US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionResults of Interview in Bogota
Thanks so much for sharing!!! I loved reading it...thanks for including all of the details!!!
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2006-10-02 23:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview date before Packet 3?
Better to have it too soon...than not soon enough, right?! So, REJOICE...rush to get all the needed papers...and bring your baby home for CHRISTMAS!! CONGRATULATIONS....alicia
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2006-10-10 08:24:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEl Salvador journey, coming to and end???

:dance: Well let's see,
Packet 3 recieved after a month (mailed Sept 19th) in the mail going from one side of San Salvador to the other side. Packet 3 also recieved here in California, in Spanish on Oct. 21(it was mailed on Oct 17) I am too stressed to try an figure out why.......
The last trip I arranged for an attorney down there to assist in filling out the paperwork and guide her thru this final process (cost $90) The attorney wanted all fresh documents to replace the ones that I brought down in August when the package arrived from NVC. Re notarized all forms and sent down UPS express and should be there by Wed. The attorney say that everything should be complete and visa issued in 4 to 6 weeks.......does she really work for CSC? My hopes are up that this journey is almost complete and I will be with with the most wonderful woman that I have ever met in my life. If she is here by Christmas my joy will be complete. Anybody else dealing with El Salvador experienceing similar happiness???? :dance:

I have no idea about how El Salvador works...but Congrats on the progress thus far!! i met my fiance in El Salvador...and i love the Salvadoran, just wanted to let you know that El Salvador is special to me, too.
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2006-10-22 23:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Passed!!
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2006-11-13 00:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMoscow interview!!!
Congratulations!! You are really close now!!!
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2006-11-14 13:14:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI- 134 affadavit of support and tax returns
I trust my fiance completely. I don't understand how you can feel that way about someone you love. Do you truly love her?
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2006-11-15 01:16:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwould UTI (Urinary Tract Infection) affects the visa processing?

i had UTI when i was in High School, and felt it just a year's normal for female right? but i'm worried..might affect the medical exam result...any advice?thanks


I had a UTI when I came back from Nicaragua...they still let me in the country!!! :lol: :lol: :lol:
By the way, I'm the USC...
But I think UTI's are very should be just fine!
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2006-11-14 13:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionQuestions at POE
:lol: :lol: :lol:
I'm not sure because I haven't gotten that far yet...but that was funny!
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2006-12-19 01:27:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket Three Received along with INTERVIEW DATE...
Guys, the interview is March not May...he misread the papers.
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-01-27 13:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPacket Three Received along with INTERVIEW DATE...
Today Fran received Packet 3 from the Embassy and the interview date, May 13, 2007. I didn't think that the interview date would come until later...but I'll take it.
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-01-26 15:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Date is March not May!!!!!!!

YAY! Good luck at the interview!

