CanadaCANADIAN from Vancouver BC
PoCo here!
GVMackFemaleCanada2012-02-03 06:00:00
CanadaI swear, the US Government just likes messing with me...
No NOA 2 yet?
GVMackFemaleCanada2012-02-28 18:59:00
CanadaDocuments for interview

Unfortunately Montreal doesn't take documents via fax, so it would've been mailed in. It seems so silly that the two consulates in Canada have such different procedures sometimes.

Yeah, that's weird. I guess I shouldn't answer questions for Montreal people. :wacko:
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-13 23:47:00
CanadaDocuments for interview
The DS-230 is what you faxed in for packet 3. I brought mine along though, but you don't have to bring that form. You need 2 copies of DS-156 and 1 copy of DS-156K.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-13 01:15:00
CanadaDocuments for interview

1) Something I DO NOT need to bring is my copy of the initial K1 petition packet, correct?

2) I've noticed that some people list things from Packet 3 (namely the 156 and the DS-230)as things they are bringing. Aren't those forms the ones that the embassy already has and that I'll be signing in front of them?

3) The checklist says to bring "the original and one copy" of the forms listed. Does this mean that for, say, the I-134, I have the original, the photocopy, AND a third copy at home?


1) You should bring it, just in case they ask you for something from your petition packet.
2) You DEFINITELY need to bring your DS-156 AND DS-156K. I brought 3 copies of each just in case. One of them (it should say) REQUIRES you to bring *2* copies.
3) I brought Original and photocopy just in case. They didn't keep my copy but I have it on hand just in case.

When I went to my interview, they had a list of everything they wanted and the order they wanted it in. I had all of my stuff in a plastic folder with dividers. Each form they wanted had its own spot. I was probably way over organized and had a million copies of everything. It's not necessary, but the lady kept complimenting my knowledge and organization and told me "better over-prepared than unprepared". :blush:
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-13 01:11:00
CanadaAffidavit of support/Evidence of support
They usually only look at the USC's paperwork. I brought bank statements with me and they wouldn't even take it. You could always bring it with you though.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-17 23:07:00
CanadaBank accounts in Canada

Once you leave Canada that is a moot point since yoru no longer entitled to those deposits for GST. And chances are you wont be doing anymore Canada tax returns.

Like I said, I get federal tax returns there too. I'm moving in January so I will have my tax refund April-ish of 2012, and if I work any days in January I'll have to file taxes in 2013 also. It'd be a major hassle for me to get all of these things changed before I go, and having someone POA on my account makes it a bit less stressful for me because I can decide once all of my affairs in Canada are wrapped up.

That and I have a money back visa card that issues the money back in November of each year so I'd need it for a while (since I plan on using it until I get a bank acct set up).

This may most definitely be a moot point for some, but not for others :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-17 21:40:00
CanadaBank accounts in Canada
I don't know if this helps at all but I chose to make my Mom power of attorney for my bank account so I can figure out what I want to do with my money/bank account once I've moved to the US.

All of my tax refunds/HST credit/Visa money back go into my account so it'd be a pain in the butt to close it.

If you have someone you trust with your money it might make sense to do the same so you can decide later.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-16 16:46:00
CanadaProof of Chicken Pox?
I'd highly recommend starting shots now. It takes a while to get your records, then if you have to get more than 1 live virus vaccine it's 1 month between each shot... :unsure:

Delayed our progress quite a bit. Looking back it wasn't that bad but I was sure frustrated and stressed at the time lol..
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-19 11:07:00
CanadaProof of Chicken Pox?
If you haven't had Chicken Pox (like me) it's a bit complicated.

First, get a blood test to prove that you do not have immunity. So, basically go into any doctor and ask them to order a blood test to see if you are immune to chicken pox. Make sure you get the Doctor to provide you with a copy of your result that clearly states that you are not immune.

After you get your result, you need to contact the Health Unit to arrange to get a chicken pox vaccine. It took me 2 weeks to get an appointment with them. You need to bring your blood test results with you to prove you're not immune so they will give you the vaccine.

