Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity-- What do you mean you are not creative? I thought you were the next Martha Stewart. :D You mean that you have nothing planned for the future when you have to tell Javier there is a bun in the oven? See, you could just put a bun in the oven. Or you could put a pillow under your shirt, and ask him if he could get used to you with a bump? Or you could get a fathers day card.
I guess there are probably a million ways to do it. With Emily I just showed Alex the pregnancy test. He was pretty sure I was pregnant anyway, he probably knew my cycle better than I did.

Ashley: I was wondering the same thing!!

Benita: Sorry I don't have any suggestions. I am not very creative when it comes to these sort of things. The t-shirt idea sounds great to me. :thumbs:

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-17 09:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
:help: I need help. I have a friend (Tracy) she just found out she is pregnant. She wants to tell her husband in a special way. They have 2 other children a boy (Jake 7yrs old) and a girl (Hannah 3 yrs old). She wants to write on t-shirts for the children. I need to know the exact way to write in spanish. I'm going to be a big brother and I'm going to be a big sister. She is going to make him translate it into english or she may write out the translation on the back of the shirt. If anyone knows any other really good ideas for breaking the news, she is open to other ideas. THANKS :D

Ashley: What are you talking about????
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-17 08:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Melissa : Your advisory opinion will be approved. :thumbs:

I think we are seriously thinking about the 2 bedroom... it is only $120 more per month. We will have to see it first.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-16 12:08:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Someone here said that a lot of people flying these days are getting strep. So maybe that is were everyone picked up their illness.
Alex goes to the doctor at 2pm, I will let you know.

On another is funny how when someone mentions something that you turn around and.... OK I will just tell you what happened. About 30 minutes ago I get a phone call from my landlord. She said there is going to be a 2 bedroom available (all on the same floor). Most of the townhouses with 2 bedrooms have a bedroom upstairs (the master) and another down. I did not want Emily to be downstairs just in case someone were to break in. So I called Alex and now we are thinking of moving into this one. We just need to go see it when she gets it ready to rent. The only problem is this immigration paperwork. :blink: I guess we will have to file the paperwork when you move. Has anyone had to do that yet?? What about you Melissa??
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-16 10:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity - You can get drafting programs, but if the scale does not have to be perfect then you can use paintbrush.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-16 09:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
It sure would be nice to spread out a bit. Emily is going to be 2 at the end of March and yes I would love for her to have her own room. We plan to move to a 2 bedroom townhouse after Alex gets to work. Then we would start to save for a down payment on a house.

Melissa - I did the drawing on Photodraw, but I bet I could have done it with paintbrush as well. It has all those little drawing tools, plus you can make text boxes, which is what I used to type the description of the items in the apartment. Maybe I will take some actual photos so you can see as well. I have a hanging divider between our bed and Emily's bed - it gives privacy for when we are doing the laundry :devil: (not that it matters, because she sleeps like a log, she wouldn't wake up if a freight train went through the apartment).
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-16 09:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
OK...Just so you know between 7am and 8am I have no life. I should be working on catching things up, but instead I was drawing the layout of our apartment. I think it turned out pretty good. As you can tell, if we buy another stick of furniture it is going to burst at the seams.

Is anyone else bored???? :whistle:

I am waiting until 8:30 to call and schedule Alex to get to the doctor today. I got to daycare yesterday and Emily had a rash all over. When I took her to the doctor they tested her and she has strep throat. :( Alex has been compaining about his throat being sore since Sunday, (I thought he was just being a baby). I figure I better get him tested and on some antibiotics if he has strep. They say it can move to your heart that you can get rumatic fever. I need to keep him around a long time so we are getting him into the dr. today.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-16 07:28:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
You can use some cable room dividers and use some shower hooks that will slide on the cable as well as clip on a pretty sheet for a room divider. This will give you a sense of having a bedroom. And you can push the divider back at night so that you can still watch TV.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-15 15:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I think those are great ideas Charity. Melissa make sure you take some photos for us to see. Here are a few ideas off the internet on how to hide the bed.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-15 15:21:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Melissa--- Some people are just petty. You need to learn to ignore them. I hope that your day gets better. (F) (F) Did you get some stuff moved into your new apt? I hope you take lots of photos so that you can show Javier where he will be living when he returns. :D
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-15 12:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Good Morning ladies. I want to welcome our newest addition Gabay, feel free to ask anything hopefully if one of us doesn't have the answer another one will or will tell you where to find it.

