US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhich Documents are Kept at the Interview?
I took more photos, letters, some emails. And a massive file containing copies of every form and piece of evidence we had sent. They didn't ask to look at anything! In fact they only asked me about three/four questions. I was shocked at how quickly the whole thing happened.

I'm sure they will not take away your whole photo album. But it's best to be prepared to make copies of anything you really cherish in case they do.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-06 15:52:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionWhich Documents are Kept at the Interview?
I was given back my marriage certificate and my birth certificate - everything else they kept.

In fact I could see my file through the window and there was no sign of any of the photos we sent to USCIS - I bet they just throw them away after the approval!
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-06 15:25:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionThere IS a Santa Claus!!!!!!!!
Yay! Congratulations.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-12 10:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionPack from London lost in the post!

When you emailed the consulate did you phone and get the special 'code' to put in the subject line of your email?

If not they might miss/not read your email. If you did then it can take 2-5 days to get a reply.

If they say they have sent it and you still don't have it then ask them to resend - sometimes things do get lost in the post.

My interview letter went astray - in fact a neighbour's dog stole it from the postman and hid it in his bed and his owner found it a week later - but as I didn't know this I got the Embassy to send a replacement.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-02 11:41:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUS Embassy London Interview
There is a pharmacy down the street where you can leave your phone during your interview - Gould Pharmacy, 37 North Audley Street - they charge a fee something like five or ten pounds.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-12-15 18:38:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionVisa interview appointment in London - can't get through!

You probably won't be able to get into the building if you 'just drop by' to try to speak to someone in person. 


Has your interview date passed - did you actually miss it? 


How it used to work at London was you called the horribly expensive phone line and when you get through to someone you tell them you need to reschedule an interview and that you need the email code to contact the embassy. This was a code you put in the subject line to make sure your email was read promptly (promptly means 3-5 days to reply)


I managed to change my interview date that way. 


Someone who has called and contacted them more recently might be able to chime in on whether that is still the case. 


However if you have actually missed your interview date it is URGENT that you or your USC partner get on it immediately as you don't want to end up with a denied visa application and have to start all over again.

TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-06-13 11:14:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionInterview
I've always wondered if they would make a British person do the English test!
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-27 16:26:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 denial because of immigration error!!!

Did you ever find out what the date is that they do think your residency begins? 



TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-12-04 07:58:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 denial because of immigration error!!!

So I think the first step is to see if you can get confirmation of exactly what your approval date was. 


And what exactly was the first officer's mistake? This mistake that he had done to many other people too. 


Why did it take 9 months from interview to Green card production?


If they say that the approval date was the one nine months later - why? And why did the Greencard end up with the earlier date on it?






TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 16:56:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 denial because of immigration error!!!

At harpa the IO told me I was approved on 4.20.2010 which was my interview date and told me I would get my card in the mail but I didn't get it until 9months later.i made numerous info pass but there famous words are wait such and such time and get back to us.the lady that interview me for the citizenship said the guy that did the previous interview forgot to put my approval date in my file but I'm guessing it was approved in the system the day I had the interview.i would understand if he had told me that,well I can make any decision on your greencard but he told me I was approved


So this was my point - did it take nine months to be approved or nine months to simply get the card? OP needs to establish when approval happened. 


What exactly was the mistake the interviewing officer made? Was the mistake to delay approval for nine months? In which case, the OP is out of luck in terms of her current timeline.


Or was the mistake to put the wrong approval date on the file - ie it should have been the interview date or near to it. 


Either way they have admitted some sort of mistake so I'd hope there was some grounds for a fee waiver or an expedite when you apply again - not sure if that is possible though. 

TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 14:17:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionN-400 denial because of immigration error!!!

I think I understand the OP's plight.....


1. Married - April 2009

2. AOS interview - April 20, 2010

3. Conditional Card - Recieved in January 2011 but dated  April 20, 2010 - April 20, 2012

4. Applied to remove conditions in January 2012 (approved without mistake being noticed)

5. Applied for citizenship Jun 2013

6. Interview Spetember 2013 - Denied for incorrect filing dates


It seems the original conditional card was dated April 20, 2010 when it should have been dated for sometime in January 2011 (what is written in her file as the true approval date). Because of this mistake which the OP would have no way of knowing occured, everything was subsequently done 9 months ahead of when it should have really happened.  


