IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

As Wayne says, yes it could be an issue at the consulate. Whether it will be classed as misrepresentation or not Im not certain. but looking at it from a USCIS/CBP point of view - you were entering as a visitor yet you were entering for education/other purposes. Thats where the problems MAY arise. The overstays shouldnt find you with any real problems, but be fully prepared with the explanations at the consulate.

If I were you, I would request a FOIA from CBP. if they have you down as a visitor upon your various entries, and you actually entered the US to study in some way, you'll need a pretty good reason why you didnt come forth with the exact reasoning. And then it may require you to file the i601.

hmm.. So I can submit a written request to them for and FOIA? Im reading about what to put in the request, it says be as specific as possible. So Im not sure how I would word it? Can I just ask if its possible to obtain my border crossing records for the last 10 years for immigration purposes?
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 17:04:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

Well the DS-230 asks for all addresses you have lived for 6 months or more, so you may have to include your mums address here.

It also asks for all educational institutions attended...were you over 18 when you went to school in the US?

Im not sure how it all works, but surely you need some kind of proof you are a citizen or are eligible to go to school when you apply. Were you not asked any of this when you attended?

I had -just- turned 18. And no, we werent asked. It was a small hairdressing school, the owner knew I was Canadian and that I was visiting my mom and headed back to Canada. They never asked for anything. What a hassle lol. If I had honestly known that this would cause such a huge mess I would have never gone! I never even go licensed as a hair dresser! I hated it. Ive never even worked as a hair dresser in a salon ever.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 16:50:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

Just be honest about everything that has happened - never lie.

If you feel something needs an added explaination, include it on a seperate sheet.

If you feel overwhelmed and can afford it, get a lawyers advice - many do free or cheap one time consultations (paid about $60 for an hour long consult that definitely cleared some things up for me)

Good luck - and keep calm!!!

thanks! I guess my only other questions are where it asks about your visits to the US and the Visa type.. I wasnt issued a Visitor visa.. so do I put none or just assume it was a Visitor Visa? and for school, how far do they want back? Just like highschool diploma and forward or everything? I went to a lot of elementary schools.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 16:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

I would add an addendum on a seperate piece of paper documenting the address', visits and schooling.

Ive no idea what repercussions there are for schooling when not authorized to do so, if any.

well thank you for helping explain that to me and calming me down. I was headed towards full blown panic attack. /sigh. I unfortunately also have to say yes to the "have you been denied entry" question. Although, I have a friend who was denied entry and he was approved for his visa.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 16:11:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

you're fine then. No waiver necessary.

SO I can Answer NO to that check box. However, Im not sure how to fill in my Addresses because its still going to look like I was there for just over 12 months straight even though I came back to Canada briefly.

Also.. I wonder how bad they are going to beat me up over the school thing. It didnt even occur to me that even though we paid the tuition and fees ourselves that I wasnt allowed to be enrolled. /sigh.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 15:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

In simple terms, review how many times you have vitied the US and what kind of visa and work out how long you stayed.
The out of status kicks in when your visa expires.

Sometimes a bar is not activated until an immigrant / nonimmigrant vias is applied for, depending on how CBP recorded your entry.

So for starters if you have overstayed out of status by more than 180 days and have not served the 3 year bar yet, or have entered the country since, you will need a waiver.
The same applies if the aggregate out of status is 1 year or more - whihc is the ten year bar.

So you have been out of status in the USA for less than 6 months?

In the last 10 years I have over stayed a 6 month visa by a few days once and a few weeks once. In 2002. Since then I have not exceded a Visitor Visa. So yes, I have been out of status for less than 6 months. Id say 3 weeks tops.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 15:45:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

Yes, it says on aggregate - but your time has to be out of status. if you were in the US for the permitted length of time, you're fine. if you overstayed on several periods and that time calcualted totals 1 yr or more - you may be required to file the waiver

oh.. whew.. ok. SO... then a few days in December of 2001 and a week or two in July 2002.. that doesnt add to a year.. its not was I in the us in my life time for more than a year its was I there in total ILLEGALLY for more than a year?
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 15:39:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

When a Canadian is admitted into the US, they are allotted a 6 month visit. Unless you were specifically issued a shorter amount of time, then when the 1st time you were admitted in June 2001 - you were given a stay of 6 months. Taking you to December 2001. You say you went home to Canada for Christmas, this sounds like the 1st time you were admitted in June 2001 and left December 2001 you maybe overstayed a few days.

