K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Well folks ... As Kirk said, I'm finally done with the K Visa process!! K1 for Tanya and K2 for Masha! I wish everyone luck and smooth sailing through the interviews. Posted Image

Let's start an AOS forum for the 2010 Feb Filer alumni!


Boy do I ever feel left behind! I won't be joining that forum until Dec. Sighhhhhhhh....
On a happy note...Congrats to Tanya & Masha!!!! Wonderful news!!!!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-13 22:29:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Congrats to the passed interview and best of luck for Vika and Peter! He's packing everything today, leaving his nest tomorrow (he's lived in the same house all his life, apart from boarding school and college dorms) and we're all ready for the interview on Thursday.. I know he'll do fine but can't help but be a bit nervous, right?

When we're all with married with our lovers on the East Coast I say we have a big pow wow sometime.. find some common grounds and get an open bar, candy buffet, chocolate fountain, bust out the stripper poles and give the donkey and midget one last go. We're all in this together, no man, woman, or midget gets left behind, Feb filers! :dance:

That sounds like a plan! Would be soooo fun to meet everyone in person!

Good luck to Peter & Vika! I wish you all the best!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-13 13:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

I think this is my first serious post. I got a text from Tom a little bit ago(the one that started this thread), his Tanya passed her interview in Kyiv today. I don't want to take the wind out of his sails, but we are all moving along. Lohnincks boy has his interview this week, Vika has hers next week. It's like we are all leaving the nest.

Solmarc, let'####### the beach with some cold drinks and some reggae music. Give me another El Presidente.

I wanna leave the nest too!!!!!!!!! :crying: all leave me. I will stay here & play with my box, alone.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-13 12:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

I have my house ready for inspection. My ex (kept her top on, darnit), two of my sons(they whined the whole time), and my sister gave it a complete stem to stearn cleaning. I am afraid to go back in it until Vika gets here. I still know it will not be "russian clean". I am even straightening out the ammo closets and fishing gear closets. Time to do a little fishing before dark.

Solmarc, I will have Vika dance in front of the DR consulate. That will get their attention. Trust me. She will wake them the h3ll up. Body of a goddess. Yeah, she worships me. I hope she never sobers up or I am screwed.

UK, head south for our heat and humidity. What a treat, I doesn't bother me one bit, but it kills the yankees who have invaded. I do hope your kids do not suffer too much. I climatize to a new place in a day or two, but some people take a long time. I say I hate the cold, but every winter I end up in Kharkov for Christmas and New Years.

Leslie, are you still playing with your box? We all want to see that streaming online.JK. When do you think you will get an interview date. Canada consulates are so slow at that. At least you can cross the border for some "good touches." I'm 8 days from my good touches. God I hope her visitor isn't in town. Sucks for her, not me.

Lohninck, I actually have no smack to talk to you. Sorry.

Here is to our donkey and midget. If they are ugly, drink more. Have a good night folks, time to go catch "meat without feet."

I do feel another touch coming on. Gotta go.

Poacher...I am goin to miss you when you leave to get your bride, but so happy for you both. I will pray to the female gods that the visitor takes a vacation for you both. I thank my female god I don't get visitors!
My box is still getting lots of attention, this side of the border & on the other side. But it still wants the perma touch. Montreal is still being an a$$. If we are lucky we will hear from them in Aug. to give me an interview for Oct. I am going crazy. Time to send something to Montreal stronger than the donkey & midget. Montreal must be gay, the stripper pole doesn't faze them 1 ioda!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-10 18:53:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Noooooooooooo.. this morning I woke up with a sore throat, runny nose, general congestion, and drowsiness.. while this is usually known as signs of a cold, this is not going to be the case for me because I am nipping this in the bud and I will NOT be sniffling at my wedding for all the wrong reasons. :angry:

Fingers are crossed for the following reasons:
1. That I get better soon!
2. That solmarc gets her interview date!
3. That all of our marriages and their sex lives stay raunchy way after the honeymoon! ;)
4. Anyone *still* waiting on NOA2s.
5. That Peter's interview in 6 days goes well.. I can't imagine what I would do if they needed more evidence (unlikely, but still) or I filled out a paper wrong.. I would probably just crawl into a corner and cry forever.

Might have to bust out the dancing again for old time's sake, that always seemed to have good vibes..

