K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat address should I state on form I-130?
My husband and I are going to send in our I-130 this week, and I'm not sure what address to list for myself.

I currently reside with my husband in the U.K. However, I will be moving back to the U.S. to start a new job within 4-6 weeks, while the application is still processing. Should I list my London address in section B. "Information About You"? OR should I give an address in the U.S., even though I am not there yet? (I will probably stay with a friend until my husband is allowed to enter the country, and she says I can list her address if needed.)

I do NOT want to slow down this application process, so please advise which option will prevent delays!

Thanks for any advice.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-08 01:38:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs it worth it to hire an agent/immigration lawyer??
This is great info...thanks to everyone.

We think our situation is pretty straight-forward: he's British, I'm American. We don't have any children or previous marriages. We are both professionals/financially secure and I will be starting a reasonably well paid job in the US. The only forseeable issue is that I haven't worked for the second half of 2005 since I've been living in the UK, so I'd probably need a sponsor for the I-134/I-864. Does this constitute a straight-forward case?

We are definitely comfortable following procedures, triple-checking documents, reading tips/examples as we went through a lengthy process for my UK Fiance Visa. And this forum is the BEST for getting tips!
M &V

ps...pardon the stupid, unrelated question, on earth do we get our photo to show at left?! We've uploaded one and it doesn't appear! We are truly newbies! :P
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-06 20:52:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIs it worth it to hire an agent/immigration lawyer??
Is it worth the expense of hiring an agent or immigration lawyer for the entire K3 application process (including I-130, I-129F and final stages with I-134/I-864)?

I would imagine it can help speed things up a tiny bit because an expert will help you fill everything out correctly (and therefore avoid delays due to mistakes). But aside from that, are there any other benefits?

My husband and I have been investigating the process thoroughly and reading all the forms. It looks reasonably easy to do the I-130 and I-129F on our own. Only the last packet looks more difficult.

We'd really appreciate people's opinion on this...we don't want to make the process even more expensive if we can do it ourselves!

Mariel (and Vern)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-06 15:40:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalculating 125% above poverty level
Ahh, I love this forum! Thanks for the help. :)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-10 01:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalculating 125% above poverty level

It's not 125% above PL. It's 125% of PL

PL x 1.25 = 125% of PL

Gotcha...that makes sense! Thanks very much.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-10 01:19:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCalculating 125% above poverty level
I like to think that I am reasonably good at math, so I feel like a complete dolt for asking this.... what is the correct way to calculate income 125% above the poverty level?

The way I see it, there are 2 possible ways to calculate this. It's either:

2 times the poverty level PLUS 25%
25% higher than the poverty level

According to, the 2006 poverty level for a household of 2 in Illinois is $13,200. So does that mean that I (or my co-sponsor) have to meet a minimum of $29,700 or is it $16,500?

I think the stress of filling out these forms is impairing my mathematical skills! :wacko: Thanks for your help. (This seriously rates as my most embarrassing post to date.....)

Edited by metinspain, 10 February 2006 - 12:07 AM.

metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-10 00:06:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 approved in London on Monday
yes you are right.

I have sent and feel fairly confident that it wont be there.Have spoken to the police,looked up the info etc etc I was under 18 so it was a reprimand I believe now opposed to an Adult caution
but you know when something just niggles at you and I suppose until I see in print I'll feel better then.

ill advised stupid youth!!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-11 15:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 approved in London on Monday
Hi ,congrats!!

I too was cautioned for a minor offense (shoplifting) when i was 17,I am now 28.
I am told that after 5 years this wiped as should not be shown up on Police check. I too still feel worried that this might come back to haunt me. I hope it wont,I dont think it will but still......................

anyone have experience of this??
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-11 15:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresconfused
Congrats from one Chicago girl to another!! Really happy to hear your news...all the best to you! (F)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-13 18:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion about how to mail I129f
Hi there,
I'm in the same situation as you (I'm in the UK with my husband). We just mailed our I-130 via FedEx so that we could get delivery confirmation, and it worked out just fine. We're planning to mail the I-129F the same way.

Maybe there's a better way to do it, but I'm sure FedEx is no problem. Anyone else have an opinion?