Thanks and Congratulations to you!!!
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-01-27 13:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Date is March not May!!!!!!!
Our interview is March 13 not May 13...I can't believe it. I am so excited but sooo nervous!!!
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-01-27 13:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussion14 days since interview
I'm really sorry to hear that. I hope that you get some good news soon. alicia
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-01-30 19:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter of Employment for I-134
Same here. My employer gave me a letter but it didn't have 1/2 of the pertinent information. He said legally he couldn't say all that I needed him to say. I have W-2s so I'm hoping that is enough. The bank couldn't give me a letter either. They printed a screen with the date I opened the account and current balance...but they can't help with the total deposited last year. So, I am in the same boat.
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-02-06 18:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question...Yes, I did see the example...
Ok...So, I know that questions about I-134 are extremely boring to you guys...but please help me out on this one. On the question that ask if I intend or don't intend to make specific contributions to support blah blah blah...I saw the example here on visa journey and it says to put N/A K1 visa process for permanent residence...Is that really the correct answer?...can someone please help me out on this one? Thanks...alicia
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-02-16 14:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Question...Yes, I did see the example...
Ok...So, I know that questions about I-134 are extremely boring to you guys...but please help me out on this one. On the question that ask if I intend or don't intend to make specific contributions to support blah blah blah...I saw the example here on visa journey and it says to put N/A K1 visa process for permanent residence...Is that really the correct answer?...can someone please help me out on this one? Thanks...alicia
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-02-16 14:06:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVISA
Congratulations!!! Good feeling, huh?! Wow!!!
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-03-15 19:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWe got the Visa!!!!!!
Thanks Everyone! To everyone still waiting~it's going to happen...hang in there!! We are all here for each other. Thanks for the Support VJ. Sincerely, Alicia
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-03-19 08:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWe got the Visa!!!!!!
Tuesday was Fran´s interview...We were a wreck the night before putting all the papers in order...the copies in order...everything. But Tuesday we arrived early for the interview was scheduled for 8:30 am...We waited like 2 1/2 hours and then they called Fran and he gave them all of the originals. They asked questions and then he came back to sit down. About 1 hour later they called him up again and I went with him this time. The lady was young...she asked him if he wanted the interview to be in Spanish or English. The interview consisted of a few questions nothing more. At one point the lady got real serious when she found out that our wedding will be on the 22 of March. She asked me what I was going to do if they needed more documentation...or if he didnt get the visa...I said that it will be a small wedding...if need be, we can change it. Then she said that she was going to approve the visa...and that was it. We have to call tomorrow to see if we can pick it up. Sorry about punctuation...I am writing from a cyber cafe in Nicaragua...The keyboards are different!!!!
aliciaandfranFemaleNicaragua2007-03-15 18:56:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionINTERVIEW FEE'S
I know there was some talk in December 09 about possibly bumping up the fee to $350, but I have not seen that approved. For now, it looks like $131.
mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-29 17:17:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs my co-sponsor able to co-sponsor?
Thanks for all the replies. This is so interesting. Although it really is overcomplicating things for most people.... :bonk:
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-01 13:37:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs my co-sponsor able to co-sponsor?

For those who can't make sense of the last paragraph, you will definitely be putting some numbers on the I-134. What you will not do is enter a single number anywhere to represent your total household size.

For those who can't make any sense of the middle paragraph, perhaps a crystal ball or prayer will help as I can't make any sense of it either.

First paragraph both makes sense and is accurate.

Sounds like the people who write these things at the uscis need to get it together. There´s way too much confusion and misinformation going around.

One more (hopefully) myth I´d like to get to the bottom of for this useless POS paper....

I´ve heard/read that unlike the the I-864, the I-134 is not legally enforceable and that the requirements are only 100% of the poverty line for two people, then at AOS they go to 125% with I-864. I just went back and re-read the instructions for the I-134 and saw no guidelines stating it had to be 125% or 100%.

I also read that a notarized signature is not necessary.

I´m looking forward to some straight talk answers.

Edited by meghan.spain, 30 April 2010 - 10:06 PM.

mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-30 22:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs my co-sponsor able to co-sponsor?

The petitioner's household size is always a minimum of 2, whether they qualify or not. It doesn't matter though because you don't state household size on the I-134. It is calculated based on the answers to specific questions on the affidavit. In this case the Conoff will calculate both as two.

In 1. above you are thinking of the I-864 where you don't count anybody twice but the intending immigrant plus the petitioner is always counted on any affidavit of support, at minimum.

Thanks for clearing that up. However, do we both need to state that we intend to furnish room and board? And is it three years or five? Can you just say, until necessary or until he finds a job?
mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-30 15:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs my co-sponsor able to co-sponsor?

I am sorry, you are right, you list your income. I apologize. When I wrote my statement, I remembered you wrote you are looking for a full-time job so I was thinking you are unemployed. I just went back and re-read your post. Yes, you have income from the part-time jobs, that is OK to put on the I-134.

One more thing I do not think anyone has mentioned yet. In order for your roommate to be a joint sponsor she must be a US Citizen, US National or a LPR (Legal Permanent Resident). OK?

