K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Can I Learn from CEAC Status updates?

This advice from the London K1 guide, which i've read several times over and still managed to overlook the info i'm after:


"Call the Visa Specialist Unit at the Department of State - (202) 485-7600 ? when your ?Case Updated? field on CEAC changes. This means one of two things ? they've either received your online Readiness form, or they've printed and sent your interview date letter. The DOS will be able to tell you when your interview date is, just in case the letter never arrives or is late. It is a good idea to check with them because some have never received their letter."


I'm assuming 'case updated' field does in fact mean 'status updated' (maybe it changed recently, i'm not suggesting the advice is wrong), and hence at this stage I can ring DoS to see if they have my interview date.


Thanks again VJ.  I honestly don't know how anyone survived this process with any success before this place.

Edited by PBJ, 01 May 2014 - 08:04 AM.

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-01 08:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Can I Learn from CEAC Status updates?

When checking CEAC, I've been keeping a note of the 'status updated date', since it changes.  Clearly this happens when the case is handled in some way, and this is what I meant by 'touched'.  AFAIK this is what other people mean when they say the same thing.


PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-01 07:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat Can I Learn from CEAC Status updates?

Hi all - 


My CEAC status has been "ready" since the file was passed from NVC to the London Consulate; normal and expected.  I completed readiness 25 Apr and my medical is booked for 06 May.  It seems the case was touched on 29 April, but status is still "ready".


Is there another status ('case updated', or something) I should be looking out for pre-interview?  When can I ring DoS to find my interview date?  Having heard that interview letters have a habit of not arriving, I'd like to find this important date out for myself!


Thanks all,



PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-01 07:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to deal with my anxiety through this whole process :|

Ah man, thanks guys. It does feel a lot better hearing from people who have gone through this entire thing ... When you're first starting the process, it is very intimidating ... :(

I know there's nothing I can do now but wait, and wait, and wait .... And breath, ...

You guys give me a lot of hope =) I like seeing the happy results and happy married couples on this website. 


If you're anything like me you'll be spending lots of time here, reading other people's stories just to feel normal!


Enjoy the ride, its part of your life and your story together.  Going through this is just a part of earning your own happiness... thats how we see it anyway.

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-03 18:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHow to deal with my anxiety through this whole process :|

Ok breathe, take it easy, you'll be fine!


I read and re-read the VJ guides for submitting the I-129f packet and although it was organised and coherent, I didn't do little baggies and nice Acco fasteners, and we got through just fine in 33 days.  


Be cool, relax, stay focused.  Be nice to each other, its a long road yet.


All the best for both of you!



PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-03 17:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresto complete DS-160 while waiting for the consulate's instruction

You can partially fill it out and revisit it as a saved form within a 30 day period.  You can even save an offline copy (as an exe file) and upload that at a later date to complete before submitting.  Once I knew of this functionality I started filling it out way in advance and simply checked it over before submitting weeks later.


As stated above, do have a digital passport photo at the ready, and also remember to save/print the confirmation screen as you will need this at interview.

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-07 11:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresage error

Birth certificate will prove her age indefinitely.  If this is incorrect for some reason then you should pursue getting it changed via the correct and legal channels.


I'm going to presume that any other non-official, non-notarised documentation will be insufficient for identification purposes.

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-06 06:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhone number help? Which extension did you put? (merged)

Yes, all UK numbers begin with a zero, which is dropped for the prefix of 44 when calling from outside the UK.


In fact, you can dial the same 44 prefix number from within the UK and still connect, so by putting this full version of the number you are covering both bases.


Good luck with your paperwork!  It all starts here!

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-28 15:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPhone number help? Which extension did you put? (merged)

Yes, all UK numbers begin with a zero, which is dropped for the prefix of 44 when calling from outside the UK.


In fact, you can dial the same 44 prefix number from within the UK and still connect, so by putting this full version of the number you are covering both bases.


Good luck with your paperwork!  It all starts here!

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-28 15:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCRIMINAL RECORD - two cautions - a problem?

Quick update here, in the interests of keeping the thread useful for wandering, wondering masses:


I am still awaiting interview but case was touched yesterday so perhaps it will be this month some time.


I have studied the law surrounding my circumstances and I see much weight is put behind inadmissibility on the grounds of a conviction or an admittance of having committed the offences.  Since a UK caution is only given following such an admission, this is taken as so and may even be seen as a conviction for the purposes of US immigration.  


That being said, I now also know that the London Consulate has not been known to take this position, and also that they usually do not consider a caution to be an admittance to the essential elements of a crime.  I have this opinion from Laurel Scott courtesy of her Wednesday chatroom.  