Good luck from one British/American couple to another!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-16 11:54:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to fill out I-129F

You are only required to send photo copies of the USC birth certificate, which details parents names etc (in other words long form). This document is is submitted to proove citizenship. You are also only required to send a photo copy of the marriage certificate. Unless they specifically request it, which is not very often, you are only required to have the original certified copies at the time of the interview.

Re your second question.....the I-130 that you submitted is required in order for the I-129F to be submitted for the K-3 so is in effect part of the same.

Lorelle for question 11, do I say YES, I've applied before (since I have sent in the I-130) or NO because I have never applied for an I-129F before?
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-16 12:21:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHow to fill out I-129F
Hi everyone,
We're preparing our I-129F and I wanted to clarify what USCIS is asking on a few items:

1) On the form instructions, it says, "You must submit the documents required in Questions 3, 4 and 6 of the instructions, but may omit the documents required in Question 5." Clearly, they are referring to birth and marriage certificates here, but they don't specify whether they are referring to the US or foreign citizen. Do they want a copy of my foreign spouse's birth certificate? It's not listed in the Guides, but in my continued paranoia, I wanted to double check!

2) On question #11 in the form itself, it asks, "Have you ever filed for this or any other alien fiance(e) or husband/wife before?" Am I to answer YES, because I have filed I-130 on behalf of my husband already, or am I to answer NO because I have never filed an I-129F before?

3) I have read some posts here about RFEs for certified copies of marriage certificates. For our I-130, we sent in a photocopy of the certified marriage certificate, and based on these posts, we're now a little worried that we're going to get an RFE requesting the original. Should we just go ahead and send in the original certified copy marriage certificate with our I-129F to avoid this? We didn't the first time because USCIS says they don't want oversized documents, and our marriage certificate is an odd size. What on earth do they really want?!

Thanks for your continued help!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-15 09:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 Interview Date
:D Yay, good for you! I love reading people's good news. All the best for continued good luck in your process!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-16 12:43:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-864

First, :time: .

Then, the answer to you question depends on where you are in the process. You actually need to submit your 2005-tax return if your petition goes through the NVC and to the embassy after April 15. If the consulate in Thailand accepts the 2005-return before that depends on the Consular officer (CO) interviewing you. That said, the CO will also determine whether you need a co-sponsor or not. While most of the time, the last tax year would be most relevant in this decision, this is not always the case.

Looking for a co-sponsor probably won't hurt, even if you don't need one in the end.

Thanks Fischkoepfin and aussiewench. First of all I am sorry as I am not so good in english but yes I have an interview coming up on March 9, for k3 visa may be I should send email to ask the embassy in thailand if my husband can use his 2005 tax for the recet tax year (my husband been working for the postal service almost 20 years now he only have the problem with 2004 tax year as he was off work to be with me and my new born baby but he has steady income)
Yes, aussiewench I have asked a friend of mine she can use the I-864 instead of I-134 she said no problem.

This string applies to us, too, and I have a similar problem. I will meet the poverty guidelines for 2003 and 2004, no problem. However, I was working abroad in China from January to June 2005, then unemployed after that because I moved to the UK to be with my husband in July. My adjusted local income in China was MUCH less than my US equivalent salary, and now I've racked up 7 months of unemployment. Compounding that problem, I cannot even file my 2005 tax return until I start working...I have to send it to a tax guy in Hong Kong who specializes in American/Chinese tax law and can read Chinese characters on my tax/pay statements....and he is sooooo expensive!!

Under these circumstances:
1) Can I rely on tax years 2002, 2003 and 2004 instead?
2) We hope to file our I-130 this month, but our case won't be finished until after April 15, by the looks of it. How likely is it that they will come back to us demanding tax year 2005 information (and thus, delay the application)?

We also don't really have anyone in the US who can co-sponsor us...would really appreciate your input!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-06 14:53:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFeeling betrayed
Chin up. :) If you've just finished grad school, then SURELY you must be marketable enough to get some kind of decent job for the interim. And you probably won't be forced to flip burgers to do it! (Not that there is anything wrong with that.) My point is, with your qualifications and educational background, an employer is sure to snatch you up sooner or later. Keep believing in yourself and just keep applying for jobs, as you say have been every day. Something will work out! It's easy to panick in situations like this, and that can make the process of job hunting seem even more daunting than it normally would. It can also blind you to some of the options in front of you. However, all is not lost.

