United KingdomIn a panic, printer broken interview in 17 hours!!!

Brilliant, thanks so much! you always shine through and put my mind at rest!!!
***sending virtual bunch of flowers***
--'--,--(@   <---- a rose :)

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 07:52:00
United KingdomIn a panic, printer broken interview in 17 hours!!!

yeah I thought that Laura, but had seen a few people were asked for it so figured it safer to just have it just incase, I won't photocopy it though as it isn't signed anyway xxx thanks for your reply <3

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 06:22:00
United KingdomIn a panic, printer broken interview in 17 hours!!!

Hi guys,
was just wondering exactly what forms do i need photo copies of my printer has decided it doesn't want to work any more and my interview is in 17 hours!! I have my whole pack ready with all forms I need

Interview letter
Birth Certificates
Police Certificates
Subject Access Report
Tax Transcripts
MRV Receipt
Updated letter of intent
Letter stating I have a job when I am legaly able to work
DS-230 part II
noterized letter from childrens father saying I can take them
copy of sponsers passport and birth certificate
immunization sheets
medical receipts
results from daughters echocardiogram
few receipts/dated envelopes/boarding passes for evidense
receipt for wedding booked
copy of passport/birth certificate, Tax transcripts and filed out I-134 by my fiance (wasn't sure if he had to fill in one too or just our sponser so got him to do one incase!)

out of all these, which ones do I REALLY have to get photo copies of?
xxx Thanks!!

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 06:03:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

Yeah they didn't look at any financial support I brought either, I took tons of stuff with me all not needed!! But you just want to cover all bases we're all so desperate to get approved lol
Yup hoping to leave from heathrow on the 19th, but obviously haven't booked flights yet till visa's are in hand!
Wedding is booked for the 14th sept! Really want to get out there ASAP to spend as much time with my man before the wedding as we can :)
Can't believe I got myself in such a state panicking about this 'envelope' I am just not used to things going right in my life, its been a rough few years for me and I think I am just convinced something is going to screw up at some point! But thanks to you guys I am feeling happy that I was never given the envelope and finally able to relish in this wonderful feeling of knowing I will be with my amazing man in just a few days time!!!
Really thank all of you from the bottom of my happy heart!!! <3

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-07 04:34:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

oh what a relief, I think I am finally starting to believe this is all ok now, and I can't thank you enough, as you well know this whole process is so stressful and I always believed I would be denied so getting approved was just magical but i think I just still feel like something will go wrong maybe that why I am panicking just pure disbelief I have been so lucky!!
I saw someone had their interview on thursday and got a phone call yesterday about delivery of theirs so maybe we will get calls at the end of the week crashsle :) xXx

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-06 11:55:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

thanks ezenca21, have emailed them, but its looking likely that i was never given the envelope he just mentioned that it shouldnt be damaged but then he kept it, some others had their interview today and said they weren't actually handed the envelope and nick seems sure it will be posted, Fingers crossed hey!

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-06 08:01:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

oh crashsle ty so much for this, you and nick have reassured me a lot, AND CONGRATS TO YOU TOO!!!
My mind is just blank with it all where i was so emotional i couldnt stop shaking and the more i try to remember what happened the more anxious im getting!! I know he mentioned to me about the kids not ruining this envelope so i assumed he passed it to me, but by the sounds of it he just kept it! all this worry for nothing, I AM A DINGBAT!!!

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-06 05:42:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

thanks nick, i hope i am panicking over nothing, he handed back my original documents I have those here also, my mind is in such a mess right now trying to piece together what happened, I am praying he didn't hand me that envelope and just mentioned about the kids not ruining it but kept it himself... but somehow I have it in my head that he handed it to me as i was fumbling to put the birth certs back into a pocket in my pink folder, oh my what a mess I am in! Lets hope it does come in the mail, I suppose all I can do is wait for now and pray!

more importantly, very sorry to hear of your family bereavement :( Thoughts are with you <3

much love to you all for helping <3

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-06 02:58:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

i think nick is sick of me by now!
I honestly can not believe i have managed to do this :( it seems some get it in the mail, i got given it at the interview

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 14:05:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

it's not the visa I ahve misplaced, my passport is still at the embassy waiting for be issued, I have lostthe important 'sealed envelope' that must stay sealed to be handed over at the port of entry. the visa's will come in the passports once they are issued via courier

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 13:54:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

Guys I have the chest xrays here, they are on a disc, it is definately the important envelope I have misplaced

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 13:50:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

i know it was the important envelope, he said not to lose it and carry it in hand luggage when i fly :( i will try that new number, thank you all for your kind help <3
not sure whats in the envelope, some are saying medical results, and i might have to resit them :(

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 13:28:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

no they have my passports, mine and my 3 kids, he just put some sheets of paper in the envelope no passports, i can'tsop crying, trying to call them have been since it happened and just going in circles on the automated line, im calling 02036086998, is there another number i can try this one is getting me nowhere :(

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 13:14:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

yes he gave it to me, i remembering him saying not to let the kids ruin it! AND NOW I GONE AND LOST IT, I am literally beside myself right now im so so scared i dont know what to do, when i went back and explained they just said it wasnt there and told me to go home :(

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 12:56:00
United Kingdomvisa home... lost sealed envelope somehow :( WHAT TO DO?