This situation really is unfair. If you do have to go through the whole process again I would recommend that you apply for every fee waiver possible so you don't have to pay all over again for what may be unavoidable, but is not your fault. Beyond that I'm not sure what kind of advice to give. I'm so sorry you are going through this and I hope everything works out in your favor.




So can someone clarify something about how the Greencard is dated / legal residence begins when doing the AOS process.


I did the CR1 and my greencard is dated for my POE - even though I got the actual card a few months after that. 


If you are approved at the AOS interview - is that the start of your legal residence? In which case the OPs card is correct, her approval date should not be when they managed to get the card sent out. 


It looks like the mistake is the later date being in the file. 


If you can prove when the interview was, and from the notes prove it was approved at the interview you have the date you need and you did everything correctly. 


Or is the mistake that the interviewing officer did not actually make the approval until 9 months later? If he simply put the wrong date in the file 9 months later I don't see why it can't be corrected. 

TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-25 10:49:00
US Citizenship General DiscussionDeported for an Agravated felony but we think he is a US Citizen? What to do next?

Interesting discussion. My layman opinion:


1. He is not a US citizen by virtue of his father being a US citizen. Under US law, citizenship is only automatically conferred to a child out of wedlock if the mother is the USC. If the USC is the father, residency conditions have to be met and certain actions must be undertaken to secure citizenship for his child. In addition, the father loses the ability to confer citizenship to his child once the child is above 18. Once this date has passed, the child is certainly deportable and is unlikely to ever gain citizenship. See this case for an example:


2. However, his mother who attained LPR status, eventually became a citizen when he was 12 years old. Since she naturalized, then IF her naturalization was above board, then under the Child Citizenship Act, citizenship was automatically conferred to her minor son. It is not necessary in this case to obtain documentation stating that he is a USC (e.g. passport, certificate) as it is automatically conferred, but it can certainly be useful to avoid situations like the OP's cousin is in. The conditions for automatic conferment are: (i) the child must have US lawful permanent resident status; (ii) at least one parent must be a USC (either by birth or naturalization); (iii) the child must be residing in the US; and (iv) the USC parent must have legal and physical custody of him/her.


Sidenote: If the child was born prior to 2001, and is the child of 1 LPR and 1 naturalized USC, citizenship is not automatically conferred. However, in this case, the mom naturalized and dad is already a USC so it was automatic.


Now, if his mom's naturalization was attained by fraudulent means (it seems odd that she entered without a visa, but, we don't have all the details on that), then that *could* be revoked (unlike birthright citizenship by jus sanguinis or jus soli). I believe that his derivative citizenship would also be revoked in that case.


According to the OP, the child was not born out of wedlock


"The father was legally married in Honduras to my aunt as soon as he found out my aunt was pregnant,so he was born in wedlock,  and signed the Honduran birth certificate"

TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-03-05 05:00:00
CanadaWhat is the age difference between you and your SO?
I'm ten years younger than my husband - it only feels weird when I wonder what we were both doing 20 years ago. Me at high school in England doing exams - he was getting married for the first time in the US - both completely oblivious of each other and our futures.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-02-22 11:20:00
CanadaVermont I-130 approvals
No one knows why Vermont is so slow. We were sitting at Vermont for ten months with no work on our case at all - we then got transferred to California because Vermont were so far behind and California approved our petition in about a week.

I don't know whether Vermont has started to speed up yet but I hope you don't have to wait as long as we did.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-09-25 12:26:00
CanadaTinned Vegetables Cheaper?
QUOTE (Perseverance @ Nov 29 2008, 02:33 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
This thread reminds me of a funny story that happened shortly after my husband arrived here.