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Hahahaha! You make me LOL!
Hope you feel better. Just relax & have a me day.
I love #3...I know mine will! I have been that way since I was 14. Don't think it will change anytime soon! ;)
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-09 09:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
I love reading all about your wedding plans, girls! So exciting! I can't wait to make plans as well, but that will have to be on the back burner for a while :crying:

Edited by LeslienScott, 07 July 2010 - 07:59 PM.

LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-07 19:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Congrats on everyone who has an interview date!!!!!!!!!!

I am still sitting here WAITING for them to log in P3 (they have had it for 11 days now) Then more WAITING for them to give me a date (prob Aug) Then more WAITING for the interview (prob Oct)
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-07-03 10:02:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Poacher, maybe if you show yourself around here more the girls won't start talking about girly things all the time.. we need our fearless, perverted leader to keep us on the dirty, dark track!

Hahaha! I was just thinking that same thing! :)

Solmarc...that is a stunning dress. Whatever you choose, I'm sure it will make you just as happy. happy to hear that your sister can make it!

All this wedding dress talk makes me want to go visit my dress. Sighhhh. On a happier note...we got Scott's outfit on the w/e. He's gonna look great. Though it makes me mad that his outfit cost 1/4 of what my dress does!!!! :wow:
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-29 20:58:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

So happy to hear that it all went well! You have such brave little kids. Peter had his x-ray and medical done today and passed both with flying colors. Now I'm just getting ready to go pick up my wedding dress, last fitting and all! I'm wearing the corset underneath my shirt already and it's making me realize my normal posture is apparently that of a cave woman's, because this keeps making me sit up real straight, hahah. My maid of honor, mother, and grandmother will all be there so it'll certainly be an emotional few minutes. Can't wait though!

17 days until the interview, 26 days until the wedding.. this is gonna be tight! The shower yesterday was beautiful and I was blessed to have about 40 people attend. While I was also just as lucky to get such a variety of lovely gifts, I wound up getting 3 crock pots, just have to decide which to return to the store now, lol.

Hope everyone has a great day.. wish me luck that my dress isn't a bit tight! ;)

Glad to hear the medical went well!
Holy #######...26 days till the wedding??? My heart is pounding for you! I can't imagine being that close. We have 162 days until ours...sighhhhh. Let us no how the last fitting went!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-28 13:18:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Ooh, wow, that's gorgeous! All of my international friends/family are buying everything in the US because it's cheaper here, too. That's awesome though, when will you be able to pick up yours? Not for months I assume. I'm going in for mine on Monday, I'm hoping I'll still fit properly but that's what bustiers are for anyway. That and making boobs look bigger, so whatever. :P

Thanks! The dress will probably be in for my first fitting around the end of Aug. Hopefully I will have an interview date by then.
That is awesome you get to pick yours up already! Hope all goes well! It's all coming together now.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-27 07:37:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Leslie, UK, Lohninck, all this ring talk, books, and other lovey dovey ####### makes me want to throw up. Let's get back to stripper poles, lingerie, videos, and other deviant items. That is what we are. Don't try to climb out of the depths that VSC drug us into. We are proud trash. Remember that.

Poacher...I will never forget my roots here on VJ. I am trash first, girly second, then anything else third. Now what time does the stripper store open in the morning? I need my fix for stripper shoes ;)
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-25 23:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Thanks for all the suggestions, girls! They're awesome. I think I'll go into my favorite artsy fartsy, all homemade crafts stores in this nearby town and look around in there, too. It's been an exhausting day, we went to Sam's Club (wholesale warehouse type thing) for about two hours and then went to our local grocery store for another hour and a half.. all in preparation to start cooking tomorrow! I'm getting excited to bake the cupcakes.. it'll be hard to not dip into them until Sunday.. but gotta fit into that dress somehow, right?

Leslie, any dress ideas for you? If so, let's see pictures! No skimping out on us allowed.

I have my dress on order. I bought it in the U.S as it was sooooooo much cheaper. They ordered a 25" waist, so I really gotta work on the weight thing, after the summer of course. Too many Smirnoff Ice & Creamsicle drinks to keep me busy this summer! (is there a drunk smiley i can put here?)

Here is the dress, this is just the "try on" dress. Mine will be white & knee length & very very tight. So, basically NOT this dress! Hahahaha!

Edited by LeslienScott, 25 June 2010 - 10:54 PM.

LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-25 22:54:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Thanks Lesie.......Hey I definatly going out looking looked at a set of rings simlar idea to the one on that page...where it has our nameson the front of them...we really liked that idea. We think we are one of those anoying couples that ever one hates because we are always together and one day will end up wearing the same clothes..I have a pic of us both laid on the bed wearing the same Army tops lol...geeks arent we?

