United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

thanks chloe, managed to find that number after circling websites for a while lol, they sure don't make it easy for us even though we paying thousands for this stuff!! (me and 3 kids so 4 times the amount most paying)
All they told us is to keep checking ceac :( This is so frustrating, after being so excited to be approved now its pure fear something is wrong! trying to keep a level head as I know everything is in the air with systems changing and its not been the 10 days they quote but when you see people that interviewed after you already having their visa/passport back in the post it makes you wonder whats wrong with your own case!

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 07:39:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

how do i call them?? xxxx

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 06:34:00
United KingdomRecent interviewees - do you have your passport yet??

I had my K-1 interview on monday the 5th august, ceac website STILL saying ready :( status update is dated 12th august, I know of at least 2 that had their interview after me and have recieved their passports already. I am starting to panic now too, I know I shouldn't but like you say, its unusual to not panic anymore after the stress we all been through! Hope you get word soon xXx

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 04:29:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

your right sea, what angers me, is you can go on a 90 day holiday spreading any diseases you might have quite happily not having to go through any of this, its all just so wrong. It's just as easy to go on holiday and pass stuff on as it is if your going to live there, I can't make sense of it :(
Also, thank you so much for your kind words <3

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-22 06:30:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

ok sorry it's taken a few days for me to do this review but if I'm honest quite frankly it's taken till now to get over the whole expirience, and I don't want to put off people as the medical itself was fine for me, but for my kids was horrendous :(
I arrived on time after a hot sticky travel on the tubes, trying to control 3 young ones and make sure I didnt lose them in the hustle and bustle of bond street!

We checked in they took passports, police cert, questionaires and photos (i took uk passport sized) then went to wait in the main waiting room met some others going through the same thing, had a nice chat helped me calm down a little!
After about 10 minutes or so I was called through by the jolly xray man, he showed my three little ones into another waiting room to wait for me while I had it done which had some books and toys for them then I followed him into the xray room next door went behind the curtain took off my top half and put gown on, he reminded me to remove my necklace as I had forgotten. I then do the obligatory chicken pose while he takes the xray then he brings it up on the comp and inquires what the two metal studs are showing up on my pic :/ Yup..... I had forgotten to take out personal piercings!! he laughed and said he would pretend he didn't see them lol. I go back to the waiting room in my gown (kids laugh at me) wait 5 minutes andhe comes back in asks to take a second xray as he couldnt quite see the bottom of my lungs clearly and he would rather do another xray now then have it cause me trouble later so we quickly do the chicken pose again and job done.
Wait back with kids for 5 or 10 minutes then a lady comes in introduces herself (which i forgot also instantly!) we go to her room and fill in all the paperwork for me and kids, all simple stuff takes a few minutes. Then on to my medical, she checks eyes, ears, blood pressure which was just acceptable, must of been the stressful journey! then on to the dreaded naked bits, checks breasts stomach pulse in all the right places reflexes and..... yup downstairs too. It was quick and over with in minutes tho so really wasn't as bad as I had thought, had been having sleepless nights about it and everything! Swiftly takes some blood then I was done.
All the way through I was nervous as hell but as the kids we in the room with me I was trying to sound happy and not scared, was glad it was over though and happy the doctor was nice.


On to my childrens medicals......

