United KingdomInterview Update
Mrs. Whizz-Since you are K3, does NVC schedule your interview? I am not sure how that works, as me and Brucie are CR1.

One little bit of advice: Do not ever stop breaking horns over there...if you have to, call each day. E-mail, and make yourself present.
I am not an aggressive woman by nature, but when it concerns my son or my Brucie, I can conjure up the ability to attempt to move mountains for them.
Once your case is complete, become proactive and do not let anything or anyone get in your way. I found that being kind, cordial and persistant will pay off.

All the best to you, Mrs. Whizz. Godspeed on your journey. :thumbs:

Edited by MrsBruce5, 28 July 2006 - 09:38 PM.

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-07-28 21:37:00
United KingdomInterview Update
Awww...thanks guys ! :D

MrsWhizz...I didn't call the embassy. I called the DOS everyday, and emailed London every other day ! LOL
By the end of the last week in June, the ppl in DOS knew who Rose Bruce was ! :P

I also wrote London a letter, asking...begging almost-for a date in July so we could book a family holiday together. It was really important to me that my son, his step-dad and myself got to have a little "fun time" before the business of school, green cards and SS #'s came our way. I figured, what better time to get the family to gel than those few weeks between camp ending and school. It also seemed a good fit b/c I know Brucie won't be able to work for a few weeks whilst we wait for his docs to arrive, and I have a paid holiday due me. : )

London was very kind in their accomodating my request.

I have said it before, but I feel the need to say it again...I am grateful and full of thanks to all of you who have helped us get through. From beginning to the end, it has been a very trying experience. Not many ppl on the "outside" could possibly understand what we go through here on the "inside". I was lucky to stumble upon this site looking for forms 18 months ago. I had been reading way before I joined the forum and learned virtually all I needed to know to embark on this wicked journey. My thanks to all of you who have helped with providing information on this site, and then there are those of you that I thank dearly for being a friend. (L)

There were days that I had hope and strength, and then there were days that I thought I could not take another minute of this. We decided to do all of this 710 days ago...Now, in 12 days, my dearest friend will be joining me to begin a great life. They are 722 days in my lifetime that I will never forget and will never fail to appreciate.

But, for now I will laugh about me looking like Henry Hill this morning ! :lol:

Jimmmyyyyy !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Cheers Everyone !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-07-28 14:37:00
United KingdomInterview Update
Well...I waited and waited, and decided to take a shower.
It was just like that scene in Goodfellas where Henry finds out that Jimmy pulled off Lufthansa !
And I got a text that said "APPROVED, AND IT WAS A PIECE OF PISS" !!!!

There I was in the shower, head full of Pantene, soap all over, screaming, "BRUCIE" !!!!!!!


I must run, as I am late to work....

:dance: :dance: :dance:

Thanks Everyone !!!
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-07-28 08:10:00
United KingdomInterview yesterday!
Icy-I think US Airways from anywhere sucks !!!
Came back from Glasgow last year and it was delay after delay, nasty employees, lost baggage, and pre WWII aircrafts !

Again Paul, that post was just great. Thank you for posting it.

All the best for a quick return to Joey !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-07-26 06:01:00
United KingdomInterview yesterday!

Primo post Paul !

Just sent it over to the little Mr. so he'll have an idea of what to expect on Friday

Good to hear things went so well for you !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-07-25 18:45:00
United KingdomReactions to you accent!
That is funny Bethanie ! LOL

I have to say, when I have been in more remote places in Scotland, ppl have asked me and to say things again and again b/c of my NY accent simply because they like the way it sounds.

I have been to Arbroath Kezzie-nice place..I love all of Scotland...
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-07-24 13:43:00
United KingdomReactions to you accent!
Kezzie, Where abouts are you from in the NE?
Hubby is from Aberdeen, and has heard the same bit from just about everyone in NY. Once he was in Oklahoma, and he was asked how long it took to learn English !

Yes, I agree. We yanks do have a tin ear for that-until we are exposed to it more frequently.
I suppose once he finally gets here in 2 weeks, we will hear that stuff often !

: )
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-07-24 13:13:00
United KingdomGot the Visa
I am thrilled for you both !
Congratulations to you, and all the best !

