K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCan a H1 get a K1

Thank you....I got a reference to an attorney in NY from someone on this forum. He has two pckages - one for the K1/K2 alone and another for K1/K2 and AOS, EAD and Advance Parole. The first package is $1995, the second is $3095. Thinking.....

You can try asking some questions to Laurel Scott, an immigration attorney, in her free chat on Wednesdays at 11am Central Time.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-14 08:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedureswhat happens if it turns out you have TB
My fiance and I worried like this that the medical would discover that he was HIV+. I mean, what a thing to find out at any time, but to find out so close to getting the visa... so he went off and got tested, came back negative, and we both felt much better. We just needed to clear our minds about it... and it's not like HIV has symptoms, unlike full-blown AIDS, so there was no way for us to know otherwise.

But with active TB, there's symptoms. And honestly, if you have active TB... you need treatment. It'd be a bad thing for you to go undiagnosed and untreated. So while it would stink for your visa to be delayed, would you want to move here and give active TB to your fiance? I don't think so. :) So if you do have active TB, get treated, then move here. But if you had active TB... I think you'd know it right now. ;)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-14 08:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Proceduresk1
Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-14 08:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 questions

I personally think you are OK! The question here is: did you two meet? If you say YES, then back it up with his boardingpasses, pictures of you and him. Done! Don't believe you need to get all CIS-style on the "evidence".

Good luck and be well,

chuck and kim

Thanks! He found an old camera and got the photos developed today. Lo and behold, there's a pic of us together in it! I wasn't very confident in the 1 pic I had of his December visit because it was taken in the JFK AirTrain... the flight stuff puts him in JFK, the pic put us in JFK, I wanted something else besides the signed/notarized letter from my parents and the hotel itineraries/reciept without his name on them to bring him out here. Well the pic was taken locally, in one of the hotels we stayed in. So now I've got a pic of us together locally, and I'll write on the back the pic was taken in such-and-such hotel (with the location and blah blah blah) which makes the hotel itinaries/reciept without his name worth a little more... and I just feel like it filled in a gap and tied it all together more.

He's gonna scan and e-mail me a copy of his biographic page from his visa... I'll write the letter to have my parents sign/have notarized... I'll put it all together... write the check... make sure I've got everything that needs to be done... and... mail it out Monday! :dance:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-17 19:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 questions
Okay glad to hear that about the letter of intent, thanks! :thumbs:

Don't get stucked with the little thing... need to see the big picture of why you're applying for the I-129F and what is the requirement? One of the major factor in decision making and satisfy USCIS requirement for approval is: YOU MUST MEET YOUR FIANCE AT LEAST ONCE IN THE LAST 2 YEARS. With that in mind, you and your USC will put your "Story" together in the form of a I-129F application :) packed with proof and evidence that may show USCIS you and him WERE somewhere in France. One picture of you two together would be enough, more is better. BUT the point being, you two met and now you can file for I-129F. All other evidences are supporting your claim: WE MET!

Good luck and remember: think BIG PICTURE!

Yup I'm trying to think big picture... but I'm trying to think big picture with our names on them, which is where I'm coming up short. The boarding passes, baggage stickers, and passport stamp place him in JFK. The pictures and notarized letter from my parents put us together, which the hotel itineraries/reciepts to back up the dates that my parents are gonna mention in the letter when they say "Sinclair stayed in our house from [x] to [x], except [x] dates when he and our daughter stayed in a hotel." The hotel itineraries from the first 2 stays don't have his name on them, only mine, but they do say 2 adults 1 bed... the reciept from the 3rd visit only has my name on it and no amount of guests or beds. But I figure since they're backing up the notarized letter they at least count for something.

But I don't feel like that's enough... he didn't use a credit/ATM/debit card while he was here. I do have train tickets/reciepts, but not ALL of them, and 2 movie stubs... but of course none of them have names on them. I'm just not sure what else to get. I could search our MSN Messanger history to see if we talked about trip preparations at all, as long as the conversation doesn't talk about things I don't want USCIS to read (I'd rather not black things out, that could look fishy). I don't believe we have any e-mails that talk about trip preparations but I can check to be sure.

