K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question
Thanks for confirming that fwaguy, and sorry for posting about something that was already answered in the example form - I missed it the first time I looked through it.

Oh, but this isn't answered there - do I have to include FOUR attachments, one for each page of the G-325A, or just one?

Edited by Angilla, 12 November 2006 - 02:22 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-12 14:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question
Oh shoot I double checked the example form and the answer's there. >.< Sorry, sorry, if I could figure out how to edit/delete the original post I would.

Edited by Angilla, 12 November 2006 - 02:19 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-12 14:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A question
For those of you who remember me, I'm finally filling out these forms for the last freaking time! I've settled into a job that pays enough to support us both and has medical/dental insurance, and that was the last hurdle we needed to clear before filing. It's only taken 10 months for us to get our ducks in a row! :wacko: It's nuts to see that people I met here when we first started looking at the K-1 visa process are married right now!


On the G-325A it says to list my employment for the last 5 years. Do I stop when I run out of lines, which only goes back to 12/2004... or do I add an attachment with the full list? If I add an attachment, how do I do that - just put "see attachment" in the last line under "full name and address of employer"?

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-12 14:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere's what I've got
Okay, I was supposed to leave for work 5 minutes ago so I'll come back to this later. :lol:

That's a good point... they'll look at this as one big picture rather than individually? I thought they'd look at it as one big picture BUT still evaluate each meeting individually... i.e. she doesn't have sufficient evidence to prove his visit in October so let's send her a RFE so she can show us more solid stuff.

So back to the evidence while he was a friar. :) Do I just pick a random date and slap it on the back of the pic of us together while he was a friar? :blush: I have NO clue even of what time of year it was taken. Does the letter from a friar stating the time I was a volunteer need to be notarized?

Edited by Angilla, 13 November 2006 - 09:36 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-13 09:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere's what I've got
:blush: Sorry if I'm being annoying. :blush: I'm not trying to be. :blush: And thank you for all the help! :blush:

It's just that the requirement is to only prove 1 visit, right? So I only, really, and completely have to prove 1 visit, right? No RFE if I prove 1 visit well enough.

But okay, I'll go back to showing proof of 3 visits. :blush: Do you think the passport stamp, translated flight itinerary e-mail, baggage sticker thingies (you know, the green and white ones, they show Air France, his name, and the date without the year just 28 OCT), and 3 pictures of us together is enough evidence for His October visit? I don't think it is - with boarding passes I'd be comfy that it'd be satisfactory, but I don't have his boarding passes. The green/white baggage sticker thingies I have are from his connecting flight between Detroit and LGA, I don't have his Paris to Detroit ones, but they do say Air France on them.

That picture of us together in the Bronx while he was a friar... what would I do, just guess a date in November or December of 2004 and write it on the back? I don't know the date or even the month when it was taken. I could get a letter from one of the friars stating I was a volunteer between this date and that date, would it have to be notarized? Then I'd have a copy of his R1 visa, a letter stating I volunteered from this date to that date, and 1 photograph. That doesn't sound like a lot to me. I don't know what else I could get.

Thank you again, and I'm sorry if I sound like a pest, I just want to make sure I do this right. :blush:

Edited by Angilla, 13 November 2006 - 09:21 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-13 09:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere's what I've got
I could get a letter from the friars stating that I volunteered from such and such time. I do have that one good quality picture of me working with him as a friar, but like I said I don't know the date it was taken.

Q18 is only really asking if we've met in person in the last 2 years... so... I could just say yes he visited from 12/18/05 - 12/31/05, blah blah blah and just submit evidence of his December visit, right? Or is proving that we met while he was a friar important? Plus I still don't like that I only have 2 pictures of us on the JFK AirTrain on his last day for the December visit, I like that we have 3 pictures from different days and places during his October visit... but I know that pictures aren't super important anyway, and I know I don't have enough to completely satisfy them as far as evidence for his October visit.

My thing is that if we get a RFE for more evidence of meeting while he was a friar, or for his October visit... what're we gonna do? Meeting while he was a friar... well... it's been nearly 2 years since he was a friar. His October visit... that's all I've got.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-13 08:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere's what I've got
Nope my answer for Q18 doesn't say what evidence I'll be submitting to prove it but I'll certainly edit it to say that - thanks!

