CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
My fiance and I met on WOW also, but we haven't been playing for about a year. I just started playing SWTOR while I wait until I can work/volunteer more.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-02 17:12:00
CanadaPOE Success - Blaine WA

Next week, on Wednesday, tentatively. My guy will be done his paperwork and fedex'n it tomorrow. Hopefully it will be here before Tuesday or I'll reschedule.

Did my medical today. Waiting outside the medical building at 6am while it snowed sucked.

So exciting!! Keep me posted!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-29 19:32:00
CanadaPOE Success - Blaine WA

Yep.. it dumped snow this morning in Vancouver (washed to slush now). Definitely more greener and sunnier where you are now!

Yeah it's so nice here. It did rain the other day but not like it does in Vancouver. Hurry up and get down here already! When is your interview?
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-29 18:18:00
CanadaPOE Success - Blaine WA
Thanks all! Yes I know the grass is always greener on the other side... lol :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-29 14:47:00
CanadaPOE Success - Blaine WA
Just wanted to let everyone know my POE was successful and super easy. We waited in the line for about an hour. When I got to Customs the officer he looked horrified when he saw our van loaded to the roof (lol). I told him I was activating my K1 visa and my parents were helping me move. He seemed to be relieved and asked if I had my sealed envelope. I passed it to him and he said to hang onto it and directed us to secondary inspection. We pulled in and were told to leave everything inside (especially all electronics). I asked about my wallet and they said I didn't need it *which was totally wrong, you need $6 for the I-94*. I brought my wallet inside along with my sealed envelope and the plastic folder I had that has all of our information inside.

It took about an hour to get processed, which was uneventful and boring. The man who processed me seemed to get interrupted by a newer officer next to him so that may have added a lot of time. He asked for my packet then told me to sit down. After about 15 minutes he called me up and asked me how long my parents were staying. I told him just to drive me down and help me move - about a week. He told me to sit down. Then he called me up about 15 minutes later and took my fingerprints and a photo. He then asked me when I was getting married (I said start of April). I told him I knew I had 90 days to get married and he told me good, and that I mustn't forget to get married. I said well that's kind of the point (jokingly of course), which he actually smiled at.

After another 20 minutes or so he told me to come up again and he gave me back my passport and wished me good luck. Told me to go over to the cashier to pay my $6 for the I-94 and reminded me to get married.

Fairly simple really just seemed to take a long time (I was expecting 15-30 minutes based on a lot of reviews. Just thought I'd share since I know a bunch of Vancouver people are getting close to their POE's.

Hardest part so far has been sitting around not working! Only a week or so until I start volunteering I hope. :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-28 20:49:00
woo hoo! congrats!!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-03 02:15:00
Yeah I'd just make a new one. As far as I recall it wasn't too time consuming.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-06 18:19:00
CanadaSSN Application Success!
Applied for my SSN today and wanted to mention that printing off the website mentioned in the SSN guide saved my booty. We had to line up outside the office and a man who worked for the SSN office came by and asked each person what they were there to do. I said "Apply for a SSN" and he looks me up and down and says "And you're how old?"... Wow! I said, "I'm 26, thanks, and Canadian. I'm here on a K1 visa." He didn't seem to understand and started telling me I couldn't apply so I whipped out the print out and he looked kind of bewildered and waved me in.

Once I was called up inside the office the lady knew exactly what she was doing and didn't say a word until she handed me my receipt. I wonder why they had someone outside who almost turned me away when everyone inside knew what they were doing. Weird, but just thought I'd share. One more reason why I love VJ.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-06 18:35:00
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-05 11:25:00
CanadaHELP - What is the best route?
Honestly, as others have mentioned, I don't think he could qualify for a student visa. Obviously you can pursue whatever you want but I don't think many of us know much about it since we're all doing family-based visas. I think we tried looking into getting a student visa as well but didn't think it would work for us (even though we both have Bachelor of Arts degrees in History and I have one in Archaeology also). -not saying trades aren't important or anything but I really don't think it would work for a student visa- I could be wrong though!