Do you think the passport stamp, boarding passes, baggage stamps, picture(s), notarized letter, and hotel itineraries/reciepts without his name on them backing up the notarized letter would be enough?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-16 18:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 questions
Okay, thanks!

2 questions down, 1 left... my question in regards to the header on the letter of intent he sent me, any thoughts?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-16 06:59:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 questions

When it comes time for the interview, I will take everything but the kitchen sink with me.

:lol: :P Maybe you spit in the kitchen sink while in China and they can test it and get your DNA to prove that you were there? :P :lol:

That's why we made copies of every page of our passports. The initial page with photo, name, and information. Then we sent the pages with stamps in the passport that corresponded to the dates on the passport and the other evidence submitted.

So did you send the blank passport pages that didn't have any stamps, or just the biographic info page and the page with the stamp?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-15 21:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 questions
Aww, I hope that turns out well Mike and Lily... my suggestion - gather additional evidence of having met in person NOW. This way, if you get a RFE, you'll have the stuff on hand and can send it back the next day. If you don't get a RFE, send it to him for his interview.

We're okay on the evidence that he entered my country with boarding passes, the baggage stickers, and the copy of his passport... it's just putting us two together in the same place by name that I'm concerned of. I wish I had his name on the hotel itineraries, but we didn't talk about the K-1 til the very end of his visit and by then it was too late. So I guess the photos and notarized letter from my parents will have to do... but... I feel like that's flimsy.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-15 20:43:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 questions
Yeouch. Makes sense though. Okay, all the pages of his passport it is! Thanks! Luckily his relatives have scanners so he can just scan them, e-mail them to me, and I'll print them out over here.

Yeah I have photos... but the only photos from that trip were taken on the last day of his visit in the JFK AirTrain. He's working on developing film from an old camera that he has that he brought and we're HOPING it'll have pics of us in it. But even if it does, photographs are secondary evidence.

Would a notarized letter from my parents attesting to the fact that he was here and stayed in their house count as primary or secondary evidence? Even if it's secondary evidence at least I'd have 2 forms of it rather than just 1. But I'm curious anyway.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-15 20:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 questions
Thanks, yup, we've got them... boarding passes and the stickers stuck on his baggage that said name, airline, destination, and date.

I'm just looking for something that will specifically put us both together, which is why I thought of the notarized letter from my parents since he stayed with me in my parents' house except during our 3 hotel stays. Then since the 3 hotel stays would be mentioned in my parents notarized letter I figured I'd back that up with the hotel itineraries/receipts... the hotel itineraries from the first two stays don't say his name, and the receipt from the 3rd stay doesn't even say the number of guests, but since they match with the dates in my parents' notarized letter I guess that means they'd sorta work anyway?

At least the notarized letter from my parents would say yes Saint-Clair flew into JFK but he also was brought to Angilla's house an hour away and spent the duration of his trip with her.

I think I answered my own question about the hotel receipts. :blush: I'm tired and can't think straight. So I guess all I need answered is my question about the way he wrote the header of his letter of intent... and... if I need a copy of his biographic info page in his visa to go with the page where his passport was stamped. :)

Edited by Angilla, 15 November 2006 - 08:13 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-15 20:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & Procedures3 questions
3 questions. :)

Hotel receipts - is it worth it for me to send them even though they only have my name? It's not like we stayed for the entire time, we didn't... we had 3 seperate hotels stays ranging from 1 - 3 days because we couldn't afford more than that. For the first 2 I have e-mail itineraries that say 2 adults 1 bed on them, with my name only. The last stay was given to us discounted because the jacuzzi in the room above us leaked into our room during our 2nd trip and caused one heck of a mess. The reciept I have from that stay doesn't even say the amount of adults or beds. :( What I'm thinking about is having my parents sign and have notarized a letter saying that my fiance visited and lived in their house from [x] date to [x] except 3 hotel stays on [x] dates. Would the notarized letter be considered primary evidence or secondary? At any rate it'd help and it'd bring the hotel itineraries/receipts in as half-way-decent secondary evidence, right?

