Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
For Javier:

:dance: :dance: :dance: 21 ~ 21 ~ 21 :dance: :dance: :dance:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-15 09:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity, Did you use the number keys on the right or are you using the ones on the top of the keyboard? It will only work with the number pad keys.

ñ í ó ú COOL

Here is another suggestion:

Keyboard Configuration
If you use windows you can change the configuration of your keyboard. It is possible to make a little icon appear on the control bar at the bottom of your screen so that you can change from one keyboard to another very quickly. Go into your control panel and choose the keyboard icon. Choose languages. Choose "add". You will see a list of many languages. Choose a Spanish keyboard. Afterwards you will be able to change from Spanish to English or visa-versa very easily.

Below is an image of the Spanish keyboard from Spain. The keys in yellow are the important ones that you will need when writing in Spanish.

Posted Image

Gotta go.....Alex is getting a wisdom tooth yanked out today. Wish him luck.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-14 13:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Guess what?????? There is a shortcut to make the tilde n. (ñ) all you have to do is put the cursor where you want this special character ñ hold down the alt key and type 164 when you let up on the alt key ñ your letter will be there. Pretty Cool. :dance: :dance:

Here is an entire list. Remember to hold alt down when you type the number.

á 160 ¿ 168
é 130 ¡ 173
í 161 ª 166
ó 162 º 167
ú 163 Ñ 164
É 144 ñ 165

Edited by chagalafamilia, 14 March 2006 - 01:18 PM.

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-14 13:14:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app

Hola Muchachas!

I will now write everything in spanish for Charity so when she goes to mexico she will have learned how to speak read and write it!!!! You can do it girl!

Bueno, no fui a trabajar otra vez!! :P asi que me compre una tarjeta telefonica y estoy hablando pero no entra la llamada. estoy tratando de hablar desde esta manana pero sale como si estubiera ocupado.... Bueno mas alrato lo voy a intentar otra vez.... Charity si tienes problemas entendiendo escribelo para saber en que te puedo ayudar!

Edited to add.... hey Benita how did you get the n with the thing on the top?

I copied it from a letter that I had written before. Or you can get it from the internet. I just cut and Paste.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-14 13:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I am sure that I sound like a 2 year old when I speak spanish. I don't conjugate (no hablo, hablas, hablan, etc...) I bet that just makes me sound like fingernails on the chalk board to them.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-14 12:45:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
It was funny the first time I went to Mexico, all I was saying was "NO COMPRENDE". I felt so dumb, this time was much better, I could actually follow converstions, as long as I knew what the conversation was about. I remember the first time I started watching Mexican TV with Alex. The news people talk so fast. I really started to pickup on it when I would watch the little soap operas. "Amy, la niña de la mochila azul" was one of my favorites. Alex's mom bought Emily some little pj's with Amy on the front.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-14 11:37:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I hope that you can convince Javier to be your teacher. Alex does ok, sometimes he corrects me and sometimes he does not. Drives me crazy.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-14 10:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity -
You should get a discount working for the college. Couldn't you take an intro Spanish class? I have faith in you, I am sure you can accomplish whatever you put your mind to. :D
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-14 09:26:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
GOOD MORNING EVERYONE...... I had a good weekend. Meaning nothing got broke. HAHA
No really it was pretty good. Except that Alex said it was ok for 2 of his cousins to move in with us until they get an apartment (no telling how long that will be). And you thought 3 of us in a 1 bedroom apartment was tight. I know they are used to this, but I am not and I get really aggrivated at the fact that they act like they run the place now. Sitting all over the sofa and I don't know if you have experienced this before, but if one of them is in a better spot and that person gets up say to go to the bathroom someone else jumps into that spot. How rude is that?
So now even if I had time between all the extra cooking, dishes and laundry I can not sit on the sofa with my husband. We usually end up in 2 of the chairs..not that they are not comfortable, it is just that they do not seem to care.
I have decided that I am not going to tiptoe around them. This morning I turned on all the lights and made all the noise I could because they disrespect me I am going to do the same to them. Maybe they will get the hint. (They stay up late watching TV and talking loudly, because they don't have to get up early for their job.) So I will make it a little hard on them to sleep in the mornings.

