K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Visa approved in Havana!!!
To all Cuban VJ'rs:

After much wait and drama, we got our visa approved today!!!!
I was unable to make it to the inteview, so my fiancee had to go it alone...I just called her and she was just screaming with joy....! We talked for hours and are just planning to arrange her arrival here in Los Angeles as soon as possible (just have to deal with the cuban exit process now..)
This whole agonizing process (and specially for those us dealing with the political situation between the two countries...) really tests you, and your relationship like nothing else will I think. So, it's been a long journey and I am ecstatic that is almost over....!! My many thanks to everybody here who has provided advice and encouragement throughout the process....
The interview went quite well and was surprisingly fast. She was interviewed by a very nice lady there, who only asked two questions: where we met...and if she was member of some youth organization there...She had been a member of the youth organization while in college; but that was not a big deal. She presented all documents and tons of evidence: pictures, copies of emails, etc. She went in early in the morning; spent like 5 minutes in the interview; and was told to pick up the visa in the afternoon....
Good luck to everybody.....

David07MaleCuba2008-03-24 15:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsk1 VISA PROCESS FOR CUBA
I would agree and reiterate that you can't sit and wait for anybody to contact you. You have to be proactive and call/fax/email them to find out the status. I even went myself to the USINT in Havana; and they told me they had no records of the package. Thinking this was strange, I called again and it was actually there- they had the maiden name on file mixed up; that's why they could not find it...(long story..) The personnel there are extremely helpful and nice though.
Also, in the end we did not pick up the forms from packet 3. Since my fiancee lives out of town; I was told I could just download the forms, print them out and take them all filled out on the day of the interview...just double check you have the right ones, because people make mistakes with that...
David07MaleCuba2008-04-08 02:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsDO THEY STILL NEED THE CARTA BLANCA
Yes, they still do....the rumors were the same a couple of months ago...but you never know there. Be prepared for the worst case scenario...but hopefully you'll get lucky and they will eliminate the requirement...
David07MaleCuba2008-05-15 15:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCarta Blance Process
It all depends if you're on the ball submitting all the necessary paperwork. From what I know, it may take 2 to 4 weeks. Also be prepared to plan ahead and buy airfare as quick as possible...


QUOTE (Tiffany&NicK @ May 25 2008, 07:36 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Does anyone know how long it takes to get the carta blance?

David07MaleCuba2008-05-25 23:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMedical Exam Documentation
You do need to get written documentation; sometimes they issue it in a sealed envelope...( I think they call it planilla)
The hospitals do not have any communication with the Interests Section whatsoever.
David07MaleCuba2008-05-28 23:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCuba News-Carta Blanca the Cuba holiday was uneventful in terms of any news. From what I hear from others, there had been some delays in processing the exit permits for mostly everyone across the board. We had to pay extra to get it expedited and get it inmediately....
Thank God this is patient and good luck to everyone!
David07MaleCuba2008-05-07 02:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsCuba News-Carta Blanca
I've got some PM's regarding the above subject.....I just want to share that news regarding the elimination of the carta blanca are just rumors in the island for now. Surprisingly enough, the regular people get their news from speculation and news from abroad. There are million of rumors concerning everything under the sun: revaluation of the CUC, sales of cars by the state, etc..) I went to Inmigration regarding the carta blanca; and they told me it is still a valid requirement to exit the country. I was also told that there were holding back in processing the applications ( I guess it's also wait and see for them...) Also, some people are expecting some official announcements on May 1st regarding this and other matters...

David07MaleCuba2008-04-30 22:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 Aproved!!!!
Congratulations and good luck with the rest of your journey!!
David07MaleCuba2008-06-18 14:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportswhat do these acronyms mean?
And that's why I love her.
M3wThr33MaleRussia2008-06-20 23:47:00
PhilippinesDivorced american man now married to filipina
Walls of text seem sometimes to speak of narcissism to me, as does a repeated trope about how one's spouse was a teenager at the nuptials.

But of course that's something a manipulator would say. Mea culpa, mea culpa, mea maxima culpa.
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-30 19:23:00
PhilippinesPsychiatric Exam

wrist cutting is seen by American psychiatry as a primary indicator of a past suicide attempt.
a suicide attempt is regarded as an indicator of mental instability of one sort or another.
it is also seen as an indicator of Borderline Personality Disorder, the female version of Anti-social Personality.

