CanadaPersonal Question RE: DUI and Driving to the US from Canada

Don't have a specific answer to your question, but I just wanted to voice my sympathy for the frustration. My dad being unable to cross the border prevented both of my parents from attending my wedding, visiting since I moved, and will likely prevent them from being able to see the new home my husband and I are in the process of purchasing. Mom's fear of traveling alone and my dad's inability to explain WHY he can't cross are incredibly frustrating.

I feel your pain.

Sounds exactly like my situation. Thanks for your support. It's very difficult to deal with and I wish he would just swallow his pride for once. I personally think it'd be more embarrassing to be refused entry at the border! I'm also scared he won't make it to the wedding. We are not particularly close due to his choices and attitude but it affects my Mom and it breaks my heart.

If you ever feel like talking feel free to pm me :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-03 01:14:00
CanadaPersonal Question RE: DUI and Driving to the US from Canada

Without meaning to be insensitive - I think he's avoiding talking about something that justifiably he is embarassed about. I highly doubt he got out of the accident you described without being charged with something and the breathilizer thingy could be voluntary, but it can be court ordered as well? Your mum doesn't know?

You're not insensitive at all. I totally agree, which is why I keep pushing him to find out. No, my whole family tends to pretend the whole problem doesn't exist so my Mom doesn't talk to him about it. Pretty sad.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-02 14:31:00
CanadaPersonal Question RE: DUI and Driving to the US from Canada
I was thinking more to clarify if he has convictions on his record or not. I'm not entirely sure if he is simply feigning ignorance because he doesn't want to answer or if he's actually not sure if it's on his record.

He has a hard time admitting to anything to do with that stuff so it's frustrating, especially when I am counting on him to drive me. Sorry for the whine, just difficult to deal with this stuff. :(
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-01 22:17:00
CanadaPersonal Question RE: DUI and Driving to the US from Canada
I live close enough, but my parents are driving down from northern BC (about a 10 hour drive to where I live). I guess worst case scenario we could just bring him back and drop him at the airport so he could fly home but it would make getting his car back to him a lot more difficult since I can't cross the border.

The CBP link is making me feel a bit better. Hopefully he just sucks it up and asks his lawyer..

Thanks everyone!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-01 11:16:00
CanadaPersonal Question RE: DUI and Driving to the US from Canada
So I have one more big question before I head to the US. I'm planning to have my parents drive me down to California because they have a van that will fit all of my things inside. I'm really stressed about the fact that my dad has had some problems with DUIs. It is not something he will really openly talk about with anyone and bringing up the subject leads to him getting angry and denying that he has any DUIs at all. I can't get a straight answer from him whether he was convicted on charges or not.

As far as I know he had a conviction about 15 years ago where he lost his license for a year. He has traveled to the US since then, before it was mandatory to have a passport (he used his drivers license). Recently he had another DUI where he hit a car head on and nearly killed himself (the other driver was in a semi so he was okay thank god). He didn't lose his license but had to have a breathalyzer thing installed in his car for a year and he claims it is not on his record, which doesn't make sense since it was a pretty huge incident. I don't understand how he *wouldn't* have convictions for both of these incidents. When I look online it says DUI is not a "crime of moral turpitude" so it wouldn't bar him entry from the US. Then other sites say that it is at the discretion of the Border officer.

So my question is: If he has convictions will he have problems getting admitted into the US? I don't really have any other plan right now to move down all of my stuff and my Mom would probably die if she had to drive the whole way back on her own (her vision isn't very good so she hates driving long distances).

I have asked my Dad as nicely as possible to ask his lawyer if he will have a problem but I was hoping VJ may have some good advice for me.

Thank you in advance.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-01-31 23:08:00
CanadaWife is Canadian but she's working in Korea

married for LESS than 2 yrs = a 2 yr greencard.

You're right, my bad. Still a green card though. :P
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-01-17 15:18:00
CanadaWife is Canadian but she's working in Korea

As stated in the above topic. my wife and i got married 31OCT11 and I just filed a i-130 to the Chicago drop-box for her immigration.

Our situation is that shes teaching in Korea for the next year. will this be a problem when it comes time for her interview etc?

