K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
I saw my fiancee on webcam last night. She looked ever so pale and neverous about her surgery next week. I thought we would call the USCIS today to see if any good news might cheer her up.

According to one of the officers on the other end of the line, our NOA2 is expected to be mailed or received by 12th December. Although I am not impressed and was slighly dishearten by this news, she seemed to be really happy about this.

Maybe we will be able to spend our first Christmas together finially, but seeing as our expedite request was approved, surely it would come before 12th December?

Anyway, I am just waffling on. I'd thought i would let you guys know that people who received their NOA1 at the end of May will seem to have their NOA2 beginning of December more or less in my opinion. Lets just hope they send over some manpower from CSC to VSC lol.
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-10 05:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
I'm in the same boat mate, you just gotta be patient like the rest of us im afraid :(
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-04 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

I was wondering about them too. I really hope and pray she came through the surgery well.

Hey, sorry it has been a while since I got back to you. Just got back from the USA to see my fiancee. She will need operating in a few weeks time. Very week but happy I went over to see her. Chemothrapy has only seemd to slow down and shriken the cancer a little, but the doctors seem positive about the surgery.

However I still have no news from the USCIS. Its already been 126 days and our petition has been expedited. Doesnt make any sense.

Anyways I hope you are all well and getting excited about your progress! Sorry I missed out so much...
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-10-03 07:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

hmm I was just coming to check on Kassil&Tierce - no news yet I suppose. it can't be far away, couple of weeks at best, unless its in the mail already.

Brock? Andie? pretty sure we'll hear the news any day now from you two. fingers crossed anyway.

Thank you. No news yet. They still saying they are still backlogged and to give them another week.

However, more worried about my fiancee. Her headaches are getting worse and the doctors say that she needs to have surgery tomorrow. I am so angry and upset that I will not be there by her side to hold her hand before the operation.

Its been scary this past week. She has managed to forget who I am for a few days (not fun convincing her why I am her fiancee and why she loves me) and a few times she starts to speak and write Spainish on MSN saying that she doesn't understand English.

They say that the cancer spread to the language and memory part of the brain. She has been on steriods for 6 weeks to build up her stregth for the chemo, but its spread too quickly and needs to have surgery now.

So I am more focused on her than I am with the petition. I will of course keep you guys up to date with what going on. The doctors say there is a 70% success rate.

Anyway, here is me waffling on. Congratulations on those so far getting their NOA2 and going forth on to the next step you lucky S.O.B's! Now yo need to focus on the medicial and getting yourself fit. Me? Im cutting my cigerattes from 12 a day to 10 a day! Every 2 per 2 weeks until I cut down completely! Lol! Oh and pizza, but I loooooooooooooove my Dominos pizza so much! Its my comfort food lol!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-29 03:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Thanks Brock. I thought you guys were getting expedited?

We are, but they still have yet to receive any information. My fiancee called the USCIS and said that VSC has been pushed behind due to the ammount of petitons they have been getting (obviously) but we should hear back within the next week. If not by 10 days, call them back.

Any news right now is good news right now. :yes:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-24 02:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Im really happy that people are starting to get approved and receive their NOA2s! Congratulations to you all so far!

Still waiting for our NOA2 to come through...
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-23 03:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Whoa! Whats this? I go away for the weekend and everyone is getting approved?!

Congratulations to you all! Maybe I should go away more often! lol! :dance: (L) :dance:

I do hope VSC pick up the pace! Still waiting for our petition to be expedited (been 2 weeks already!)
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-20 04:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

we just received our NOA2... ahhhh so so happy :)
thank you vjyers :))))

That's bloody brilliant!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! :dance: (L) :dance:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-17 03:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

As of today I'm approved!!!!! Thank you csc and thank you lord. No text , no email. Just looked on the uscis website yay !!!!!

CONGRATULATIONS!!! :dance: (L) :dance:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-15 04:14:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Wow! Who puts cancer in caterigories of seriousness. :blink:

I did ask that, and according from the first person she spoke to they consider Stage 1 & Stage 2 cancer (any forms) not serious enough for it to be expedited. Only Stages 3 and above will be considered.

Then we called 2 days later, saying that it was approved.

She has Stage 2 cancer.

This still doesn't make sense, but after calling up 3 times to confirm it, im not complaining. The sooner I get there the better...

I got approved while on vaca. :dance:


CONGRATULATIONS!!!!!! :dance: (L) :dance:

BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-10 03:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Wonderful news!

