K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFINALLY!
Congrats :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 14:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresScrewed up big time
In the midst of fax police and Tupac did I miss something about whether or not Pleh was able to talk to an immigration attorney about if he can file for AOS?

Edited by Angilla, 13 December 2006 - 07:36 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-13 19:36:00
Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-27 20:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwho can be a joint sponsor?

Thanks Yodrak for info.
I wasn't asking about life insurance, but I do have a policy.
Was asking about Lawyers
Thanks Kino.

Actualy... the I-134 says, under the assets section, "I have life insurance in the sum of $_______ with a cash surrender value of $________". My question for the people who know more about this is - does that mean he can claim the cash surrender value of his life insurance as an asset that they'll take into account when they're deciding if he can be his fiancee's sponsor? If so and he does it, does that pose any risks to him? Like I wonder about claiming your house as an asset - does that mean they could take your house away from you if something goes wrong and you're not able to support your fiance(e)?

Edited by aselano, 03 August 2006 - 04:26 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 16:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwho can be a joint sponsor?
From what I've read, co-sponsors are fine as long as they're US citizens. If you don't have any major catches, I wouln't bother with a lawyer. If you get questions that VJ can't answer (or you're not comfy with VJ's responses, or you just wanna hear it from the mouth of a lawyer) you could ask Laurel Scott in her free chat room on Wednesdays at 11am CST. I couldn't make it because I was in work, so my mom went for me, and she answered questions for me wonderfully. :yes:

When you go to Brasil, bring back LOTS of proof with you. Take photos together - if possible, get the date in the background somewhere, somehow. I've read on here somewhere that you should make sure that both of you are wearing different clothes in some of the photos, to show that you weren't together only for one photo shoot. (For others who only have the photos that they have, it's no big deal... most of us didn't KNOW we'd have to get this proof when we visited with our loved ones, so since you know, you have the opportunity to do everything with some perks! :lol: ) Save all of your boarding passes/ticket stubs, and any e-mail ticket confirmations or itineraries that you might get. I even saved my fiance's baggage tags/reciepts since they have his name on them. If you two get a hotel, make sure that BOTH of your names are on the reciept so they'll be able to place you both in the room at a same time. If you can use your credit/debit/atm card while you're there without any major fees, do so - then the bill will show that you used it in Brasil, placing you there at that time. Anything else that you could think of which would show that you were there and you both met would be great. Save everything "just in case" though - I even saved our train tickets and metrocards... no names, but a date, and who knows if I'll be able to use it, I'll figure that out later. I'd rather save something and find out later that I can't use it then throw something out and find out later that I could've used it. ;)

Edited by aselano, 03 August 2006 - 06:19 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 06:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Approved

thanks a lot! The consul asked me bout my fiance age, my age, his work and how did he propose.

Wow, that sounds pretty easy!

Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-11 09:39:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmy interview
That's awesome! :D Especially the age part. :lol:

Edited by aselano, 11 August 2006 - 10:01 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-11 10:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmy interview
Congrats! What did they ask you?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-11 09:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa APPROVED
Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-11 09:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAddavit of Support Question
I'm in similar shoes, I'm the USC and I'm making over 125% of the poverty guidelines for a household of 2 (no kids involved) as well as enough to support us both when he moves here (in my opinion). I'm 21 though, I've been a full-time student, this is my first time ever working full-time. I talked to an immigration lawyer and she told me that, as long as I'm making over 125% of the poverty guideline and hold the job for the entire visa process from application to interview (i.e. the job listed as my present job on my G-352a is my present job when he goes for his interview), we'll be fine. I just have to prove my stability by having the same job through the whole visa process.

I sure hope she's right because nobody is willing to be our co-sponsor, so we're on our own with this. :unsure:

Anyway, figured I'd pass what she told me on to you. ;)

How long has Clara held this job?

Edited by Angilla, 18 November 2006 - 01:23 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 13:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAnother newbie question.........
With the K-1, you won't be able to work right away. Unless you get temporary EAD when you arrive in the country (which, when I last heard about it, was only occasionally happening at JFK - is it still like that?) you won't be able to work before marriage. Then when you get married you'll be applying for working papers in with your AOS package, that can take time to process. So figure there will be a few months that you won't be able to work and somebody else will have to support you.