I am sooo addicted to online shopping! I saw a gorgeous ring on the facebook advertisements. It had the names & on the inside it had little hearts linked all the way around. Love the ring idea, but I would wear it on a necklace.
Your site suggestions are gonna keep me busy for a while! Love the ideas they have.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-25 09:57:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Great ideas UK!! That got me looking as well. Here's a I found...
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-25 08:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC


Unfortunately, today I came upon some bad news. My dad is 52 years old and he went to the doctors and they said he is already showing signs of early-onset alzheimers. I've never liked the guy that much but it kind of hurts to know that he might now know I'm his daughter if this gets worse. :( I was going to have my step-dad and grandfather and my dad walk me down the aisle, in a 3-part kind of thing, but I think I might keep it to just him now. I'm his only daughter so it would probably mean a lot. Oof. He's on medication now so I hope it gets better, but we'll see.

In a lighter mood, today, the 25th, is our 5 year anniversary, woo hoo! Peter and I have been waiting a long time for this and we really cannot wait for our wedding. On September 18th, 2005 he sent me a letter saying he knows one day this distance will all be a thing of the past and now he's finally right. ;) Anyone have any ideas what I can get him as a wedding present? And no, the lingerie doesn't count. He's getting me a Tiffany's charm bracelet so I have to get him something around that kind of value.. I am getting him a bunch of stuff for his PS3 but that hardly counts. I've never been too good at gift giving.

That is so sad! I think that is a great idea having just your dad. Not only for memories for you but there will be pictures for him when he doesn't remember your special day. He will see he was proud of his little girl.

Happy anniversary! Sorry you won't be together, but you will be soon!!!! I'm not good at gift giving either. I'm stumped as well! It will come to you. Do some googling for ideas. That always works for me.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-25 08:00:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
UK...great story on your trip. I lol'd. Kids are beautiful. Hope they enjoyed London.

Lohninck...You go girl! He is gonna be 1 happy groom! Where did you shop anyways?

Poacher...No matter what, you will never sound like a ** to us. Bi, but def not **! Hahahaha! j.k.

Mark...Congrats on the visa!!!!!!! I still have soooooooooo long to wait :(
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-24 18:46:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Oh how I've missed you Poacher (& the midget) The box is getting lots of attention & is still a happy box.

Lohninck...Congrats on the interview date! & congrats on getting to go lingerie shopping. That is 1 of my fav things to do...can't wait to do that myself. We have a great stripper store here in town that I just love. I will prob get an outfit for every nite of the honeymoon!

Well, sounds like July will be a busy month for some of us. Me, I'm still waiting. Looking like Oct. for my interview. :angry:
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-23 15:09:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
I swear they hate Canada! Is it because we are so close? Or because we are the least of their threats on this planet? LOL!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-21 18:31:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Good luck UKPrincess! Hope the kids are good for you!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-20 14:47:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Dude, that's absolutely ridiculous! Just because they lost it or forgot it or it got lost in the mail means $340 for a piece of paper with your A# on it?! What?! Fight that, girl.. fight it hardddddd. :angry:

We just an email this morning saying that "as a courtesy" they will send us a second 1. I guess Scott's total freaking out on their a## got them to rethink their idea of charging us for another. Like really. So, in their mind NOA1 costs $455 & NOA2 costs $340???? I DON'T THINK SO!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-19 20:32:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Good news n bad news...
Good news...we got our P3! Got that sent off to MTL. They should get it Mon before noon. Now the big 4-6 month wait for an interview. Boooooo!
Bad news...We still haven't gotten our NOA2 in the mail! We had to wait the 30 days from approval before we were allowed to call & say we still haven't gotten it. We called today & they want $340 to reissue it! Can you believe it?!?! We appealed it & now we hafta wait 5-10 days to see what their decision is. Un-Be-Lievable!!!!!!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-18 15:03:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

I'm sitting in Kingsland, Ga. Waiting on Doc so we can commence to drinking, telling lies, and of course talk ###### about all of y'all. My midget is excited. Lohninck and Leslie trained him well. The donkey is scared to death. Doc is first on the brass pole. Where are you guys? I'm the only naked one at Applebees. People are stareing. Correction, laughing.

