CanadaCell phone plans in the US?

I was always told cell phone plans in the US have way better pricing than here.  I pay $39 a month for my koodo phone, I have a galaxy s2, & am super happy with it.  But I can't use it in the States since it is locked into Koodo and whatnot.  Anyways, my fiance and I were looking to add me to his phone plan and we could have a shared would be $150 a month, EVERY plan I have looked at with other providers are at least $130 a month.  We don't use a ton of data...I never go over my 500mb a month, and I use it regularly at work on my lunch and whatnot.  Does anyone know of any plans they share with their significant other that is not going to cost us a crazy amount?  We aren't exactly going to be rolling in the dough with me not being able to work & him being a student haha,   

kc247FemaleCanada2014-01-26 22:44:00
CanadaInterview location (living in Halifax)

So medical goes with interview? And I got a choice to do medical in Toronto?

Sucks they will have to go to Montreal.

You can get your medical done at any of the approved places in Canada.  Montreal is the closest so that is why a lot of people will stay in Montreal for a week and get their medical done before the interview, so you have time to get the results before the medical.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-17 13:19:00
CanadaInterview location (living in Halifax)

Your "Only" option is Montreal. That is the Consulate for our area. I'm in Pictou, NS, my application has been approved & now waiting on the date for my interview. Not to discourage you but to add some more trauma & expense to our life living so far away from Montreal is having to go to Montreal for the medical as well. You have to wait 3 additional days after the medical exam for your results for a total of 4 days before the interview. So you can bet on at least 5 nights in a hotel in Montreal.


Eeek I am from New Glasgow! :)


& yes Montreal is the only place, I went to Toronto for my medical to get it out of the way (I have family there) so I wouldn't have to stay for a week in Montreal alone, & flew to Montreal the day before my interview & flew home the next day! 

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-16 19:10:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

Wow how many of us are SoCal bound?

Canadians reunite!!! I'll find cheese curds and make some awesome poutine!! ;)
*edit* Weston, half price? Haven't met the "two buck chuck" yet have you??

Yeah. Two dollar bottles of wine.

(I'm not a lush I swear...)


I wish I was California bound...we went to Anaheim for our honeymoon and I would of gladly stayed!  I love warm weather.  People here are like 'you are Canadian you must be used to it!' I may be used to it but that doesn't mean I like it!  It is warmer here in Utah than home, but not a whole lot, just shorter winters mainly.  

I found cheese curds at a local grocery store and was way too excited.  I have also made home made donairs for a few friends that turned out fabulous!  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-16 10:12:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada


Sounds like a high deducible plan.  Ours is similar, $5000 until the deductible is met (but we can use our HSA to pay for anything) and after that everything is covered.   It's not ideal for someone who's pregnant so you may want to look into when you can change your plan.  Hubs and I are pretty healthy so really it's only for my yearly tests and if we need to go to emerg.  The nice part is the saving into the HSA if there is an issue, and we can use that until we're 65.  Since he's gov't we'll always have access to good plans, the hard part for us is picking out the plan. 

Yes it is definitely high, i would rather something much lower but since I am healthy I am hoping I won't have a problem.  It is mainly in case of emergency.  I have only had to go to the Dr once in the past year, because I cut my finger on a bread knife.  & other than that only for girly exams.  I was happy to have the free health care once that I had to go in for an ultrasound a couple years ago, luckily it was nothing but stuff like that worries me as I imagine it would be expensive here!  I will definitely get a better one when we plan on getting pregnant, hopefully by then we will have one through a job.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-15 17:06:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

Yes the health insurance isn't ALL bad I would is just bad for people who don't have good health insurance.  From what I understand about what I am getting..we have to pay everything up to...$6000?  I mean if I had something horrible happen that cost way more than wouldn't be so bad, but I don't like the idea of going to the doctor for a little thing and I have to pay.  The main thing I am worried about is pregnancy costs/having a baby.  We don't PLAN on having a baby for 3-5 years from now, but never say never right?  If I was to get pregnant right now, we would of course have the baby, and that is what worries me..what if something happened.  We can't afford thousands of dollars for health care.  Hopefully nothing happens between now and whenever I/he gets a job that has good health insurance benefits, but I worry a bit too much!  He doesn't have to worry about it while he's in school (until he is 26) because he is with his parents insurance still which I find a bit frusterating that I can't be added to, even though he is my husband..  but oh well, eventually it will be all good I am sure!  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-15 15:52:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

