IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDS 230 sent but still not recieved
QUOTE (Schmelle @ Sep 24 2007, 09:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (RandyandRina @ Sep 24 2007, 09:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Schmelle @ Sep 24 2007, 08:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone,
I spoke to someone at NVC on Friday and they said that my DS230 was sent the first week of September but I still havent recieved it!!!! What should I do now? Just to clarify, I'm Canadian and I am applying for a IR1 visa through Montreal. Can I use James' shortcuts to send it anyway? Has anyone in my spot got any advice?
Thanks a bunch everybody...

If NVC did confirm with you it has already been sent out and that you are comfortable with using JSC, I suggest that you go ahead and do so. Anyone who uses JSC need not to wait for the DS230 to arrive in snail mail.

Good luck!

hey thanks...i have a question i send both part i and part ii of the ds 230?

Yes, send both:)
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-09-24 09:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSome Help with our new Co-Sponsor Situation
Thanks for all the advice, everyone:) I'll definetely get started with the draft of the I-864 to see how things work out once we start plugging numbers in.
Hopefully it does work out to where we don't need to appraise the house, but if it does, I guess we'll just do what we need to do good.gif
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-10-17 15:07:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSome Help with our new Co-Sponsor Situation
Thanks, that info was helpful. With that info in mind, the house alone should definetely be enough to make up the difference.
Does anyone know if there is a way around having to have the house appraised? It will cost around $500, and I really don't want to have to ask that of her. If not, would the life insurance be something we could use to make up the difference, and if so, how?
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-10-16 23:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSome Help with our new Co-Sponsor Situation
With the CR1 interviews finally making some progress at the Montreal Consulate, and the fact alone that they have started interviewing people who had case completion in June, my husband and I realized its about time we look at our co-sponsorship situation and figure out a new plan.
My father-in-law was our co-sponsor, but due to his sudden passing, we had to find a new one. My mother-in-law has volunteered to be our new co-sponsor, however we are not sure how to use her assets to make up the difference in the income requirements.
She is working, but most likely not making enough to meet the requirements with her income alone, so we are pretty sure the assets will have to come into play.
I don't know her financial situation very well, so I won't be able to provide thorough details, but from what we know here is what she has for assets to use towards the I-864:
-She owns 1 house and 2 trailers. The house is completely paid off, no payments, no loans, however we think there is a loan involved with the 2 trailers. We figure the house is worth about $80k and the two trailers together about $120.
-2 vehicles, both payed off.
-Some sort of life insurance payout will be coming into play soon. She is starting the paperwork tomorrow to collect the life insurance plan my father in law had in place. I have no idea how much it is, but am pretty sure it isn't too substantial.

We figure we will be getting an interview in the early part of December, judging by other timelines, so we know we need to start putting all this together now. I have no idea how life insurance works, so I don't know if she will have the payout from that in time to use it towards meeting the requirements.
Also I'm wondering if we are going to have the three properties appraised? I know that can be pretty costly, so I don't really want to ask her to do that unless there is no other choice.

Anyways, any insight into this would be greatly appreciated. I figure the one house alone should be enough to meet the difference with the income requirements, but if it has to be appraised, that will be an awkward situation right now.
Thanks in advance for any advice you may have star_smile.gif
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-10-16 20:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnew i-130

BIA= Board of Immigration Appeals

The info-pass appt would probably be able to give you more info as to why your petition was denied, and how best to appeal it. By the sounds of it, you are very confused as to how to move forward from here and I think the info-pass appt would be able to give you an idea of where to start.

Edited by Misty1979, 18 October 2007 - 08:00 PM.

Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-10-18 19:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnew i-130
I think Trailmix's suggestion of making an infopass appt. for your wife is a really good idea. It sure beats sitting around waiting for the decision on the appeal. Usually appointments can be made for the following week, if not the same week, so you could very well save yourself alot of time by trying that route first.
However, I think in the meantime you need to sit down and do some VERY thorough research on the visa process and get yourself familiarized with every step and procedure. Read the guides, read all the forms you need to send in, and what to send with them, read everything.
The I-130 was one of the easier forms, and it only gets more complicated from here, so if you are serious about getting your visa you are going to need to buckle down and do some research to prevent future mess-ups from occurring.