*** be advised that if you're an adult it is 2 shots in order to be vaccinated. You have to wait 4 weeks between shots.

I had my medical done after only having 1 shot, and they marked my series as incomplete so I'm not sure if this will mess me up for my AOS, but I have a record of my 2nd shot so it should be okay.

Hope this helps... Sure would have been useful to have chicken pox haha :blush:

Edit: forgot to add that in BC the chicken pox vaccine was free, so I'm sure it would be free anywhere in Canada.

Edited by dukeandduchess, 18 October 2011 - 07:24 PM.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-18 19:22:00
CanadaProof of Chicken Pox?
Yes, you just tell them the exact year you had chicken pox. If you're worried you can have a blood test to show immunity but it's not necessary.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-16 19:18:00
CanadaMedicalExam for CR 1 in Canada [Antibody-Titer Test]
You may want to speak to someone from the health unit because I know there are certain viruses that you can't test immunity for. I had this problem trying to get my vaccines done for my K1 medical and they needed my immunization record to prove Measles/Mumps/Rubella (I think there's only one of those they can't test for but again, not sure which one).

I had to get my 2nd shot for MMR which was free (covered by my MSP so I don't know how much that cost) and the TDap was $40 at a Travel Clinic.

As long as you haven't had a TDap shot within the last 10 years they should give it to you but make sure you ask for TDap specifically because they will try to just give you part of it...
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-19 00:40:00
CanadaWhen did you tell your employer you're moving?
I guess it depends on your job and your relationship with your boss. When I started the K1 process I mentioned that I would be moving to the US. They asked me to agree to stay (at least) until the end of the year because christmas is our busiest time of the year and I'm a store manager. I agreed. I plan to give them a month's notice, but I've already told them I got the visa approved.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-18 13:10:00
CanadaWebsite that sells Canadian foods?
It took me a few minutes to figure out what "Canadian Foods" were. I still only think of Smarties and Ketchup chips...

Is that bad? :blush:
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-19 23:24:00
CanadaA few important questions before our interview in Montreal

Hello everyone on this wonderful site, I've been a silent reader of these forums for a few months now, I've learned quite a bit just by reading fellow k1 visa applicants and their stories, so thank you all!

My interview is next week and I was wondering if I could ask a few questions:

1- We are only planning on submitting a 1 - 134 (affidavit of support) only! I don't think 1 864 is needed prior to AOS?

2- the fiance letter of intent is just a simple word document that my fiance wrote up at the time of 1 129F. We are planning on using the same document with her signatures and of course the updated date (within 30 days of the interview). We're assuming that would be ok?

3- Also, my fiance was born in Europe and is a naturalize US. Citizen, so we're only submitting her citizenship certificate with the date when she became a citizen (1988 when she was 4 years old). I'll be taking that original certificate along with the copies of her US passport, would that be good enough?

4- Also, do we need to take the actual chest x ray with us to the interview, I doubt that a counselor officer would want to see that? What do you folks think?

I'd appreciate your help in this matter. Thanks

1) Correct, use the I-134 (Affidavit of support) for the interview. I-864 is for AOS.
2) That's what I brought, they didn't look at it. Bring it anyway.
3) (I don't know)
4) I brought mine, but they didn't look at it. Again, something to have just in case.

Better to be over-prepared! Good luck!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-24 02:03:00
CanadaGetting ready for my interview
Plastic Accordian folder + Paper clips + post its.

So easy and organized. When they ask you for something you'll know exactly where it is! :thumbs:
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-24 22:54:00
CanadaThings needed to send back with Packet 3
Vaccinations were dependent on your age group at the Vancouver medical. The ones most age groups needed were MMR (measles, mumps, rubella), Tdap (tetanus, diptheria, pertussis), Varicella (chicken pox), and Influenza (October to February).

