US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFriend in need

I don't have any answers, just a questions. Not that it's of any consequence, but I'm sure readers (including myself) are wondering why your friend has not filed for AOS seven months out, especially when I'm sure they were informed of what was required. What's their story... are they procrastinators, they had other things to do, they hate the bureaucratic nonsense, they ran out of money, they didn't feel like it, they like the extra drama, planned on going back to the beneficiary's country to live and change their minds, they hate filling out forms, they thought the beneficiary would automatically receive citizenship, they didn't care, they wanted to wait to test the knowledge of VJ members, they didn't know, or what? Give us the juicy details!


Sheriff Uling

p.s. - At least they married within 90 days, I've read where folks have filed after 90 days with no repercussions, but not after the visa expired. I'm sure there are a few seasoned VJers that can provide some guidance.

Edited by Sheriff Uling, 09 April 2007 - 12:12 AM.

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-04-09 00:11:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionFilipino - American couples question?

Probably the choice we'll face is I attend the interview or nothing. It'll be difficult to come up with the money to fly there again in the first place, but I definitely believe I need to attend her interview to help prove the marraige is bona-fide. And my guess is, based upon others who have had a CR-1 interview already, she'll be put on AR and I will not be able to attend her going away party, or have her fly home with me.

I would also choose the interview because that is when your beloved will need you the most...


Sheriff Uling
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-04-08 09:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionA special thread for PatientlyWaiting...

You have been patiently waiting for a long time and little did you know how ironic your VJ ID would become.

At this point in time, I can't thing of anyone more deserving and ready for an approval. I'm really excited for you because I now have some idea what your immediate future is going to be like... SWEET!!! You are a selfless wonderful person that I have had the honor of getting to know through the wonderful service (support) that you provide here on VJ. You are an inspiration and a beautiful spirit.

We're saying a special praying for you both.


p.s. - Sometimes bad things happen to wonderful people, but you know what, your time has come... And it's time to collect.
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-04-12 05:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy K1

The DS-157, Supplemental Nonimmigrant Visa Applicatioin, is the form that is validated by the bank. You would think that this would not happen or would have been corrected by now. The US Embassy ERRONEOUSLY sites the DS-156, Nonimmigrant Visa Applicatioin, as the form that is validated by the bank in Packet 4. I acknowledge this error in our Phil-Am K1 Visa Information (located below in the signature block).

You have now motivated me to contact the USE in hopes of getting them to correct this oversight that creates more confusion within this wrecked process.


Sheriff Uling

Edited by Sheriff Uling, 14 April 2007 - 10:59 AM.

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-04-14 10:58:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy Visa
What? By the by, this thread is going to be moved.

Edited by Sheriff Uling, 17 April 2007 - 08:16 PM.

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-04-17 20:15:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDo i have right to get mad?
Ate, you should re-visit this information with your beloved and re-iterate the importance of having what is required and the potential consequences of not fulfilling their requirements. With all due respect, your frustrations seem better suited in private between you and your beloved. I can understand you explaining your shortfall of documentation but publicly displaying your displeasure for his actions does not honor him. Just my opinion and please forgive me if I offend thee.


Sheriff Uling

p.s.- Good luck and I wish you the best.
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-04-17 00:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat happens now!!??
Jani - Great! I am sure that you are extremely relieved. Good luck with the rest of your journey. Cheers!!!

americanwoman - I'm not sure... glitches sometimes happen... it may be due to the last update, but who knows. Cheers!!!
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2006-08-28 11:44:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat happens now!!??
meauxna - The million dollar question is... What makes my response and your insult any better? It doesn't! I can respect this last reply. By the by, you were also out of line for trying to tell me where I can post. However, I would like to put this behind us and move forward. Agreed...
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2006-08-27 15:55:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat happens now!!??
meauxna - If I'm not mistaken, I did not mention you in my response to "Jani" nor did I imply that that because she is a women that she deserved any type of treatment. In fact, I wasn't aware of her gender before posting my response. So you can squash your gender kick and save your name calling for someone who cares what you think. I did not direct any tongue lashing your way and I would appreciate the same. Besides, get all your ducks in a row before making conclusions or labels. You don't know me nor do I know you. However, I did not see a negative reply towards “Majizee” who obviously was posting nonsense. Also, if you cared noticed, I did post that this is a simple fix and also offered a solution.

By the by, I wasn’t aware that I was limited to my own “Regional Forum.” Is anyone else aware of this rule?

Edited by Uling, 27 August 2006 - 03:31 PM.