Did everyone have an enjoyable Valentine's day? Hopefully the one's who are apart at least got to talk to their SO. (L)

Well I have a million things to do here at work. It has been so busy recently, I feel like I am in quick sand.
Everyone take it easy today, I will be in when I can.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-15 07:04:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity - Those photos are great, your dad is very handsome, your pooch is cute and you and Javier make a beautiful couple. (You are going to have cute babies, when you are ready). :whistle:

Thanks everyone else for your words of wisdom. I will try to be more patient with Alex, but I wish he would try to be more understanding with me as well.

I think it was Asoler that came in on the K-3 visa (I-129f) so I have sent her an e-mail asking how things are going. I will let you know.

This is strange, when you make another post, if no one has posted between your last post and next post. It puts the new one at the bottom of your last one.

This is a regular repy, not a fast reply. I just want to see if it adds this to my last post.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-14 15:52:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Wait a minute, I thought Alex only had 2 brothers. At least I did not think he had one named Miguel. Must just be that Mexican blood and environment. Gives them all very simular traits.
Thanks for the heads up. I know Alex gets depresses about not working. Especially when he thinks about what we have here compared to what his family has. He wants to send them money and with just my income we can not afford to send them anything right now. It is always good to know that other people understand what you are going through.
I am not worried about the road test, Alex has been driving for a while as well, I just wonder if the person in the car with him will speak Spanish. I know the written test is offered in several languages, so as long as we study and he takes his time he should be fine.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-14 13:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Our HR department brought in cupcakes and delivered them to everyone this morning. I am waiting until I get back from lunch to eat it. It is chocolate with white icing with little candy hearts sprinkled over top. YUM.

I am taking Alex out for dinner, Los Aztecas mexican restaurant. Since he is not working I am not expecting anything. I would love for him to just write me a little note, but knowing him, he is just vegging in front of the TV watching Mexican game shows and soap operas.

Have any of you experienced anything simular to the following: Normally I get off at 4pm and get Emily and I am home before 5pm. Yesterday we had a 3pm conference call with New Zealand (7am their time), well it went late and I did not leave here until 5pm. Sure enough at 5:10 Alex calls the cell phone, "WHERE ARE YOU"? When I tried to expain, he just hung up the phone. I don't know what he thinks I am doing? Does he really think I would rather be stuck at work then home with him. I think this is mainly because he feels a little trapped. We have been studying so that he can take him drivers license test, but he is not that thrilled about it, he hated school and especially tests. I told him it was multiple choice, that did not change his openion.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-14 11:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
OK Ashley...not sure how to take that one, but I am guessing you are making fun of the original writer and not me. :crying: My feelings get hurt very easily, please take it easy on me. :blush:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-13 12:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Reasons to celebrate (by celebrate I mean do the laundry). :devil:

1. Laundry is a beauty treatment. Scientific tests find that when women do laundry they produce amounts of the hormone estrogen, which makes hair shine and skin smooth.
2. Gentle, relaxed laundry reduces your chances of suffering dermatitis, skin rashes and blemishes. The sweat produced cleanses the pores and makes your skin glow.
3. Laundry can burn up those calories you piled on during that romantic dinner.
4. Laundry is one of the safest sports you can take up. It stretches and tones up just about every muscle in the body. It's more enjoyable than swimming 20 laps, and you don't need special sneakers!
5. Laundry is an instant cure for mild depression. It releases endorphins into the bloodstream, producing a sense of euphoria and leaving you with a feeling of well-being.
6. The more laundry you have, the more you will be offered. The active body gives off greater quantities of chemicals called pheromones. These subtle laundry perfumes drive the opposite sex crazy!
7. Laundry is the safest tranquilizer in the world. IT is 10 times more effective than Valium.
8. Kissing each day will keep the dentist away. Kissing encourages saliva to wash food from the teeth and lowers the level of the acid that causes decay, preventing plaque build-up.
9. Laundry actually relieves headaches. A laundry session can release the tension that restricts blood vessels in the brain.
10. A lot of laundry can unblock a stuffy nose. Laundry is a natural antihistamine. It can help combat asthma and hay fever.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-13 11:33:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Butts, did someone mention butts. I am sure that Alex has the cutest. What a way to start a I wish I was back in bed. :dance:

