K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOk, idiotic question I'm not going to like the answer too, butttttttt

But if she sends out every piece of evidence she's got and gets an RFE, how will she be able to submit more evidence? Unless she's lucky enough to get the RFE after visiting her fiance.

How much time do you have to respond to a RFE?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 19:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOk, idiotic question I'm not going to like the answer too, butttttttt
Hmm. Dig out every piece of good evidence that you can find - boarding passes, e-tickets/ticket confirmations, hotel reciepts, anything with names on it that proves his trip to visit you - and give us a list of what you've got. Unless we know everything else you've got I don't think we can give you a real answer.

Is the picture in the Blue Ridge Mountains the only picture you've got with the two of you in it, or are there more?

When is his next visit going to be?

My question for the other people viewing this - in this case, would it be helpful for the poster to get people who met her fiance while he was visiting to write and sign a letter testifying that they met him on [x] date in [x] town and state? In a normal circumstance I wouldn't suggest it, but since she's trying to pull anything that she can together I'm wondering if it might help.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 19:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFelon
I think that might be a good thing to discuss with an immigration attorney. Do-it-yourself works for straightforward cases, but a felony in the mix... that can relate to laws and other jumble-jargon that is best suited for people who studied that jumble-jargon in college. :) That's my opinion, anyway... that's a kinda thing that I personally would want to run past a lawyer. ;)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-31 19:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Grit Iron: K1 Process

And that thought kitkat is all that's keeping me going. I'm not by nature a patient person..or rather I'm awful at waiting, give me something to do to help things along and I'm hunky dory. I dislike 'hurry up and wait' things, and I'm going downright bonkers in my present 'waiting to wait' status.

Same here. But at least this bonkerness (new word, yay!) is pushing me to find better jobs. I don't want to do anything other than eat, crash, and talk to SC after work... but after work today I'm gonna go out to an office for an application and stop at CVS to get my passport photos done. It's a good incentive, pushing me to do what I need to do when I really don't want to.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-01 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe Grit Iron: K1 Process
I think I'll join in on this.

My boyfriend and I agreed that we wanted to get married (we're saving the official proposal for something super-special after he's here) in December and started looking into the visa process in January. I had just gotten over being sick for 3 months. Then I got sick in February, sick again in March, anemic in April, and a lot of garbage happened in May that knocked me off my already-exhausted feet. In June I started looking for a new job, but nothing worked out.

Now it's July, and the people who I was supposed to be visa-process buddies with are married. I'm in a job that pays too little and the prospect of finding a co-sponsor isn't looking too bright, so I'm on my own for supporting us both. I'm looking for a new job that pays more, I have one application that I'll be returning tomorrow, and I'm still looking around. In the meantime, we're getting all our documents together. Once I secure a job that pays enough (I've got a free meeting with an immigration lawyer Wednesday so I can get a definitive answer on what I really should have in order to qualify as his sponsor) the petition's gonna go in the mail, and then the saving-money spree will start.

The last time he was here was in December, and we can't really justify spending the money to bring him here for a visit when every spare cent we get really needs to go into the bank to move him here and help us get started on our new life together. Besides, I on't think we'd survive another airport goodbye anyway, the last 2 were horrible, and the 2nd was worse than the 1st. So right now we're going on 8 months since we've seen each other.

We're sick of waiting and waiting and WAITING to file for this visa, but we know it's for the best. At least my health's back in one piece, and I'm going on 1 month of being in work full-time, which feels really good. I'm hoping that it will only go up from here.

But damn... the people who filed through VSC back when I originally wanted to file are MARRIED. :mellow:

Anyway... ya'll are lucky, at least you're IN the process. I'm not even that far yet. :( And I agree, webcams are awesome. After his first visit in October he bought us a set and mailed me one. Between that and talking for a few hours on the phone each day and playing games together through the internet... it makes the distance much smaller than if we only had snail mail. :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-31 19:10:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy first RFE...