I will still like to make it absolutely clear this is only her opinion and does NOT constitute legal advice, so must not be taken as such by anyone reading here.


She also told me that recently the Administrative Appeals Office effectively told London to stop finding misrepresentation as a matter of course and to actually look at whether the person intended to misrepresent.  Again, this is NOT legal advice, only information from a professional.


However I am now inclined to seek legal advice ahead of the interview. I have contacted Steve Heller in Brighton and am awaiting a consultation.  I have read all the horror stories, the few successes, and i've read extensively for weeks on the more pressing matter of law.  Legal counsel should help me understand my position and better anticipate outcomes from the interview.


Wish me luck!


PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-15 04:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCRIMINAL RECORD - two cautions - a problem?

I called the London Consulate this morning.  A very helpful and clear gentleman explained that I could not apply for a B2 visa whilst the K1 interview appointment was pending, and that I would need to wait until I have the interview letter in hand.


This issue came about when I asked if it was possible to use the same DS-160 form for the B2 application as I had done for the K1 visa.


Has anyone tried to do the same?  Perhaps I should start a new thread?

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-28 02:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCRIMINAL RECORD - two cautions - a problem?

I have a couple questions:  were you actually taken into custody both times and brought to a police station?  Were you able to see on your Police Cert that they are listed?  If listed, have you been able to get actual court documents about each situation (I think you need these if you were actually arrested)? Based on your quote with regards to moral turpitude, it says "Conviction."  You were not convicted, as you say.  If you were never charged, how can they be held against you?  (I may be naively optimistic here!)  On the vwp, does it ask if you were arrested, charged, or convicted?  there are differences, of course.  I think it'll be fine.  But definitely keep us posted!  :)




Thank you.  Yes I was taken to the station both times but only cautioned, not charged.  As I have come to understand it, a caution in UK law is somewhere between arrest and prosecution for minor offences.  I did not appear in court so there are no such documents.  Both arrests are detailed on my police certificate.  I have also filed for a SAR in case said document expands on the arrest situations and police resolution - I am awaiting delivery.


The quoted document does refer specifically to conviction, and since this I have never been convicted I am counting that as a positive.


What I am worried about is what will be seen as multiple counts of misrepresentation, since I have visited the US several times on the VWP without previously declaring these arrests.  The truth here does not bear well for me, I don't think.


I will be calling the consulate tomorrow seeking an appointment for a B2 visa, hoping I can still visit in May as planned.



Edited by PBJ, 27 April 2014 - 02:32 PM.

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-27 14:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCRIMINAL RECORD - two cautions - a problem?

I think the drug incident meets all the qualifications to be forgiven for one offense of moral turpitude.


As for the burg, tell the consular officer like you told us, that you had the misfortune of being there but did not participate in the crime, and apparently the police agreed as they did not arrest you.


You should be fine.



Oh and for the record, the drug incident is not the crime of moral turpitude, the 'burglary' is.  The drug incident is a crime involving a controlled substance.


Whether defining between the nature of the two offences affects my situation will remain to be seen.  I am hoping that the significant time passed since the offences (12 years), and my demonstrable upstanding lifestyle since, is more relevant in this situation.

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-27 13:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCRIMINAL RECORD - two cautions - a problem?

I think the drug incident meets all the qualifications to be forgiven for one offense of moral turpitude.


As for the burg, tell the consular officer like you told us, that you had the misfortune of being there but did not participate in the crime, and apparently the police agreed as they did not arrest you.


You should be fine.



I would hope that an honest explanation to the CO would be satisfactory, however on reading DoS guidelines given here this may not be the case at all:


The first paragraph defines the presence of moral turpitude as determined by "the nature of the statutory offense for which the alien was convicted, and not by the acts underlying the conviction  Therefore, evidence relating to the underlying act, including the testimony of the applicant, is not relevant to a determination of whether the conviction involved moral turpitude except when the statute is divisible ".


Essentially, I take this as meaning the crime as listed on my police certificate overrides any explanation I can give as to the scenario as it happened.  This does not bear well for me.


I am not having a good day...

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-27 13:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCRIMINAL RECORD - two cautions - a problem?

Thank you Mac.


Sorry I didn't mean to make it sound like I would be travelling without a Visa.


Yes, I have been watching the appointment page all day and one popped up, but for Belfast.  I will stay positive on something coming up for London, or else I will ring the local number tomorrow morning at 7am.


I realise I may have to cancel my travel plans; the bigger picture at this point is not jeopardising my K1 visa application.


Fingers and toes and every hair crossed...

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-27 12:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCRIMINAL RECORD - two cautions - a problem?

