K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2!!!!
Fab news! So happy for you! I hope we are as lucky...our timeline is just a few weeks behind yours. :)

All the best,
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-11 09:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresnew to the k-3 process
Good luck and try not to worry too much. This process is extremely overwhelming at first, but it will get better. The best thing to do is take a deep breath and start working on your I-130. Getting that first NOA-1 is a huge relief and gives you a sense of making some progress...I certainly started to feel better after that! Just keep working at it day by day, and before you know it, you will be well on your way to being with your honey. :)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-16 09:12:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1

My service center is Nebraska, but we got our NOA-1 just 14 days after we sent in the I-130. They send that out to you right away, and then your application goes in the queue for processing.

Good luck!

Ok, so the date on the timeline then, that is the date that you got your NOA1 ? And if so, then that would be the guideline for the processing timeline? THat makes more sense now if that is correct. THank you so much. It can all be so confusing..

Laura and Ian Mitchell

Yep, you got it!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-18 15:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA1
My service center is Nebraska, but we got our NOA-1 just 14 days after we sent in the I-130. They send that out to you right away, and then your application goes in the queue for processing.

Good luck!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-12 14:09:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI hv an idea..Do u think it will work
No, definitely wait for your NOA-1 from the I-130 before filing the I-129F. You could end up with a huge headache.

Good luck!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-25 11:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2
No, I haven't either, and our timelines are pretty close. Fingers crossed that we both get ours soon! The wait seems like forever........

Would love to hear when you get yours! Good luck.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-26 09:01:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date Timing for London
This is all so good to hear! Thanks to all of you...and continued good luck. :)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 13:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date Timing for London
That sounds about right. Thanks for putting my mind at ease! Perhaps the guy was confused when I asked my question...

metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 09:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview Date Timing for London
Hi guys,
I was just on the phone with USCIS and asked the officer approximately how long it would take from our K3 reaching the NVC to the interview in London...he said 4-5 months!!!!! :blink: That cannot possibly be right. Most of you out there appear to have gotten your interview date in 1-2 months. Do you think he was confused and giving me the wrong info?

I just cannot face another 4-5 months without my husband here...I hope this guy was giving me wrong information!

Thanks for any advice,
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-05-31 17:17:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNew Filing for K3 Visa
Welcome and good luck!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 17:02:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresexhausted and scared!
This certainly is hard on all of us...I miss my husband terribly. You are not alone!

Try not to worry so long as you present to them your honest case, there should be no reason for them to deny you.

Good luck!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-01 18:24:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresIMBRAS
Thanks for posting about this! I was almost tempted to try and call them to ask myself, but couldn't bear another 1.5 hours on hold with USCIS. :) So glad you asked!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-05 18:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresjust wondered...

Why the F*** is there no temporary visa that allows you to be with the one you love until the visa is approved???? Especially in those times of delays that obviously wont end??? They havent even updated the goddamn processing dates ARRRRG!!!! Im so Mad :( .
I just wanna be (like everyone else here!) together with my honey again!!!!


My thoughts exactly. This waiting around is really eating at me! Every day seems to drag on longer and longer....

We're on almost the same timeline, so I'd love to hear when you get your NOA2! Good luck.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-06 13:04:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresApproval of I-130 but not I-129F yet
We have the same situation: approval for I-130 :dance: , but not for I-129F. We're pursuing the I-130. I think that's your best bet! Good luck. :)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-14 11:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK 3
Yes, ours was touched a few days ago.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-14 19:37:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresInterview for K3!!
Congrats, Rebster! Best of luck. :D
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-19 17:35:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresGot RFE notification -- had a priority date of Mar 02
I'll be very curious to hear what this is about...please let us know!

Good luck. :)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-23 11:13:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresPlease help me ? I am dying !
Good luck. I know it's hard, but just remember, you are not alone...we're all in this looooong wait together!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-21 14:56:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNBC updated timeline!
I don't know whether to believe this, but when I called USCIS the other day, they told me that K3s with an approved I-130 were NOT affected. The rationale they gave me was that "I-130 is the more important of the applications, and you're already married with an approved petition." They said no RFE would be issued and our I-129F would continue processing.

Again, this could be another case of the "Mis-Information" line spewing out incorrect info, when in truth, they don't know the answer, but that's what I was told. Make of it what you will! :no:
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-21 12:00:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureshubby called USCIS

Everyone's who's in K3 Limbo is wondering if it will be better to pursue the CR-1 if it's approved quicker. There are advantages, because the foreign spouse will be a legal permanent resident right away and eligible to work. Look, there would have been waiting no matter what, because entering on K3 means waiting for the greencard. So it's six of one, half a dozen of the other.

There's no sense being mad about what we can't control. We have to be like Buddhists and have no expectations, which are the source of disappointment and misery. We can look at the silver lining, which is this: I married a great guy who loves me, we're on the visa train, and there will be a point at which we're together again, and turkeys can stay frozen for months.

You are so awesome, Jersey Girl!!!

Seriously! JerseyGirl, keep the posts coming. :thumbs: I keep getting so down about this whole process, but you have a way of really putting things into perspective. Thanks for that! :D
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-06-28 12:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK-3
We have our RFE, too! It came in the mail on the 3rd. I'm so relieved things are moving again! Good luck to you.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-05 09:32:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Proceduresany k3 progress?imbra rfe,approval ?after march 5
I got an email today that our RFE was sent July 1...should be here any day!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-03 15:50:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhere's my NOA1?
I don't think you need to worry. As long as you provided all the info requested on the I-130, you should be fine. Afterall, I doubt that 100% of the applicants follow the instructions on this site!

Be patient...if you will learn anything on this forum it's that these things can take a LOOONNNGG time. Just keep watching your bank account to see when the check has cleared.

