IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP LAWYERS MERRY GO ROUND
Hi Guys, my wife has never really believed in the authenticity of the Visa journey site. Despite several attempts ;to convince her that it was okay to pursue the whole process by ourselves, being a pessimist, she decided to engage a lawyer. What i soon found out was that, by following threads from all the folks on the visa journey site, i was always several steps ahead of the lawyer. The most annoying part was when the lawyer kept on insisting that the k3 route which we started in January 2012 was still in existence. Based on advice from the lawyer, we applied fro the i129f and the i130 , one month apart (i130 in Jan and i129 in feb). Our petitions got approved jointly on May 29th. Based on tips from the visa journey site, i kept on calling the NVC until we got our case number and IIN. Still nothing from the lawyer.

Based on advice from the visa journey site, i came to understand that because the 2 petitions were approved together, the i129f will be closed administratively.

My wife came over to spend 2 weeks with me and while she was here, we decided to call the lawyer . By then the NVC had sent the IIN, NVC case number and AOS and IV BILLS to me, my wife and the lawyer. The lawyer asked us not to pay these bills and kept hammering on the fact that that the NVC had not closed the i129f and that it was our right to choose which petition to follow.

I told my wife what i learnt from the site, but of course, she had the notion that the lawyer was better informed ( since law was not my field). WE waited 3 whole weeks doing nothing (actually we did loads of travelling across the UK during the wait - London, Aberdeen, Edinburgh).

Finally, the annoying lawyer, came back and told us the same thing folks on the visa journey had been hammering since.I felt annoyed and disgusted, now the idiotic lawyer wants us to pay the 2 bills and i am asking myself, what really is his role?

The question i have here is that on our invoice page we have been asked to make 2 payments , one for the AOS and the other for the IV. All the threads i have been reading on the visa journey site, most folks paid one bill, waited ,for it to show paid, then got instructions from NVC and a packet before paying the second. Why have we been asked to pay both bills at the same time?
I will be most grateful if the VJ member can help answer this question?
IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-07-17 15:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHELP LAWYERS MERRY GO ROUND
Hi Guys, my wife has never really believed in the authenticity of the Visa journey site. Despite several attempts ;to convince her that it was okay to pursue the whole process by ourselves, being a pessimist, she decided to engage a lawyer. What i soon found out was that, by following threads from all the folks on the visa journey site, i was always several steps ahead of the lawyer. The most annoying part was when the lawyer kept on insisting that the k3 route which we started in January 2012 was still in existence. Based on advice from the lawyer, we applied fro the i129f and the i130 , one month apart (i130 in Jan and i129 in feb). Our petitions got approved jointly on May 29th. Based on tips from the visa journey site, i kept on calling the NVC until we got our case number and IIN. Still nothing from the lawyer.

Based on advice from the visa journey site, i came to understand that because the 2 petitions were approved together, the i129f will be closed administratively.

My wife came over to spend 2 weeks with me and while she was here, we decided to call the lawyer . By then the NVC had sent the IIN, NVC case number and AOS and IV BILLS to me, my wife and the lawyer. The lawyer asked us not to pay these bills and kept hammering on the fact that that the NVC had not closed the i129f and that it was our right to choose which petition to follow.

I told my wife what i learnt from the site, but of course, she had the notion that the lawyer was better informed ( since law was not my field). WE waited 3 whole weeks doing nothing (actually we did loads of travelling across the UK during the wait - London, Aberdeen, Edinburgh).

Finally, the annoying lawyer, came back and told us the same thing folks on the visa journey had been hammering since.I felt annoyed and disgusted, now the idiotic lawyer wants us to pay the 2 bills and i am asking myself, what really is his role?

The question i have here is that on our invoice page we have been asked to make 2 payments , one for the AOS and the other for the IV. All the threads i have been reading on the visa journey site, most folks paid one bill, waited ,for it to show paid, then got instructions from NVC and a packet before paying the second. Why have we been asked to pay both bills at the same time?
I will be most grateful if the VJ member can help answer this question?

IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-07-17 15:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfiring my lawyer at NVC stage
Yes, as i mentioned earlier, if you go on right away and make payments on the invoices, you will avoid the delay that would have occurred if you informed the NVC now. The advantage of having an attorney is that the 2 bills gets invoiced at the same time, killing 2 beds with one stone. So u can pay for them together. Once payment is made, you will be asked to send in the AOS forms and DS 230 AND your case will be complete.
IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-09-06 15:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresfiring my lawyer at NVC stage

Hello all,

I was using an attorney for the processing of my hubbys Cr1 visa. I am at the NVC stage, and havent paid any of the bills, I however have received my invoice numbers and nvc number. The attorney has added extra charges that I wasnt aware of when I began using him and I just cant afford him anymore. He has indicated he isnt going to proceed without the attorney fees, and he is willing to let me proceed on my own. Since the choice of agent form was automatically sent to him, is there a way to reverse this since I do see the form gives me an option to choose another agent? How should I proceed? Completely confused.....

Any advice will be greatly appreciated.


Yes, send them an email that your lawyer has been sacked. but before you do that, i expect that you have you relevant NVC case number and Invoice identification number. If you do, log on to the payment portal and pay the 2 bills, when you receive confirmation that you have paid, then you can sack your lawyer, by informing the NVC. If you sack him before you pay, it might delay the process a bit. I hope this helps.
IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-09-06 13:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresOur appointment in Ciudad Juarez.

Wow this is the first interview I see for October. Congratulations!


IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-09-13 13:38:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresdone wiv medicals
Very comprehensive feedback. I finally arrived Nigeria yesterday and will be at the practice on Monday before 9. Thanks for all the feed back.

Very comprehensive feedback. I finally arrived Nigeria yesterday and will be at the practice on Monday before 9. Thanks for all the feed back.
IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-10-14 02:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHubby has colon cancer.. Any help how we can expedite our papers
Be confident, your expedite will be approved......
IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-10-24 03:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIf you had to get a replacement immigrant visa what did you have to do how long did it take how much did it cost?
Hi Guys, I have a similar problem, only difference is that i aint freaking out and what got damaged was not the visa on the passport, but the big brown envelope handed out to me with the visa. Though it is unopened, the envelope got really wet when my house got flooded. I have emailed the Lagos consulate 3 times and i finally got a number that worked, so i spoke to an officer who said i can simply bring the envelope back to the embassy. Any advice would be welcome.
IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-11-21 05:41:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice report--where to get them for Spain
Sorry for the humungous missing-it, and thank you for your assistance :-)
agileflowerNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-10-22 07:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice report--where to get them for Spain
Thank you very much for this! I am writing for my husband, who is not a Spanish national but who will be resident in Spain for long enough (I think, will double check) that he will need one for our application. He is British. Would he apply through the Spanish Consulate here in London (where are live?) or contact the folks in Madrid?

Thanks again :)

The Spanish police certificate is known in Spain as “Certificado de Antecedentes Penales.”

If you are a Spanish national residing in Spain, you may apply in person or by mail at the Ministry of Justice, San Bernardo 45, 28071, Madrid.

If you are a Spanish national living outside of Spain, you should apply through the Spanish Consulate in the country where you are currently living.


agileflowerNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-10-22 02:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Procedurespolice report--where to get them for Spain
Hi there. I had thought I saw somewhere (here?) a document that had contact information on where to get police reports ordered for many countries....but now I cannot seem to find it! Can someone point me to some contact information for Spain? Thank you!!

agileflowerNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-10-21 16:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresexperiences with re-entry permits
Hi there! Soon we will be applying for DCF via London for hub (and DS) to come home to the US! We are thinking about where to live/what to do/etc. Because I will be finishing my degree (via distance), and wont be able to work for a bit so we had been thinking that perhaps we can buy our house, rent it out, stay with friends for a bit and then go travelling - coming in/out of the US a few times over say the next year. I know that if we are gone more than a year he will need a re-entry permit. However, there is also the caveat that could pose us a problem, namely the 'if you are considered to have abandoned your residence' to live overseas. We would probably do my fieldwork in Quito, Ecuador and would primarily be there, but coming back to the US--

Would he be considered to have 'abandoned' his residence if we are there more than in the US for the first year? All of our stuff (houses, bank accounts, etc) would still be in the US: we just want to a) take advantage of the time before our son has to be in school full time and at the same time give me a unique fieldwork experience (not to mention fluency in spanish). What kinds of things define 'abandonment'?

I am asking this stuff so we can plan ahead: I realize I probably cannot do DCF in Ecuador as someone who is essentially a 'tourist' ! If anyone knows anything about applying through Quito, I'd love to hear.