I wondered where everyone was too! And here I was naked at the wrong Applebees!!! I got lots of stares n laughing too.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-15 21:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Party at Doc's this Tuesday in southern Georgia. We are going to grab a few beers and tell lies. The midget, donkey, and brass pole have been fumigated and we expect to see y'all there. Leslie, you must be naked. Lohninck, you must be drunk. UK, you can be dancing on your brass pole with your hobbit on Skype. SandT, bring the video camera so that we can forward to all of our prospective consulates what we have become. All others, be original or naked, your choice.

Don't worry Poacher...I am ALWAYS naked. See you all Tues! I will bring maple syrup, canadian bacon, poutine & real beer.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-13 22:24:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Thanks. She was 12. We actually got her only 4 years ago from a couple who couldn't take care of a dog anymore because they had a kid on the way and it would be too much, so we took Mavis, our dog, in. The owners kept in touch though, and although they live about an hour and a half away, they were honestly going to come visit as soon as they heard she was at the end of the line this morning, but they didn't make it in time. :( She was a great dog and I'm just happy she's not suffering.

I hope you get your interview soon! When I called NVC today just to see if they have Peter's A# since I hadn't had the NOA2 hard copy yet (I got it now, finally, geez) and the girl asked for my case number, she was thrown off by the CPN since no one ever seems to apply for a Dane, and said I must be lucky that there's so little traffic at the Embassy. I can't imagine not being able to have an interview for another few months. :( I'll get a midget of my own and borrow my neighbor's donkey to bring a lot of good luck your way.

Awwww, that's so sad :crying: I couldn't imagine putting a pet down. I hope I don't ever have to.

Sounds like you will have an interview pretty quick if there is little traffic at your embassy. Good luck!
We still haven't even received our NOA2 in the mail. We called & they said to wait until the 19th of June & call again then.
Thanks for your midget & donkey! I could use them & Poacher's as well.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-12 07:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Lohninck--Sorry to hear about your dog. What a way to start the w/e. How old?

Poacher--Congrats to the interview date! I will be lucky if I get my P3 logged in by then...sigh...Can I borrow the midget, the donkey & the brass pole? I need all the toys to get MTL to get a move on & give me my interview. And I would like it before Oct!!!!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-11 21:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

thanks everyone! and yes, unfortunately i left the donkey out in the warm, lovely weather we've got here.

also, princess, i'm anxious to see what the P3 has in it. what's all required and such. any insight you can give us?


This has everything you need to know. I copied the packet 3 from here.

You n I have a loooooong wait sister!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-08 15:04:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

yay! just got a text msg from USCIS that our NOA1 finally got approved!!

that midget works wonders!!!

:dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance: :dance:

Congrats! Wonderful news!!!!!!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-07 22:06:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Looks like my wait will be the longest for an interview. Montreal is the slowest US consolate in the world. I'm looking at timelines & my interview won't be until at least middle of Oct.
I called DOS today to see if my pkt 3 has been sent out & was informed Montreal hasn't even logged us in yet, although they received my app on May 26th!
This part is going to stress me out the most. More than waiting for NOA2...which we still haven't received the hard copy of.
Ughhhhhhh!!!!!!!! :clock:
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-07 19:23:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
OMG lohninck! I am sooooo excited for you!!!! Did I not say Fri. was going to be your day? Whoo hoo!

poacher...I will be naked at everybody's wedding. So will the midget & the donkey.

So who has the first wedding planned? What is everyone's dates & where so we can all crash each others?
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-04 18:01:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Poacher...I will never feel uncomfortable naked. But I am willing to celebrate nakedness with others! More the marrier! Actually Scott n I did discuss a naked wedding. LOL! I feel that clothes are for the weak.
Lohninck...Fri. has GOT to be your day. PLEASE VSC!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-03 22:22:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Well we will keep our fingers and toes crossed for you, I hope it gets here tomorrow latest, this is getting silly for guys :( but you are very welcome for the imput of make up, its exciting :) My wedding dress is black and purple...I will show you all mine.....

we are doing the deed out side in a forest type enviroment, very small and intermet. Our girls are in teflon burgundy so its kinda two tones with a black to it....our youngest is having lickle wings and its a big puffy out dress, she is being our flower fairy and our Eldest is more a lickle maiden dress...Kens out fit is sooooo damn sexy, kinda vampire/victorian with the tails and vest and the boys will be simular. our flowers are a dark red with ivy...and sparkles in them. I cant wait...Id like to go into more detail of course...but Ken might read it and I dont want him to know about make up, hair etc. lol.