Have you tried searching jobs on or even in the paper, instead of just targeting only the employers you really WANT to work for? That might widen the net a bit. Worst case scenario, you take a job you don't like/want for a few months and switch employers when your ideal job offer comes along. I also strongly recommend finding yourself a good head-hunter or job placement agency. Before my husband and I decided to move back to the US, I had been using a few here in the UK (they are very commonly used this side of the pond.) I can tell you that the job opening notices and interviews came pouring in once I started using them! This might really help your situtation...just get several head-hunters working for you at once.

As for your friend, I'm really sorry about your disappointment. Just give her a break and try to put yourself in her position. Her saying no to your request to co-sponsor doesn't mean that your friendship isn't important to her. (Remember Carrie and Charlotte when Carrie needed money to buy her apartment!) She's probably just as hurt that she had to say no as you are. Remember that while she can't provide the financial support you asked for, she can still provide a lot of other things to you throughout this a shoulder to lean on and someone to listen! That's what matters most. The rest will work itself out.

Best of luck to you!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-25 11:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuick help with I-129F
Thanks, that makes sense! (Guess we're just reading too much into the questions on the form again.) Really appreciate your help. :)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-28 16:33:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuick help with I-129F
Hi everyone,
I've asked this question before, but need clarification... (please forgive me!):

We just got NOA1 for our I-130 (YAY!) and are now getting ready to send our I-129F. Question 11A says: "Have you ever filed for this or any other alien fiance or husband/wife before? If yes, give name of alien, place and date of filing and result."

Ok, so what do I put here? Do I check "yes" because I filed an I-130 for my husband? And if so, what do I put for date of filing and result? Do I put the date we MAILED the I-130? Or the date we received NOA1?? And what is the "result?" Do I just say "NOA1 Received?" (I mean, I can't say it's been approved at this stage.)

Confused as to what is appropriate to list here.

Thanks again for your continued help! :D
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-02-28 15:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130,I-129F,and Visa application
The rule of thumb I'm using is to list the current legal name whenever the forms ask for Family Name. In other words, if your wife's legal name is still her maiden name, use that name. If she has legally changed over to her married name already, then use that name instead.

In either case, you must still list any other names used in question 7 on the I-130 and I-129F. (Just because they say "including maiden name" doesn't mean you are forced to put a married name in question 1, just so that you can enter a maiden name in question 7...remember, some women never change their names after marriage at all! USCIS can't "require" them to enter a "married" name they never intend to use.) Just be honest and straight-forward with what name your wife is using legally vs. other names she might use less formally. Case in legal name is still my maiden name, so I put that in question 1. However, I "use" and am known as my married name in my new job, so I entered my married name in question 7.

Remember also that you will provide your marriage certificate alongside the I-130 and I-129F applications...that should list your name and your wife's maiden name. USCIS will have the proof they need when combining this with all other documents you submit.

Again, I'm fairly new to the process, too, so don't hold me to this advice. I could be wrong! Still, this is the advice we've been given and we've had no problems.

Hope this helps!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-01 19:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA-Number vs. Receipt Number
I'm glad I asked! Thanks.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-02 13:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresA-Number vs. Receipt Number
As you know, we are about to send off I-129F as part of our K3. :dance: I am just wondering...are the A-Number and the Receipt Number (as listed on our NOA1) two different things? That sounds like a dumb question, but you know how paranoia sets in!

I just want to make sure...should I still write "NONE" in the box for A-Number on the I-129F? Or should I insert the Receipt Number there? I have typed the Receipt Number for our I-130 on the heading of our I-129F cover letter, so at least it's there, but please tell me what to write in the A-Number/File Number box on the form.

metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-02 11:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo I mail the original NOA1? Or a photocopy?


Never send your original copies with any of your forms just copies. My wife is in the UK as well and what I am planning to do with all the originals is to send them to her (By DHL so i can track them too important to send any other way) as soon as I get my NOA2 from the I-129F so when she has her interview she can take them with her....Wayne

I figured as much. Thanks for the tip! Glad to know someone else is in the same boat, too!

