Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Perso je prefere avoir le grosse somme à la fin qu'un petit peu tous les mois. On est pas tight à la fin du mois, on est bien donc ça nous dérange pas trop :)
WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-10-11 21:15:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Hey hey tous le monde. Je viens de rentrer apres etre allee a mon infopass et a la secu.

La personne qui m'a recue pour l'infopass etait super sympa :). Bon, ils ont mis 10 min a essayer de comprendre d'ou venait l'erreur de ma GC. Au debut ils croyaient que je faisais parti du groupe de personne qui avait recu un email comme quoi leur GC etait erronee. Ces personnes n'ont pas eu d;interview, sauf que moi je l'ai eu. Au final, c'est juste la personne qui m'a interviewée qui a oublie de cocher une case :)

Donc la personne qui m'a recu a detruit ma GC, MAIS m'a cree une GC temporaire dans mon passport (valable 1an) + scelle Uscis. Elle m'a fait des photocopies de ma GC et a entoure la categorie en precisant a cote que ca devrait etre CF1 aulieu de IF1, qu'elle m'a issue une GC temporaire et stamp USCIS. Photocopie de la GC temporaire, ID passport, K1,  + Ou envoyer le tout  + form qu'elle m'a aide a completer + m'a dit d'envoyer une lettre en expliquant que jai recu la mauvaise GC + copy certificat de mariage. Et enfin elle m'a dit d'aller a la secu en premier, et de ne pas envoyer les papiers avant d'aller au DMV. Je pense y aller dans 2 semaine passer mon permis :)


Voilou !!

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-26 11:37:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011



tu nous diras la conclusion de tout ça wink.png


Yep yep !! Promis :)

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-24 10:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011



C'est "regle". Il m'a confirme que plusieurs personnes ont eu le meme soucis que moi (GC faites au meme moment), et qu'il faut faire un infopass. Lola, my bad, Je peux cliquer sur continuer lorsque je choisi "other services".. Ils ont jeudi a 8h30 smile.png J'pense prendre ca.


Meuurci pour votre aide tongue.png

Qu'est-ce que je ferais pas sans vous smile.png

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-23 15:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Pourquoi pas le case service follow-up appointment? l'important c'est surtout que tu arrives à voir quelqu'un...


Pour etre honete, j;en ai jms entendu parler :(

Ca marche comment>?


Je rappele le National Customer service center, et le gars me demande pourquoi c'etait pas bon d'avoir une 10y green card.. il a arrete pas de me mettre en hold lolilol

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-23 15:36:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011


T as essaye le 3eme, information on other services.


Vi Lola, ca me met ca :


Instead of an appointment, we recommend you visit At this site you can -
  • Review fact Sheets that describe available benefits and services

  • Research citizenship and immigration laws and regulations

  • Obtain Case Status
  • Check current application wait times

You can also call NCSC at 1.800.375.5283
for information, assistance and a variety of other case services.

If you require additional assistance, you can make an appointment at your local office by clicking Continue.


Je peux envoyer par courrier un I-90 gratuitement, mais je pense qu'ils savent deja ca si je prends un rdv.. Fin j'imprimerais quand meme une copie :P


Bref je sais pas comment les joindre blahh

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-23 15:24:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

J'prendrais un rendez-vous, sont rarement surbookés. Enfin le mien clairement pas huhuhu, les deux fois ou j'l'ai fait j'ai pu avoir un rendez-vous le lendemain.
Et à l'entrée, on te demande le papier du rendez-vous sinon tu rentres pas...

Bref ca coute rien de prendre un rendez-vous. ^^


J'ai aucun Numero de tel pour les joindre directement :/ Sur le site internet, je trouve l'adresse via le uscis office locator, mais aucun email/numero.

Infopass, je vois pas quelle raison mettre

Please select Kind of Service you need You need Service on a case that has already been filed
  You are a new Permanent Resident and have not yet received your Permanent Resident Card
  You want to file an application in person
  You need information or other services
  You need a form.
  You are a United States Military Member, Military Retiree or a Military Dependant


Si je coche le premier,  j'ai ca :


Order from Immigration Court - If you were directed to us for processing based on an order from the Immigration Judge. You must bring all documents required in the post order instructions given to you by the court.
  Case Processing Appointment - If you received a notice to go to your local office for further case processing.
  EAD inquiry appointment - If your I-765 employment authorization application has been pending for more than 90 days.

