K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on Filling out the K-1 Fiance form
Anybody with advice?
seekingknowledgeNot TellingMexico2014-02-10 08:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions on Filling out the K-1 Fiance form

This site has been great. I have some questions about the Form and my situation:


1) My fiance is Mexican (hence latin) and has two last names. Pater and Maternal. I don't want to get technical but it appears there can only be one last name (and one familly name for the matter). But I guess that depends what your definition of familly and last name are.


In Part 2, subsection 2.a asks for Family Name (last name). What is best? Both Paternal and Maternal? Or just paternal?


If just Paternal in Part 2 subsection 2.a, do I put both her paternal and maternal in part 2, subsection 10.a (where it asks for other names used)? (this does not make sense because they only provide the same space as it does in part 2, subsection 2.a., hence if we put the full name in other names used we might as well put it in the very begining.


I just don't want to run in trouble when we go fet her ID at the DMV and get bank account, etc.



2) Declaration of how we met in person, 34a? and proof having met in past two years. Problems with Proof! need help.

Thechnicall above should be different, since you could have met in well beyond the last two years. We met in early 2008. My problem is that

I have seen her in person plenty of time since 2008, of course plenty of times within the last two years.


However, I live in LA and she lives In TJ. There is no airplane tickets, no greyhound pass, no train ticket. No passport stamt (they don't stamp it when you cross the border). All I have is five pictures of us together ( 1 from 2009, and 4 from about the last two years), stubs from when I took her the movies in 2013, a recipt from a restaurant, and a receipt when I bought her some shoes. Any advice??


3) I am going to go to walgreens and print the picture that I have on my iphone. But should I submit the original pictures of us together or should I submit colored copies on paper (with dates written on the paper).


4) how should the packet be assembled when I submitted (I guess cover letter is table of contents), three ring binder, or two holes on top of pages in legal folder?


5) I don't have a birth cirtificate, but have my naturalization certificate. Will natuaralization certificate suffice?



thanks in advance.

seekingknowledgeNot TellingMexico2014-02-09 19:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresClarification questions on 129F, bio, and letter of intent

Hey guys,


I am almost ready to mail the initial package:


1) In the 129F application, question 34 asks if I have met and see fiance withint the 2 year period immediately preeceding: the answer is YES. So it is fair that section 34a relates to how we have met in withing those two preeceding years as opposed to how we first met (which was about 5 years ago). If that is the case can I put (which is the truth)?: "I drove from my house to baja california to see her about once a month." Is it too short?


2) On the G-325a, I never met my biological father, nor does he appear on my birth certificate. I was raised by my step dad (but never formally adopted). I ended up changing my name to his when I became a US citizen (when I was an adult). Can I put my step dad's info in the G-325a? I make decent money, put just in case I would also use him as a back up for sponsor, if necessary.  Any suggestions.


3) my fiance has never been arrested. But do i need to send something from the police station/courts in mexico that she has a clean record with the initial package?


I will use the letter of intent that is on this site and have her sign when I visit her this Friday. The letter of intent provided in this site has a section wherein I put the INS's address. What address to I put down?


4) Like I said I will see her on Friday and get original signatures on g-325a and letter of intent. But I also want to evidence I was there with her. They don't stamp passports when you cross the border. Any suggestions?? The problems with pictures is that you don't know when you take them. I don't want there to be any question in the reviewers mind.



Thanks guys.

seekingknowledgeNot TellingMexico2014-02-13 00:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhere to file, evidence

hey guys, I will be working on my package today. I will be filing the I-129 F fiance visa


1) Which is better Lockbox facility in Dallas Texas or the express mail in Lewisville, Texas?


2) I have mentioned this in previous post, I guess, I am nervous. But I have been seeing my girlfriend for the past 5 -6 year. The last two i have seen her about once every month or every 6 weeks. But since I cross the border walking there is no need for stamp in passport. I was there this past valentine's day [2/14/14] and the guy at the crossing told me that "I could go in circle vtia car or foot, but you only get stamp if you go by plane."


So I took pictures with the gift I bought my girlfriend {picture me and girlfriend posing} and I have the receipt with date, also took picture of the the meal and us posing in front of movie poster at theater with stubs of the movie with we watched, and I have the reciepts that show date as 2/14/14. Hope it works.

seekingknowledgeNot TellingMexico2014-02-16 17:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long to get an RFE?
seekingknowledgeNot TellingMexico2014-03-27 22:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long to get an RFE?
I sent package on 2/28/14. Got noa on 3/6/14. I sent front page color copy of naturalization certificate only (not a copy of back page). I also sent color copy of bio page of passport, I.e., the one with pic and info ( not the rest of passport). I did not provide passport to show meeting as I travelled by land.