I'm in the UK with my husband at the moment, but I'm leaving for the States at the end of the month. I take it I should leave ALL of our originals, supporting info, photocopies of the I-130 and I-129F with my husband when I go, since he'll need them at the interview. Right? If so, then I can avoid sending this stuff to him!

metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-02 16:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo I mail the original NOA1? Or a photocopy?
Cheers for the info. Much apprecited!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-02 13:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDo I mail the original NOA1? Or a photocopy?
Hi again,
I'm not clear on whether I should enclose the ORIGINAL NOA-1 certificate when we file our I-129F, or whether they just want a photocopy. Which should we send?

Thanks in advance to anyone who responds...this forum is a lifesaver!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-02 13:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresplease help
I'm in the exact same situation (I am a USC living in the UK with my husband and have limited leave to remain in the UK). I was advised to submit the I-130 with a reliable US address to avoid problems, so I used my mom's. It seems to be working fine! It's technically my "permanent" address anyway...since I've been living abroad, all of my bills and mail go to her address, so if they did any checking, it would look totally legit!

Definitely resubmit the form using the address of someone in the US that your wife can rely on...preferably a family member. As I was advised, make sure it's "someone who loves you, so they don't mind when you phone up every day asking if any mail has arrived." :D

Best of luck...I know how frustrated you must feel.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-03 18:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is it??

I hope it goes okay for you from here on out!

:) Thanks a lot.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-03 19:48:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is it??
Good question. For starters, my wonderful, amazing mother is following the RFE instructions and mailing our packet back with a US check from a US bank (with a US DATE!!!) this afternoon. Bless her! That should take care of the payment for how this impacts our I-129F filing, though, I'm still trying to figure it out. Hmm...

Thanks for your concern. :)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-03 18:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is it??
Um,'s our petition. My mom opened it afterall. They won't accept our payment...stupid, stupid HSBC issued us a money order for it and dated it as they do in the UK (day first, then month). USCIS won't accept this!!!

:crying: :crying: :crying:
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-02 23:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresWhat is it??
Yes, it's me again...sorry in advance for another question today, but I'm wondering if you guys can give me another clue about something...

As background, all my USCIS mail is going to my mom's house in the US at the moment, and she's FedEx-ing everything to me while I'm temporarily in the UK with my husband. Well, we got our NOA-1 in the mail just 2 days ago, but my mom just emailed to say that something else arrived in the mail from USCIS this morning. This one is a manilla envelope. She has already FedEx'd it to me and didn't open it, so naturally, I'M DYING TO KNOW WHAT IT IS!! :huh:

I'm guessing (and hoping) this isn't an RFE, because our NOA-1 looked fine. Any guesses what's in the envelope?!

Thanks, yet again.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-02 19:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresCan't fill in PDF form
In a related question, does anyone know if it's possible to change the font size within Acrobat? I've had to fill in everything by hand because we can't seem to fit everything within the space provided when we type it.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-04 15:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresDoes a payment-related RFE stop us from filing I-129?

Your case is different, and only USCIS can tell if you will receive a new case number. And that 1-800 number is useless so don't bother calling them.

Well, everyone, I tried to call USCIS today to get a firm answer on the status of our case, and scy was not kidding...calling that 800 number was definitely a useless exercise! :no:

At this point, all I can go by is the fact that our application does show up on the USCIS website, and even the 800 number confirms that our case is in the system. So, I made an executive decision to file I-129F using the NOA-1 we have...I mean, hey, they sent it to us, so I'm going to use it!

Hopefully, everything will be fine and our case number will remain unchanged. (Fingers crossed!)

Found this interesting tidbit in USCIS Adjudicator's Field Manual:

(2) Screen for Applications and Petitions Which Must Be Rejected. No application form may be accepted for processing unless it is completed and signed and the proper fee submitted [See 8 CFR103.2(a).]. If, subsequent to receipting, a check submitted for payment is returned as uncollectible, the receipt (priority) date is forfeited. Rejected applications receive an "R" or reject number in the CLAIMS tracking system. Because rejection occurs before completion of CLAIMS data entry, the system maintains only skeletal information concerning rejected applications and petitions. If a rejected application is later resubmitted, process the case as if it had never been submitted.

Seems to apply to your case there. Perhaps it's best to wait for a new NOA1. Good luck though.