If I don't show ENOUGH evidence of our initial meeting as friends, or of his October visit... would they send me a RFE for it even though I have enough evidence of his December visit?

I do have a picture of us together with him as a friar, but I'm not sure when the photo was taken, it could've been taken before 11/04 but I'm not sure. I've got a second picture taken of us when he was a friar but it's a digital photo and when I tried having it printed the quality was terrible.

This is what I have for my Q18 answer. I tried to keep it as short and concise as I could. If you think anything needs to be fixed/changed here too I'm totally open to suggestions:

Part B, Question 18, have my fiancé and I met in person within the last 2 years:
Yes. We originally met while he was in Bronx, NY as a friar on a R1 visa. I was a volunteer with the community. We worked side-by-side together as friends for approximately a year and a half. He left the friars (so he is eligible for marriage) and returned to France in 12/2004.

We kept in touch by phone and internet and fell in love in 08/2005. He came to visit me and my family from 10/28/05 – 11/05/05. He stayed in my house. We didn’t do much because I was sick for most of his visit, but we did visit a local port town and wore Halloween costumes. He came to visit again from 12/18/05 – 12/31/05. Again he stayed in my house, but we also had a few hotel stays, train rides, and went out to the movies. We also discussed marriage at that point and agreed that we are ready to be together for the rest of our lives.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-13 08:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere's what I've got
Thanks! I have a few questions. :)

First visit, you mean the one in October? I don't think I have enough evidence for that visit alone. Passport stamp, translated e-mail flight itinerary, his baggage stickers/stubs, and 3 pictures... if I'm going to cut out a visit, I think I'd cut out that one. I know photos aren't too important, but the October visit has better pictures - 3 different ones in different places with us wearing different clothes. The December visit just has 2 pics of us in the JFK AirTrain on his last day.

Does it matter when the USCIS reviews my petition or when my petition was recieved? I'm going through VSC so I should get my NOA1 in a fair amount of time. In that case, as long as I get my NOA1 before the end of December, the copy of his R1 visa will be juuuuuust within the 2 year time frame.

I'm guessing by time factor you mean that the more I submit, the more they have to evaluate, and the more time it'll take for my petition to be approved? In that case, maybe I should cut out his R1 AND the October visit and just send the stuff I have for his December visit. They probably won't care about how we were friends/co-workers in person and I don't have enough solid stuff to make a good case for the October visit.

I just wanted to paint a complete picture and leave no room for doubt in their mind. :blush: But maybe by showing the R1 as the only proof of us as friends and insufficient proof for his October visit would actually do more harm than good. Hmm.

Can you tell I'm confused?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-13 08:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresHere's what I've got
Thanks! We first wanted to send it out in January but then I got sick and didn't recover til May. Then we wanted to put it out in July but realized my job didn't pay enough, so I quit it in August. After 2 months of interviewing I FINALLY got a new job that pays enough to support us both and have settled into it. Ei yai yai! People I met here back in January are married by now and our petition isn't even out the door yet. :( So yes, it will feel SO GOOD to have the thing finally in the mail! :dance:

And yup, both of our names plus the date and location is written on the back of each photo in ink. :thumbs:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-12 19:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie question, and I did try researching before asking.

Not true about a 2 year wait.
I am the USC, my husband is the UKC .
I was divorced legally from the ex on Oct. 11, 2005. Married my UK sweetheart on November 14, 2005 in New York, and submitted my I-130 on Dec.5, 2005.
We decided to go with the CR1, as it was more advantageous for us than a K3. Once you get your divorce certificate, you are free to marry, and proceed with life.

My husband was approved in London yesterday, and will be home with me in NY in exactly 11 days !

This whole process seems like a mountain to climb when you first begin, and there is a lot of conflicting information in the outside world, as there are so many options and different requirements for each option.
The people on this site are quite knowledgeable, and give straight, accurate advice.

Good luck to you !!!

Rose Bruce
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-07-29 15:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial questions
Okay, thanks!

Oh I meant sending the original documents to my fiance for his interview. I'm the USC. I won't be able to get to France to go with him so I have to mail him everything he needs. I was planning on all of the originals plus a photocopy of the entire application, keeping another photocopy of the whole application for me.