she asks who wants to go first, they all decline.....great start! then the next bit is all a bit of a blur to me, All I remember is all of a sudden I have my two youngest girls screaming and sobbing and my boy just flat out refusing, They had all discovered they had to get naked infront of a strange woman. I try to console them and make them see its nothing to worry about but they are having none of it and it starts to esculate so the doctor suggests 2 wait back in the room with toys and we try one at a time. So I take my elder two back to the toy room and come back to try to reason with a 4 year old that its all going to be ok, she skips the eye test as she doesnt know all her letters yet and checks eyes with torch thingy after weighing and checking her height, that all goes kinda smoothly although willow is looking petrified. She then chcks her heart and lungs while she is crying at this point. Then.. on to the worst bit, I have to physically pin my daughter down to get her clothes off screaming and crying as the doctor wants to check her genitals too. I never thought in a million years they would put kids through that and I think had I have known before hand I could have at least prepared them and myself! this whole thing is starting to take time as it was quite a struggle to get it done and then i remember I have to do this 2 more times over ... with older children :(
I take willow back to toy room and bring megan (7) back to doctors office, the same thing all unfolds, we get through the eyes, ears, heart and lungs bit without her freaking out but then comes the genital check and as she is older pinning her down and removing clothing was a lot more difficult, by this point I just want to burst into tears walk out and forget the whole thing, the guilt is ripping through me and it's all becoming too much but I know if it's not done they will not pass medicals :( At the end of all that, the doctor informs me that megan actually has a heart murmur, totally shocked me I had no idea. So her medical won't be ok'd until further tests are done, we have an appointment with our doctor on monday morning and hopefully they will be ok and can just be faxed/emailed to knightsbridge docs and then her medical will be passed too without too much of a delay.
I go fetch Logan (8) he comesin andis ok to start with, lets doc check eyes, ears weight, height, listen to chest.... then it all goes wrong. He refuses, runs around room shouting he hates me and isnt going to do it, we try reasoning with him, it does nothing
the doctor makes it clear if he doesnt do it he cant go to america, so then he just shouts at me he doesnt want to go and is going to live with his dad and he hates me :( after quite some time i finally manage to get his clothes off and pin him down holding his arms and legs while the doctor checks him down below. The actually checking bit takes seconds, but the sheer guilt I am now feeling while he gets dressed and runs off out of sight round the corner sobbing telling me he isnt going to america now and he hates me constantly is just heart breaking :( I have found the last few days really tough and actually hate myself for putting them through that :(
After all that we wait in the room with toys again for the immunization nurse, she comes for us after 5 mins waiting and the girls stick to my side like glue and come with me to her room, but my eldest boy refuses to even talk to me still just hides under the blind staring out of the window, so we go to the nurses room and she checks our vaccinations, im up to date but kids need hep B, she offers to do them at a cost of course or says I can get my doctor to do them since I am applying for the K1. After the previous 2 hours I tell her I think my kids have been put through enough and I will get my doctor to start the course of 3 injections each they each require. She is a lovely girl and chats to the girls and gives them some flavoured stick things they use to check inside your mouth, then she comes into the toy room with me and tries to talk my boy round but it doesnt work :( so off she goes to do the paperwork i need. We wat a short while then go collect everything we need, doctors letters and police certs passports and such... then to add insult to injury after violating and traumatising my kids they ask for the fee.... £565 is paid whilst I am doing all this my boy has run out of the building and hiding in the entrance, this whole thing obviously really affected him :(

I pondered on whether or not to post about our horrific expirience, I really don't mean to put anyone off, for adults it really is MUCH less painful then I thought it would be, and I am sure had I been able to prepare my kids more maybe it wouldnt have been such a shock for them to discover what they had to go through but I honestly never thought the doctor would want to check them down there too. So, I guess I am writing this to warn other parents of the pitfalls and stress that could be avoided, one thing I would suggest is only take one child in at a time from the start, never have more then one so that things don't esculate between them all.
Really hope other parents can draw something useful out of knowing all this, GOOD LUCK EVERYONE <3

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-22 06:07:00
United KingdomLondon Medical - Knightsbridge Doctors

 I have to go tomorrow for my medical too with my three small kids and am having worries!! It's all so nerve wracking, hope yours goes smoothly and we both get the result we wish for! GOOD LUCK!! <3

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-06-19 15:56:00
United KingdomSending the P3 back
Apologies in advance, because this is a question my fiancee (jezebelseven for those who know her) and I should know the answer to, but are unsure of.

For whatever reason we got it into our heads that for the P3, you *only* send back the checklist, and none of the DS-xxx forms. We're pretty sure we're wrong about that now, but can't find the right answer anywhere, so it'd be great if I could just get some confirmation on what we do send back.

AdmanMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-04 17:22:00
United KingdomPhoto requirement?
I stapled mine to the forms, they had no problem with it come interview day.