We went to the store to get some things so he could prepare some Nigerian dishes. He said ( I thought) that he needed 10 tomatoes to I went and counted out 10 nice Romas for him to use. (his phone has wrung he is talking and I am thinking to myself this is alot of tomatoes!!!! ) When he is finally done with his conversation, I am ready to go to the check out. He says to me, "where are the 10 tomatoes"...huh? huh.gif So I hold up the huge bag of Romas quite proud of myself and say right here wink.gif he says no.... I repeat...huh? huh.gif" You said 10 tomatoes they are here, again holding up my Romas." biggrin.gif He chuckles taps a can of nearby soda and says "tinned... tinned... not 10" headbonk.gif OOOOHHHHHH I say!! Take him over to what I refer to as "canned tomatoes" where he happily gets some tomato paste.... so...uh....we dont need 10 tomatoes then I ask sheepishly?? rofl.gif rofl.gif rofl.gif

I thought this story was hilarious when it happened to us....he however did not think it was nearly as funny as I did. headbonk.gif

That ladies and gents is my 10 tomatoes story *bows*

This story reminds me of the famous UK comedy sketch Four Candles

TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-29 13:35:00
CanadaDeclaring Jewelry
My theory (in the same situation) was that as you are supposed to hand the engagement ring back if the relationship ends, it is never really my ring - it always belongs to my husband and he is American and it was bought in America and will end up there when I live over there. It's not as though you are importing it to another country permanently.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-25 09:41:00
CanadaOk, that was a funny phone call
They should have offered you a free lasagna for helping to train their staff!
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-02-02 12:06:00
United KingdomHow long did it take you to feel at home in the US?

I have been here six years and it does not feel like my true home. 


That's not to say I don't like it here. I am comfortable with how everything works now and am happy here with my family. There are lots of things I think are done better here than in the UK and I've made some really wonderful friends. 


It took me about five months to feel comfortable and about a year to feel really happy here. 


But.... I still feel a lightness and happiness appear when I go back to the UK and a feeling of being home. I don't know if I will ever stop hoping we can all go back to live there for good one day.

TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-07-21 17:51:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

I think I'm the thread killa! :lol:

That's usually me on VJ.

I am back in the UK for an extended time because of some very sad news. My Mum has terminal cancer and we don't know how long she has left but probably months rather than years. I came back to do some hands on nursing and give her some time with my little girl.

It's very sad but we are plodding on and trying to just do the best we can under the circumstances. Missing the husband a lot although distance does make the heart grow fonder - our emails are all playful and romantic again like they were when we were first doing our long distance relationship. Georgie is enrolled in a UK preschool twice a week to give me a little break and to solidify that English accent. Apparently we both sound very different on Skype after only a month back here.

Weirdly it feels so nice to be driving on the 'right' side of the road again and so relaxing driving around streets and areas I know well and grew up in. Feeling worryingly comfortable back here - might be a wrench to leave it all again. Still unsure what to do after Christmas - wait it out until the end? What if that's 9 months away? Fly back and forth every 2 months? Very hard situation and I knew it was coming when I emigrated but thought we had more time to think about it.

Wow - if that isn't a depressing thread killer I don't know what is! Here's a pic of my little one on the beach opposite my parents' house to lighten the mood. Just bought her first wellies.
Posted Image
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-12-13 11:27:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

but I was so wiped out and semi-depressed that I just didn't have it in me to meet new people. And I was concerned with practical things like going to someone's house or a park and having Madeleine vomit all over the place. I think you have to have the right frame of mind to put yourself out there like that. It's almost like're sizing them up, they're sizing you up, and they might be the nicest people in the world, but you don't know that yet.

This is so true. And I think the toddler years are really hard on the stay-at-home-parent. The constant challenging, whining and testing that goes on every minute of the day is so draining (maybe that's just my kid!)

Georgie is two and it's time I started looking for a full time or even better part-time out of the house job but I feel so burnt out and tired all the time I'm not sure how to summon the energy to be all perky and impressive for interviews.

The one thing which has helped was finding at least one Mum friend near by who I got on with. But it was really hard. I've always found it really easy to make friends at work before but I guess in those circumstances you probably have something in common or often similar personalities. I felt like such an alien at the early Mom-groups when G was a baby. No one got my sense of humour, there were some very extreme anti-vaccination Moms who were a little scary. It took me about a year and a half to find someone who I could laugh and joke with and unload everything. Luckily our little girls get on too.

It's very isolating if you haven't got anyone you can talk to away from your partner. I didn't want to unload to anyone from the UK as I didn't want anyone to be worried that I wasn't happy. If Chas wants to email me and have a good mutual moan, message me - although that might be a bit weird for him. " Hey honey, there's this British woman on the website who I don't know at all, who might not even be a woman, or English, that you could talk to"!
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-02 05:44:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

I could really use some advice on how to traverse this new territory. Normally, I take Emily over to their house on Saturdays and we hang out. I want that to not be the norm anymore, and I also want them to know that their 'it's exhausting' message left with the babysitter got back to me. I'm really not sure what to say in order to kill two birds with one stone, and also not to be a complete biotch about it so that things aren't strained.