THanks :-)

agileflowerNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-03-14 12:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis there an age exemption for requiring vaccinations proofs?
Thanks so much for this, torteval :-) I am sure it will go fine.....we have decided, in the end to apply in the summertime or early fall to 'time' it so that things would be expected to wind up just as or just before I apply for UKC.....

agileflowerNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-03-21 03:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis there an age exemption for requiring vaccinations proofs?
do you know if he has had the chicken pox (varicella)?? they usually except verbal acknowledgment if you have had it...

or like I mentioned you can get an antibody titers blood test showing proof of immunity to chickenpox (varicella).

but I am not sure if this available in the UK....>>

He has had the chickenpox, yes--we'll check into the antibody titers. it's so funny how they accept antibody titers when they are so darned unreliable (and they change over time)! (folks with no 'antibodies' can be resistant, and folks with titers sufficient to be deemed 'immune' (particularly in the case of hepatitis) sometimes have very serious cases of illness!) They are simply markers of exposure. But, we'll take advantage of thier acceptance of the titers if we can :-) THanks for the paste--for some reason my brain has temporarily gone on vacation and I cannot seem to find a thing....been writing too many papers, maybe I'm wearing out!
Thanks again!!

agileflowerNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-03-15 10:31:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis there an age exemption for requiring vaccinations proofs?

you can try and get an anitbody titer test done.. it shows if you have had certain vaccinations etc...

check out this site which shows you what is needed according to age...


Thanks! Looks like he will need diptheria/tetanus, varicella (ugh, come ON), and flu. For varicella, i assume he'll need to get that in the US and then send in proof in order for them to process his permanent residence card?

agileflowerNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-03-15 09:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresis there an age exemption for requiring vaccinations proofs?
Hi--just a quick question I saw that was not addressed in a search of the archives--I thought, when last looking at all of the future paperwork potential for doing DCF london, that I had seen somewhere that if you are over the age of fiftysomething that you were not required to show proof of vaccination.

My DH will be 57, his doctor's office from when he was a child doesn't even exist anymore....and though he's had some recently (flu etc), he had all the diseases as a child (measles, rubella, even polio, etc etc etc)....but it would be impossible to even get records of these things.

Although we are in general against vaccination on principle, we realize this lack of records might mean he needs to get vaccinated for everything (ugh!)--unless I had actually read there was an exemption for 'old folk' :-) Is there such a thing? I looked at the link that was the guideline for physicians doing the exams and there was no information on this.

agileflowerNot TellingUnited Kingdom2007-03-15 08:51:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresone more payment?

maybe i have this wrong , but is there another payment i have to make , and where do i pay? i will be getting pasport back anyday now and intent to fly nxt week, but i am thinking i have to pay something else, can someone push me in the right direction . 


london consular 


cr1/ i-601

MACE2UMaleEngland2013-06-06 05:57:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWill I be denied my Green Card? : (
Hi There,

I am looking for some advice.

I am 20 years old, and am applying for my i130 visa. So far I am waiting for the next set of paperwork from nvc i164 i think.
I am extrememly worried about my visa being denied.
I have got back my crb check, and it has details of when i was cautioned for shoplifting.
I was 17 at the time, and am 20 now. It had never happend before or since. I learnt my lesson, and am scared the embassy wont see it like that.
Does anyone know the specifics, of the law on this matter?
I was caught shoplifting an item under £10, and then the police came and took a statement, and i had my finger prints taken, and had to attend a youth course which consisted of meeting with a councillor and making a poster to demonstrate how stealing is wrong. I was never arrested or had to go to court.
Is there anyone out there who has immigrated, with a similar offence?
Also my husband has a criminal record, but does that have any effect?

Hope someone can help : )

Good Luck to all
SamanthajayneFemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-16 23:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresupdating timeline
I know I 'm being stupid how do you update your timeline????
puppiesFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-26 14:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFinally!!!!
For everyone who are waiting, finally I have been approved on the 20th of March YIPPEE!!!!!!! It will happen for every one thank you for my NOA2
puppiesFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-26 13:53:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPicked up Visa yesterday! 99 days to COMPLETE!

We got the same fast service. kicking.gif
darkequitusMaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-08 20:14:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCR-1 VISA APPROVED
darkequitusMaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-24 17:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWho is approved in MARCH 2009
QUOTE (carlish @ Apr 7 2009, 07:35 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (misr @ Apr 7 2009, 11:05 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (carlish @ Apr 7 2009, 11:03 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Congrats darkequitus!! kicking.gif kicking.gif

I paid my I-864 (AOS) fee bill last Friday and was able to print the cover sheet last Saturday. Do I need to wait for NVC to contact me before I can send the I-864? Thanks in advance.