Title says it all really, approved K1 but I am convinced I have left the envelope at the interview desk, I was shaking so much could barely walk and just picked up my pink folder and walked out... its that or somehow its fallen out of the pink folder on the way home which i just cant see happening. I went all the way back to the ambassy when i realised but they say it wasn't at the desk and told me to go home :( Please hep me with any advise, and before you say it i know how stupid i am and yocu cant beat me up any more then i am currently doing myself :(
thanks fo any help recieved<3

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-05 12:34:00
United KingdomAPPROVED TODAY! Worried About Passport Delivery Though..

I had my interview monday and was approved, still waiting for the call about paying/arranging delivery but somebody else had their interview last thursday and got their call on the following monday and had the visa and envelope delivered on the tuesday! Lets hope we all get ours that fast, maybe we are the lucky ones being in this small group of people in the 'transition' stage and the embassy are trying to deal with us asap so they can concentrate on the new system!
good luck!! xxx

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 04:41:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

Another day of no change, this is getting painful now! was hoping to leave on the 21st, not looking likely now :(

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-14 12:24:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

Still waiting :( starting to get very anxious now as even my ceac update is still saying 'ready' it was updated yesterday, just want to know everything is ok. URGH! They really like to put us through the ringer don't they!!!

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-13 04:39:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

congrats crashsle!!! fantastic news :D have a safe flight to your new home <3

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-09 10:54:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

cheers crashsle! so happy for you to be able to make your flight :D Exciting times ahead for us both! xxxx

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 15:27:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

did your status on the ceac site change to issued yet crashsle? mine still just says 'ready' last updated the 5th aug, which was my interview day :/


ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 10:38:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

now im worried!!! no call for me :( lol, hoping its just coz i'm waiting for four to be done?!

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-08 10:19:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

Yeah I'm not panicking just yet about it not being issued, if I'm honest I am still too haunted by this envelope drama to worry about anything else at the moment! I'll just keep checking like you say crashsle, I am surecoz I have to get 4 visa's one for me and one each for my kids then it will take a little longer :)


I wouldn't worry just yet dzatlien give it a little while I am sure it will all work out for you :) xxx


ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-07 10:46:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

I am with you on the less time to worry about saying goodbyes crashsle! That was my way of thinking too, no call for delivery for me as of yet and the ceac website still hasn't changed from saying 'ready' for interview :/ eagerly awaiting or that 'issued' message!!
That was so fast for you Deanna and Karl, so happy for you! Wishing you a safe flight and a wonderful new life together :)

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-07 06:55:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

Hi catie :) firstly good luck for thursday!! and second, if you read this recent review of intervew it explains about someone will call to let us pay and arrange the visa delivery
xxx much love!

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 09:31:00
United KingdomHas anyone with recent interviews received visa with new courier?

Great idea crashsle I was wondering the same thing, I have my interview tomorrow I will post as soon as i get my call.... if i get approved!! xxx

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-04 09:16:00
United KingdomDont have my Passport yet !

I am still waiting for mine and my interview was on 5th august :( ceac website still stating 'ready for interview'

This last wait is absolutely agonising, hope you guys get some news soon too xxx

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-16 06:00:00
United Kingdomlondon interview

yup, I had my interview on the 5th, they didn't look at any evidence at all :)

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-21 14:47:00
United KingdomHusband here from K-1 Visa for 1 year. We want to move to UK. might wanna watch this... its not good :(

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-23 20:42:00
United Kingdomlosing the will..... (just venting, AGAIN!) lol

thanks jenny :D Will try that one now too lol....  i shall not give up!  HAHA <3
.....Although, now 17 days till  my wedding and no change on my ceac today at all :/

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-27 15:04:00
United Kingdomlosing the will..... (just venting, AGAIN!) lol

Have we already established there is no reason why you would be in the long security checking AP? It comes from the DS-157 usually and If you or your close family were born in or frequently visit India, Pakistan, Afghanistan, Algeria, Bahrain, Eritrea, Lebanon, Morocco, North Korea, Oman, Qatar, Somalia, Tunisia, the United Arab Emirates, Yemen, Saudi Arabia, Bangladesh, Egypt, Indonesia, Jordan, Kuwait, Cuba, Iran, Iraq, Libya, Sudan, or Syria or have Muslim ties then there may be AP in London. Or having certain scientific training or maybe munitions training or expertise perhaps from the military could require extra checks. Do you tick any of those boxes?


Definately no reason for me to be in that long security checking AP. English born and bred, only place I have visited is USA and spain once when I was 17! None of my family have been there either as far as I know, I haven't had contact with any of my family for a few years but positive none of them have even been on holiday to any of those places. All this would be so much easier to cope with if they just told us what they were doing instead of "just wait and check the website!"....... another new week, lets hope for good news for us all :D
thanks nich <3

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-27 07:36:00
United Kingdomlosing the will..... (just venting, AGAIN!) lol

(Disregard the IVU email, I just checked and that one was later. It was only the Consular Info Unit who replied to the contact form, but they did have access to my file.)