In BC I had to call the health unit in my home town to get a record of my immunizations. I'm not sure how it works in Ontario, but you can't get your vaccinations without a record of immunization. If you can't get a hold of your immunization record you need to go get a blood test for immunity. It's not too difficult, just time consuming especially if you have a 9-5 job.

Not sure about montreal, but if you had chicken pox you just need to tell them what year you had it. (I'm sure others can correct me if this is wrong)

** Remember a lot of these vaccinations are a 2 part series, which means you need to get 2 shots to complete it. So you get the first shot, then wait 4 weeks and get the second shot. I got royally screwed on this point which delayed my medical and interview a couple of months.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-25 13:34:00
CanadaThings needed to send back with Packet 3
Montreal or Vancouver? -- the packets are a bit different between the two, which surprised me.

Things you should work on that can take some time:

- birth certificate (long form) that has your parents names on it
- police certificate
- vaccinations
- marriage/divorce certificates
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-25 01:42:00
CanadaVisiting US "after" K1 issued
They told me after my interview that I could still travel without using my K1, but I don't really trust that so I'm not risking it...

I don't know how people think they wouldn't notice you had the K1 though, since its attached to your passport :blink: No point lying when it's right there, or at all for that matter.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-25 13:56:00
CanadaOk VJ friends, I need some advice,
It sounds like you're worried that if you get married and you want to visit, you feel like you won't be able to unless you've filed for the CR-1? If this is what you think (and not just my understanding of your post), don't worry about it. All you or your fiance(e)/husband need to do when travelling is bring proof of ties to your country. So bring a copy of a lease, letter from an employer, etc.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-19 23:17:00
CanadaCrossing border to the US to visit bf
I can't blame them for pulling me aside. It was before I knew much about immigration and visas. I had no job and no return ticket. I think he actually did a good job in recognizing that I was "risky". They're just doing their job but boy, did I ever learn a lesson! :bonk:

Edited by dukeandduchess, 29 October 2011 - 01:40 AM.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-29 01:39:00
CanadaCrossing border to the US to visit bf
Be honest. If you're going to see your boyfriend you should say so.

You could try getting a letter from your parents stating that you live with them and will be returning on XXX date. Bank statement to show you can pay for yourself while you're there is a good idea.

Yes, I think they will be pretty suspicious of you going for such a long time -- How do you take 5 months off work without losing your job? etc.

Yes, they could refuse your entry to the US.

** Not trying to sound scary but it is a possibility. I was once pulled into immigration for "questioning" and they ended up letting me go in, but attached a form (not sure what its called) that said I needed to leave by a certain date or I would be banned from entering the US for 10 years... YIKES.

Edited by dukeandduchess, 29 October 2011 - 01:24 AM.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-29 01:20:00
CanadaMontreal Interview - NO I-864 needed, for sure?

Some embassys request 864 not 134 for K-1. Montreal is one that does not.

Once again, Vancouver vs. Montreal bites me in the butt.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-30 01:31:00
CanadaMontreal Interview - NO I-864 needed, for sure?
I-864 is for AOS. You need I-134 for the interview.

Good luck!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-30 00:49:00
CanadaShould I fill out a new DS-156?

In the summer, I sent off 2 copies of the DS-156 in my packet 3 like I was supposed to. Even though the checklist doesn't say to bring that form to the interview, VJ-ers advise me to. My problem is that the copies of that form that I made for myself were done on paper with some markings/type on the back. I figured at the time that I would only need the copies for my personal records. Should I fill out and print a new DS-156 to bring with me, in that case? Or is that a bad idea since the date and barcode would be different?

Could you photocopy them? (that way the marks won't show on the back but its the same barcode)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-30 03:40:00
CanadaTax Returns required for K-1 Interview (Montreal)
If he has been working for the past 3 years I would suggest having 3 years of tax returns just in case.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-30 22:20:00
CanadaI-134 Submitted at Montreal Interview. Update or Use one from Petition?
4. I-134 Affidavit of Support form. Ensure it is signed, with all required supporting evidence. Begin collecting the required information ahead of time, as it can often take several weeks to collect it all.