Taking that into account, if your American fiancee isn't making 125% of the poverty guidelines for a household of two (that's if there's no kids involved), yes, you'll need a co-sponsor who is making 125% of the poverty guideline for the amount of people in their household PLUS one more (you). They don't need to be related, I'm pretty sure they just need to be an American citizen with an American domicile address (if I understand it right, someone will need to confirm that). The government needs to know that you won't become a burden on the state for assistance because you can't support yourself. Yeah I know, then they should let you work when you arrive, but they're not that smart.

But something to think about... now that you know you won't be able to work for a few months after arriving... take some time to think about how you'll be supported til you're legally able to work. Is there someone other than your fiancee that would be willing to pay for your needs until you can legally work?

I'm the USC fiancee and I'm a full-time student. But now I also work 45 hours per week while taking 4 college courses. It's not fun, to say the least, but I knew it was the only option for me. My fiance needs someone to support him until he can legally work, and that burden fell all on me because there's nobody else willing to help. But let's just say that next semester... I'm only taking 1 class. :wacko: I can't wait til this semester ends!

Edited by Angilla, 19 November 2006 - 10:06 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 10:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNOA2 for Interview
That's absurd! :o I hope you can find yours, ultimoxo.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-20 21:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCuban Fiance Gets His Visa!!! OH MY GOD!!!
Congratulations! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-09 06:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionquestion on whether fiance visa interview is videotaped or audiotaped
Could you call the consulate and ask if they do? Even if some consulates do I imagine that some consulates wouldn't, so it may be different for each country anyway.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-22 07:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionK-1 Visa approved and received!!
Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-30 19:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview in Paris
Oh, another French/American couple! We need to talk! I've been trying to PM French/American couples as I find them, we all need to hook up, I don't think there's too many of us but I've come across a handful.

Anyway, back on topic. Congratulations, relax, don't give them more info than they ask for, and I'm sure you'll do just fine! Please do let me know how it goes since my fiance will be there shortly himself! (I hope!)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-06 20:40:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionEl Salvador Interview Sucessful
You know, it's similar for me - I'm so anxious when we're apart, but when we're together it takes a LOT to scare me. Anyway, congrats!
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-06 06:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview was a success!
That's great, congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-06 20:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionForm I-134

To ask someone to co-sponser a person should not be taken lightly as of the long term liability in dealing with this matter.

What sort of liability? I know the AOS co-sponsor can be legally binding and is more long-term. But the co-sponsor at the visa interview... from what I remember, that's not legally binding, right? And isn't it just applicable for a few months, until AOS? Does the co-sponsor at the interview HAVE to be the co-sponsor at AOS, too?

Edited by Angilla, 06 December 2006 - 09:02 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-06 21:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionForm I-134
Well, here's a more important question. Will you be able to support the both of you with your income alone for the first 6 - 9 months he's in the States? He only has a chance at a temp EAD if his POE is JFK. So if his POE isn't JFK that would mean he can't work before marriage. Then after marriage you can apply for his working papers in with the AOS packet, but that can take months to process. That means it'll only be you supporting the both of you.

The minimum requirement is 125% of the poverty guidelines. That means you need to be making barely above the poverty level to be his sponsor. If you're making less than that I would guess that you're making the povery level. Could you support you and your fiance alone with a salary that's basically the poverty level?

In my situation, I was making under the requirement... it was my first full-time job, my work history is shady. I quit that job and interviewed for 2 months until I found the job that I'm in now, which makes well over the requirement and enough for me to support us both on. I talked to an immigration lawyer and was told that, as long as I hold this job for the entire duration of the visa journey (from initial petition to his interview in Paris) to prove my dependability I'll be fine. So I pass that advice onto you... make enough money to support you both, which will be over the requirement anyway, and hold that job for the entire duration of your visa journey.

As far as a co-sponsor is concerned, it'd be great to have one regardless, even just as a back-up in case they ask! I wish I could do this, but everyone right down to my parents won't sign one so... oh well, it's ok. :) So if you can get someone to sign as a co-sponsor, even if you're in great shape financially I still recommend it anyway, it's a nice comfort to know you can hand the interviewer that piece of paper should they ask for it.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-06 19:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview experience at Paris embassy
Congratulations! I'll give this link to my fiance so he can read it, he's been asking me questions about the France side of things lately. I'm glad to read about the JFK experience, too, as his POE will be JFK. I really wish I could be there for the interview with him, but I don't think I'll be able to. :( Anywho. Congrats, and thank you for posting this!