Borderline Personality Disorder and Antisocial Personality Disorder are distinct diagnoses. BPD is not the "female version" of APD. They are both Axis II Cluster B disorders, but they're quite different. Though BPD may be much more prevalent in women, there are plenty of men who suffer from it.
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-27 23:44:00
PhilippinesZero American Pride!!!!

Those who defend them probably never tried others. Just hopping from KLM to Delta in Amsterdam is like night and day. I don't think the KLM employees come from a culture of servitude. I think it is because they want to do a good job for their airline.

Want to assemble a group of lazy employees that are no better then their collective average? Unionize them. When the quality of the work you do is the difference between whether you and your family eats or not then your work tends to have a good quality.

KLM is unionized.

Edit: looks like Korean Air and Asiana are too. http://www.koilaf.or...p?board_no=7771

I happen to be a big fan of both Korean Air and KLM.

Edited by the maven, 16 November 2012 - 10:57 PM.

the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-11-16 22:52:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

I agree with most of what you're saying. But there are also cultural differences between Americans, Filipinos, Canadians, Danishians etc. that shouldn't be ignore either. No matter...the only important issue is knowing and loving the person you're with, no matter the age.

Posted Image

Totally agree on this. We see on VJ every day that people have conflict in their relationships because they don't take into account cultural difference. But as you say, understanding and loving your partner is the key, whatever age or nationality.

Tone it down? Yes Sir, my apoligies again for calling out rude distasteful remarks and then commenting on them.

Ruh roh.
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-25 14:14:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

If you can't figure it out I'm not explaning. Did you understand her comment?

Yes. And it can be read either way. Either that she is a size queen, or that (and this has been discussed at great length before here on VJ) like all other American women, she has a cavernous vajayjay.
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-24 14:01:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Look!!! You can come in here and ruin this thread by using your fancy big words so I don't know what you're talking about. Fine, go ahead. But do not make fun of my pleated khakis and Dave Matthews Band. :angry:

I'll let you have the Dave Matthews Band, but for Pete's sake, PLAIN FRONT!!! Posted Image

I think he was referring to my lady parts. :rofl:

It's so hard to tell whether he was referring to a ##### or a ####### when there's a language filter on this board.
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-24 13:58:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Yes I know that, my statement was correct. I was responding to an offensive remark that had no place..

Then why did you say

I can't see where you having a large $&@&$ has any point here in this thread.

the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-24 13:56:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

Their not my words, i'm commenting on another persons words.

I can't see where you having a large {:content:}amp;@&$ has any point here in this thread. Go back to the danish forum..

Nola is a she.

Also, it's against TOS to tell someone not to post in a particular thread. If you have an issue, you should report the post.
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-24 13:46:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

An american woman can't hold a candle to my wife, but where have I said that previously?

The poster said a 50 year old and 20 year old filipina together that there is no true love, think she said BS.. I'm not 50 and I find that insulting. But I'm not up in arms or mad, just commenting on a bs negative comment.

No, you said that American women as a class cannot compare to Filipina women as a class. You did not specifically point to your wife. Now that, I get! You love your wife, and think nobody can compare to her, which is awesome and cool. Posted Image

My dude is American, and I don't think any man can compare to him. But not because he's American. I think it because he's funny, bright, motivated, caring, tough, adorable, respectful, etc. None of that comes from being American. It comes from being a good person. I never wanted to get involved with an American when I was younger because I thought they were all cretinous Neanderthals who wore pleated khakis and dug on Ratt and/or the Dave Matthews Band. It just goes to show you that generalisations are usually way off the mark when you drill down to the molecular level. :)

Edit -- bands mysteriously disappeared!

Edited by the maven, 24 January 2013 - 01:48 PM.

the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-24 13:44:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

One insulting comment deserves another.. I'm not prejudice to american women, just don't compare them to a filipina woman Totally not comparable.

And remember, I'm married to a filipina in a Philippines forum. Is that a problem?

Wait, wait -- I thought this could all be done without insults? I'm so confuzzled.

So you're not prejudice [sic] against American women, but as a class they can't hold a candle to women from the Philippines? By that reasoning, all American women are inferior simply by dint of being American and not Filipina. That sort of sounds like prejudice to me.

Edit: missing connector.

Edited by the maven, 24 January 2013 - 12:59 PM.

the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-24 12:58:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

And those would be??????

Uh, that you think young American women as a class are not desirable?

Edited by the maven, 24 January 2013 - 12:31 PM.

the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-24 12:30:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

I am old and a hag. I went overseas to get a young boytoy to serve me grapes and make cheese. I think cheese making should be the new standard for imports.