To get a visa to come to Canada, aside from a student visa, you would need to be married.
You would have to get married and have your husband sponsor you. I don't think it would be easier for you to get a student visa to Canada either based on this:

I know it sucks, my fiance and I did a long distance relationship for nearly 3 years. Ideally, if we both lived in the same country I highly doubt we would be getting married so quickly. We both decided that we wanted to be together. We're a bit older than you (26) but considering our relationship getting married right now is a bit rushed but it was the only way for us to be together. Both of our families have done a lot for us to make this happen, and we both sacrificed a lot (not going to get masters degrees, working 50+ hour weeks, sacrificing some of our traveling dreams). I know that sounds silly but I guess my point is that in this kind of situation you have to decide what's more important to you. If you don't think you're ready to get married yet - don't! Visiting back and forth isn't fun but don't rush getting married either. You both need to consider what you want to do for the next few years and decide from there. No one can really tell you what the best decision is for you and your boyfriend. However, a lot of us have the benefit of hindsight so I'm sure you will get a lot of good advice.

If you do decide to get married, I would suggest going to Canada as well. It sounds like your boyfriend has a pretty good job and once you got yourself settled you could get a job to help him get through trade school. Alberta has tons of jobs that pay well and are entry level. The economy in the US isn't as forgiving right now. I'm terrified of trying to find a job once I get authorization to work (I'm in California and it has almost 12% unemployment!)... I also wish I stayed in Canada because of the healthcare (I want babies like, yesterday!). Now I have to wait until we're in a stable situation.

Ugh sorry to ramble! I think you sound like you're weighing your options and I'm sure you and your boyfriend will make the right decision for your future :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-09 19:06:00
CanadaHELP - What is the best route?
From what I understand student visas are hard to get because you need to have a substantial amount of money to pay for tuition. Usually a Fiance(e) visa [K1] or a visa for married couples [CR-1] is the easiest way to go. Of course, that would mean you need to get married.

Although every situation is different, I will pass on some advice for you. I would think long and hard about the pros and cons of where you intend to live. For example: who has the better job and can support the other person until they get a job? "Free" health care in Canada is also a huuuuuuge thing to consider if you plan to have children. My fiance and I kind of rushed into things hoping he would have a teaching job once he finished his credential. That didn't happen and I left a job where I could support both of us to come here. I don't think I necessarily regret moving here (my fiance got a decent job before I moved) but I do wish I had been a bit more thoughtful about our decision. In hindsight I think we both would have chosen for him to move to Canada.

Anyway, not to be a downer but I just thought I would share my advice. There is a page on VisaJourney that weighs the cost and benefits of each type of family-based visa.

Best of luck.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-09 15:16:00
CanadaTrip Purpose Invalid??
Um, I'm not sure what the problem is. The K1 isn't really considered an immigrant visa though, so you may be in the wrong section.

I just went here:

made an account and followed the instructions. If you're going through montreal I'm not sure if you use the same website or not.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-12 23:49:00
CanadaMoving, unaccompanied items
What about giving them a photocopy of your K1 visa? But yeah, I think you would have to send back the I-94 because your items have to either go with you at your POE or follow you (which in my mind reads: I-94). Just wanted to make sure: you know your things can't enter the US before you do, right?

Sorry I can't help more :/
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-13 15:47:00
CanadaPeace Arch v. Pacific
I've never been through the Peace Arch but I did my POE at Pacific. You do have to stop before you enter the US because you go into secondary inspection. It didn't seem hard to get to at all but we were driving a van. If you went at a time when it wasn't busy I'm sure it'd be fairly easy.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-16 01:43:00
CanadaEstablishing credit score in US for Canadians

I think the thing is that yes they can import it from anywhere, but it depends on if they are WILLING to do it and how much clout they actually put into it.

My co-worker is trying to buy a house right now and from what I'm learning from her, getting a mortgage is extremely complicated and NOTHING is for sure until it's finalized in writing and signed on the dotted line. She said every mortgage broker just tells you want you want to hear, but when it actually comes time to give you the money there are a lot of last minute things that will just "pop up" that they "forgot to mention".

