Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHola people! Llegué hace poco y necesito hablar españooool!
Bienvenida Karina,
Enahorabuena! Ya has llegado a EEUU y estás con tu marido.Qué bien!
¿de que parte de España eres? Yo tambien llegué aqui hace poco y me hace falta hablar español tambien! Estudié un año y medio en Granada donde conocí a mi prometido en 2007. Volví y me quedé con él hasta enero de 2010. Ya he vuelto a EEUU pero no hay nadie con quien pueda hablar aqui :crying: Pero no pasa nada.... espero que te pueda ayudar. Sí, hay varias autoescuelas- saca las páginas amarillas y podrás encontrar algo en tu ciudad. Si tienes carnet de conducir de España, no te resultará muy dificil.
¿Has estado alguna vez aqui? ¿Es dificil acostumbrarse aqui ó es un shock cultural?

Espero que te encuentres todo bien aqui en EEUU y que todos tus sueños se cumplan aqui en tu nueva vida! :)
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-03 21:23:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)k1 visa

Aight i just call the DoS again a women told me that my visa is issued today and its printed but they dont know when i am gona receive my passport hopefully they are telling truth lol i still dont believe what they say i need to call an Embassy Tomarrow and Find out
uffffffffff What a Stress with those people

Hi Gurpal,
Just wanted to say hey and that I hope you will be getting the visa soon. I will be back in Spain next week and I hope the embassy gives us an earlier interview for when I can be there. Let us know when you get the visa- we are rooting for you! :thumbs:
mspainFemaleSpain2010-06-30 20:11:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSchengen visa

This all depends if you got issued a short term or long term multi-entry visa (check out the visa expiration date - the company you used may only have requested a short term multi-entry visa because those are easier to obtain), but both visa types would limit you to only 90 days max stay per year. I ran real close to this limit when I first visited my wife using a few short term double-entry visas.

That's what I was doing for a few times the short term visits, but it at over $300.00 every time, she figure just do the multi visa instead. I work on the water so there people depended on me to relieve them at crew change, so I try to visit every 3 months between my hitches on this boat. I just sent out for the multi visa and I assume I can use only 90 days with in a year, right??

Aviator56hMaleBelarus2012-12-18 16:09:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSchengen visa

Hey chad, what date, I am going January 25th, i can't make it to her interview, I used all my time visiting her this year

Leaving on the 12th of January and coming back on the 22nd of January. Not staying long, I have to get back to work on the 24th. Question, I did a multi visa this time. The place I did my visa said I have to use the 90 days IN 90 days to be good, but the way my wife tells me that the multi visa is good for 90 days within a year (up to 90 days within a year). Have you done a multi visa? I believe the later because the other way don't make since (laughing).

Aviator56hMaleBelarus2012-12-15 15:59:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusSchengen visa

tonight me and my wife are talking about her interview
she doesn't speak that good of english
but when we made plans
I told her to make 4 passport photos
I forgot
two are required to make the Schengen visa
so luckily
we caught this and she will make two more
before she leaves on Monday
that and get about 100 dollars in Polish money
I guess, i am not named clueless for no reason :bonk:


Let us know how it went. I'm heading to Belarus this January and Hopfuly my wife and I can finish up on all the paperwork for the 130 pitition. I'm still paraplexed by all the paperwork and cow hurdling (per say) the people have to go through to get thus stuff done (laughing). Are you going with her to the interview?

Aviator56hMaleBelarus2012-12-13 15:40:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Mentality ?

Laughing all the way through this. It seems that every so often we get off on the differences our RUB spouses do from what we consider normal behavior in this country. They range from warm drinks of all sorts, that should be served cold, to the food left in pots either on the stove or in the refrigerator. This time we've gone into Walmart and the delightful shoppers there. Please visit the website devoted to shoppers of Walmart for a healthy dose of the outrageous.

Let's face it, we've all experienced actions from our spouse that we consider odd or strange. I'm sure from their perspective they wonder how we are able to survive at all. :rofl: I like most of you have heard all of the complaints about things in America and how bad it is compared to RUB countries. Some are justified and others are way off. The bottom line is we rejoice with our choice of spouse and take the complaints as just one of those differences that brought us together. As the French say, Viva la' difference! :dance:

But, for the newbies here, be prepared for change. After all, you aren't married to an American. :thumbs:

YEAH! It's like "what did I get myself into" (laughing). But, as time goes on, I learning allot about who my wife is. Looking beyond the culture deference's, she's one of a kind and I wouldn't change a thing. But hey, we need a little entertainment with learning each others little pet peeves (lol). We laugh at our culture deference's, but she will see a deferent man when she sees me in my own environment. I'm useless in Minsk for her beside small things. Now, the big test comes when she's in my environment. BUT IM STILL NOT DRINKING THE WHITE MUSHROOM STUFF IN THE JAR !! Noo waaaayyyy !!! :blink:
Aviator56hMaleBelarus2013-01-09 10:27:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Mentality ?