Just make sure they're the right size! (50mm x 50mm)
AdmanMaleUnited Kingdom2007-03-09 13:23:00
United KingdomThis is the waiting for packet 4 thread.

Well, I had sent the checklist on 4th Dec, the embassy received it on 5th and I received an appointment letter on 7th Dec 2006. The interview was for 29th Dec as I had requested a date towards the end of Dec. I was really impressed and was feeling lucky, but then the rest was to follow.

Just out of interest, how did you request a date? Just by saying you had a date in mind for the marriage? Cos I know I'd like to request a date without having to specify an exact date for marriage.
AdmanMaleUnited Kingdom2007-01-11 16:34:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601
[quote name='diadromous mermaid' date='Aug 1 2006, 10:47 PM' post='348237']
[quote name='odeasjourney' post='348225' date='Aug 1 2006, 05:41 PM']

The two waivers are for distinct purposes. Form I-601 (Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility)
and Form I-212 (Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission into the United States After Deportation or Removal).
If we ARE to file the I-212, then, why were we told by the officer at our interview to pay for and file the I-601?

Why was he found deportable?
Because he overstayed his visa waiver by less than 180 days. We tried to adjust his status from visitor to permanent resident, and were really naive to the whole process. We tried filing a few times but keep gettting our packets sent back to us. We figured out it was going to take a long time to adjust his status and if we continued to try to file, Rich wouldn't have been able to work legally, and that was getting him down. So, we decided we would file from the UK and move back there. Before we did, we took a trip to visit Niagra Falls, and took a wrong turn and ended up in Canada. We had to turn back around and come through immigration. Rich, with his British accent, was asked to go into the INS (DHS) building. There we were, trying to do everything legally, and just needing a couple of extra months to earn some money, we 'took a wrong turn' that has really altered our lives and made lots of things really difficult.
odeasjourneyNot TellingEngland2006-08-03 14:17:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601

The two waivers are for distinct purposes. Form I-601 (Application for Waiver of Grounds of Inadmissibility)
and Form I-212 (Application for Permission to Reapply for Admission into the United States After Deportation or Removal).

If we ARE to file the I-212, then, why were we told by the officer at our interview to pay for and file the I-601?
odeasjourneyNot TellingEngland2006-08-01 16:41:00
Waivers (I-601 and I-212) and Administrative Processes (221g)I-601
My Husband was found deportable in May of 2002. We tried to adjust his status on the VWP to permanent resident not knowing that through a loophole, we could actually remain in the U.S. while continuing to file. We decided therefore, to return to the U.S. to adjust his status so he could work legally. We took less than 180 days from his expiration on his VW to purchase our tickets to move back to England. A month before we were to leave for the U.K., we took a trip to visit Niagra Falls, and ended up taking a wrong turn and having to come back into the U.S. from the Canadian side of the Falls. The officer gave him the maximum penalty, found him deportable and removed him from the U.S. Because we had already purchased our tickets to return to the U.K., the officer allowed my husband to stay in the U.S. until our flight date. We left the country on July 30th, 2002. We filed for the I-130 in Feb. of 2004. We recieved our visa interview at the London Embassy on May 15th, 2006. There we were given instructions to file the I-601, as his visa was denied on the grounds stated previously. We filed, and submitted our documents along with letters of hardship, and many other supporting documents on June 3rd, 2006. We were told the filing time would take 12-14 weeks. My husband recieved a phone call on July 27th, 2006 from the London Embassy stating that they have done all they can with the I-601, and told us that we should file the I-212 with the DHS office in Buffalo, N.Y. and did not give us our reimbursement for the I-601, or return our letters of hardship and letters of support etc. The agent at the embassy told us to pay the fee for the I-212 and that in the meantime, the embassy would reimburse us. They sent us the I-212 in the mail without any other advice, or reasons why they were not filing our I-212. Is this the worst case of farcicle, lazy agents at any embassy, or what? Does anyone have any advice, or even just some empathy or sympathy? I'm going crazy trying to figure all this out myself!!!
odeasjourneyNot TellingEngland2006-08-01 15:51:00