:dance: :dance: :dance:

I don't know why you did not get the x-ray, but keep on them and it'll get sorted !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-08 06:39:00
United KingdomGood luck
Yes !

Indeed- best of luck to you guys, and all the best !!!
May you sail straight through LND !!!

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-06 23:00:00
United KingdomMr and Mrs Bruce
Thanks everyone... (L)

I had a strange night of sleep. Kept rolling over to make sure Mr. Bruce wasn't my dog !!!

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-10 07:17:00
United KingdomMr and Mrs Bruce
Yeah-Thank God for camp ! He is STILL awake !!!

Well, he is here. He got done at POE before I even arrived !!! He said 10mins max.
He looked as beautiful as I remember him to be !

Well...he is winding down, and I am goofing around with my son-who is happier than I have seen him in years !

Today is a happy day for us.
It is just starting to hit me now... :D
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-09 21:10:00
United KingdomMr and Mrs Bruce
Thanks...I certainly will try-but something tells me that we will be playing Playstation until midnight ! LOL
No matter-I have the day off again tomorrow and the little one will be slot car racing with his camp ! : )

30 laps is in order !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-09 16:07:00
United KingdomMr and Mrs Bruce
Hi There !

His mum sent me an e-mail a while ago telling me that she saw him off EARLY this morning.
Poor guy is taking 4 flights...

His final plane is due to come into NY from Dublin at 7:50pm. I am 20 mins from JFK, so I think I will leave at about 8:00. I have had my share of pacing the floors of that damned place over the last few years.
My guess is that he will probably take about 30 mins to an hour to get through.

Hope to have him in the door by 10:00.
I have instructed my sister to have Noah do 20 laps in the backyard, and give him some warm milk. With some luck, the little stinker will be sleeping when we get home. ;) ...Something tells me he'll be awake until midnight !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-09 15:44:00
United KingdomMr and Mrs Bruce
Bethanie...No doubt you will get that approval. No worries, my friend.
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-09 13:49:00
United KingdomMr and Mrs Bruce
Thanks Bethanie and Andre !

Andre, did you book your flight? October isn't that far off at all-especially since you're planning a wedding.
7 weeks will feel like 3 ! Mark my words !!

When Mr. Bruce and I were planning our second wedding (we had 1 in NY, and 1 in Aberdeen) we were busy, busy busy !!!!
It didn't matter that I was here in NY at all.
I only had a small role in the planning- he did most of it, but it still took up a lot of my time. It felt like when I wasn't working, I was on line looking at invitations, menus, rings, and little things that seem to consume every hour of the day.

Bethanie, less than 48 hours to go girl !!!! I am so excited for you. I cannot wait until I see that APPROVAL posting (and I am also going to be around if you feel like chatting) day is about to begin. Drank 1C of coffee so far-there are 6 cups left in the pot. LOL
Better start by waking up the little guy who is snoring in my bed with my Staffy. In fact, they are BOTH snoring away !!

Cheers My Friends !!!
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-09 07:05:00
United KingdomMr and Mrs Bruce
Hahahhah !

Thanks !
I was able to get the microwave-and let me tell ya-NASTY !!
I will be a busy bee tomorrow-thank God for having Wednesday off !
This is my list:

Take little guy to camp
Go to hardware store
Bathe 3 BIG dogs
Wash floors
Shampoo capet in office
Clean fridge
Make room in 1 more drawer
Market-stock cupboards
Clean any left over dust bunnies that I missed
Pick up little guy
Give house "once over & white glove"
Take another shower
Hand little guy to sister
Get to JFK
Find Mr. Bruce
Faint from being deliriously happy !

The End !

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-08 18:14:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate

I would do it ASAP, as it usually takes up to 40 days to have in your hand. I see you're in the UK-your police cert. will be valid for one year.

It is rather quick & painless to do-go to the local police station-hand over 10 quid, and in 30-40 days-voila !

Good Luck.
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-09 06:48:00
United KingdomTim & Bethanie's Interview Tomorrow !!!!
I have tears in my eyes for you !!!


Congratulations My Friend !!!
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-11 06:54:00
United KingdomTim & Bethanie's Interview Tomorrow !!!!
Well My Friend,

Less than 24 hours to go and you will have that approval !

I wish all good things for you. Not many people who have had such a wait, and even less people who have handled it with such grace as you have.