Amy writing for this post (we're both logged on and share an account). We live in a little college town in the middle of Indiana, kind of a "hippie oasis," in a mostly pretty conservative state for sure, but Wal-mart is white-trash central in our town. I don't class rednecks with white trash because people who usually call themselves rednecks are still fairly productive citizens and act like they've got a bit of class in public. They're usually hard working people and I respect them, as long as they aren't the uber-judgmental, racist type. I'm talkin' the trashy chicks with half a dozen ugly, dirty, ill-behaved, stair-step kids in tow who wear dirty pajama pants 3 sizes too small so you can see her nasty thong (ewww), loading their cart down with Cheetos and Mountain Dew. If they have a dude with them, he's got a perpetual plumber's crack and copious tattoos that look like they were done on "the inside" if you know what I mean. :whistle: They both look like they're in desperate need of a shower and a toothbrush. Their kids are all sticky, loud, and out of control. The toy department is their playground. :huh: Wal-mart makes me want to carry hand sanitizer with me and apply it constantly. :P It also makes me feel twitchy after being in there for longer than, say, 15 minutes. The noise, lights, and crowds really give me a huge headache and make me feel a small amount of panic. Even the super crowded farmer's markets and supermarkets in Russia NEVER caused me so much anxiety as Walrus-Mart. Even with the pushing and shoving, Russians are much better behaved shoppers than people who shop at Wal-fart. The prices and selection are the only reason we go at all, and we try to make it a once-in-awhile thing and get in and out QUICK.

The pushing and shoving thing? That's totally normal and socially acceptable in RUB countries. You just have to be really assertive and quick in crowds, and in situations where a whole group is moving from one form of transit to another, run! :P You have to be assertive to keep your place in line, too. :rofl:

I know exactly what your talking about concerning your adventures in wal mart (lol). I'm not putting down rednecks as a lower class people. But in Cajun land where I'm from, we got a few like that. Oh yes, very entertaining watching people shop in Belarus. But, I find that country very social people when you start to talk to them. Of course they roll there eyes at me when they find out I don't speak russian. Heck, that gal in that insurance booth at the Minsk airport sees me coming, she tries to close the booth down as I'm walking to it (laughing). My wife laughs at me because she sees I try to make the boarder people laugh or smile and I go down in flames (laughing). Not an easy task to accomplish there. But one boarder guy is very friendly with me and he has a silly bone to him. All I need is give him a pack of my brand of cigarettes I bring with me? And he's soo nice (laughing).. I also learning NOT TO CLAP for anything over there because now its a law that you can't because they think your protesting :rofl:
Aviator56hMaleBelarus2013-01-07 12:34:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Mentality ?

OK, now it's Amy. Your mentioning the Ihop made me remember this commercial from 1969 for Ihop. Prepare to be weirded out! :hehe: :rofl:

But seriously, bliny are real pancakes, and they're awesome. :P We cook them a couple Sundays per month. :D

Yes, that video was creapy (lol). Well, my first time in Belarus, after a 17 hour flight and connecting flights, I got there very tired. All I wanted to do is sleep. We went to her moms first and it was morning when I got there. Her mom (I love her mom) offered me some pancakes.. I'm like " assume"!! It smelled good, it looked good. Couldn't wait to eat it. When she piled it in my plate, I asked for the butter and some syrup. She didn't know what I meant about the syrup part, but mom understood when I said maple syrup. But, they both looked at me kinda funny talking among each other in Russian. I figure it was just woman to woman chat..... No, it was more like " what the bang is he doing"!!! I put butter between layes of the pancakes, put a gunk of syrup on them, and took a big chunk of it and put in my mouth. When I did? All that went through my brain was "don't make a face, don't make a face, DON'T MAKE A FACE!!! What I did? MADE A FACE !!! What the...? It did not taste like the pancakes I was burned with. After they seen my face and has to swallow this concoction? They had to laugh at me. There pancakes was made of potatoes mashed into pancakes and fried in butter or cooking oil (laughing).. S, I joke with Alena (my wife) that the very first thing I will do is take to eat a real pancake (laughing).. :thumbs: :rofl:
Aviator56hMaleBelarus2013-01-07 12:19:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Mentality ?

