CanadaRant: "Inactive Account" on USCIS Website.
I log in every few days to check my AOS status. Last night I tried logging in and it gave me an error: "Inactive Account". Now in order to log in I need to "correct the error". Hilarious - I guess I should call up USCIS and tell them to process my darn case already?! (kidding) Has anyone had this problem? Hopefully I can still check the status using my MSC# but I haven't tried yet.

I applied for AOS well over 7 months ago, but it has been 6 months since they received my RFE response. It's still sitting at NBC - collecting dust apparently. Groan.
dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-03-04 14:28:00
CanadaVancouver interview experience

Here's my review from 2011:


dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-04-27 15:18:00
CanadaSo confused, any help?

You would probably have difficulty entering because you do not have strong proof of ties to Canada. Not trying to be a downer, it's not a certainty.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-04-30 15:33:00
CanadaMedical Records

I didn't even think to bring my records - I only have one recurring medical problem and every time I have to go in I need to give them a history lesson! Next time I'm in Canada I should get my records (how stupid of me!)


Oh and as others have said, the medical system in the US is AMAZING. I have Kaiser (awesome) and they can schedule you very quickly even for a specialist, they give you copies of everything, and I can e-mail my doctor! How great is that!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-04-30 15:38:00
CanadaPassport Pickup at Loomis

That seems normal to me, given that there was some additional review. However, no one can predict the results. Go pick it up and find out!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-05-11 16:23:00
CanadaVaccination Record with dates?

I don't think anyone likes needles! The blood test is a lot easier, in my opinion, than getting vaccinations. Deep breaths, look away, and remember it's bringing you thismuch closer to being with your fiance!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-05-11 16:28:00

Guess I got too comfortable - my green card was delivered yesterday... but not here. Excellent. Called USCIS to check the address but they "can't give out that information" and need to refer me to another representative who will take "3-5 business days to get back to me". I moved in March and submitted a change of address form within 10 days, and I also confirmed my address twice when I called to submit a service request.


Fun fun fun.



dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-07 19:07:00

WOOOOOT! Hmm, it's a few years for ROC, right? Until then, go on vacation? 


(hopefully they get to my case sooon!)


Contact that Congressman! Seriously! It took 8 days from when I e-mailed him to approval. I will send AOS approving vibes your way!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-05 20:12:00

Yes, I'm suddenly getting the urge to do all of this again! Excellent idea! lol no0pb.gif

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-05 19:12:00

After almost 11 months my AOS was approved on May 29th and my card is in the mail!


So... What now? I'm lost without the constant stress of USCIS!??

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-05 18:52:00
CanadaGot our RFE today.... sigh



thanks for the support all... I guess it's my own fault... it's the only time I didn't make copies of anything.... serves me right :-/


So we are in the process of waiting for the transcripts (again)... redoing all the paystubs and banking info and letter from employer etc...



Fingers crossed.



OH ... the letter also said that they were putting a hold on working on my ead while they wait for me to resubmit.... is that normal? They didn't say anything about the advance parole, but I'm hoping that isn't included, because we're planning on going to Canada for vacation in August.... and I'm hoping that it comes in the next few weeks... 


haha my hubby keeps teasing that he's going to write a complaint about the waste of paper the government uses... and the endless amount of trees we've killed with all this paperwork


Make sure you get the IRS tax transcripts. We didn't do that the first time and I'm pretty sure that is what triggered our RFE.


Yes it's normal to put a hold on your EAD/AP while you resubmit. EAD/AP is now a combo card so I'm pretty sure a hold on one is a hold on the other. My AP didn't get approved until after my RFE response.


The good news is usually your EAD/AP gets approved quite quickly after you send in your response (mine took about 2 weeks).


Good luck!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-14 11:19:00
CanadaGot our RFE today.... sigh

We had to send all that stuff in too and I guess we overwhelmed them (or they just approved us after our congressman stepped in). Very annoying!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-13 20:08:00
CanadaTravel to Canada with Green Card

Haha, I wish it were that easy. I thought I was buying travel insurance for my whole trip when I booked my ticket but it was just for 1 day. Ugh!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-17 22:47:00
CanadaTravel to Canada with Green Card

Forgot my second question:

I need travel insurance because I am no longer a Canadian resident - correct?

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-17 21:58:00
CanadaTravel to Canada with Green Card

I tried searching for this but only got a few topics that weren't my exact question, unless I suck at searching.