If you're wondering why the notarized letter, I'm fishing for something that'll put us BOTH in the same place other than photographs. He didn't use a credit/ATM/debit card while he was here. The passport stamp, boarding passes, and baggage thingies only show he flew into JFK... train tickets have no names on them and I don't have all of them anyway... movie stubs have no name on them... so.... hmmph.

Letter of intent... just got it in the mail from my fiance today. The heading of his letter reads:

[His address]

United States Department of State
United States Consulate, France
[French consulate's address]

Is the French consulate's address supposed to be on there, or the American service center's? If it's the service center's is this something that I can fix here? Like maybe print an address label and cover it with it? If not, will it be bad if I don't get a new letter from him with the American service center's address there instead?

Lastly... passport stamp question. I have a photocopy of the page where his passport was stamped when he arrived in JFK. Is that enough, or am I supposed to have a copy of his biographic info page on his visa too?

Thanks! :blush:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-15 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresOMG I GOT TOUCHEDDDDDDDDD
Oooh, that's a good sign! Here's to hoping that an approval is soon in coming! :thumbs:

Oh duh I just saw that you got approved!

Edited by Angilla, 18 November 2006 - 07:53 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 20:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie question

Welcome to VJ :D

Oh, I didn't realize you were new, I missed that part. :blush: What pink_roses said - welcome to VJ! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 19:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie question
She lives in Louisiana... so she'll be sending the petition to TSC (Texas Service Center) so it can be forwarded to CSC (California Service Center)... which, unfortunately, is the slower one of the two centers processing this visa. :( Sorry. :( At the top click on "immigration timelines" and on the left click on "timeline search." Play with that and you'll be able to see the timelines of other UK couples whose petitions were processed at CSC. Good luck on your journey!
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 18:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresNewbie question
That depends on where in America your fiance lives. Can you tell us what state? Then we can know which service center the application will have to go to, one is faster than the other.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 15:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresName change in the Philippines to avoid detection of marriage?

(And any CO from Manila reading this, know that I think you're doing a great job and I respect what you have to do.)

Nice try. :lol:

:lol: Yeah, gonna take more than that to solicit a touch from them! Gotta try a little harder. ;)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 22:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresName change in the Philippines to avoid detection of marriage?
COs read here?

And that's a good point, how did you find out - was it publicized somehow? Was her name included in the publication?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 21:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresAPPPPPPROOOOOOOVED
Congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 18:51:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSignature question

I am one of those that went through CSC and this didn't bother me at all. I know it's tough going through CSC too. And I know she didn't mean to offend you at all and I'm fairly certain that all of us have sympathy for anyone going through CSC. K?

Thanks Karen... I've been following all the garbage that the poor CSC folks have been going through and I do feel bad for everyone going through that. I was just saying that if I had to put up with all that garbage, too, with the way I'm so on-edge about this process already, I don't know what I'd do. The laughing smiley was badly placed, I meant it to make the "I don't know what I'd do" comment lighter (i.e. so ya'll didn't think I'd do anything, you know, drastic), not laughing at what the CSC folks are going through.

Sorry again...

Edited by Angilla, 19 November 2006 - 10:15 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 10:13:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSignature question
I just meant that... oh I'll shut up rather than trying to explain what I meant... I wasn't laughing at what's going on with CSC though... I didn't mean anything to be offending or whatever to anyone... apologies to anyone that it came off sounding bad to... if I could edit that comment right now I would, but the edit option is gone...

Edited by Angilla, 19 November 2006 - 09:49 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 09:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSignature question
Thanks! :)

just relax, stay calm and goodluck!