ANY and all ideas welcomed.

Is it that you don't want to see them every Sat or just not at their place?

If it's the latter then I'd say to my parents that I was finding it hard and 'exhausting' myself at the moment with the toddler stage etc etc and that it would be lovely and a big help if they would come to you every other week. Or whatever works. If they say they can't/won't come to you, then you can regretfully say that you just can't make it every week right now as you're too overwhelmed.

If it's that you don't want a set Saturday engagement with them then I'd aim to break the current pattern

You could start by shaking things up a couple of weeks in a row. Say you have another event/party etc you have to go to on one Saturday, and the following week ask them over for dinner (I know more work for you), then the next week go to theirs and then the next week after that again be unavailable. You've then broken the pattern for a month. You don't even have to say anything specifically - if they bring it up then just say Saturdays are a premium time and it's been difficult to always commit to do one thing.

Not sure re the comment to the babysitter. Might depend on what you hope to achieve by telling them you know - an apology? An agreement to be more discrete?

Another suggestion I had for your hubby is to look for a daycare near by which allows short period day drop offs. One near me allows the odd drop off and it's only $8 an hour. Just having say 2-3 hours on a Friday morning could be a nice break.

We also have a great community gym and swimming pool near us which also has a childcare facility - you are allowed up to 2 hours for $5 childcare. Long enough for a quick workout and a nice swim. I started doing that 2 months ago and it made a huge difference to my mood.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-24 15:14:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Tracy, you are not alone in feeling like that. I bet it's also more common with couples like our where one set of grandparents is overseas. We're down a whole set of potential babysitters.

My MIL is very close by (we live in a log cabin on her farm) and she offers all the time to help out. The main problem is she is always travelling somewhere exotic or fun, and I find that the times I really need her help she's somewhere else. Also and this sounds so ungrateful, I know. She's not the sort of grandmother who would come over to your house to watch and then put the baby to bed. So a night out for us means picking up Georgie at her house really late and then trying to get her back to sleep in her own bed. She's not a great sleeper anyway and it knocks her schedule for the whole next day.

I'm the one at home without much of a childcare break so I really sympathise with your other half. My husband has a massive commute - he leaves the house at 6am and gets home about 8pm. I know he feels bad that he can't do more but he gets home so shattered that there's no real chance for a break for me.

We just put G into a 2-year old preschool class - it's 2 hours twice a week. It's supposed to be the chance for me to either get a break/or get chores done child free. We're only a week in but so far the effort of getting her ready to go, getting her there, picking her up and dealing with her meltdown when she comes home has actually negated any relief I've had from the childcare. And that doesn't include the weeks where I have to provide the class snacks!
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-21 06:11:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
The Chinese calendar was correct for me too.

But as for morning sickness - I didn't have one day of it and I had a girl.

Also how long does the looking haggard with a girl thing last. She's two now and I'm still looking worse for wear!
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-15 23:01:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Hi - me again. Mostly lurker - sometime poster. I always seem to miss this thread. I think I get diverted too much by the drama in some of the other forums (better than a soap opera)

Exciting to have new UK/US babies on the way and pleased to see how well everyone is getting on.

Little G has her first day at pre-school tomorrow (I say day - it's 2 hours, twice a week) I'm really looking forward to some 'me' time. First real opportunity in two years! Hubby asked me if I was going to do chores and stuff - what? No way mister. Coffee and cake with some of the other mothers this time. And next week I am already planning going to the gym and swimming.

I should use the chance to catch up with some work - I work from home while looking after G and it's getting harder to concentrate. Maybe the following week I'll do that.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-09-05 14:43:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

Helllloooooooo???? UPDATES?!?!?!

Roz is finally gaining weight again. She is back in the 2nd percentile. We just bought our tickets to go to the UK in the fall. For the 4 of us it is just under $3k with baby sitting on my lap. Not sure yet if I will regret that. We will see!!!