Best wishes with your journey
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-10-18 19:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI got touched.. is something good maybe going on guys?
I wouldn't hold too much faith in what the timeline on the USCIS website says. Ours said we shouldn't expect an approval/denial until mid July, but we got ours months before that on March 6th:)

Perhaps yours will be good news as well, I'm crossing my fingers for you!
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-11-26 17:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR1 December interviews
The scheduling dates have nothing to do with NVC, they schedule our interviews around the waiting list at whichever Consulate it is you are interviewing for your visa at.
I wouldn't get too stressed out if you've only been waiting for an interview since last month. Our case was completed in June, and we just received our interview date for December 6th. Most of the Consulates are not nearly as backlogged as Montreal, so I'm sure the rest of you will be hearing good news soon.
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-11-09 00:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Joint Sponsor questions
QUOTE (MargotDarko @ Nov 29 2007, 09:46 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Misty1979 @ Nov 29 2007, 06:42 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I should also add that my husband's income is only about $2000 of the required income. He is a full-time college student and receives benefits from Veteran's Affairs for serving in the Coast Guard. We considered having him pick up a part time job, but by the time we realized we had a problem (when my FIL passed away) we figured it was not enough time for him to secure a part time job and all the necessary documentation before the interview.
I'm hoping they take his *almost* sufficient income into consideration when they review the truckload of paperwork I bring in for my interview next week.

Are you missing the word "short" here? It seems you're saying that your husband's income is only $2,000 a year below the requirement. I think it would be truly truly weird if your joint sponsor with that much cash plus three properties wasn't considered sufficient. Especially as you're coming from Canada and your husband is currently a full-time student who therefore will have the potential and time in the near future to earn a lot more. The $90,000 (assuming the money market is accessible within one year) plus the assesment of one property is more than enough for a household size of 2 (you and your mother-in-law as I assuming she does not have anyone besides herself in her household at this time) especially when the main sponsor almost earns the requirement by himself.

Hmm... Does she own the property free and clear? If not, will the equity be $70 - $80,000k or will that be just the actual value of the house?

Yes sorry, I was missing the word short. Was tired last night when I was typing away on here. She does own all three of the properties. All have been 100% payed off. We had her main home appraised just this morning, and they will have the results for us by day before I leave for the interview.

I think I'll go ahead and take your's and Pshbrk's advice and just try to relax and see how things go. I've also decided to take copies of the deeds of the other two homes, just to prove that if she did have to sell her home, that she still has two other properties, so it would not be putting her into financial hardship.
Thanks everyone for your replies, and sound advice:)
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-11-29 12:43:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Joint Sponsor questions
I should also add that my husband's income is only about $2000 of the required income. He is a full-time college student and receives benefits from Veteran's Affairs for serving in the Coast Guard. We considered having him pick up a part time job, but by the time we realized we had a problem (when my FIL passed away) we figured it was not enough time for him to secure a part time job and all the necessary documentation before the interview.
I'm hoping they take his *almost* sufficient income into consideration when they review the truckload of paperwork I bring in for my interview next week.
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-11-29 01:42:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Joint Sponsor questions
QUOTE (pushbrk @ Nov 28 2007, 08:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (rjp44 @ Nov 28 2007, 04:14 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Misty1979 @ Nov 28 2007, 04:32 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Phew! It's nice to hear that others at least agree that what I was told was most likely misinformation. Sounds like we'll just leave the money where it is, gather the bank statements, appraise the house, and cross our fingers and hope for the best. It's sad when people on this board are more knowledgable than the folks on the phone at USCIS who actually get paid to babble ####### over the phone which may or may not be true whistling.gif

If your joint sponsor has an income from either wages or pension that can be counted also.

