K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about Co-sponsor documentation..

Hello everyone! I hope your journeys are going well! We sent in our DS 230 and are currently waiting for an interview's been 11 days so God willing, hopefully soon!! I just have a quick question..


Our co sponsor finally sent me all the documents needed for the interview (when we have it). She had to wait a long time for her employer to do up her statement of employment. I mailed out the documentation to my fiance but i'm scared to death that he may not get it in time. I also sent a set to a friend who will be travelling to Tunisia but she's not sure exactly when yet as she was having some issues. I sent it to my fiance the fastest way possible via USPS..but i've sent stuff the quickest way before and it still took a month to get there..DHL costs wayyyyyyyyyyy too much and i would have had to drive over 30 minutes away to mail it out as that was the closest facility. I made colored copies of everything before i sent it.


Our dilemma is: What do we do if he doesn't get it in time? Would it be okay to scan colored copies and email it to him to print out? All have the original signatures, dates, etc. It would just be a copy of the originals. Would it be acceptable for the embassy to have the copies and he could tell them that the original documents are on the way in the meantime? This, of course, is worst case scenario in the event that he WOULDNT get it in time..


Any advice would greatly be appreciated!! Thanks so much!

{My post was moved to the wrong place, when this topic was split. I re-post below}


Having the scanned and emailed copies on hand would be better than having nothing. Send the scanned copies to the interviewee, bring them to the interview, present them if asked. I would also make an affidavit, signed and dated, attesting to the validity of the copies and that originals can be presented when available. The case might be placed into administrative processing until the originals are presented; but thats better than a denial. Only present documents thay they ask for.

RedicentMale02013-07-15 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhere did you gether the documents before you sent them to the USCIS?? folder? Binder??

First page: G-1145 e-Notification of Application/Petition Acceptance


So you will get emails on all updates.

RedicentMale02013-07-14 20:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of relationship was returned... general questions.


In Mongolia, you can.  It depends on the embassy.  In our case, there was a 'document submission day' the Friday before the actual interview, where we were able to give all of the evidence, along with the various forms.


Wow, thats interesting. the embassy is actually asking for submissions. Can you share that on the new topic?



RedicentMale02013-07-16 19:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of relationship was returned... general questions.


Because some of the tougher consulates to get through have not allowed the evidence to be presented at the interview. Then they can deny based on lack of evidence, If the evidence is already in your file, then they cannot deny having seen the same evidence the USCIS has obviously already seen. Front-loading does not apply to everyone.


Thanks Jay-Kay, I started a new topic on frontloading. Maybe you can address this there.


Let me ask you whether a petitioner/applicant can send the extra evidence directly to the embassy once an embassy case number is assigned, but before the interview?

RedicentMale02013-07-16 18:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of relationship was returned... general questions.

If it was me I wouldn't worry about it. I just had my Petition approved in 84 days. I filled out all the

forms correctly, i submitted just the information that they request in the I129F and no more.With cover

letters and evidence of meeting i submitted about 40 pages. I've worked for the Federal Government

since I was 17 and one thing you learn is to read the forms, fill them out correctly, and provide what

they are looking for. No more, no less, it's that simple. It's like an interview, answer the question and

shut up. The more of an answer you provide, the more questions the interviewer will seek and it

just slows the whole process down. And as far as my application, I never put names on the back of

the picture or date them. I never submitted a copy of my passport stamps either. In as much as

some people on VJ like to tell you to send in as much as you can to prove your case, my petition

proves that theory in a different light. Alot of VJers on here are wondering why it takes so long

for a peition to be looked at or approved, well think about it. If your an adjudicator and you get

petitions that are 100-200 pages long and you have to verify them it takes up there time. if there

is one thing they don't understand, they put it aside and work on one that is much easier to adjudicate.

And, if it's like that throughout the entire system, its no wonder it's taking so long for peititions. to get

approved. And as far as your circumstance, the material you sent was either unacceptable, or not

necessary in processing the petition. I wouldnt worry about it if it was me. If you get an RFE they will

tell you specifically what they want. as far as front loading petitions, my understanding of the how the

federal government works is the CFO's at the Embassy's have guidelines and a checklist they have

to go bye,. If they want to know something they will ask at the interview, if you got it - it shouldn't be a

problem. If you get that far to the interview about the only thing that could go wrong is supporting

documention for the forms you needed to provide at the interview or the interviewee, is committing

Fraud. Good Luck....