Yes, they have new petitions. However, they have been sending IMBRA RFE's to people even if they used the new petition. It hasn't happened to everyone but some. I was one of the ones who got an IMBRA RFE even after using the new form.

I'd be willing to bet it's the notorious IMBRA RFE. You'll just have to wait and see. If this is the case you will just repeat the same thing you did in the application. I included a cover letter saying I already answered these questions in the original petition. Good Luck :thumbs:

That's a good idea. If I'm able to mail out our petition over the next few weeks like I'd like to, do you think I should do that in my cover letter as well? Or is it late enough for me to be "safe"?

I think you may have misunderstood me. I sent a cover letter for my RFE reply. But it might be a good idea to point out that you used the new petition in your cover letter for filing, why not?

Oops, yes I did misunderstand you, sorry. :blush: I'm going through VSC like you. You sent in your petition in June, when the new form had already been out, so that's what made me wonder. Though if they're gonna send a IMBRA RFE to someone who used the new form, that means they didn't look... and if they didn't look, I doubt they'd read the cover letter. :rolleyes: :lol: I'll put a note about it in there anyway, try to cover my bases as I can.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-01 17:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMy first RFE...

I'd be willing to bet it's the notorious IMBRA RFE. You'll just have to wait and see. If this is the case you will just repeat the same thing you did in the application. I included a cover letter saying I already answered these questions in the original petition. Good Luck :thumbs:

That's a good idea. If I'm able to mail out our petition over the next few weeks like I'd like to, do you think I should do that in my cover letter as well? Or is it late enough for me to be "safe"?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-01 16:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresK1 if I am not yet a US Citizen?????
So I guess all this means... what comes first, you becoming a USC or your next meeting with your fiance? Because if your next meeting with him comes before getting your citizenship, maybe you should marry him and file the I-130 so you can get the show on the road. ;)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-01 16:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresW00t!!! Approved!
Congratulations! :D :dance:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-01 17:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion: Proof of having met in person

I sent proof of 2 meetings. Proof was: visa stamps on my fiance's passport, his e-tickets with itineraries and a few pictures of us. We didn't have any receipts and we got approved just fine.

Oh wow, okay then! :D I'll get together all the proof of his 2 trips that I have and post them for advice on what should be included and what shouldn't be, probably in a few days or something. For now, just out of sheer curiosity, I'm wondering if the time that we spent working together could count. I've only got 1 good quality picture of us together while he was a friar, but could easily get a letter from the superior... I think. Depends on the mood the superior's in. :lol:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-01 19:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion: Proof of having met in person
I do have boarding passes, a few photos, photocopies of his visa stamps, and whatnot from the bf/gf meetings. Honestly, I'm not sure if what I have is enough... the hotel reciepts have only my name on it not his, he didn't use any credit/debit cards while he was here... the train tickets have no names on them... I do still have everything, though. His baggage tags have his name on them, I have his baggage reciepts too.

I'm just curious about this, that's all. Hey, I've gotta wait to collect all the info and get a new job anyway, might as well use my waiting for something productive, right? :D I figure I'll see what I have that would work, and in the end pick out what'll be best to put in the package.

Proof of having met within the prior 24 months can be satisfied with one meeting.

I've read of people here before sending proof for multiple meetings - is that bad, like does it give them too much to look at or something? Or would sending proof of 2 or 3 meetings cover my bases in case the person looking it over doesn't think I sent enough proof for 1 of the meetings? :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-01 19:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion: Proof of having met in person

Has your fiance met and seen you within the two-year period immediately receding the filing of this petition?

Does this mean ONLY while he was my boyfriend/fiance, or could it also be as a friend and co-worker? Here's the story behind the question:

My fiance and I met while he was a friar (like a monk) and I was a volunteer waiting to become a sister (like a nun). We were friends for two years that way, and worked side by side on a weekly basis. Then in December 2004, barely within the 2 year period but still in it, he left the friars and moved back home to France.