Please send this out asap. The cover sheet was the most important piece. Take care,

Thank you. star_smile.gif

Is it better to send the I-864 and DS-230 individually or together? I'm torn. My I-864 is ready to go, but I'm still waiting for NVC to accep the DS-3032 so I can pay the IV fee bill.

Thanks for the congrats good.gif

I sent my DS-230 only . The letter I received from stated I should not sent any other documents now but present m I-864 and others on the check list in person. I could not present my co-sponsor because they did not want it at the time. I was sent away to produce and courier a posted dated I-864 and I-864A from my co-sponsor after my interview. Theft. The process seems slightly different for you and an few other people. Sorry, I don't know the answer to your question. unsure.gif
darkequitusMaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-08 05:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWho is approved in MARCH 2009
CR-1 Visa Approved!!!

Met Wife----April 2000
Had a Son...June 2007
Got married...Oct 2008

12/12/2008...sent I-130 form in London
29/01/2009...I-130 approved
We sat on it for a while. No reason, just did not read the instructions properly

26/02/2009...Medical @ Knightrbride Doctors
05/03/2009...Interview date given
23/03/2009....Interview day. Application suspended subject to joint sponsor submission
27/03/2009....Sent joint sponsor forms via courier with passed as requested by interviewer.
28/03/2009....Text message from tomorrow
29/03/2009...Envelope and Visa arrives @ 7:30am

27/04/2009... Last day at work
29/04/2009..One-way trip to TN
darkequitusMaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-07 02:02:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWho is approved in MARCH 2009
QUOTE (GS4EVER @ Mar 27 2009, 07:25 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (His_Wifey @ Mar 27 2009, 11:35 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (misr @ Mar 27 2009, 06:33 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
How is everyone? Another week soon to come to an end and into the April mid next week.

Congratulations to everyone who had recently joined us in our struggle to get through NVC process.

On my side: I have not yet received any email or letter from NVC and they have not generated my bill online. Meanwhile, having had filed for Tax returns for 2008; I applied online for 4 years Tax transcripts. I was told by the Tax rep that it could take 30 days to process such a request, even though the application itself tells 10 days processing time. But anyhow, I received my 2008-2005 transcripts yesterday exactly after 11 days.

Just waiting for the PCC that my wife needs to get and I should have every document and ready to move along.

Once again, good luck everyone and keep the thread going.

hi there misr..... can i ask you how can one apply for the transcripts online? coz the only way i know is to apply for transcripts on the phone.... it would be great to know that way as well....

we havent received anything from NVC number was assigned on the 19th march and still nothing....

I got my tax transcripts rather fast too, not even a week or so. My case number was assigned on march 09 and we received the bill on 03/17 at 10:00 p.m. at night. It took a good 8 days.

QUOTE (May May @ Mar 27 2009, 11:38 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I called today and still no case #. This is more nerve racking than waiting for the NOA2.

I have to agree that the excitement from the NOA2 is very short lived!! Now on to NVC stress before we can breathe the scd sigh of relief after the magical case complete!!

QUOTE (darkequitus @ Mar 27 2009, 02:59 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Met Wife----April 2000
Had a Son...June 2007
Got married...Oct 2008

12/12/2008...send I-130 form in London
29/01/2009...I-130 approved
We sat on it for a while. No reason, just did not read the instructions properly

26/02/2009...Medical Interview
05/03/2009...Interview date given
23/03/2009....Interview day
27/03/2009....Sent joint sponsor forms via courier with passed as requested by interviewer.

Welcome darkequitus! smile.gif Wow, things have been moving fast for you! Can u explain ur NVC break down a little more. What do u mean by medical interview? Do u mean u had ur medical prior to getting the interview date? How is that possible? I thought u need to get ur case completed at NVC and bring ur interview appointment letter with u so u can get the medical done. Did you go thru the same steps as paying ur bill then sending in AOS and IV packets, etc? It would be nice if u updated ur timeline to reflect all of that as I see there is a gap b/w 01/29 and 02/26.

Hello, I did not pay anything.
My wife and I are both in the UK. She is a dual citizen and has been in the UK for the past 12 years.
I did miss out a stage however.