This is very important. I take it the MIL at least has social security, if not other income. If the $90k plus SS is all she has, and she's quite elderly, they may not consider this all that favorably. A younger relative like a sibling would be a better choice unless the full picture you can paint looks pretty good.

I was afraid of that, to be honest. I know a lack of a regular income may not go over very well when it comes interview time, so I guess I'm just going to have to cross my fingers and hope for the best.
On top of the $90k, she owns three properties. We are having one assessed tomorrow, which we expect to be valued at about $70-80k. I would rather not spend the money getting the other two appraised unless I am absolutely sure that it will help our situation. To make matters more complicated, I just found out that $40 of this money is in a bank here, and the rest is in a Money Market where we will have to call tomorrow and try to have the fax us a copy of the amount in deposit there.
She isn't elderly, and will most likely start working again early next year. My FIL was my joint sponsor before, but he passed away suddenly last month, so she is still in the grieving process over losing her husband and can't really stomache the thought of returning to work yet. I don't really have any other options for joint sponsorship at the moment, so I really just need to try and make this work what ever way I can.
In your opinion, would it be worthwhile for us to go ahead and get the other two properties appraised?

Edited by Misty1979, 29 November 2007 - 01:21 AM.

Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-11-29 01:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Joint Sponsor questions
Phew! It's nice to hear that others at least agree that what I was told was most likely misinformation. Sounds like we'll just leave the money where it is, gather the bank statements, appraise the house, and cross our fingers and hope for the best. It's sad when people on this board are more knowledgable than the folks on the phone at USCIS who actually get paid to babble ####### over the phone which may or may not be true whistling.gif
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-11-28 16:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Joint Sponsor questions
With one week to go, I'm still struggling with my joint sponsor issue, and I can't find a phone number to call with any sort of helpful information.(My father in law who was my joint sponsor passed away suddenly on October 9th, so my MIL is going to be my new joint sponsor.) I just got off the phone with USCIS, and they told me in more words or less that my joint sponsor's $90,000 in the bank cannot be used as assets since that money could easily be spent up in a day and would therefore be no help to me if I was to need it. They said it would need to be locked away somewhere in order for us to use it. We have it in some sort of Money Market account, so I'm not sure if that helps us at all.
But what they said to me makes no sense because if the money is locked away in some account, it would not be available if we needed it anyways. Also, the I-864 itself says that it needs to be accessible within one year.
I already called the DOS to try to ask them some questions, but they gave me USCIS's number. USCIS just proved to be useless, and I'm going to try emailing MTL, but I highly doubt they are going to answer with any helpful info, if they even answer at all.

Does anyone know what kind of bank account exactly we need to put this money in?

Also..we are having one of our properties appraised tomorrow to help back up the money in the bank, but the house itself will be worth no more than $70-80k we figure, so we do need to figure out this bank issue pretty quickly.
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-11-28 15:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 fee's
Don't forget to try the poutine and smoked meat while you're there. It's what Montreal is famous for!
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-11-28 17:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCosponsorship queries
QUOTE (Delicia @ Dec 3 2007, 12:30 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
The only thing I know is co-sponsorship is a anther family member within the household and a join sponsor is someone outside the household. I can't answer the remaining questions.

Delicia had it right with her statement. As long as your husband does not live with his parents, they would be considered "joint sponsors", and would fill out exactly the same form as your husband (I-864) and include the same sort of evidence, (ex. employment letters, W2's, copy of birth certificate, etc.)
I'm not very knowledgable about the legal liabilities involved with the Affadavit of Support either, unfortunately. I do seem to recall that if the situation were to arise, they primarily go after the petitioner for the funds... not the joint sponsor, although I could be wrong so don't quote me on it.
Hopefully pshbrk or YuandDan will see this thread and pop in here to give you some further info in that department smile.gif

Edited by Misty1979, 03 December 2007 - 01:12 AM.

Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-12-03 01:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNVC timeline on IR-1/CR1 visas
You can add me if you like, my timeline is in my sig. Used JSC twice, and will be getting a CR1 visa.

