Middle East and North AfricaNajia's Official Countdown Thread
Yes, Noura, hope we meet one day... My husband and I started to talk about a "relocation plan"... but for the moment, we put it in a "stand-by" till after my arrival inshallah !!

Hey if you are going to get free cooking lessons I am coming over too! :P

:D :D yeah, cooking lessons, why not?!! it seems a good idea... or may be write some Moroccan Cuisine Booklets ... something to think about :rolleyes: :whistle:

yes, I need to find time to rest... i still have an other day of work, tomorrow, :(

aijanFemaleMorocco2006-10-17 16:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaNajia's Official Countdown Thread
Thank you Girls for this thread and the VJ party :D

i've started getting nervous, especially after reading the Private's update :( I'm so sorry Private!! ... I wish that you find a solution with the help of the congressman

I wonder if the consulate has a "special" list of questions for Moroccan ladies :blink:

Here are my emotions for the left hours till october 19th at 8h00 :wacko: :help: :blink: :clock:


LibraGodess : I wish you a Happy reunion :luv:
aijanFemaleMorocco2006-10-17 16:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaNajia's interview update
Salam Saida,

I didn't know that you are from Morocco !! I'm happy that there is a Moroccan girl here with ME in MENA group!! :)
well, as you know, "each case is unique"... the administrative process that the consulate told me about wasn't the case for a Moroccan girl (with K-3) who took interview, too, at the consulate today. they told her to come back tomorrow to pick up her passport & visa.

well, as some friends told me in this thread, the consulate needs some check, "may be" because i was abroad for a coupe of times in a couple of european countries

well, i'm trying to be calm :huh: i had some stress lately with the interview preparation and i'm happy that it's over.

yes, i still have so many things i want to do before i relocate... and who knows, may be my husband will join me in Morocco to celebrate Eid El Adha and New year ;)

since we'll be waiting for their administrative process to be over, we think that we better continue the (I-130) CR-1... what you suggest us friends?? ... something to think about :whistle:

aijanFemaleMorocco2006-10-19 15:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaNajia's interview update
Yes, I hope that it won't take that long (2 months or longer)... :(

We were planning so many things to do when i'll arrive by december or the end of the year...
so, plans are pending now

By the way, the officer asked me at the end : "do you miss him?"... i said "yes, a lot" and she smiled
yeah, i can say that i miss him MORE after the interview, i wished to announce him a "certain" good news , but :crying:

anyway as we say in arabic "kul ta'akhira fiha khira" (ie every delay has something good), i wish it'd be the case inshallah

aijanFemaleMorocco2006-10-19 12:18:00
Middle East and North AfricaNajia's interview update
Hello everybody,

I'm back from the interview... I entered the room round 8:30, i was interviewed round 11h30 for only 5mn.

The consular is a blond woman in her 40's
questions were about:
when / how did you meet?
how many times did he come visit you?
have you ever been abroad? (yes) where?? (some european countries), what about Middle East? (no)
show me some wedding pics?... she said that she likes my Moroccan traditional dresses

and then :

she gave me back my passport and gave me the 221(g) paper, and told me that there is an administrative procedure which may take round 2 months in washington, DC!! ... Actually, i was surprised hearing "2 months"!!!... i told her, "do you mean that it is denied"?? she said, "no, no... it's a normal procedure and that it may take 2 months"

well, that's all, i'm very tired now... and to be frank, i'm a bit anxious about their decision, and the time they give me (2 months!!!) :( any similar experience guys?? or ideas?!!

Well, many thanks for everyone's help and support

aijanFemaleMorocco2006-10-19 08:22:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday - Mercredi - El Arbi'aa -
Hi everybody,

I'm online for only 5mn... wanna tell hi, and thanks for the encouragements

I want just to tell you that i feel kinda of dizzy :wacko: i have so many things in mind !! i'm also exhausted!!
my husband called me to check up with me every paper in our long list !!

JP are you ready?? ... :) I'm ready ... I want to get the visa... My God help me plz... I need your prayers too :)

Good luck JP ... I'll check your post as soon as i'll be back from the interview... i'll post my news, too

Good night

Talk to YOU tomorrow :thumbs:


aijanFemaleMorocco2006-10-18 17:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaWednesday - Mercredi - El Arbi'aa -
Good morning girls !!

it's 7:00am in Morocco

I woke up singing the refrain of the 80' hair band "Europe" ... it's the final countdown, lalalaaala, lalalal lalaaa :D :jest:

Less than 24 hours left

Good luck JP

Have a nice wednesday to ALL


aijanFemaleMorocco2006-10-18 02:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaHow old are you and your S/O ?
I'm 27 y.o ... He is 34 y.o & 11 months
aijanFemaleMorocco2006-10-31 14:01:00
Middle East and North AfricaIR-1/CR1 question
Thank you girls for your answers !! :)
aijanFemaleMorocco2006-11-06 14:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaIR-1/CR1 question
Hi girls
it's been quite a while since i posted in VJ... I hope that you're doing fine
Well, I have some news (at the CR-1 side) and I need your help/suggestions as usual :yes:
I copy & paste what i posted at the CR-1/R1 forum