Now that I have my green card I thought it would be nice to go home for a short visit. My passport (maiden name) and green card (married name) are in different names though. Just wondering how to address that problem. I'm guessing as long as I bring my marriage certificate it will be fine?


To Bring:

- Passport

- Green Card

- Marriage Certificate


I'll also carry my driver's license (also in my married name). I also made sure to book the tickets in my maiden name because of my passport.


Am I missing anything?



dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-17 21:26:00
CanadaHELP! Green Card MIA - Need Advice

I feel great! At least for 2 years that is but maybe ROC will be easier (I'll tell myself that for a while anyway lol).


Time for some wine! (it's 5'o'clock somewhere right?)

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-14 11:27:00
CanadaHELP! Green Card MIA - Need Advice

Green card is in hand! I did update my address back in March when I moved, but I guess USCIS didn't look at that.


I called this morning to cancel my service request and let them know that I had my green card safely in hand and I was told that:


"We can't even process an address change service request if a case is not pending so no one will even process it anyway"


and, if I do get a letter about how to replace a stolen card, which I won't because they won't change my address (lol) to


"Just ignore it"


Well okay then. I am pleased with government misinformation and inefficiency today.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-14 11:13:00
CanadaHELP! Green Card MIA - Need Advice

Well... This is embarassing. My old landlord just called and said the old tenant got it but held on to it. So... I'm about 20 minutes from getting my green card.


Now... Do I call USCIS and tell them I got it and not to cancel/send me a new one? I didn't call in and speak to a Tier 2 yet but there is that note in my service request...


Thanks for reading!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-13 20:52:00
CanadaHELP! Green Card MIA - Need Advice

*Warning: Huge rant*


So as you all know my AOS was approved and my green card was mailed to me at the start of June. Apparently my green card arrived to its destination on June 6 at 4:00pm. Well, it didnt come here.


I moved at the end of March and mailed my "Change of Address" to USCIS within 10 days. I set up mail forwarding with USPS starting April 11. So first thing I did was contact USPS who basically told me that "it was delivered" but they would "open a claim and contact me within 1 business day". Apparently, they do not know what address it was delivered to. How ridiculous is that?


Next I contacted USCIS to report that my green card had NOT arrived and was missing. I asked the representative which address they had on file. Apparently they "do not have that information" and I could file a service request so I would "hear back within 30 days". I laughed and said "Nevermind, I'll keep trying with USPS". She was kind enough to tell me that she "Did not see an address change on my file" - so why the hell do we even send our address change in if they don't bother looking at it?


I called my old landlord and left a message begging to call me if they saw the letter. I also asked that she leave a note for the current resident to let them know that I would be extremely grateful for its return. Didn't hear anything.


(Insert weekend of stress eating and alcohol consumption here)


I heard back from USPS on Monday (10th) who again told me that "it shows it has been delivered" but still couldn't tell me where the hell they delivered it to. The lady told me she would contact the mail carrier at my old address and call me back. Never called me back. I called USPS again yesterday (12th) to let them know I hadn't heard back from anyone from USPS. I was forwarded to a "supervisor" who let me know that they closed my case because "the letter was delivered".


I asked, "So, there's nothing you can do because it says it has been delivered?"

His response: "Correct"

Me: "So you can't tell me what address it was delivered to?"

Him: "Correct"

Me: "So you don't know where it was delivered, it's not lost because apparently you delivered it to me, even though I never got it. There's nothing you can do?"

Him: "Correct. I can open a claim again for it..."

Me: " you can just tell me it was delivered again and that there's no problem, right?"

Him: "Correct.. Well I can refer you to the Regional level since this can't be resolved at the local office."

Me: "Seriously? So they will just tell me the same thing, that it shows it was delivered and therefore there's no problem with it, right?"

Him: "Yes."


At this point I was 2 seconds away from bawling and or screaming so I just said "Thanks." and got off the phone.


Well. Okay then. They can't tell me where the hell it is only that they show that I got it. That's freaking awesome.


So I called USCIS again to report that my green card is missing and that USPS doesn't have a freaking clue about anything (Okay, I said USPS said it's lost). This representative actually seemed to have half a brain and was decent to deal with. He told me that he could do an address change to ensure my new address was on file, but I would still need to "file a Change of Address form with USCIS" - I said, "What like the one I sent in March?"... Anyway, we get through the whole change of address ordeal and he says "is there anything else I can help you with?" so I say "Yeah well there's the whole issue about my missing green card... I need to get a new one I guess.." He responds:


"Well, Ma'am, I just submitted a service request on your behalf so I can't submit another service request for 30 days."