I think VJ has seen how good I am at relaxing about this whole thing. :blush: It's a good thing we're going through VSC because if I had to put up with CSC... I dunno what would happen... :lol:

Edited by Angilla, 19 November 2006 - 09:18 AM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 09:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSignature question
Thanks! :) Just wanted to check.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 15:05:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresSignature question
:blush: Little stupid question. My fiance's signature on his passport is different from how he signs things now, his passport signature is from 5 years ago. So his signatures on his G-325a and stuff are different from his signature on his passport. I'll be including a photocopy of the biographic info page on his passport (which has his old signature on it) along with his JFK passport stamp as part of my proof of having met in person. Will it be a problem that his passport signature is different from the signatures on his forms?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?

Yes, send only documentation of the Dec 05 visit if that's what you've got. (And that's all they care about.)

Question 18 is a chance to tell them that your relationship is real. They will know that he is free to marry, and as far as I know, being a friar does not LEGALLY prohibit you from marrying--only in the church--and thank god for separation of church and state.

Don't worry about that.

The evidence is to prove you met in the last 2 years. You do not need to prove you met every time you say you did in Q18. Just in the last 2 years.

Hey, look who didn't go to bed. :innocent: I brushed my teeth, washed my face, made my lunch, and came back here before going to bed. :rolleyes: :lol: And now, having read that, I finally feel better and can go to sleep. Thanks Alex+R! I'll have to shoot for putting the petition in the mail Tuesday now... but better Tuesday with a correctly written answer to Q18 than Monday with a badly written one. :) I'll re-write it tomorrow, check everything over, package it all up, and send it out Tuesday. :)

And thanks to you all for having patience with my thick skull. I can be rather dense at times. :blush:
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 23:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?

And provide documentary evidence of this in-person meeting within the two year time period before sending the petition. If you describe an in-person meeting that happened many years ago, it doesn't help demonstrate fulfilling this requirement. Failure to demonstrate this is one of the most common reasons for RFEs and denials of K-1 I-129F petitions.

Okay... so... as I see it, I have to describe how we initially bumped into each other, his October 2005 visit, and his December 2005 visit as that's our story. I can submit documentary evidence of his December 2005 visit ONLY as they only need proof of one in-person meeting, the rest of the story is just for them to get the big picture. So I'm safe sending documentary evidence of his December 2005 visit ONLY... even though I mention another visit in there that I send no documentary evidence of. Is that right? I feel like they'd need evidence to back up both visits, but I'm sure hoping that feeling is wrong because the only proof I have of his October 2005 visit is his translated e-mail flight itinerary, 3 baggage stickers, passport stamp, and 3 photos - that's it. Not even boarding passes. I have what I think is enough for his December 2005 visit, it's just that October 2005 visit that lacks evidence.

Shoot I need to wake up in a little over 6 hours. I'm off to bed for real this time. I'm gonna be tired tomorrow. Whoops.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 23:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
:blush: I do understand it now kitkat, rebeccajo slapped it through my thick skull somehow. (Rebeccajo, I think you deserve a prize for that. I can be pretty dense at times, like I'm being right now! :blush:)

Again, you are not required to provide proof of your initial meeting. You are required to show proof that you have physically spent time together in the same location, together in the prior two years.

Ok, I think this answered a question that I just asked. So I can mention we met while he was a friar, he visited in October 2005, he visited again in December 2005... and I can only submit evidence of his December 2005 visit without worrying about a RFE. Did I get it right? :blush:

Since you include a letter of intent indicating that you are free to marry, he will not have reason to question this. Why provide more information they they are asking for? That would be a good way to confuse things tremendously IMO.

Ah, duh. Good point. Why'd I over-look that? :wacko: Heh. Boy do I feel stupid.

It's more a preponderance of evidence that matters. If you're concerned with the consistency of your story, you could put in a few scraps from each visit with notes beside them. And of course some ABSOLUTE proof that you have been together in the last 24 months.