I saw someone here saying to "think outside the box" when providing proof of having met in person within the last two years, and that got me thinking about this. Would a letter from the superior of the friars stating that we worked together for 2 years be proof of having met in person? Or would that not count since we weren't dating at the time?

I DO have proof of our two boyfriend/girlfriend meetings... I'm just curious about the idea of adding this to it. :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-01 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresjoining the party
Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-01 17:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresThe "Official" APPROVAL Party
Awesome, congrats all! :D :dance:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-01 17:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!!!
Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 06:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresWE GOT APPROVED BY CSC!!
Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 06:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!! 12 weeks exactly
Congrats! :D :dance:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 06:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMarch noa 1 and NE to CA tansfer approved
Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 06:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat is the process for withdrawing a petition?

To close how I feel, I want to re-iterate something I have read on VJ time and time again. Once you DO permanently reunite, this separation you are presently enduring will melt away and you will be left with only the benefits of it. You will be stronger - and you will have the memory of the loneliness to still your tongue when anger or frustration arises in your marital future. You may not believe that now, but trust me, it is the absolute unequivocal truth. I know because I have been where you are, and I know where I am now.

Somedays my husband frustrates the living bejesus out of me. But I don't ever want to lose his presence in my life, his love for me, right here and right now - I can remember what it was like to be without it and I don't ever want to go there again.

The wait is worth it.

Thank you... I really, really needed to hear that. :(
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 20:44:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about fiance's long middle name
That's a good idea to make sure it's in the list on the cover letter - I didn't think of that. :thumbs: Thanks for the responses! I didn't recognize "address block" either so I had a feeling it was something that didn't apply to this visa, but I wanted to check. :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 16:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about fiance's long middle name
On his G-325A and my I-129F we wrote "see attachmed" in the name field and then included an attachment saying that his middle name is Yves Louis Marie, and he signed and dated the attachments. I'm reading here and am wondering what this means:

The address block on the forms is the data field captured for all of our mailings. Consistent with the limitations on the number of characters per line (a maximum of 32) and the total numbers of lines (4) in that field, whatever is in the block will become the mailing address used by the system. The data in these fields is entered exactly as indicated on the forms. Please include internal routing symbols in the address block, especially for large organizations. It is better to abbreviate the name of the organization and have space for the routing codes than to fully spell out the name and have notices sit in the organization's mailroom.

What is this, does this apply to the two forms that I'm filling out? In that case, would it be better to abbreviate Y.L.M. and still include an attachment saying that Y.L.M. stands for Yves Louis Marie, which didn't fit in the box? Or could I consider the USCIS people smart enough to look at the attachment and do whatever they want to make it fit in the mailing address? :lol: I'm not sure if this blurb even applies to these forms since they mention company names, and this is all about family names. I thought it was still worth asking to be sure, though, since I just confused my mom with this question. :)

And I promise my flood of questions will stop... someday. :lol:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 06:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about timeline stats

the answer is green. :D

No, it's blue!
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 16:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures200 days and counting


:lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at your typo. :lol: :lol: :lol:

(Though I suppose this visa process could feel like you're waiting inside a colon, at times. ;))

Who said it was a typo? :lol:

:blink: :blink: :lol: :lol:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 06:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures200 days and counting


:lol: :lol: :lol: Sorry, I couldn't help but laugh at your typo. :lol: :lol: :lol:

(Though I suppose this visa process could feel like you're waiting inside a colon, at times. ;))
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequirements to qualify as fiance's sponsor

ok here it goes... you only need to be 100% above the poverty guidlines for a non immigrant visa. you will want to meet 125% above the poverty guidelines because of when he gets here he will have to adjust status. also it goes by your household size which would include you him and if you have any children at all.
if your children do not live with you they are still counted as your household because the government considers you financially responsible for them. hope this helps

Actually, each consulate has a difference policy regarding the poverty thing. In Brazil, for example, we use I-134 (unlike El Salvador or New Zealand, for example), and the sponsor is asked to be 125% above the porverty guideline.