Edited by aselano, 21 March 2006 - 11:32 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-21 11:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresFinancial questions
Hey, remember me? I've disappeared for a while. I got sick again, and we knew we couldn't put in the K1 application until I was on my feet with a job. I have an interview Sunday but I basically have the job already, and I'll be able to start work around April 8th when the woman returns from her work trip to Hong Kong. (I have another interview in a few days just in case this one doesn't work out, too... she definately wants me if the other woman doesn't. So I have a job either way.)

It's a full-time job as a live-in nanny. I'll be getting $400/week, all needed food, a room with a private bathroom, a private phone line, my computer (which I'll find a way to get internet access on), a TV, a car, paid vacation and national holidays, and an end-of-the-year bonus. Woo! :dance: If only she could pay half of the taxes and find me medical/dental insurance LOL. I'm kidding there, I'll work those out on my own. Oh, and she's considering turning her basement into a studio apartment for my fiance and I!! :dance: She brought her husband into the country from Italy so she knows exactly what we're going through! Her whole family is amazing and I'm so excited.

Once I know this job is secured I think we'll finally be able to put the application in soon! I did get all the stuff needed from him... oh my goodness that was stressful... the package was supposed to get here in 6 days, so said the post office after he paid $40 to ship it. 3 weeks later we think all of the documents (including boarding passes and whatnot) are lost in the mail it showed up on my doorstep. How much more stressful will sending him ALL of the originals be? :wacko:

Now here's my myriad of questions, which tends to be my style here on VJ.

- Before taxes I'll be earning $20800/year. That's far enough over the poverty guidelines for a household of two, yes? I know in 2005 it was what, $16k? Did the poverty guidelines go up?

- Do I have to be earning 125% of the poverty guidelines for a household of two BEFORE or AFTER taxes? Since I'm working for a private individual filing my taxes myself I'll be losing a lot to taxes... my dad (he does taxes on the side) has to look into it but he said I could lose up to a quarter of my salary to taxes. So after taxes if it's a quarter I'd be coming away with $15600/year which is below the 125% of the poverty guideline thing. Is that a problem?

- We will still search for a co-sponsor. We haven't been able to yet because I wanted to secure a job before we asked anyone. If my salary is okay will it be a problem if we ask everyone we can think of and can't find one? (My W2 from last year shows, like, $96 if that poses a problem.)

- If my fiance has debts will that be a problem? I ask because he knew someone who wanted to come to the States and France wouldn't let him leave the country til he paid them off, even though he had a high paying job lined up in the States. :wacko: I have no clue about the details of the situation... what kind of visa... how much and what kind of debts... etc. My fiance did say that the person had a LOT of debts though. My fiance has about $3000 in a loan from his bank. He has to talk to the bank to find out if he could pay the $30/month payments from the States. I'm willing to pay the $30/month with him, it's okay. We just want to make sure that the government is going to cause a problem with it?

Ok I think I got it all. Thanks for reading this and for any help you can give us! I am SO excited to be back on my feet and to get so much closer to making this all possible! After being sick for 3 months and then again for another month after I finally recovered I am SO sick of being sick and wanna get out of here and start working lol.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-21 10:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresevidence of relationship
They don't want evidence of your relationship til the interview, so hold off on e-mails/letters/phone bills/etc. for now. Right now they want to know that you two intend to marry each other within 90 days of him arriving in the country (hence the letters of intent) and that you two have met in person within the last 2 years. So boarding passes, print-outs of e-tickets, hotel receipts, pictures of you two together, etc.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-21 14:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdisappointed

47 replies adn no one defended the man

Oh yeah... defending the guy... forgot about that... we should try it... I mean, we need to give him a fair chance and the benefit of the doubt... so let me think of something to defend him...







Ok I thought, can't think of anything. *shrug* Oh well. :P
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-24 12:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdisappointed

they are socially inept losers

Ooooh, I like that way of putting it. :thumbs: :lol:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-24 11:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresdisappointed
Fortunately since my fiance is from France I haven't had to deal with that. I only get the "France? Whoooaaa! Lucky girl, good food, sexy accent, how the heck did you meet him?!" responses that make me laugh. He, however, is getting torn apart on the France side. Why isn't she moving here, she's manipulating you, how do you know she loves you, blah blah blah. It hurts even more because it's his family, my future in-laws, saying that. I wanted a good relationship with my in-laws... but they don't like me and have judged me without even seeing my face.

