Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Chicos los invito a visitar mi pagina en facebbok, tengo un negocio en casa de Chocotejas. Las envio a todo USA, estan delis y tengo rellenos variados como pecanas, mani, almendras y pasas, si alguno se anima envienme un email a, son perfectas como para regalito ahora q se viene el Dia de la Madre y por ahi si tienen un antojito de un dulce peruano.

Saludos paisanos!/pages/Chocotejas-by-Vi/173475526028644

Edited by Vi Mazzella, 22 April 2012 - 05:53 PM.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2012-04-22 17:43:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Holas, quisiera saber si puedo encontrar alguna experiencia de alguna persona peruana q viajo la 1ra. vez luego de haber recibido su permiso de viaje y green card, como es en los puertos de entrada y salida, especialmente en Peru, ya que en Lima Airport Partners son muy quisquillosos con pasaportes, DNIs y nombres. Mi Green Card salio con nombre de casada y quisiera saber si alguno tuvo algun problema ya q el unico pasaporte q tengo es el peruano y mi DNI ambos estan con nombre de soltera, tendre algun problema? Mil gracias por su ayuda.

No se si es muy tarde para responder pero mi pasaporte y DNI estan con nombre de soltera. Y mi green card con mi apellido de casada. Nunca he tenido nigun problema al entrar o salir de Peru pero por si acaso lleva tu partida de matrimonio-copia- para que no tengas problemas.
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2012-02-12 12:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Llevo viviendo 7 anos en USA junto a mi esposo y tb tuve la misma duda. Mi pasaporte esta con mi nombre de soltera pero al llenar los formularios de mi green card lo llene con mi nombre de casada y todos mis documetnos aqui estan con mi nombre de casada.
Mi caso es un poco especial ya que tuve la intencion de cambiar mi pasaporte peruano a mi nombre de casada pero en la Muncipalidad de San isidro que fue donde me case cometieron un error en el apellido e mi esposo y es por es emotivo que aun tengo mi DNI de Peru (con direccion en USA) con estado civil casada pero con mis apellidos de soltera.
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2012-02-12 12:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Meli@ Sofi va en mis piernas por eso no le saque tarjeta, yo si tengo Lan Pass asociado con AA asi que acumulo
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2010-12-17 14:30:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
The service, the planes, AA forget. My experience with them was horrible and I'm doing it again in 3 weeks juts because is much cheaper than LAN,.
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2010-12-14 14:52:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Sorry but I have to say thta the bEst airline flying to Peru is LAN, AA sucks!!!! the plane, the service, nothing like LAN!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2010-12-12 23:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
I justa came back from Lima and paid for me and my baby almost $950 but a little more than what I paid in January, it depends of the season, as far as I know september, october and november are good seasons to travel to Lima
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2010-09-17 12:47:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
did you try bread???
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2009-12-16 14:35:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hi there!

Susita@ I'm glad Luis is adjusting well to his new life, where is he working no? rice for 5 days in a row? we eat rice everyday!!!

As you you we had a baby almost three motnhs ago, she is doing great. My mom is staying with us for 3 months but she is going back to Peru next week =(

I want to take Sofia to Peru next January,I found a great deal $700 for both via Lan non stop flight from JFK,I just need to convince Silvio. He want to go for X-mas but the prices are very high $1239 per person,you know how is during X-mas time.
I hope everybody is doing fine

Big Hug
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2009-06-13 19:07:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
I used FEDEX when I was living in Peru
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2009-01-13 19:14:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Thank you! actually we chose the name years ago.................
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-11-17 21:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru


Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-11-15 23:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Everything will be fine, igual Buena vibra!!!! and enjoy Peru!!!!!!!!!!!!!! good.gif

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-09-29 20:04:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (veroka64 @ Sep 26 2008, 05:43 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
hi guys
anyone watch The TV Show Heroes??

well they are making a new one laughing.gif he is from Peru
ill show the link

You can vote for him so he will be in the show kicking.gif
so far he is doing good

see ya

Sil loves that show, we voted already...
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-09-26 16:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (MandR @ Sep 21 2008, 08:30 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
LAN is our 1st choice when flying to Lima..... There is no better airline to South America from the U.S.

