United KingdomClaiming UK Tax
Hi All,

I read this and it concerns me...

Mr. Bruce got back roughly 3700 quid from last year. His mum and him share a bank account back in SCT. She cashed the cheque and wired it into our U.S. joint account this September.

My question is:

Will this count as US income and will we have to report it as such????
I am under the impression that we do not, as it is under 10K...but I could be wrong, as I am no accountant... :huh:

Any takers on my query???

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-11-09 20:57:00
United Kingdompolice records
I wish I could help you more, but I am not well informed. Best advice is to go on the waiver's forum and do some reading. If you can't find what you're looking for-post the question. I am sure you will find someone who knows...

Best of Luck !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-12-20 09:06:00
United KingdomGot the visa

Congratualations to you !

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-12-10 08:26:00
United KingdomFinally - done and dusted
Hi Val-

Congratulations to you both ! Good to see that all went your way.

I wish you and Alan the very best in the US !

: )

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-01-28 11:00:00
United Kingdompolice check
The police check is good for 1 year. You can obtain one by stopping into the local police station and request one -it'll run you 10 quid. It takes 30-40 days to be sent back to you, so allow for ample time.

Good luck !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-02-06 14:04:00
United KingdomNot engaged/married but looking to move to upstate NY
Good advice !

I agree-use the VWP to check things out. Living together day in/day out is WAY different than international dating. If it works out, go for it !

Best Wishes !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-02-13 13:36:00
United KingdomScottish castle wedding venues?
Hi, it may be too North-but we had our at a place called Ardoe House in Aberdeenshire. It was beautiful, and our wedding attendant Pauline was SUPERB !!!

There are accomodations on the premises, and the grounds were really great for taking pics...

I believe you can find the place on a Google search.
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-02-17 19:20:00
United KingdomLondon Interview/Medical Exam in Scotland or London?
Hi, Rebecca recommended that I post this here-hope I can get some insight....

Here it is:

My husband and I are at the NVC stage just now of our CR1- we just sent back our DS-3032, and AOS bill.

He will be having his interview in London- however, he resides in Aberdeen, Scotland and will be there until he moves over to New York.
Will he have to go to London prior to the interview for his medical? Or do they schedule that within a day or two of the interview?

I have heard of different experiences regarding this, and I am not quite sure how this will be sorted...

Will the medical be handled in Scotland, or London???

Thanks !

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-03-13 02:51:00
United KingdomAdvice Needed - Wednesday Interview
Good Luck on your interview !
No worries- You'll do well !

We are in NY as well ! Hubby is from Aberdeen, and would love to know someone from "home". Feel free to PM Me & Mr. Bruce once you get here (and settled in) if you and the Mrs. would be down for a drink !
NY is wonderful-You will love it here !!!! :yes:

Best of Luck,

Rose & Graham
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-02-28 10:48:00
United KingdomAdvice Needed - Wednesday Interview

Take a deep're going to be fine. We were a CR1 from Scotland as well.

We brought pictures-utility bills from the US-auto insurance bills-bank statements-wedding albums-wedding invites-wedding photos-photos from throughout our relationship-wedding ring reciepts, etc...and...THEY ASKED FOR NONE OF IT. :lol:

Just have copies of your USCIS & NVC docs-the "evidence"you mentioned that you have on hand will be sufficient.

Best of luck to you in the states ! ! !


PS-What state will you be settling in ?
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-02-27 08:44:00
United KingdomLondon Embassy Interview - APPROVED!!!
Congrats Jamie !!!! :dance: :dance: :dance:

Check the other post with regard to your interview Q...
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-03-02 19:44:00
United KingdomEntry troubles?
I never had an issue when we were going through the process...

They usually ask a few Q's-business or pleasure, how long will you be staying?, and maybe where will you be staying...I never said I was visiting my fiance or husband as it would be too much information to volunteer. If asked, I would tell-but better to keep matters simple. It is a good idea, however, to bring copies of your I-129 just in case....

Have a fine trip !!
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-02-06 14:08:00
United KingdomIn theory......
To the OP:

My husband and I have been married for 18 months-he came here permanently on a CR1. We thought about simply getting married on a VWP and adjusting later, just so we could be together.

But....Before all of this transpired we thought of the legality and the ramifications of such an act-so, we sought legal advice through a consult with a wonderful attorney. We were concerned over "dual intent", him being able to work legally, and him being able to go back to his homeland if God forbid something adverse happened to one of his parents. Many people have come over on the VWP, and while it's not exactly the "right" way to handle things, it worked out for them- but the hassles and red tape may outweigh the benefits for you. Adjusting to the nuances of a new country and the first year of a marriage is stressful enough !
Our attorney recommended the CR1, which my husband and I did not even know existed at the time.

Here is how it works:

Our attorney recommended getting married on the VWP, sending him back to the UK, and going forward with all of the required paperwork.
It was by far the best advice I was given, and I can give you as well. It is the simplest way-once you're done and dusted with your arrival at POE, your green card will come in no time, you will have a SS #, you will be able to work legally, go back to the UK as you please-without any issue, and you won't have to deal with USCIS for some time. And furthermore. when you do have to deal with them again, all you have to do is life the conditions on your residency. As I see it, it is the simplest way, and very legal.

Best of luck to you !


Edited by MrsBruce5, 16 March 2007 - 09:33 AM.