Also I'm looking into filing for a green-card for her what process should i follow? i was thinking of getting her a k3 visa for the time so she can come back and live with me while the green-card process is going through, is this not a good way to go or should i just file for the green card only?I'm really lost and trying to do all of this by myself any help would greatly be appreciated.

What would be the most cost effective and speedy way to go about do this? i really need any and all the help i can get. the i-130 will be dropped off in Chicago tomorrow 17JAN 11

You already filed for the I-130 which means you don't need to file for a green card or a K3. K3 is basically non-existent now anyway. Your wife will be issued a 10 year green card once she moves to the US (based on your I-130).

Here is a guide for the CR-1 (I-130):


You should definitely read a bit more on VJ because you seem a bit confused. You may have some problems - if your application goes through quite quickly (which is doubtful, but it happens) your visa may expire before she is done in Korea (not sure how long CR-1 visa's have until they expire).

I believe she can get the case transferred to the Korean consulate but I am not 100%. I'm sure another VJ member can answer with more certainty.

Here is a comparison to help you (Obviously you are not eligible for K1):


Good luck!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-01-17 02:47:00
CanadaFINALLY - moving to the US!

Congrats on your upcoming move. After reading this thread, I've realized I REALLY need to make a check list!
Learning along the way.

Lucky your parents are there to help you. Posted Image

Thank you!

Check out this guide for K1/Vancouver:


Also check out the link to Kathryn's to-do list. It will help you a lot!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-03 03:00:00
CanadaFINALLY - moving to the US!

Called BC Health - super easy. He just set a date for me leaving on February 29th - and I was informed it was a leap year. Well, whatdya know.

Called CRA - Horrible. Could barely hear the lady and she told me I needed to call back when I moved so they could put an exit date on my account. I told her the day I was leaving but she informed me they can't put a "future date" on the account. Okay, fair enough. She told me she sent a message to the HST credit (she gave me a name) to cancel my HST benefit but they don't give confirmation numbers so that was more or less useless and I guess I just have to hope she did it!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-01-31 15:31:00
CanadaFINALLY - moving to the US!
Good points to check out. I will get my parents to ask the accountant about the taxes from 2012. I'm planning on leaving February 19th or so so I will have to file for whatever I earn until then. Does that mean I have to claim the money I earned in 2012 on my US taxes as well?

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-01-29 21:32:00
CanadaFINALLY - moving to the US!
Okay question - My parents have always done my taxes for me (I give them my medical receipts, T4, and anything else) and they hire someone to do it for all of us (they've always done mine for free). So if I call now will my parents not be able to file taxes for me? I'm leaving my bank account open (my mom has power of attorney). I've always had them direct deposit my tax return. I really don't want to mess it up for that because I don't know how to file taxes on my own and I think it would be super difficult filing from the US.

Thank you :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-01-29 02:07:00
CanadaFINALLY - moving to the US!
Yes, I plan to keep my bank account and already got my mom signed on as POA. Worst case scenario she could just return the money to them. Thanks for the phone number pocheros - I just don't want to call too soon or too late! I guess I'll call now and just see what they say :)

Exploding with excitement!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-01-28 03:34:00
CanadaFINALLY - moving to the US!
So, I gave my notice (3 weeks) at work today because my fiance finally has a stable income. But reality is hitting me now -- I'm ACTUALLY going! Wow!

Did anyone else have a panic/excitement thing go on? I've worked for the same company for 4 years and I'm feeling so weird giving it all up. I really want to go (obviously) but I didn't realize it would be so rough. Seems silly because I've had about 4 months to prepare myself.

I plan to leave in 3 weeks so I have so much to do!

A few questions:

How far in advance can I notify BC health and the government (RE: HST cheques)? I get everything direct deposit and I've heard of people receiving cheques even after they cancel so this would be annoying to deal with if they ended up depositing it in my bank.

Thank you!! (Back to being a complete newbie again!)

ALSO: anyone else POEing in February?

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-01-28 01:01:00
CanadaBenefits and Canada
No once your fiance moves he cannot receive Canadian benefits. You are required to cancel your medical once you move. If you come back it takes 3 months to get Canadian medical coverage back (in BC).