I completely agree with you. I don't understand how it is justified to pay thousands of dollars for healthcare. It should be a right not a privilege. It makes me sick just thinking about how many people go without basic health care because they can't afford to go to the doctor regularly. The USA is not a third world country why are its residents being treated like one. Sorry end rant now.
Also I'm worried about how I'm going to be able to afford to get a prescription for/ get birth control when I move there.

Just ranted to my parents about this on the phone today haha, drives me crazy, even though I will have 'healthcare' once I finally get my application stuff figured really doesn't help me any..I still have to pay to go to the doctor/get a prescription.. all it does is make me not go crazy in debt if I .. get in a car accident..etc.. something that will cost thousands.  Nothing like I am used to..going to the Dr for free, paying barely anything at the dentist.  We aren't planning to have kids for a few years but it worries me if something happened and we had an unplanned pregnancy.. it costs so much!  I took as many packs of birth control as I could before I left, and have 4 more left in my year prescription and am hoping if I call the clinic where I get my pills, my Mom will be able to mail them to me.  After that I plan on just going to Planned Parenthood here & seeing what the options are.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-13 23:05:00
CanadaGoing to miss Canada

I've been here 2 months on the 20th.  It's easier than it was but I still miss home a lot & that will never change.  i miss living in Canada.  I live in a bigger city than I came from, I came from a small town, so that is nice.  I find the hardest part not having my friends & family around anymore.  The only friend I have is my husband, which is fine, but he works & goes to school a lot & I have nothing to do/no money to do anything even if I wanted to.  I would of course rather be here with him than home waiting like I was before.  I would rather us both live in Canada but at the moment that isn't an option.  The health care definitely bothers me, I came from a job that I had really good benefits from, covered everything basically. I don't understand the US health care, so I complain about it a lot but try to suck it up.  I miss my dog a lot, if I had him with me it would make it easier because I would get out more with him.  He couldn't come with me though, our apartment isn't pet friendly & it is all we can afford at the moment.  Once I get settled in a job we will move somewhere that is and hopefully my parents will eventually drive down with him.  I don't want him to go on a plane.  It probably would of been easier if I came from living alone, but I lived at home with my family and then came here to not having them around and being alone a lot.  I am not one to go join groups or anything like that if I am alone.  I would rather stay home than have to be put in a social setting that makes me feel awkward haha.  I do go to the university gym a few mornings a week which gets me out and about so I like that!  It will be easier once I am working, but the thought of having to go apply for jobs and go through interviews stresses me out as well haha.  My worst fear is that I won't find a job in my field & will have to go get a job at a grocery store or something.. & there is nothing wrong with that at all, but I worked at one for 7 years and the thought of having to go back to that type of job worries me!  

Sorry for complaining, it really isn't all that bad, we have fun and I do like it here.  I just wish I could go visit home!  But I will say it is easier than it was..I don't get choked up thinking about my family anymore so that is progress!   :)  I think it just depends on the individual, some people adjust to change better than others!
Oh & it is funny when people ask where I am from and I say Nova Scotia, I usually don't add in Canada...because I stubbornly think people should know that is in Canada.  Often they are like....Nova Scotia..Europe?  One guy was like 'that's technically in Canada right?' I'm is fully in Canada actually.  I do like the price of gas much more is about $3.30 a gallon, not sure if that is a good price in the US?  But home we were paying about $1.40 a litre when I left.

Edited by kc247, 12 April 2014 - 12:48 PM.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-12 12:43:00
CanadaPets: Do you have to be the owner to transport a pet into the U.S.?

I would imagine you would just need all the proper vaccinations.  Lots of breeders get breeding dogs from over in Europe and shipped into the US or Canada.  