Case Services follow-up appointment - If it has been over 45 days since you contacted NCSC and have not received a response to your inquiry. You must bring the Service Request ID Number related to your inquiry to the appointment.



Ca correspond pas vraiment :(


L'endroit ou j'ai fais mes biometrics, dans le meme batiment j'ai eu mon interview.


Vous en pensez quoi?

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-23 15:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Ok donc jai appele pour notifier le prb. La personne au tel m'a dit de me rendre directement a un USCIS Application Support Center sans infopass, sans rdv.. J'ai lu sur le forum que des personnes ont fait un infopass. Je vais y aller et on verra bien :)

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-23 07:35:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Merci :)

Je les appelles lundi

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-21 19:22:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Ahh. .C'est cool, je vais perdre encore plus de temps :P

Si ca prend autant de temps, jvais donc aller faire changer mon nom avec mon EAD a la SS office .. Et enfin pouvoir bosser et passer le permis wooohoo.

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-21 16:38:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Coucou tous le monde !! J'ai recu ma GC et y'a un truc qui me chagrine.. Je crois que jai recu une GC de 10 ans... EXP: 07/18/2023.  ?!!

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-21 15:03:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

L'interview c'est "du gateau".  J'veux dire, jpense qu'ils sentent plus ou moins les fraudes. De toute facon, si t;a rien a cacher t'as rien a craindre lol

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-17 11:42:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Hey Lola, regarde ma timelind tout est dedans :)
Je suis sur telephone alors je peux pas te dire exactement, mais avec un RFE environ 2 mois :)

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-16 17:04:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

Green card approuvee vendredi :). C'etait super rapide.. Elle a demande a mon mari de rester dans la salle d'attente, m'a demande des infos basiques (adresse, nom de mes parents..). Ensuite ou nous nous sommes rencontres, combien de fois on s'est vu et c'etait tout :) Elle a regarde les photos et a souris. Ensuite elle ma dit que ma GC etait approved.

Par contre, elle a aussi dit que la SS office sera updated. Updated par rapport a quoi?  Je sais pas si je vais tenter d'aller la bas avec mon EAD pour changer mon nom en attendant a GC. Au point ou j'en suis :)

Apres je passe le permis !!! wooo

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-09-16 07:26:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011

J ai vu que Woobafut tu as eu des problemes avec ca...

Au pire je peux pas mettre mon nom de jeune fille sur ma DL et changer plus tard? Ca pose probleme?


J'ai pas vraiment eu de problemes.. enfin, Didopage m'a envoye un message prive. En faite,c'est juste qu'ils connaissent pas leur boulot. Bahh. De toute facon j'ai mon interview le 13 sept donc au final cest pas si grave :)

WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-08-26 10:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011
Yaaay!! Congrats :)
WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-08-23 07:21:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)French/American Couples - Part II - 2011


Ah mais je savais pas que tu avais eu une interview! Congrats! Oui alors en effet, du coup ça met peut-être pas longtemps. Moi rien n'a bougé pour la green card donc je fais certainement partie des happy few qui n'ont pas d'interview (mais je vais attendre 1 an pour ma GC...!)


Tu l'as eu quand ton interview?


Argh :( Peut etre que la personne aui gere ton dossier met du temps et que tu vas recevoir une date bientot... boo !


Mon interview est le 13 septembre :)


WobbafutFemaleFrance2013-08-22 17:09:00
USCIS Service Centershurry up and wait
They tell all sorts of excuses to everyone. We filed in September and we never saw any update since the 3rd of October. But yeah, it will come soon. Hang in there. B-)

Edited by jimmy_jlyn, 17 March 2011 - 07:55 PM.

mrs. careyFemalePhilippines2011-03-17 19:54:00
United KingdomHelp!
OH DEAR! :( We had our wedding set on the 22nd of July and were dead worried that I might not be able to make it. We only got our approval last week. That was 184 days since our NOA 1. I honestly think that you can't make it and that you should start thinking about setting it back to a later date. I've also heard that it is a long wait for an interview date to be scheduled in London. I'm sorry. I hope you get your approval soon.
mrs. careyFemalePhilippines2011-03-28 20:36:00
VietnamRed flag???
Sounds like a go to me.... red flags can be overcome by proof from the relationship.. good luck
T&T&TMaleVietnam2013-11-28 01:11:00
Vietnam344 days....

Hey Chris, I am so happy for you... congrats.....good luck

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-02-26 12:28:00
Vietnampolice reports

Hello everyone  

I received a notice that my case was transferred on Mar. 4th.  I am starting to prepare for the NVC process and I have a couple of quick questions.