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2006-08-27 15:28:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat happens now!!??
americanwoman - When you have time, could you please link your timeline. If you have not created one, please create a timeline and link it to your profile. Thanks a bunch!
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2006-08-27 14:53:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat happens now!!??

Whats the guarantee even if its sealed they will not reopen it again?

I don't know how you found anyone to love you. You're just horrible.

Alex+R - You are hilarious! I'm sure my neighbors are wondering why I'm laughing so dahamn loud!!!

Jani - It's only dangerous outside if there is a brown envelope in your path that is only is supposed to be opened at the POE. LOL!

Edited by Uling, 27 August 2006 - 01:02 PM.

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2006-08-27 13:00:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat happens now!!??
sarah and hicham - That's NOT true! Simply return to the embassy or consulate and request to have it resealed. It's painless, but it cost you more time, energy, and evidently stress!

Edited by Uling, 27 August 2006 - 12:23 PM.

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2006-08-27 12:22:00
US Embassy and Consulate Discussionwhat happens now!!??
I’m just going to write what others are thinking.

How could you! Especially after all the hard work, uncertainty, delays, money, energy, and resources, AND what do you do... OPEN THE FREAKIN ENVELOPE! UNBELIEVABLE! Excuse me for be critical, but we are all dying to be in your shoes. You probably just stressed the hell out of your beloved who should have given you a good tongue lashing because you deserve it. GOODNESS! You are lucky that you do NOT need to return to the Manila Embassy in order to get the package resealed because you would be waiting all dahamn day. And you would deserve that too!!!

Good luck and God’s speed in the rest of your journey!!!

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2006-08-27 12:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionUSE-MANILA INTERVIEW EXPERIENCE
Jenny and Manny:

Thanks a bunch for sharing your experience (great information) and CONGRATS! Check out my wife's profile to get some information on the Adjustment of Status (AOS) stage of your journey.


Sheriff Uling
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-05-03 18:36:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Review

AR was for ONE MONTH: 30 days

The CO thought that I filed a fraudulent visa application as he did not think that I was divorced. REALLY: How crazy does this sound as it is illegal to be married to more than one wife, plus violation of several immigration statutes. If a person cannot function in society, I guess that he can always get a job at USCIS. But, this CO was an intelligent American and reviewed my divorce records to determine that I went through one heck of a divorce. I am proud of him.

HELPFUL NUMBERS to save time and worry on status of your AR:
These are not the silly $20 phone call to get an appointment.
U.S. Embassy 011-63-2-528-6300 then 7 then prompted for extension 5185#
Department of State 202 663 1225 + 1 + 0

Thanks for everyone's prayers and support.

Doc May



Sorry about the long and crazy ride. Now you can get down to the real business of starting your lives together besides the little business of the AOS... Here we go again... Thank goodness the rest of the ride is somewhat of a breeze...


Sheriff Uling
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-05-10 00:02:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Review

i hardly doubt he was jelous of your wages and assests so stop bragging. alot of people make good money and they are not denied. my husband is a doctor and he didnt get denied so that shoots ur theory.

Wages and assets actually can be a basis for jealousy so don't be too harsh on him.

he doesnt have to come here and brag about it.


If you observe, DocMay put a funny face next to the statement concerning his wages and assets, which would lead one to believe that he was not bragging. Just poking fun at the situation and venting at the same time. The man is on AR. Please let's cut him some slack... Even if he is loaded and announces it, why does it matter (rhetorical question)? There are plenty of folks on VJ that do very well for themselves. However, I truly do NOT believe the he was bragging.

If you want to read about bragging, let me tell you. I'm upset every year when they publish the 50 Most Sexiest Men and discover that they overlooked me AGAIN. You know why? BECAUSE I'm "Dead Sexy!" Now that's bragging! That's right... "DEAD SEXY!!!"

Yeah Baby Yeah!!!


Sheriff Uling

Edited by Sheriff Uling, 10 April 2007 - 02:36 PM.

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-04-10 14:33:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionAdministrative Review

I'm really sorry to know about the status of your visa interview resulting in an AR. Hopefully, this will not be prolonged and the USE will contact your beloved informing her of the approval. You may need to follow-up with them because as you know the government is not big on follow-up (unless it's about collecting money). Doc, your impressive portfolio should have been a benefit, but with the obvious age gap between you and your lovely fiancée, it maybe logical to rattle her cage to uncover the truth (not with an AR, of course). Nobody wants our American citizen’s potential manipulated by the sultry beauty and seductive women (or men). However, there may be other aspects about your past or her's that you have not disclosed that may shed some light into why the CO elected to further review your case. Or maybe the CO is simply an #######... Who knows?

I will continue to pray for a speedy resolution!