I also don't think it makes any difference if you are the 'owner' or not, I think they mainly just care about the vaccinations.  My parents will be driving my boy down here eventually & I never thought or worried about it mattering if they are the owners.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-24 12:13:00
CanadaQuestion about travelling within the States

Nope doesn't matter.  I used my passport for ID to fly from Utah to California for our honeymoon.  The only problem would be crossing the border and trying to get back into the US.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-05-01 10:43:00
CanadaMontreal Hotel

I stayed at the Travelodge, it was quite close & was nice.  Small room but I was alone and it was only for one night.  I can't tell you the exact price as it was a flight/hotel bundle but I know it was a good price.  Probably about 5 or so minute walk to the consulate, all I remember was freezing my bum off.  Close to a little mall which came in handy when I forgot my hairbrush...

kc247FemaleCanada2014-04-28 20:02:00
CanadaCanadians Obtaining US Health Insurance

Agreed about the obamacare website being junk!  I tried them since we got married, calling them over and over, kept saying they would call me back and never did.  We gave up and applied for bluecross something or other the end of April, hoping to get coverage for May, they haven't gotten back to me yet though.  I miss Canada when I didn't have to worry about it!  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-05-05 18:38:00
CanadaAs it Vancouver expedition!

Kc yep. Provided they don't stick me in ap purgatory I should have the visa itself in another week or two. And I'm hoping in about seven weeks I'll be riding the bus home from my last shift at the office.

Mixed feelings about that, honestly. Not being able to work for a bit...yikes!

I thought I'd be sad about leaving my job at home, but my last shift I was like YAY!  But now after not working for almost 3 months.. I miss it some days!  Definitely gets a bit boring... but it is kind of nice having a break!  I do watch wayy too much netflix while my husband is at work haha.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-05-10 10:51:00
CanadaAs it Vancouver expedition!

Congrats!  Nice to have it over with eh?!

kc247FemaleCanada2014-05-09 10:59:00
CanadaJoint sponsor makes enough to sponsor my relative, but filled taxes mariied and filing jointly.

We used my husband's father as the joint sponsor, he filed his taxes jointly with his wife for 2 of the past 3 years.  We only provided his W2s and paystubs, his wife didn't fill anything out.  So far no RFE.  My brother on the other hand filled it out exactly as we did (using his wife's uncle) and he got an RFE asking for the uncle's wife's info.  I think it all depends who is looking at your case.  If we had known before we filed that my brother got an RFE for it, I would of put the wife's info as well. 

kc247FemaleCanada2014-05-15 18:07:00
CanadaRequired Vaccinations (Montreal - 2013)

I have heard verbal confirmation is fine for the chicken pox, but then on Dr. Zatsman website it says that Varicella vaccine is necessary?  

kc247FemaleCanada2013-10-25 14:30:00
CanadaStopping HST cheques

Sorry, nevermind, I see that there is a form you have to mail in !

kc247FemaleCanada2014-05-30 11:05:00
CanadaStopping HST cheques

Oh shoot... I forgot about this.  I got a cheque in April, one of the affordable living cheques they have in Nova Scotia.  I never even thought at the time about not being eligible for it.  Is there no way at all to do it online?  I hate calling government things.  Darn...$160 is not easy for us to pay back right now with me not working.  I wish I had realized at the time and I would of called them right away and not had it deposited.  :(

kc247FemaleCanada2014-05-30 10:58:00
CanadaMontreal Consulate Question

There is no parking available at the consulate.  I imagine you would have to pay a meter to park on the street.  10 hour drive is a lot for the same day!  I would drive there the day before & stay at a hotel, & walk to the consulate.  Way easier in my opinion!  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-05-15 10:23:00
CanadaDifficult, complicated situation

I am no expert, but from what I have read online (my husband and I would like to return to Canada after he is done school as long as he can find a job), the easiest way to return to Canada is to apply while you are living in the US and sponsor them as a spouse, and then move to Canada when that is approved.  That really isn't any help though since you have already moved to Canada.  From what I have read it actually seems quicker to do it while you are living in the US than to do it in Canada.  BUT, it isn't your fault, if the employer said they were going to do the work visa than they should of. Very frustrating!  Hope it works out.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-06-19 10:55:00
CanadaUgh, I need a rant...