She is a USC. Neither of us have dependents. For household size, who puts what? Do I add two, since I am the fiancee and primary sponsor? Could I add my fiance under mine?

Also, what about the last line about making specific contributions such as room and board. My room mate checked no, I checked yes. I put on mine that I would be providing room and board and all living expenses up to three years or upon receipt of EAD and first pay check from job, from which point living expenses shall be shared jointly. Does that sound ok or is that insufficient? I´m getting alot of ####### from people about me being the woman and supporting a man, which I have to agree I don´t like the sound of too much, but I want this to be legit at the consulate.

We still haven´t gotten them notarized yet since we are waiting to hear. Thanks for the replies.

Edited by meghan.spain, 30 April 2010 - 02:03 PM.

mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-30 14:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs my co-sponsor able to co-sponsor?

Yes, he is right. In this instance, your roommate will be better on paper (I-134) because she can sponsor your fiance and you cannot. They will not know anything about the NSFs, low credit scores nor possible government assistance such as housing assistance or food stamps.

You will need two complete and separate I-134s. You will have your listing a family size of 1 and no income. Your roommate's I-134 will list her plus your fiance because she will be sponsoring him.

Good luck

Why would I list my income as zero? I make very close to the amount required and with my assets I should be ok- but just in case, I have a co-sponsor.
mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-30 08:26:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIs my co-sponsor able to co-sponsor?
My roommate offered to co-sponsor my fiance and it was very sweet of her.
Usually, I have everything very together, but I just moved back from overseas. I am currently seeking full time work, but have several part time jobs, which make me borderline for the I-134.
She gathered up all the necessary supporting documentation and turned them into me. I have to commend her on how well she did with getting that in to me. She threw her head back and laughed when she turned in the bank letter stating $11 as the current balance and $20 as the average yearly balance.
My roommate often jokes about how bad her credit score is or how many NSFs she´s gotten, etc. She is very young and has very different ideas about managing money and being responsible- she asked me why I hadn´t gotten on food stamps.

She makes over $20,000 a year, but I feel that, were I the consular officer, she would not be a good co-sponsor.

Also, I am not sure if she has been on food stamps or any gov. assistance. I think I read that it will make you inelegible. Is that true?

I have over $6000 on deposit in the bank and have about $10,000 in other assets. I also have a college degree and have a credit score in the high 700s. Although I am borderline on income for now, I feel that I would probably look alot better on paper to the consulate than my co-sponsor and that her I-134 may work against me. Would I do best to not submit her I-134?

Does anyone have any advice?
mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-29 22:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionYou speak English?

I don't think it is holding up your I-129F petition. You filed with the VSC which has been taking longer than CSC. Expect some new in the 95 to 105 days range which is fairly soon for you.

I do not think it is a good idea to send additional UNrequested documents to the VSC/CSC at this point. I do not think they will catch up with your petition. It is better to wait and see if you get the RFE but I do not think you will. There is no absolute answer to this question. It is soley up to the USCIS adjudicator.

Your time should be soon.

Good luck.

Thanks for the warm wishes. I think they worked.... NOA2 approved! Text message received at 10:02 pm 5/5/2010 from USCIS.
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-05 22:50:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionYou speak English?

Sorry, I certainly didn't mean any offense because of your fiance's home country. I think you already have some very good evidence for your relationship.

I wonder if we have (unfortunately) gotten off the original topic of your posting or if you think you have the answers? The best thing and really the only way to know for sure is to find someone that has interviewed at the Embassy/Consulate where your fiance will interview. They might not have the same issues in not being native in Spanish or English though.

It´s alright, I´m not offended, but it´s frustrating to be a legitimate couple with a well-known high fraud country involved. My fiance has his Spanish residence and work permit. He is there completely legal. Now that I think about it, I should have sent a copy of this in with the application. Is it too late to send it to the VSC or do they only accept documents that accompany an RFE? I´m wondering if this could be what is holding up our visa (but then again it´s only been about three months).
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-05 15:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionYou speak English?
Guys I appreciate your concern, but it´s definitely come to my attention before now that we will have trouble, lol. My family has made it a hellishly difficult experience for me as it is, just for him being from where he is from. However, he legally resides in Spain, has his residence and work permit. So, as I understand it, why would he try to ¨fraud¨ his way in to a western country, if he is already legal in a western country? He got his papers in Spain legally, without marrying a Spanish girl- and yes, he actually got a proposal once for just this, but obviously turned the offer down.