Here is Louisville we only got a little dusting of snow and it is supposed to be up to 58 by Wednesday.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-13 07:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Sounds like no matter what our ages we all feel the same about our men. We love them no matter what...faults and all.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-10 16:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Well I guess I win the cradle robbing prize. Alex and I are 11 years 9 months apart, he was born in '81 I was born in '70. This does not bother me anymore, it used to just a little bit. But my grand mother was 10 years older than my grandfather. And everyone says we look about the same age, that I look young for my age. The only thing that does bother me is that his mother is only 4 years older than I am. :crying:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-10 15:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Sorry I could not play yesterday... took Emily for her follow-up with the surgeon on her ears. They are fine, the tubes are still in and she said if there is drainage that Emily probably has an ear infection and to call her office and she will prescribe antibiotics over the phone. How cool is that?

I did go through all the stuff that we need to file for the AOS and EAD, each says it requires 2 passport photos. We have the ones that were done in CDJ I wonder if they would work for the US, does anyone know? They just seem to be a little lighter in color than the ones we have done here.

There is a butt load of information to file, but I believe we have everything. The thing that sucks is that since we did not get the 5 year passport in CDJ that everything expires on July 12th and I am not sure what to do. Even his state ID that we got yesterday (we still had to pay the full $12) expires in July. I have written to the Indianapolis Mexican Consulate to find out what we need to get his passport renewed here. He is still threatening to make his parents get married to provide another document, (they only did the church wedding).
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-10 07:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app

As for the ESL classes, my husband wasn't exactly thrilled at the idea of going back to college once he was already established in his career, and school isn't his favorite place to be, nor was it ever. All I can say is that he stepped up and sucked it up because he knows that is the best thing for us as a family as it will help him get a better job in the long run. :blush: Plus my husband has seen other benefits as in he's around other people, gets to know new people, and has more confidence in himself and his abilities now that he's able to communicate better with others. I don't mean any of this to sound mean or judgemental, and I hope it's not taken that way; it's just a comment or another perspective for your husband to consider. Sorry?

I did not take it personally, I would love for him to get his butt into some type of class. He is so stuck in his ways, you would think he was 100 years old. I know that he has to have basic english skills (reading and writing) to become a citizen anyway, so why not get started now. Because he does understand more than he speaks it sometimes causes problems, he will swear that I said something I did not, so we get into an argument. I also think he would feel so much better in public, he always wants to know what people are saying or if they are talking about him.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-09 11:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I am sending good vibes out for you Melissa. :star: :star: :star:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-09 10:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app

So we wasted a day. Not to mention the gas and money we spent going down there. They wouldn't do anything for us until we have his card. The lady was not very bright. She didn't even know what a green card was. She said she had to have his A number and we don't have that. I can't believe they don't put it on the visa somewhere. He wasn't in the system yet. I hope they just haven't gotten around to getting him in there and that there isn't something wrong. I guess we will just wait till we get his greencard and then try again. I should have known better than to try and get a jump on things. It never turns out well for me.

I want to tell you that Javier's "A" number is on every coorspondance you have received from USCIS. I am sure you have a paper with his name (which matches his passport) and the "A" number. So you can take the passport and one of those papers (the waiver approval paper has it I just looked) to the SSA. Maybe you can still get a jump on things, if you can get another day off to go there. Did you find out when they bring the mobile SSA unit to your town??

I thought I had it all figured out :( ,that I would just go with the 129 but after reading how they got angry at chagafamilia I have had second thoughts. :(
I just thought that if I showed them my I-130 approval letter from nvc that they woul give us that instead. ;)

Marta: The agent at the consulate did not get angry at Alex and I, he was angry that our lawyer had not had us process the I-130 so that when Alex came for the second interview he would have come in on the IR-1, (because we have been married more than 2 years) that would give him permission to work, already be permenant resident and get his 10 year green card.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-08 15:30:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app

Benita,, For us, it took just over 2 months from when we submitted the AOS paperwork until we got the EAD in the mail. Another thing to note is that the EAD expires one year from date of issuance. I don't know yet what we have to to renew it. The AOS for our district office is taking a year and a half according to the processing dates, but by looking at the timelines on VJ, it looks like it's actually taking 8-10 month average from when AOS is sent in until the interview date. I don't count too much on the processing dates, but for my sanity, I don't plan on him getting his greencard before the year and a half. That way if he gets it sooner, we'll have that much more to celebrate.