Hi scy,
Thanks for finding this...but it leaves me a little bit confused...? How can we find out if this has happened to us since the 800 number has no option for speaking to someone? They seem to have sent the NOA1 under the impression that our payment was ok, and not caught it until after NOA1 was sent, so I still feel our scenario is a bit different....? I just really don't know what to do without talking to USCIS...isn't there any way at all to talk to someone live?
Thanks again for your help.

I think your situation fits the above case. The NOA1 is printed after the petition is checked for signatures, completeness, and proper fee. Notice I said proper fee, not actually payable fee. They checked the fee to see if it's the correct amount and in US dollars. Then they generate and mail a receipt, which is the NOA1. After that, the petition goes to data entry and the check is cashed. According to the statement in the AFM, if during data entry, the check comes back uncollecible, then they put an R into the computers and return your petition. Which is precisely what happened to your case. The check appeared good at initial inspection, that's why they generated a receipt. But since the check bounced, they rejected your case anyways.

Hmm...not good. Thanks for clarifying. This is all so frustrating...if a case is rejected, then you'd think the USCIS website would show you that when you log in! And if rejected, they should send you a letter saying that. Our letter doesn't say it's rejected at all. It's hard to know what to do or think when it's impossible to get information on a specific case from USCIS. What a nightmare. Thanks again. We'll have to just wait and see.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-03-07 16:42:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)IV CASE
From what i can see, other consulates are already scheduling interviews. I have been posting a question on the VJ site, asking if there is any one from the Nigeria who recently got an interview date. Since no one answered,what this means is that no body with a July or August case complete date has been scheduled for an interview.
IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-08-09 13:15:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Attacks at U.S Embassies

Recent news of attacks at a couple of U.S. Embassies.
Is it the reason that hold off further interview at the embassies ?

I would hate it if it's the cause.


IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-09-13 13:40:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)For those people waiting for November Interview Dates

Thanks, I have done everything from my side now just waiting for them to review the ds-230 and complete the case.

IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-09-21 05:41:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)For those people waiting for November Interview Dates

I am waiting for the case to get completed and then I will definitely join this thread. Do you think I can get interview date before 20th November?

IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-09-21 05:29:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)For those people waiting for November Interview Dates
Waybill: 8813970815
Arrived at Sort Facility CINCINNATI HUB - USA
Friday, September 21, 2012 at 01:48
Origin Service Area: Posted Image BOSTON, MA - PORTSMOUTH - USA
Destination Service Area: Posted Image LAGOS - LAGOS - NIGERIA
IMANCOMaleNigeria2012-09-21 05:21:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DOS and NVC.

Why are some applications sent to the NVC and others to DOS? Just had email saying uscis has sent our application to DOS......

Ok I've figured it out...... No worries.

mb69FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-14 03:32:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)DOS and NVC.
Why are some applications sent to the NVC and others to DOS? Just had email saying uscis has sent our application to DOS......
mb69FemaleUnited Kingdom2013-09-14 02:46:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)nvc
what exactly does the nvc do ???????
puppiesFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-08-13 08:09:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)nvc letter
we recieved the letter from the nvc the case has been forwarded to the us embassy in london!!! yipee!!!
puppiesFemaleUnited Kingdom2009-04-15 17:47:00
National Visa Center (Dept of State)Couple of DS230 Questions
QUOTE (esmp @ Apr 6 2008, 04:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
We have decided that enough is enough waiting and have decided to go with The Shortcuts, so I am playing catch up!
Just finishing off the DS230 but re question 23 on schools attended I didn't goto University and finished education at highschool level. Do I list this? As the question asks for degree or Diploma I thought that maybe they were looking for University?

Next question would be 25 "all previous visits" REALLY!? Do they mean holidays, trips when I was 17? I have no idea of these dates (never thought I would need them!). Am I reading this wrong? If this info is required can anyone suggest where I would get it from (I don't have the same passport so can't check stamps!)

Advice appreciated.

Thank you


I know, all visits to the USA!!! I just put the ones that are currntly on my ppt, and left it at that...I have family over in Amreica who I visitied nearly every summer until I was around 19, so there's no way I can put all that on there! I just put the last three visits...I'm still waiting to hear its all ok, so will let you know!
bbpatelFemaleUnited Kingdom2008-04-11 09:34:00