I am sure that we are going to take the 2 bedroom townhouse. I have lived in this exact one before with my best friend, so I know the layout. Alex will just have to approve. I figure this way, Emily and I can go to sleep upstairs and we shouldn't be bothered with a loud TV. There is a storage area that runs the legnth of the apartment and it is about 6 feet wide so I think that I can finish it to make it Emily's room, so that she will not be downstairs by herself.

But other than that the weekend went really well.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-13 07:24:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Alex and I took Emily to her Pediatrician's after hours office last night (9pm) she was screaming in pain if we tried to move her right arm. When I took her out of the car seat and into the office she quited down and then started swinging that arm around like it was nothing. I felt silly being there, but since we were already signed in they had to triage her. They said it was probably "nursemaid elbow", this is when the radius dislocated and pinches the ligament and can not go back into place. They said that it probably just slipped back in, that it is really common in toddlers. VERY EXCITING EVENING, Don't want to ever do that again. :(
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-09 13:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Melissa, I agree with the others---something better is just around the corner. MOVE closer to Charity, maybe you can work on the Christmas tree farm. HA HA.
But really, I do believe there is a reason this is happening..GOOD LUCK.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-09 13:05:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity----WHAT? You are grouping Cowboys and rednecks together? I can say for certian that I have NEVER heard a woman say she wanted to have sex with a redneck. :lol: :lol:

[quote name='clmjmm7' date='Mar 8 2006, 02:43 PM' post='65438']
Elvia: Where have you been girl? I have been trying to entertain myself today. I am not much good at it. As far as the joke goes we don't call them cowboys around here, we call them rednecks. :lol: :lol:

Edited by chagalafamilia, 08 March 2006 - 02:45 PM.

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-08 14:44:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Have to post this joke........I know you girls will enjoy.

Ah yes-- Sex with a Cowboy
Prior to her trip to Texas, Buffy (a New Yorker) confided to her co-workers she
had three goals for her trip to the Lone Star State:
1. She wanted to taste some real Texas Bar-B-Que.!
2. She wanted to take in a bona fide rodeo. And..
3. She wanted to have sex with a real cowboy.
Upon her return, the girls! were curious as to how she fared.
"Let me tell you, they have a tree down there called a Mesquite and when they slow cook that brisket over that Mesquite, it's ooooh so good. The taste is unbelievable!
"And I went to a real rodeo.Talk about athletes...those guys wrestle full grown bulls! They ride horses at a full gallop,then jump off the horses and grab the bull by the horns and throw them to the ground! It is just incredible!"They then asked,
"Well tell us, did you have sex with a real cowboy?"
"Are you kidding &%^$#; When I saw the outline of the condom they carry in the back pocket of their jeans, I changed my mind!"

Edited by chagalafamilia, 08 March 2006 - 07:20 AM.

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-08 07:18:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I have had both long and short hair. I prefer short, but like you say they want long. Well to satisfy me I wear it up ALLLLLL the time, but it keeps him happy because he knows it is somewhat long. I had it down to almost my butt last year and went and had a little more than 10 inches cut off for "locks for love". That helped me get rid of some of it with a legitimate reason for him and one that helps out children who don't have hair due to illness. My hair is so thick and corse that I don't think blowing, ironing or otherwise would make it lay like mexican hair. I just wash, condition (or I would not be able to get a brush through it), brush and pull up.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-06 15:38:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Melissa, I am glad you had fun. I wish you had better news to give us. I really like the photo of you two, I did not question his hair or the feather, just why are the letters on the bldg backwards??

Marta, I can also tell your sister that I was in CDJ by myself and felt safer there then on some of the roads in downtown Louisville. I hope that your sister will believe and trust in what you say so that you two can remain close.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-06 14:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
You must sound like a certain husband of mine. HA HA Sometimes he acts like a child.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-02 13:25:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Stephanie, I sent her a PM.

Hey Benita...

There is a girl over on I2US (Melissa 30) whos spouse's stuff also had to go through the CDC. I just mentioned that I knew of someone from another forum who also had to do that and she has lots of questions. I think she just turned in her waiver last month and was told by the CDC that it will take 3 months at the CDC before they give clearance to go to DHS. Is this true? If you have a second sometime, could you PM her over there maybe with your experience?



Charity...glad everything went o.k at the DMV and SSA office. Does he have his license now then? Did he have it before and it just expired? Anyways, hope you are feeling better.

Sorry the SSA lady was ignorant and racist. That totally sucks. When that happens, I just think to myself...but my husband is so much better than who they have to go home to! :lol: after a couple of expletives, of course.