The only "benefit" you can get is EI, but since your fiance hasn't been working I don't think he would qualify (since he would have to be looking for work and it sounds like he is unable to do this due to his disability).
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-12 19:09:00
CanadaI'm back from my trip!
Glad you had fun, and for reminding me of all the junk I need to eat before I go!!

Just an FYI - when they stamp and write a date on your passport that's the day you need to leave by or they can ban you from entering. That's what happened to me when they almost refused me going to the US. I had to give them a card back when I returned from the US. Thank god I did or I would be screwed for my K1!!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-13 21:52:00
CanadaMoving from Vancouver CANADA to HAWAII. Anyone done this?
I'm sure you could bring a bunch of extra bags. It'd cost a lot of money but you could do it. As for furniture and other big stuff no idea. I know when my friend moved from Vancouver to Sweden they sent their stuff on a ship (her husband's company paid for it). No idea how much that cost but they sent an apartment worth of furniture.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-07 13:29:00
CanadaCANADIAN from Vancouver BC

Do you know anything about the I-134 form?
Just wondering what information I can gather, what I can get organized ahead of time.
Any advice would be great Posted Image

You can print the form off now if you want to, but your Petitioner has to fill it out for you :P

Edited by dukeandduchess, 11 February 2012 - 01:52 AM.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-11 01:51:00
CanadaCANADIAN from Vancouver BC
We were lucky and got our NOA1 after 3.5 months. The biggest problem I had was getting vaccinations done in time. Vancouver consulate is super easy and pleasant to deal with. I made a guide for Vancouver consulate (since most people go through Montreal) and I am more than happy to answer any questions via PM!

I got my visa Oct 7/2011 so the hardest part has been waiting to finish work so I can move. I'm really excited but once it actually starts happening its a bit scary. But more excited than scared, I suppose :)
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-03 02:19:00
CanadaCANADIAN from Vancouver BC
PoCo until Feb 19th!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-03 01:15:00
CanadaFlu shot question
Call the BC Health Unit (Just google Health Unit) and it will have a list of phone numbers. You need to contact the local one (where you grew up).

If you were born in the 60's you probably only got 1 shot (if any *I'm not sure when they started vaccinating for MMR*) so I'm sure your doctor would just give you the booster. Never hurts to call your doctor and ask if they will give you one.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-15 23:04:00
CanadaFlu shot question

Well, we're doing a CR-1, so we won't go through AOS, just removal of conditions in two years. I don't know if that makes a difference.

I know at Woking they can check a few different boxes based on the "progress" of the vaccinations. For my Varicella they put "incomplete/not complete in time" because I only had 1 of 2 shots done. So I'm assuming I'll just get the civil surgeon to verify it (I have proof of a second shot). If your husbands says "not applicable" or has the date I think it will be fine. He may want to get the second shot done just in case before he goes because it is free at any health unit. I'm assuming they will charge for it in the US.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-13 21:57:00
CanadaFlu shot question
You need the second shot to complete the series. I had my first one sometime between 85-88. I had to get my 2nd shot for the visa which completed my series. Yes, they do look to see that you've had the complete series (2 shots of MMR regardless of the duration between shots).

They explained this to me as: "Most people gain immunity from 1 shot, but we now do 2 shots so that the small percentage of people who do not gain immunity from the first shot get immunity from the second shot"..

I hope this makes sense.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-10 01:38:00
CanadaFlu shot question
Make sure he has had 2 doses of MMR. I was born in 85 and had to get a second shot because back in the day they only did 1 and you need 2 to have the "full series".
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-09 11:44:00
CanadaFlu shot question
Yeah basically they can do 2 live virus vaccines at a time so it would either be MMR + Varicella/MMR + Flu/ Varicella + Flu.