Adding further info to this situation:


Today I re-applied for VWP via ESTA (and therefore cancelled the previous valid VWP), this time answering correctly to the arrest question.  I was of course denied permission to travel.


And so I have since attempted to apply online for a B2 Visa via the DoS Visa Appointment Service, however there are currently no available appointments at the London Consulate.  Does anyone know if this is commonplace?  Are appointments hard to come by?  Is this something that will update realtime as appointments become available?  As in, am I better off checking tomorrow?  


With travel arranged for 13 May, I am obviously very keen to ensure I have permission to travel and won't be stopped on arrival (Los Angeles).


I'm keen to hear from any K1 filers, particularly from VWP countries, who have been in a similar situation and resorted to a B2 visa in order to visit.  Has anyone turned around a B2 application, interview and delivery in 2 weeks?!


And please, I don't need to be reminded that i've not done this correctly; i'm already worried beyond belief that my own previous oversights may cost me this visit, and indeed the whole K1 process.  At this point i'm terrified.


I'd graciously appreciate your advice, your experiences, and any reassurances (however meagre they may be)!


Thank you all.



PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-27 10:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCRIMINAL RECORD - two cautions - a problem?

OK now i'm pretty worried.  I have flights booked for a visit only on 13 May.  My previous arrests mean that I cannot travel on the VWP, and further that my previous visits under the VWP demonstrate misrepresentation since I did not declare those arrests (I have never been charged or convicted, only warned, so did not consider my situation to be serious).


Does this mean I now have to file for a B-2 visa?


Please help!  I'm frightened that i've totally messed this up!

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-27 07:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCRIMINAL RECORD - two cautions - a problem?

Thanks guys.  Yes my multiple visits to the US under VWP have been on my mind.  I guess I have not properly understood those questions regarding 'moral turpitude', having presumed some ambiguity about what that actually means in my situation.


I am due another visit next month, and i'm inclined for every right reason to answer the question on the blue form correctly and suffer any consequences.  At the very least I would hope that shows good and honest intention to not conceal anything and do this correctly.

Edited by PBJ, 27 April 2014 - 06:28 AM.

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-27 06:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCRIMINAL RECORD - two cautions - a problem?

Hello all - 


Status: I, the beneficiary, have submitted notification of readiness, medical booked and awaiting interview.


I am a little concerned as to the potential consequences of my criminal record.  I have two arrests dating back 2002: one for possession of controlled drug (class B in UK), and one for suspected "burglary and theft of a non-dwelling".  I was only cautioned for both - no charge, no conviction.  The second sounds wretched on my police certificate but in actual fact I was caught with a friend loitering on a property that had recently been burglarised; we were not the protagonists and it was genuine wrong place, wrong time.


I feel its probably correct to be more concerned about the arrest for a controlled drug, as this appears to constitute a 'crime of moral turpitude' for which exclusion from the US may apply.  I have read and re-read all the legal advice available online and I am currently assuming the following positives:


[1] I was 19 when these arrests occurred, nearly 12 years ago;

[2] I was not convicted and hence no sentence was served;

[3] Exclusion appears not to apply where only one crime of moral turpitude has been committed;

[4] It is a single offence of possession under 30 grams (may only apply to immigrant waiver, not sure here);

[5] I can demonstrate full rehabilitation with no subsequent arrests and living as a fully employed and civil member of society ever since.  


I have declared the arrests on the DS-160, I have the detail as part of my police certificate and I am also awaiting my Subject Access Report in case that provides further detail on the matter.  It goes without saying I will of course be up front and honest at the interview stage.


I have read countless VJ threads regarding the effects of a criminal record and I can't seem to settle my nerves here.  All situations appear to be different in how they are viewed and how they are treated by the respective CO.


My basic question is: do you think i'm stuffed?!


Please feel free to share your opinions on my situation, and any similar experiences would be appreciated also.

Edited by PBJ, 25 April 2014 - 04:34 PM.

PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-04-25 16:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUpcoming Interview


PBJMaleUnited Kingdom2014-05-18 05:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOLICE RECORDS FROM A FOREIGN COUNTRY

Already did sad.png they are telling us it takes around a month and a half to get this information back. I am wondering if we should send them what we have an still apply for the certificate as instructed and hopefully they will let us set up the interview while we wait for it. 