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-03-02 10:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I have been SUPER busy. I had to go at lunch to get the Supplemental form to I-693 (Immunization verification from the Cival Surgeon approved for Louisville). This goes to the lawyer to send to USCIS for the AOS paperwork. One more thing out of the way.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-28 14:47:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Melissa, I am glad you guys are having fun. Spend your time doing laundry and not on the internet. :devil:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-28 08:43:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
The only baby news from me is that my new nephew is sooooooooooooo cute. :luv: I just want to squeeze him and hold him and call him george. HAHA (That is from Looney Tunes if you don't recognize it).

Charity--- I would not let Alex do that with his friends either (if he had it to do over). Only because if he was with me I would know he would be safe. With his friends who knows what they would be doing. Keep him safe. :dance:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-27 13:02:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity --- YOU are toooo fast. We both answered Marta, with almost the same information.

I will get back with you on the travel by car as soon as I get a moment.

Marta, Since his appointment is Monday morning. He needs to pay the Banamex fee on Friday, I believe you can do it at any Banamex. I forgot which city he is living in, but if he has to travel to CDJ it would save you some money if he did not have to get to CDJ on Friday.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-27 10:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Marta- I think all of us have asked these questions. It is a form letter, so NO you do not have to do everything they say.

If his medical exam has not expired then NO, you do not need to do that again. (It is good for 1 year from the time it was done).

Payment to Banamex, YES you will have to pay the fee again. We asked at the information window before we paid it just to make sure that we needed to do it again. And according to Banamex it is now $110. They did ask for this receipt at the first building ©.

NO he can not be denied at this interview. It is basically to pickup the visa. They will just ask him a few questions, has he been in Mexico the entire time, has he done anything illegal while there.

Mostly you just WAIT, WAIT, WAIT........Then finally you get the visa. I am not sure if you are going, but if you are bring food and drinks. I know Charity did not have a problem getting in, but they were not going to let me in. So Alex told them he did not read or write and that I needed to be there for him. This got me in.

GOOD LUCK. :dance:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-27 09:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Here he is, he arrived at 9:31PM. He weighs 9lbs 5 oz and is 20 inches long.

ISN"T HE SO CUTE. (L) (L) (L) (L)
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-24 13:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Is that why we did not hear from Melissa yesterday? When does she leave for Mexico and when does she return???

De Nada!! That's what we are here for, to help out our fellow filers. I hope she can get everything straightened out.

I am so glad it is Friday! I can't wait for the weekend. :dance: :dance:

I also wanted to say to Melissa: I hope you have an excellent trip to Mexico. I hope you and Javier really enjoy each other in this upcoming week. Be careful while you are there. :luv:

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-24 09:51:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Melissa--- What is wrong????
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-23 09:48:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app

Have all of your guys registered with Selective Service. I know most of our guys are under 26 and therefore they have to be registed to become US citizens. I made Alex do this when I found out that even though he was here illegally he had to register. "Failure to register may violate the Military Selective Service Act. Conviction for such a violation may result in imprisonment for up to five years and/or a fine of not more than $250,000." We definately did not have that kind of money sitting around.

It asks on the N-400 Naturalization form for the SSS information, see attached photo from the document:

Here is the Selective Service website that lets you register online. The only thing is you have to have a valid Social Security Number to register on-line, other wise you have to mail it in.
Selective Service Website

USCIS - RE Selective Service

Edited by chagalafamilia, 23 February 2006 - 07:14 AM.

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-23 07:10:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app

Never heard of it but i just went to their website and they have one here in my county. heck im gonna join.

does anyone know what the requirements are for cubans in the us to become legal.

I would think they would have the same requirements as anyone else.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-22 15:57:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Have you guys heard of this website: :D

It is a recycle site, that after you join you can ask for or donate items to be recycled rather than thrown away.

I am looking for a bed frame for Emily. Heck if someone is going to throw away a perfectly good bed or take it to goodwill them I will gladly go pick it up at their house.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-22 15:42:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I am going to be an aunt again tomorrow......does that count???

I would have to agree that the trying to have a baby is pretty enjoyable. :devil:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-22 12:56:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Way to go Marta. I am so excited for you guys. It will be a huge relief to have your husband back home.