I have the same concern about "frontloading". Why not let USCIS do it's basic job of approval, then send relationship evidence to the embassy after NVC sends it to the embassy? Once a petitioner gets an embassy case number, send additional stuff ahead with the case number, then it will be added to the file at the embassy. Dont donfuse the matter with USCIS. Then go to the interview with more stuff, if they ask for it. Just my opinion. Doug/Sherry have a point, with such a short time to NOA2. Maybe a new topic is in order to gather opinions and experiences about it.

RedicentMale02013-07-16 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of relationship was returned... general questions.

I know the folks are talking about evidence of meeting/relationship photos. But to be clear, the "passport style" photos for the G-325A must be on photo paper (glossy, bla, bla...). Just so nobody misunderstands.

RedicentMale02013-07-15 22:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of relationship was returned... general questions.

Thanks for agreeing -- the consular phase is NOT to be underestimated.


Yes, as Sun Tzu said: "To under-estimate a consular officer, is to lose the battle"


But as Confucius said: "Never give a bureaucrat a chance to confuse himself"

Edited by Redicent, 15 July 2013 - 09:41 PM.

RedicentMale02013-07-15 21:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of relationship was returned... general questions.

The bolded statement is correct when we're talking about USCIS only.  An important qualification is that front-loading (including evidence of a bona fide relationship) can be crucial before the interview stage, when the reviewing consular officer looks at the by-then-approved petition package and forms an impression.  Just wanted to point that out.


A valid consideration.

RedicentMale02013-07-15 21:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEvidence of relationship was returned... general questions.

On July 1st I sent in our K-1 Visa case to the Texas lockbox for processing.  I quickly received my receipt number from the California Service Center (dated July 10th) and am able to track my case using the uscis website.  Each time I check the website I will get a status update that indicates the case is progressing without issues.  No problems there.  However, the majority of my "evidence of ongoing relationship" and my "proof of meeting over the past 2 years" was returned to me.  Here are the items I included in my "evidence packet"


1) I made photocopies of my plane ticket stubs with dates and destinations clearly visible

2) Photocopies of letter and envelope that I sent to my fiance December 2012

3) Photocopy (in spanish) of an original letter and envelope that my fiance sent to me June 2013

4) Color photocopy of a photo souvenier from my trip to visit my fiance in March 2013

5) Photocopies of my passport stamps to Mexico to see my fiance (2 trips: August 2012 and March 2013)

6) Color photocopies of movie tickets and museum tickets from my trip to visit my fiance in March 2013

7) 5 Original color photos from my first time meeting my fiance (clearly labeled with date and location and names) - RETURNED

8) 18 Original color photos from my second trip to visit my fiance and his family (also labeled clearly) - RETURNED

9) DVD documenting my second trip to visit my fiance in March 2013 - RETURNED

10) Facebook data files saved to CD (most correspondence was done via facebook chat and all messages were included on the CD) - RETURNED

11) Two color screen shots from Skype video chats - RETURNED


Items 7, 8, 9, 10, and 11 were all organized and packaged in a zip-lock bag. However these same items were returned to me with a letter that stated they were not in a correct "format." I am unsure whether this means I did not label clearly of if that formats such as DVD and CD are not acceptable.  Most surprising was that my color photos were returned to me.  I followed all directions I could find regarding sending AND labeling evidence and so I was surprised to receive back the photos.  Note: they did NOT send back our passport photos... those they kept smile.png


Items 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6 were kept in my case file... but if I were an immigration officer I would want more evidence.


I have the 1800 number to call for questions but so many people complain about that being a dead end as well.  I just wanted to post on here before I stared freaking out. 


I assume they will want photos at some point to prove our relationship and so I guess at this point I expect a RFE.  However, if this happens, I am hesitant to send the photos, DVD, etc because they were returned before.  I could print out all the facebook messages but I feel like that is overloading (3000 pages of messages!), isn't it better to give the a facebook data CD they can look at if they choose? Any suggestions?  My fiance and I are also working on getting our phone records printed as well... but like I said the majority of our correspondence is via Skype and facebook chat.


Any suggestions are welcomed.  Thanks!




There is common confusion about these items:


1. The statement of how you met.

2. Proof that you met.

3. Intent to marry

4.Ongoing relationship.


These are all different and separate requirements.