I only provided docs to show usa citizenship. How long to get RFE for not providing back page?

seekingknowledgeNot TellingMexico2014-03-27 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNo boxes left blank on application?
The ones that did not apply I left blank. That was following strict instructions.

Logically, if you leave something blank then interpretation could be that it is blank because:
1) you forgot to put something;
2) it does not apply.

But the instructions tell you what jay Kay said.

seekingknowledgeNot TellingMexico2014-04-06 17:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTaxes and evidence I can support
All I know is that I filled my 129f package and got my noa1 on march 6, 2014. The next step is noa2. Eventually there is a point which I would need to show my taxes.

My last taxes 2013 I made about 85k. It has been that way for past three years.

However many years ago, I had a job where I was 1099 and to make it short i owe about 4k. I have not paid them.

I should pay up and pay but I spent my money on other things. My mistake.

Any thoughts on how this will affect me?

seekingknowledgeNot TellingMexico2014-04-07 22:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcessing time
I thought I saw CSC yesterday processing no1 with feb 20, 2014. Now I see at feb 17, 2014. Are they going back?
seekingknowledgeNot TellingMexico2014-04-10 10:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProcess after NO2

As I posted earlier, I got an Email that NO2 was approved. I am just waiting for the official letter. I want to be ready for the next step because I dont have time to spear because of my job.


1) What is next? I guess my file will go to the NVC (national visa center??) then to the Counselate in Ciduadad Juarez. Am I correct?


2) After I recieved the official letter from the NVC with a case number? I can make an appointment??? Is this correct?


3) I am looking over the Form I-134 (affidavit of support), I am sure I will have questions later.











seekingknowledgeNot TellingMexico2014-04-13 20:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello!

Thank you!

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-08 09:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello!

Thank you.  Currently spending hours editing down thousands of pages of our Facebook chat log so its a little more manageable and offers a sample.  Laborious work but necessary I think since we don't have any phone records (its 2014 - who uses phones anymore?!).

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-08 07:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello!

Thank you!  We're very happy!


I figured it wouldn't hurt to include a copy.  Surely it helps support the validity of our relationship...?

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-08 07:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello!

Thanks folks!  We are definitely including a DVD copy in our bundle of petition evidence!


PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-08 07:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHello!

Apologies if this isn't the done thing around here, but I just wanted to say hello and a big thank you to the community for sharing all this essential information.  Immigration is clearly a tricky process, and for good reason, so its a huge relief to have found this place.  I've been following all the key advice regarding the K1 visa process for several months now, so its about time I paid my dues and showed some gratitude.


I've just arrived back in the UK after another amazing trip to Los Angeles to be with my girlfriend, who is now my fiancé courtesy of a fairly special surprise I planned for her.  If you care to see, its right here:


Thanks again and all the best to everyone going through the same process.  I'm only just starting out but i'm so happy this website exists to help me and so many others.





PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-07 08:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDeclaration of how you met

I disagree that the question asks about meeting in person only, and here is why.


In the world before the internet, when people met it was always in person.  Now, so many people meet online I think they get confused about this.  If you met online, and someone asks you how you met your fiance, you wouldn't reply "Jacques picked me up at the airport in Paris."  It just makes no sense.  Why would he pick you up? How did he know you were there?


I think meeting on the internet is changing how people respond to this question.  


It is in close proximity to a question about satisfying the 2-year in person requirement, but I think it is a slightly different question.  I do think they want to know how you came to know each other.  Just like Girl from Celebes said, they put "met online" and it was approved.


I don't want to argue the point, because the wording is confusing, but I am just putting my take, out there.  Take from it what you want.


I'm inclined to agree.


The wording is not explicitly clear:




Describe the circumstances under which you met. If you

have not personally met each other, explain how the

relationship was established.


Harpa is correct to state that the means by which people meet these days have changed; people do indeed meet on the internet.  I would think it common sense to presume the second sentence as something else entirely that requires further explanation.  It may be true that you met on the internet but they clearly also want to know that you have met in person.


This can all be done by sticking to the hard facts in a separate sheet, included with the petition, as recommended in the VJ's excellent K1 guidelines.

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-02-28 03:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow long was your application?