Yeah I figured it was better to rely on what I read here. I knew they *could* import it but the truth is I think it takes them too much time and/or money.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-16 14:50:00
CanadaEstablishing credit score in US for Canadians
I was just discussing this with my fiance last night at dinner and my future step-FIL said they can import credit history from anywhere, which completely contradicts most things said here. I think he was being defensive because I said to add me to my fiance's credit card (even though I wouldn't use it)... Sigh.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-16 12:47:00
CanadaMy Overdue Vancouver Consulate Review
Honestly, you have nothing to worry about! You could also ask awkwardsoul, she recently interviewed (and passed!!) at vancouver as well!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-22 16:16:00
CanadaMy Overdue Vancouver Consulate Review
I had my interview on October 7th and haven't written a review yet but I thought I would post my experience in case anyone wanted to know...

The consulate is located only a block and a half away from Burrard skytrain station so if you're taking transit it is super easy to walk to from the skytrain. There is a convenience store across the street next to Purolator that will hold your bag for $5 while you're interviewing. I chose to leave my bag with him because I wanted to take my phone so I could call my fiance/everyone I know after the interview.

I arrived super early and went inside the building but the security guy told me I needed to go outside to my left (as you exit) to the other side of the building. There you will see a lineup of people, some guards, and a few civilians. When you approach tell them you are here for a K1 interview. She asked for my passport and confirmation letter and sent me to wait in a line. The security guard will come outside and take people in 1 by 1. Once you get in you go through security (I was wearing a jacket and scarf so this took a while), then you will be escorted up some stairs and your Medical Envelope gets the 3rd degree from an Xray and Security. Finally you take an elevator up to the interviewing place. You have to go into a booth (booth B??) and switch on the light. They will tell you how to do this but its still kind of weird. I wasn't sure if the light was on so I switched it up and down a few times until someone came :blush:

At this window I was helped by the sweetest little lady ever. She gives you a list of how they want the documents arranged. It says evidence but when I pulled out the piles of receipts (etc.) she told me to keep it and if they wanted anything they would ask. You then get a number which is different than most peoples (I think it starts with B### and most peoples start with A###). Don't panic, it's by visa type as far as I can tell. I joked around with some other people waiting because some people couldn't find the booth they were supposed to go to (they are VERY clearly marked).

It didn't take long for me to get called up for my interview. I read on most reviews that the Interviewer would flip through your case for a while before interviewing you. This didn't happen. He finished interviewing someone else and about 30 seconds later called me up. First thing he took my fingerprints (which I messed up and felt kind of stupid about because there was a diagram on how to do it right infront of me -- nervous). The guy laughed and said "Doesn't matter." --- what?? lol

Actual Interview:
Interviewer: "So, who are you going to marry?"
Me: "(fiance's name)"
I: Ah #######. I have to swear you in first I forgot...
M: (nervous laughter)
I: So I'm going to read you this and you have to agree, don't repeat it just agree. *Reads Oath*
M: I promise to tell the truth.
I: Just say "I do," it's good practice!
M: I do!

He then asked me some fairly standard questions like:
How did you meet? When? Did you go there? Did he come here?

Then he stopped the interview and says:
I: I just have to stop for a minute and say... You have really nice teeth.
M: Um, what?
I: You have really great teeth, how do you get them that nice?
M: Thank my mom, she paid for the braces. I brush them a lot too, like, obsessively.
I: They're really nice.
M: Thank you!

(this was by far the weirdest thing, totally threw me off guard but I wonder if they ask you something like that on purpose to see how you react??) -- but not to toot my own horn, my teeth are nice and people do comment on them frequently :whistle:

He then asked me a few more questions:
What do you do for work? What does your fiance do for work? What will you do when you go there? Did you go to university? Did he? What degree? When did you both finish?