You know, I read samir_shannon's comment wrong before. The lawyer told me 125% for the interview, not 100%. Maybe it's just the French consulate's rules. *shrug* :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 18:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequirements to qualify as fiance's sponsor
Erik: It works out well for me anyway because I need to get used to full time work being a consistent thing. It's a lot of stress, and I wouldn't want this combined with moving him here and marriage. Plus I really do need to put money in the bank, so the time will be good for that. Once we apply it'll probably be at least 3 months til his interview anyway, depending on VSC's mood, so we just won't put in the application til I've started my new job. :) We need time to gather things anyway.

Yodrak: Yes that's what I think it is. This isn't my first job, persay, but it's my first full-time job, which is probably what you meant. :) Like I said to Erik, I need the time as much as they need to see it anyway. :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 16:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequirements to qualify as fiance's sponsor

Awesome news for you, and thank you so so much for sharing the info!

Thanks, and gladly! The people here have done so much to help me out, if I can help in any way in return I'd love to.

I've never heard of having to have your job for 3 months, what happens if someone gets a new, better job before the interview, they are suppose to turn it down, or ask the employer if they can hold the job for them until the visa process is over? :lol: I agree with the rest of the things she told you, but not sure about this one.

Hope you can find new work soon! :thumbs:

*shrug* That's just what she told me. It might different if the person evaluating the form could see a consistent history of work. But in my case, I'm a 21 year old college student and this is my first full time job. My previous job was a substitute position, and before that.... umm... I don't even REMEMBER what was before that. So maybe that's why she told me the 3 month thing.

ok here it goes... you only need to be 100% above the poverty guidlines for a non immigrant visa. you will want to meet 125% above the poverty guidelines because of when he gets here he will have to adjust status. also it goes by your household size which would include you him and if you have any children at all.
if your children do not live with you they are still counted as your household because the government considers you financially responsible for them. hope this helps

It would, if I were asking a question about that. But I was posting to share the response I got from an immigration attorney on the matter. ;) Thanks anyway though!

Edited by aselano, 02 August 2006 - 04:35 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 16:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresRequirements to qualify as fiance's sponsor
I had asked here what I need, bare minimum, to qualify as my fiance's sponsor. We can't find a co-sponsor and have 2 ideas left for possible people, but doubt they'll agree. I'm in the hunt for a new job that pays more and wanted to know what the minimum that I need to be making is, from a visa standpoint. I got varying responses - 100% of the poverty guidelines, 125% of the poverty guidelines, tax returns needing to show money, etc. So I asked Laurel Scott in her free chatroom today. I thought I'd share the answer with you in case it can benefit anyone else. :) Just keep in mind that I'm bringing in my fiance from France, and Laurel knew that, so I'm not sure if her advice would be different for other countries.

She told me that 125% of the poverty guidelines - in my case, 16,500/year - is the absolute bare minimum. Anything under that and it's no good. Realistically, she said, I need more than that to support us both - but that's the bare minimum from a visa standpoint. My tax returns do NOT need to show anything in particular. If he's asked about them he can just explain that I've been living with my parents and in college. At the time of his interview I need to have held the job for at least 3 months to show them that I'll be steady and dependable. And she advised that we put as much money in the bank as possible so I can claim my money in the bank as an asset. So she said, overall, that if I'm making at least 125% of the poverty guidelines and have had my job for at least 3 months, I'll be fine.

So... I'm happy, and that's a big worry off my shoulders. :dance: As you all know, I'm a worrier, and I was worried about not being able to qualify as his sponsor. So now I can shift my focus to watching the prices of apartments to see what they go for, and finding a job that can support us both. :D :D

Edited by aselano, 02 August 2006 - 04:27 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-02 16:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresUPS delivered our I-129F to Williston VT instead of St. Albans

Your fine :yes:

Congrats on the start of your Journey!

VSC does not accept UPS, Fedex direct - someone picks it up...