Then you say you were re-admitted after Christmas 2001 and stayed until July 2002. Again, unless you were specifically given a shorter stay, you were allotted 6 months of visiting time. So if you left in July 2002, then it sounds like your overstay was maybe a few weeks.

You MUST list you went to school there and you MUST list that you were there for that amount of time.

On the part where you list your visits, you should attach a separate sheet of paper listing the visits to the best of your knowledge (including these where you went to school). Being Canadian, not needing a visa, and living in a border town it is natural you will not remember all your visits.

This is the time you must be VERY clear and honest on all these forms. Correct any mistakes you make on the I130 on the DS-230 and make sure you answer questions honestly at the interview.

This is not to say that you will not have any issues

Good luck

well the GOOD news is I think (other than my visits where I stayed more than a day), I can say in the last 10 years Ive gone shopping for a day in the US less than a dozen times. The bad news is I dont remember any of those dates. I do know my passport expired in June this year and I didnt renew it until October, so I know I wasnt over there at all during that period. And Ive only lived in a border city periodically throughout my life.. From Nov 2007-Aug 2008 and from Aug 2009-Preset. And I was born in one.. but moved when I was 7. I honestly dont think I can list any single shopping trip day. I can, however, give month/year of visits with my mom/my one vacation/visits with hubby/trip to Disneyland in grade 6.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 15:32:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

OI corrected my g325a - as Ive lived in the uk all my life, yet have stayed in the US twice. once with my ex wife, and once with my current wife. the co asked why i ommitted them in the ammendment and I said i thought it was just to include places you've lived. Its a fine line, but they ask for pleaces you reside. So if you stayed for a lentgthy period in the US, you should include it.

At 18, Im not sure, I think the US Govt may still class you as an adult capable of making your own decisions.
Regardless of how long ago it was - what you need to address - even if its month/year to month/year is the duration that you were there out of status. CBP will have a record of your crossing surely. So perhaps request a freedom on info act from them. If you spent an UNINTERRUPTED length of over 6 months you would be faced with a 3 yr bar. Which you have most likely served, as it starts ticking upon leaving the US. If its over 1 year - it will matter. And its a 10 yr bar from departure. SO an i601 will be required.

Im pretty sure the 1 yr is also an aggregate time spent out of status which can be on various occasions. You need to really nail on how much time you have spent there out of status. If you go in spend six months, and leave, and 'check out', and do the same again, you're ok, but if youre accruing days OOS, that works towards the bar.

Is it more than one year EVER? My mom moved down there when I was 14. I spent every summer from 14 on with her for 2 months. that alone is 6 months. Then I did 6 months and 6 months. Then... 2 weeks.. then less than 2 weeks, less than 2 weeks, less than 2 weeks. and now Im visiting him for 3 months. Even if it was just the last 10 years.. argh. I was under the impression that as long as it wasnt more than 6 months a year you were ok. which technically I havent. it was 6 months in 2001, 6 months in 2002. then 2 weeks in 2007, then 5 weeks in total in 2009, 1 week in Jan of 2010, and then Ill have another 1.5 months in 2010 and 1.5 in 2011.

but if its a total of one year EVER.. #######. Although, the 1 year I was there visiting my mom was in 2001-2002 (with a week in Canada in the middle)... so the good news for that is I didnt come back to the US again until 2007 so the 3 years on that is up. But a 10 year ban for spending more than a year over the course of 10 years in the US??
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 15:26:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
Ill have to check with my mom about the exact dates. Thinking back now I dont actually remember when I went down to be with her. I dont actually think it WAS June because Im pretty sure I remember celebrating Canada Day with my friends after Highschool. Ugh this is so confusing. And Im not sure what to put for dates Ive visited the US because living in a border city, we go shopping there fairly often.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 14:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

As far as im aware, you can go into the US for 6 months, and theoretically you can just pop over to Canada, and come back in for another 6 months.

I believe it works the same way as the Visa Waiver Program where the issue with doing this, is that the CBP may deny you entry as you are visiting too often. If you werent denied, you should be fine.

Before you freak out, check into this. If you want more help from VJ, youre gonna have to share more facts of exactly what happened.