 I am retired,  I have been living in Vietnam since Jan. 2012 with two visits back to the States.  One was for 6 weeks and one was for 7 weeks.  I own my home in the States with bank accounts etc... my question is will I need a police certificate from Vietnam.   


Question number two has to do with my stepdaughter.  She will need a police certificate by the time we have our interview.  She will be 16 on April 28th.  In the mean time I will be sending documents to NVC before she is 16.  Should I send a statement saying that she cannot apply for a certificate until she turns 16 and it can take up to 6 weeks to process.  It may be possible to have a certificate by the time we have our interview and I could take it to the interview. 


thanks for any comments...

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-03-10 23:55:00
Vietnamimmunizations for the US

Hello everyone, is it a requirement to use a panel physician for immunizations or can we use a local hospital or clinic before the medical exam?

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-12 20:34:00
thanks much....
T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-13 22:40:00
Let me try this again. Can anyone tell me if I need to use the doctors recommended by the consulate or can we use a local clinic to get the vaccinations required for my wife to enter the United States. If I understand the instructions correctly I can use a local clinic as long as I have proof. I would just like some reassurance... Thanks....
T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-13 21:49:00
VietnamPolice Record
Thanks,,, that was my understanding....
T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-23 09:51:00
VietnamPolice Record
T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-23 07:27:00
VietnamVietnamese fiancee proof of single status

Sure I would be willing to do  guide on getting married in Vietnam... I will revisit some of the locations to collect info.  and photos but I will get back to you..  

Will you be willing to start a thread and make a guide on how to marry in VN? I can have it pinned for future reference.


T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-23 02:38:00
VietnamVietnamese fiancee proof of single status

Yes Skyking02 you can submit your paperwork before you arrive in Vietnam.  However if you decide to go this route I would highly recommend using a local attorney.  Cost (500 to 700 U.S. dollars).  You will need to have your mental evaluation done in the U.S. and have a certified copy sent to your fiancé and so she can have it translated into Vietnamese.  You will also need to send her a POA and she will also have it translated into Vietnamese.  Remember I told you about any hitches.  The Vietnamese can be very picky about what the will accept as  proper documents.  For example, one of my documents had my middle name while another document had my middle initial, the Justice Department would not accept the document with my middle initial until I went to the consulate to get an affidavit that I was the same person, Cost 50 dollars notary fee... The Vietnamese are very artful at finding ways for you to show your "gratitude".  Another time they said my Visa had expired and had the wrong stamp so they could not give us our wedding certificate. In my opinion they could find some way to reject your POA or your mental evaluation, you and your fiancé together will have a much better chance of getting thing done. I hope this helps.  If you would like for my wife to talk to you fiancé msg me.  Good luck....

Will you be willing to start a thread and make a guide on how to marry in VN? I can have it pinned for future reference.


T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-23 02:32:00
VietnamVietnamese fiancee proof of single status

You will submit the certified copy of your passport and visa with your application to the Hall of Justice.


I did the same thing, I took my Kentucky seal marriage search letter along with my certified divorce decree (translated) and I was instructed to go to the American Consulate and get a Notarized Affidavit and submit it and not the other documents.  The local offices here are familiar with the affidavit of being single  from the consulate but they are not so sure of the papers from the 50 different states.


I followed the instructions I found on the Department of State and other web sites and I did several thing I did not need to do.  It is not as difficult as it sounds but it just takes time. 


T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-14 12:57:00
VietnamVietnamese fiancee proof of single status

you will also need to verify your residence while here in Vietnam.  I am not sure what they will need from you because I live in HCMC. I had to go to the police station where I am registered and get a paper. 