5. You will likely need at a minimum (for the above form) two to three of your most recent pay stubs and a signed letter from your employer listing you job title, start date, your salary, and the status (full-time) of your position. Begin collecting these ASAP after your NOA2 arrives. You will also probably want to include other evidence such as your banking information and other assets as required by the I-134. Specifically you will need at least 2 of the 4 options mentioned in Section II-Supporting Evidence of the I-134. See this FAQ for more tips and ueful information on the Affidavit of Support Form.

Found here:
http://www.visajourn...content/k1guide (scroll to what to send your fiance(e) once the I-129F is approved).

I also linked this in my pm to you :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-31 21:47:00
CanadaI-134 Submitted at Montreal Interview. Update or Use one from Petition?

Thanks, that does make me feel better although mine would be in November :)

Also, Coconuts, the letter from her employer was written back on May 10th (we didn't think about getting a new one until now). It's just one of things that's bothering me now, I wish we had gotten an updated letter from her HR with a more recent date. At the time of the interview, the letter would still be under 6 months old, so I think that should still be good!

Also, the reason I brought up bank statements is because she only has two years worth of Tax returns (W2s) as she's only been working since 2009 (so she has for 09 and 2010). I've been doing all this reading on VJ, and I've seen it somewhere that you should have a minimum of 3 years worth of tax returns.

Relax! If your fiancee has only been working for 2 years then she would only have 2 years worth of Tax returns. You can bring a bank statement but they already ask on the I-134 how much money she has saved up (found in question #7). If you're asking about your savings don't even bother because they won't look at it (or at least they don't in vancouver).

If you're worried, just bring updated paystubs and request a new letter from her employer that states somewhere that "no changes to xxxxx's employment or wages in the foreseeable future".
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-27 16:55:00
CanadaI-134 Submitted at Montreal Interview. Update or Use one from Petition?
My fiance prepared the I-134's in July and brought them up in August. My interview wasn't until October 7th and we never had a problem. I don't even think they looked at them. But if you're worried just bring some more recent paystubs.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-10-27 16:29:00
CanadaInterview Question: When are you getting married?
They didn't ask me, but if asked I would have said:

"Within 90 days, then we will have a bigger wedding later on when we have time and money to plan it!"
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-01 22:14:00
CanadaWe're Approved!!!
Congratulations!! :star:

Time to celebrate !
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-02 14:49:00
CanadaGetting Ready to Leave
Utilities - you might want to call and setup a cancellation on a certain date. I know a lot of places have a "30 day notice" clause about cancelling services, even though this is never mentioned when you set it up. Calling to ask won't hurt anyway.

Bank - I set my mom up as my Power of Attorney on my account so she can do all of my banking for me. Don't know if this would help your situation but its pretty easy to do and makes sense if you trust the person.

I think you need to make an itemized list. Not sure if that applies to land crossing only but it never hurts to be prepared. Your fiance can bring your things in his luggage provided you are traveling together. Your belongings must accompany you OR FOLLOW but not precede you.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-07 11:44:00
CanadaMedical Question [Personal Information Inside]
I'm not sure if the Montreal-ers have a different form, but I swear it asked if you've ever harmed yourself/an animal/someone else.

I may be remembering it wrong, or maybe Vancouver's medical form is different (what isn't) but I'm pretty sure it asked about self-harm.

After reading other responses, I think if the question asks if she was ever diagnosed with depression she wouldn't be wrong to answer no. If the doctor notices the scars she should be able to explain the situation. My only concern is that I am almost certain there is a specific question about self-harm and if she checked no and then the doctor asks it would be a different situation. Again, this may not apply to the medical at Montreal.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-08 15:58:00
CanadaMedical Question [Personal Information Inside]
It depends on how observant the Doctor is. The one I had was super observant. He noticed a Birth Control patch on my arm (well, ok its fairly obvious) and asked what it was/my dose/how long I've used it.