Your day in the sun is coming !!! :yes:

May the next 24 hours speed by !

A big hug to you !!!!

(I will be around later if you fancy a chat)

: )
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-10 07:25:00
United KingdomTim and Bethanie....
Just woke up Bethanie...

So Happy to hear it!

You have made my day !!!

Congratulations !!!
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-11 06:53:00
United Kingdominterview date brough forward
Congratulations to happy for you that it was moved up !
That is fantastic !!!

Good Luck to You !!

: )
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-07 07:08:00
United KingdomStill no visa!!!
Hi Bethanie,

I hope it gets sorted today. Both you and Tim should give them a phone and an e-mail today, and each day until you have confirmation that it's in the delivery service's hand. This must indeed be a b*tch as far as stress goes. We're crossing our fingers for you that it'll get resloved today. Good luck, my friend ! (L)

As for our holiday, it begins tomorrow. Hope it'll be good and hope that the dogs behave well for my sister !!!LOL !!!
Our adjustment has been quite simple-everyone here seems to be doing well, apart from the fact that Mr. Clinton ate Graham's passport and part of his visa ! Our son seems to be enjoying life with his new "parent", and although my man is a bit of a messy guy-his help around the house has been a Godsend!

Well, off I go onto another fun filled day of massage therapy !!!

: )

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-21 07:30:00
United KingdomStill no visa!!!
Hi Ya Bethanie !

Sorry I haven't been around much. Still working my a** off these days...and the little Mr. is keeping me busy with getting settled in and making his mark on my place.

Sorry to hear they didn't issue the visa yet...
Well, you know how I feel about such things-I am of the cloth that a squeaky wheel gets oiled.
Give them a phone every day if you have to (but in a nice way, of course) ...Rebeccajo sounds like she hit it straight on...someone is sleeping on the job and needs a wake up call !

Even if he's not due to come until the 1st-I totally understand your wanting to get that visa in hand ! I'd feel the same way !

It will get sorted soon. Just keep riding their tail. Eventually you will get someone who actually does their job.
In a few weeks, this will all be history and I have to say, it's sort of like childbirth-you forget the pain quite easily once it's over.
It'll be sorted soon-do not fret. As I say, ride their a** !

Hope to talk w/ you soon.

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-19 15:59:00
United KingdomGood things come in 3's
Hi Ya Lady !!!

Glad to see all is going well at last.
Graham got his SS # today when we got back from our holiday (which was great) but we got a letter from DHS that states that his I-89 (biometrics) never got to Texas. :angry:
Someone dropped the ball there...
So, next week he has to go dowtown and get another set taken-no big deal, but another pain in the a** to sort out.

Hopefully he will find work soon, and we'll be sittin' pretty !
Good to hear Tim's can work from home and visit the kids ! Awesome !

:thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:

I have to run, but will speak soon !
Good to hear you have news...

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-24 21:28:00
United KingdomTim and Bethanie guys beat me to starting up this thread !!!

Tim & Bethanie,

We wish you a lovely and wonderful reunion. All the very best to you both.

Tim, A safe trip to you. May your POE experience be as easy as our's was.

Bethanie, Been thinking of you all day today and hoping you get some sleep tonight. You're going to need it !

Tomorrow begins your life !!!!


With Many Hugs,

The Bruces !!!
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-31 16:46:00
United KingdomMedical in Scotland
Hmmm....I take it she is Canadian and not a Scottish national ?

If this is the case, she will have to got through Montreal. No way around it, I'm afraid... :angry:
They sure don't make it easy !

Best of Luck !!!
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-09-19 09:23:00
United KingdomMedical in Scotland

I wish I could tell you that there were docs in SCT, but unfortunately she will have to travel to London.
My husband too, is from Aberdeen. The medicals were done in Edinburgh until mid to late 2005.
On a more postive note, his travel to London was rather easy and he has told me it probably wasn't any more a hassle than going to Edinburgh on a train (apart from the cost of the flights).

Good Luck !!!

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-09-19 07:43:00
United Kingdom18th October interview anyone
If I were there I'd have tea with you !

I just wanted t congratulate you on getting your date...

Good Luck,

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-09-20 14:35:00
United KingdomGoing home tomorrow :-)
Hi Maggie,

Congratulations and I hope that you have a safe flight, and a smooth adjustment to life here !