In June of 2001 I graduated Highschool. Although I had received scholarships and bursaries, I wasnt ready to go to college yet. The program I had applied for wasnt what I really wanted to do, our local college didnt offer anything that appealed to me. I wanted to wait. My father insisted that if I took time off, I would never go back. I insisted I would. He gave me an ultimatum. Go to school, or get out. I didnt have a job, had never had a job, and didnt think I could support myself. I asked my mom if I could spend time with her because she had left when I was 14 and we hadnt had much time together from then on. I went to visit my mother, but wasnt clear how it worked. I knew she was in the process of getting her Green Card with my Step Father, but I didnt want to move there, just visit. My mom and step dad told me that as long as I went back to Canada for a few days after 6 months it would be ok. So I went down to visit. After a few weeks I was really bored. I didnt know anyone. I hated sitting at home. I came up with the idea to go to hairdressing school. I thought it would be something I could do when I went to College as a job. It was a 10 month course, so my mom and step father enrolled me. Over Christmas 2001 I went back to Canada to visit family etc. We came back Early January 2002. No hassels at the border what so ever. I finished my course and came back to Canada in July 2002.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 14:36:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
argh. /facepalm. I was looking through our I-130 package and I put that I lived at my parents from 92-2006. I didnt put in there the time I was in the US because I didnt consider myself living in the US it was just a visit. And now Im worried when I put in the time in the US as residence it will give us an RFE cause it wont match the I-130. Would it be considered residence? It honestly was a visit. A long visit.. but I never intended to stay. I just wanted a year off before college and my father was the whole "as long as you live under my roof you are going to college" so I went to stay with my mom. /sigh.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 14:28:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
I just hate to think that listening to my mother at age 18, 8 years ago, is going to keep my husband and I apart. I love him so much. Im really worried now. /sigh. He thinks that if I explain to them that I was 18 and didnt know at the time how the visitor visa worked that hopefully they wont hold it against me. My mother honest to god told me that I could be there for 6 months, then as long as I came back to Canada for a few days, I could go back for another 6 months. I hate that something like this in my past could screw everything up for us.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 14:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!

So I found one of the websites guides to the NVC process and thought I might get a headstart filling out the paperwork they are going to send to us. So as Im merrily making my way through, I come to the part about Schooling youve completed. Here is my problem. After I graduated Highschool, I visited my Mother for a year. She lived in Virginia. While I was in Virginia I went to Hairdressing school. So here is my issue. I was in the US from June of 2001-July 2002. I did go back to Canada for Christmas... but yeah. And Im worried about putting that on the records because it will look bad.. but Im also worried if I DONT and they find it, it will look worse. HELP! And Also I guess if I do put I went to school there, I should also put that I lived with my mother there in the 10 years of residence part.

OMG now I am definitely freaking out!

Im going through the checklist part about whether you fall into each category and this one..well I dont know.

h. An alien who was previously ordered removed within the last 5 years or ordered removed a second time within the last 20 years; who was previously unlawfully present and ordered removed within the last 10 years or ordered removed a second time within the last 20 years; who was convicted of an aggravated felony and ordered removed; who was previously unlawfully present in the United States for more than 180 days bute less than one year who voluntarily departed within the last 3 years; or who was unlawfully present for more than one year or an aggregate of one year within the last 10 years.

If I check yes to that doesnt it mean Im not eligable? because the part at the top says "United States laws governing the issuance of visas require each applicant to state whether or note he or she is a member of any class of individuals excluded from admission to the United States. The excludable classes are described below."

Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 13:35:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresHelp!
So I found one of the websites guides to the NVC process and thought I might get a headstart filling out the paperwork they are going to send to us. So as Im merrily making my way through, I come to the part about Schooling youve completed. Here is my problem. After I graduated Highschool, I visited my Mother for a year. She lived in Virginia. While I was in Virginia I went to Hairdressing school. So here is my issue. I was in the US from June of 2001-July 2002. I did go back to Canada for Christmas... but yeah. And Im worried about putting that on the records because it will look bad.. but Im also worried if I DONT and they find it, it will look worse. HELP! And Also I guess if I do put I went to school there, I should also put that I lived with my mother there in the 10 years of residence part.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 13:23:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMerry Christmas! YAY!

Yea i wanted to go watch trans Siberian orchestra so bad but had to work all day Saturday. Nice to see someone else from around Arkansas going through the process. Also glad you guys got your NOA2 means maybe by the time i get back from seeing my wife toward the end of January I might be seeing mine :) Once again congratz and glad you guys get to spend the holidays together they denied my wife's tourist visa cause well she lives in Philippines and can't get over the yuo can't visit cause your married to an American :( But I will go see her next month :) Wish you a speedy NVC and interview ;)

man it was a great show! Dinner was terrible though! We were going to go to outback for dinner but it was an hour and a half wait so we went to Applebees instead and the service was so bad. But the show was fantastic! Good luck with you and your wife :D Its a long process but SO worth it!
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-20 16:49:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMerry Christmas! YAY!