DO NOT get the Tdap shot from the travel clinic on Broadway. They put it in the wrong spot on my arm (outside of the muscle) which gave me a huge welt the size of a tennis ball for a freaking month. It was horrible. They health unit told me to report them but I'm lazy. :blush:
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-09 07:58:00
CanadaFlu shot question
The shots you need for medical at Woking in Vancouver are:

19-26 YEARS

Tdap (Adacel or Boosterix) - ensure you get Tdap not just Td

MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella. ("MR" and "MM" are not enough). You need MMR

Varicella - If you had "Chicken Pox" disease, no vaccine is needed

Influenza (only required during October - February, annually)

27-49 YEARS

Tdap (Adacel or Boosterix) - ensure you get Tdap not just Td

MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella. ("MR" and "MM" are not enough). You need MMR

Varicella - If you had "Chicken Pox" disease, no vaccine is needed

Influenza (only required during October - February, annually)

50-59 YEARS

Tdap (Adacel or Boosterix) - ensure you get Tdap not just Td

Influenza - (only required during October - February, annually)

Varicella - If you had "Chicken Pox" disease, no vaccine is needed

60-64 YEARS

Tdap (Adacel or Boosterix) -ensure you get Tdap not just Td

Influenza - (only required during October - February, annually)

Varicella - If you had "Chicken Pox" disease, no vaccine is needed

So basically you need Tdap, MMR, Varicella (If you havent had chicken pox), and flu shot ONLY BETWEEN OCT AND FEB. If his medical is between MAR and SEP he does not need it.


I didn't get chicken pox as a child either!!
I already got both chicken pox shots (had to take 2, 6-8 weeks apart), because I was reading up on the shots I'd need, so I'd be prepared for the medical in the future.
FYI: Apparently now, in children, the shot is covered by OHIP (in Ontario, anyway, not sure about the other provinces health care), but I had to pay for mine (It was only $3, cause I have separate insurance). Some doc's may give you the shot for free though.

You can get it for free from any Health Unit in BC, but you have to book it in advance so they have it in stock.

Thank you! I appreciate your feedback and the list! (Yes, he's over 18 and under 64 ;))

Unfortunately, he's not had chicken pox. That's where this gets tricky. I don't know if he can get that vaccine and influenza at the same time. I was hoping he could, but I'm hearing conflicting things.

He will need to get a blood test to confirm he is not immune to varicella or they won't give him the shots. You can get any doctor to order the blood test (I just went to a walk in clinic and asked).
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-08 21:51:00
CanadaSome random questions about Vancouver interview for K-1

ewww yeah that would of been a question I was going to ask before I was POE'n.. how early I should show up for my flight. I'm happy it went smoothly though!

$350 for the interview? I thought it was $100 for some reason so I that's why I was confused when I was looking on the consulate page. Is there a way for my US fiance to book and pay for it? All these extra expenses keep adding up!

You could book it and use his visa card to book it online. I used my own card but as long as you had all of the information (number, expiry date, security code). My fiance and I agreed I would pay for the visa/medical because I'm making him pay for AOS (bahaha).

Unfortunately, the medical at Woking is $350. It ain't cheap :(

Anywho - off we go. We're just leaving Medford, OR so hopefully we can get to California today!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-20 08:55:00
CanadaSome random questions about Vancouver interview for K-1

1. on http://www.visajourn...ndex.php/Canada it says to bring an Expressport mailer - what is that about? I mostly hear peeps going on about DHL shipping.

You use DHL. Just make sure you put your e-mail down and they will e-mail you updates. You will also select the DHL location you want to pick your passport up when you book the interview.

2. Is there a fee I need to bring payment for to the interview (similar to the medical)? I tried looking through the consulate site but got confused.

I paid online when I booked my interview because I didn't see any way to book the interview without paying for it.

3. Not being able to bring electronics - I'm one of those spazzy people that need something to do. So no cellphones, ipods, ebook readers, correct? Do I even need to bring something like a book or knitting? what kind of waiting times is there for the interview?

Bring a book. I wouldn't bring knitting because they might not like the needles. Security is pretty thorough. You can store your purse/cellphone at the Purolator across from the embassy if you pay them $5.

4. I can keep my electronics at my worksite, which is not far from the consulate - but I have one of those key fob things you scan to enter an electronic door for work - are those okay to take on me to the interview?

Not sure about this. Like I said if you aren't fussy you can pay $5 and leave your things at the Purolator. Nothing of mine went missing - but I only had my keys/wallet/cellphone.