So with UPS it gets delivered to another town, but if I send it Fedex direct they'll pick it up there? I just wanted to check so I know when it comes time for me to mail ours to VSC. ;)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 06:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs an age a factor when applying?

Just out of curiosity I was wondering how the immigration officers look at younger couples applying for a K-1 visa. Do you think it sways there decision? My thought is that I'm 23 and my fiance is 24 - of course we would wait if we were both citizens of the same country but he is my soul mate and i love him very much - the only way we can be together is if we get married. Whats the avarage age of people on here who are in the situation of a K-1 visa?

I'm 21 and my fiance's 27. :)

I'm 21 and my fiance is 23.... :luv:

Oooh, a fellow 21 year old. :) Hi! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 17:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs an age a factor when applying?

It hadn't even occured to me to worry about an age difference. I'm 30, he's 42. I REFUSE to worry about it, there are lots bigger age differences out there that are getting approved.

Good, don't worry about it. :)

And if ya'll haven't figured it out yet, asante is a troll, don't feed it, and don't let it worry you. ;)

Edited by aselano, 03 August 2006 - 06:46 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 06:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIs an age a factor when applying?

Just out of curiosity I was wondering how the immigration officers look at younger couples applying for a K-1 visa. Do you think it sways there decision? My thought is that I'm 23 and my fiance is 24 - of course we would wait if we were both citizens of the same country but he is my soul mate and i love him very much - the only way we can be together is if we get married. Whats the avarage age of people on here who are in the situation of a K-1 visa?

I'm 21 and my fiance's 27. :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-31 16:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFiling K1 from outside of the United States; will this slow down the process?
Question - is it safe to assume 6 months for VSC now, too? They've always been faster than the other service centers...
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of idle curiousity...
I don't think one was more reliable than the other - but I think they both worked together well. ;)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 19:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of idle curiousity...

Folks, it was really more a random thought than an idea for I-129F forms. Just struck as an idea. ... I'm not looking to stir things up here

I don't think you've stirred anything up - other than an idea that may, or may not, be able to help people. ;) That's why I wanted to figure out if anything you said could help or not... even if it can't help you or I, you never know when an idea could help someone else on the forum. :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of idle curiousity...
I just asked my fiance (France, so he came in on the VWP) if he had to write where he'd be staying. On the form when he flew in he said he did, and he said he handed the form into customs there. He said he doesn't remember filling out anything when he departed. He also told me that the VWP form was green where the form when he came here on a religious worker visa was white. He said that, other than color, the two forms were a little different.

I've never flown to France, so I don't know how the forms are for a USC going in/out of that country.

So, like... can I call up somewhere and get a photocopy of the forms that he filled out and gave to customs? Or, if someone comes into the country with that form, could they request a photocopy of it before they continue past customs?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 17:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of idle curiousity...
Yeah. Too bad so many of us didn't have a clue we'd need all this stuff when the visits happened! That's why I'm wondering if there's a way that copies of those things could be obtained. Might be useful in helping people who are struggling to put together enough evidence - like Thingee is.

Is the address where the person will be staying on the forms that people fill out when they come into the country on the visa waiver program?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 16:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOut of idle curiousity...


Are you asking if one went to visit their alien fiance(e), and if that country's equivalent of the I-94 had the address where one was going to stay on the departure section (I-94 does not), and if one further had the forethought to make a copy of that form before they had to surrender it when they left the country, would that be good evidence of having met?

The problem is... what if one didn't have that foresight? Is there a way to obtain a copy?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-08-03 16:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresLondon

E-mail them again on Monday, and call DOS again. Don't give up, and don't accept a negative answer. Ask them Q' s and break their ba**s !
:yes: :yes:
It sucks, but it's going to happen...
Don't let it frustrate you...
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-06-23 16:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview !!!!!
Thank you !

And to all my friends still waiting...keep the faith.

Call them and e-mail them until you get the news you want.

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-06-23 21:51:00