Sheriff Uling

p.s. - Thanks for sharing...
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-04-10 01:09:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDelbros Delivery Time - Metro Manila

You my friend have evidently not read our Manila Embassy K1 Visa Guide... (((shrugs)))

read the general guides, looking for recent experience .. (((shrugs back)))

Well... (((double shrugs))) back at you... Hahahahaha!!!!
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-05-17 04:57:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionDelbros Delivery Time - Metro Manila
You my friend have evidently not read our Manila Embassy K1 Visa Guide... (((shrugs)))
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-05-17 00:04:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLira's Thread


Lira said the counselor was a b!tch---well, she said not nice--- but she got the delbros pink slip and was given no other forms. Thanx everyone for putting up with me tonight :thumbs:

Oh, you did not get the memo. Must bribe all CO with a minimum of $100 USD... Hahahaha... Congrats!!!
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-05-09 11:32:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLira's Thread

Thanx Sheriff, I know I should get out of the house and find something to keep me busy for a few hours but I don't deal with stress well. Truth be told, I'm more comfortable pacing around my house.


In that case, make it interesting and fun. You should pace around the house in your favorite thong and nipple clips! (Heheheh) :devil:


Sheriff Uling
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-05-08 19:07:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionLira's Thread

Why don't you go jogging, lift weights, go out to eat, go to the mall, go to the batting cages, ice skating, visit friends/family, rent a movie, go to the movies, or something. It's murder waiting for that call. Hang in there, but find something to do please.


Sheriff Uling

p.s. - If you go to the mall, buy something nice for your bride to be.... (a home-coming gife - she'll like that....)
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-05-08 18:48:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy - Packet 4 ONLY

...Oh, would you guys have any idea about making requests from the embassy to send the packet to St. Lukes instead of you address of residence? I've read that somewhere in the forums and they say that it's faster and more relaible. How true is this?


The direct answer to your question is... I don't know if they will send Packet 4 directly to St. Lukes instead of attempting to send it to the beneficiary's residence first, but you can call the Manila Embassy and inquire (the number is within my signature). However, they will send Packet 4 to St. Lukes (in about two or three business days) at your request if the beneficiary has not received it (which is true).

Here is what I have seen read about in other cases:

On average, it appears that the Manila Embassy sends Packet 4 to the beneficiary's addresss within 30 - 45 days before the interview. If the beneficiary has not received Packet 4, then call the Manila Embassy and request to pick it up at St. Lukes, which normally takes around two or three business days.

NOTE: It does appear to be more reliable because I have not read anywhere that Packet 4 was not at St. Lukes upon requesting to pick it up there.


Sheriff Uling
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2006-10-18 12:23:00
US Embassy and Consulate DiscussionManila Embassy - Packet 4 ONLY
The Manila Embassy does NOT issue a Packet 3 (ONLY PACKET 4). It's no wonder folks have been PMing me asking me about Packet 3 because people are making it up. There is NO PACKET 3 issued by the Manila Embassy. They stopped doing that long ago. So please stop announcing that a Packet 3 exist, and it's not the instructions, the envelop, or any other piece of paper... There is NO PACKET 3. This process is confusing enough without people posting incorrect information. If you don't believe me then please call the Manila Embassy. The number is within my signature, and I assure you that they will not know what you are talking about.


Sheriff Uling
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2006-10-18 02:58:00
CanadaBest way to transfer Canadian funds to the US
QUOTE (Emancipation @ Jul 24 2008, 09:40 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>

Absolutely the way to go.. it takes a little to set up- so once you have your US banking info you should set an account up - but it's simple, very easy and best of all NO fees to do a straight EFT smile.gif

Thanks for the info! I'm going to check it out too...


Sheriff Uling
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2008-07-27 08:57:00
CanadaWhat does your family call you?
The best question is what doesn't the spouse call you during an argument. Hehehehe.... :-)
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2008-09-10 14:57:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Just stopping by to write "Hello" to everybody because I have not visited in awhile.


Sheriff Uling

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2008-05-25 20:48:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (IR5FORMUMSIE @ Dec 17 2007, 11:28 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Krikit @ Dec 18 2007, 12:44 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sheriff Uling @ Dec 17 2007, 05:27 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
No! I'll be hanging out in the area working and visiting family... And you?

Awww.... Being at home at Christmas is nice. I'm aiming for that. My goal is to have all my family spend Christmas with us in two years. good.gif This year we are heading back to Canada to be with family and friends. (Neither of us have family in FLA. Hubby was transferred here through his work.) We're leaving on Christmas Eve and coming back on New Year's Day, so we're only going to be there for a week. But it's going to be a very busy week because there are so many people to see. As long as I remember not to have more than one glass of wine (or champagne) on New Year's Eve, it'll all be good. I'm not too adept at flying after drinking.