Honestly, I'd prefer not to include scraps from other visits unless someone tells me it'd be stupid for me not to. :) I'd rather send them my concrete December visit stuff and let them RFE me specifically saying "I want proof of his October visit", in which case I'd send them what I can scrape together. I'd be more worried by sending them scraps from his October visit, that they'd say "this is nice and we didn't really need this, but since we have it it's not sufficient and we need more." Ya know? But I've never done this before so what do I know, maybe it would be better for me to include scraps from his October visit... I'm just not sure... but if I'm only required to show proof of 1 visit, and can get approved with proof from only 1 visit, I'd like to send the proof only from the visit that I have the best evidence from. Was that confusing or did I make sense?
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 23:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?

Angela -

Any explanation doesn't have to be complex but it does need to be accurate, it needs to explain how you met, and when you've been together IN THE LAST TWO YEARS.

The concept here, from the adjudicators standpoint, is - why is this a relationship? If you look at it from that aspect it might help you decide what to include.

I would definately disclose every time you were together, even if your paper evidence is sparse. Every visit further validates the relationship.

I recall a member with a UK fiance who filed about the same time as me. She told when they had seen each other face to face, but didn't describe how the relationship began. She was RFE'd.

Thanks! :D I'll re-write it tomorrow... I have to wake up at 6am for work so I should really go to bed. I'll try to make it as short and to the point as I can while including sort of a timeline from meeting while he was a friar to his October 2005 visit to his December 2005 visit. :)

My question, then, is do I have to provide evidence of EVERYthing I say in Q18? I have barely any evidence of meeting while he was a friar, and very little evidence of his October 2005 visit. If I only include evidence of his December 2005 visit will I risk a RFE asking for proof of everything else I said? But I'm afraid if I include insufficient evidence of his October 2005 visit in my original petition I'll get RFE'd and not be able to give them the additional evidence they want. :unsure:

Edited by Angilla, 19 November 2006 - 10:49 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 22:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
I actually wonder if maybe we're both talking about different things... let me see if this can help clear some things up. :)

You have to describe how you initially met - that's the question.

Okay, by initially met I mean how we first bumped into each other. It is, for the most part, out of the 2 year time frame. I guess we first bumped into each other around... hmm... the summer-ish of 2003. He left the friars and returned home to France in 12/2004 - we were not in a relationship at that time, only friends. So in 11/2004 and 12/2004, the tail end of the 2 year period prior to filing, we were friends. Not romantically involved.

Describe the circumstances under which you met. (Meeting each other prior to filing is one of the key requirements of the petition. People who have not met each other prior to filing the petition are denied. Therefore, you need to explain how you met).

Okie, this I know. But this is when you visit each other face-to-face as boyfriend/girlfriend or fiance/fiancee, correct? I have proof that he came and visited me in 12/2005 - a year after he left the friars. He visited for 2 weeks, as my boyfriend, not as just a friend. That's why I'd like to provide the proof of this visit - we were romantically involved this time, and I have all the stuff like boarding passes, passport stamp, blahblahblah.

You met in person when you volunteered at the place he worked.

Yes, but I have little to no proof of that.... a copy of his R1 visa, a photo of us, and I can get a letter stating the dates I volunteered. So I'm not including this proof in our petition. I only have to prove that we've met in person once since 11/2004... so I'd like to provide proof of his 12/2005 visit since that's what I have sufficient proof of and that's when we were romantically involved. He also visited me, as my boyfriend, in October 2005 but I don't have sufficient proof of that visit either. So if you're wondering what the visit I'd like to leave out is, it's that October 2005 visit that I don't have the proof of. That October 2005 visit wasn't how we bumped into each other - that was just a different trip he made to spend time with me romantically that I don't have sufficient proof of.

Write a sentence indicating this i.e. "We met in New York when he worked at XXX and I was a volunteer at XXX."

It's not as simple as him working at somewhere. He was a friar, which is like a monk. He was in a religious vocation with temporary vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience. I was a volunteer. We were friends and worked together that way.

It doesn't ask for you to explain subsequent meetings but you can add a sentence saying "he returned to NY to visit me in December 2005".

But I have to provide proof of what I say in Q18, don't I? My proof is of his December 2005 visit, not of how we bumped into each other while he was a friar/monk in 2003 - 2004.