Have you or your husband discussed him taking ESL classes during his wait? I don't know what level of English he already speaks, but in our area there are free ESL classes for levels 1-5 and levels 6&7 are what you have to pay for at the community college. It might be something to look into; it's a good way to keep busy and to help build life skilsl in the meanwhile.

Did you come in on the I-129, K-3 visa? When you filed, did you file for the EAD and the AOS seperately or did you just file for the AOS and that automatically generated the EAD?

I know he needs to take some ESL classes, but he fusses so much because he hated school when he was younger and does not think he needs to be in school now. I told him that he could get someone else to take some classes with him.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-08 15:03:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity: Hopefully the website is wrong and it will not take that long, Alex will go crazy. I am going to leave Emily in daycare, but only for 2 days a week. That will give him a little break and will keep her in the loop at daycare. I guess we will continue to pinch our pennies.

Benita that is terrible. So that means Alex can't work until way up into the year. What are you going to do?

I want to talk with eggbear, does anyone have her e-mail address that you can PM or e-mail to me???? She went through the I-129 with AOS and I want to see how that is working out for them. :help:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-08 11:55:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Marta: Sorry I did not do the I-130, but I know there are fees involved.
I can not believe he is going to charge you $500, get Melissa to help you I am sure she will give you a discounted rate instead of you paying a stupid lawyer. :lol:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-08 11:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I sure hope those dates do not reflect the actual time to process.

Marta: I think if I was in your shoes with them telling me they are processing May 05, then I would have to try to get the I-130 sent to CDJ, it would make things a lot easier later on. Otherwise you may want to contact your senators or congressmen for a congressional inquiry into the actual time it will take. Maybe that will move your file up in the stack.

I think Dr. Phil would say -----You all just need to stop feeling sorry for yourselves, you are in the situation because you put yourself there. I would agree, we put ourselves here, but who know it would suck this much (not the relationship part, but the USCIS part).
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-08 08:19:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Forgot to tell you we stayed at Hotel Americano, it was clean, not very pretty, but it had good food in the restarurant.

BY THE WAY, I looked up the time frame on the AOS and Employement authorization for Louisville and now I am really mad at the lawyer.
AOS= Processing ones sent in December 17, 2004
Employment authorization= Sept 23, 2005

How sucky is that???
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-07 16:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Stephanie - I am not sure that I will keep him. I know I will have to pay him anyway, but then I wonder what other charges he may incure that I would not. So I will meet with him and if I already have everything ready to go we may just go on and file without him. I am not sure how I would remove him as the lawyer from getting any more of our coorspondance. I have no fear of doing it myself, so I will get started tonight. I have already printed off the stuff from USCIS.

Marta, Did not work for me either, as the last 4 numbers were 470.

Melissa, Get your butt in gear and move out ASAP. Don't spend the money staying somewhere that you are not being respected.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-07 15:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I am not sure how long it will take or if there is a wait to AOS, but I plan to begin immediately. Scheduled an appointment with the lawyer for Feb 21st.
By the way our lawyer played dumb about the I-130, saying that if it was sent then they may get confused. I told him that they give you the option when you arrive as to which you want to interview for, that our interviewing agent was pissed that it was not sent to CDJ and that he needs to call CDJ to find out so that the rest of his clients don't have to go throught the same thing.
I plan on having the paperwork filled out so that when we get to the lawyers office I have everything done and can double check his paperwork, since the first time he messed up the I-130 and we had to appeal.

PS ELVIA, Your little man is so cute, I bet he was a wonderful Old McDonald. :)
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-07 12:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
We interviewed for the I-129 and got the K-3 visa. This was because our lawyer did not tell us or recommend that the I-130 be processed in the NVC and sent to CDJ.
Yes we had to pay the fee again, only this time it had gone up to $110.
Is there anyway for you to find out how long it would take to be processed and arrive in CDJ? If it could get there before your interview then he would come in and already have the Perminent residency and have permission to work.


Chaga,congratulations !!!!!!I am so happy for you.
So your 130 had not been sent to cdj?Is it still at nvc or what?I was going to pay $450.00 to my lawyaer to have it sent to cdj but I was afraid it wouldn't get there in time before our waiver results.So you just got the CR /IR1 or what.I don.t have any clue.My mind is so crammed with so many other things.The K-3 is for fiance visa right?Anyway I decided to just keep with the 129 then do the rest here.Didn't you pay the $100.00 when you had your first interview?Or do they charge you again?I need to know how much mooooollaaaaa we will probably need when we go back.
Once again congrats.And Best Wishes for a happy future.