Then you'll never be an airline pilot. laughing.gif

That's hilarious... laughing.gif
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-12-18 14:51:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (Krikit @ Dec 15 2007, 08:36 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sheriff Uling @ Dec 14 2007, 10:46 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Just dropping by to write... "Hello and Happy Holidays!"

Thanks for dropping by, Sheriff. Happy Holidays to you too! Are you heading off somewhere and saying goodbye?

No! I'll be hanging out in the area working and visiting family... And you?
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-12-17 17:27:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Just dropping by to write... "Hello and Happy Holidays!"

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-12-14 22:46:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (charlesandnessa @ Nov 29 2007, 08:20 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
where is everyone? unsure.gif

I just checking in to see how everything is going. Hopefully everyone is having a wonderful day...

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-11-29 13:50:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
It's actually fitting that I am graced with an honourary pass because I grew-up in Detroit, Michigan and I visited Canada a lot as a kid...

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-11-28 11:47:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
QUOTE (trailmix @ Nov 27 2007, 03:53 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Sheriff Uling @ Nov 27 2007, 03:51 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hey... I want an honorary pass to participate in Canada's Off Topic Forum... Hehehe!!! Have a great one everybody...

Here you go!

Yeah! I saved the image and I'm going to reference it everytime I post here. You are the best...


Sheriff Uling

Edited by Sheriff Uling, 27 November 2007 - 09:42 PM.

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-11-27 21:35:00
CanadaOff Topic Forum...
Hey... I want an honorary pass to participate in Canada's Off Topic Forum... Hehehe!!! Have a great one everybody...
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-11-27 17:51:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General Discussiondivorce within 1 year of marriage
QUOTE (Haole @ May 3 2008, 10:24 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (djcess @ May 3 2008, 07:16 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Dan + Gemvita @ May 3 2008, 10:15 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (djcess @ May 4 2008, 12:12 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hi everyone. I have a quick question but a little bit complicated. Someone I know got divorced within just 1 year of marriage. She came here on a fiance visa, got her conditional permanent resident card. I know she can't remove her conditional status. What happens next? I believe she should leave the country am I correct? Thanks.

She's still staying in the US.

She can remove conditions with a wavier provided that the marriage was in good faith.

Thanks for your reply. So if she removes that she can stay? As far as the marriage, all I can say is it's definitely not.

If petitioner divorced beneficiary they can remove conditions and stay as other poster said "The marriage was in good faith".

Absolutely! Tell the Permanant Resident to read the instructions for the I-751 Petition to Remove the Conditions of Residence. If the marriage was entered in "good faith" then there is a chance the individual may be granted a ten year renewable green card. If she leaves the country subsequent to her conditional green card expiring, she more than likely will not be able to enter at the POE.


Sheriff Uling

Edited by Sheriff Uling, 04 May 2008 - 01:40 AM.

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2008-05-04 01:35:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLeasons Learned (I-751)
Any new updates?

We received a letter about a week after filing to remove conditions of residence that my wife's conditional greencard is exended one more year, and about a three days later we received our biometrics date, which was this past Tuesday.

Now the wait begins...


Sheriff Uling aka "Sexy Beast"

p.s. - Please chime in...

Edited by Sheriff Uling, 27 March 2009 - 08:26 PM.

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2009-03-27 20:25:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLeasons Learned (I-751)
When the conditional greencard is receive, the beneficiary/spouse/permanent resident can go to the SSA to apply for any updated SS card, which does not have the restriction statement accros the top.

Not unless you are referencing something else that I'm not aware of... unsure.gif


Sheriff Uling

QUOTE (russian_armenian @ May 7 2008, 10:00 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
NOA1 is not always sent. So, don't wait -get I-551 stamp. Go, to SS and make unrestricted SS card.

QUOTE (Sheriff Uling @ Apr 13 2007, 05:07 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Hello VJ...

Please share your leasons learned from your I-751 filing and interview experiences. Maybe this could help others out in the future.


Sheriff Uling

Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2008-05-23 14:18:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLeasons Learned (I-751)

Any news since the last bump that anyone wants to share?
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2008-05-07 13:58:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLeasons Learned (I-751)

Please feel free to add more lessons learned or review for informational purposes...
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-09-13 19:02:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionLeasons Learned (I-751)

Would anyone be willing to share their interview and/or Oath of Allegiance experience?



Very cool... Thanks!!!
Sheriff UlingMalePhilippines2007-04-21 14:15:00