Edited by Angilla, 07 December 2006 - 06:01 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-07 18:01:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionmy pre-interview preparation
Like they said, that was cute! I love the book of photos, too. :D

Edited by Angilla, 10 December 2006 - 01:13 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-10 13:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor questions

If you are REALLY worried about keeping this job and being able to 'grow up' and be self-supportive, my suggestion would be to sit down with the boss and ask for an assessment of your performance to date. Let her know that you are anxious to do the job right. Don't approach her as if you think she's giving you 'attitude' and don't use excuses like 'there's so much to learn'. Tell her you want to know how you are doing so if there is anything you need to be improving upon, you can start fixing it immediately.

True. I just got really worried today when she said she was gonna take me off the phones (it's a mail-order phone-based pharmacy) and have a supervisor sit with me. :blink: She didn't go through with it, though, so maybe she just didn't think about what she was saying... she was hungover from the office's weekend Christmas party so that could have something to do with the way she was today. :blink: You know what... I'll sleep on it, can't make a decision while I'm still raw about it. I'll work on growing thicker skin and taking everything as a chance to improve myself rather than feel bad, a change in attitude is probably what I need the most here. :yes:

I'd suggest you go the website for the French consulate and see what their requirements are for sponsorship. Talk to members in that forum and find out if there are any oddities.

Good idea, thanks! :thumbs:

As to later on at AOS, you will be the sponsor. If a co-sponsor is required that means their pre-tax income must be enough to sustain the immigrant plus their own household, including dependant children who don't reside with them.

Okay, so my brother's kids count as dependants, and it definately is pre-tax income that's considered, got it, thanks! :thumbs: I didn't even think about AOS yet... why do they even require a sponsor then if the foreign fiance will be able to work? Well, at least by then my fiance and I will (hopefully) have more in the bank. And by then if I haven't gotten fired yet I should be good to go. :P I'll have proven my stability more by then.

Who's going to tell the ex-wife about the affidavit?

True. But worst case scenario, say he slipped and told her one day while picking up the kids. Could it be used against him like I said before? My dad asked the question and has very similar thinking to my brother, so I'd like to know the answer when my brother asks.

Sponsor's must be USC's who are domiciled in the US - generally speaking. There is an exemption for this but the qualifications are narrow. See the instructions for the I-864 - it's clearly explained there.

I-864... isn't that what's used for AOS? Does the co-sponsor for the K-1 interview HAVE to be the co-sponsor for AOS? I thought domicile address meant an address over here even though they live overseas - do I have the definition of that word wrong? Does it mean they have to live in the US?

Thanks! :blush:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-11 21:18:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionCo-sponsor questions
I'm still fishing for a co-sponsor. I make well over 125% of the poverty guidelines, enough to support us both in an apartment. I've been in my job for a month and a half and don't plan on quitting anytime soon. I don't have a solid working history, I just graduated from high school in 2003, I've been a college student and was a missionary at one point. An immigration lawyer told me that I'll be fine as his sole sponsor as long as I'm making enough to support us both on (which will be over 125% of the poverty guideline anyway) and hold the job for the entire duration of the visa process (the job on my G-325a is my job when he goes for his interview).

But the worrywart that I am... I'm still worrying. In part it's been that my boss has been giving me nasty attitude lately about stuff that simply hasn't been my fault - I wasn't taught it and she expected me to know it anyway. I work in a pharmacy that deals with dozens of insurances and tens of thousands of items, a lot is learned with time and usage. Anyway, I'm really worried that I'll get fired before his interview and we won't have a co-sponsor back-up. I wouldn't move him here til I was secure in a new job that paid enough... but... the embassy wouldn't care about that. Plus I'm worried that the embassy won't like my cruddy work history - I made very little income last year and NO income the two years before that. I've been told here before that they only care what I'm making now. But I'm still playing what-ifs...

I've been trying to talk my parents into just signing the dang form for me. I've showed them my Excel budget that shows how much money I estimate that we'll be able to save all the way up til August 2007, with estimated expenses a little over on the safe side. I've re-affirmed over and over again that I don't want to ask anyone for help, I'm proud that I'll be on my own and married and I don't wanna start it off leaning on someone, I wanna do it all on my own. I've explained that it's just the embassy may not buy that part because of my work history. But... they just want to... so... time to move onto another idea. My sister has 4 kids and is in big financial trouble, so she's not an option. Next idea is my brother. This is where most of my questions come in.