His record is clean we have the paperwork to prove it they have just changed the rules and now they want it it directly from the greek authorities instead. 

the paperwork to prove it is the police clearance certificate.. period

you can schedule your interview without it, but be prepared for a 221g refusal (rfe basically)  and return with the correct document

as I understand it, you are allowed to reschedule your appointment one time.. if you do it twice you have to pay the fee again.. but.. not totally sure

stevie bMaleFiji2013-07-01 09:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPOLICE RECORDS FROM A FOREIGN COUNTRY

POLICE RECORDS FROM A FOREIGN COUNTRY: from a Greek Embassy to the US Embassy- does anyone know how long it takes for the embassy's to send this to each other? 

go to your embassy's web site

look at the information pertaining to the police certificate.. probably on the IV page

then call the police department explaining what you want and ask how long it takes

every country is specific.. very few greeks around here, so that will be your fastest answer... by calling the police and finding out yourself

stevie bMaleFiji2013-07-01 08:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled my Senator's office - Didn't end well.


Did I say that? 

not exactly, you said something like problems were at the uscis before daca which is true

the problem is the overwhelming amount of petitions that came in all at once

has uscis ever shuffled petitions around to this extent?  what was it one member went from csc-vsc-then tsc and is still waiting.. 130's at local offices and they have never had to deal with those before and so on

so yes uscis had prior issues, now those issues are buried under the daca petitions

I do think the good news is that they are slowly working it out and soon will have a better process in place or at least the vj members will all be experts in how the process works :)

stevie bMaleFiji2013-06-13 11:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled my Senator's office - Didn't end well.

with the stroke of a pen Obama signed DACA


USCIS was not prepared for the influx of petitions that it was about to receive or the ramifications of what the agency would need to do to take care of it.  I am sure someone here has the stats, but something like from 80 thousand to 1.7 million on that same wendesday I mailed my now cancelled 129f.


Trying to address the fixes that are needed within an organization that takes two years to generate a purchase order for $50,000 for a new toilet will take a very long time

stevie bMaleFiji2013-06-12 14:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled my Senator's office - Didn't end well.

And I understand that. I was calling in regards to many of the Vermont cases being approved out of order. Like I mentioned, from July-Feb on the most recent Igor's List. If they're doing a first in, first out, then times should be consistent. I do understand there are expedites, but several of the February cases that were processed this week did not have an expedite. That's awesome for those guys, but I was calling to ask them to look into the backlog, inconsistent approvals, etc. 


I understand your comments and where you are coming from and I do not think your feelings are misplaced.


the problem is that this process and what you are trying to accomplish can not come from feelings.  this whole process can be overwhelmingly emotionally charged and those emotions have to be checked at the door.


there is no way to really wrap your arms around how the process works.. I have been able to come to my own understanding that there are dozens of offices, hundreds of people adjudicating files that are all in different stages, so first in first out.. yes and no.. so the answer for your question and your understanding is no, there is no first in and first out.. that is the way it is.  overall when you talk about a box shipped to an office, yes it will be handled first in first out.


if you are trying to get help on your case, then you understand you have to be beyond processing times.  NOBODY will help you with the overall process.  if you want to be heard, you will have to find a local or national news station that will have some interest in your cause.


this is not meant to be an attack.. you are not operating an advocacy group or a civil rights movement.  you are using speaking points with you pursuits that honestly are fruitless.  no government agency will respond to a request you are making on the behalf of other individuals or to try to understand petition approval dates.


keep your eye on your case.. argue your facts.. check your emotions at the doors.. and be nice to the people you are dealing with.. you will eventually get someone to help you if you really need help.. unfortunately, this is not the case for you right now

stevie bMaleFiji2013-06-12 13:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAlgeria, how to get police certificate???

Hello everyone,


I started to collect all documents that i will need for packet3, But I am having a problem that I did not understand and find out where i get "POLICE CERTIFICATE" ,Not in your information i am a resident in Algeria


i went to the police station of my city and they told me that they don't issue this paper,

what i am confused about is that there is another document in the checklist named "COURT RECORDS" and this is what at the police station suggested for me to get...??


now i am asking all algerian members in this useful forum who sent already the packet 3 to explain for me, if the checklist ha just the "COURT RECORDS" or it contains "COURT RECORDS" and "POLICE CERTIFICATE" ????


Thank you and God bless you all!


you find this type of information at the DOS site for country reciprocity

here is the quote for Algeria:

Police and Prison Records

Available. A judicial record (Casier Judiciaire) is obtainable from the Clerk of the Court (Greffe du Tribunal) at the person's place of birth. For non-nationals who resided in Algeria prior to 1962, such records may be obtained from the Ministere de la Justice, Service du Casier Judiciaire, 7 Allee de Brancas 44 Nantes, France. Police and prison records are unavailable to resident non-nationals. The Casier Judiciaire is inclusive and is the only document issued by Algerian authorities which indicates the applicant's police record and/or prison record.



stevie bMaleFiji2013-09-03 14:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresDo I need to put the date we got engaged when applying for K1

There's no question about when you got engaged on the I129F but I do recall being asked that question at the K1 interview.