Edited by Misty1979, 04 September 2007 - 10:01 PM.

Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-09-04 22:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny July filers approved yet
QUOTE (LindaB @ Nov 10 2007, 10:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just curious if any July filers have been approved yet.

My husband sent our I-130 on July 15 and got our NOA1 July 25........can't wait for that NOA2

You should be on the July Filers so you can keep in contact with others who also filed in July. I got my NOA2 on Nov 8, and my NOA1 was filed on July 2.

Link for July filers:
Abby-RonFemalePhilippines2007-11-14 21:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDistrict Representative
QUOTE (christinejohn @ Dec 1 2007, 04:05 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

I have seen some of you writing to their "district representative" to get their process speed up and it has worked from what I have read here.
My question is WHO IS THE DISTRICT REPRESENTATIVE and where do I look to find this person?

Thank you for your help.

This is the site that I used as it narrows your exact Congress representative http://www.congressm...inedb/index.htm Just enter your complete address and if you know the your 4 digit extended zip code it will narrow your representative to one (which is what you want).

Good luck!
Abby-RonFemalePhilippines2007-12-01 19:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAny July filers approved yet?
QUOTE (LindaB @ Nov 10 2007, 10:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just curious if any July filers have been approved yet.

My husband sent our I-130 on July 15 and got our NOA1 July 25........can't wait for that NOA2

Yup! Got Approved Nov 8...waiting now for NVC to receive my packet.
Abby-RonFemalePhilippines2007-11-13 04:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 instead of K3
We don't HAVE to file for the k-3 right? I have just sent my I-130 and my husband travels a lot as he is an artist. I'd rather he enter the U.S. with CR-1 than to be here and have to go through all of the paperwork here. I just wanted to make sure that we could just stick with the CR-1 if we wanted to.

Thanks for all of your help!!

LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-01-14 22:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresentry into the U.S. with other visa types after I-130 sent
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Jan 15 2008, 12:38 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (mrs_lo2008 @ Jan 15 2008, 12:23 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Jan 15 2008, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is a FAQ:

http://www.visajourn...cation.html#4.6 (This applies to all spousal visas.)

Thanks!! I did read that, but wasn't sure if it applied to the CR-1. I didn't want him to waste the $100 to find out that it was not possible to even apply.

Many blessings!! good.gif

Actually it is $131 the fee went up Jan 1. But yes as long as he provides strong evidence of ties back home, he should not have problems.

That's extremely high for a sub-saharan African nation - almost a month's rent! Thanks for the information! I feel that he at least has a chance as he has traveled extensively in Europe. Blessings!
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-01-15 19:52:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresentry into the U.S. with other visa types after I-130 sent
QUOTE (YuAndDan @ Jan 15 2008, 10:58 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This is a FAQ:

http://www.visajourn...cation.html#4.6 (This applies to all spousal visas.)

Thanks!! I did read that, but wasn't sure if it applied to the CR-1. I didn't want him to waste the $100 to find out that it was not possible to even apply.

Many blessings!! good.gif
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-01-15 12:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresentry into the U.S. with other visa types after I-130 sent
Greetings everyone!! I haven't been able to find an answer to my unique situation. My husband is a hip hop artist and has been invited to perform at a hip hop festival on the east coast this April. The organizers want to start the process for him to apply for a visa to come, but will the IR-CR-1 visa application process prohibit him from entering the U.S. on any other type of visa too? He has a tourist visa stamp, but we already know that it is illegal to use it now. My question is if he can apply for an artist/work visa to perform and then leave? wacko.gif He has no intentions of staying and has work in both Senegal and Europe. Of course we don't want to spend $100 for the visa application only to find out that it is not possible.

Thanks in advance!!!! I am so appreciative of the vast knowledge here!!
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-01-15 10:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresJanuary filers
Sent I-130 1/9/08
received at Chicago lockbox 1/10/08

The wait begins.... whistling.gif

I was expecting months for NOA1, but I remain positive and hopeful each day that I check my mail.