- His ex-wife is brutal, taking every chance to suck him dry that she can get. If he co-sponsors us and she finds out, can she use that to get more child support out of him? Don't get me wrong, he pays the child support he's supposed to now, he loves his sons and is very active in their lives. But could she say "well look he has enough extra income for another person, he should pay more child support"?

- How do the kids work into the dependants thing? They don't live with him full-time... I'm not exactly sure what their visitation schedule is like. They don't live with him much but he does pay child support, so do they count as his depenants?

- Is his income, as far as co-sponsoring is concerned, considered to be pre-child support payments or post-child support payments? He's making a fair amount of money but has to pay a LOT for child support... so... that's why I'm wondering. If I remember right, he needs to be making over 125% of the poverty guidelines for his household plus one more BEFORE taxes, right? So then I'd think it would even be before child support payments, or any other expenses for that matter?

Next, a semi-unrelated question... I know the co-sponsor has to be a US citizen, but does the co-sponsor have to LIVE in the US? Like can it be a US citizen living in France? If so, does the US citizen need to have a US domicile address? My fiance has some US citizen family members that are currently living outside the US, so that's why I'm wondering.


Maybe I should just give up on the whole co-sponsor thing since I'm making enough now... but... like I said... I'm just afraid that I'll get fired before his interview and won't have a co-sponsor back-up and he'll be screwed at the embassy. :( Maybe that's just me worrying too much, I dunno.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-11 20:21:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionInterview Yesterday
Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-12 06:54:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 question
Ooooooooooooooooooohkay. Phew. :D Thank you!
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-12 21:03:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 question

A bond is an agreement by a third party to pay a certain sum of money upon the occurence of certain events. In this case, if the beneficiary would become a "public charge" the conditions of the bond would be triggered and the third party surety or guarantor would be asked to pay. After they are forced to pay, I guaranty they (the bond company) comes after you.

Think of a "bail" bond. Different situation but the underlying premise of the bond are the same. If you do not show up to court, the bail bondsman has to pay the court the agreed upon amount and then "DOG" the bounty hunter come a looking.

Okay, so basically if I screw up and my fiance applies for... I dunno... food stamps, for example. Then I as his sponsor would be required to pay for a bond in the amount that the government spent on those food stamps, and if I couldn't then my co-sponsor would need to?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-12 19:05:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 question
Thanks! :)

What exactly is a bond? What would make it necessary for me to have to do that - if my income isn't enough?

I'm the fiancee of the immigrant, my salary is nearly $10,000 over 125% of the poverty guideline for my household plus him, so I'm good in that respect. But my work history is cruddy as I just graduated high school in 2003 and, although I've now been working in a full-time job that pays enough for the last month and a half, I'd feel better with a co-sponsor. One of my friends is interested and I'm going to send her a link to the I-134 .pdf file so she can take a look at it. I know she'll be curious as to what this particular section means in regards to her as the co-sponsor, plus I'm curious about what it means to me as the main sponsor anyway. :)

Edited by Angilla, 12 December 2006 - 06:23 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-12 18:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionI-134 question

5. That I am willing and able to recieve, maintain and support the person(s) named in item 3. That I am ready and willing to deposit a bond, if necessary, to guarantee that such person(s) will not become a public charge during his or her stay in the United States, or to guarantee that the above named person(s) will maintain his or her nonimmigrant status, if admitted temporarily and will depart prior to the expiration of his or her authorized stay in the United States.

What does the part about depositing a bond mean?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-12 18:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-230 questions #22/23
Thanks! I did have a look at the example form before posting and all it says under questions 22/23 is "If not enough space use additional sheet and mark it."

So for educational insititutions he doesn't have to put, like, elementary schools and things like that - he just has to start with high school?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-13 07:12:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDS-230 questions #22/23
My fiance and I are feeling jittery since the petition went in the mail and we don't know what to expect at the next stage... so, I've been reading reading reading about what we'll need and what we can do now to speed things up when we get to them later. I gave him links to the packet 3 forms to fill out on his computer and save so that, when he gets them in the mail, he can just copy the information over without having to rush around to get all the needed info together. :)

For question #23 on the DS-230 form it asks for the name and location of all educational institutions that he attended. Does location mean the actual address of the school, or just the city and country?