American was ok..... felt as though I was in a cattle car.... very cramped especially for a 6ft guy like myself and not much room to move around for 5 hours of flight time....... Did fly once to Lima in Business Class and of course no complaints.... Thank you Air Miles

I've also flown on Copa through Panama to Lima and they are also good.

Would I fly Spirit to save $100 or $200..... NO WAY !!! I would much rather pay the extra and fly LAN

MandyR : We agree with you a 100%, I found a tkt for January NY-LIM-NY via AA for $486, not bad right?? the only problem is that my doctor doesn't want me to travel with the belly, I'm pretty sad-upset about that 'cause I know about a few friends that traveled to Peru being pregnant.

Copa is a good airline too, plus the stop in Panama is super short, less than one hour and good prices.

Susita: are you ready fo the trip??? Good Luck!!!! Mucha energia positiva ara ti, veras que todo ira bien! good.gif
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-09-22 19:26:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
I heard horrible stories about Spirit, If I'm you I'll fly by Lan Chile, the best airline going from NY-Lim-NY, it's a little expensive but you are paying for good service. good.gif
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-09-21 01:06:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (maguilart @ Sep 11 2008, 01:06 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Vi, Felicidades!!!

I just found out the news... Im so happy for you, I know how much you wanted to have a little one... smile.gif What's your due date?!!! Maybe end of April?

Make sure your doctor speaks spanish... please!! It might sound silly but after my experience, I would have loved my doctor to talk to my parents about my condition.

How are you feeling? Morning sickness yet?

Let me know if I can be any help... smile.gif You have my email right? This visajourney thing doesnt send me the alerts for the replies.


And belly pats!! smile.gif

Thanks Meli!! Yes, I think everybody here knows how much I want to have a baby, the due date is April 26th but because is my first baby you never know.
My doctor doesn't speak spanish blink.gif snif, snif.
Yes, I'm not feeling me, I'm feeling so weird, I'm super emotional, I have what we call in Peru "Mamitis Aguda", I want my mommy!!!! I'm crying alot because I'm missing her too much but yesterday she had a seriuos conversation with me and reminded me that if I'm sad all the time that will affect my baby and there is nothing to worry about because mom and dad are coming in April and staying with us for a while.

+ I have no energy to go to the gym, that's so weird....

Melissa I have a question, I remember that you traveled to Peru when you were pregnant, how far were you in your pregnancy? because my family want to see me and they are inviting me to go in January, you think that will be ok?? I know that my doctor has the last word but what do you think?

That's it for now, we are celebrating that Peru didn't loss against Argentina yesterday, we thought they were going to beat us.

Take care people
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-09-11 19:25:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
I'm glad everything is good with you guys.

Sil was in shock for the first two days, my mom as you can imagine was in heaven 'cause this baby is going to be my parents first grandchild, she wanted to announce it on tv and newspapers that she is going to be a grandma. Then we announced it to my entire family during my b-day party (around 80 people) and everybody screamed as if Peru won the Worls cup (we all know that will never happen). whistling.gif

Sil is very,very excited, right now he is reading a "The new age baby name book" 'cause we are not agreeing with a name.
He wants to tell everybody here in the States but I prefer to wait until the 3rd month, I know, I know I sound crazy.

I had just a few Pisco Sours 'cause then we found out that I was pregnant and nobody allowed me to have any alcohol crying.gif , you don't remember the name of the place, let me see.. maybe "Huaringas" or "El Tayta"??? just guessing..

Well my friends gotta go, I have to call Peru...

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-09-10 20:40:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
She's going to Peru for almost 4 months, lucky her. Right now I couldn't do that because of my pregnancy and beacuse I have to work.
Sil won't be so happy If I go there for a long period of time, once I went to Peru three days -yes, just 3 days- before Sil and you had to see the scene at the airport, it was very sad.

Good luck to your wifey, I think I'm going in January (9th-24th).
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-09-09 19:58:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
How are you doing? I know you are being hit by a bunch of hurricanes, is your family ok??? and how was the trip to Peru?? Hope everything is fine.