There is no more "expected time." With the recent backlogs and large numbers of new employees, I believe everything has changed.
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-01-28 11:24:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressummary of costs for IR/CR-1 process?
From what I gather so far with the new fee schedule, it looks as though I have to pay
$355 I-130
$70 I-864
$355 DS-230
$80 Biometics
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-02-03 21:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressummary of costs for IR/CR-1 process?
QUOTE (rjp44 @ Feb 4 2008, 08:04 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AishaandMusa @ Feb 3 2008, 09:58 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
From what I gather so far with the new fee schedule, it looks as though I have to pay
$355 I-130
$70 I-864
$355 DS-230
$80 Biometics
$45 Immigrant Visa Security Surcharge
$905 for the IR-CR-1 option (without the K-3, which I do not intend to pursue)

Is this correct?

I apologize for the double posting, I was trying to tab to make neat columns and inadvertently posted. I appreciate the assitance! blessings...Aisha innocent.gif

The visa fee before the Ds-230 and the security fee are combined into one $400 payment. No biometric fee for now, but there will also be a fee for the medical exam that precedes the interview. You can check your embassy's website for their fee but you can probably estimate around $150. There may also be other small fees such as visa delivery.. $1000 should cover things until the removal of conditions in 21 months that is $545 presently.

Thank you so much! I just wanted to be sure as to what I should expect.
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-02-05 00:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduressummary of costs for IR/CR-1 process?
From what I gather so far with the new fee schedule, it looks as though I have to pay
$355 I-130
$70 I-864
$355 DS-230
$80 Biometics
$45 Immigrant Visa Security Surcharge
$905 for the IR-CR-1 option (without the K-3, which I do not intend to pursue)

Is this correct?

I apologize for the double posting, I was trying to tab to make neat columns and inadvertently posted. I appreciate the assitance! blessings...Aisha innocent.gif
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-02-03 21:58:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes it help to talk to Consul?
If you have indeed had your interview, then talking to the embassy might prove difficult, depending on the embassy. My husband couldn't even get a U.S. notary on the copy of his passport at the embassy in Dakar for our U.S. taxes, even though they do this according to their own website. THey were rude and he went four times with all the tax forms, etc. We had to spend $200 to send the passport here so I can obtain a notarized copy of it and send it back. Sometimes the embassy staff are condescending and rude to the local people who are hosting them. Perhaps it can help your case. Good luck!
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-02-23 14:55:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Timelines and discussion for January applicants
QUOTE (Lucy Keeling @ Feb 8 2008, 09:39 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AishaandMusa @ Feb 9 2008, 10:19 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Sent my I-130 on January 9, received January 10. The system shows they are working on January 11 (receipt date) as of 2/6/08, but they haven't cashed my check yet. Hoping to see something in the mail next week or so.

good luck everyone! Here we go!

Sorry, I am the new comer, our I-130 to Chicago was received on 1/10. One question, what kind of system can we check to find if USCIS is working on our case? I only have a mail cert. number. Thanks.
Just check this site. blessings.
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-02-08 23:12:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Timelines and discussion for January applicants
Sent my I-130 on January 9, received January 10. The system shows they are working on January 11 (receipt date) as of 2/6/08, but they haven't cashed my check yet. Hoping to see something in the mail next week or so.

good luck everyone! Here we go!
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-02-08 21:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis is simply an inhuman process
QUOTE (wahrania @ Mar 20 2008, 11:44 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (AishaandMusa @ Mar 19 2008, 06:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Greetings VJ Family. I don't post much, but read often. I have been silently waiting and trying to accept that my husband and I may wait a year or more to begin our life together. It makes me wonder about those of us who do things the right and legal way. I understand the need for security checks and the like, but with the prices that we pay, I would certainly expect better services. Because we are so depedent, our very lives are dependent upon approvals, we don't protest, we don't cause any waves and we silently wait. We vent in private anonymous forums to maintain our sanity. If this were for any other service and a company was run so inefficiently as to separate families for sometimes years, there would be massive protests in the street, at the embassies, all around the world. But again, we are prisoners of our love of a non-citizen who choses to do things legally and righteous, despite the costs.