Then he said "Okay everything looks good. You can go back to the other window now."
M: So I'm approved??
I: Yes, congratulations!
M: Thank you!! (and as I was walking away I commented back -- "It was the teeth, wasn't it?")
I: Yep!

Back at the first booth the same lady made sure all of the paperwork was in order (the interviewer actually forgot to sign something so she went and got it signed). She gave me some information and asked me some questions but I answered them all very well thanks to VJ, she was super impressed with my knowledge of the whole process. She gave me some info on DHL and sent me on my way.

The whole process only took about 45 minutes. I arrived early and they let me in early. Not sure if this always happens or if I got lucky. I was very surprised at how laid back and funny my interviewer was. I had listened to him interview other people (Not for K1 visas) and he asked a lot of random questions. I think it is to see how people react but I have no idea how they work. I just smiled and even joked around with him and it was pretty much like an awkward run in with someone you went to high school with who is quizzing you on your new life and your fiance (best way to describe it). Overall it was painless but I was super nervous anyway.

If anyone has any questions or comments for me I am more than willing to help out if I can. :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2011-11-02 03:21:00
CanadaInterview Questions
You can have the medical the same day as your interview in Vancouver, so no worries there!

Here is my review of the Vancouver Consulate Interview:

The medical is super straightforward just follow the directions on the Woking Medical website - it's pretty scary to read but they are really nice!

Good luck!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-22 16:02:00
CanadaIs it easier to Immigrate to Canada or the US?
I'd weigh it on more factors than just "how long it takes". I believe going to Canada takes longer, however, most people here went to the US so I'm not sure we will have an answer for you.

I will tell you that if I were to do it over again I would have had my fiance come to Canada for the following reasons:

- I had a better paying job
- Cheap healthcare
- More jobs

Of course this depends on where your USC lives and their job, etc. There's a lot more to think about than just how long it takes. You also have to meet all of the requirements to sponsor them and so on.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-22 16:10:00
CanadaCanadian Citizen Visiting the U.S. and Returning Back to Canada After K-1 Issued
Personally, I wouldn't risk it. The Vancouver consulate did tell me I could use my passport to travel to the US (without activating my K1) but ultimately it's up to the Border Official, not the consulate.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-03 21:25:00
CanadaTricky Vaccinations?

Gives me an excuse to look around.. I was born in vancouver and haven't seen it in over a decade. My fiance will probably come up to help ease my nerves and as "living" proof so maybe I can be nostalgic and show him where I used to live. :P

Will the no charge for MMR apply if I go to a travel clinic?

I didn't pay for MMR when I got it at a travel clinic in Vancouver. I had my vaccination record to show I only had 1 shot, thus the 2nd was covered by MSP. I guess it may depend where you go, but it should be free.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-27 00:13:00
CanadaTricky Vaccinations?

Yeah, I think I'd rather just get boosters as I had my first blood test last year and almost passed out when I got antsy. So no panel in Calgary? I wish it were more obvious online but I thought it said there was one.. Hopefully I can book the appointment for that right before my interview. Good to know!

No, you have to get your medical done in either Toronto, Montreal, or Vancouver.

Also, you shouldn't get charged for MMR because MSP should cover it.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-26 18:36:00
CanadaTricky Vaccinations?
You can get Tdap and MMR at a health unit. You need to have had 2 shots of MMR. The MMR is free, but Tdap is about $40.

I lost vaccination record, so what are my options ?