It says "location" for question #22, all employment for the last 10 years, too... they don't seriously expect him to remember the actual address of a place he worked at 10 years ago, do they? I'd think they'd have to mean city/country in this case, right?

Thanks! :blush:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-12 21:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical in Dakar
Woohoo, that's great! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-13 22:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionMedical in Dakar
I don't know about all the vaccination stuff but I just wanted to say, I'm so glad you heard from him! :) I just got home from work and came here looking for an update to see what happened.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-13 17:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionNeed your prayers please...
You know, a while back my fiance went on this awesome trip for his birthday... but I was worried about him anyway and asked him to call me when he arrived. He intended to, but was so tired from the trip that he fell asleep while trying to dial his cell phone. Boy did I freak out! We were able to laugh about it later, though.

I know this isn't the same as Africa, but at least it gives you some proof that it could be something little and harmless that's keeping him from calling you. (F) Calm down, and do anything you can to distract your mind. It could very well be something simple and harmless that's delayed him. :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-11 22:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from employer about my employment
Ah, that's a good point, JaJo. My main concern was I didn't want to catch my employer off-guard and I didn't want my employer to take forever to get it to me when I need it. That idea solves both concerns. Thanks! :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-10 21:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from employer about my employment
Our NOA1 date is 11/24, it's been taking VSC 3 or 4 weeks to process the petitions lately... even with Christmas, without a RFE, I'm guessing we should have it no later than early January... which would mean getting it before my probation period is up anyway. I feel selfish saying this but I sure as heck hope that, by January 26th, the NOA2 will have been in our hands for at least a week or two. :blush: But maybe I should wait til we get the NOA2 online since we might not have it before then, cuz who knows what could happen. I'm not sure.

Edited by Angilla, 10 December 2006 - 09:37 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-10 21:35:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from employer about my employment

Basically, your employer letter should state "To whom it may concern: (first name,last name) has been employed
full-time with the XYZ Company since 200_ as a (name of your job), and is an employee in good standing with an
annual salary of $XXXX. Signed, John Doe, Supervisor (or whatever title)" The letter should be on company

Ah, I read the guides and forgot about the tips page. Whoops! Thanks! :blush:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-10 21:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from employer about my employment

It should be on company letterhead.

Thanks! :thumbs:

VSC is know for issuing NOA2 pretty quickly, but you never know. I guess the answer would depend on how soon after the petition arrives at the consulate would you have an interview? Expiration for these forms is dated from time prior to the interview.

Yeah, I won't fill out any forms, and if I do I'll leave the date blank to be filled in later. How much does the date matter on the letter from the employer, though? Is there a time period that it would "expire" in? I'm gonna go play around with the timeline search to see how people did with interview scheduling with the Paris embassy.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-10 21:30:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLetter from employer about my employment
Should I ask my boss for the letter stating my job title, start date, salary, and full-time status tomorrow, or is it too soon? (See timeline in my signature for where we are in the visa process.) My 3-month "probation period" with this job will end January 26th, I'm not sure if I'll get a raise then (hehe I hope so)... but I'll probably have my NOA2 by then anyway... so... I may as well get the letter now, I guess? Especially in case it takes them a week or two to actually print and sign it for me? Or would the date on it be too early?

Is there anything else the letter should say? Do I have to specify for it to be on company letterhead?

Thanks! :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-10 21:20:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionIncome Requirements
If you're worried, try to find a co-sponsor anyway. My current salary is well above 125% of the poverty guideline, but my past years show jack squat because I was a student. I know that what should matter is my current salary, but I'll just feel better with someone agreeing to be a co-sponsor just in case. What we'll do is I'll send my fiance the paperwork for the co-sponsor BUT he won't offer it up unless the interviewer says that I'm not an adequate sponsor and he needs someone else, THEN he'll pull out the co-sponsor's paperwork. So most likely, we won't need one, but I'll feel better knowing that, should the interviewer have PMS and decide I'm not good enough, we have a back up.

Edited by Angilla, 17 December 2006 - 09:47 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-12-17 09:44:00