Who are you flying with? I'm on my 4th trip home since Georgie was born - decided to make this last trip before she turns 2 in June and she can still be a lap baby.

Last trip was BA and we had one of the bulkhead seats with the little bassinet they provide. This time was United and the plane was empty so we had a full row to ourselves which was a bonus.

Not looking forward to the huge price hike when she has to have a seat.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-05-11 10:50:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
She's gorgeous - many many congratulations.

I know it's hard because it's so exciting and you just want to keep gazing at her, but try to get some sleep while you are still in the hospital!

Well done, Mama
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-20 22:57:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Wow - you look amazing. Brings back all those memories for me of those last few weeks. Of course I now have my rose-coloured specs on and remember it as all WONDERFUL - and would love to do it all again.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-17 15:37:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

Dahhhhhhhh. I felt absolutely certain I was an epi kinda gal. Witnessing my two sisters-in-law give birth a) natural and b) epi...i'm totally convinced epi is the way to go. But then I keep hearing about the after birth benefits of foregoing the epi and now i just don't know.

So now my plan is, go as far as I can taking the pain and when I can't take it anymore - epi. God only knows what I'm going to be thinking when it's D-Day. I'm just ready to hold little dude!

Oh and I'm the bread winner, too. Daddy is most likely going to be the one who is part time and home with dude during the day

That was my plan too. I managed to last for about the first 15 hours without any thing and then the nurse told me that I was progressing so slowly that I should definitely have the pitocin - I felt a bit pressured into having it but was so exhausted ended up just agreeing. After about an hour of the pitocin contraction I opted for the epi. I have to say it was like being on a floaty cloud not having any pain. I then managed to sleep for 2 hours and when I woke up they said right you're ready to push and 30 mins later out she popped.

If there is a next time I think I'd go for the same approach - try for as long as possible without it but have it when it gets too much.

What I wish I'd done is have a doula in there with me. I thought about it but my husband had had two kids before and I thought he was going to be the expert. I actually think it worked the other way - he was far too relaxed about the whole thing and I think I could have done with a little more emotional support.

Now we're going through the terrible toddler phase which is exhausting. I work from home editing a website and it's getting very hard to work with all the whining and "Mummy, mummy" being yelled at increasing volume!
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-04-04 08:30:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven

You are at the very least the first lady having a boy to be posting regularly in this thread! :)

Be warned... I thought my baby was sleepy, especially between weeks 22 and 24, when I barely felt her move at all. Can I say one thing? GROWTH SPURT! She suddenly became crazy around week 26 - like, overnight crazy. Now I feel her all the time. :)

That's one nice thing about an April baby - tax baby! Well, another nice thing for me is that I'm pregnant during the coolest months of the year, which is great for living in California!

Go go grandparents!

Also I had a very chilled out baby when she was still inside - she used to sleep all the time - I had to have the 20 week scan 3 times to get her to move into the right position.

So I think she got all her sleeping done in those nine months because she is hardly ever asleep right now.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-24 09:41:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Changed my screen name from LSMA.

Anyone else on Pinterest? I think I'm slightly addicted. It's a good place to stick all those things you want to buy or do though. This one is stuff I think I might do with my little girl when she's older.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-22 12:30:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Thanks for the welcome.

End of a severely sleep deprived week. First date night in over six months this weekend though - so yay!(Still debating whether I'd rather just catch up on sleep though)
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-20 06:43:00
United KingdomBritish Bun in the Oven
Hi Ladies,

A little late to this gathering. I just read back through some of the early posts and wished I'd seen the thread sooner. I gave birth to a little girl in June 2010 and was going though many of the same things at the same time.

I'm the UKC - currently living in Virginia.

Weirdly ten of my friends back home all had babies in the same year as me and I've really missed having the chance to see them all and do the 'baby' stuff with them. I haven't really found a 'Mom's group' here that I feel comfortable with yet.

Hope it's okay if I pop in here from time to time.

We're going through a bad sleep pattern now after a month in the UK in Nov - and we're about to fly back for three weeks in March so I almost can't be bothered to get back on track, only for it to all be disrupted again.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2012-01-18 10:16:00
United KingdomTemp school places in the UK


At 4 years of age, would it be fair to say your daughter is not even in kindergarden yet?