Thank you! I have no idea how one moment they denied our petition being expedited then the next approved it? Guess someone had another look at it or something lol!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-09 03:33:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Well... thats a hard pill to swallow, great that her cancer is not that advanced according to USCIS, but it sucks that they don't consider it a reason for expedite, I really hope VSC picks up soon, I was looking at historical data last night and both service centres seem to ebb and flow, CSC had a sudden surge in the last month or so, VSC could start any minute. fingers crossed Brock.

Thank you!!

But got some awesome news! My fiancee called them again last night just to get a regular update on where we are in the queue.

The petition has been expedited!! Apparantly we should be getting our NOA2 in about two weeks time!!

I know this is a little unexpected and I shouldnt be excited or get our hopes up until we get the NOA2 in our hands but..............


:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-09 02:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

I'm so sorry. That just sucks. Continued prayers for both of you...and fingers crossed too for a quick approval!

Thank you sk8rpatty. I am glad to hear that more and more May petitioners are being approved!! Hope VSC pick up the pace lol!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-08 10:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Weren't you putting in a request to expedite?

They denied it, they said the cancer is not at a certain stage the requires it to be expedited. Her cancer is one stage below it...
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-08 04:20:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Bah! We are not until end of May! Here's hoping peeps...
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-08 03:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Brock, how is your fiancee doing? I was thinking about y'all the other day when I logged on and was hoping she was feeling better. I saw where VCS had a good week last week. Hopefully it will be the start of their comeback and we'll be on time, if not possibly sooner.

She is doing ok considering. Kinda got upset with her when she said that she lost her NOA1 letter (she still hasnt given me the reference number so I can check up on our status online). I know its not her fault though, just frustrating not knowing where we are on the system and its not like I can call and ask ("Sorry sir, I can only give that information to the petitioner..."ARRRRRRGH!!!!) .

Sad thing is is that its her birthday on Thursday (23 years young!), but I am still waiting to get paid to afford to go and see her, so I am really upset and disappointed that I won't surprise her for her birthday (I used my last ammount of savings to pay for her medications. I'd rather her be alive than in serious trouble!).

But thank you for your kind thoughts. I am hoping she receives an NOA2 letter soon just like the rest of us are still waiting.

Congratulations on those who have received it!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-07 03:07:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Argh, this waiting is killing me. Literately...
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-06 17:21:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
OMG Congrats Kyle!! Im really happy for you :)
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-03 03:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Wow....I mean....wha?! Seriously, you go through all this petition and waiting, and then out of the blue the love of your life tells you to ####### off! I mean, thats just terrible and heart breaking, especially when you sell and send your possesions to another country!

I do feel for you, I really do! But this really does show what kind of character he really is, and maybe it is for the best that you found out his true feelings before you got married.

Im sorry, us VJers are here for you. MAY 2012...........UNITED!!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-01 10:36:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Well, my cat arrived on in Hawaii on Friday, I booked my ticket to Hawaii on Friday after my fiance pushed me to do both and soon. I've sold all my things. but it seems that the distance has taken a toll and made the heart grow weaker in a matter of days. I never thought this would happen to us. This is the end of the road. May you all stand the test of time, stay in love. (F)

Wha what?! What just happened here seriously?!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-08-01 03:08:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Hey guys,

Thank you for all of your kind words and support. They really do mean the world to us.

She had the CAT scan yesterday and the doctors told her that originally she had 5 tumours (we thought it was 3), but 3 of them have returned. Two of them are fortunately benign, one however is cancerous.

She also appeared to have had a mini-stroke on Saturday evening, which is why she had no memory or recollition of what she did Saturday. Thankfully she did remember who I was!

Her next appointment is on Tuesday to discuss what her options are.

I will keep you guys updated. Thank you all for your support they are helping us alot.

Goodluck to those who are still waiting for their K-1 to be processed (which is most of us I beleive lol!)
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-20 04:17:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

im sorry to hear :( Praying for both of you

Thank you, it means a lot to me. Before we did discover this, she did go to a wedding exhibition in TN and she won an $8,000 Christian Dior wedding dress. I was like huh, who is Christian Dior. Let's just say that after asking some ladies at my work, I now know that she is one lucky girl to win that lol.

Trying to keep our strength up for this. I will let you guys know what happens tomorrow...just hope the judge does contact the USCIS asap.
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-18 06:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
Hi guys,

Sorry that I havent been on for a while. A lot has happened to us recently.

We just found out that some of my fianceé tumours have come back. This time it maybe cancerous. Its just so hard not being there with her, just even to cuddle her or to hold her hand really breaks my heart.