Get a titer blood test, have them check for immunity to MMR and Varicella.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-26 17:31:00
CanadaMoving personal belongings to US
Be careful having someone else move your things because I was told by the consulate that YOU are responsible for everything in there! - yikes!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-06 11:57:00
CanadaAOS processing- what to expect?
If the GC approval takes more than 1 year do they give you the 10 year GC? I think I read this before but wondered if someone can clarify!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-17 17:17:00
CanadaRequest For Evidence (RFE 2012)
The customs violation is just saying that if they haven't met, they need to establish either a Hardship or a Violation of (religious and/or social) customs. I don't think either apply because they have met in person within the 2 years, if I remember correctly.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-20 13:19:00
CanadaI have a surprise!
Wow! What a beautiful home! Congratulations!!!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-27 18:55:00
CanadaMoney Trouble
I can't help, but I just wanted to send you some good thoughts. I hope everything works out :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-22 15:19:00
CanadaChange of Address before AOS
Thank you! Don't know how I missed it!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-23 20:29:00
CanadaChange of Address before AOS
So my husband is running down to the apartment place that we got approved for. Hopefully we will get it and be moving in by the end of the week. How do I go about changing my address if we haven't filed for AOS yet? We got married last week and it takes 6 weeks to get our certified marriage certificate (or any certificate at all!) Or do we just use the new address when we file for AOS? I don't want to make any mistakes. Thank you!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-23 18:54:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!
UPDATE: Got my Certified marriage certificate in the mail today (Less than 2 weeks after our wedding).

Thank you state of California for stressing me the hell out for nothing. <3

Things are looking up !
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-26 19:49:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!
Thanks! I'll try to hope for the best. It's just money worries, not to mention I'm bored and want to work. :P
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-18 15:17:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!

Great suggestions. Thanks everyone! I'm going to call and see if we are able to get a copy in person :)

Update: I called them and although we can get a copy in person, it won't be ready for 6 weeks from the date of marriage.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-18 13:47:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!
Great suggestions. Thanks everyone! I'm going to call and see if we are able to get a copy in person :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-18 13:36:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!
me too. I think we're going to try with the copy we have now, it does say License and Certificate of Marriage after-all and hope for the best. My (husband!!) is stressed about money so hopefully we can just deal with RFE's later. I just hope we aren't making a bad decision.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-17 23:35:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!
Yeah we got married at the courthouse and it says 6-8 weeks if applying by mail, not sure about if we got married there (hopefully less). But another VJ member who got married at the same place/on the same day (!!!) said something about 6-8 weeks, hence my freaking out. I'm going to call them tomorrow to double check. I thought the paperwork we had would be sufficient but it definitely isn't!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-17 20:42:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!
With the Varicella shot I had to wait 1 month from the first shot to get the second shot. So yes, I have it recorded that I got my first shot BEFORE the medical (which is noted on the DS3025 but marked as incomplete). I have a print out from the health unit showing I got the 2nd shot of the series 1 month after the first shot, which was after I had my medical.

Sounds like sending in the DS3025 + record of my 2nd shot is the best way to go. Except now I realized I have to wait for my Marriage certificate which is 6-8 weeks.... Ugh!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-17 19:59:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!

When i did my K-1 then AOS they still required the HPV vaccination, which is given in a series of 3 shots. I just had the one at the time of the medical, since there are specific time gaps between each dose. I just sent a copy of the vaccination worksheet from the medical in canada with a statement from my doctor saying I had the 2nd shot and was scheduled for the 3rd. I didn't get an RFE. We also had an interview and it didn't come up. So if you can't find a reasonable civil surgeon, that might be worth a shot. All the civil surgeons I called here wanted to do a full medical.

You don't need to send a certified copy of the marriage certificate. But I believe you do need to send a photocopy of a certificate that has officially been registered. If I were you, I'd probably send what you have and risk the RFE.

Congrats on the marriage! :luv:

Hmm.. I have my Vaccination record from the medical that indicates I've had 1 shot of Varicella but it is marked as series incomplete. I also have the record of my vaccination (2nd shot) from the Health unit in BC. Is that the same kind of situation? I'm pretty sure I could get my mom to ask my Dr. to write a letter saying it's done as well. Please let me know!

Thanks so much for the list of Dr's, very helpful!

Edited by dukeandduchess, 17 April 2012 - 07:28 PM.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-17 19:27:00
CanadaUghhhh - AOS questions!
Thanks, I've heard people get the RFE for the certified copy but I really need to get back to work so I'm hoping I can risk it with the copy I have now. I'm just not sure if I can apply with it :/
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-04-17 18:49:00