Take care
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-09-07 17:01:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
It might sound stupid but my dear HUBBY just likes to fly direct, is more convenient for us. If I go by myself in January I'll go by COPA, is juts one stop in Panama for less than one hour.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-09-04 17:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
We always fly with Lan but the prices are astronomical, they around $2500 for Christmas time, good luck searching.

We are back home, the weather in NYC is pretty nice, the flight was excellent, the bad part was to say good bye, always extremely sad, it' s SO hard to say good bye to my family but I might go back by myself in January dependig in what the doctor says.

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-09-01 16:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Thank you very much guys!!

You know how much I wanted to have a baby and I got the best birthday gift ever, Thank you honey! good.gif

Yesterday we had a B-day party for me, it was suppouse to be a surprise party but I found out about it and I ruined the surprise unsure.gif , still, my parents rented a place, we had all my close family and friends good music and the best part, a buffet of peruvian food!!!!!
I couldn´t drink any pisco sour crying.gif but Sil had alot of alcohol for me now he is feeling it he has a huge headache!

Right now we are leaving to a peruvian restaurant I´m in the mood for a ceviche mixto, yummy!

Take care people and thank you again for you wishes...

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-08-30 15:03:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Hi Everybody!

I´m writing from Peru. We are enjoying an awesome time with my family and friends. Yesterday was my B-day so as you can imagine I had a great time. We are eating so much, I really missed peruvian food good.gif . The weather is a little cool but doesn´t matter. Tomorrow we are having a huge b-day celebration for me, I promise some pictures.

And the best part, we just found out that we are pregnant!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kicking.gif
Brian please tell Isa that she is going to be an auntie!!!
We ARE SOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO HAPPY, Sil was in shock but I had a feeling...

Well people take care

Vi star_smile.gif
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-08-29 00:09:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

How's everything? hope the horrible wetaher is not affetting you guys...

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-08-18 19:18:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
A few more days for us!!!! I'm SO excited!

I'm sure you will find god deals in October, good choice!

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-08-15 21:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Oh Yeah, he trusts me and I trust him, I think that thats is one of the most important things that a relationship should have TRUST (and RESPECT) and as SKETEAMO said, whenever I tell Sil that I had a weIrd experience, he just hugs me and tells me that that is because I'm beautiful star_smile.gif .

Good night!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-08-07 20:54:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
To be honest I had a few weird experiences here too. I use to have this super coold friend in my former job, we used to have really intereresting conversations about Peru and books (two of my passions) and he ended asking me to leave my husband and marry and then move to Peru with him. Tell me if that is not freaky?????
He started kind of stalking me but I didn't want to tell Sil until it got to the point when I had to tell him, but he is very calm so he handle the situation.

Some of my clients invite me for drinks or lunch and things like that (of course I NEVER accept), even when I'm wearing my engagement ring and WEDDING RING. There's no respect, and when I tell Sil he just laughs.

Good night people

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-08-05 22:05:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
We had an awesome time at Robert Moses, we usually go to Field 2.
Don't worry about the RFE, we got one when I was applying for my Permanent GC, after two years of living here, they wanted more proof of our marriage, I got SO upset and Sil too. But after we sent the extra documentation everything went fine.
Let me know when are you coming to the city maybe we can meet someday.

Peter 'n Jamie
Don't worry chica, I'm not upset or anything, I'm pretty pacific,hahaha.
I'm VERY jealous and I'll be upset if I see girls trying to hit on Sil. As I told you before, we had some incidents in the past, once we went dancing and I had to leave to go to the bathroom and two girls were trying to start a conversation with him, when I saw that I just remember that I felt fire coming out from me mad.gif and wanted to kicked their .... but just said" 'EN ESTE MISMO MOMENTO DESAPARECEN" or " YOU BETTER DISSAPEAR RIGHT NOW "

Well amigos have a good night!
Vi star_smile.gif
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-08-03 21:19:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Oh yes, I'm more than excited, it's funny I tell everybody how many days left before I go home, my home in Peru. We have already plenty of plans.

LaN is definitely the best airline to go to Peru, prices for Christmas still the same so we are happy that we are going this August.