At the stage of filing an I-129F, you dont need to prove an ongoing relationship (4). That comes later, at the interview.


What you need at this stage is the statement of how you met (1), signed, dated original . This is separate from all the other statements, such as the intent to marry, and stands alone.  You must also include evidence that you met in person (2). The items you sent may have been returned if you labeled them "proof of ongoing relationship", because they dont need that. Save your proof of ongoing relationship for the interview. Also make sure that you sent letters of intent to marry (3), from each of you, signed, dated originals.


Some here would advise you to wait until you get an RFE to send any documents that may be missing (either by omission or having been returned). Personally, I would send the documents that may be missing now, in the proper format, properly labeled, including proof of meeting, but excluding proof of ongoing relationship. If you send anything, include your receipt number and A# if one has been assigned. After they receive anything you send, you will see that your file has been "touched", on the case status website. This means that they added them to your file. Its just the way I would do it to avoid an RFE and delay. Thats how I would do it. Your mileage may vary.


Review this VJ page:



RedicentMale02013-07-15 20:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 GOLDEN TIPS

Compile a list of possible interview questions from the lists that are posted on VJ or other sources. Include the types of documents you may be asked for in the list. Print out this list, have a friend find someone you dont know to ask you these questions and ask for the various documents, in a random order, as a mock interview. If you do this a couple times, you will have greater confidence at the real interview. Confidence goes a long way...

RedicentMale02013-07-14 13:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAssembling the I-129F Package: Checklist


Thank you Jay-Kay.  I'll fill out the paperworks for her, to have her sign.  Too bad they can't accept scan copy of the forms via email from her to me, that will speed things up.  Now I have to mail it to her and she has to mail it back, 2-3 weeks there (that if it didn't get lost in the mailing system).  I better get starting.



Anybody else here from Laos, who is K-1 for their fiance.  Tell me how yours went.




She will need to sign the letter of intent and the G-325a, but to save time, you can prepare those documents and email them to her; then she can print them out, sign them and mail the originals to you (along with proper passport photos, if you dont have them). That will save at least one-way of the mailing time. Conceivably, a person could also email an image file of a passport photo; and then print it on photo paper in the states.

RedicentMale02013-07-11 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUpdated I-129F, G-325a K1 Petition Form

Thank youidea9dv.gif


You're welcome. I double checked and found the following on the USCIS website:


"Edition Date : 06/22/12; (11/23/10; 06/14/10; 02/19/10 editions also accepted)"

RedicentMale02013-07-16 21:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUpdated I-129F, G-325a K1 Petition Form

Its the latest I-129F I can find. Others have asked and are using it. Until its replaced, thats the one.

RedicentMale02013-07-16 21:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA LOT of K-1 FIANCE SPONSORSHIP QUESTIONS

Thanks so much for your response! I truly appreciate it.  I make enough and the sponsor does as well...I just have a co sponsor because I'm nervous that my w2 won't reflect that.  What should I put on my annual income line...what was on my 2012 w-2 (which is only for about 4 months of work?) OR what I can estimate from the letters from my employers? 




List your current annual income: how much you make an hour times how many hours you a work a week, then multiply that weekly amount by 52 weeks to get your annualized current income. The letter from your employer and recent pay stubs will be the proof of that current income amount.


 I agree with Jay-Kay.

RedicentMale02013-07-17 22:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresA LOT of K-1 FIANCE SPONSORSHIP QUESTIONS

Hello all...I desperately need the answers to these questions:


My fiance is in Ghana.  I have a co-sponsor.

  • Can you co-sponsor if you've done so before?
  • Do we (me and co-sponsor) both have to file the i-134 and the i-864?  
  • Annual income: 

How do I prove annual income for my given situation: I was abroad for the majority of 2012.  From November til the end of the tax deadline I was employed part time and received my w-2 for those few months.  I recently got a 2nd part -time job. No w-2 though. So would my "annual income" be what it says on my tax return for 2012 (for just one of my part-time job)? OR could I estimate my annual income by calculating my hours and wages worked a week and multiplying by 52 (w/ my letters from as evidence)

  • tax transcripts:

I know that the form asks for the most recent years tax transcript, but people recommend having the past 3 years. Is it a problem if I didn't file in 2011 (I wouldn't owe because I was a student at the time). I have 2012, 2010, and 2009.  OR should I file for 2011? 