My petition got approved in 2 weeks, visa issued in 2.5 months...


As a Brit, this is music to my ears!  Patiently waiting on NOA2 since the start of March.

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-02 02:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I petition again?

Well I am still setting up my profile Ebunolwa and I can guarantee you that I am a real person and this is a very real post.  Still trying to figure out how things work on this site. I was in a hurry when I set up this account and needed some answers fast.  I hope the forum doesnt consider banning me cause my questions are real and genuine 


Basically I wish I never married my husband cause it was just a waste of time.  Now I want to start all over and need to figure out this immigration stuff

SugarboogerNot Telling02013-12-16 22:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I petition again?

Ok I get it, but that was not the reason.  we were married a total time of over 4 + years

SugarboogerNot Telling02013-12-16 13:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I petition again?

aaron2020 that is correct.  


I have been in contact with Homeland Security cause I thought that something might be fraudulent on his end and they told me that there was nothing they can do.  So now I want to petition for my fiance can move on with my life 


SugarboogerNot Telling02013-12-16 12:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I petition again?

hello everyone, 


just a quick question


I would like to know your thoughts to this.


A couple of years ago I met a man online who had already had permission (a visa) to visit the US .  We had talked several times over a 2 or 3  month period  and he told me that he was coming to visit his family in the US and if we could meet.  I was ok with that.  When he arrived to Texas we spoke constantly and then he came to California and we got to know each other.  We both felt as if we had known each other for a long time and he asked if I would marry him and of course I did.  He flew back to Texas to tend to family matters and flew back to California to spend some more time with me cause soon he would have to fly back to his country.  That was in 2008.  I began the process of filing the I-130 in 2009 and after 2 years of paperwork they finally gave him is relative spouse (NOT CR1) visa.  He got here in 2011 and after 2 months I found out that he was not the person I married so I filed for divorce and it was finalized.


In that time I have met a wonderful man that I want to spend my life with - the problem is that he too is from another country.  


What are your thoughts to this as I need to prepare for any obstacles



SugarboogerNot Telling02013-12-16 11:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresProof of Ongiong relationship

Thank goodness for this forum. biggrin.png


Really want to know, do we really have to bring each and every piece of communication?


My fiancé and I communicate on a daily basis through these various channels according to whichever is suitable at the time.


1. Facebook messenger - chat and voice messages

There are thousands of these and most convos are pretty private wink.png


2. Skype - video calls more than chat

We use it for video chats mostly, but only when there is power in my area, so the records are limited.


3. Viber - chat, calls and voice messages.


4. Facebook group - we share links for the others mostly


5. Emails - well, email


6. MagicJack app - I call him on his US cell number (he is currently in US)


We also have a blog that we co-write, will that count as proof of ongoing relationship?


I know I should create a timeline for any and all sort of communication, but I dunno how to meld all these into one!


Any suggestions? sad.png HELP!




Skype is a lot harder to get the chat log or call log if you use the app.  You should logging into your Skype account to download the call history (make sure you do this often--I heard Skype deleted it often).


As for Viber, it will keep a log of your chat/call record if you maintain the same device.  The log can be sent to an email address of your choice through in the Settings.


What I did with all of our call logs was to put it in a presentation binder...this is really cheap and looks organized ;)



Jimbo09MaleVietnam2014-02-22 15:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFor Fed Clearance Holders

On second thought, Rael is right.

Go to your security officer. He/she can provide you the best answer (hopefully).

Just wanted to save some hassle and redundancy for others in a similar situation as I'm going through multiple hurdles with my security division.


Fortunately, my K1 visa process is moving along and all admin issues are squared away with my employer.


Like LadyTre0627 said, it's in your best interest to be transparent with your security folks and don't be shy to OVER DOCUMENT everything.



SungtoryMaleSouth Korea2014-02-20 20:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFor Fed Clearance Holders

Each agency/dept handle security matters differently.

I'd like to also note that all military personnel do not hold the same level of clearance thus procedures will vary. (higher level requires further supporting docs)


Typically for folks in the military, your sec officer will require a marriage certificate before beginning your re-adjudication process. (tedious steps mentioned in my previous posts generally not required)


My original post may be more applicable to those cleared for "higher" access...for those extra "careful/paranoid" folks reviewing this thread but won't post questions for opsec reasons ;-)


(Please keep in mind I'm simply sharing situations which I've dealt with...not citing any official rules & guidelines on marrying a foreign national (if such a thing even exist))


SungtoryMaleSouth Korea2014-02-20 18:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFor Fed Clearance Holders

In effort to help fellow fed employees from jeopardizing their clearance, set forth below shares experience from employees planning to marry foreign nationals.