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-01-01 17:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestions about K-1 Visa application Process

I went through the California service centre and the Vancouver consulate. My wait time from filing to interview was 10 months. (9 months just to get NOA2). Lots of people are getting through much faster these days but there's no guarantee.

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-01-05 14:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 and Childfree

I don't understand why you think you'd have a problem.

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-01-12 01:56:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPresentation of I-129F kit, Just wanting insight on how you packaged the kit

It doesn't matter. Just try to put in some logical order--maybe paperclip sections.

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-01-13 16:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSame sex Florida-Philippines

If I were you, I'd definitely consider living somewhere where I felt more welcome.


ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-01-31 19:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCalled my Senator's office - Didn't end well.


I understand your comments and where you are coming from and I do not think your feelings are misplaced.


the problem is that this process and what you are trying to accomplish can not come from feelings.  this whole process can be overwhelmingly emotionally charged and those emotions have to be checked at the door.


there is no way to really wrap your arms around how the process works.. I have been able to come to my own understanding that there are dozens of offices, hundreds of people adjudicating files that are all in different stages, so first in first out.. yes and no.. so the answer for your question and your understanding is no, there is no first in and first out.. that is the way it is.  overall when you talk about a box shipped to an office, yes it will be handled first in first out.


if you are trying to get help on your case, then you understand you have to be beyond processing times.  NOBODY will help you with the overall process.  if you want to be heard, you will have to find a local or national news station that will have some interest in your cause.


this is not meant to be an attack.. you are not operating an advocacy group or a civil rights movement.  you are using speaking points with you pursuits that honestly are fruitless.  no government agency will respond to a request you are making on the behalf of other individuals or to try to understand petition approval dates.


keep your eye on your case.. argue your facts.. check your emotions at the doors.. and be nice to the people you are dealing with.. you will eventually get someone to help you if you really need help.. unfortunately, this is not the case for you right now


I agree with this. OP, you are only at the 4-month mark. You have to wait until you're outside the processing time to get any action at all (if then).


ricnallyFemaleCanada2013-06-12 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetitioner Criminal Record Check ? ASAP response...

And if the beneficiary has lived in any other country (besides the US) for more than 6 months, they need a police cert from there as well, which will be brought to the interview.

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-02-10 14:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresGoing to visit for a few months before my NOA2

1) There's no guarantee how long it will take to get NOA2, so your 2-3 month timeline may be way off, but yes, you can visit while waiting. 

2) Technically, you are not legally allowed to work, even for a Canadian company, even remotely, while visiting the US.

3) It is the petitioner who will receive the NOA2

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-02-16 01:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLooking to Move

You'll have to do the medical exam and interview in Montreal. You can certainly file while you're visiting in the US, though (as long as you have all of the docs with you that you need to send in with the petition.)

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-02-13 13:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent to Marry


As much as everyone tries to get it right, there are times when things do go wrong. We have members here who are in trouble and sometimes need help and support. Your post is not helpful.


Just honestly wondering what the difficulty is. The letter does not need to be notarized, witnessed, or even typed. It only needs to be one sentence long and then signed, sealed, delivered.

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-03-05 02:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresLetter of Intent to Marry

What is so difficult about obtaining a letter with an original signature?

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-03-03 13:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWhat happens if...


If found out you would be denied then have to start the whole process over filing a CR1/IR1 which is taking well over a year.


I know you may say they will never find out. Maybe yes maybe no. Not worth the risk.


Of course they'll find out. Your marriage cert that you show at AOS will predate your K1 visa. It will be noticed.

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-03-19 17:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan I bring my belongings on a K-1

another point of interest is that if you have too much to bring in one trip, you have up to 10 years to bring in your personal belongings.

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-03-29 18:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSurprise visit after K-1 sent in

I went and visited my fiance for 3 months while waiting for NOA2 and interview and had no significant ties to Canada--no job, no home, and no fixed address for the previous couple of years. Just had a receipt from a storage place where my car and belongings were in storage (which I didn't have to show). I had no problem. Is it possible, when you were denied before, that you were too gung ho to reveal all of your evidence and maybe appeared a bit suspicious? You said you drove over--did you have a lot of stuff wth you that maybe looked like you were moving?


Have all your docs and stuff ready but don't offer them up unless asked. Just be cool and answer as simply as possible the questions you're asked.

ricnallyFemaleCanada2014-03-28 19:29:00