:dance: Congratulations on your NOA2.

I'm believe it is currently taking about 1-2 weeks for the case # to be generated. I would call before the end of this week but don't be disappointed if there is a bit of a delay becasue of the holidays. These links will give you very helpful information about NVC.

NVC Shortcut Guide
NVC Information

BTW you might want to join this spreadhseet.

Montreal Interview Spreadsheet

Thanks! I added us. I bookmarked the links too.
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 17:22:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMerry Christmas! YAY!
I know Ive seen it posted on here but for the life of me I cant find where. How long do we wait from receiving our NOA-2 to calling the NVC for our Case Number?
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 16:34:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMerry Christmas! YAY!
We got home tonight from a sub-par date. Dinner was crappy, but the Trans Siberian Orchestra was AMAZING. Aaaand to our JOY we got our NOA-2! So here is my question. It says they will contact the beneficiary (me) to let me know what I do next. The problem is, I am not in Canada at the moment, and wont be until February as Im visiting him for the holidays. Hopefully my parents will be dependable and forward the papers down to me. But I thought that he would have to fill out the form indicating what address we want them to send my paperwork to?

Any way, this is the BEST Christmas gift!
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2010-12-19 02:19:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresMontreal consulate's process time
Im not at that point yet, but I have a friend who went through his interview in the fall and it took almost 2 months for him to receive his passport with visa back. Id say at least 6 weeks. It was crazy. He found out later that his papers werent filed correctly by the person who interviewed him or something and that the person had left to go on vacation so it had to be sorted out. crazy. I hope when we get our CC they have worked through some of the backlog by then. Good luck though! Hopefully you both get your Visas soon!
Shawna and JamesFemaleCanada2011-01-27 11:13:00
IR-1 / CR-1 Spouse Visa Process & ProceduresAffidavit of Support Question - Household Income Abroad?
Hello everyone,
I'm new to these forums, so first of all, hello!

We are in the process of filing our I-130 (I am a US citizen living in UK, my husband is a UK citizen and we are moving back to the US).

Most questions I have have been answered by searching the forums, but I can't find the answer to this:

In Part 6, regarding annual income, I'm not sure what is expected. I work in the UK, do not have a job yet in the US, so my annual income is what I make here in the UK, correct? (Just transferred into dollars??) But my federal tax returns all state I make annual income of $0 because of the Foreign Income Exclusion. So...

1) Since it asks just below for my last 3 years tax return amounts, which are all $0, is it still correct that I put my UK income in the 'Annual Income' box? And
2) Do I then include my husband's annual UK income in the next part?

I do have a joint sponsor, by the way, my mother in the US, so I'm not worried about what amount of money I am including, I just want to do it right.

superloriNot TellingUnited Kingdom2013-01-02 13:22:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionI-751 returned to us. Anyone else have this?
If possible, visit your local USCIS office and ask to speak to a supervisor. Be prepared for the run around but insist on them sending the regional office an email explaining your situation and for them to contact you with the response. This is the only way I got them to fix my wife's expedited travel documents which they did not expedite after I paid the extra fees for the expedite. I talked to the local congressman and all he got was the same generic answer I did about the no refund policy. It took 9 months of writing and visiting the office but i eventually got the fees refunded. Basically be the squeaky wheel and do not give up. The Government employees and offices forget they work for the tax paying citizens and we do not work for them.
We are just a few weeks away from our 90 day window for filing for the removal of conditions. Hope we do not have issues because the closest office is in Dallas, 4 hours away.

Ken & Maria
Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2010-01-05 09:38:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionConditional resident status is extended for one year?
Thanks, just out of town in Hawaii on business and Maria is on her way here for a short vacation. I did a quick search but obviously missed the recent post concerning the same subject. Thanks for everyone's help and comments.
Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2010-01-28 11:09:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionConditional resident status is extended for one year?
Thanks, guess we need to update our locationon our profile. We are in Little Rock now but not sure which USCIS they will send us to, Dallas or Memphis.