I found out that I was pregnant (a miracle, i had been told that i could not conceive) just a few weeks after my husband left to return to his country. I was going through a terrible crisis at the time and could not sleep or do much of anything. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I pulled myself together and quickly moved into survival mode. I start planning and figuring out how the heck I would do this by myself until Homeland Security decided that the man that I married could enter the country legally. Unfortunately, on top of everything that I was going through, the baby passed away during the first week of March. It was an emotional trauma like no other. I requested a review for expedited processing since I still had to undergo surgery and I do not have any family in this city. I came here simply to study. They reviewed my request and requested proof. I faxed everything. They sent me an email yesterday saying that it is not an emergency. I called and inquired as to the criteria for an emergency. Did they need to see that I attempted suicide or what? I mean, really, aren't people sometimes let out of jail for funerals? My law-abiding husband cannot come here in the loss of our unborn child and aid me in recovery from surgery? Are they serious? My call was elevated to another representative who informed me that when I petitioned for my husband I stated that I can support HIM in every way, NOT just financially. So, I should not need HIM for anything. I asked the lady if she could imagine being in my position. I said my husband will not be a public charge, but I may if you allow me to suffer here alone through this horrible trauma. She said that I could send everything again and hope that a different human will read the paperwork. WOW. I spoke to my congressman's office and sent everything to his office in hopes that they may look into it. I'm considering writing an article and posting it everywhere. USCIS is a big mess and now Gonzalez has stepped down. Where does that leave such an unorganized, backed up and overloaded with rookie employees organization? I was told, though, by someone else that the only emergencies that are considered now are those of national security. That confuses me a bit because anyone who wanted to do something to the U.S. certainly could not wait this long. They'd do it illegally. This process is way too frustrating, even for criminals.

If I ever become that disconnected from the people that I serve on my job, I will quit. There is more at work in the universe than myself. I am sending out a hope and a prayer for all of those who are suffering through this inhuman, disorganized and ridiculously non-transparent process.

Peace and blessings,

A.You will have better luck with your senator because they deal with federal agencies...Im so sorry....this has been the worst year of my life too

Thank you for that information. That is contrary to what my congressman's office told me, so it's always good to know that there is hope. I believe you are right that there are fewer requests at NVC. I have just sent a letter about my story, not with my receipt numbers or anything, to every single member of the house subcommittee that overseas USCIS. I wanted them to read a personal story behind all of the testiony of Gonzalez and the news stories. I think I will also follow your advice and send a letter to my senator. I had planned to ask for an expedite after reading that it was possible with a high-risk pregnancy but was waiting for the doctor's appointment to do so. It was already too late. According to what the USCIS representative told me, I'm not allowed to need my husband emotionally or in any way. I am supposed to support HIM in every way, not just financially. That is what she told me. I felt like I was talking ot a machine. I will continue to fight. My husband and I are moving through the days like zombies just trying to survive. There can be no healing, no grieving and progression while we remain apart. Thank you for your message and I wish you the very best in reuniting with your husband. You are in my prayers.
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-03-20 23:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis is simply an inhuman process
Thank you everyone for your thoughts, suggestions, hopes, prayers and kind words. Sometimes we just have to vent as well. I was honestly thinking that by telling my story I could also send out some love and prayers for all of you. I think until the news picks up stories such as mine and many, many others, USCIS will operate in near secrecy, doing as they please. I have faxed all of my information to my congressman's office and will give that a little bit of time. I will, for whatever it is worth, write something soon and send it wherever I can find. These injustices and operation with impunity should not be allowed by any agency who serves the people. It is only the people who can force it to change.
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-03-20 10:06:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresThis is simply an inhuman process
Greetings VJ Family. I don't post much, but read often. I have been silently waiting and trying to accept that my husband and I may wait a year or more to begin our life together. It makes me wonder about those of us who do things the right and legal way. I understand the need for security checks and the like, but with the prices that we pay, I would certainly expect better services. Because we are so depedent, our very lives are dependent upon approvals, we don't protest, we don't cause any waves and we silently wait. We vent in private anonymous forums to maintain our sanity. If this were for any other service and a company was run so inefficiently as to separate families for sometimes years, there would be massive protests in the street, at the embassies, all around the world. But again, we are prisoners of our love of a non-citizen who choses to do things legally and righteous, despite the costs.