Please help! Thanks so much - Christina


"Can you co-sponsor if you've done so before?" - Yes, but the co-sponsor must show on the form that they have co-sponsored before. To my understanding, the people still under that co-sponsorship may be counted towards the "number in family" of the co-sponsor. Therefore, the income would have to be greater to cover not only your fiance, but the others still covered by the co-sponsorship. So, a co-sponsor's income/asset profile must be able to support the members in his family + the persons still co-sponsored, the income/assets above that can be used to co-sponsor your fiance.

"Do we (me and co-sponsor) both have to file the i-134 and the i-864?" - Yes, sort of... The I-134 is for the visa only. The I-864 is for the adjustment of status later. It is my understanding that an I-864 can also be submitted at the visa stage as well. But I would personally get both signed by a co-sponsor. More important is the income level. At the visa stage, you only need to show income above 100% of the poverty level. At adjustment of status, you need to show above 125% of poverty level. Hopefully, you and your co-sponsor can show the higher level, even at the visa stage.


Current income would be based on your current work (calculation). Then show whichever previous 3 years you can, by the most official documents available.


Get a good co-sponsor.


If anybody has better info, do tell.

RedicentMale02013-07-16 21:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading Your I-129F/K-1 Petition. Opinions/experiences?

I am finding all the replies to be interesting and informative. And I thank all for those comments.


One consensus that is forming is the different consulates have diffierent rules about accepting additional information, before the interview. Some do, some dont.


One commentor pointed out the the embassy in Mongolia actually has a day set aside each week to do just that, with personel to help.


I personally found that the embassy in Manila has a process to send at least some updates before the interview. This knowledge would have helped at least a few VJers avoid AP, if they had sent in name changes and updated police clearance before their interviews.


Also, USCIS maintains offices in selected countries, for submission of a limited list of forms.

RedicentMale02013-07-17 22:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading Your I-129F/K-1 Petition. Opinions/experiences?



This is so embassy specific that asking members about their different  embassies will not help you to prepare for your own interview.
I would ask in your regional forum, post a poll and read the interview reviews in the embassy feedback.

Do what others before you advice from YOUR consulate to be fully prepared. My experience will not help you. Theirs will.

Having said that, often the CO will not accept any more evidence you want to submit on "certain" consulates (Nigeria for one). That's it. Your ship left the harbor.

The CO made up his mind before the beneficiary ever stepped into the interview and based on what he has seen will refuse or deny.
I have no clue about your consulate's quirks.

Just because the Jerusalem embassy lists a physical address does not mean you can send a package there. You may and you may not.
With all the security issues I doubt it.
Why not contact your consulate and ask if you can mail it instead of linking a consulate you are not even interviewing at ?



Im asking to find a general consensus or a trend, not for my own case. My case is happily on the way.


I want to know about VJ folks experience and factual knowledge about various embassies/consulates regarding frontloading. This is information which can help others.


As for mailing Jerusalem, that was response to a specific commenter who said embassies/consulates dont accept mail. His/her comment refered to "package". The Jerusalem consulate lists a mailing address in addition to a physical address. If you follow the link I provided, you will see that it is a post office box, for mail. Im asking about frontloading, not how many stamps to put on a letter.


Thanks for your input. Can you tell us whether you frontloaded? How many days between NOA1 and NOA2? Did you have RFEs?




Thank you all for the great input so far. Its interesting to see the results. I hope more will share.



Edited by Redicent, 17 July 2013 - 02:29 AM.

RedicentMale02013-07-17 02:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading Your I-129F/K-1 Petition. Opinions/experiences?

I front loaded my I-129F = 90 days approval, I also front loaded my I-130 = 49 days or so approval.


I don't think that front loading led to my quick approvals, at least directly, but it appeared to remove any chance of an RFE which can be argued to indirectly reduce the total processing time. Yes?


Oh BTW our K1 was denied but it was not due to any lack of documentation as we front loaded. Oh they said lack of bona fide relationship but thats just silly talk.


Good luck to all that are waiting.


Right on, never give up...

RedicentMale02013-07-16 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading Your I-129F/K-1 Petition. Opinions/experiences?

I already told you that frontloading or not does NOT change your processing time.  The time has to do with current petition load at the service centers and changes from month to month.  There is not a way to go faster.


Furthermore, speed should NOT be the goal.  The goal should be getting a visa, which is the whole point of the process.  Sending in a bare bones petition for the idea that it will go faster, just to be denied your visa at the end for lack of a bona fide relationship is pure foolery.