Ouch, that sucks!  That is what I hate about phones with contracts!  Props to all you people who have to sell houses and whatnot, must be difficult.  Luckily I was living at home at the time, not that I could of afforded a house anyway, but I just left all my stuff there except a couple suitcases of clothes and what I could fit!

That sucks about the car, I considered driving mine here but I didn't understand how you import it and whatnot, and I didn't really want to drive 50 some hours haha.  Luckily my parents took over the remaining payments and kept it for now.  

Just think...when you come here you can just relax and attempt to de stress from all the headache this whole process gives us!  I have kinda enjoyed not working.  I got my EAD yesterday and am scared to start looking for a job, but have to since I am no help with money & I can't wait to get out of this apartment when we can afford something more! & we desperately need a new car, ours has no air conditioning (death) and sometimes I am afraid it is just going to break when I am driving it.  Also jobs here, especially full time jobs, are hard to come by.  It's a university town so lots of students working during the summer.  Why can't we just all be rich and not have to worry about money??  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-06-10 11:23:00
CanadaBanking Recommendations?

My husband just added me to his account, also got me a credit card, I didn't have a social security number at the time.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-06-21 13:12:00
CanadaCanada Day

My husband had our own mini party & made homemade poutine.  I went to a new food place last night, they sell fries & mixed drinks.  I was sitting eating and my husband looked at the menu and was like LOOK!!!  On their menu under 'specialty items' they had 'CANADIAN POUTINE'  I was way too excited...we are hopefully going to try it tomorrow, since my husband doesn't work.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-03 10:48:00
CanadaCanada Day

Ugh I want to go to the one in North Ogden in Utah!!  We will be in Idaho though, my husband's Mom said we can have a party (we are going 'camping' with his entire family) I feel like they would all be like .... why.... and I would be like YAY CANADA!  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-06-13 10:45:00
CanadaHealth Insurance from POE to AOS

It's up to you.  I didn't get health insurance until about a week ago after fighting with the insurance companies since I came here!  It shouldn't be like that for you though since you will just be adding onto your spouses.  I believe you can get travel insurance that will cover you if it is only for that short amount of time if it makes you feel better about it & just to be safe!  I didn't bother with it though.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-06-17 15:59:00
CanadaDrivers Licence from Canada to US with Fiance Visa

I have to redo all the tests too and I live in Utah, it is the same as Cali I believe.  Any out of country drivers here have to redo the written & road test :( sucks.  I had my written test today and next have to make an appointment for a road test!  I didn't bother getting it immediately after I had my EAD (you have to have your EAD here to get it, not sure what the rules are in Cali).  But because of insurance reasons I have to get it now.  Blahhhh.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-16 19:00:00
Canadafinding pc food products in the us

I looove Presidents Choice products.. I worked for Loblaws for years.  I have yet to see them here but would LOVE it if I did.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-18 15:09:00
CanadaSSN After Getting Married

Lots of people have replied but I'm just going to add what I did.  I got my SSN after we got married, and I got it in my maiden name, even though I am  technically changing my last name to his name.  Since so many of my documents are in my maiden name, I still use my maiden name for many things (EI etc).  I also never had to put on our marriage certificate if I was officially taking his name or not.  I just decided to take it, actually I would of preferred to keep my maiden name, but I didn't want to make things complicated when we had kids and their last names and having a different one than them..soo I decided to just suck it up and change it haha.  

Anyway I believe most people wait until they have their EAD to change their SSN to their married name.  I haven't yet , because the SSN office is an hour away and I don't see the point in rushing to change it when I can still use it in my maiden name... so no rush unless you really care about it being the married name haha.  

Also I will add you don't have to have the SSN to Adjust Status, I didn't, and just left it blank.  I am also in no rush to change my passport, etc, I will change those things when they need to be renewed.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-23 15:28:00
CanadaHow to get cheap last minute flights to Canada?

Thanks so much for the tips!  I will definitely look into that Ebates thing, that sounds like a good idea!  I had made plans and set the dates I wanted to go..was going to meet my parents in NY August 2nd and stay until the 14th, as I was looking at flights to book...I got a phone call for a job interview, went to the interview today, went really well, and have a 'work interview' for a couple hours on Monday, if I get the job...which I really hope I do..I won't be able to go home :(  Which makes me soo sad, but I soo need the job, it is exactly what I want.  So mixed feelings on this.  If I do get the job we will make plans to go home at Christmas time.  Was really getting excited about the possibility of going home in almost 2 weeks :(  But it will all work out.  :)  (OH and doesn't help I keep getting emails that there are fares as low as $175 to fly to NY August 2nd!)