Best of luck!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-06 11:18:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresEmail RFE for I-129F

:yes: : My timeline is also close to you all. :yes:


And me, too! :yes: :yes:
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-03 09:11:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresFINALLY MADE IT HOME
Congrats...I'm so happy for you! :dance: :dance: :dance: Thanks for all your help here on VJ, and all the best to you and your family!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-03 12:25:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresQuestion 8, form ds-156 - complicated
I have also been very confused by this issue. My legal name is still my maiden name, but I use my married name at work, etc. I just always put down my married name under "other names used" and it hasn't been a problem.

Also, I once asked a USCIS operator about this and they told me that the government assumes a wife will use her new husband's last name, so they almost expect to see this kind of thing if you haven't legally changed over your name yet.

Hope that helps!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-14 09:58:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo mad!

I personally struggle with controlling my stress levels and do freak out easliy...

Tell me about it...I'm right there with ya, sister! :P It's ok to feel the way you do, and it's ok to vent. Most of us don't have friends/family who FULLY understand the visa process & our frustrations, so it's easiest to vent here on the forum where others have shared experiences. That's the best thing about being on VJ...just finding people who understand!

Chin're not alone. :)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-20 13:36:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo mad!
At the end of the day this is a LONG process, and that means that inevitably, one person will end up doing more work than the other from time to time...sometimes the husband, sometimes the wife. It all evens out over time. The point is to be in it together, working towards the end goal as a team. :)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-20 13:10:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresSo mad!
There are actually a LOT of us here who have received 2 IMBRA RFEs...even after USCIS has confirmed receiving the first one we sent back! I wouldn't worry about that too much...there is obviously something wrong with their system.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-20 09:45:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresI-130 APPROVED! [NOA-2]
You will find it much more pleasant as you have a certain amount of control with things as opposed to none at all with the service centers.


Yes, very true....and it's much easier to get a live human being on the phone at NVC, too!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-19 11:14:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresTwo IMBRA RFE... in ONE answering letter??
I think I would have done the same thing. The important thing is that you sent both of them in. Good luck!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-21 14:39:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresNOA2 after IMBRA RFE!!!!
Congrats, you guys!! Finally a glimmer of hope. I hope we get our approval soon, too....we are neck in neck with your timelines!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-21 11:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 regular route or DCF
Call the embassy in India directly and ask them. Explain your situation in full...they will tell you what to do based on your specific situation and will tell you whether you have the rights to file DCF.

Good luck!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-24 21:15:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & Procedureswhile waiting for k-3
My husband and I got married in the UK because the fiance visa approval was faster there, and then we filed for K3. We have been living apart now for 4 months. So, while the wait for a K1 visa can take longer in the US vs. other countries, I almost think it's better to get married in the US. That way you don't have to be separated after the wedding, because your spouse can stay and adjust status.

Clearly you will have to do what's right for your situation, but overall, it seems to be best to get married in the country where you intend to live. The foreign spouse seems to have more rights to adjust status in that country. It would have been far easier for me to adjust status in the UK since we married there. Just my 2 cents.
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-26 15:47:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 time farme reduced!!!!!!!!!!

Huh...well, we are 4 months past our NOA-1 date, so I'm not holding my breath!

I too am waiting for my I129F to be approved, but when I got the notice via email that the RFE for the I129F was received it says 60-90 days for processing but b/c the preliminary processing has been finished it should take less time for it to be processed ( I am figuring another 2 weeks seing that the RFE is processed in 14 days). So I am looking for my approval by August 11, 2006.

Oh, I really hope so, for all of us that are waiting! They've had my RFE response since July 10. Fingers crossed!

So if my speculation is correct you should be getting an approval on you I129F on Friday *crossing fingers & praying*

Me too!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-26 12:51:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 time farme reduced!!!!!!!!!!

Huh...well, we are 4 months past our NOA-1 date, so I'm not holding my breath!

I too am waiting for my I129F to be approved, but when I got the notice via email that the RFE for the I129F was received it says 60-90 days for processing but b/c the preliminary processing has been finished it should take less time for it to be processed ( I am figuring another 2 weeks seing that the RFE is processed in 14 days). So I am looking for my approval by August 11, 2006.

Oh, I really hope so, for all of us that are waiting! They've had my RFE response since July 10. Fingers crossed!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-26 11:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 time farme reduced!!!!!!!!!!
Huh...well, we are 4 months past our NOA-1 date, so I'm not holding my breath!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-26 10:30:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresK3 time farme reduced!!!!!!!!!!
Well, that's encouraging! We've been waiting for ages...
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-25 21:59:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRandom K3 Approvals
Thanks for posting the thread, aussiewench. Very helpful reading.

However...I can't decide if now I feel better or more depressed?!?! :blink:

I guess the answer is: there really is no rhyme or reason because the USCIS "system" isn't chronological, and we just have to deal with it! (which SUCKS, but such is the process.)

Oh, how I miss my husband............. at least I know I'm not alone!
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-28 15:41:00
K-3 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresRandom K3 Approvals
Is it just me, or is there no rhyme or reason to the order in which USCIS is approving K3s??

I have seen so many people posting approvals on this site who filed a lot more recently than some of us. For example, my husband & I filed in early March, and yet USCIS is approving people who filed in April and May. Aren't they supposed to go in order of receipt notice date?? I know we aren't the only ones this is happening to...many of you out there are in our same situation.

Don't get me wrong...I am truly thrilled for everyone here who has K3 approved gives us all hope! I'm just really confused why the approvals are all over the map.

Anyone have any insights? (BESIDES the fact that some applications are subject to additional background checks?)

Waiting patiently,
(oh, who am I kidding...Waiting IMPATIENTLY!!)
metinspainNot TellingUnited Kingdom2006-07-28 12:55:00