United Kingdomk3
ok, i am not really sure how this time frame works but these are the dates:

18/11/2008 ---Case received by USCIS for both I-130 and I -129
25/05/2009---Approval notices for both I-130 and I-129 ( I-129 sent to the US embassy London)
05/06/2009---Bill sent and paid for I-130 processing and AOS
29/06/2009---Package 3 recieved
1/07/2009---Package 3 sent off
12/07/2009---AOS, DS-230 as part of I-130 application sent off ( thats if the laywer is not lying!!)
13/07/2009---Completed medical

Edited by siya, 15 July 2009 - 11:27 AM.

siyaFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-15 11:25:00
United Kingdomk3

i have also filed for an I-130, which like in your case is proving to be a lot faster.
so maybe as you say they might drop the k3, cause my husband just sent in all the documents for the I-130. The laywer says that that is on the verge of completion too...(but then my lawyer is kinda proving to be a scewup!!)

Sounds a little bit silly, but you'd think that there would be a faster way of doing things so that people dont have to be apart for so long. We married in Sept 2008, and filled our petition in Nov 2008...

If the k3 is supposed to be a faster route, its still taking what looks like 10-11 months...

do you think that i should get an interview sometime in August?
siyaFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-15 08:13:00
United Kingdomk3

ok. Hi everyone, i decided to join after reading some posts and realised that thankfully there were others in what seems to be a broken boat...

So I got my 'Package 3' letter and filled in all the paperwork and sent if off that very day.. 1 July 2009...
I then schedualed my medical which i completed on Monday, went well...

So here's the thing. I am now freting that i did not compete the paperwork properly...The form with the barcode for example. Some of the questions did not seem to apply so I (stupidly) left it blank....

I could not sleep all night worrying about this.. crying.gif So i called up the embassy today and the lady told me that it would be between 4 - 6 weeks before it gets on the system. Does it actually take that long?

And what if i have messed up, will they send me something llike 'more information required' after 4 -6 weeks of processing?

How long does this whole, what i like to call a mess take?

all comments welcomed. thanks.
siyaFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-07-15 07:34:00
United KingdomVisa Arrived... in hand
QUOTE (Britt and Duv @ Oct 15 2009, 09:45 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (siya @ Oct 15 2009, 02:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Britt and Duv @ Oct 15 2009, 06:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys

Just to let you guys know that I have my passport back - so London isnt too bad issuing them fast these days, especially as we've just had a weekend and Columbus Day to contend with.

Had my interview last Friday and passport today - not bad eh. Flight booked for next week.... Can't wait!!

Good luck guys



i got mine back today too...whooohooo...Its feels soo good..

i have a flight booked for tomorrow, just cannot wait..

i am impressed that you got your passport back so quick though , Dyfed. i got mine after 9 working days!!.. but alls well..

hope that you have a safe flight...i booked mine using STA, like u recommended. miles cheaper..thanks..!! biggrin.gif

Ye?? cool.... Yeah i booked my flight last night too - with STA of course smile.gif

from where are u going from/to? and how much was yours? Mine is from Manchester to Portland, OR visa Amsterdam for £279... no site comes close to that!!

Good luck


yes, i agree with you. i tried booking direct with as i have done in the past and the prices where ridiculous. plus i dont fly that great, so i always take direct fligts. same with virgin and american airlines.

I got an STA ticket for £319...not as cheap as yours but still...definatly better off then anywhere else.
I live in london so flying out of heathrow and heading to Boston. Apparently, its starting to get quiet cold up surpise..

but Portland....thats the 'rainy' state right?
siyaFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-15 10:58:00
United KingdomVisa Arrived... in hand
QUOTE (Britt and Duv @ Oct 15 2009, 06:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey guys

Just to let you guys know that I have my passport back - so London isnt too bad issuing them fast these days, especially as we've just had a weekend and Columbus Day to contend with.