Between 01/29 and 02/09 (I did not keep an accurate record of dates etc) I received a letter (Case number included)requesting the DS-230-I and the DS-2001 (declaring readiness for interview). It also stated, I did not have to wait for a interview date in order to book my medical
I had my medical on February 26th. When I booked my medical in London, all they requested was my case number., I brought ID and a photo, and letter of course to the medical.
I flew out to the States from the UK for a week the next day (No problem at immigration). On my return, I had the interview letter waiting for me in the post.
At the Embassy, I paid the £277 before my interview. I paid £46 to the courier company today to collect my I-864 and I-864A forms from my joint sponsor along with my passport. I knew the joint sponsor request was coming as my wife had been in the UK for so long, So her parent Fed-ex'd the docs to me the same day.
We submitted those. We were also informed.
I hope this helps. Sorry, I do not understand half the acronyms being used in this forum.
darkequitusMaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-27 17:00:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWho is approved in MARCH 2009

Met Wife----April 2000
Had a Son...June 2007
Got married...Oct 2008

12/12/2008...send I-130 form in London
29/01/2009...I-130 approved
We sat on it for a while. No reason, just did not read the instructions properly

26/02/2009...Medical Interview
05/03/2009...Interview date given
23/03/2009....Interview day
27/03/2009....Sent joint sponsor forms via courier with passed as requested by interviewer.
darkequitusMaleUnited Kingdom2009-03-27 13:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow do YOU cope?
QUOTE (SteveColo @ Oct 11 2008, 04:42 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I know the hurt I feel is intensified because my wife just went back to Ukraine and the wound is still fresh from losing her by my side until this process is finished. Was feeling kind of ok today, then just going to the local grocery store (where we used to shop) this avalanche of pain and emotions just crushed me. sad.gif

Then I think of the others here at VJ, who have been waiting for months and months ... and my heart sincerely goes out to you. To go through this kind of pain for so long has to effect you emotionally, physically and mentally.

I know that some of the pain might ease up a little as time goes by and 'regular' life, going to work, etc. goes on ...

But I was just wondering what advice or tips can some VJ members offer who had a long wait or are still going through the process ... How did/do you cope without being with your most precious one?

me and my man talk to each other everyday our computers are never off, we live our lives still together this way, i know when he goes to work come home , have his meals i even tell him what to have ( haha) we call each other every day text i also send him a card and letter once a week
he do the same even food parcels things i love so much and cannot get here in UK, it is hard sometimes, and there are days i cannot cope at all but each new day is one less on this journey and i think of all the good times we are going to have ahead.
just think this time next year all this be over and you be with together,
good luck, stay busy and look ahead
ellieandwillFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-10-12 11:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresVisa suspended 221(g) help!

I would also go to a place, specializing in Income Tax filing (something like H&R block) and have them complete the return.

Personal opinion, I don't think you should bother paying to get an accountant, as the forms are fairly straightforward and an accountant is completely unnecessary and expensive. My wife (USC) filed her taxes recently, in consultation with the IRS in London, who offer really great advice and also know a bit about the visa application process.

Basically, they just want to know that you filed -- as long as you show a copy of your filled-out 1040, and perhaps a postal receipt, this should be completely sufficient. My wife was specifically instructed by the IRS office, when she told them she was applying for a CR-1 with me, to file as "married filing separately" (NOT single) and to write "NRA" (non resident alien) where it asked for the spouses ITIN or SSN. You may want to give them a call yourself if you are uncertain as they are very, very helpful : http://london.usemba...v/irs/index.htm

Good luck,
MothyMaleUnited Kingdom2007-07-07 16:15:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresB1/B2 Visa to IR1 or CR1
Hi All,

Thank you for all your's starting to help out.

She did return home to Australia for a few weeks in December for xmas, so I presume her I-94 will be ok. I'll get her to check though.

As for suspicious intent, well it may sound like it but it's really not. The simple fact is that they will eventually live in Australia, her fiance has been down there working for 2yrs so wanted to return to America one last time shall I say before making the huge commitment to move. It's hard to get work so she applied for a tourist visa so they could be together and luckily got it. Then they decided to marry, they have her sisters wedding to work around, etc, which is why they are thinking a quiet filing of paper work to get the ball rolling as she knows what I went through to get my K1 and then have the big wedding do later in the year when they return to Oz for xmas.

Good point on the multiple travels home this year...def something to be aware of and could make it more difficult for her. And I agree with the immigration lawyer option.