Peter'n Jamie I think you are generalizing, not all teenagers and girls in the mid 20's are the same, there are cheap women everywhere, I can say the same thing about american women specially when I have to take the train to go to work (I live in NYC). Sorry it might sound that I'm taking it a little personal, maybe I am. I had similar experiences with my hubby, girls trying to hit on him when we go clubbing but I'll never hit them just give them a dirty look and say "LARGUENSE!"

Susita Sil's favorite dish is Jalea!!!!! he loves it too, same thing with choritos a la chalaca, he doesn't know how to pronounce it, he sounds so cute. Sorry for not writing to you on the hi5, we have been a little busy, I'll try to write to you tomorrow, we are planning to go to the beach, we go to Robert Moses, hopefully we'll have a beautiful day.

Good night amigos
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-08-02 23:10:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (susita83 @ Aug 2 2008, 07:57 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
QUOTE (Vi Mazzella @ Aug 1 2008, 11:34 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Girl If I'm you I won't mess with peruvian women, don't forget that not all peruvian women are the same, same thing with american women, I have alot of repect for them. I have to say that you are brave, you lived in San Juan de Lurigancho??? Mis respetos chica.

[color=#0000FF][font=Century Gothic]Vi... where did you live in Perú? in Lima?

????? I'm from Lima and yes, that big jail is "San Juan de Lurigancho's jail".
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-08-02 13:15:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (Peter @ Jul 31 2008, 11:01 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I lived for two months in San Juan de Lurigancho with my husband and spent alot of time in El Agustino and never had any problems with theft or being charged to much. I guess I was lucky or that no one wanted to mess with my husband tongue.gif

No offense to anyone here, but I had a hard time with the Peruvian women. They were constantly starring, winking, and grabbing my husband. Even with me standing right there!! We had a couple situations a little worse. Just wondering did anyone else have these problems?

Girl If I'm you I won't mess with peruvian women, don't forget that not all peruvian women are the same, same thing with american women, I have alot of repect for them. I have to say that you are brave, you lived in San Juan de Lurigancho??? Mis respetos chica.

Good night
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-08-01 22:34:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Yeah, I know what you mean, it's so funny when they see me with him they always try to overcharge us, when we went to the Indian Markets he had to wait for me outside or when we tried to take taxis forget it!

During his first trip, before he met me,somebody stole his camera in a market, well that one was his fault, the guide told him and his friends not to go inside of the market but he wanted to experience it and see real peruanos, a bunch of people followed him and keep saying "Hello my friend" poor Silvio felt good and when he checks his pocket the camera was gone! he alwasy teases about that one.

A few times he got fake Nuevos Soles or fake coins, things like that you know? That's why I always have to watch his back, I'm sure I 'll have more to tell after our next trip.

See Ya
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-07-31 18:38:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
QUOTE (SKTEAMO @ Jul 29 2008, 09:52 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Feliz 28 de Julio.

Don't get me wrong, you can definitely spend a lot of money on a house here in Kansas. But I imagine you'd get a LOT more than what you would get in NY. There's just not the big city life here. At my job we do a lot of work with multi-million dollar custom home builders. The last house I went out to look at was $2.2 million. But I think it was around 8,000-10,000 square feet, in a very nice part of town on a wooded lot, and right on a very nice golf course. From what I hear, something like that in NY would probably cost a bit more. A friend and his wife just recently bought a house for about $350k...4 beds, 3.5 baths, full finished walkout basement, 3-car garage, with a nice view. The house we're living in now is quite a downgrade from the last house we lived in that we sold. We moved into a rental house that I was trying to sell for about 6 months...didn't even get one showing. It was either let it go into foreclosure or make the most of the situation. So now we're fixing it all up, waiting for the market to turn around, and enjoying the $435/month payment for now. Plus, it's in a pretty "Latin" area, so it's good for Erika. In about three or four years, the loan should be paid off, house fixed up, and we should be able to get about $70k-$80k for a down payment on a nice cozy home in the suburbs.