I found out that I was pregnant (a miracle, i had been told that i could not conceive) just a few weeks after my husband left to return to his country. I was going through a terrible crisis at the time and could not sleep or do much of anything. As soon as I found out I was pregnant, I pulled myself together and quickly moved into survival mode. I start planning and figuring out how the heck I would do this by myself until Homeland Security decided that the man that I married could enter the country legally. Unfortunately, on top of everything that I was going through, the baby passed away during the first week of March. It was an emotional trauma like no other. I requested a review for expedited processing since I still had to undergo surgery and I do not have any family in this city. I came here simply to study. They reviewed my request and requested proof. I faxed everything. They sent me an email yesterday saying that it is not an emergency. I called and inquired as to the criteria for an emergency. Did they need to see that I attempted suicide or what? I mean, really, aren't people sometimes let out of jail for funerals? My law-abiding husband cannot come here in the loss of our unborn child and aid me in recovery from surgery? Are they serious? My call was elevated to another representative who informed me that when I petitioned for my husband I stated that I can support HIM in every way, NOT just financially. So, I should not need HIM for anything. I asked the lady if she could imagine being in my position. I said my husband will not be a public charge, but I may if you allow me to suffer here alone through this horrible trauma. She said that I could send everything again and hope that a different human will read the paperwork. WOW. I spoke to my congressman's office and sent everything to his office in hopes that they may look into it. I'm considering writing an article and posting it everywhere. USCIS is a big mess and now Gonzalez has stepped down. Where does that leave such an unorganized, backed up and overloaded with rookie employees organization? I was told, though, by someone else that the only emergencies that are considered now are those of national security. That confuses me a bit because anyone who wanted to do something to the U.S. certainly could not wait this long. They'd do it illegally. This process is way too frustrating, even for criminals.

If I ever become that disconnected from the people that I serve on my job, I will quit. There is more at work in the universe than myself. I am sending out a hope and a prayer for all of those who are suffering through this inhuman, disorganized and ridiculously non-transparent process.

Peace and blessings,

LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-03-19 17:48:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOmbudsman Teleconference


"How Is It Working For You?" The CIS Ombudsman's Community Call-In Teleconference Series provides a forum to hear issues of concern to individuals and employers as they interact with USCIS.

Upcoming teleconferences:

“Requests for Evidence (RFEs): How Do They Affect You?”
Friday, March 28, 2:00-3:00 EST

“The Green Card Production Process: How Is The Process Working For You?”
Friday, March 28, 3:30-4:30 EST

New procedures: (1) To ensure your participation, we encourage you to RSVP 48 hours before the call. (2) Please send us your questions and issues related to the teleconference topics ahead of the call.
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-03-22 22:21:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPregnant and still not in the USA, after a year of waiting : (
Congratulations!!!! I pray that you have a healthy baby; try to focus on the positive aspect of being pregnant. If your pregnancy is considered high-risk and you can provide documentation, it is not unheard of to get a case expedited and your husband can request it. It is not common, but it has been done.

I wish you the absolute best and a speedy reunion!!
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-03-21 22:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 Approval
Amazingly fast!! Congratulations! I hope that your energy touches us all!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-03-25 09:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedures9 to 10 more months!!!!!!!!!
Yes it's true that USCIS gives generic answers but I haven't seen anything moving on I-130s at VSC in a long time. They are moving right through the I-129fs, and I wish I had gone the K-3 route now. My husband needs to be able to travel for his work so we didn't want to take the chance of doing K-3 and having him stuck here unable to work or travel for months...but now wishing that we had done that.