Hello everybody,

I took the K-3 visa interview on 19th october in Casablanca (Morocco). I was given the 221(g) paper, and was told that the A/P will take about 2 months... if not longer as some VJ told me!! :crying:

In the other hand, my husband, in USA and he is the agent, is following the NVC Chart for I-130 (IR-1/CR-1). As you can see from our timeline bellow, he sent back the I-864 and it was received. He received today the IV Bill. He'll send back the payment tomorrow.

I have a couple of questions, and we'll appreciate your help

- Could you plz tell me what will be the next step in the NVC follow chart?!

- option #1 : What will happen IF the CR-1 case is complete BEFORE i get an answer from the consulate concerning my 221(g) for k3-??
- Option #2 : What will happen in the opposite case, i.e if the A/P is complete and the consulate calls me to bring my passport before the IR-1/CR-1 is complete?!!

One more question : what is the "estimate time" to the IR-1/CR-1 interview when the agent pays the IV Bill ?

Thank you in advance for your help & your suggestions!!! we really need them at this specific time :)

PS : My husband is coming, in the next couple of days, to visit me in Morocco for a 4 weeks vacation. :dance:

Let me hear from you girls
bye for now

aijanFemaleMorocco2006-11-05 19:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlready 4 weeks !!
Thanks Noura !! yes, that's the person whom I read her profile some weeks ago
I PM her, hope she'll read my message and write me back very sooooooonnn


Janellealana, I wish you Good Luck... PM as soon as you have new news in your case

aijanFemaleMorocco2006-11-16 02:19:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlready 4 weeks !!
thanks girls for your support !!
Noura, when Said is going to USA?? wish you Good Luck!

yes, i need to be patient, but to be frank, whenever this topic comes to my mind it lets me in an upset mood :crying: I can't imagine, that i'll be with no news when my husband will be back to USA !! oh, my God, i hate to think negative :crying:

I remember that once, while checking VJ, i read about a member (I don't remember her name) from Louisiana whose finance/husband is from egypt and they went thru a couple of weeks A/P she ended up contacting the senator or representative!! I need to PM her and get some advice!! plz anyone recongnize her, post her name, or if she is reading this plz drop me a line

aijanFemaleMorocco2006-11-15 15:13:00
Middle East and North AfricaAlready 4 weeks !!
Hi everybody,

It's already 4 weeks since i took the k-3 interview in Casa... and still NO NEWS!! The CO told me that the A/P will take ABOUT 2 months, but sometimes i'm not that patient !! and i want to do sothing :ranting:

I need your help my friends!!

Since my husband is here with me in Morocco, we want to act "in advance", coz we fear that this process will go beyound the date they gave us :blink:

Is there "a specific" person / department / etc. in Morocco or USA we should call or contact??

what do you suggest us to do??!! plz share with us your ideas

Thanks in advance

aijanFemaleMorocco2006-11-15 14:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaFinally Friday...
Good morning

it's 7am in Morocco.
Yupppiiii, it's FINALLY friday... only 8 hours work left, and i'll be with my hubby for an other full weekend...

What are our plans for tonight??... We'll go to cinema :whistle: ... Last week we saw "Indigènes" (famous French movie about North african soldiers participating in WWII with the France's side) :thumbs:

I'll suggest him we see "Mabel" this time (American movie, some of the scenes were filmed in Southern Morocco) !!

My prayers for this Jumuâa : "May Allah helps us in acachievingur goals and making right decisions"

Have a nice friday & Jumuâa Mubaraka for all

aijanFemaleMorocco2006-11-17 02:12:00
Middle East and North AfricaCase pending what do the stages mean?
Hi everybody,

While reading this thread, i remarked that most answers make a relationship between AP - name check and Mohammed !!

Well, it's nearly 6 weeks that i took the K3 interview in Casa and my husband and I are STILL waiting for their calls!! so, it's not ONLY a matter of "Male" or "Mohammed" as a first name...
I'm a "female" and my last name is a common "male first name" !! I don't have a middle name !!
So, do you think the 221(g) AP is due to my name?? or to other thing(s) (like travels)??... I don't know!! they didn't tell me the reason why I was issued that paper!!! and what it is MORE difficult for me is that i have "no clue" about how long this WAIT will take !! ... especially that my husband is coming back to USA next week and we don't know after how long we'll meet again !!! Basically, we can't plan anything :crying:

Good luck for all who are waiting for THE CALL !!!

aijanFemaleMorocco2006-11-29 07:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaIR-1 visa in HAND!!!!!
Congatulations... i'm so happy for you guys!!
Happy reunion :thumbs:
aijanFemaleMorocco2006-11-30 04:25:00
Middle East and North AfricaInsha Allah, my fiancee is coming today...
Wish you a Happy reunion (F) :)
aijanFemaleMorocco2007-03-25 02:46:00
Middle East and North AfricaCasablanca - - Visa in hand !!
Hi everybody.