Ken & Maria
Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2010-01-28 11:00:00
Removing Conditions on Residency General DiscussionConditional resident status is extended for one year?
Ok, we received the NOA with the following statements "conditional resident status is extended for one year" and "this extension and authorization for employment and travel does not apply to you if your conditional resident status has been terminated"... is it normal to have the conditional resident status extended instead of lifted?
There was also a note stating we would receive an additional notice for the biometrics which I understand.

Does this mean they extended the conditional status until the biometrics and interview is complete? I hope this does not mean we have to file again in a year.

Ken & Maria
Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2010-01-28 10:49:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Vic you can file for and receive a SSAN prior to marriage in her maiden name. We got Maria's in about 2 weeks after filing then went back with the certified copy of the marriage certificate to do the name change on the SSAN. It may differ by state, but I think they are mostly the same. Good luck, Ken & Maria

Now that was are married, now we need to get her SSN? Do we need to wait till we have our marriage certificate?

After she gets her SSN, i will add her to my Medical insurance also.

Thanks for your congrats on our marriage! We are relaxing here at home now, talking to the family back home.

Good luck all!

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-05-01 10:46:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Glenn, it is a good thing you filed the ICE complaint prior to her allegations. I spoke with out Immigrations/Customs liasion in our office and she stated the folks over at the ICE fully expect false charges and allegations from illegal aliens in attempts to remain in country. Keep all the documentation you have and if you have not done so, change your number so the out-laws have no way of contacting you. Good luck, Ken

I am now of the opinion that my wife not only has used me, but possibly will try to find anyways she can to stay here. I have many questions that I need answered or at least some feedback on.
1. I have withdrawn my petition for her, she has no AOS or greencard. Can she stay here legally anyways?
2. I was under the impression that being I am the sponsor, she by law had to be living with me?
3. Is there a way or do I have any right to know if she is in the USA or back in Philippines?
4. How can I divorce her without her signing the divorce papers? I don't know what address to send them too!
5. Is there a number that I can call for help or to have questions answered?

I somewhat apoligize that I post this here. But, I have been a memeber here a long time and respect the opinions and feedback that I receive here very much. I appreciate the concern and caring of all of you that have replied to me here. I hope and pray that you have happiness and a blessed life together.


Yes, I am going to pursue the divorce by publication method. I am at pure disbelief that she would dare make any allegations against me. Rape? I was married to her and there was never any pressure even by me. She was willing always. My petition is withdrawn and I filed a case with ICE about 2 weeks ago. She should be deported. I know I was used by her, but I don't intend to pay out money to her or suffer from her wrong doings anymore. I will fight her in court if I have to. I do not want to see her be successful from her plan. I have evidence of her lesbian desires, such as her laptop sites visited, copy of her ad looking for women, photos she downloaded of naked women and her friends statement that she is a lesbian, as well as her so called cousin is not her cousin, but her lover.
This is such a shame, dissappointment and a scam by her. If she is allowed to stay here for any reason, there is no justice in this country! I want to see to it that she is sent back. Thanks for your concern and advice.

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-30 10:53:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Gary, i always find cheaper tickets online by using one of the following. As always check them all and keep checking as the prices always change.

There are many more, but these seem to get me where I am going for the best price. Also check the PAL website. ken & Maria

Except for, do you guys know any online search wherein I can look for ticket prices?


Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-21 12:16:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
JoanBill, It is only 1.5 hours on a bus to Manila from Pampanga depending on what part you are from. The medical can be done anytime after you receive the Packet 4 and appointment letters. CFO can be done early too, but she will not get the stamp until her interview is complete and you have the K-1 Visa. The Medical take 2 days and the CFO is only a few hours. My wife completed day 2 of the medical then went to the CFO and finished it in the afternoon.
For the CFO, she will need copies of your divorce papers (if any); if 18-21 a parents consent letter with a copy of her parents ID for signature verification; if 22-25 a letter of advisement with the same signature validation requirements. They also asked for 2 photos (regular) while at the CFO, a copy of her BC and CENOMAR (singleness)... there might be a few more requirements, but a search in the onld Manila thread for CFO and SLE will help you. Take a look at Sheriff and Sillygirls signature blocks too. Good luck, Ken & Maria

Aloha kakou,
Long ago I saw this mentioned, but now I cannot find it - so your help is appreciated. I remember reading it is possible to go in to St. Lukes earlier than your assigned date for the two medical days. My questions are -

What conditions have to be fulfilled before this can happen??

Do you have to let St. Lukes know beforehand??