First thing first...*YOUR I-129F WILL NOT RECEIVE ANY SPECIAL ATTENTION SO DON'T BOTHER BRINGING IT UP* (although I heard your beneficiary's green card interview will be "easier" since your employment status doesn't wave too many red flags...let's worry about that later)


I've seen, heard and experienced various stages of the K1 visa process for folks in our line of work and things can get messy and ugly if you fail to set things straight with your security division prior to your visa journey.


For brevity and clarity, I'll try not to write a 5000+ characters on "To Dos and Don't Dos, instead, I'll post new info in each replies.


For those holding 2 clearances (e.g. full time fed employee + military reservist), you have a bit more on your plate.

Do not worry, this post is not to scare you away from your fiance/fiancee nor make you feel remorse on going on that TDY :-)


What you SHOULD do before even putting together I-129F packet

1. Leaving proper paper trail

Notify your CSO/SSO (whoever handles security matters) of all foreign travels and info re initial contact with your intended spouse

- Update on your on going relationship (report change of status that you two are exclusive and maintain daily communication via phone, internet, etc.)

- Update your intention to get married. (marriage doesn't have to be definite but your intention should be notified)

- (by now you have 3 official document submitted to your sec division) This generally keeps you in good standing as you have kept your employer in the know


Common downfall for folks is that they notify their security after the fact they decided to get married...this case has a high chance of jeopardizing your career.


Again, #1 'paper trail' is extremely important.

I see too many good employees getting jammed up in a situation where they have to chose love or career. Be open with your sec and self report and you'll get a good start.


til next post...                               






SungtoryMaleSouth Korea2014-02-20 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresChange of phone number on I-129F
I just scheduled my fiancé for his interview. While doing the profile on ustraveldocs I realized that his home phone number is now different from the one that we reported in his I-129F due to damage done to his area's phone lines after typhoon Yolanda. Do I need to report this change to anyone?

Edited by .:~Matsurika~:., 16 December 2013 - 03:37 PM.

.:~Matsurika~:.FemalePhilippines2013-12-16 15:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIn need of a little guidance.. And maybe some encouragement

I wrote out this long explanation but my computer ate it so I'll just cut to the chase. I'm new to this forum and my fiance and I are about to begin this process. It's all just so stressful and we feel like we are a little bit in over our heads. What we really need is some support and help with all this. 

As soon as we have the money we will be doing the petition. Hopefully by the end of this month. I'm going to have my mother cosign (Is that the word?) the affidavit just to ensure we meet the financial requirement. Ian and i both have jobs but he takes care of his disabled mother so he is paid a carer's allowance which doesn't leave too much for saving and I am working two part time minimum wage jobs. We don't want to get a lawyer because of the costs but I've had such a mix of "Don't waste money on a lawyer!" and "Get a lawyer, are you stupid?!" that I'm just not sure it's the right choice anymore. We would appreciate any help we can get at this point 

deep breaths.. relax.. read the guides.. reread the guides

then decide if you need a lawyer

it isn't all that difficult, and if it all feels overwhelming that is normal, but if the guides are confusing, then you might be better off with a lawyer.

the details in the guides are useful.. as in they are an excellent checklist and much more detailed than most lawyers will do for you.

when you have a nice quiet minute and have read the guides .. look in the mirror and ask if a petition were filed on your behalf .. who would ensure it is done correctly.. you or your lawyer ;)

if you do make mistakes.. and lawyers do too.. it is not the end of the world.. things are fixable and this site is a wealth of information and support

spend the weekend reading through the forums as much as you can to learn of everyone's challenges


I already made two mistakes and my wife was .. well .. kinda pissed lol

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-06 16:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresConviction of crime

I have no worries. But they simply do NOT ask about theft. I spoke with the district attorney of my area and showed him..... His words were "they mention nothing of theft,why give them information they are not stating to ask"

But I want to ask all the VJ members

as i understand the OP the arrest was a conviction


either way... looking for a loophole here and getting caught trying to slide one by is not at all worth the consequences

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-02 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAdmiited previous drug use

I had this problem. I admited in the medical interview that i had tried once weed when was in holland, at tourism. They asked for a toxiologic test - a hair test - that cover the period of one year. It was negative. I hope that this subject would not brought to the interview because it is an additional source of stress.  It really seems too harsh deny a visa for a minor issue long time before. Specially about weed, that is already legally sold in a couple of states within USA.