You know what? The heck with them. Our love, and the love you two have, is stronger than stupid people's remarks. I'd bet people who make remarks like that are WISHING for the type of love that you and I have found. Somehow trudging through this distance makes a relationship so much stronger and full of love. As much as I hate the distance I appreciate how much deeper our relationship is than it would be if he lived down the street the whole time.

You have an amazing treasure in that relationship of yours. Some will be jealous, some will try to take it away, some won't see the treasure because they're blinded. The heck with them. It's your treasure, not theirs.

(F) Chin up and smile! ;)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-24 10:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSent off my K1 package today
Good luck! Hopefully I'll get to that point with you soon. *nudges local employers about giving me a job*
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-24 13:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures*sigh* More job confusion
We'll be trying to find co-sponsorship after I have a job. We don't want to ask anyone until I can tell them that I'm in a steady secure job making X amount of money.

I didn't think this was something as light as "a stash somewhere", Keigwyn... this is getting a full apartment worth $800 - $900 per month included in my salary which sounds a tad bit bigger than a stash to me. :blink:

Anyway. Thanks Gwen. That's good to know. It's sad that I couldn't consider it as an asset somehow... I mean, it's worth a lot and included in my salary and is the reason my salary would be so low.

Regardless, I did the math last night and, even though the apartment is awesome, $300/week really isn't enough for me to put money away for all the expenses we'll have when my fiance moves here. That's why I don't want an apartment right now, I can't save money while handling an apartment's expenses.

So, as neat as it sounds, I think I'm going to have to turn her down and keep searching for something with more pay.

Edited by aselano, 24 March 2006 - 10:41 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-24 10:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures*sigh* More job confusion
:( Application's on hold again, the job that seemed so sure fell through. I mean, I'm glad it did, because it turned out that the woman (it was a live-in nanny position) was a psycho and I'm glad I discovered that now rather than later. But... still... *sigh* back to square one. At least other offers are coming in, I've got 1 new interview and a few people that I'm talking to with interview potential, so a job will come and we just have to be patient.

I've had one offer that I'm wondering about. In addition to the pay she's offering me an apartment - bedroom, full bathroom, kitchen, and den. So, naturally, she's only offering me $300/week salary. That's only $15,600/year. Would it be taken into consideration that I'm also getting an apartment as payment? I haven't asked her since it's early on in our discussion and I haven't seen the apartment (she's an hour away - eep), but perhaps my fiance could live in it with me.

I might be able to talk her up to $325/week as that's $16900/year but that's barely scraping above 125% of the poverty guidelines... and last year's tax returns DO show nothing. So last year I made nothing and this year I'd be making $400 over the limit? I don't think they'd like that. And to be honest, I'm not sure if I like that... other than the fact that I'm getting a full apartment worth about $800 or $900/month (it's in a very rich and beautiful area by the water) with it. Especially if my fiance could move into it with me. When I have to fill out the sponsor-thing could I claim it somehow? That reminds me of other forms where if you claim your house and something goes wrong the government could take your house away from you as payment - would this be similar?

I'm not sure what to think about this one. Thoughts and advice?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-23 23:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresunemployed

I just love my fiancee so much and being denied is my worst fear.

I know you want your honey to get the visa... but remember that she won't be able to work for a little while until she gets her working papers. You'll need to support the both of you. Will you be able to find a sturdy job with good enough pay from the experience you're getting with your dad now? Will you and your fiancee be able to save up enough money before she moves for the security deposit on an apartment, her transportation here, moving here, fees for the marriage AOS working papers and (if desired) advanced parole, etc.? Or is your cousin willing to help you with all of that? I'm worried about the application being approved but I'm even more worried about making sure I can support my love financially once he's here. I'm holding off on sending in the application until I've started a steady job with good enough pay. It kills us to have to wait but I'd rather we wait and are prepared for what's at the other end of the application rather than I get him here and can't support him.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-24 13:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresunemployed
When do you expect to be able to find a job? How steady and secure is that type of job? About how much money will you be able to make with the type of job you can get? Will you be able to support yourself and your fiance(e) alone until (s)he can get working papers?