I suppose the real reason I started this post is because I, too, am a little concerned about him being from Morocco and being profiled. I am from the South and there are alot of ignorant people here. I am hoping the CO cannot legally and will not discriminate against him.
Can they do this? We have a very legitimate relationship. We met while I was studying there, lived together for almost two years and have been together for almost three. I even have proof of us registered at the same address, with our passports and everything registered with the municipality in Spain. I have pictures with us at birthday parties and holidays with his family.

Edited by meghan.spain, 03 May 2010 - 08:49 PM.

mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-03 20:47:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionYou speak English?
Hi everyone, so my question is about the foreign fiance´s English and how this could affect the interview...
My fiance and I met in Spain and lived there several years together. We were both foreigners in Spain and do not speak Spanish as our first language. However, Spanish is the language we use to speak to each other. He is Moroccan, I am Amercian.
My fiance speaks very little English, although he has studied it.

I´m a little bit nervous about when he goes to his interview in Madrid. How will this be handled? Will they expect him to interview in English? Will he be scrutinized for his imperfect Spanish? Is it an option to bring in a translator?
:unsure: :bonk: :blink:
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-02 22:49:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Affidavit of support Questions
Thanks for the reply. They are giving me temporary checks on a weekly basis as a substitute teacher and the pay is not equivalent to full time teacher (what is stated in the contract that I have). However, this pay does meet the requirements. Should I also include some assets? Also I did my taxes through turbo-tax for the last two years ( I was a student before this) and the print-out that I have is about 15 pages per tax year. Should I include all 15 pages? It also asks for a duplicate of everything- so I don´t want to make 30 more copies of this- is there just like one or two important pages to include and the rest are not that necessary?
Sorry that´s alot of questions- but you seem like you know what you´re talking about! ;)
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-17 17:45:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Affidavit of support Questions
Hi all, my NOA2 was sent out last week and my case is on it´s way to the consulate. I was in the predicament above and a miracle happened. About 3 weeks ago I sent out my resume´s to about 40 schools in the area. I live in the best school district in Louisiana where people literally move to get there kids in school here- and it´s almost impossible to find a teaching job. Last Thursday I got a call in the evening from a very respectable and prestigious private school looking to interview for a Spanish teacher because they had a teacher moving away. The very same morning I was in for the interview, the very same Spanish teacher slipped and hurt her back. They asked me to substitute for her after the interview due to this weird coincidence. I have worked there an entire week now and love it. They have seen me in action and absolutely love me, so much so that they wrote me a contract today and asked if they could help me with anything. I mentioned the letter for the I-134 and they ever so graciously put together a wonderful letter addressed to the US Embassy in Madrid stating that I am currently employed with them as a permanent substitute, that they have observed me carefully and are satisfied with my work and that they have signed a contract with me as a Spanish teacher for the 2010-2011 schoolyear beginning August 2 and that should they have any questions to contact her. The principal is a highly respected nun.
I will be exceeding the income requirements with this job, the income is stated in the contract. Does this sound sufficient for the I-134? I´ll be sending in the letter and the contract.
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-14 21:10:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Affidavit of support Questions
When I say that ¨I´ve heard it´s not required to have to I-134¨ I mean that I have read several interview reviews that say they never even asked for the I-134 or that it was simply recommended to have one with you ¨just in case¨.

I have asked several family members to co-sponsor with no success. Any suggestions on how to ¨find¨ a co-sponsor?