Some good news though, in light of this she has been approved for an increase on her disability income, and the judge who ruled this said he will put my name down as her legal carer, and because of this he will forward this on to the USCIC immediantly so I can be approved.

Her CAT scan is tomorrow. I just hope she pulls it through in time for our wedding...
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-07-18 03:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

I think we have your record well beaten.
I mailed it on May 7th, got the email notice 9 days later on the 16th, and the hardcopy didn't show up until 20 days after that on June 4th. :P


I am guessing this is how you reacted, I know I did!

BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-20 03:12:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

I didn't know it was called a delorean though.

we are talking about that, but both of us are not too keen on something big and fancy, we are deciding between Las Vegas (I have this thing for a wedding officiated by a fake Elvis) or Hawaii - but that was also my fiance's first wedding. It will be winter and kinder to my friends/family to come to Hawaii. I'm contemplating Vegas for us, then tell people to come to Hawaii for a celebration.

Being in NZ is helping the time pass, if I get secured in an assignment here and have to pack up my apartment in Sydney, it will also help. anyway..

I imagine the quick approval was an expedite. I doubt it will happen, but the trends I've looked at from last year is that May filers get approved alot quicker, it all depends on how fast they work on the approvals before us. estimating the 5 months will keep you sane though. don't hope for earlier, if it happens, consider it a blessing. prepare the info for Packet 3, have that plan in place. I wrote that out last night.

OMG can I please come to your wedding that sounds awesome!!!!! :dance:

I would love to do something like that, but my fiancee and I are looking for a venue in her state of Tennessee (due to her disability). It's rather challeneging to find something that will cater for her and my family.

But in my mind I'm like "You know what, its our day so we will do what we want! Maybe even do a pirate vs. ninja theme wedding!" LOL coming from a family of lawyers and doctors I don't think that will do down too well!

Erm...don't mean to be stupid but what is Packet 3? Is that before or after NOA2? Who recieves it?

Oh and I know you live in NZ (land of the sheep, no offense!) but do you have any ties to Australia? If so I (L) NEIGHBOURS!!!!! :lol:

^^^ I actually took that photo driving down the Freeway here in So Cal a couple months ago.

.............You just made me have an orgasm with that photo! :whistle:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-20 02:50:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

yep - I'm good at daydreaming about the future. :)

Yes I've seen them, I was going to ask if it was a time machine.. but I didn't want to make wild assumptions!! :lol:

HAHA! I knew you woulda known! Everyone knows about the delorean!!

Why not make that daydream into a reality? (Yes I used to be a salesman many years ago!) Right now I am going through with my fiancee the wedding plans (dress, rings, dudget, venue, flights, flowers, catering etc...) and i tell you that is making the time fly by!

With all the bad news right now about her health problems looking and planning for our future is the only good thing we have going. Randomly saying this but OMG i saw a user on here that got her NOA2 in 16 days!!!!!!! She sent her petition off something like November 11th 2011 and got it on the 27th!

Wish we could be that lucky lol! :hehe:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-19 05:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

anyway... so I had a great week with my fiance, he left on Sunday and what sucked intensely, was that I had to fly to New Zealand for work, 3 hours before he flew out. I feel like I was cheated out of 3 hours. Though somehow living in a hotel in a different city/country has make it less "in my face" that hes not here.

the good news is, that its almost 4 weeks since NOA1 ... heres hoping the next 17 or so.. goes just as fast!

Im sure it will! Just need to focus on what life will be like once the Visa is in your hands!

P.S. Please tell me you have seen the Back To The Future films?! :blink:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-19 04:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Time keeps n slipping, slipping ... into the future. The wait has just begun and it is driving me crazy already.
:help: :blink:

Im in my garage building a delorean right now as we speak. Too bad I live in a 20mph residential area... B-)
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-19 02:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

I think we have your record well beaten.
I mailed it on May 7th, got the email notice 9 days later on the 16th, and the hardcopy didn't show up until 20 days after that on June 4th. :P

Wow....and just like that any form of creditbility has been taken away from me! lol!

You sir deserve a top hat, a monocle and a glass of brandy with a board of cheese!

Congraulations anyways! :D

Still don't know what my reference number is yet. I wanted to ask my fiancee yesterday but we just found out that she is anemic. Im sure she will tell me once she feels better :yes:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-15 02:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
OMG seriously! Lol! A day after I posted it comes!