Thanks for your opinion. It's the opinion of one person. Some may share your opinion, some may not. I'm looking for facts, not only opinions.


You have expressed your opinion. What you haven't done is to show facts. You said something about mail not being accepted. Here is the website with mailing address for the US Consulate in Jerusalem. If they dont accept mail, why do they publish a mailing address?




My questions are for all who care to answer. The questions don't stop after you have said thus and so.


Now, back to the diversity university of VJ...

RedicentMale02013-07-16 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading Your I-129F/K-1 Petition. Opinions/experiences?


I didn't frontload.  My petition was approved in about four months. (December filer, CSC)


As for the embassy, the embassy in Ulaanbaatar allows you to submit all of the documents the Friday before the interview (interviews are Wednesdays).  They will look over the documents and tell you if something is missing.  With those documents, it's possible to also include relationship evidence (in our case, pictures and handwritten letters, because my wife didn't have internet access at the time).


In some cases, people have frontloaded and were told that they didn't need any more evidence, that they already had enough, when they tried to add more on the document submission day.


This is, of course, embassy-specific, but I haven't heard of many people having a hard time in Mongolia, which is ironic because it is a poor country, and it is considered high-fraud for B visas.


Thank you, more interesting info. That embassy allows, even asks for more evidence prior to interview.


And we add another non-frontloader approved at about 4 months...

RedicentMale02013-07-16 19:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading Your I-129F/K-1 Petition. Opinions/experiences?

I did not front load... USCIS process from NOA1 to NOA2 was 117 days less the 4 months... I will b sending a binder full of more supporting eveidence in chronilogical order to my fiancee for interview!!!




So far, we have 1 Frontloader approved at 193 days and 1 non-loader approved at 117 days.


Another non-loader from the topic that spawned this one was approved at 84 days.


Keep 'em coming, need more data...

RedicentMale02013-07-16 19:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading Your I-129F/K-1 Petition. Opinions/experiences?

Because they won't accept it.  Things are done in a certain way and you cannot deviate from that for streamlining and security reasons.  Do you think the embassy would just accept a big package at their door? laughing.gif




Thats good to know that US Embassies NEVER accept mail. Who has some factual answers?


Basing on our experience, frontloading the 1-129 f really helps a lot....we mailed the package last Oct.15,2012, no rfe and it was approved last April 26,2013...

I know this is not one of your question but I want to share what we included....
we included all boarding passes with yellow ink highlighting the name, date and destination and airline... each and every page of our passports with yellow highlighting the ,arrival and departure dates, the visa, the I-194(when I visited him)..., computer printouts of all our airline tickets with highlights of name, date and destination..., pictures printed out in bond paper with caption of date, location, who we are with...chats one printout for each week, email one for every week, letters, complete pages of my fiances divorce papers, engagement ring receipt photocopy...other than the required forms, photo and docs.

We had tabs (we ordered at amazon) at the bottom of the pages for easy finding of the docs, we placed 2 hole fasteners (acco brand also ordered at amazon) at the top (I noticed all documents had 2 hole fasteners at the top and folders at the us embassy manila when I had my interview last July 15, 2013)...and a small caption at the bottom of each page of our docs I-129f submission, petitioner's and beneficiary's estimate of our package about 60 to 80 bond papers...paid 20 Dollars for overnight usps mail.

I just want to share our experience because I am so happy we did it and have good results.


Thanks. Experience is a good thing to listen to.

Edited by Redicent, 16 July 2013 - 06:54 PM.

RedicentMale02013-07-16 18:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading Your I-129F/K-1 Petition. Opinions/experiences?

Time is not different.  You should front-load for Philippines because yes, it really helps.  You cannot send in other evidence until the interview.  Choose some quality bits of evidence; not the whole kitchen sink.  Evidence will not confuse someone...


Thanks for your reply. Im trying to nail down hard facts. Please help me with this. Maybe you have experience or direct knowledge. This is for the benefit of all of us on VJ.


Once an embassy has your file, why cant they add anything to it?


Can anybody cite a rule that you cant send stuff to be added to your file at the embassy? Links to any official websites regarding this?


Why cant evidence be sent to the embassy with the case number on it?


Does anybody have experience sending papers to the embassy with case number attached? Rejected or accepted?