Edited by meghan.spain, 17 April 2010 - 09:09 PM.

mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-17 21:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 Affidavit of support Questions
Hi everyone,
I´m stressing out about the affidavit of support. I cannot find a co-sponsor. I am planning on taking a two month course over the summer to get my teacher certification and begin teaching on a full salaray in the fall. This means I could not work over the summer which is when my NOA2 is expected to arrive and petition to consulate. I want to send the email below to the consulate, but I wanted some advice on it- I don´t want to say anything that may come across the wrong way and possibly risk a visa denial.

To whom it may concern:
I am a US citizen who wants to bring my foreign fiancé to the US from Spain. I have been researching the K-1 visa and have heard some conflicting information regarding consular requirements. Some sources state that the I-134 is not required, but rather the I-864 that is filed upon Adjustment of Status is required.
I would like to know because I am considering changing professions. A recent college graduate, I studied three semesters in Granada (where I met my fiancé) and am fluent in Spanish, an in-demand skill in my profession which provides more job security. Although I am currently employed, I am exploring the possibility of taking a two month professional development course for an upcoming job opening that would exponentially increase my current earnings. Because I have money in my savings account, I can afford to work part time while I study, however I feel that submitting an I-134 would limit me, in that it would not allow me to work part time in order focus on developing my career, therefore expanding my earning potential in the long run.
I have several thousand dollars in my savings account and have a $12,000 line of credit open on one credit card alone, whose balance I pay off every month. I also have excellent credit and am very responsible with my money. Neither myself nor anyone in my family has ever received government assistance or public housing. I would never allow for my fiancé to become a public charge.
My fiancé himself has an excellent work ethic and would not be a burden on society. Here in the US I have already spoken with several small business owners, with whom I have connections, willing to hire him when he arrives in the United States. We are both young, 24 and 26, and are motivated and hard-working. We have not seen each other since January 14, 2010 and only want to be back together again. Please contact me in regards to the I-134. Thank you
mspainFemaleSpain2010-04-17 18:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTricky Issue
The passport is in Arabic and French, the other language of Morocco, but not English. There are four separate numbers. One is a C.I.N. whatever that means. Then theres a bunch of stuff in French. My fiance does not speak French, I cannot pronounce it,and I cannot read Arabic. We also speak Spanish, which is our second language, not English, to each other. It´s confusing enough in English to me, lol, but in Spanish it´s even more so. So if anyone has a SO with a Moroccan passport, maybe they could help me out. I may even repost this in MENA. Thanks for all your answers! :thumbs:
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-26 20:31:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTricky Issue
It´s all in a foreign language!
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-25 22:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionTricky Issue
Hi all. I´m filling out my fiance´s DS-156 online and it asks about place of issuance and issuing country for his passport. He holds a Moroccan passport that he had replaced in Almeria Spain. The issuing country would be Morocco and the place of issuance would be Almeria right? This may sound really redundant or obvious, but you can never be too careful with these things!
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-25 21:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionForm I-134 help
Freddy, the directions in packet 3 from Madrid specifically state that you may send in the I-134 documents directly to the embassy. You can do this at any time before your interview date as long as you have received packet 3. Good luck with everything. So far, it looks like they have ¨lost¨ our packet. Make copies of EVERYTHING just in case!
mspainFemaleSpain2010-06-10 15:43:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa $$$ for Interview
Hi all. My fiance received packet 3 a few weeks ago and returned it to the consulate with the appropriate forms. The consulate has not sent us packet 4, so I emailed them about our packet. They replied that it had not been received yet. My fiance sent it through certified mail, checked it online and it was received May 27 at the consulate. I emailed them to double check their records and have not received a reply after 4 days. Their phone lines do not get through either.
We have not yet paid the visa fee as we were waiting to get the interview date before we paid it. Could it be that they havent ¨received it¨ yet because they are waiting on payment? Or is it likely they lost my packet?
mspainFemaleSpain2010-06-09 07:34:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionHow long are the obligations for I-134?
This is good to know. Thanks everyone!
mspainFemaleSpain2010-05-01 13:36:00