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-03-16 09:31:00
United KingdomRegional Accents
Hi All,

Mr Bruce has been here for nealy 8 months now-and well, things are really good, better than ever in fact-but I am finding that I am picking up an Aberdeen accent with certain words ! I am from Brooklyn, and have always had a thick sort of Brooklyn dialect-but lately more and more people have been asking me if I am am Scottish. My 9 year old has been picking up bits of it as well, although not as much as I have...In my work I deal with many new clients, and over the last few weeks-I am getting asked more & more ...

Has anyone else had this happen?
Just curious...
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-03-23 21:44:00
United KingdomLondon Interviews 2006 (NEW)
YeeeeeHahhhh !

Congratulations to all three of you !!!

Fantastic !

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-05-02 08:32:00
United KingdomScotland may go its own way

Let me take a minute to remind you that election time is approaching...and this sort of rhetoric is spewed each time the date rolls around.

Unfortnately-Oil revenues from Aberdeen's North Sea are a HUGE part of the UK's GNP. It would be nice, but unlikely in the next 100 years-not until the oil source dries up...

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-05-04 11:25:00
United KingdomSpringtime Crankies?
I motion to 2nd that request. ;)
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-05-22 15:21:00
United KingdomWhere can I get my brains washed
Hi Alan,

Since you have such an outlook on ALL Americans, you should consider going home to where your comfort level won't be breached so much. We are a melting pot in this country-a vast array of all cultures and peoples. This may be too much for you...

I could sit here and tell you about the looks I got and the comments I heard while I was in Britain, simply because of my coloring and my accent- but my point would be wasted, as I doubt you'd understand what I am trying to express.

Just for the record, I am in NY, so you can play the "red-neck card" elsewhere.

My advice: Go back home, so you'll be more at ease.


By the way Lizzy-

CONGRATULATIONS on the wee one !!! : )

Edited by MrsBruce5, 25 May 2007 - 07:55 AM.

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-05-25 07:54:00
United KingdomTotally dim DS-230 part II question
Good luck tomorrow !!! You'll do fine ! :thumbs:

All The Best,

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-06-06 09:45:00
United KingdomMini Cheddars...
Okey dokey you go:

Go to "crisps and savory biscuits" on the left, and there you have it !!!

I have gotten bacon & haggis from them-they are a bit pricy in the shipping to NY, but rather fast.

Enjoy !!!!


Edited by MrsBruce5, 06 June 2007 - 12:34 PM.

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-06-06 12:33:00
United KingdomMini Cheddars...
Are they McVitie's that you like ????
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-06-06 08:21:00
United KingdomNewbie from Scotland!
Welcome and Best Wishes for a speedy DCF !!!

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-06-27 07:37:00
United KingdomFriend is looking for a Scottish Husband

You made me smile with what you said. :lol:
A BIG congratulations on the baby !!! (F)

If she really wants one-I can rent out Mr. Bruce for the week-but something tells me she's going to want to return him early and want a refund. (Just kidding-he rocks !)

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-08-01 17:22:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you or your SO from?
Mr. Bruce hails from Aberdeen, SCT, and I am from Brroklyn, but moved onto Long Island at 18 to go to college. Always wanted to live here, so I set up camp and never left.
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-06-28 14:10:00
United KingdomUsing Dublin Airport for US Pre-Clearance
HI- you should PM Rebeccajo-Her husband Wes came through there I problems to the best of my recollection.

Good Luck to you !

Edited by MrsBruce5, 02 September 2007 - 12:14 PM.

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-09-02 12:13:00
United KingdomHere's a totally stupid question
Hi Rebeccajo,

That's not a stupid Q. I have often wondered that myself. I asked Mr. Bruce about it, and well...he's not the handiest guy in town !

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-09-27 08:48:00
United KingdomPostal Strikes in UK
Don't fret-My dad in law works for the council and says it will be picked up by private companies after a few days (if the strike even lasts that long).
They sent us a package last Thursday, and we got it yesterday...
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-10-10 11:35:00
United KingdomI had my interview today in London 2nd Nov
Congratulations !!!!!

kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-11-03 07:10:00
United KingdomRoll Call!
Hi....Still here. Just haven't been around this week. One ferret had surgery, 2 new rescues in the house...and 10 other weasels to give attention to !!!

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2007-11-11 08:27:00
Mexico, Latin & South Americaphone cards to call mexico!!!

They have been the best for us ! 1.7 cents a min/to the UK. I think Mexico is 1/cent per minute.

I have had even greater pricing & GREAT connections since going direct with them rather tha using their card.

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-05-27 00:35:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)AP TRACKER
[quote name='FSUmome' date='Aug 19 2008, 06:13 PM' post='2131695']
Uaer Name Visa Type Country/Embassy Date of Interview Reason

Revived K1 Pakistan/Islamabad 12/04/2008
SAD EYES K1 United Kingdom 02/25/2008
WonTanNara K1 Guinea/Dakar, Senegal 04/29/2008 security clearance
Indianheart CR1 Chennai India 06/06/2008 document verification
CassandraHaydar K1 Iraq/Seoul 06/17/2008
miamiwife K3 Turkey/Ankara 06/24/2008 administrative processing
Lurking CR1 Nigeria 07/07/2008 document verification
FSUmome CR1 Iraq/Ukraine 07/15/2008 administrative processing
hyd617 CR1 India/Chennai 07/28/2008 221G
JULIAFERNO K1 Turkey 07/29/2008
MarcyHanyLove Ir1 Egypt o9/02/2009 Administrative Processing

MarcyHanyLoveFemaleEgypt2009-11-12 19:03:00