I want to share with you a GOOD NEWS :
CR-1 visa in hand today after 8 months AP.

So what's next now?? What papers my husband and I should prepare in advance?
Thanks for your answers.

aijanFemaleMorocco2007-06-20 12:30:00
Middle East and North AfricaTourist visa for parents
Hi everybody,
it's been really a long time that i didn't post in VJ but i visited this website to see the progress of many members... wish Good Lick for everyone.
My question today is related to my parents visit.
I am pregnant, and i'd like my parents visit me during delivery (my 1st child, their 1st Grandchild). I want them to apply for a tourist visa (US consualte in Casablanca, Morocco).
Some friends suggested me that i should send my parents an invitation letter stating the reason for their visit is "to attend my 1st baby's delivery". Others, told me that i should NOT mention the baby's delivery as a reason for their visit to USA!!!
So, it'll be very helpful to me, especially those who went through the same experience, could give me an advice.
Thank you in advance and Good Luck for All
aijanFemaleMorocco2008-03-24 13:24:00
Middle East and North AfricaA new facebook Group for Moroccan wives and wives of Moroccans
see you there Sandrila smile.gif
aijanFemaleMorocco2009-08-20 10:55:00
Middle East and North AfricaA new facebook Group for Moroccan wives and wives of Moroccans
Great kicking.gif see you there
aijanFemaleMorocco2009-08-20 10:14:00
Middle East and North AfricaA new facebook Group for Moroccan wives and wives of Moroccans
Hello All,

Since lately many of us are more in Facebook, so I am, I thought it would be nice to have a group for Moroccan wives / moms in North America.
It's a place to share ideas, advice and much more. It's not limited only to Moroccan wives/moms but Foreigners married to Moroccans and Friends of Morocco are welcome as well !!

You’re welcome to join!!

Ramadan Mubarak

aijanFemaleMorocco2009-08-20 08:55:00
Middle East and North Africaagencies for diploma accreditation - Morocco
Thank you guys for your answers.

Thanks Laura. I've heard about ECE (but some members here in Visajourney got negative experience with them). Anyway, I'll call them and discuss with them my situation and hopefully i can use their service.

aijanFemaleMorocco2009-11-03 09:19:00
Middle East and North Africaagencies for diploma accreditation - Morocco

I'd like to apply for a Master Program and I'd like to get my diplomas (bachelor degrees) and transcripts accredited by an agency here in the US (and get the equivalence of the GPA as well). I do have the translation of the documents. However some agencies ask that the transcripts to be sent by the educational institution overseas, a thing that is almost "impossible" from Moroccan universities... so my option is: I send myself the original documents or certified copies to them!!

Does anybody recommend any agency and others to avoid. Answers from people with Moroccan degrees will be a plus.

Many thanks
aijanFemaleMorocco2009-10-30 14:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaBook Suggestions for Learning Moroccan Arabic
did you check Craig's List of your region? you can find a Moroccan tutor for darija. (take a native speaker, not a person from the Arab world. The dialects are quite different)
Good luck
aijanFemaleMorocco2009-10-30 14:32:00
Middle East and North AfricaLooking for cheap flight to Morocco.
I would recommend going through Spain. My Moroccan fiance and I both lived in Spain for three years. It would be great to know what city is your destination. If you wanted Tanger, Ceuta, Melilla, Tetuan or any other northern city, I would recommend flying into Spain, then going by the ¨lancha rapida¨ from Algeciras, Spain into Tanger which takes about an hour and costs about $100 bucks. If you want to get to Casablanca or the south, you would do best to fly into Madrid (I´ve flown into Madrid from the US nearly a dozen times and never spent more than $800RT and lowest $420RT) then take Ryan Air into Morocco. RyanAir flight can be ridiculously cheap- I´ve flown several times with them for less than 25€, but be sure to read any fine print with them. will have the flight info for you. Hope this helps.

Edited by meghan.spain, 29 April 2010 - 09:41 PM.

mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-29 21:40:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA people in Europe
Hey there, I think it would be neat if we could all hear from some of the MENA people who are in European countries and just share a little about your experience and anything else.