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-17 18:52:00
CanadaHow to get cheap last minute flights to Canada?

Also, I have my EAD/AP card, as long as I have that should I have any problems getting back in the US?  I know as always it is up to the officer, but would I be any less likely to enter with my AP than my Green Card?  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-14 16:46:00
CanadaHow to get cheap last minute flights to Canada?

Thanks for all the input!  They are (hopefully) going to NY the weekend of August 2 so I could fly in Saturday or Sunday.  Pretty flexible on when I come back, but probably not anymore than 10 days, I feel bad leaving my husband, I know he would love to come but he is working and it is really too expensive to buy 2 tickets.  I would just visit NY, if the ticket was cheap enough, from what I see you'd only save maybe $100, so I would pay the extra to be able to see my friends & dog!  

I will check tomorrow night for prices & test out that Tuesday night tip :P  They aren't 100% sure if they are going to NY (my Dad HATES leaving my dog.. this is a dog I bought myself when I graduated high school and my Dad didn't even want it!) but if I say I will meet them there I imagine they would make it official haha.  :) I don't want to get my hopes up though.  

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-14 16:36:00
CanadaHow to get cheap last minute flights to Canada?

Let's see-quick look on Kayak for a July 30 departure and an August 6th return puts the cheapest fair at $690; that's not too bad and I'm not sure you're going to get less than that. I think my last flight to Halifax (from Philly) was around $650 for a last-minute purchase.


Your best bet is to make sure you look at prices midweek, and that you're traveling on a Tuesday or Wednesday. 



You may also want to look into Hopper for some more information on how to get cheaper prices. (For example, it might be worth it to find out what city has the cheapest flight to Halifax, and see if you can save money by booking each leg of the trip separately.) That said, right now Hopper is saying your best time to travel would be September (which is right - about 57 days out, which is when you can find the best prices).




Thankyou for looking for me!  I have never been on that hopper site, and it is very interesting how it shows the flights so cheap for September, thankyou for posting it.  $690 really isn't that bad.  

Pretty rare for real flight deals for Canada, unfortunately. If you can hang in there, maybe look 2-4 weeks out and see if they are any better.


Look for mid-week instead of weekend flights. Sometimes it is cheaper than flying in and out on the weekends.


Also, have you looked into flying to Maine and driving across? Might be able to get a cheaper ticket this way, even with an added cost of a rental car. My family does this and flies in an out of Bangor instead of New Brunswick. I know it would be even farther to get to Halifax though..


I use Google flights to look for deals. They have a nice feature where you can see the flight prices on a graph over time.



Sorry you are are having trouble. I hope you can figure something out! 



That is actually a really good idea, my parents are possibly driving down to visit my brother in NY the end of this month, it would be cheaper to fly into NY while they are there, and buy a one way, and then buy a one way from Halifax to SLC.  Hmm something to look into  :)  Thanks for the suggestion.  

Edited by kc247, 14 July 2014 - 01:53 PM.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-14 13:53:00
CanadaHow to get cheap last minute flights to Canada?

It depends, what city are you trying to fly into??


Trying to fly into Halifax

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-14 13:15:00
CanadaHow to get cheap last minute flights to Canada?

Sorry if this was posted before, I'm sure it must of been asked. 

I am having serious home sickness, I've been here almost 5 months and it hasn't gotten any easier.  I miss my family and my dog like crazy!  My husband thinks I need a trip home, I'm not working yet so I could go home for a week or so but I wouldn't be able to plan it any further than a few weeks from now, he starts school the end of August and I really need a job by then.  I've been applying places but haven't had much luck except volunteering at a vet clinic with the hopes employment hours will open up.  Anything I look at now is about $800.  I really couldn't go unless I got something under $600, which I can't find unless I go the end of August.  Isn't there such thing as seat sales anymore?  Don't flights try and sell seats that they haven't sold last minute?  I could seriously go anytime.  I probably won't be able to find anything, but it's worth a try if anyone knows of any secret ways I don't know about other than searching on flight websites?  I don't like the idea of flying standby and being stuck at an airport.  We are planning to go home around Christmas time, because that's the only time my husband will have time off school, but that seems so far away.  (I'd be traveling from Salt Lake to no possibility of driving!)