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-14 11:07:00
VietnamVietnamese fiancee proof of single status
I think this is what you should do. Remember I am a retired nobody and this is not legal advice in any way. you should arrive in HCMC on Saturday or Sunday so you can start on Monday morning to get things done and have the entire work week.
You fiancé should get her papers from the Peoples Committee saying she is single and can get married. This could take up to a couple of weeks but you do not need to be here for that.
After she gets the affidavit she should go the Hall of Justice and pick up the application for you two to get married. She can fill it out and have it ready when you get here. (You will need to bring two passport type photo 3x4 Cm for your application when filled at the Hall of Justice.)
1.On Monday morning I would be among the first ones to arrive at the American Consulate to get your form Affidavit that your are single and have them notarize it. Cost 50 dollars.
2.Then across the street to get a copy of your passport and visa certified. Cost is small.. I think under 5 dollars. This could take several hours or it could take less than one hour.
3. Next go to the mental hospital for your evaluation. It is on Vo Van Kiet. Depending on the time you get there if you show the staff your "gratitude" you may be able to get your document the same day or next day. You will need to take 4 photos of yourself and your fiancé measuring 4x6 cm.
4. Leg work done now to the Hall of justice to submit your application. If they accept the application you will be given a date for your interview. Don't know the time frame but our was about 4 days.
5. Pass the interview and they will give you a date to return to receive the marriage certificate. Again don't know the time frame but ours was about 10 days. Take some pictures of you and your fiancé together to the interview and show your "gratitude" to help speed up the process.
My wife and I both were divorced and we obtained copies of our divorce decrees and I paid to have it translated but the Hall of Justice said we did not need them.
Lots of Luck.. I am not sure if it is possible to do this in two week or not... everything would have to go without any hitches...

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-14 11:02:00
VietnamVietnamese fiancee proof of single status
does your fiancé live in HO Chi Minh City?
T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-14 09:45:00
VietnamVietnamese fiancee proof of single status
No you can't. The Vietnamese do all the scheduling. Once you get the necessary documents required to get married and have them translated it can take several weeks, you and your fiancé will be interview. If all goes well you will be interviewed once but I know of couples that have had to go back for two and three interviews which took more than 4 weeks. For the interview you will need to take someone to translate for you if you don't speak Vietnamese. Be careful because the interviewer can speak English. She knows everything you say before it is translated. Once you pass the interview they will give you a date when you can pick up your marriage certificate. The marriage certificate will have the date you were legally married. Be prepared for the shake downs. You will be asked for money to expedite the paper work along the way, the doctors, the interview and when you pick up the certificate. Don't be surprised when they create a problem just so they can get more money to fix it. Good luck...
My wife and I started the process on July 16, 2013 and we were married on August 16, 2013.
I had my birth certificate, passport, police report on my residence here in Vietnam and an affidavit that I was single. I got the affidavit from the American consulate which was a form letter that I filled out and paid fifty dollars to have notarized. I did not need my divorce certificate but if you are divorced I would recommend you have a certified copy just in case.

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-13 21:32:00
VietnamVietnamese fiancee proof of single status
I know of at least two answers to your question. In Vietnam people get married with a religious service and never record their marriage at the Hall of Justice. This requires no paperwork.

Legally you must Register with the Hall of Justice where you will receive your Marriage Certificate. This requires several steps and one of these steps is to get a paper from the Peoples Committee that she is single and eligible to marry. This is assuming she is the Vn resident.

You can find more info at:


T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-13 01:30:00
VietnamPolice Report and Medical examination in HCMC

great... you are on your way... :goofy:

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-31 22:44:00
VietnamPolice Report and Medical examination in HCMC

Contact the IRS and request transcripts for the past three years.   I am not sure if you can do it online or not.  you can use transcripts for your I-864 or a copy of your 1040 for the most recent year and transcripts for the two previous years.   

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-31 20:55:00
VietnamPolice Report and Medical examination in HCMC

Did you send a copy of a translated birth certificate with your I-130 package for your fiancée?  That is required.  For the interview your documents in Vietnamese for your fiancée  do not need to be translated.   
You now have time to relax before you get your approval from uscis... Use this time to gather your tax transcripts and be ready for your I-864.  You can also gather the information your fiancée will need for her DS-260.  I downloaded a PDF    Ds-230 form and filled it out as it has most of the same information you will need for the online ds 260. 


good luck

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-31 02:05:00
VietnamPolice Report and Medical examination in HCMC



Translations.   Any foreign language document must be accompanied by a full English translation that the translator has certified as complete and correct, and by the translator's certification that he or she is competent to translate the foreign language into English

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-30 21:13:00
VietnamPolice Report and Medical examination in HCMC

She will get her police report at  Department of Justice located at 141-143 Pasteur St., Ward 6, Dist.3, HCMC,.  The cost is 300,000 Vnd.  It will be translated and deliver by mail.  It is good  for one year.  Don't apply until your I-130 has been approved by USCIS.  It will take one month or more to received your Case number. As soon as you get the noa 2 you should apply for the police report.  As for the Medical you will get it after NVC has completed your case.  

T&T&TMaleVietnam2014-05-29 08:33:00