I´ll start....
My fiance is Moroccan and we met while I was studying in Spain and he was working there. He has been in Spain for almost seven years and we lived there for about three years together until I came back to the US in January 2010.
We started the K-1 process and filed February 11, 2010 and are awaiting our NOA2. We are praying this process goes by quickly and we can finally be together soon! :innocent:
mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-30 21:36:00
Middle East and North Africamena man + green card = can he go to spain?
My fiance lives in Spain with residence and work permit. He is a Moroccan citizen. When he gets his green card will he still need to apply for a visa, even though he holds a residency card?
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-05 23:07:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe best way to wait

Great news!! :star:

What will you do if your fiance receives his visa before July? You two will need to be in the US when he lands here, right?


Before July... If only! Madrid received our case on May 14, but is backed up with interviews till August. The embassy only does one interview a week. So it looks like we will be waiting till at least August. I guess that will be good, though if I go visit him, then I´ll come back and have everything prepared for his homecoming, rather than both of us getting in and being exhausted. Those transcontinental flights are a pill and I know he´ll appreciate a good meal when he gets in.
I am so excited- he has never been to the US before so all of this will be very new to him. He says he doesn´t care what it´s like here, he´s just ready to be with me again!
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-18 13:45:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe best way to wait
Woohoo! Got a job today! I have been working as a permanent sub as a Spanish II teacher and just signed a contract today for the 2010-2011 school year. :thumbs: :star: I have about 2 weeks between when I´m studying and when school starts. Maybe I´ll be vacating to Spain in July!!! :dance:
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-14 21:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe best way to wait
Thanks for all the replies. I´m thinking about going this summer if I get a teaching job in the Fall. I have been hunting for jobs and have several schools I interviewed with that I´m waiting to hear back from. I´m trying to be responsible and wait till I have a job before I go putting a flight on my CC!
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-01 13:35:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe best way to wait
That sounds amazing. I hope you do get your visa soon.

Actually I met my fiance in Spain while I was living there, and we lived there about two years together. He has residency there and we were going to do family immigration for me in Spain, but thought it would be better in the US with the economy in Spain being down the toilet and all.

The cost of living in Southern Spain is actually not bad, but that´s only if you have steady income (he is a small business owner). I miss it and wish I could go back... :blush:
mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-30 08:31:00
Middle East and North AfricaThe best way to wait
I keep reading from several posts about people taking extended trips to be with their fiance while the visa is being processed. How do you do this and still be able to sponsor your fiance for the I-134? Is this really risky? I miss mine and would love to go see him. How do you guys do this?
mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-29 21:48:00
Middle East and North AfricaPacket 3 in Algeria
Hello all, I just wanted to let you know I got my NOA2 about 20 minutes ago by text!
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-05 22:42:00
Middle East and North AfricaPacket 3 in Algeria
This all sounds so familiar. My fiance entered Spain on a visitors visa and after being there for five years applied for his work visa and residency and got it about a year ago. Lhamdullilah.

I´m hoping this will make it easier. Otherwise he may have to join your husbands ex-Europa.
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-03 23:36:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA in NOLA area

Hi Meghan & INGT - I'm Noura from BR, LA and my husband is from Casablanca. He's been here 3 1/2 yrs. I'd love to have a little meetup for the locals sometime. Maybe we could meet in NOLA or I'd even be happy to host a little dinner or something at our home in BR. Message me privately if you're interested. There are a few others in BR that I know of, but we don't see them regularly. When all your hubbies get here, we can have a little celebration or some thing. :)

That sounds really nice Noura. My fiance is still not in the US yet, but I´ll give you a holla about that when he gets here! :yes:
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-26 20:17:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA in NOLA area

sorry! I obviously didn't pay enough attention. I was talking on the phone while I was looking at the site and didn't catch the KY.

No prob!

I did get pretty excited there for a minute....thinking that they actually might have Muslims in Covington. Heaven forbid, the locals would not be able to handle this!
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-24 21:26:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA in NOLA area

What a great website. You have someone close... right there in Covington.

There´s someone from Covington, KY on there but not Covington, LA. Where are you from?
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-24 21:03:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA in NOLA area
Thanks for the tip. That´s great. Are you from here? I am right by the Causeway in Mandeville, but I teach across the lake. Slidell is not far at all.
We are also still waiting for him to get here. We will be getting our interview date this week or next week from Madrid, but they are backed up till at least August with interviews, so it will be awhile till he arrives. I do want to help him navigate here and it would be great if there was a community he could plug into while he is waiting for his EAD and transitioning in to life here while I am working. He is so anxious to begin working- unfortunately this has been the same story for the last several years because of the high unemployment rate.
I would like to find some English classes for him or some program for him to get his GED. Do you know of any ESL programs that are local?
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-23 21:27:00
Middle East and North AfricaMENA in NOLA area
Hi everyone,
My fiance is from Tangier, Morocco and will be in the US probably sometime around August or September. Are there any Moroccans or Muslims out there in the NOLA area? I live across the lake from New Orleans, but commute everyday to NOLA. I would love for him to be able to network here and get to know people!
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-23 11:49:00