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-14 13:02:00
CanadaBoth spouses apply in each others' countries? Canada/USA specifically

This is interesting.  My husband and I are planning to eventually live in Canada, he has a year and a half left of school.  How soon before we move can we apply for his PR in Canada?  (Sorry I don't mean to hijack the thread!)  I have been googling this but have had a hard time finding info, your thread reminded me of it!

kc247FemaleCanada2014-07-28 15:18:00
CanadaHow to Bend Time: The Paradox of Speaking LESS

I think every relationship is different & you need to do whatever works for the both of you.

For me & my now husband, when we were doing the K1 process we texted quite constantly.  We both understood we had our own lives and we might send a message and if the other person didn't answer for awhile, we knew they were busy doing their own thing.  If I was going out with friends I would send him a text and say I'd be out with them for a couple hours and he might not hear from me.  Same if he was busy.  We would skype at least once a week, more if possible.  It all worked for us.  Communication was important for us during that time.  Every month or so I would send him a package, some Canadian chocolate bars or things like that.  He'd send me written letters quite regularly, he was better at that than I was.

But I think you just need to do what you both feel keeps the relationship stronger.  Is he not willing to learn how to use the internet or a computer or phone in order to keep in contact with you better?

kc247FemaleCanada2014-08-20 13:18:00
CanadaEstablishing Credit in the US from Canada

I have a joint bank account & credit card with my husband.  I have recently received mail from banks wanting me to get credit cards recently....not sure if I would get those if I didn't have credit?

Though when we went to apply for an auto loan they said I have no credit yet, luckily my husband has quite good credit, once we have the auto loan hopefully mine will go up!  It's not fun going from having good credit in Canada to NO credit here!

kc247FemaleCanada2014-08-23 15:26:00
CanadaTo naturalize or not to naturalize.

So, even if we live in Canada & have made no income in the US I would still have to file US taxes??  When my husband lived in Canada for 2 years for the year he made no income he didn't file any taxes :S

kc247FemaleCanada2014-08-25 15:20:00
CanadaTo naturalize or not to naturalize.

I am thinking that I won't, partly because we don't plan on living here forever.  My husband will be done school in a year and a half, we will either plan to move to Canada then, or if he gets a job where he would like, they have a couple locations in Canada, so he would work here for a year or so and then put his name in to transfer to one of those locations.  So either way we hope to return to Canada shortly after his graduation.  Though I am not opposed to living on the east coast of the US, closer to my family than I am now...if that were to happen I might choose to naturalize mainly because it would be easier to cross the border :)  

If it wasn't for the fact that the oath mentions renouncing any foreign citizenship...I would be more for it.  I know it is just words & you are not actually renouncing it, but it still bothers me and I don't take it lightly.  I am a proud Canadian and in no way want to take any other citizenship before my Canadian citizenship.  I know they don't make you renounce it & it is just words..but that is just how I feel.  Maybe I will be okay with it in the future.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-08-23 18:22:00
CanadaGetting a california DL

I am pretty sure most Canadian provinces you can just trade in your drivers license from the States & get a Canadian one!  No fair.  Kinda good though since we plan on moving back to Canada at some point, I'd be mad if I had to take a THIRD road test!  (Wouldn't feel bad if my husband had to, hahaha, since I have to for his homeland!)  I just got back from mine..passed, yay!  Made me do everything though :(  parallel park, 3 point turn, u-turn, park on a hill, reverse like 50 feet.  Not sure how it compares to the Cali road test.  Glad to have it I am legally on the roads haha.  It expires next year though, once I get my greenvcard I have to go in again and then it lasts 2 years..then when I get my 10 year green card have to go in again!

Edited by kc247, 05 August 2014 - 04:33 PM.

kc247FemaleCanada2014-08-05 16:31:00