Good luck! FYI - I had my POE at Pacific Crossing (Blaine,WA) on the 18th. It went really smooth but it took a long time to process my Visa. We waited for almost an hour just for the guy to do all of my paperwork. So - if you go through YVR you might want to leave a lot of time to get processed! I thought it would be like 15 minutes lol
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-19 21:55:00
CanadaGetting US visa?

This is a little off-topic, but if a same sex couple were married in Canada, one American and one Canadian, would be the Canadian be able to apply for a CR1 visa to move to the USA? I'm just curious... If you can't then that sucks horribly :(

No because the US doesn't recognize same-sex marriage at a federal level. Some states allow it but because immigration is a federal thing it doesn't work that way, unfortunately.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-14 18:10:00
CanadaGetting US visa?
You could try to get her a work or student visa, which would be the only current way.

Canada allows same-sex marriage so you could move to Canada. She could sponsor you under a family visa if you decided to get married:

Edited by dukeandduchess, 14 February 2012 - 04:38 PM.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-14 16:37:00
CanadaUS citizen pulled into immigration at Canadian Border
I felt the same way when it happened to me but once I understood how complicated this entire process is, I totally understood. They are just doing their job and they have every right to be suspicious.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-24 21:51:00
Good Luck!!! -- Tell him not to be nervous, it's really straightforward! I know this advice is easier said than done though lol.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-27 16:44:00
CanadaK1 POE Tomorrow!!
My parents drove me to California. I don't think it's weird at all (that's what parents are for!). They didn't really talk to my parents that much and only asked me how long they planned to stay.. Don't worry you're almost there!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-23 14:48:00
Canadapre-interview questions
Just get your updated passport before the interview. If possible, before you complete packet 3.

I don't know about the 2nd question but if they said it was okay I'm sure it will be.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-28 13:50:00
CanadaPolice Certificate in Canada?
I did the commissionaires in downtown vancouver. It was about 45$ and took 2 days. I tried getting it done at the RCMP but they were complete jerks and the security guard couldn't do it because someone was on their lunch for an hour so he couldn't leave.. but when they got back it was his time for lunch... hahaha freaking amazing. I was so mad I almost got a criminal record :whistle:
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-10 03:16:00
CanadaCdn niece

Adoption for Immigration purposes is considered immigration fraud and not allowed.

For related party adoptions the must be an orphan or both parents must be incapacitated thereby effectively making the child an orphan.

Thanks for that. I did not see that when I looked. Good info!
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-29 16:47:00
CanadaCdn niece
I suppose you could consider adoption depending on how long she would be living with you..

That's my only suggestion.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-29 15:10:00
CanadaQuestion about Canadian visiting US from Canada
There was some good info in my original thread:


If your step-dad has a lawyer he could always call and ask. Also, another suggestion was that if he lives near the border try to go for a day-trip and see if he is admitted.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-29 16:56:00
CanadaQuestion about Canadian visiting US from Canada
I was super worried about this when my Dad drove me down to California. He had a DUI around the same time (16-ish years ago) and also had another DUI in 2009 (which he claims he has no conviction for). My dad has gone to Hawaii before they needed passports and never had a problem. When we crossed the border we didn't have a problem at all. They never even asked or mentioned his DUI. All they asked was how long they planned to stay and we said about a week because they were just helping me move.

I told my Dad to call his lawyer prior to leaving to ask if he had a conviction for the 2009 incident and his lawyer informed him that they can deny you for anything at the border but the chances are very slim that he would be denied for a 10+ year DUI conviction.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-02-29 16:52:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
lol, when I had my interview the officer asked how we met and I told him playing WOW. Then he asked if I still played and I told him that neither of us really played anymore. Then he commented "A lot of people meet playing WoW and other online games, but whenever I interview them one or both have quit playing. Why is that?" I told him: "Cuz we need to pay for all the damn immigration fees!" He laughed :P
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-02 18:13:00
CanadaWoW'ers stand up and be counted!!!
My fiance and I met on WOW also, but we haven't been playing for about a year. I just started playing SWTOR while I wait until I can work/volunteer more.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2012-03-02 17:12:00