My ideal situation though, would be to be frugal enough so that by about early- to mid-50's, we would be able to retire and live in Peru...maybe some place in Miraflores....and spend all of our time traveling around Peru and the rest of South America. I get excited just thinking about it! kicking.gif

It's really interesting that you have everything planned, our plan is much easier and cheaper, we are getting my In Law's house!!! good.gif
They live in a house and they rent the second floor. The family that lives there is planning to move soon and they offered us that place for free! My hubby was really excited in the beginning but he knows that I can't stand his dad so he had to say : THANK YOU BUT WE ARE NOT INTERESTED.
I know alot of people are thinking that I'm nuts but living with my father in law would be a complete nightmare.

We have a few friends that moved outside of NYC, they bought beautiful houses in Cortland Manor- Westchester, huge houses with huge land in a very quiet,safe and clean area and two of them payed about $350 000 not bad right? the only bad thing is that they work in the City and it takes them about 1hr 1/2 to get to Grand Central.

I would love to move to Peru someday but first Sil has to learn to speak perfect spanish so my "paisanos" will stop taking advantage of him. As a teacher he can work in one of the many american schools we have in Lima, they offer awesome benefits for the american teachers. Another thing is that after three years of living here and after being homesick for a long period of time I start to like NYC, I feel so much safer than in Peru and there are so many things to do here.

Gotta go
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-07-30 19:28:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
I know is a little late : FELIZ 28 A TODOS MIS COMPATRIOTAS Y PERUANOS DE CORAZON !!! kicking.gif kicking.gif kicking.gif
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-07-28 21:46:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
I'm really sad too, I won't be able to attend the party and this is a special year for my class, we graduated from HS 10 YEARS AGO!! I'll have to enjoy the pictures that my friends send me through email. We are flying to Peru the same date, August 20th via LanChile and we are coming back on the 31st, just a few days but we are planing to enjoy as much as we can plus we are going to celebrate my b-day there, party time kicking.gif .
Funny that you mention diamonds 'cause I work in the diamond industry nothing related to my career that is Tourism and Hospitality but I'm very happy with my job, can't complain, I see hundreds of diamonds everyday and I have to say that I'm not into diamonds - anymore.
I promise that if someday we go to Florida we'll visit you and if you plan to come to NYC let us know we'll be more than happy to meet you guys.

My hubby is a HS teacher, he loves it good.gif I have to say that we have a decent life here but the salary is not WOW, he loves all the vacation time he gets and the impact he makes on tke kids lives I'm more than proud of him, he puts alot of dedication preparing his lessons and he is very creative too.
What about Luis? Does he know what would he like to do when he moves to the States? I remember Sil used to tell me to start looking for jobs when I was still living in Lima, just to have an idea.

Well guys hope you had a great weekend
Take care!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-07-20 20:02:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
Thank you very much MandyR, but honestly I doubt that my hubby will want for us to move to Miami, he says that he is a New Yorker and he is afraid of Hurricanes (me too), plus he's italian and we have all the family living near us crying.gif .

What about Rosy? is she attending the Big Party from our school in Lima? is going to be in August 9th with Joselito's Band, I' kicking.gif ve been to one with Sil and we had an AWESOME time.

Susita, Isn't the Upper East Side consider the most expensive area in New York ???? Don't worry about your fiance, he is going to get used to the expensive prices here (comparing to Lima, of course), I remember when I first moved here I used to bring my calculator with me everywhere.

We are hating the weather right now, I miss the time when we had 60 degrees!!! wacko.gif

Good weekend amigos
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-07-18 19:59:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru

Athena, haven't heard from you in a very long time, you are moving to NY? where and when? It's funny, I would love to move to Miami but I know that that is just a dream.
Good luck with your MIL, hope she makes a decision soon, is she living with you guys right now?

MandyR, I saw a few pixs of Rosy and your little boy in hi5, he's getting so big, enjoy him!

Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-07-15 19:44:00
Mexico, Latin & South AmericaHi, I'm from Peru
MandyR, you guys are really lucky, good for you!! how is Rosy doing? is she counting the days to go to Peru? is she going with you???.

Buen fin de semana people!
Vi MazzellaFemalePeru2008-07-11 13:46:00