If I have to wait 6 months just at VSC, I'll probably finish my degree, pack up and move there. This is insane and without any productive leadership I don't have any hope or faith at all in USCIS. There should be a federal investigation.
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-03-26 09:17:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresImmigration nightmare stories on NPR today
I'm also thinking that I may have to pack up and move for my own sanity. It's not very promising...and there isn't a clear line of authority to hold accountable.
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-03-29 20:10:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Filers in Nov-Dec 2007, Still Waiting...
Thanks everyone! It is beyond frustrating. My husband cannot even yet talk about what has happened. I have to go back to work tomorrow and I don't even know how I'll do it. No, I wouldn't give them the satisfaction of having one less case to worry about....but it's just the point that they really have no idea what emotional condition we are in and keeping us apart makes it....just insane. Each day is difficult. I've contacted my legislators and sent an editorial to the NY Times (not published) and I believe that USCIS is under scrutiny now and the timing is good to put a personal story to all of their numbers in backlog. It is amazing that Gonzalez says he is quitting to spend time with his family (I don't believe that) and yet we cannot even see ours, no matter what happens to us in the process. I will keep telling my story until I find someone who will listen. These things must be publicized so that the abuses of USCIS are known. I do wish I had recorded the call though. I couldn't believe it was a woman telling me that I cannot need my husband. I wanted to ask her if she could imagine herself in my position, but I knew that she did not have a heart already. I know there are a million other stories like mine.

I did visit the site with the tort lawyer - thank you. Right now I'm still trying to manage to finish my Ph.D. despite 3 years of sexual harassment...then this loss - it kind of knocked me each day is just a struggle at this point. I've got to get to a point where I am okay first....then I'll be on my game and back to fighting back. :-) Thanks for the support.
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-03-24 20:09:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 Filers in Nov-Dec 2007, Still Waiting...
QUOTE (KipandSarahJayne @ Mar 24 2008, 05:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lotofpatience @ Mar 24 2008, 07:55 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Another joke for a USCIS officer...

A USCIS officer ( O ) was sleeping with her husband ( H ) at home. Middle of the sleep, O started dreaming.

O) Hurray, I did fantastic job today and started laughing during the sleep

During this time, Husband just woke up and started listening her voice.

O) I am proud that I managed to touch so many of them today
H) (Little confused), but asked to her, what do you mean ?
O) (Still sleeping), replied: Many of my colleagues told me they are touching many of them every day. Now I also started that.
H) So, do you get satisfaction by doing this ?
O) Yeah, it is real pleasure. If I touch more, I get more pleasure.
H) Do you think it is good, we are a good family, aren't we ?
O) If I touch more, I'll earn more (she actually intended performance based pay!)
H) Why do I need your money by doing this ?
O) We have kids education, mortgage, auto loan etc, so we need to earn more.
H) Ok, tell me more
O) All those are just feeling-less objects (she mentioned papers!)
H) Then...
O) I have to do more work, they just sit idle
H) I know you have that capability
O) If I do overtime, it would be even nicer, what do you think ?

The dream goes like that...

Just enjoy!

Lotofpatience, you are truly hilarious ..... thankyou for putting a smile on my face today ... laughing.gif

Did you all see the story the other day in the NY Times about another adjudicator being busted for pressuring a GC applicant (a married one, I might add) for sex to get her GC? She recorded it on her cell phone. He forced her to give him oral sex on the spot so she would know he was serious. The same guy was recorded doing it again. If they are that arrogantly open with such illegal activities, it makes one wonder how committed they are to uniting our families. I personally feel like there is an apathetic attitude organizationally. I saw that when I requested my own expedite and they told me that losing my child and having surgery alone is not an emergency because since I am petitioning for my husband I cannot need HIM in any way. He is the one who needs me. So apparently his or my depression needs to sink to suicide, oh but then wait, it would have to be him, because mine wouldn't be an emergency. mad.gif OVERHALL USCIS!
LinguereFemaleSenegal2008-03-24 17:39:00