17 days after posting it finially get the NOA1! That's gotta be a new record lol!
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-14 10:26:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers

Brock have you had your text or e mail conformation? It said In our e mail might take 7-14 days... Check cleared today too I'm just glad everything is working out... So far!

Yeah my fiancee got a text but no email confirmation. This is the 16th day since we sent our petition and still no hardcopy of NOA1. It sucks, I just want the reference number so I can input it on the USCIS website and track it's progress.

So sad, I wonder if anyone else has had to wait this long... :crying:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-14 02:52:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsMay 2012 Filers
We filed our petition on 29th May (late I know!)

You know what the strange thing is....

WE HAVEN'T EVEN GOT OUR NOA1!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :crying:
BrockUKMaleUnited Kingdom2012-06-13 03:41:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsvaccinations and k1 visa

I have a similar experience in the UK in that most of my vaccination records are losts in the mists of time. That said the US process is relatively clear in what you need and when you need to get it. You should review the US requirements and then see which ones you need to have and which ones you can get locally (and how).


In the UK I can choose to get my GP to do them (may cost me) or at the doctors which does the medical we need to have to do a K1 (where it will definitely cost). As I understand it I can also wait until I am in the US and applying for Adjustment of Status and get them done there (will definitely cost and will definitely cost more than in the UK!)


So not having them is not a barrier but you need to find out which ones you need and where is the best place to get them. Please note that childhood vaccinations may need to be re-done anyway due to time lapsed.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-10 00:55:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsWe Got an RFE

To both of you from the UK. Are either of you divorced? It's happened a number of times that the UK (England mostly) divorce decree is rejected for not having a judge's signature.

Anyone know if this is ever a problem with US divorce decrees ? The USC is a divorcee in a US court.
rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-04-19 00:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsPost NOA1

So how can you find out if they are actually processing your file?  I sent in everything I could think of.  Between all the forms and pictures, it was like 200 total pages.  I have my congressman working on it, but haven't heard anything there....  They told me it could take 4-6 weeks for the appropriate agency to respond....


You can't. The NOA1 to NOA2 is a black hole of waiting with no rhyme or reason. My NOA1 date was a week or so before yours and I got the NOA2 a week or so ago (see my sig below). I was processed at CSC within 5 months but sadly there are people prior to me still waiting at CSC and plenty more of your fellow travellers at VSC.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-16 03:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview today

Yes, sorry I was a wee bit excitable yesterday biggrin.png
I am just glad I managed the entire day without crying. 


Applicant, fiance and five kids ? I see a new tactic for quick sign off of visa application interview :-)


Congratulations :-)

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-19 06:40:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsInterview today

thats really nice! what was your interview like?



I'm guessing it went well dancin5hr.gif

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-17 16:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsK-1 Visa I-129F Rejected - Need Help!

And don't worry about coming back here for more advice. You made a mistake and it's cost you the filing fee. I bought a business 12 months before the biggest economic disaster this world has seen - no use crying over spilt milk oops8rh.gif


There are plenty of people on here who have made mistakes but this site is a fantastic resource full of people who will be only to happy to tell you when you've got something wrong or missed something - and that's a good thing.


So come back here, check your understanding of the process and the documentation and refile  - it's not always crystal clear to everyone what any question means on these interminable forms  - so ask away....

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-16 04:30:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress Reportsour experience and a big thanks to vj forum members

Lawyers are people too you know cray5ol.gif


No I am not a lawyer (or engaged to one). Lawyers are great when you need one and can afford them. I was a joint litigant in a commercial case that ended up costing our group over £1m in legal fees. Our laywer was an evil bar steward but as we said - he was "our" evil one.


When it comes to a routine K1 then most people will really not need them. Would I have done it on my own without on-line resources like VJ - possibly not. Would I have done it if my command of English was poor ? Once again probably not as it's important to understand the meaning of the forms and that's  where a lawyer should earn their keep. Judging by some of the experiences on her lawyers seem to charge a lot and do a little and in some cases do it badly.


So yes - thanks to everyone on VJ who post and comments and even the lurkers who update their time lines. Lurkers who don't even do that are not really helping.....

Edited by rjm_cmyk, 18 June 2013 - 01:39 AM.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-18 01:38:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsRunning Out of Options and Patience

Just a recent update in terms of UK dates/time-scales - it's taken us one month exactly to go from NOA2 email to letter from UK consulate. This was CSC>NVC>UK>Watford and I got the Embassy letter yesterday.

rjm_cmykMaleUnited Kingdom2013-07-04 01:04:00