Can anything else be done early while in Manila - such as attending the CFO seminar??

Here's the short story - it is somewhat of a burden for Joan to get to Manila from Pampanga. Once I receive our NOA2, I am gonna go visit Joan again and hand-deliver the NOA2, financial documents and myself. She will be traveling to the airport to greet me, and I was thinking it would be nice if she could take care of other things while she is there.

Bill and Joan

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-20 10:34:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Sorry, ####### is a nicer way of saying puwet in english when in mixed company :whistle: ... Dean already answered the "ICE" question. Ken & Maria

Pardon for my ignorance but whats ####### and ICE? Im not familiar with these terms. Also thank you for replying Ken and Maria, will text my friend now and let her know. My friend's ex lives here in PI.

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-19 10:36:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Legally, there is nothing the X-BF can do to her to affect her VISA application. The USCIS will treat this as a domestic issue and have no bearing on her current petition. By U.S. law, if they lived together more than 6 months, she is entitled to half of their belongings. If she is in the PI with the furniture and the USC is in the states, there is no international extradiction treaty for a domestic issue of disputed furniture. :lol:
Her X is being an #######... have her current fiance report him to ICE for harassment (include the text and emails of his threats). It is very simple for her to change her email address and all her online contact information to stop the guy from contacting her, not sure why she would maintain the same account knowing he had access to it.
Ken & Maria

By the way I have a friend not a Vj member who wants me to raise this question for her. She's under k1 too, she had an american bf before she met her fiance<they lived in together and she moved out cuz she wasnt happy apparently, she moved she took half of his furnitures> , according to her her ex keep buggin her that he'll send some things and affidavits at the embassy that will cause her to be denied a visa,<that she stole his stuff> and she's wondering if thats true or his just fishin and tryin to scare her. I didnt say anythin to my friend yet cuz I really dont know if that can be a base for her to be denied. Her ex bf is a jerk though, he keeps on spying my friend and even breakin into her email reading her emails. As far as I know though she didnt steal his stuff cuz they both decided to split what they have but his black mailin her. I advised her to use vonage like me, talk all you want for a minumum charge. Im sure my friend will appreciate your input guys. Thanks.

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-18 10:37:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status

Hi Everyone, as you know my life has been upside down lately. I guess also it will be that way for awhile. I need some advice, feedback or viewpoints. Then again, maybe I just need to vent? I can never get my mother-in-law on the phone. She sends me text messages almost daily. She sometimes begs me to take Rosemarie back, then sometimes she sends text with things like "don't hurt her or kill her!" Hell, I don't even know where she is! I was told yesterday that she is in a shelter somewhere? her mother is sending me text messages based on information she receieved from an undisclosed friend of Rosemarie's. She states that I ordered my wife to leave in middle of the night and that I was angry with my wife everyday. Yes, some days I was angry at her. Yes, it makes me angry that she has $1000 cell phone bill. Yes it makes me angry that she lays on couch all day watching the filipino channel and never helping me clean our house, cook our meals, do basically anything to help me. Yes, I was angry that when I come home she has cooked, only for herself and cleaned nothing up.

Does this sound unreasonable to anyone? When getting angry, yes I raise my voice. Yes, when someone lies to me over and over and I know it's a lie. It makes me angry when my wife acts as though she could care less for me, when I am treating her like a princess. I just don't know what will happen here. She is still in the USA somewhere. I need closure to this 19 month long scam. Thanks for letting me vent.

Glenn....first let me say sorry for what happened to you. Second, let me say I am puzzled by this post. Do you really care what her family thinks at this point? I thought her family was part of the scam?

Third, I would be a little concerned about the fact you think she is in a shelter. Homeless shelter or a battered woman's shelter? I don't mean to imply you battered her. I mean that maybe she will try and claim that she was battered as a means of gaining her right to stay in the USA without you. As shameful as she sounds, I would not put it past her. Protect yourself by saving every piece of evidence you have gathered so far that points to other reasons for her departure. Print out the webpage of her inquiry for another lesbian lover, save emails from those disclosing this information to you...and anything else you can think of to protect yourself.

Lastly....closure? Filing for divorce and changing your cell phone number to get the family out of your life comes to mind. You don't need any part of her or her family anymore.

Just one man''s opinion...subject to criticism....and by all means imperfect.


Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-17 10:21:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Gary, too many nice hotel in Malate and Ermita the areas near the Embassy. Try Precisionreservations for the best prices. Once you put in the search criteria, then select the Manila Map tab and look for hotel in Malate/Ermita both walking distance from the Embassy. We stayed at the Exec Plaza for $38 a night. You can let them know online about late check in and additional guest. Ken & Maria

Any good hotels that you can recomend guys near the embassy? When we had our medical we had our reservation in City Garden but we missed the check in time and they cancelled our reservation =( I was so upset cuz the medical was so long and we end up looking for a place to spend the night after a long exhaustin day, wanna make sure it wont happen again to us.

Thanks in advance.

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-17 10:15:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Glenn, I have said it before and if you have not already done so, you need to report her and her carpet munching lover to the ICE. The more you can tel the hotline, the better. I lived in the PI for 5 years prior to the internet and cell phone boom and it was not like it is now. I work there about 6 months out of the year and see the same thing as Beam talked about, it is just sad. However, do not let a few bad apples sum up the filipino people. Ken & Maria

Okay, this is for sure off topic here. but, Made my journey through this room, so I decide I would share what facts my investigative work has brought forth into evidence this week. As most of you know, I was married in the Philippines on December 29, 2005, well my wife arrived here in the USA on February 7, 2007. She had daily problems with homesickness and seemed to never be happy regardless. She left for a bike ride on the moring of April 6 and has never returned since. At first I was worried and heart broken, then I decided to do some investigating last week. Here is a copy of the letter that I sent to someone that I have been talking to by PM on a regular basis. He asked for an update, so here it is:

You won't believe this. I was contacted by a lifelong friend of my wife's that said she felt compelled to tell me what was going on. I seems that my wife is a lesbian. It is a well known fact in the community that she grew up in that she is. The cousin she refers to, is not her cousin, but her lover. Her cousin aka lover is awaiting her interview now, as she is married to a man in Arizona. I whole-heartedly believe this was a 100% scam for the two of them to be together in the USA. I know from what my wife said that her cousin/lover had no intentions of staying with her husband once she received greencard. Little did I know that the same was being done to me. I am almost 100% positive that my wife is in the USA still. Through online research, I found her picture posted on a website looking for other females in my city. The date it was posted was two days after she left, she also said she is single on this site. I found a couple pictures of naked women in her computer as well. This whole thing I believe was pre-meditated by her. I also know for fact that the cousin/lover has been living with her for over 3 years. I also know that my wifes family knows she is lesbian 100%. I never even thought she could be this way, what a con-artist. In fact, the whole family participated in this scam from the Mother to sisters. Now, I am faced with the loss of many thousands of dollars on her, her family, etc. I spent a lot of hard earned money on these people so they could have air-conditioning, new furniture, appliances, electronics, 2 new Honda motorcycles and not to mention home repairs and spending money. It makes me feel like fool, but it also pisses me off. I put my heart on the line and 19 months of my life flying back and forth during the waiting. She even clipped me for a top notch wedding for 500 people. I don't want vengeance, but I don't want her to be allowed to remain in the USA. I had not applied for her AOS and I am glad of that. I sure as hell would like to see her deported! I am even contemplating calling the man in Arizona and telling him these facts. Now, I have to find out how to get a divorce from her and I guess I will never be able to marry another Filipina, as I was married in the Philippines. Can you believe this? Now we see why the Manila embassy is so strict. I am sure this is just one example. Thanks for listening.
Glenn&Rosemarie aka Glenn&Lezbo

I thought a U.S. Divorce was recognized in the PI? PW, Sheriff & Deputy Uling... a littel help... Ken

Now, I have to find out how to get a divorce from her and I guess I will never be able to marry another Filipina, as I was married in the Philippines. Can you believe this? Now we see why the Manila embassy is so strict. I am sure this is just one example. Thanks for listening.
Glenn&Rosemarie aka Glenn&Lezbo

If you were de-frauded, that is grounds for annulment. With an annulment, it is as if you were never married. Were you married in a Catholic Church? Even if you were in civil ceremony, you can still file for annulment if you want to meet another Filipina.

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-16 10:35:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Marvic, We did not get the pink slip either. Ours was the same as yours, but we filled out the 157 that the bank stamped and brought the receipt with it. It was accepted. I think PW was just suggesting to bring the receipt as well as the stamped 157 just in case. Congratws PW and good luck Marvic. Ken & Maria

Don't mean to spoil the celebration. But i have a question. I didn't get a pink receipt from BPI when i paid my visa and no 'checkwriter' stamp either. I just got a blank validated DS-157 with stamp 'BPI M.H. Del Pilar USD100.00' the branch where i paid, and a stapled white/blue deposit/payment slip with machine validation same as the ones at the back of the DS-157. Do i need something else or will these suffice to prove i paid the visa, or do i have to go back there at the bank to get the pink receipt?