Well, they do say, "Blessed are the cheesemakers."
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-22 17:25:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

I guess you didn't get the point that these words were being used by someone attacking someones relationship. He didn't say all women over 30 are Hag's and he didn't call YOU a retard. But if you're offended?? If the glove fits....

Perhaps I should have written "someone" instead of "anyone" married to someone over the age of 30. And yes, I do find the words "retard" and "retarded" offensive, even when they're not directed at me.

Now you're attacking me, implying perhaps that I am an old hag or -- perhaps -- a "retard"? Lovely! :)

Let your love light shine. In all honesty, I don't care a fig what people do in their own relationships or why they form them. I do, however, care when people project their own insecurities about their own relationships onto other people and malign women as a class, instead of as individuals.
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-22 16:47:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?
Putting aside the use of "retard" multiple times in that post, it's pretty offensive to refer to any woman over the age of 30 as an "old hag." You may think others look at you and wish you ill because you married a woman so much younger than you, but it's rather hypocritical to then slam anyone married to someone over the age of 30 because their partner happens to no longer be in the very first flush of youth. It reduces women to what's on the outside, which seems so puzzling when so much emphasis in this thread has been on the content of one's partner's character. Surely all of us are more than a firm bottom.

I would think that people so confident in their choice of partner wouldn't have to be so defensive that they're a good candidate for a Xanax time-out.
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-22 16:34:00
PhilippinesAge difference of fiance to fiancee?

1. I am not an American woman.

2. Yes, there is a disagreement about that.

Posted Image

It is possible to say something positive about one woman without denigrating another.
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-01-21 16:13:00

Korean BBQ rocks!

I love it! Some nice Angus galbi, brisket, and bulgogi, with all the banchan and maybe some soju... bliss.

I get the comfort food aspect of it, though. I lived in Britain for many years, and one time I made a special pilgrimage to what was then the only Taco Bell in the UK. I willingly ate their bean burritos, even though they were even worse than US ones. It was the principle of the thing!
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-31 11:51:00
There's one right near my boyfriend's place just north of Koreatown in LA. I drove past it this morning. Posted Image Is it worth a visit for a curious non-Filipino like me, or should I stick to my Korean BBQ?Posted Image
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-03-30 20:49:00
PhilippinesOk !!! Why are so Many Filipina's Connecting Up with American Men......???

Okay cool. You're a bigot. smile.png


Edit to add: did you ever ask yourself if the problem you and similarly afflicted gentlemen faced is not that the preponderance of "Western" women are materialistic, shallow and (ultimately) expendable, but that you attracted women who fit that description? If a pattern emerges, one must ask oneself if the problem is interior or exterior.

Edited by the maven, 31 July 2013 - 08:08 PM.

the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 20:06:00
PhilippinesOk !!! Why are so Many Filipina's Connecting Up with American Men......???

Whenever I hear comments being made about "Western women are this" or "Western women are that," I wonder: where are you meeting these people? They don't resemble any woman I know in my personal life. Do such women exist? Certainly. But it is unfair and frankly insulting to tar all with the same brush. Even if you now protest that's not what you meant, go back and read what you wrote. Can you see how what you wrote can be offensive to "Western" women without such women stretching to see an insult?


Women, like men, are individuals. We deserve to be treated as such, judged on our own merits and flaws. Our nationalities do not define us intrinsically. I know you all love your wives, which is a good thing. But it is possible to love your wives without denigrating other women. 

the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 18:51:00
PhilippinesOk !!! Why are so Many Filipina's Connecting Up with American Men......???

Damn all the women who are becoming too independent.


That had to be some of the most ignorant, sexist, stereotypical nonsense I've ever read. I don't know what's more worrisome ... that it was written or that it's being praised as gospel.

After watching all that Sex and the City, I feel too independent these days. :( 

the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-31 15:40:00
PhilippinesWhy are so many American Men connecting with Filipina's

Romania isn't FSU. Just sayin'.

