godd Luck!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Hang in there Buddy the visa is coming!!!!!
KandDFemalePakistan2008-10-16 17:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)OMG OMG OMG
Congratulations kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif Wishing you a very happily ever after!!!! good.gif
KandDFemalePakistan2008-10-15 21:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Want to hear a joke?
Yeah, all the rest of the months minus the 60 days they are probably just sitting.
KandDFemalePakistan2008-10-29 16:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)DOS
QUOTE (chaingang @ Nov 4 2008, 12:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (browneyedgirl @ Nov 4 2008, 09:26 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called the DOS today and they told me my case has moved from the immigrant section to the non immigrant section which she said is the last part of administrative process but still no time frame. Tammy or anyone have you heard this before?

browneygirl , my best friend is for k3 visa , from my city,,,,when he called embassy they told him his case moved from immigrant section to non immigrant section and that was done in December 2007.,,,,,,,,,,,,,, this is what they told them , so it can take time , remember that , december 2007 and now there is big time difference , browneygirl

The only sense i can make of this is that she said it was in the immigrant division cuz he will be staying in the US and now has been moved to the non immigrant division. Maybe this means wont be too much longer. K-1 is considered a non immigrant visa. Now maybe all that is left to do is what they do for non immigrants when they apply for visas who knows just a thought. She did say this is the last phase of the administrative process. God I hope so.
KandDFemalePakistan2008-11-04 13:20:00