: )

Good luck with the wedding !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-09-20 08:23:00
United Kingdomhe passed!

I can't believe in 31 days he will be here.

YAY! :joy:

Congratulations to you both !
This will all seem like a far away blur once you're together.
All the best to you !

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-10-03 08:03:00
United Kingdomvisa approved :)
Congratulations !!

My husband flew Aer Lingus to JFK at the height of the season and got a FABULOUS deal...
You can go through Aberdeen, Glasgow or Edinburgh (via BMI) to either Dublin or Shannon and then onto Aer Lingus to JFK.

Best Wishes and congratulations again !!

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-10-05 20:13:00
United KingdomWhere in the UK are you from?
My other half is from Aberdeen, Scotland.

We will stay in NY until our son gets off to school, and then we plan on selling the house and returning to Aberdeen to live 1/2 the year there, and then back to NY for the other 1/2 .
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-08-03 21:43:00
United KingdomInterview over, so easy!
That is wonderful !

Congrats !

I haven't posted in a while, but it's still so good to see London rolling 'em out !!!

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-11-09 20:49:00
United KingdomIRN BRU
:D Thank you for all the GREAT info everyone !

We usually head into that part of NYC on the weekends (we're suburbanites).

That Malibu/Irn Bru combo sounds fine ! I think my MIL would like that as well-so I am going to pass it along !

Cheers !!!

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-11-16 08:40:00
United KingdomIRN BRU
Hello !!!

Anyone know where I can get some Irn Bru in NY without having to mail order it ?

Since my dear husband has been here, I have been able to secure at least one of his favorites (Branston Pickle), but I am having a VERY hard time with finding some Irn Bru- his favorite drink...

The closest thing I can find to match it is if I go into the Latin section of town and get some Kola Champagne.
He says it's pretty close-but I'd still like to have the real deal.


MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-11-15 08:50:00
United KingdomPolice Certificate Wait Times?

It should be approx. 4 weeks-almost like clockwork. We had to do it twice.

My husband ordered his right after we got our NOA2, (in February) but lost it in his atrociously messy flat about a month before the interview. He ordered yet another one. The first one came in 3.5 weeks and the second one took exactly 4 weeks.

The worst case is that you interview in London without the certificate, and your approval/visa will be "pending police certficate". Once you send it in, all will be sorted-providing that everything else is in good order.
It is a pain in the #######, but a fixable one.

Best of luck to you-and have my fingers crossed that it gets there before the interview !!!

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-11-29 09:48:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?
Trust me-I know ALL too well about that planning stuff. ;)

I used to look one step ahead of the visa process and turn things out the day I found out they were generated...Mr. Bruce used to think I was losing my marbles (and I think I was, come to think of it !)

As for the wedding-I was too busy obsessing over immigration to plan, we did a courthouse thing-y here in NY in November 2005 and then- a BIG one in Scotland 3 months later. I let my MIL plan everything, as she loved every minute of it and I'd trust her with my life. The only thing really I did was pick out my dress & the favors...
I have to say, she did a FINE job. The wedding was rockin' !!!

I wish you the VERY BEST with yours, and hope you speed through this with ease !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-12-07 12:31:00
United KingdomI have an opinion only question!?

If all your ducks are in a row, and you have prepared ahead of time, safe to say you should be done with it, and have the visa.
June is 7 months away-you've got plenty of time. Our CR1 took 8 months and 4 days from NOA1 to his arrival.

If she gets here early, you can just go to the courthouse and make it legal without having to say anything to the guests. Then, have your wedding as planned an no one is the wiser.

: )
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-12-07 11:03:00
United KingdomArrived Safely!
Welcome Home Mags ! :thumbs:

Wishing you well !
MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-12-09 18:21:00
United KingdomClaiming UK Tax
Hi All,

I read this and it concerns me...

Mr. Bruce got back roughly 3700 quid from last year. His mum and him share a bank account back in SCT. She cashed the cheque and wired it into our U.S. joint account this September.

My question is:

Will this count as US income and will we have to report it as such????
I am under the impression that we do not, as it is under 10K...but I could be wrong, as I am no accountant... :huh:

Any takers on my query???

MrsBruce5FemaleScotland2006-11-09 20:57:00