There is no reason to explain what type of visa he had or what he was doing. There is no reason why you would want to explain that he was a friar and now isn't. It has no bearing on the question.

Hopefully what I said above clears up why I think it's important. I can't just say he was working at Jo Schmo's pizzeria. I'd have to say I met him while he was a Jo Schmo Friar of the Assumption because that was his title and his "job's" title. The common response I get to that is "but friars aren't supposed to marry, why are you engaged?" and then I have to explain that he was in temporary vows and able to leave. I don't want an adjudicator to see "I met my fiance while he was a Jo Schmo Friar of the Assumption" and assume that we're not free to marry.

Has your fiancé(e) met and seen you within the two-year period immediately receding the filing of this petition? Discribe the circumstances under which you met.

So where I'm lost is that... I thought this question wasn't asking me if I bumped into my fiance within the last 2 years, it's asking me if we've seen each other face-to-face as boyfriend/girlfriend or fiance/fiancee in the last 2 years, and that's why I have to provide proof of us seeing each other - to prove that we really did meet this requirement. That's why I wanted to answer Q18 with his December 2005 visit: that's what I'll be providing proof of (passport stamp, boarding passes, etc.) AND that's when we were romantically involved.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 22:28:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
Kitkat... I'm getting confused because first I didn't have to explain how we initially became aquainted and then I did and now I don't, so I'm just confused about which one it really is. :blush: I was under the impression that I only have to explain how we met in person, i.e. his December visit. But your example includes how we initially became acquainted, too:

My fiance and I met through mutual friends on Oct. 1, 2005 when I was visiting his country.

We initially became acquainted because he was a friar and I was a volunteer with his community. So the adjudicator will see friar and assume he's not eligible for marriage. So if I have to say how we initially became acquainted, I have to hope I can get it through their heads that he's eligible for marriage now.

Okay, try this. Do I have to say:

My fiancé and I initially met while he was a [name of friar community omitted] in Bronx, NY on a R1 visa. I was a volunteer with the community. He left the friars (and so he is eligible for marriage) and returned to France in 12/2004.

We kept in touch and fell in love. He came to New York to visit me in person from 12/18/05 ? 12/31/05.

Or can I just say:

My fiancé came to New York to visit me in person from 12/18/05 ? 12/31/05.

THAT is just where I'm hung up. I didn't think I had to include how we initially met, but your example included that. Do I or don't I?

I know I'm annoying, and I honestly don't try to be... I just seem to come off that way no matter how hard I try not to. I'm sorry. :(

Edited by Angilla, 19 November 2006 - 09:37 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 21:34:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
Wait a minute, what? I thought I don't have to describe that unless we haven't met in person in the last 2 years? The question says, "Has your fiance met and seen you within the two-year period immediately receding the filing of this petition? Describe the cirucmstances under which you met. If you have not personally met each other, explain how the relationship was established." So I was under the impression that it wants a description of how we met in person in the last 2 years, not how we initially became acquainted with each other.

Hmm. Guess I get the fun of explaining how an ex-friar is eligible for marriage and hoping the adjudicator doesn't get confused. :(

The tail end of his time as a friar is in the 2 year period, he left the friars in 12/2004. They're not going to ask me for proof that we met while he was a friar, are they?

Edited by Angilla, 19 November 2006 - 09:15 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 21:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
Thanks, I feel better about that now!

I looked over the train tickets and I don't have any sets with dates that coincide with his boarding passes or our one NYC hotel stay. I have 1 ticket from when I returned home from dropping him off, a set from a trip we took into the city but didn't stay overnight, and the AirTrain JFK metrocard with a reciept from his last day. So... too sparse for me to bother with.

Here's my response to Q18 as it is right now:

I have provided documentation showing that my fiancé came to visit my family and me from 12/18/05 ? 12/31/05. He stayed in my parents? house but we also had a few hotel stays to celebrate my birthday, our first Christmas together, and to spend some quality time alone together before he left.