I'm currently unemployed and hunting for a job. I won't send the application until I'm secured in a job that I know I'll be able to keep and is making enough for me to support my fiance and I once he moves here. The last thing I want, after all this stress, is to get him here and then we're in huge financial trouble because my job isn't secure and/or I can't afford us both.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-23 23:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMedical Exam - early?
I've heard here that it's fine as it's valid for 1 year. There is a medical required for the AOS, and if the medical was done within 1 year before the AOS stuff it's still valid so he wouldn't have to get a medical for that too. That's why my usual advice is don't get it any earlier than necessary so you know you won't have to re-do it for the AOS.

However, in your case, since he'll be leaving the country and you expect the NOA2 before he'll return... it sounds like you guys have a good reason to want to do it earlier. ;) See what the others say, but I believe from what I've read here that it's fine.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-03-27 22:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion: dates on the forms... too old?

Our photos were a little older then 30 days AND I'm pretty sure we had that same problem with the wrong size. I just took the photos he could get, brought them to CVS and used their photo machine to enlarge and print new ones that were the correct size. No one at VSC seemed to notice!

Oooh, that's a good idea! Wish we would've thought of that back then lol.

Thanks for the luck on my job hunt! It should go much smoother this time... at least, I hope. We're going on 8 months since we've seen each other and we can't afford to bring him here for a visit, since all my money's going in the bank towards getting us an apartment... so... *sigh*

If you feel ok with the photos then dont sweat it, thats the "own judgement" thing....Good luck!

Thanks! I figure the people here know more than I do, and I don't want to screw up the process with something easily fixable. The photos are in good condition with no date on them anywhere, so if we can get away with using them, I'd like to. But if they could somehow catch the fact that they're more than 30 days old, I'd rather get them re-done.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 09:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion: dates on the forms... too old?
I'm looking for a better job. ;) The big problem last time I went job hunting was that my health was shot, I'd never worked full-time before, and I'd never had an office job before. Now my health is better, and my current job is an office and it's 35 hours/week. So now I've got office experience on my resume and I've got the health and energy to get a 40 hour/week job in a busier office.

I'm gonna pull out the yellow pages and give some of the veterinary offices in my area a call. I figure it'll still be a fun atmosphere, since I love animals, but it's an office job that should still pay a reasonable salary.

By the time his new stuff gets over the ocean to me I'll, hopefully, know how things are going in that area.

I think just for safetys sake I would get new photos as well, after all you've got to get the 325A so why not

The pictures gave him a huge hassle last time. The passport photos are a different size than ours in his country so he had to find a photo place willing to do them for the required size, which was difficult. Then they were expensive (25 euros!), and he's having huge financial troubles over there. (The only job he could get can't support the only apartment he could get, so I'm the only one pulling in money here.) So more time waiting and more money spent... I'd rather not unless it's necessary.

How could they tell, if the forms have current dates, that the photos are more than 30 days old? Is there a way they could figure it out? There's no dates on the photos anywhere, and he still looks the same.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 09:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion: dates on the forms... too old?
Thanks! His photos aren't dated and he hasn't changed his looks at all, so I'd think he wouldn't need those re-done, right?

I was looking through the forms and *sigh* he'd need to re-send them anyway. He put New York, New York instead of Bronx, New York on one of his previous addresses. Plus... including his middle names, he has 5 names, and in his signature I can only make 3 letters out of the scribble. And the scribble looks different on every form! :huh:

He's going out to re-print it now (he doesn't have a printer). I'm gonna go over all the info again to make sure he didn't make any other mistakes. And I told him he's gotta make his signature more legible. I mean, I doubt all 5 names could fit in that box, but at least Firstname A.B.C. LastName... and then all 5 names on his letter of intent, I guess.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 09:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion: dates on the forms... too old?
I don't know if anyone will remember me, but my fiance and I have been wanting to get him a K-1 visa for what feels like forever. I was sick for 7 months and every time I tried to get a job (I'm the American in the couple) SOMEthing would go wrong. I got sick again, I got injured, I made an idiot out of myself at the interview, whatever. We were all ready to file for the visa in January when some people here smacked some reality into me and convinced me that I needed a secure job before we applied for the visa, especially since we don't really have anyone that we can ask to be his co-sponsor.