[It's Victor from Russia]

And I hear it from Americans who have here places like Steak&Shake, where people eat milkshakes right after burgers with pickles? :lol: Before seeing and trying it I always thought that milkshake after pickles will make everybody sick, because in Russia it's being "no-no".

I hate Walmart either! We have superWalmart, and sometimes I have to visit it because it has big selection and I can found items I can't find anywhere else in my city, or sometimes they have great deals, but I really don't like to visit it and trying to leave as soon as I'm done with grabbing item I want. It's mostly about people there - I don't like "Walmart's public", because many of them acting not nice, it's a lot of unattended screaming kids and teens running around the store and playing with display toys or sport goods like basketball balls, and it's the biggest concentration of "trashy" people there among stores in our city, not mentioning that even some of Walmart's employees acting weird and creepy, like staring at you or throwing you bags to your cart like NBA players and acting as it's amusing game for them - it's real experiences. :wacko: I don't want to tell that everybody in Walmart is weird, but too much of them to enjoy shopping there. I much more prefer to visit stores like Target where I feel myself surrounded with usual normal people.
Amy tried to prepare me to it showing me, and well, sometimes I see almost as bad views as on this site while visiting Walmart. :whistle:

You must be at the "redneck" wal mart (laughing). Don't worry, I say 85% of wal marts are like this. Wait, the first time I visit Belarus, I was shopping for food when I went to the produce to get my wife her tomatoes. I GOT SHOVED ASIDE BY A LITTLE OLD RUSSIAN WOMAN 5 FOOT TALL !!! I'm like "WHAT THE HECK WAS THIS ABOUT"? I find people in the grocery stores (just a few of them) are what I called "grocery stor rage" (laughing). My wife seen this happen and just laughed at me. Heck, I pushed back a little at the little old lady (laughing). I got between here and another person (a blond hottie) and wedged her out the way to get my blang tomatoes (laughing). My wife tells me, that's how you have to be. Heck, getting on my connecting flight to Belarus (if they shuttle us by bus to the plane) you better know how to do the 50 yard dash from bus to plane !! They take off out that shuttle bus to that plane like a bunch of wild cats getting chased by a pack of wolves !!! (Laughing).. WOW ! What an experience for my first time.
Aviator56hMaleBelarus2013-01-07 11:49:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Mentality ?

D'ya think? Alla HATES Walmart (we do not have a super walmart, just a plain 'ol Walmart) and she won't buy anything there except cleaning supplies and .22 ammunition for her rifle and pistol ("best place for bullets")

You can lose her FOR DAYS in TJ Maxx. Bed,Bath and Beyond or the Mall but she does not like Walmart

she was overwhelmed by Lowe's at first and burst into laughter when she saw the "toilet aisle" ("Why do Americans need so many different toilets?") :huh:

Speaking of toilets, I like to have there system on there toilets that when you put the seat down? It goes down slowly (laughing). THAT'S AWWSSSUUUMMM !!!!

I made my list where I'm going to bring her first when she gets here.
1). I'm bringing her to an Ihop to taste what real pancakes are.
2). Eat lunch at a Cajun restaurant so she can try our boiled crabs and crawfish.
3). WAL MART !!!
4). Home Depot (first ale? The toilet ale first to see if she laughs too).
5). Our mall
6). Oh yes, bath beyond (she's a totalally a home maker....paka paka paycheck, laughing).
7). Bring her DOWN DE BAYOU to see all those houses on 15 foot in the air (down south because the land is 9ft below sea level, they have to build there homes 9 to 15 foot on stilts down here).
8). Last but not least, let her drive my dodge dully quad cab truck (this I can't wait to see because she's the only woman I know who can back a car up in very tight spots only using the mirrors). :thumbs:

Aviator56hMaleBelarus2013-01-07 08:26:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Mentality ?

Maxim can eat things that if I eat I will not leave the bathroom for days. Russians have iron stomachs or something :(

I agree !!!
Funny how deferent our cultures are. When we first met, she did not understand my since of humor. She used to look at me like a puppy with its head turning and looking at me funny. Now, she's slapping me back with my own since of humor and we're going tic for tac (laughing). But when it comes to food? I have to agree with her about all the preserved processed food here in the US. But wait tell she steps in a super wal mart store (laughing). She be missing in action !! FOR DAYS !!! :rofl:
Aviator56hMaleBelarus2013-01-06 22:31:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Mentality ?