Edited by Angilla, 19 November 2006 - 09:04 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 21:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
Thanks! So it's no problem for me to include info about his December 2005 visit but not his October 2005 one? I don't want to, like, lie or do something bad by concealing info... but... if I don't have to include it I definately don't want to.

The train tickets have no names either, and I don't have all of them. If I had all the train tickets I'd include them because they'd fit in, I could show the to/from train tickets that coincide with the dates on his boarding passes. It'd be especially good because the train station is in my town so the tickets DO say my town name. But I only have a few. Hmmm. I'll take a look at them again.

I just wanted the notarized letter because I feel like my evidence is flimsy, I have sufficient proof that he flew into JFK but only 2 pictures to concretely show that we were together - and one of those pics was taken in the JFK AirTrain. My parents didn't mind signing the letter and there's a notary right around the corner so I figured what the heck, might as well.

Edited by Angilla, 19 November 2006 - 08:51 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 20:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
Thanks Alex+R! I would feel much better including it... and it's already printed, signed, and notarized anyway lol.

I think there's a more important letter you need to send and that would be one that answers the question about how you met.

Do a letter as an attachment to this question. Make it brief but include specifically how and when you met, and the visits since.

Q18 reads: "Has your fiance met and seen you within the 2 year period immediately receding the filing of this petition? Describe the circumstances under which you met. If you have not personally met each other, explain how your relationship was established" (bolding mine). So I'm not going to explain how our relationship was established as the question specifically says to say that only if we haven't met in person within the last 2 years. I would if I didn't worry that it could cause confusion. First, we met while he was a friar on a R1 visa. When I tell people that I sometimes get a response like, "Aren't those people supposed to not marry?" I say yes that's true but he left the friars in 12/2004, and they're still confused and tell me that they thought those people are never supposed to marry. Then I have to explain that he wasn't in final vows and was able to leave, and then they get it. :) So I'd rather not confuse the adjudicator like that, having the adjudicator think, "Friar, wait a minute, he's not eligible for marriage!" Second, the tail-end of his time as a friar is within the 2 year period... I don't want them to go asking for proof of it because I only have a tiny bit of proof that we knew each other while he was a friar.

If I mention more than one visit in Q18 won't they expect proof of more than 1 visit? I don't have sufficient proof for his October 05 visit, just his December 05 one... so I figure I'll only describe the December 05 visit and provide proof of it. They only need to know if we've met in person once in the last 2 years anyway, so I don't really feel like telling them more than they need to know. The more I tell them the longer it'll take them to go through my petition and the more questions I could raise in their minds that could lead to RFEs.

Or is it required that I tell them of all visits in Q18? I mean, I definately don't want to lie or anything like that. I just don't want to giving them additional information that I don't have to.
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 20:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
Well... hmm... since I didn't get any other comments earlier the letter's been printed, signed, and notarized... maybe I'll just save it in case we get a RFE? But then the hotel itineraries/reciepts are pointless because they don't have his name on them - does that mean I shouldn't send the itineraries/reciepts, either, then? Then all I'd be sending is his boarding passes, passport stamp, baggage stickers, and 2 photos - 1 taken in the JFK AirTrain, one taken in a local hotel. That just doesn't feel like enough. But you're right, France isn't a high fraud country, so...

I feel better having the letter from my parents that tie the both of us together and give some credibility to the hotel itineraries/reciepts... but I don't want to give them un-needed info that could take them longer to adjudicate and give them questions to ask that they wouldn't have asked otherwise.

Then if I don't send the letter or the hotel itineraries/reciepts I guess I just shorten my answer to Q18 to, "Yes, my fiance came to New York to visit my family and I from 12/18/2005 - 12/31/2005" and that's it?