It's a good thing people here convinced me of that, because now it's the end of July and I just finished my 3rd week of work. I don't think it pays enough for me to qualify as his sponsor ($16,300/year) and there are some MAJOR problems in the office, so I'm looking for a new job. It'll be easier this time around now that I'm back in good health and have been working full-time for nearly a month, so I'm back in the swing of things. We thought FINALLY, we can get the application ready now!

I pulled out the stuff that he sent me back in January and I was just looking at his G-325A and letter of intent. His letter of intent is dated 1/25/06, and his G-325A is dated 1/28/06. When I mail this out it'll be August... and those things will be dated 7 months before. :huh: Is that a problem? I'd really rather not have to wait for him to get out somewhere to re-print them and mail them to me across the ocean again... but as I've already learned, it's better to wait and do it right than to be too hasty and screw this up.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 08:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A questions

Yes one may receive an RFE for gaps in the 5 year period. I used the term 'Unemployed' on mine and all was good. Being unemployed for periods of time is of no consequence.

Thanks! For some reason I got worried that they'd see times of unemployment and think that we would be unable to work enough to support ourselves after he moved here. :huh: I think too much.

A suplementary page can be used if there is too many to list.

How would we go about organizing two supplementary pages, if that needs to be done? "See attachment" just barely fits into the middle name boxes on his form, so I don't think he'd be able to fit "see attachment 1" for his middle name. And if it did, where would we write "see attachment 2" for his list of jobs?

I would make as complete a list as possible, but only put down significant jobs. I would leave off such things as babysitting, etc.

:yes: Babysittng was just an example. I was thinking of a job he told me about, where he got hired off the books in his friend's store for a month. That had me wondering how specific and detailed this list has to be, and if it's safe to put down off the books jobs or not.

Also, for several of my jobs I worked there off and on as I was in college and spending a lot of time in Ireland. I didn't bother to make the off and on part clear on the form, just listed the overall period of employment.

I was employed as a substitute teacher's aide by a local school district for 2 years. Sometimes they only called me once a month... one time when I got sick for a while I didn't work at all... but I was employed by them, so I'm gonna put it down. At the same time, I did a lot of volunteer work in the Bronx... sometimes I was there 3 - 4 days a week! That was why I was wondering if I should put down volunteer jobs, because at times I spent more time in the Bronx than I did at home. :lol: I didn't get paid for my work in the Bronx though, except the $50/week I got during the summers.

My (the USC) form had a large gap between December 2004-September 2005 (I was student teaching and then looking for a full time job but did not indicate this anywhere) and my husband's had several gaps and we were approved very quickly.

Okay that's good, thanks! I'm only 21 years old (I'm the USC also), 5 years ago I was still in high school. I haven't gotten to work on my own G-325A yet because I'm hoping I'll have a new job by the time he prints his stuff out and mails it to me. But I figure I'm probably gonna have big gaps in my employment on there, and here I am worrying about a 2 month gap on his! Did I say I think too much? Well, I think too much. :lol:

In the end you ave to do what you feel is right, the above is just to give you an example of what 1 couple did successfully.

That's why I joined VJ, reading what other couples did successfully is a huge help. :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 14:35:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresG-325A questions
1) I read in the RFE sticky that an overlap or gap in employment could lead to a RFE. Even a two month gap? As an example: Job#1 January - March, Job#2 June - December. In that case, would I need to use a third line saying NONE for March - June?

2) My fiance was employed by a temp job agency for a few months at one point. This was 4 - 5 years ago so he doesn't remember if they called him for any jobs or not. What should he do, should he put down the agency with "temp jobs" under occupation? He's not sure if he should consider that time to be unemployed since he doesn't remember if the agency ever called him for work or not.

3) The instructions say to list his employment for the last 5 years... so if he's had more jobs than can fit in those lines, does he stop when the lines run out or does he continue onto an attachment? He's already got one attachment since his middle name, Yves Louis Marie, doesn't fit into the middle name boxes, lol.

4) Can/Should volunteer jobs be listed?

5) Should jobs where I was hired off the books be listed? Like baby sitting, or working in a friend's store, where I paid no taxes and got paid cash out of a pocket? I mean, those places would have records of my employment, but technically... isn't being hired off the books illegal?

6) Is having unemployed periods seen as bad by anyone that looks over this application? I have this weird worry that they'll see lines that say "NONE" for a time period and our application will have more of a chance of getting denied or something.