It's cream cheese everyday for her although she does like cottage cheese. btw mud bugs...yikes!

I think RUB gals may take it one step further. :whistle:

Iv'e seen them leave plenty of food out over night or in the fridge uncovered over there and it didn't seem to bother them, yet a few preservatives on the labels here and it's "look out" !

She's had that mushroom Alfredo sauce plenty of times but she had to pull an attitude last night for whatever reason. I don't know why I posted this but it p*ssed me off that much. No other reason to say no to eating it other than to be know what.

Yes, mud bugs (most people call them) but its crawfish and you boild them and its mostly the tail that has the meat, but us Cajuns suck the heads because of the crab boil mix (very spicy) in them. When I'm in Minsk, she lets me pick what I want to eat. I can say this, they have some ham there that's taste better than I find over here in the states, and I love there ice cream there. My girl can cook. Most I do eat and I enjoy (I just don't ask what's in it have the time, laughing). I also cooked for her some good old fashion Cajun red beans and rice. She loved it. now she made a list of Cajun food she wants to try when she gets here (I told her she will get fat doing so, laughing).. Can't wait to show her how we eat boiled blue crabs (lol).

Aviator56hMaleBelarus2013-01-06 18:52:00
Russia, Ukraine and BelarusRUB Mentality ?

She won't ever give a straight answer because that might admit to me being right and lord knows we don't want that to ever happen. Everything around here that goes wrong is my fault...even the weather.

btw I did slurp that pasta with the sauce. :devil:

How much cottage cheese does she keep in the fridge? (Laughing). My wify eats cottage cheese everyday. Oh, I seen that jar with milk and mushrooms, and I thought like "WTH"? No way I'm drinking that !! But then again, we over here in Cajun land eat mud bugs (crawfish) and other stuff that might make them gag too (laughing), should of seen the look on my wife's face when I told her how we eat crawfish by taking the head of the crawfish and sucking the joice out (laughing). PRICELESS !!!! (Laughing).

Aviator56hMaleBelarus2013-01-06 08:18:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Attacks at U.S Embassies
It wasn't an American who made the film, so why there attack us? When I first read about this, I read that it was there own who made this film, not any Americans. Everybody in this world is starting to hate us. WHY?
Aviator56hMaleBelarus2012-09-13 13:50:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFees Lagos Nigeria
Can someone please tell me the approximate costs in Lagos, Nigeria for medical exam, visa fees, etc.? While waiting for my NOA2, I am trying to determine how much everything will cost. Any information will be helpful. Thank you very much.
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-03-04 14:11:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEmails as evidence
Thank you very much for your responses. I greatly appreciate it. smile.gif
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-03-24 08:19:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEmails as evidence
Yes, it was suggested I post the question here. I don't post much. Is there a way to delete the first post? Thanks.
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-03-23 14:21:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanEmails as evidence
It was suggested I ask this question in this forum for advice since Nigeria can be complicated. I'm waiting on my NOA2 and I'm gathering the "evidence." Would I need to print each e-mail individually or would it be ok to copy and paste all into a word document to save on paper? Thank you very much.
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-03-23 14:13:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNOA2 Approval-NVC
Thanks to all for your replies.
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-04-17 10:36:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanNOA2 Approval-NVC
I got the e-mail approval of my NOA2 petition yesterday(April 16th). When should I start calling NVC for the information I need in order to track to the embassy? Thank you.
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-04-17 09:53:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPetition on it's way to Nigeria
QUOTE (idocare @ Apr 25 2009, 02:39 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No worries yo; your fiance has it all covered!! Most Nigerian know American Immigration law better then we Americans do. Then when they arrive they have the support of their community/relatives.

Good luck with all you pursue!!!

Is your reply meant for the question I asked because I'm not sure I understand the reply? Thanks.
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-04-26 10:20:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPetition on it's way to Nigeria
Can all documents be sent to the embassy in Nigeria as opposed to the SO's address? I know that the regular mail service is unreliable.