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-07 10:36:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Hello Everyone,
I am sorry that I did not get out here and post yesterday. Stupid car problems, $230 to fix a harmonic balancer. It took them all day to get the part and only about 15 minutes to put it into the van. So I felt like I was in Mexico, I walked all over, getting stuff done while I was waiting, I went up to pay the car registration (it was due in January, but I forgot). Then to the bank for money and to ask about adding Alex to the bank account. I had to tell them that he does not need a SS# to be added, they had to look it up on the computer. I did not have him with me or we could have done that as well.

So here is the scoop. Unfortunately we did not know that the passport he had was fine to use, even though it expires July 12, 2006. So on Wednesday morning at 5:45 we set out to get him a new 5 yr passport. His parents did not get his birth certificate until he was about 6 years old. This is a problem when you try to use it for anything, they want additional stuff. Well we had his school papers with his photo and his Metricular Consular and his passport. But they need 2 things off their list of 3 items, 2 of which we could not provide, as his parents were married in a church but never had the cival ceremony so there is no marriage licence for them and he does not have an older brother to provide that birth certificate. So pretty much we were screwed. He told me that he would have made his parents get a marriage certificate if he knew and that he is going to call to make them do it anyway. Then he is going to have them get certified copies of every other paper they have and mail them to us for anything we may need in the future. Needless to say we did not get a new passport.
We went to the consulate and ask at the information window about the passport, they said it was fine. Then asked about the fee, if we needed to pay it again and she said yes. So off we went to Banamex to pay and it had gone up from $100 to $110. That is how we ended our Wednesday. Besides doing laundry of course. :devil:

Thursday was a vacation day, since we did not need to pickup the passport. By the way everyone else got their passport the same day. So if anyone else going to CDJ has to get a passport you do not need to plan on it taking 2 days, you get it the same day you apply, it just takes a while.

Friday -----Appointment Day------
5:40AM Arrived at the consulate, there were already about 50 people in the line.
8:30AM Finally we got in, they were not going to let me, but Alex told a fib (said he could not read or write and that I needed to be there with him).
8:50AM Sit in chairs outside of bldg C (it was so cold).
11:30AM They called his name to report to window #1 (windows 1-13 are in bldg C and 13-35 are in bldg B) She looked over his papers, asked what he was told to bring and then took his passport and the bank receipt. Told him to sit and wait to be called to window #9.
11:48AM Called to window #9 for digital fingerprinting, both index fingers. Told to go wait outside of building B.
2:00PM We went into bldg B to see if we could find a seat, rather than sit outside. We found that the inside was as packed as the outside.
3:00PM Called to window #16 , he asked Alex if he had been in Mexico the entire time, had he had any problems with the law and then said it was approved. Asked if I was the petitioner and I said yes. He then asked why we did not have the I-130 sent to CDJ. I said it was our lawyers fault, that I did not know we should have done that and our lawyer did not bother to tell us. He was furious, he said "you know that means that you will have to file the AOS and for work!" I explained that I knew and he said OK, sit down and we will call you when the Visa is ready to be picked up.
4:45PM We went up and asked how much longer, we were afraid it was going to be closing and we would not get it. They said they had a problem with the printer, that it would be a little longer.
5:15PM Called to window #31 to pickup, reviewed to make sure all the info was correct then we headed out the door. :dance: :dance: :dance:

We got our bags from the hotel, ate at El Torro Bronco on the Avenues de Americas and then got a taxi to the border. We had a very knowledgeable taxi driver who told us where to stand in line, but we asked one of the border agents and she had us move to another line. Probably the one Charity had to stand in. Our taxi driver came back and asked why we moved and we told him that we were told to. He had us ask again and we were told we were in the right line the first time. K-3 evidently enters in a different line than the other visas. Finally got through and back into the cab. He took us to MicoTel motel right by the airport and we crashed. Up at 3:30 for the 5:45 flight and back in Louisville at 7PM on Saturday night.

By the way, as far as I know there is no real "interview", no personal questions like what color is Benita's toothbrush, what did you have for dinner last night, etc....