Thanks for any answers.

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-13 10:13:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Glenn, Have you reported her to ICE for possible immigrations fraud or at least suspicious immigrations activity? That is the only step I can think of if you have already protected yourself financially and legally by removing her name from your assets. Ken

I guess at this point I have to accept that Rosemarie is not coming back home. I was filed reports with state and local law enorcement and they really cant do anything about this I have sent a text message to everyone in her family and no reply from any. My attorney and his acossiciates have been 100% useless Any suggestions from anyone?


Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-11 10:46:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Julie, Most military members fit tthe financial responsibility the US Government is looking for. Not many military members are on government programs such as food stamps, welfare...ect. This what the poverty line is there for, an attempt to weed out people the government thinks will become a burden on the state/federal government. The military pay with allowances is above the poverty line so there should be no issue with the 134. No need to notarize the ITRs either. Tell him to go to VMPF or whatever online service he has for his specific service and print off a "Proof of Service"...this will suffice or replace the employment letter requirement for military. Ken

You said on your reply to other poster that majority of military members are above the poverty line because of their benefits, my fiance in in military, so is that mean that we will be fine?

Thanks for the reply by the way.

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-10 10:37:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
The Embassy is only looking for the last years ITR to confirm your AIG is more than the poverty line requirement. If it is, the other ITRs are not needed. I had 3 years worth, all scanned copies printed on my personal computer and they only wanted the latest ITR and W2. If you meet the poveryt line requirements, they will likely do the same thing they did to us at the interview... they handed back the letters of employment, bank statement, pay stubs..ect. But it is a good idea to have them with you. Good Luck, Ken

1) Most ITRs are filed on-line nowadays and do not require signatures (someone correct me if I'm wrong). Therefore, my take on this is that if fax copy is acceptable to the embassy as written in the packet and their website, then (I hope I am assuming correctly that) an ITR filed on-line and therefore downloaded from an IRS website is more reliable. I am putting this to the test during my interview on Friday. I will be using a downloaded 1040 and PDF copy of W2. The worst that can happen to me is to be put in AR but I have waited so long that waiting another month is not a big deal to me anymore <sour-graping> hehe

2) A bank statement needs to be signed by a bank officer. He can request the bank for certification by phone-call, e-mail or snail mail. He will probably be charged $30!!!! so the bank will need his authorization for this. He should not forget to tell the bank where to mail the certification as it might be mailed to his last known address listed with the bank.

Thank you sooo much for your reply Patiently Waiting.. Please kindly let me know if they'll accept the downloaded forms.. And God bless on your interview on friday.

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-09 11:18:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
If your fiance is in the military as you indicated earlier, he will not need a co-sponsor and is only required to meet 100% of the prverty requirement, not the 125% liek everyone else. Most all military members are above the poverty line because of their benefits like base housing, COLA, BAH and BAS...etc. Ken

How true that Co-sponsor not allowed for K-1
Does anyone have the same situation? thank you in advance, and i will keep thanking everyone in the visajourney

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-09 11:08:00
PhilippinesManila Embassy Interview/Visa Status
Glenn, I said it before, you need to report her to the authorities as a missing person. that is the first step. Then go to ICE to report the fraud if that is what you truely feel. I personally think her relatives in the PI were only hearing her side of her story and gave her some bad advice. You need to protect yourself form reposnosibilities as her sponsor at this point. You can always cancel the "missing persons" filing and the Fraud charges, but you need to cover your collective ####### at this point. Hopefully she will do the honorable thing and at least contact you and give you a reason so this can all end well and not with two people full of anger towards each other. Ken & Maria

What should I do? It has been over 48 hours now since I have heard anything related to her.I have no choice but to feel that I have been used. We were married in the Philippines on December 29, 2005. Do I file for divorce here in USA? I have emailed my attorney, but no response. I think he is only good at cashing checks. He was a major waste of $3000 for sure. Did she do this just to get here in the USA? If so, how can she stay? We had not applied for AOS. I don't like being used and want to know where she is.

Ken_MariaMalePhilippines2007-04-09 11:00:00