The petition documents are sent to the embassy but it is advised that your SO go pick up the packets there because it could take a while before they're mailed. Please fill in your timeline. Thanks.
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-04-23 16:17:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanPetition on it's way to Nigeria
My petition is on it's way to the embassy in Nigeria. I've read on here that people go to the embassy to pick up their packets. How long should my SO wait after it arrives at the embassy before he goes pick up the packets? Thanks.
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-04-21 16:49:00
Africa: Sub-Saharannotary public in Nigeria
My SO is sooo worried that the petition won't go through because at the bottom of the Beneficiary's form says that it needs to be notarized. It is quite expensive and he doesn't want to mess anything up. He also says that the EMS service is just as expensive as the FedEx ($250) to mail me documents. Maybe you can tell me there ANY forms along the way that have to be notarized by him?

Exactly what is the name of the beneficary's form? I just recently been through this and there are no documents that have to be notarized by him so please save your money. Maybe he has an old form?? Also, I think my SO used Fedex and it cost him a little over $100.00 to send me the documents I needed by him.

JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-05-13 16:48:00
Africa: Sub-Saharannotary public in Nigeria
What is it that needs to be notarized? When my SO sent me the documents I needed, he didn't have to have anything notarized. smile.gif
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-05-12 19:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Newbies!!
Hello, thanks for the welcome. I've been a member of VJ for several months but I've only just begun the process.

Who are ya? Jenay
Where did you come from? I'm from Louisiana
Where is your SO from? Lagos, Nigeria
How did you meet? Online
Where are you in the process? Just mailed I-129 forms today

JLP9576FemaleNigeria2008-12-31 00:10:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanLagos Consulate and interview date
Sorry to hear about all of this. How did you find out that they're no longer taking walk-in inquiries?
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-07-07 09:32:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSending original documents to Nigeria
QUOTE (zariagirl @ Aug 1 2009, 08:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello everyone,

For those of you who have already done so, what is the best way to send original documents to Nigeria? UPS, FedEx or DHL, e.t.c.? About how long did it take to get there? We don't have an interview date yet, but I want to start getting everything in order while we wait. Thanks!!!

I sent mine by Fedex and it got there in less than a week using non-rush delivery because the rush would have costed more. Even arrived in less time than what they gave me as an estimate. I remember being over $100 but I thought that was good because I was sending over 10 pounds of stuff. They delivered to his residence but I think he has to be there waiting for it or else he would have had to go and pick it up. Luckily, he was home when they delivered it.
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-08-01 22:59:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanFreetown Embassy, K-1 Visa Approved !!
Congratulations!! kicking.gif
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-06-30 09:12:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanKeeping Track
Thanks, zeebee. I'm so excited and thankful to God!
JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-04-17 20:34:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanCheap Airlines
We used Qatar. At the time, which was just a few months ago, they were the least expenisve...less than $1000. I can't remember the exact cost. They have an online website to check out prices.

QUOTE (Nwanyioma @ Dec 9 2009, 01:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Any suggestion for a cheap airlines??? From Lagos to Washington, DC. All inquiries will be helpful.Thank you so much

JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-12-10 20:44:00
Africa: Sub-SaharanSub-Saharan Cyber Cafe #3
QUOTE (zariagirl @ Jun 24 2009, 06:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone, I hardly post on here but I just got my NOA2 in the mail today and I just had to share!!!! I'm so happy dancin5hr.gif This just made my day kicking.gif

Congrats to you! kicking.gif Things should flow much quicker now. My SO just got his visa approved so I've recently been where you are now. If you have any questions about anything let me know! Take Care.

JLP9576FemaleNigeria2009-06-25 08:47:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
Yeah!!!! I am so happy for you Mariya!

Glad things have worked out for you guys quickly!

As far as your question about talking to USC's wives, there is a website that you can check out. I have read a little here and there (in Russian) and it seems to be a good sight.
Kharkov_NatalieFemaleRussia2008-03-22 17:41:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
QUOTE (natashenika @ Feb 4 2008, 04:56 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
ONE MORE QUESTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I hope it won't take as long as 10 days and if it's possible to track it online or by calling to the courier company?

We interviewed on Feb 21 (Thursday) and received our visa on Feb 25 (Monday). So, it only took us 2.5 working days. I think when you get it depends on when you have your interview. I have heard that they only make visa once or twice a week and then send them all out at once, but I am not sure how accurate that is. My sister-in-law went through the process last June and she received hers in 7 days.

Hope that helps!
Kharkov_NatalieFemaleRussia2008-02-26 03:32:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
Hi Natalie - I'm just curious as to why you have Russia and the Russian flag symbol associated with your biographical information if you are from Ukaine. No offense intended, just curious.