If there is long time since you experienced and if you dont have any police record about it, i personaly would recomend to no say anything. The test is expansive and in some places take a long time to get the result. But i havent got my interview yet. So i would appreciate to hear someone who had this experience with minor experiences to see how it come out. 

admitting to past weed usage has resulted in a one year ban ..  this was already a story here on vj

federal drug laws trump the states .. sorry.. remember you are petitioning to the feds not the state

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-12 16:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresTranslating documents for 129-F

Hi all,

My fiance and I are gathering up everything we need to petition and trying to figure out what to do about translating documents.  He is Peruvian and speaks some English, but not great (intermediate level).  When I sent him a copy of the letter of intent in English, he understands it.  My fear though is that if he just signs an English version and the embassy later realizes in his interview that he is signing documents in English when he doesn't speak it fluently, they may start asking questions?  If we are to have all his signed documents in English (including the G-325A form), should I translate them? Or does the translation have to be done by a 3rd party?


Also, my fiance doesn't receive mail in the house where he lives, but rather at his work.  He would like to use his work address as his main one, but in needing to be 100% truthful on the application about where he lives, should we include his home address on the forms and follow up with a document explaining his situation and can any paperwork be forwarded to his work address? Has anyone done this before?


Thanks in advance for the help!

letter of intent should be fine

the English docs shouldn't be translated

for the address.. use one for residence the other for mailing address. easy peasy

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-12 16:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBackground check clearance stage on I-129F


Does the background check appear as a different status on the USCIS website or its just an update email that a person gets? Mine is still showing initial review,so I guess that means it hasn't been touched or processed at all?

The only updates I see for your petition type are when the petition moves.  as I understand the process your case will show review until there is movement (not always updated), produces a rfe or outright approval

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-12 13:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresBackground check clearance stage on I-129F

oh... forgot to ask... does this step comes right before aproval, or this is the first step before going through my I-129F package?


Thanks again.

it means your file is on a desk.. that is a good thing, otherwise it would be under initial review

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-03 16:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat do you think about my income...?

I don't remember if they want 3 or 6 paycheck stubs for good proof, but you should be fine

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-13 02:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat do you think about my income...?

Hi thanks tacoma! that takes a lot of my shoulder. i did not make money in 2012 bcos i was in the philippines. but, i got my job early this year. i currently make 15 an hour, and 80 hrs a payperioud so at the current rate, i do make above poverty...15x80=1200 1200x24=28000.,. i should be ok right??


stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-13 02:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSo confused!!!

 Yeah that's clear now i need a co sponsor soo bad for sure .


Thank you sooo much smile.png

I just want to know what is the diffrence between Packet 3 and packet 4 ??,!!

packet 3 is application and preparation

packet 4 is the interview appointment package

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-13 10:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureshow to know if an embassy accept self sponsor or co-sponsor?

it all depends on what side of the bed the interviewing officer woke up on

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-13 01:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit Question -- We both live abroad!

yes on the aos

no on the negative impact

check to see if the embassy accepts 134 cosponsors to start, otherwise get married first


and don't forget the domicile piece

Edited by stevie b, 13 September 2013 - 04:26 PM.

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-13 16:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjoint assets

yes to the assets and yes stick with both names on accounts

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-14 12:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhich is the correct previous filing date ?

What date are they looking for on a filing date for a previous I-129 ?

Date the petition was signed, mailed or received ?


Receive date or Notice date on a NOA 1 or what ?


Had a melt down over the new form but after staring at it for hours I am ok with it. huh.png


I am going against long time VJ instructions on the old forms to never leave blanks and am following the NEW instructions

for the new form : If an item is not applicable or the answer is "none" leave the space blank.

Question to mods....We will have lots of questions coming about this, so can someone change the VJ guide on this ?


Minor freak out but logic wins. Hope the logic of new trainees at USCIS is in sync with the new instructions and we won't get spanked 

for leaving lots of blanks 

filing date is the date your noa1 notice indicates it was received


often changes in forms cause a vj website meltdown throughout the forums :)

Edited by stevie b, 14 September 2013 - 10:58 PM.

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-14 22:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow and when to pay?

When and how do you pay the $340?

just in case you sent your pack already.. it will be returned right away in full quickly.. and then you will resubmit with the payment

stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-15 08:57:00