Had my interview last Friday and passport today - not bad eh. Flight booked for next week.... Can't wait!!

Good luck guys



i got mine back today too...whooohooo...Its feels soo good..

i have a flight booked for tomorrow, just cannot wait..

i am impressed that you got your passport back so quick though , Dyfed. i got mine after 9 working days!!.. but alls well..

hope that you have a safe flight...i booked mine using STA, like u recommended. miles cheaper..thanks..!! biggrin.gif
siyaFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-15 08:34:00
United KingdomTime frame for legally staying in the United Kingdom

hi MARM,...cannot believe that things could end up the way that they have for you. praying that things work out for you and that you get the visa before your fiances visa runs out. i do agree with you, i am sure that the US embassy is aware of the student visa experiation considering that they have been in pocession of the passport for a long time.

rooting for you guys!!
siyaFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-10-09 09:04:00
United KingdomIf you need a new UK passport in the US, some help from us
Thanks for posting these tips. It very useful. I am in the processing of renewing my passport. Did you send the original copy of your marriage certificate? Is that the requirement?


As a response to this topic: http://www.visajourn...o-married-name/ I hope to add some info that will help those just married in the US when needing a new passport.
This is important since if you have your green card and your passport name does not match your greencard name it would be a pain to travel.  Now that I think about it, probably only if you are the one who went through a name change.
As I stated in the original thread you now have to send your old passport to England now, yet they still charge us more plus a courier fee.  Anyways, here are my hopefully helpfull tips.
1) Passport photos:  They are a different size then the ones needed for your visa.  We got ours at Walgreens, the UK size is preprogrammed into their system, make sure you tell them.  If they say they can't do it, make them look.  I only know this because i checked before hand ( I go there alot) and when we went for the pics there was someone different there who acted like I was making it up.
2) Tell your bank:  We got an email form the passport office in the UK letting us know our payment was rejected.  Turns out our bank though it was a fraudulent charged.  Let your bank know in advance that you will be having a charge from the UK, it is about $250.  Lucky for us we emailed them back after talking to our bank and they tried again, and let us know it went through.
3)Tracking number:  If you want to track the process you need to write the number on your application.  It is the bar code on the front of the application.
4) Amount of time:  It seems this time of year Oct, we got ours back in about 10 days.  We hear from my wifes friends in the UK it takes about 2 weeks over there.  If you are in the travel season, summer, it will take longer.  It takes more time for it to get there it seems.  You can look in the orginal post on how I sent it.
5) What we sent:  We had to send 2 extra items, we only got one back. We got back the marriage certificate but did not get back the proof the document of proof that her name had changed.  We sent the offer of employment she got from TX State Universitywhich had her last name as her married name. 
6)  Photos countersigned:  We did not have to do this since she looks the same.
7) How you get it back:  We recieved two flat letter envelopes from DHL.  One contained her new passport and the other contained her old one and the marriage certificate.  You pay about 20 pounds for this but it is added into your fee.
8) How you pay:  You also need to print off a payment form that you fill in your bank information.  This is how they bill you and please see #2
We both hope that anyone, well it seems this post is for the lovely females, that needs to get a new passport is helped by this post.  If any of you VJ's are going to be in Yorkshire this xmas '13 or driving through TX anytime, let us know.
Good Luck on your Journey.
Shawn and Jodie

xmxmxFemaleUnited Kingdom2014-10-11 23:41:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

Glad it went well!!!!
Im going to NC too........have you ever had any issues at RDU airport? I find the POE officers,well one in particular horrible!!!! Im looking forward to going in with all my paperwork and visa..........he usually threatens to send me back to the UK!!!!