Yes, I know I need to chill. :wacko: :lol: Thanks for your patience!
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 13:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEver ponder this...
Thanks! It's good to be back in action. My life got put on hold for SO long... I'll PM you. ;)

I think that longing is good. By the time he finally gets here I think I'll appreciate his presence much more than I ever would have under a normal situation... and really, being able to spend time together in person is something that most couples take for granted - we, hopefully, won't after this experience!
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 18:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresEver ponder this...

It is a very good question. Personally I don't think it would function as a filtering process for a greater purity of marriages as much as it would function as a splendid training for very explicit communication skills and, thus, would cause a decrease in divorce rates

I agree! SC and I have spent hours on the phone every single day... we wouldn't have spent so many hours just sitting and talking if we were side by side. There's a lot of things we wouldn't know about each other.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 15:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit of support question

Stupid 21 year old here, but... could someone tell me the difference between net and gross? I know one is before taxes and one is after taxes, but I could never figure out which is which. :blush:

Gross is what you'd like to get paid yearly and net is the ugly figure you actually receive after your paychecks are mauled by the government.

:lol: Nice way to put it! Thanks to all who answered that question for me. :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 20:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresaffidavit of support question
Stupid 21 year old here, but... could someone tell me the difference between net and gross? I know one is before taxes and one is after taxes, but I could never figure out which is which. :blush:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney to be making: what should be my minimum?

Can you get a co sponsor?

Most likely, no. We have two people that we can ask, and they most likely won't but we'll ask anyway. His family doesn't talk to him (most of them are French citizens anyway), most of mine doesn't talk to me either, and my parents and siblings already said no before I even completed my sentence. So that's why I'd like to make sure I can get by as far as being his sole sponsor for the visa.

Oh, I'm sorry I just thought I would ask. Sorry I wasn't trying to be nosy I was just trying to help.

Good luck to you !

Hey, nosy is good, because people here have picked up on things and told me the hurtful truth when I needed to hear it... and didn't want to. I mean, I wanted to apply for this visa in January and was getting ready to... good thing I didn't, because with sickness and other problems I wasn't able to start looking for a job until June. What would've happened if people here hadn't been nosy and convinced me to hold off on applying. :wacko: That's why I'm trying to be so careful and make sure all my bases are covered this time around!

I wish we could get a co-sponsor... then all I'd have to worry about is watching rent prices and making sure I could reasonably support us both. But I've also got that "will they approve us without a co-sponsor" worry to try to kill. *sigh* The worries seem like they're endless with this visa process.

Anywho. Your attempt to help is much appreciated! :yes:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 20:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney to be making: what should be my minimum?

Can you get a co sponsor?

Most likely, no. We have two people that we can ask, and they most likely won't but we'll ask anyway. His family doesn't talk to him (most of them are French citizens anyway), most of mine doesn't talk to me either, and my parents and siblings already said no before I even completed my sentence. So that's why I'd like to make sure I can get by as far as being his sole sponsor for the visa.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 20:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney to be making: what should be my minimum?

I don't have any advice, not being a homeowner myself...

But I do need to ask, how on earth can you live in L.I. on $10 an hour???? I lived in a syudio in Manhattan for 5 years & my rent was insane. There was no way I could've survived on that amount of money, let alone for 2 of us!

I have no clue - that's what I still need to look into. I've been living in my parents' house my whole life. Last time I looked, decent apartments out here were going for around $800/month. That was a few months ago, and I live in Suffolk County - the one the furthest away from the city.

I was curious about the visa requirements first... I thought it was 125% the poverty guidelines now, not at the AOS, and I assumed that I'd need to be making a reasonable amount over it. So first I wanted to figure out my minimum needed visa wise, then I wanted to research cost of living, and then I wanted to put the two together and see what I got.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney to be making: what should be my minimum?
Hmm, okay. My mom's been handling my car payments so I have to get in on that, what's due and when. I don't have a credit card and, to be honest, I think it may be safe for me to keep it that way. I'll get one "for real emergencies" just because it sounds like a good thing to do but... the women in my family have a medical history of high credit card bills and I'd rather not catch it from them! I also have to start looking through the papers and see what decent apartments go for. Thanks for the numbers, I'll be able to play around with them once I put all of this together. :)