That will be so unique & beautiful! Make sure you post wedding pictures!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-03 15:16:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Thanks SandT! I was just about to hunt the site for that info!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-02 20:27:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Leslie, well hello. Beginning to think you had borrowed my midget from Lohninck(she couldn't handle him) and y'all were doing something with a box. Me and Doc will be waiting at your POE with roadkill on the grill, an inflatible pool full of beer, and a video camera to document you streaking NAKED across the lower 48. Game on.

Hi!!! The midget & the box was last week, he's a little frightened now. Gonna hafta coax him out of hiding somehow.
Can't wait for the roadkill on the POE will be Buffalo, so you guys will prob just fit in fine. & yes, I will be
streaking naked across all the states. That will be my new conquest! NY...dun. FL...dun.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-02 19:48:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

I wish I knew what was up, poacher. It's getting more and more disheartening as the days go on. Whoever's at VSC absolutely hates us January filers. I can't believe there's still a whole bunch of us left while people from March are getting approved. No such thing as justice in VSC, that's all.

Today I kept busy by doing a self make up trial for the wedding since my friend who was meant to be my make up artist can no longer make it. I think I'm fond of the right side myself. Matches the detail of my dress, which is rad. What say you, fellow female February filers? <-- filling my F quota for the day. There's a couple of f words I have for VSC in particular, but I'll keep my calm for now.. but we know Jersey girls aren't good at holding their temper for too long. :angry:

I really like the right eye. Sorry, but the left kinda looks sickly to me.

I will say more than my share of F words on your behalf. And that says a lot! I swear like a trucker & a sailor put together!

Come on VSC! Take pity on this poor girl!!!! Approve her already!!!!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-02 19:42:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Leslie - you got NOA2 notification on May 19th but still no hard copy to the USCs house?
I'd be making some phone calls, coast to coast mail is usually 5 days at best. I'm not sure it's absolutely necessary at this point, although I'm saving it. Anyone know if there is a real reason to keep the NOA2 notice, considering the Embassy has their case?

I thought I saw somewhere that you need a copy of NOA2 for the application after the wedding. But we will put a fire under someones ####. We received the NVC notice yesterday, so something is up with this NOA2.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-02 19:39:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Sorry Lohninck, I was touching myself after viewing your pics. My hand slipped. Ooops. By the way, don't touch that without an updated shot record and gloves.

Doc, we are on a dual mission. After we crash UK's nuptuals, we are headed up the Jersey Turnpike to exit 7A, to make Lohnincks life hell.

Leslie, we expected more out of you. Where you at? Damn wannabe. Step your game up.

I'm here!!!! Sorry all, but I had a very "busy" few days with my American boy. Now I get a few days to catch up on all this. We are still waiting for my NOA2 in the I hafta do some kinda special dance for mail delivery now? I will go to the States & dance naked if I have to. Though that may scare the mail man away. I'm not lucky enough for DD's...double something but not D! :(
My wait will be a very very long 1 with Montreal, who I guess is 1 of the slowest in the world (wonderful) So...Poacher...what do you suggest for Montreal? Should I dance with some poutine all over my body???
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-06-02 12:49:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

Crossposting from January thread:

I just got a call from the Congressman's (less cranky this time) Immigration Specialist and she said she got in touch with Vermont and the case is now on an adjudicator's desk and while a decision has not yet been made, it will be made soon. :dance: :dance: :dance: I hope whoever has my case is in as good of a mood as I am now! Let's gooooo Vermont!

Oh please, please approve Lohninck today!!!!!!!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-05-27 11:11:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC

How did you get the dhl thing working? I am putting th 25 may 2010a i reference ? I get nothing

Mine left yesterday, the 26th. You use the day before. I used the 25th.

EXP 25 MAY 2010A

Try it again. I had to do quite a bit of playing with it. It came up with 3 pages. Only 1 went to Montreal & wieghed 5lbs, so I am assuming there were a few in it.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-05-27 09:45:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
I got the DHL thingy working! Looks like it arrived this morning in Montreal!

David...Sorry to hear about Anna's grandma.
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-05-27 09:25:00
K-1 Fiance(e) Visa Case Filing and Progress ReportsFebruary 2010 Filers -- I-129F -- VSC
Ours was sent to Montreal yesterday! Whoot! I tried the DHL thingy & couldn't figure it out. If anyone else can, make sure you post it!
LeslienScottNot TellingCanada2010-05-27 08:38:00