I know you will have your hands full looking after your father, but how hard would it be for you to home school (I see from your profile you are a journalist, so I assume a reasonable level of education on your part) the child and prepare her for the US education system when you return.


If it was just academics I was worried about then I would definitely consider homeschooling but it's actually peer socialisation that I am looking for. 


She already goes to preschool 3 x a week in the US and is a very social little girl - she asks to go to school every day and really misses her friends on the days she doesn't go.


She also responds really well to a regular routine so being able to go to school five days a week 9am-3pm should be a good fit. 

TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-07 18:02:00
United KingdomTemp school places in the UK

Kids in the UK start school at 4.


My Fianceé and I put her daughter in school over here whilst she was visiting for 5 months on a tourist visa. There is absolutely no reason to be denied a place at a school unless A) The school does not have the capacity to take her or B) You are not inside the schools catchment area.


I just had to fill out a form and send it to my Local Authority who then got her a place in the school.


Kind regards,


Thank you! 


I knew someone on here would have done something similar - go VJ!

TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-07 17:55:00
United KingdomTemp school places in the UK

Well I as I said in my post - the local school we want her to go to says it's okay. 


But the reason I posted here in the UK forum is because there may be a chance that someone has either done it themselves or has direct knowledge through their profession of the issues. 


I have researched extensively online and can't find any indication that it's not possible. But I am interested in other people's experiences too.


This is a board full of multi national families who move and live between two countries - so there's a chance someone does have some extra insight. 


Sometimes people on here are a lot more informed than officials employed at organisations.

TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-04 14:24:00
United KingdomTemp school places in the UK

My daughter (4) and I are going back to the UK for 3-4 months but possibly longer next week to take care of my Dad after heart surgery. 


I want her to go to school while we are there. I have emailed the local education authority and they told me to ask the schools directly. I have approached the one we want and explained to the head that I am looking for a temporary placement in their Reception class. She said that should be fine. 


Does anyone know whether there is any reason why she would not qualify for a regular school place even though we are not planning to stay permanently? 


She is a British citizen through me and we will be resident in the district for several months. 


The precedent for short term placements include traveller children and forces kids, diplomat's kids who move schools regularly and between different countries within the school year.


Does anyone else have any experience with this? 





TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-04 13:57:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Ahhhh - I'm CR1 and don't have to adjust status - so don't have to worry about a medical stateside.

Sorry for confusing things.
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-08 17:15:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
I had chickenpox when I was 7 but I have no 'proof' - the doctor at the medical seemed happy with that and I passed the medical so I guess the jab isn't required in the UK
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-12-08 17:07:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
QUOTE (desilu @ Nov 28 2008, 01:29 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (lsma @ Nov 22 2008, 12:37 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Had the medical yesterday - went the same way as everyone else's on here.

After I paid the receptionist handed me a receipt stapled to a sheet detailing the vaccination record. Does everyone get this or is it just the CR1/IR1 applicants?

All the boxes are ticked either completed series, or not age appropriate. Apart from the Varicella (chicken pox) which says VH which means I've had chickenpox but we don't do the vaccine in the UK.

At the end it has a final set of tick boxes which say vaccine history incomplete and then the box is ticked applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver because vaccinations not medically appropriate as indicated above.

Is that what everyone normally gets on this form?

I got a copy of the vaccine record too. I was told the embassy will be sent the original with the chest x-ray etc but was to keep hold of my copy for US immigration (I guess that means at POE?)

My record is marked identical to yours. I was told I had all the nessecary vaccines so I assume what we got is normal smile.gif

Thank goodness - this process is making me paranoid! I have a short window between visa interview and my booked flight and I'm sure something will go wrong!
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-28 09:01:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Had the medical yesterday - went the same way as everyone else's on here.

After I paid the receptionist handed me a receipt stapled to a sheet detailing the vaccination record. Does everyone get this or is it just the CR1/IR1 applicants?

All the boxes are ticked either completed series, or not age appropriate. Apart from the Varicella (chicken pox) which says VH which means I've had chickenpox but we don't do the vaccine in the UK.

At the end it has a final set of tick boxes which say vaccine history incomplete and then the box is ticked applicant may be eligible for blanket waiver because vaccinations not medically appropriate as indicated above.

Is that what everyone normally gets on this form?
TrellickFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-11-22 07:37:00