I had just finally felt comfortable with this petition and now I'm all confused all over again. :(
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 13:19:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
It'll make my fiance and I feel better to have more than the 1 thing tying us directly together. ;) The flight stuff proves he flew into JFK, of our two photos 1 was taken in the JFK AirTrain, the 2nd one was taken in a hotel out here which is good... the hotel itineraries/reciepts don't have his name on them though... so we'd like to have something more than that 1 photo showing that he came an hour east of JFK and stayed with me and my family. Plus the letter gives the hotel itineraries/reciepts a little more weight since the stays are mentioned in their notarized letter, even though the itineraries/reciepts don't have his name on them.

My parents don't mind at all and there's a notary right around the corner from us.

So I just need to know if the letter is good or if there's anything I need to take out/fix/add. :)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-19 09:15:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
:lol: Thanks!
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 21:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
:lol: Hey now, I'm just asking for the letter to be proofread. :P And "hotel" doesn't automatically mean much, other than the fact that we were sick of my parents being constantly over our shoulders and we wanted to get away from them. It started to get annoying to not even be able to have a little alone time without 2 pairs of eyes nearby. :blink: We even brought my N64 to the hotel with us. :lol: We forgot to re-set the channel when we left, I hope the next people figured that out when they couldn't get the TV to work... whoops. :lol:

Aaaaaaaanyway, back on subject. Thanks for the suggestion, here's the corrected version:

Sunday, November 19th, 2006

To whom it may concern:

We, Linda and Joseph [last name], the parents of Angela [last name], attest that her fiancé, Sinclair [last name], traveled to New York to visit her between the dates of 12/18/2005 and 12/31/2005. We met Sinclair and interacted with him throughout his visit. He stayed in our house for the entire duration of his visit except for three times that he and our daughter stayed in a hotel: 12/21/2005 ? 12/22/2005, 12/24/2005 ? 12/26/2005, and 12/28/2005 ? 12/31/2005.


Linda and Joseph [last name]

Edited by Angilla, 18 November 2006 - 08:55 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 20:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresCould ya'll proofread this for me?
My parents have agreed to sign/have notarized a letter attesting to the fact that they met my fiance during his visit and that he stayed in their house. I don't have our names together on anything, even the hotel itineraries/reciepts only show my name... he didn't use a credit/ATM/debit card in my town... etc. etc. So in addition to his passport stamp, boarding passes, baggage stickers, hotel itineraries from our first 2 stays/hotel reciept from our 3rd stay, and 2 photos of us together we're going to include this letter that my parents will sign in front of a notary tomorrow. I'm not good with writing stuff like this, though... could ya'll please proofread this and tell me if it's good? Any suggestions, or changes I should make? :blush: Thanks!

(I replaced our last names with [last name] as I don't like sharing that on the internet. ;) Won't be like that on the real letter, of course! :lol:)

Sunday, November 19th, 2006

To whom it may concern:

We, Linda and Joseph [last name], the parents of Angela [last name], attest that her fiancé, Sinclair [last name], traveled to New York to visit her between the dates of 12/18/2005 and 12/31/2005. We met Sinclair and interacted with him throughout the duration of his entire visit. He resided in our house for the entire duration of his stay except for three times that he and our daughter stayed in a hotel: 12/21/2005 – 12/22/2005, 12/24/2005 – 12/26/2005, and 12/28/2005 – 12/31/2005.


Linda and Joseph [last name]

(As an aside, if you're curious about the broken up hotel dates... the 21st was my 21st birthday, so we went out to NYC... the 24th - 26th was to celebrate our first Christmas together... and the last hotel stay was a surprise - we got it at an awesomely discounted price because the jacuzzi a floor above us leaked into our room and made a huge mess. We loved the discount... we just made sure there wasn't a jacuzzi room above us the 2nd time around! :lol:)
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-18 19:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresIn and out of NVC in 14 days!
That's great, congrats! :D
RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-20 19:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Process & ProceduresPetition ready to go
Thanks! I just finished making a photocopy of the entire packet (inlcuding my check).

I have the right address for VSC, right?

USCIS Vermont Service Center
75 Lower Welden Street
St. Albans, NY 05479-0001

Edited by Angilla, 20 November 2006 - 08:46 PM.

RosaMystica7FemaleFrance2006-11-20 20:46:00