WHAT. THE. HELL. I'm pretty sure my stomach fell out of my butt at this point and I stammered and sputtered for a minute and then just said " green card is lost and now I can't get a new one for 30+ days...?"


He told me he put in the comments section that my green card was lost, maybe sent to the old address, so "hopefully someone will look at that and get your green card going." I'm pretty sure he could sense I was about to have a heart attack so when I asked if there was anything else I could do he told me to call and ask to speak to a Tier 2 representative and they "might be able to get the green card sent to [my] new address." I didn't make it home from work today in time to call back but I am off of work tomorrow.


Also stopped and spoke to my landlord who said she was out of the office last week so she never got my voicemail but she hadn't see anything. She's going to ask the new tenant if he's seen anything and will call me if they find it.


So.. What the hell should I do? What do I say to the Tier 2 Representative when I call tomorrow?


Dealing with this ####### is so stressful I'm thisclose to having a nervous breakdown and I'm so frustrated that no one can help me (USPS, USCIS). Time to go back to Canada!?

Edited by dukeandduchess, 13 June 2013 - 08:35 PM.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-13 20:34:00
CanadaWhy did you pick K1 vs CR1? (for Canadian beneficiaries)

I don't remember having to prove co-mingling of assets.  And we didn't really offer much proof of a real marriage.  I think a few pictures and cards.. plus the marriage certificate of course


I didn't really understand everything at that point and I thought it was going to be more difficult to prove. So lack of understanding and worrying about proving everything played a big part of it. If I could go into it knowing what I know now I probably would have done CR1 as well!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-17 22:46:00
CanadaWhy did you pick K1 vs CR1? (for Canadian beneficiaries)

I picked K1 because it seemed easier at the time. I didn't want to try to prove "co-mingling of assets" and "real marriage" etc. when we hadn't even lived together before.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-06-17 21:20:00
CanadaHelp with my RFE

Receipts are very important. I read up on the process and saved everything. If you have any receipts from when you were there, credit card statements (if it just shows currency rate perhaps you can contact the bank and get something that shows your location), boarding passes... If you don't have any of that I'm not sure what else to suggest.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-08-11 18:44:00
CanadaHow long did it take to get your visa in hand- Vancouver

Three weeks - only because I had DHL mail my package to an address. I think about a week and a half if I had gone to pick it up.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-08-14 23:34:00
CanadaScheduling interview Vancouver?

Sorry for the double post, I cant seem to edit my topic:s

I just scheduled the medical for Sept 9th. It says I must bring a letter with my NAME, CASE NUMBER, and INTERVIEW DATE. Well on the appointment confirmation email for the interview it states my name and the interview date but not my case number. Is this the letter they are talking about? It says they cannot see someone who doesn't have a letter with those three things on it. So what do I do??


Hmm... Having a letter with all three was never the case when I went, but that was back when you had the medical at Woking.


I would bring the letter from packet three (with name/case number) as well as your appointment confirmation email (interview date).


Or you could try calling the medical office and see what they say. It wouldn't make sense for you to have a letter with ALL three on one letter, since Packet 4 is sending you instructions on how to book your interview.


Sorry I can't help more. Perhaps someone else who has gone through recently can provide more information.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-08-23 22:36:00
CanadaScheduling interview Vancouver?

As long as you know packet 4 is on the way, you should be fine scheduling an interview. Packet 4 just contains instructions on how to book the interview and instructions for visiting the embassy (ie. no cell phones etc.)



dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-08-17 13:19:00
CanadaDriving across the border with 2 Cats

I had all vaccinations up to date, including Rabies because it is illegal to have a cat in the city I live in (Long Beach, CA) without it. You may want to check if your city/state has requirements like this.


Customs didn't even want to look at her paperwork (I offered), and she stayed in the car the entire time I was inside.



dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-08-27 21:06:00
CanadaMoving furniture , etc to US before I do

You need to have a visa first. After that you have up to 10 years to move all of your possessions. I believe you need to supply the moving company with a copy of your visa before they can move it for you.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-08-29 17:57:00
CanadaDoes Canada have a simpler approval process than other countries?

It's the same process only with less scrutiny, I'd say.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-08-31 13:03:00
CanadaFinal stages of Inteview Prep, wondering if I have everything


No no no, we did evrything completely legitimate. We were back and forth the whole time, 4 months being as long as any visit lasted, and on a student visa at that. We were back and forth a lot, and she was in canada a lot too.