the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-20 22:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsTWO APPROVAL EMAILS RIGHT NOW
So wonderful...seems like you guys have been waiting FOREVER for that NOA2!!! Congratulations!!! :thumbs:
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-03 14:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe Got Our Interview Date
Fantastic!!! A big CONGRATULATIONS to you both!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-21 07:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMy Fiancee received the NOA2 today
Congrats to you both! :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-11 04:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIpods and mobile phones are not allowed at the US Embassy London
You can bring them with you BUT you must leave them at the security hut at the Embassy before you enter the building. You hand them over in a clear plastic baggie which they supply you with, they give you a numbered chit, you collect them when you exit. Some people feel nervous about doing this, but my rationale is would you rather leave your stuff with armed guards at the Embassy or in a tin box at Victoria?
the mavenFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-07 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsIs this horrible feeling in my gut justified?
I'm sure your approval will come soon. I've noticed a few timelines on here where people's cases get touched, 3 weeks later they have heard nothing, then suddenly they are approved. It also seems pretty common for the email notification to not show up, but instead get a nice surprise in your mailbox at home.
Keep your chin up, an approval is coming your way!
Misty1979FemaleCanada2007-05-24 04:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK1 August Filers have no RFEs. Weird.
QUOTE (stephandmuz @ Nov 10 2007, 05:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (V&Steve @ Nov 10 2007, 08:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

My fiance noticed and I just made sure that, K1 filers from August (like us) have no RFE's so far (based on the time line data).
And this either has to be a real neat fact or is there a total mess waiting for us later?
I really, really hope that the worst is not to happen, because any more waiting regarding to this matter would be so unfair! We're almost in time to feel even more nervous waiting for the NOA2 ...receiving RFE notices just then would suck!

So does anyone has anything to comment about it? Have anyone gotten an actual RFE?
(maybe we're two goobers and didn't find any smile.gif I don't know if I hope someone got one or not haha)

Vanessa.'s still early for you. You could still very well receive an rfe. So could the rest of August filers. June filers and july filers for that matter.

I agree! Until you get your NOA2, you still have all the chances to get an RFE... hopefully no one gets 'em! Good Luck!!!
Abby-RonFemalePhilippines2007-11-10 20:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsNVC to Manila
QUOTE (DavidandJenny @ Nov 15 2007, 12:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello, we just found out a few days ago that indeed California had sent our NOA2 to NVC. It was recieved on November 8th, 2007, however when do we recieve the 'new' case number from NVC?? Do I call for this? Or are the packets sent directly to Manila w/the case number then? THANKS wacko.gif

Congratulations! Im waiting for my NVC case number too... I hope my packet was sent with yours to NVC!

Edited by rlpolo78, 15 November 2007 - 06:35 AM.

Abby-RonFemalePhilippines2007-11-15 06:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWE FINALLY HAVE A MEDICAL AND INTERVIEW DATE
QUOTE (kits_24_faith @ Nov 24 2007, 11:12 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I checked the website and after putting in our MNL case number I finally saw something different than usual. Before it would say NO RECORD, but on November 24, 2007 (me and my fiance's 22 monthsary) we got our medical and interview dates.

Medical at Saint Luke's: December 27, 2007 (just two days after Christmas)
Interview in the US Embassy in Manila: January 9, 2008

Praise GOD!!!

Thats great news!!! Congrats! Maybe you can also post that in http://www.visajourn...showtopic=96753, a topic I created for Jan/Feb Manila interviews.. would be greatly appreciated so that we all know where other petitioners from Manila stand.. Thanks again!
Abby-RonFemalePhilippines2007-11-25 05:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsApril and May Filers - NOA2 to NVC
QUOTE (afterforever @ Nov 9 2007, 03:03 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (ramzis51 @ Nov 9 2007, 10:28 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Well I just called CSC and my petition has not been forwarded to NVC yet. I'm not disappointed though. I got a super nice lady and she says it takes a few days after the approval to have it sent on. You know me, I'm the patient one, and definitely happier this week!!!! Alane & Ramzis luv.gif luv.gif

Looks like they are sending petitions about once a week to NVC, so maybe it will be sent next week.
Good luck Alane!

I hope my packet goes out to NVC with yours so I wont have to wait another week laughing.gif hehee.. You got approved for NOA2 on Oct 4 and havent received a hardcopy yet?
Abby-RonFemalePhilippines2007-11-10 17:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsAttention July filers who got approved in November
QUOTE (julezabelle @ Dec 5 2007, 06:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
There is already a similar thread:


Please join us!

yeah thats where Im at too.. see you at http://www.visajourn...showtopic=94484 then there is also July Filers http://www.visajourn...h...740&st=3240 Most July filers are on the Oct/Nov approval for NOA2.. and then for NOA2 Nov for Manila http://www.visajourn...showtopic=96753

Edited by rlpolo78, 05 December 2007 - 11:34 PM.

Abby-RonFemalePhilippines2007-12-05 23:33:00