I don't blame you for wanting to try help. I'd be feeling so frustrated too if I were you. But I think you do still stand a fairly good chance of making Sept 14th, although the two holidays are bad timing. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you.


cheers chick, I am trying to stay positive haven't given up ALL hope just yet :) xxx

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-26 11:54:00
United Kingdomlosing the will..... (just venting, AGAIN!) lol

Which contact form (or option within) are you using?

When I did it, I got an email back from the Consular Information Unit and then from the Immigrant Visa Unit.

I can't even remember now lol, I have sent so many emails from different places and called a million numbers and just get nowhere. I am just gonna leave it up to the other half to call DoS for us everyday.... just thought I could do something too you know, feels like i'm sitting here waiting for him to do it for me all the time like some princess!


ilovemypants - I am sorry that you're going through this. I couldn't get through to anyone either when I had problems getting my visa from DXS.

Could you ring up DOS, perhaps? It's really not acceptable is it? I agree with you - for what we're paying and who we are dealing with, things should be running a lot more smoothly. Good luck.


yup it sure does suck, not only me in this situation seems there is a group that is struggling. Yeah my man has been calling DoS everyday for accurate updates just was hoping for something more proactive I could doso I didn't have to sit here feeling useless. Really starting to consider whether or not I am going to make my wedding day :( It's all booked and invites sent for 14th sept, but with my ceac still stating 'ready' the earliest it is likely to receive the visa in hand is thursday and thats only if it is issued tuesday, sent to courier wednesday then out for delivery to me thursday.... which as we have all seen is highly unlikely to go so smoothly!!!


ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-26 10:03:00
United Kingdomlosing the will..... (just venting, AGAIN!) lol

Ok, so I call the embassy.... they tell me they are just the non immigrant section and can't help me and say  have to use the contact us email form on website.... so .........I use the contact us form on said website like I am advised and guess what?!?!?!.......


Dear Applicant,

We can only provide general information regarding how to use the appointment scheduling website and/or how to register for courier services.

The system will show an update to your status when the documents have been turned over by the consular section for delivery to you. We cannot provide case status updates or estimates as we are not consular officers and the adjudication of each applicant's application is at the sole discretion of the consular section.

We are not the Embassy or consulate.

We are only the non-immigrant visa appointment scheduling service for the US Mission to UK. You would need to address your question directly to the consular section you are seeking to make the decision.

Please note: We are not authorized to provide any contact information for the US Embassy or consulates beyond what is already on the Consulate Information page of our website.

Thank you,

The Contact Desk Support Team

So, in short.... when calling the number on their website for help they tell me to use email so i do, they then tell me they cant help me and not only that but they aren't allowed to tell me how they can help me... is it just me who is finding this incredibly frustrating when I have paid thousands of pounds for this service, I kind of expect  to at least be able to contact someone ya know?! The only number we get any info from  is the number to call america costing lots!.... and when my case is in london with all my documents here it just doesnt make sense to me that i have to call another country to find out whats going on with my case GRRRRRRRR

sorry.. rant over......


ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-26 05:54:00
United KingdomK2 separate I 134 for each?

your welcome :D xXx

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-27 18:35:00
United KingdomK2 separate I 134 for each?

I had three K2's accompanying me and I only  had one copy of the I-134,  the only thing I had to do for each of them were the forms I sent in for packet 3 and I had to photocopy the notarized letter from their father  for each of the K2's I hadn't done this only copied it once but the lady at the first desk of my interview copied it for me 2 more times  :)

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-27 07:41:00
United KingdomEmail to contact DoS or US Embassy London??

yeah i just messaged them on that too, been calling everyday but get no help at all, just told to wait and check ceac... but once it gets to over 12 working days you start to lose patience with that when it just tells you 'ready for interview' everytime :( I was supposed to fly out on 19th had to cancel, then thought 21st.... not gonna happen either. Wedding in 3 weeks, considering whether I am going to have to cancel it :'(

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-20 11:52:00
United Kingdomissued.... they say its an error?!

Within the 90 days after you enter on the K1.


 it helps your case if you show them proof of a wedding date. They asked me at the interview also when my wedding is.

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-31 10:15:00
United Kingdomissued.... they say its an error?!

They do tell you not to make arrangements until a Visa is in hand.


They also ask you for a wedding date

Cheers for all your info guys! <3

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-31 08:38:00
United Kingdomissued.... they say its an error?!

OK, so after 20 working days our ceac finally said issued this morning, but when we called DoS they tell us that it's an error :( WHY DO THEY PLAY WITH OUR EMOTIONS LIKE THIS!!! Only 14 days till our wedding now, can't take much more :( Still have to wait for delivery and then then book flights.
Has anyone else been told this by them?!?

ilovemypantsFemaleUnited Kingdom2013-08-30 14:21:00