He also noticed I had messed my knee up (I don't even know HOW he noticed, but he did) -- I tore my MCL when I was about 11 but I don't have any noticeable limp or problem walking (and he didn't even see me walk).

If it's super obvious then she needs to be honest because if he notices and she doesn't answer the question truthfully it might make your situation more difficult. I'm pretty sure they would notice scars on the wrist if they paid attention. Cut marks are usually straight too so they don't just look like random scratches...
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-08 02:42:00
CanadaJust picked up my Passport with the VISA in it :)
Congrats! Feels soooo good doesn't it! :dance:

CONGRATULATIONS! You are so lucky too! I was the day after you and still trying to find out how to get a waybill number if I don't get one in an email... Still nothing for nobody!! :(

If you made the appointment online then it shows up when you log on to the appointment website again. At least that's how it worked at the Vancouver consulate... lol
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-08 16:20:00

I did not wait..but i can tell you i regret it. infact, i was already packed and in the car wiating fo the mail to drop off my Visa!! lol. Crossed the border the same day.

If i had of stayed longer i would have had more money saved up. And maybe we would not have had to move in with the in laws for the first few months. I also would haved affored to keep most of my stuff intead of throwing it out or giving it away when i moved.

Spend as much time with your family and friends before you leave. You wont know when youll have the chance to go back or how long it will take to get your green card.

Haha you're nuts! I kind of wish I had done the same though! :)

Unfortunately we are planning to live with his folks for a few months until I can work (unless he lands a higher paying job before then). My family all live quite far away from where I live now, and my best friend moved to Sweden last year. It makes it a bit harder to wait it out when all I have is my job and my cat (how pathetic lol).

I even asked my parents to come down here for Christmas and they didn't seem to want to. They're both getting older and they have cats and my mom worries about the house... lol

Anyway. I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself and I've waited 2.5 years, what's another 2 months right...? :bonk:
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-09 02:54:00

All of my banking since I was 12 has been through TD but their US accounts are different - they're somehow Canadian but in US Funds and you don't get a US account with a US check card. That's why I started with RBC thanks to some great advice from several VJers.

Thanks for the info! I guess I'll look into RBC over TD. That's weird!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-08 20:45:00

With the $$$$ thing--it depends how much u have!!! If it is not a lot, then using ur ATM/credit card may not be a big deal! But if it is a lot, then u may want to look into Customhouse. Or the other options are TD bank or royal bank which are now in the USA! AS yes some banks charge NO upfront fees,BUT they give you a terrible exchange rate! So u have to decide whats better for ur! Maybe a few thousand dollars, its no big deal and just use ur ATM. But if it is many thousand $$$, one wants to investigate ur options, and I mentioned the top 3 above!! Best of luck

Thanks! I'll have to check out RBC and TD. I use Scotiabank right now so it might make sense to switch. I didn't even know that was an option!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-08 20:08:00

My Visa was approved in May, and I stayed until the end of September. It was absolute torture, so I know how you feel. I had a job that I wanted to finish as well, and I knew I would need the money. Now that I'm here, I'm happy I did, because the money has come in really handy. But the waiting was horrible.

Thanks Coconuts! Glad I'm not the only one :) Thank god when I move I'll get my income tax return shortly after I arrive because that is when my money will start to dry up!

Did you bring your savings with you or use your Canadian bank account? I'm not sure if it'd be better to just use my credit card for everything or to bring some money for rent/bills.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-08 18:41:00
Thanks guys. It's nice to hear other people waited a bit too. Seems like every post I read lately is people packed up with one foot out the door on the interview date. I haven't seen my fiance since August and we won't have time to see each other for christmas or in between me moving there due to work. It's so hard to be away from the person you love, and is especially frustrating since it's self imposed... grr!

At least now I feel like I'm doing the right thing money/job wise. I'll just pray it gets busier than it already is so I have no time to wallow in self-pity :blush:
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-08 14:55:00