Ah great! Sounds like you are ready then! I would quickly throw together your own letter of intent though. Good luck!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-04 01:02:00
CanadaFinal stages of Inteview Prep, wondering if I have everything

- A Letter from my Fiance, signed and Dated, stating her intent to marry and legal ability to do so

Is there anything else I should get or procure? What else do I need? We really have little to no skype / facebook chats, because we always talk on video, and up until a couple of weeks ago, we were together, in each other's physical company, for a year and a half.



You need to provide a letter of intent as well. See: http://www.visajourn...ontent/examples K1 Related Forms -> Fiance(e) Letter of Intent


Sounds like you have all of your bases covered. Receipts are more important as they are considered primary evidence. Sounds like you have a lot of that.


One question: Were you together in the US for a year and a half or were you visiting back and forth? I only ask because I'm worried you've overstayed if you were in the US for that entire time. If not then ignore my question :)


Best of luck!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-04 00:50:00
CanadaK1 Montreal: Are tax records a must?

Glad you were able to get everything worked out!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-04 01:29:00
CanadaK1 Montreal: Are tax records a must?

Has he changed his address with USPS? When we ordered our tax transcripts after moving it automatically sent them to our new address because we had set up mail forwarding with USPS.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-02 18:22:00
CanadaI want to fax off my Packet 3 Checklist, but my fiance still has to mail me some documents...

Your financial stuff looks good. For AOS you will need to get the past 2-3 years tax returns but it is not required for I-134, so the latest tax return from MIL is fine. They did not ask me about the I-134 during my interview and I was in a similar situation - husband had just started working part-time and my FIL co-sponsored me.


Don't worry about being stressy - I'm pretty sure all of us were nervous and neurotic prior to the interview. It's not as scary/hard as it seems though!



dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-05 21:59:00
CanadaI want to fax off my Packet 3 Checklist, but my fiance still has to mail me some documents...

You schedule your interview. Packet 4 is just instructions on how to book your interview.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-05 20:59:00
CanadaEI and/or Disability Insurance & Pregnancy

I called service canada and they mentioned an "Inter-state Employment Benefit program". I have to do more research but it sounds like I can qualify if the "EI" I pay into here in California is recognized by Canada. At least that is my understanding. I'll be sure to pass on anything I discover!

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-05 23:49:00
CanadaEI and/or Disability Insurance & Pregnancy

My husband and I are hoping to have kids soon and I wanted to see what my options are in terms of, well, not working for a bit.


I am living in California and from what I gather we get 6 weeks of "Disability Leave" during pregnancy. Am I allowed to claim this or is it considered financial assistance? I have been working since October 2012 for the same company, pay my taxes, and have my 2 year conditional green card.


I was also curious if I could qualify for any EI from Canada. I Moved in February 2012 so I know (??) I don't qualify for maternity leave but I work in a fairly... intense... industry. I am an archaeologist which means I stand out in the heat up to 110 degrees and work around heavy equipment (scrapers, bulldozers, backhoes, etc.), lots of walking, digging, bending... I don't even know if I would be allowed on a jobsite once I get further along in the pregnancy as I it would probably be a safety risk to both myself and the baby. Is there any way the nature of my work would qualify me for EI especially if I were to get some sort of letter from my employer?


Anywho - just trying to find out what my options are. I of course am rooting for never working again and baking cookies forever but hey...


Appreciate any advice/input.

Thanks for reading! :)

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-04 01:00:00
CanadaRequest OR Given Interview Date?

You don't have to call. You can wait for them to send you packet 3 but it may take longer, which is why she suggests calling.


As you can see the guide was written in 2011 so you may want to read through for updates from others who have gone through the process recently.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-06 21:32:00
CanadaK1 Visa Last Minute Vaccination Question

Yeah I'm not sure how it's done at Dr. Cheema but when it was at Woking you just had to tell them the year. I of course was not immune and had to get the shots :( heh

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-08 12:12:00
CanadaK1 Visa Last Minute Vaccination Question

Hey! I have my medical and interview scheduled for the exact same days!! Maybe I'll see you there smile.png
I'm so nervous, just praying it all goes alright. Goodluck to you!

For the shots I'm quite sure I have everything I need. is Tdap= Diphtheria, Pertussis, and Tetanus? I have received it withing the last 10 years.


Yes, just bring the proof of immunization :)

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-07 03:32:00
CanadaK1 Visa Last Minute Vaccination Question

As everyone has said above, you need to have it every 10 years.

dukeandduchessFemaleCanada2013-09-06 21:22:00