One thing I am confused about is IF they do decide to get married here in america, it's then a matter of filing for a new visa? Whether it be K3, IR1 or CR1? And then waiting for the Advance Parole permit. OR would you say it's easier to just wait out the engagement and get married in Australia and then start filing? The problem I see with the latter is that she'll have to stay in Australia until she's granted her visa, which means he would have to either stay down there with her or they'd be apart while he returns to America.
sfilshieNot TellingAustralia2007-03-23 12:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresB1/B2 Visa to IR1 or CR1

I have a friend who has recently arrived in America from Australia (she is Australian) with her fiance who is American. They plan to live in America for a few years and last week got engaged. Now they're travelling down the daunting visa process. I've come from a K1 to AOS background so I dont know anything about rolling over from a B1/B2 Touist visa (which is what she's on now) to either a K3 Spouse or IR1/CR1 visa type, so I'm trying to find some advice for her.

Does anyone know what is the best option for her?

Is she required to be in Australia when filing for a spouse visa? (they plan to marry at the local registry office here in America to commence the paperwork process but have their formal ceremony later in the year in Australia with her friends and family) Is changing from a Tourist visa to a K3, IR1 or CR1 called an Adjustment of Status similarly to rolling over from a K1?

Some basic facts:
- She's got a 12mth Tourist visa which was granted to her in Australia
- She's been here since Sept 2006
- She and her now fiance have been together for about 2 years (he lived and worked in Australia for a while)
- She plans to return to Australia twice this year for her sister's wedding and then xmas.

Thanks to anyone who can help!!


Edited by sfilshie, 22 March 2007 - 02:20 PM.

sfilshieNot TellingAustralia2007-03-22 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNotification of Interview
Hello all

It has been a while but I can finally say ...

that we are in the States with my husband - my son and I landed in Atlanta on July 18th!

Everything is great so far, different but great, and I have no complaints!

Angel2672FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-08-07 06:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNotification of Interview

So happy :dance: :dance:
Angel2672FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-29 09:59:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNotification of Interview
Ladies and Gents,

Thank you to you all your best wishes.

My son and I have our interview tomorrow ... this is crunch time! I am especially nervous.

I will let you all know how we get on.
Angel2672FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-06-28 15:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNotification of Interview

Good luck with your case .. :thumbs:

Thank you ... contacted them yesterday and was told that my details are now on the system ... however it could still take 6-12 weeks to get an interview

Yipppeeeee .... got my interview at the end of June!
Angel2672FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-20 09:25:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNotification of Interview

Good luck with your case .. :thumbs:

Thank you ... contacted them yesterday and was told that my details are now on the system ... however it could still take 6-12 weeks to get an interview
Angel2672FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-05-02 14:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNotification of Interview
I have just called again - and I am still not on the system and was told that it could take up to 12
Angel2672FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-25 13:46:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNotification of Interview

After we sent our stuff to the embassy in London (we did a DCF) it took them two weeks to send us notification of the interview date, which was a little over a month later. (Check out my timeline.) I'd call and see if they've got your stuff over there and if not, raise some hell!

Hi .. thanks for you response - what is a DCF?
Angel2672FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-19 14:20:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNotification of Interview

Four weeks ago we were informed from NVC that they have completed processing my case and they sent my package over to the US Embassy (London). I am CR - 1 - conditional spouse of US Citizen - status. I have been calling the embassy over here and they have not got my records on the system. I have been trying to look for information through these forums but have not been to pinpoint the info I require. How long does it normally take to receive your interview details from the US Embassy (London).

I have read that priority dates for CR-1 are basically for generic information - as you can imagine I am so ready to be settlng with my husband and the waiting is frustrating - so any advice that can help me kick back and relax would be appreciated.

On a side note, my son's case is separate and a little further back in the process and he is still at the end of DS-230 stage - they sent it back as we omitted to put the case number on one of the forms! :wacko:


An "Impatient" Angel!
Angel2672FemaleUnited Kingdom2007-04-19 14:01:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIreland to the USA CR-1 Visa discussion
I'm applying for K1 but lived in Ireland 2007-2011. I did need a garda certificate as well as one from the UK. The application process is simple enough, and it actually came quicker than the UK one. The only issue I had was having to provide a stamped address envelope with correct postage FROM Ireland to my UK address - some local friends came in handy there!

NB the Irish cert looks a lot less official than the UK one! More or less a word print out...

Hope it goes well.
rosy_bbFemale02012-06-07 07:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSorry, problems with I-864 - Household size

If your wife is not dependent on her mother's taxes, then she is not part of her household size.

Thank you for the simple answer!!

Much appreciated.
J-DWsNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-01-23 17:42:00