I am an American missionary who has been living in Ukraine for 4 years. My husband's family is originally from Ukraine, but he was born in Russia. He was considered Ukrainian until the fall of the Soviet Union, when he became officially Russian. He has now lived in Ukraine for the past 8 years.

So, although we are going through the DCF process in Ukraine, he is officially Russian.

Thanks, Natashenka for the links. I'll check those out.

Edited by Kharkov_Natalie, 27 January 2008 - 11:08 AM.

Kharkov_NatalieFemaleRussia2008-01-27 11:05:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
Can anyone recommend a company that rents apartments in Kyiv? We only want to rent for one night and we would like to pay $50 or less for a studio or 2 room apartment.

Kharkov_NatalieFemaleRussia2008-01-25 08:46:00
Europe & Eurasia (except the UK and Russia)The Kyiv Beat......
Has anyone had the experience of having the transliterated name on the Ukrainian/Russian passport not match the English version of the name on the I-130 or I-129 docs?

We are trying to decide if we can go ahead and start the process while we are waiting for the international passport to come in. It could take up to 4 months and we hate to have to wait that long to start things on the American side...
Kharkov_NatalieFemaleRussia2007-12-24 11:03:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApplying for K3 while in the US
Hi ,

I have a visitor visa to stay for 6 months. If I enter the States, get married, my husband petitions for I130 while I am there, can I stay there until my visa expires and then go back to Italy and wait over there for the interview date?
I just would like to spend more time there with him and our son, without being in trouble. I will definately go back to my country to issue the K3, but I just wonder if I can spend some time while it's still pending over there with him. Or I have to leave right before he petitions for it?

Thanks a lot

V. :help:
vera77Not TellingItaly2006-03-04 12:23:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Jordan - Husband PASSED interview BUT .. I'm sitting here crying. His file was returned to the USCIS and we don't know why. My senator's office contacted them and they didn't tell them either. They simply stated "please check back in 6 to 9 months."

I have not seen my husband in a year and now it could be another 1-2 years. I'm so tired.

God help us.

magnolia2002FemaleJordan2009-06-15 16:29:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp! Jordan - Husband PASSED interview BUT ..
QUOTE (magnolia2002 @ Apr 27 2009, 08:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well. Ok.

I was told that our case was sent back to USCIS and that we should have been notified since January.

Quick background: My husband went to his interview and was missing 1 of his identity documents. He is Iraqi and apparently they have 3 different documents. Anyway, my husband got the document from Iraq but it had the wrong first name. So, my husband sent it back to Iraq and requested a new one with the correct name. He got it and sent it into the embassy. Apparently, the corrected document had been corrected BY HAND. My husband is not familiar with how the U.S. Govt works and did not know this was unacceptable when he turned it in. As a result, in January we received the 212 (g) form which stated it was being sent back to USCIS for fraudulent documents. Immediately, he and our lawyer in Jordan contacted the embassy and told them the situation and my husband got the corrected document, had it verified at the Iraqi embassy in Jordan and then turned THAT one in to the embassy. We were told then that everything was good and now we await administrative processing to be issued our visa.

Keep in mind, I have an email from the embassy stating that we were only awaiting AP for the issuance of his visa dated FEBRUARY. As you all know from reading this journey, I have been calling the state department every week for a while and have been told we were in AP. Ok. Good. We wait. When I called last week, I was told that we were given a 212(g) document in January and that our file had been sent back to the USCIS. #######???

I pushed and called and tried to find out what was going on from the state department and they tell me, every single time I call, it is up to the Embassy in Jordan to correct it.

The Embassy in Jordan refuses to acknowledge they made a mistake and keep telling us that, yes, they sent the file back in January. When I confront them with the question of WHEN they sent it back, they don't answer. I cannot get them to give me a time. I sent their own email back to them stating we were only awaiting AP to get his visa and that email was sent in FEBRUARY. They won't answer me. They just keep giving me the same standard sentence..."your file was sent back to USCIS...blah blah.."

My husband's lawyer knows someone that works at the embassy and according to him, our file is STILL AT THE EMBASSY. ?????????

So....WHAT THE HELL DO I DO NOW?? Are we in AP?? or has our file been sent back and if so, when and why?? We provided sufficient proof of EVERYTHING.


Thank you,

I need to correct that sentence "The embassy in Jordan refuses to acknowledge they made a mistake and keep telling us that, yes, they sent the file back. (Exclude the "January") because that's the whole problem...they won't tell us WHEN they sent the file.

magnolia2002FemaleJordan2009-04-27 20:49:00