Hmm... so as far as getting approved, I actually only have to be making $13,200/year by the time of his interview? That's absurd, that's, like, $1100/month... that's what some apartments GO for around here. I'll probably be able to find a decent one around $800/month, but still, that'd be $300/month left over before taxes. Yeah right. I mean, I guess some guy in Paris wouldn't know about the cost of living in New York, but wow... it's called poverty level for a reason, and I can't believe they would approve me as his sole sponsor if I made only that. :blink:

So since most receptionist jobs go for $10/hr and up, and I plan on working 40 hours/week, I guess I don't have to worry about the minimum for me to accept in a job? Well, visa wise, anyway... I still have to do my research about rents and stuff. :thumbs:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 20:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresMoney to be making: what should be my minimum?
My current job doesn't pay enough for me to support my fiance, but I needed something to transition me out of my being-home-sick-for-months-on-end period. It pays $16,380/year before taxes, and according to this I'm under that limit like I knew I would be.

I'd like my next job to be a keeper... 1 transition job is enough for me. ;) I'd like to go into this visa process comfortably knowing that if we can't find a co-sponsor we should be fine, considering we have very few people that we can ask about co-sponsorship. It's just the two of us, so 125% of the 2006 poverty guidelines is $16,500/year. How much over that should I be making to be comfortable about being his sponsor? I can't work more than 40 hours/week and I have no college degree (yet), so I can't expect anything too high. I was thinking $10/hr minimum, which would be $20,800/year... would that be good enough? Or should $11/hr, $22,880/year, be my minimum goal? I mean, sure I'll take the highest that I can get in a job that I'll still at least somewhat enjoy, but when the "what is the minimum salary you'll work for" question pops up, I don't want to be thinking about it and then say something that I find out later is too low.

I also need to go look at current apartment rents in the area to get an idea of how much that is, so I can work out what I'll need to support us and have enough left over for other things we might need. What do they say is the best way to go - is it rent being 1/3 or 1/2 of your salary, and are other bills included in that? I've never owned an apartment before. :blush:

But anyway, I wanted to get your opinions from a visa sponsoring, and supporting us til he can work, standpoint. :)

Edited by aselano, 30 July 2006 - 08:05 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 20:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOk, idiotic question I'm not going to like the answer too, butttttttt
Yeah, that's the VSC though. Thingee, could you fill out your profile? Let us know where you are, where he is, etc. If they have to go through, say, the CSC, things could be different. But still, I agree with you, I personally wouldn't do it because with my luck we'd get the RFE too fast.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 19:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOk, idiotic question I'm not going to like the answer too, butttttttt

But if she sends out every piece of evidence she's got and gets an RFE, how will she be able to submit more evidence? Unless she's lucky enough to get the RFE after visiting her fiance.

How much time do you have to respond to a RFE?

12 weeks, I think.

Hmm. Maybe, depending on what service center she's going through, she could try to time it so that if she gets a RFE she'll get it close enough to his next visit that she could send the pictures in time? That'd be risky though because what if she did get a RFE and it came sooner than guessed. :unsure: Like Mew, I'd worry to death. But I'm a thinker like that.

It is a worthy gamble. I know that I could not wait 5-6 months to file...

But, as you and aselano suggested, if they list all of their existing evidence, a better evaluation could be conducted.

At the end of the day, I would not feel to good about suggesting that someone wait 5-6 months to file. You?

Yeah, me neither - especially since I've been waiting since January to be able to file this dang thing! I know what it's like to keep hearing "you're not ready yet, you're not ready yet, nope still not ready." I mean, if you really can't file, then you just can't and that's unfortunately that's the end of it til you're able to. But if Thingee can get us a list of all the evidence she can pull together, maybe we'll be able to find a way for her to push it through without waiting? But if it's really not possible, I don't suggest losing the $170... and would having a denied petition on file be bad for the next time they applied?

Thingee, if all else fails, is a SHORT visit before December possible? Even 4 days or something?

Edited by aselano, 30 July 2006 - 07:42 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 19:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOk, idiotic question I'm not going to like the answer too, butttttttt

But if she sends out every piece of evidence she's got and gets an RFE, how will she be able to submit more evidence? Unless she's lucky enough to get the RFE after visiting her fiance.

How much time do you have to respond to a RFE?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-07-30 19:28:00