Then you can start the AOS and EAD paperwork . GOOD LUCK.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-22 10:32:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
I am not pushing Alex to work. Him watching Emily is giving us enough of a break. I still have her in daycare 2 days a week so that he does not get burned out. I would rather him just not work, let us save a little money with him watching Emily and be available to help us move when the time comes. We are still waiting to see what the 2 bedroom looks like before we make that decision. I think once he gets working it will be impossible to have him take off to get all this paperwork done and help with the move anyway.

Has anyone looked "FAR" down the road to the citizenship part of this process???? I know it is 5 years from the time they get their green card, but I am positive that Alex will absolutely hate taking a citizenship test. Again anything to do with school...he hates.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-22 09:31:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
:dance: :dance: :dance:

So much good news after I left yesterday.

Marta---CONGRATULATIONS. I know you are thrilled to death. Bet your toes are still tingeling.

Charity & Javier----YEAH, I am so glad that you now have the official card in your little hands.

I just wanted to add something the lawyer said. He said that if Alex wanted to go on and work that he could. That if he found someone that would hire him without papers that was fine. That if he was caught it would not be a big deal, because he was married to an American. I hate that he told us that. Now I am worried that Alex will want to work without authorization.

Do you think he knows what he is talking about? Surly he would not jeprodize Alex's papers at this point.

Thanks everyone for the well wishes.
I guess everything got filed OK. He said that Alex could work now if he found someone that did not want a SSN. That if he was caught it was different since he is married to a USC and is processing the EAD. He said it should only be 3 months to get work authorization, if it does not arrive by May, he can file locally for a temporary work card.


chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-22 07:53:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Thanks everyone for the well wishes.
I guess everything got filed OK. He said that Alex could work now if he found someone that did not want a SSN. That if he was caught it was different since he is married to a USC and is processing the EAD. He said it should only be 3 months to get work authorization, if it does not arrive by May, he can file locally for a temporary work card.

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-21 12:00:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Elvia, I would have to agree. Is this the Melissa and Charity topic? :luv: HA HA HA HA HA You girls are so funny, you must have been sisters in a previous life or at least best friends. I think the road trip to Melissa's sounds like a marvelous time. I hope that you guys have a ball. Hey Melissa, don't worry if you don't have the apartments perfect, that is what Charity is for. Remember she was going to help you arrange your furniture.
You gals have a great day, I will be in if I can. Have to work hard this morning, since Alex and I go to the lawyer at 10am. I will hopefully be in here in the afternoon to tell you how everything went.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-21 07:29:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
My day started off lovely, I called to check if Alex had been added to my insurance and it did not have him listed. So I called HR and they sent me an e-mail from Anthem stating that since the Visa is a temporary document granting permission to visit and not permenant that they can't consider that a qualifing event and can't add him. So I can't even fight it because Anthem is closed today. We go to the lawyer tomorrow to file AOS and EAD, maybe I can fax those documents so that they know that we are working on permenant residency. They will probably want a NOA from USCIS, I don't know how long that takes--hopefully less than 2 weeks. How can they consider 2 years temporary? DORKS. :angry:

Melissa--Glad you like your apartment. And I bet you are so excited to see your Javier. :D
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-20 11:07:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Candy, I could not have said it better myself.

Marta, Take care of yourself and I hope that you can find a way to end this and stay friends with your sister. I hate that your brother-in-law has put you in this position.
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-19 09:39:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
HOW CUTE ARE YOU TWO. :luv: :luv:

Edited by chagalafamilia, 17 February 2006 - 03:11 PM.

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-17 15:09:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity, I meant to mention that I like your avitar---but I want to see it bigger. Please post. :D
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-17 14:54:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
:crying: I want a house. :crying:
chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-17 13:06:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)i-601: General Moral Support, i-601 app
Charity-- What do you mean you are not creative? I thought you were the next Martha Stewart. :D You mean that you have nothing planned for the future when you have to tell Javier there is a bun in the oven? See, you could just put a bun in the oven. Or you could put a pillow under your shirt, and ask him if he could get used to you with a bump? Or you could get a fathers day card.
I guess there are probably a million ways to do it. With Emily I just showed Alex the pregnancy test. He was pretty sure I was pregnant anyway, he probably knew my cycle better than I did.

Ashley: I was wondering the same thing!!

Benita: Sorry I don't have any suggestions. I am not very creative when it comes to these sort of things. The t-shirt idea sounds great to me. :thumbs:

chagalafamiliaFemaleMexico2006-02-17 09:18:00