I know it is pretty legnthy, but I did not want to forget anything.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-07 09:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Well....I am getting out of here. :dance: :dance: I will talk to you next week.
I wish everyone a speedy approval. :D And I promise to give you all the details on Monday.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-01-30 16:22:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I am so excited, I can hardly stand it. I have butterflies in my stomach and ants in my pants. :dance:

Melissa, Have you heard back from Charity??? I am just anxious to find out if they let her into the consulate.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-01-30 12:59:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Good Monday Morning Chicas!!

Melisa: Have you heard from Charity, she told me that she was going to keep in contact with you on the cell phone. I hope that she can convince them to let her into the consulate today. I know she will be very disappointed if they do not. I imagine that she could argue that in reality it is HER consulate, since she is the US citizen. How can they keep an American out of the US consulate????

Anyway, I am so excited about going. :D I will be headed to Nashville sometime around 1 or 2AM. Marta I agree, I don't want Emily to be miserable so she is going to stay here. I hope she doesn't think that I am not coming back as well. :(
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-01-30 07:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Well girls, it looks like everything was lost. They must have had a problem with the restore of the server. Guess Charity is in CDJ now, doing laundry no doubt. :devil:
I leave on Tuesday so I will be getting some laundry done this week. The only bad thing is I have to leave Emily. I just think it would be too hard on both of us. Me to get everything ready and try to wrangle a 22 month old in all the different airports. Plus on Emily having to leave some place that she is familiar with and having to travel so long without much entertainment.
She will have to wait for her first airplane ride when she is older and we go back to visit Mexico.
Well I just came in here to see if I could get a little more work done before I have to leave Tuesday. I will write again on Monday.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-01-29 09:40:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Fiancee overstayed on B1 Visa and now has 5 year ban
QUOTE (anitacastillo @ Jul 14 2009, 10:47 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Good news that the company attorneys want to help. Sounds like the work she is doing is important to someone at the company.

I would wait to file anything until you know if the B-1 can be reinstated. I doubt she would get another B-1 if there is a K-1 pending.

Right. I agree with a lot of people here that after telling them in Dallas that she wants to get married there is very little hope for a new work visa. Anyhow, we could not get married on a work visa anyway. Ban removal is our #1 priority right now then we'll see where we are.
netsatworkMaleJapan2009-07-14 09:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Fiancee overstayed on B1 Visa and now has 5 year ban
Also, if we do go to the consulate to ask about the ban, is it better to have a K1 processing when we go? Will the fact that her work is helping us be a problem? We really only want their help to get the ban removed. If she can maintain her job, then great, but we just hope to get the ban removed so we can start the K1 process on our own and not have to worry about hardship waivers later.
netsatworkMaleJapan2009-07-14 08:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Fiancee overstayed on B1 Visa and now has 5 year ban
Thanks again for the well wishes.

The Japanese company has offered the assistance of a lawyer in Japan to work with my fiancee and the US Consulate to see what can be done about the ban. Anyone have thoughts on a way to get the ban removed so we can continue on the K1 path without waiting for the denial and then processing a hardship waiver? Not sure if it is possible, but I suppose it is worth a try.
netsatworkMaleJapan2009-07-14 08:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)Fiancee overstayed on B1 Visa and now has 5 year ban
QUOTE (emt103c @ Jul 13 2009, 11:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (netsatwork @ Jul 13 2009, 11:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (diadromous mermaid @ Jul 13 2009, 11:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Was there a notation on her visa/passport indicating Section 212 (7)(A)(i)(I)? If so, then the CBP agent declared her inadmissable since she did not have a valid immigrant visa (used her claim that she was to marry you shortly after arrival and did not pay attention to her claim of work). The 5 year ban would be for Expedited Removal. Nothing to do with misrepresentation, but due to the fact that she was ordered removed at the POE.

Yes. It was exactly and only that. ok, so does that mean anything different in terms of waivers either now or after the K1 visa is denied??

I explained the answer to this on the other post, check it out. . . But ALWAYS contact an attorney before filing. . .

Got it. Thanks. I'll add it in case someone reads this posting for info on a similiar situation....

"7a just means that her visa was not the proper one (because of the working, and 'intent' to marry) it just means she was ineligible. At this point, she is not charged with Misrepresentation. . .and hopefully the consulate won't try to add it. I would still do some attorney talking in case they think you can go ahead and file the 212 when you start the process. . ."

Thanks again.
netsatworkMaleJapan2009-07-13 22:47:00