RedicentMale02013-07-16 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFrontloading Your I-129F/K-1 Petition. Opinions/experiences?

Some say to "frontload" your petition with extra "ongoing relationship" evidence, beyond what is need for I-129F appoval, at the start, so you have an easier time at the embassy interview.


Some say otherwise. Whats the real story?


Does frontloading really help when it gets to the embassy?


Does frontloading slow down the approval process at USCIS?


Why give USCIS stuff to confuse them or cause more questions?


Can the extra evidence just be sent to the embassy once an embassy case number is assigned, before the interview?


Those who frontloaded, how long was your NOA1 to NOA2 time? RFEs?


Those who did not frontload, how long was your NOA1 to NOA2 time? RFEs?


Embassy experiences regarding frontloading?


Actual experiences would be more helpful, rather than assumptions.


I ask these questions fully knowing that one must first satisfy USCIS. Some evidence of ongoing relationship may help with that. And of course different embassies have different standards to overcome. These are given concepts. My interest is in whether frontloading is truly effective. And is there recent experience to show which is best.

RedicentMale02013-07-16 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange email address (USCIS site)


It really doesn't matter, all that REALLY matters is that USCIS has your current mailing address.  good.gif


I am very sure any emails received from USCIS your fiancée will share very quickly!  laughing.gif


thank you very much for your response Hank.


I'm sure I am going to change the email address. LOL


Thank you again

Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 11:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange email address (USCIS site)


Are you are referring to the account info for status checking on the USCIS website?   No it won't affect your petition or cause a red flag.


The email address should be that of the USC anyway (not that it really matters) at this point as he is submitting the petition.  


If it's okay that the email address is under my fiancee's email address then I'll leave it that way. But if it really matters that it should be under my email address (petitioner) I hope I can still change it and hope it won't affect my case.

Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 11:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange email address (USCIS site)


Are you are referring to the account info for status checking on the USCIS website?   No it won't affect your petition or cause a red flag.


Yes, I made another thread about this.

thank you very much

Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 11:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange email address (USCIS site)

Hey everyone, i want to ask if I can change the email address I put at USCIS site? would that be ok?  I am the beneficiary and right now it is my email address that it is in there, would it be ok if i change it to my fiance's email address? Will it affect our papers? redflag or whatsoever?


Thank you smile.png




Anyone? thank you :)

Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 06:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange email address (USCIS site)

Hey everyone, i want to ask if I can change the email address I put at USCIS site? would that be ok?  I am the beneficiary and right now it is my email address that it is in there, would it be ok if i change it to my fiance's email address? Will it affect our papers? redflag or whatsoever?


Thank you :)



Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-29 18:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWant to change email address for case updates at USCIS website

RFE is about additional documentation/explanations realted to your petition. In some cases is just that you forgot to complete a field in a form, in otther cases yo might have missed/not provide a document.

Changing e-mails will not be reflected there.

In any case, you will get a written notice regardless of whether there is an e-mail srtup or not


Thank you very much for your help. I hope there is no rfe.


good luck to all of us

Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWant to change email address for case updates at USCIS website


RFE would only be from the petition process, not anything about you changing an email address on the USCIS website.


You can change the email to yours from Jen's without issue.  If you get an RFE email it will not have details and you will still need to wait for the actual notice from USCIS. 


thank you very much for your response.


Now I feel okay.


I think I'm gonna change the email address.


Thank you again


Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 11:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWant to change email address for case updates at USCIS website

I'm not sure if it's possible to delete, but the account would go inactive if not login for some time (90 days I think). It also requires password changes every 90 days.

The only possible events that could happen are: RFE-request for explanation, but you will get a written request of the specifics; approval, and rejection of petition. In all cases, the notice in the site/e-mail is followed by a written notice in regular mail. The USCIS site does not give much details in the case of RFE or denial/approval, only that an event took place. In the case of RFE, the time to reply does not start running immediately.

There is no reason to be worried, you can get same exact info on demand -any time- by using the case number in USCIS web site. The only other 'event' that happens is known as a 'touch', that does not generate messages (I believe), and all t a touch means is that a petition was 'touched' which could mean was moved from an office to another, but no active work has happened necesarily.

Again, written notices to your address (the USC) follow every time an event happens (except for touch). So you would not really miss anything.