Aww cool! Where about's in NC are you heading to? I've only ever entered through Charlotte airport. I've never been able to get a direct flight from Heathrow to Charlotte so my first POE is always another state. oh gosh, what a horrible officer, well when you get there you can wave the papers all up in his face :bonk: hehe. How far along in the process are you?
xmxmxFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-19 15:46:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors
Hi everyone,

So I had my medical this morning at the Bentinck mansions. I arrived 10 minutes early for my 9:30am appointment.
The lady at reception asked for my questionnaire, my passport, a passport photo, my vaccination records and a my police certificate. She then made a copy of the police certificate and handed the original back to me. I then had to full out another questionnaire, and was sent to the waiting room, it was really quiet when i went there was no one in the waiting room, i was hoping to bump into some VJ-ers to share our experiences. I didn't have to wait too long in the waiting room, only about 5-10 minutes until I was called in to see a nurse to have a chat about my vaccinations and which ones I required. She told me I needed two jabs, the flu and tetanus jab, which I decided to have done there. So I had the flu jab in my right arm and the tetanus in my left, the nurse said that my left arm would feel sore over the next few days.

After the jabs were done, I got sent straight to see the radiologist to have my chest x-ray.He told me to undress and gave me a blue gown to put on. He also asked if I had something to tie my hair back with as i had in his words "lots of it" lol which had to be out of the way. Luckily he had some spare hair clips, I attempted to clip my hair into a bun, but my hair kept falling back out, so I ended up having to borrow several clips from him just to hold the bun into place. Anyway we eventually got there and the x-ray was over with in a matter of seconds, he didn't say anything about the x-ray just made a joke about me giving his hair clips back. I then got sent to another waiting room and was shortly called in to see the doctor...which to my surprise was a man. From the reviews I read on the forum, most had a lady doctor, so I guess I just assumed I would be having a lady doctor too.
The doctor was really nice, he made me feel at ease. The doctor told me to take a seat and asked where about's in the U.S my fiance was from. I told him my fiance was from North Carolina, we ended up having a nice lil chit chat as he goes there quite often to play golf. I got a bit carried away with asking him questions about the places he visited, had to remind myself i was at a medical lol. After the chit chat, he measured my height and weighed me. Then he asked me to stand on one leg and close my eyes at the same time and to hold that position for a few seconds, then he told me i passed that I passed that tricky test loool. He then got me to sit on the bed and read a line from the eye chart and said i had passed that, then he flashed a light in my eyes. Oh and he did that knee test too, the one when they knock an instrument (not sure what it's called) on your knee cap, my leg went right up when he tapped my knee with the thing, and he said lucky he chose to stand out of the way otherwise I could've kicked me right out the window hahaha. Then for the next part of the medical, he told me to lay down so he can check my heart beat with a stethoscope and he also checked my tummy with the stethoscope and asked if i had breakfast, I told him I only ate a banana, then he replied that he could hear a lot of noise coming from my belly :lol:
So the next bit involved him checking "my humps, my humps, my humps, my humps, my lovely lady lumps" yes the breast examination. After a lot of prodding and poking, he then asked me to pull down my knickers for the peek-a-boo-part. But it was all peek no boo lol. I then had a blood test and that was me done. I went back to the waiting room and got called to pay for the session.

All in all I would say I had a pleasant experience as the doctor was nice and made me feel at ease. I had a 9:30 appointment and was out just after 10. I did plan on going around oxford street straight after but I felt quite weak after having my blood taken and 2 jabs done.
xmxmxFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-02-19 11:25:00
United KingdomPacket 3 and an expriing NOA2

I have sent my packet 3 to the US embassy in London, and am awaiting a reply to give me an interview date, however my NOA2 expires on June 24th.

What are the best steps to take to ensure this does not turn out to be a problem. Should I be phoning the embassy and chasing them up ? Or do I ahve to call somebody else to get the NOA2 extended ?

many thanks in advance for all help and replies.
HanshiMale02009-06-11 15:44:00
United KingdomPacket 3 Postage
Mine was re-routed too, exactly the same message but it did get there in the end.

GL !
HanshiMale02009-07-27 09:18:00