The only reason I see of the e-mail or text is an advance notice, 3-4 days at the most. But you can't really do anything with the e-mail/text other than wait for the written notice (in most cases). The only time it might maybe matter is on approval, you would then now your case is being sent to the NVC-National Visa Center for a visa number. That usually takes 1-2 weeks (and could vary depending on case load).

As I said earlier, this is not a retailer site that will keep you appraise of anything going on. In fact, many times I've read of errors in the site (not being updated timely, not sending notices -but a written notice is always sent).

DOn't worry.


When you say : The only possible events that could happen are: RFE-request for explanation,:


it has something to do with changing email address at USCIS site? or is it about my case if they want some more evidence or if I'm lacking something in my I129f packet?



I am focusing here : The only possible events that could happen are: RFE-request for explanation,:  if it has somethingn to do when i change the email address so i can receive updates(if ever they email me).


Edited by Ray and Jen, 30 June 2013 - 10:35 AM.

Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 10:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWant to change email address for case updates at USCIS website

You can change the address or create a new account; but don't put too much into these updates, Usually, you might only get an update once when the petition has been approved; many here reported never receiving an e-mail. This is not a retailer site that bombards you any time there is any event.


Thank you very much for your response. Is there any way i can delete my account at USCIS website?


But the uscis will still contact/email/text the petitioner whenever there is changes in your case status aside from this account that I have made at uscis.?


I am worried because it is under my fiancee's email address, whenever there is changes I might not get any info from USCIS or from anyone who's processing my case. And my fiancee will get ALL the information since it is under her email address.

Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 09:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWant to change email address for case updates at USCIS website

you can create a new account under your email address... and it won't affect your case.


Thank you for your response.


If possible I want to use the same account and will just change the email address to mine. I don't know I have no idea if it's okay. ? If not I will just leave it that way under her email address, I've read some posts that most of the beneficiaries here put their email address so they're the one who receives their case updates if it is okay then I'll just leave it that way, under my fiancee's email address and my mobile number.

Edited by Ray and Jen, 30 June 2013 - 09:26 AM.

Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 09:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWant to change email address for case updates at USCIS website

I think my fiancee made everyone confused that's why we got no response in our previous post.


This is our question:


We signed up at USCIS website so that we can receive email/text message regarding our case status. I put the email address of my fiancee so she's the one who can receive the updates about our case but the mobile number is mine (Petitioner). We want to change the email address to my email address (Petitioner), Would that be ok to change the email address so I can receive email updates of our case? Will it not affect our case? Our papers and everything that has something to do with our papers or me as the petitioner?


Thank you in advance for your help.



Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 08:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a, Supporting evidence?

I miss look the ''Spouse''.. Yes JayKay is right you cannot file for a K1 if you have a ''spouse''. :)


Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-30 01:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a, Supporting evidence?

copy of us citizen's birth cert front and back check the guides here for you to know all the required documents to be submitted, all pages of passport with entry and exit stamps from which the petitioner met the beneficiary, you have met within the past two years prior to filing the petition, passport sized picture (petitioner and beneficiary) and a lot more just check the guides smile.png


Vj members for sure will help you too :)


Good luck smile.png



Edited by Ray and Jen, 29 June 2013 - 10:02 PM.

Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-29 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325a, Supporting evidence?

Hey guys,



Can you please provide to filling out the G-325a form and what is required.

Do I need to submit my birth certficate? Id? Job letter etc to confirm as eveidence to confirm what is writte on the form is true?

I would really appreciate some clarity?

Thanks a lot rose.gif


Hello, for i129f yes you need to submit your birth cert. but you don't need to submit any supporting evidence for the g-325a just fill it out and it'll be ok. :)


Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-29 21:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresI-129f question 13

yes u can write down in the box ''please see attachment'' , then in a sheet of paper write down ''I129f Supplement Part B, Question 13'' Then write the Questions and Answers.


Hope this helps.. :)



Ron&JenMalePhilippines2013-06-26 21:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK-1 Visa financial

The petitoner do not need to prove their financials at the USCIS stage.

It is required in the second step, which is the interview at an US consulate in your fiance(e)'s home country.


So while you await for the NOA2 from California/Vermont/Texas Service Center, you can find a job or a co-sponsor.

The time frame for filing petition to getting approved (NOA2) is about 3.5 to 6 month normally at California Center.


Please read the guides from this site. It will help you a lot.

Good luck!

SheepwalkNot TellingJapan2013-06-17 06:29:00